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[F9~?-PP] Fielding The Front [T2]

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From behind his party, Star watched them fight. Their styles differed drastically from one another. Nian's cuts were wild, her slashes fearsome; however, she was also controlled and precise. She was a tiger, or perhaps a dragon, camouflaged in a pack of humans.

Wulfrin was a goody two-shoes. His swings were neat and restrained, with only a fraction of his full power poured into each hit. They were textbook examples of how a swordsman should fight, as if he were recalling lessons from a time long since passed.

When a path opened, Star swooped in. His sword clipped the phoenix, but fell short of finishing it off. He grimaced as the creature’s fiery feathers scattered in the air, glowing embers that fizzled out before they touched the ground. The phoenix screeched, turning its blazing eyes on him, fury and pain reflected in its gaze.

He was somewhere in between the two. Each swing contained a hint of Nian's intensity alongside Wulfrin's precision—a balancing act between his practiced, refined persona and his lifelong frustrations. His eyes darted to Wulfrin, who was at the perfect distance to pull them into phase two.


EN regen: +4
Recovery?: 228807 CD: 12 | +2 EN
Post Action: TECH-D (x16, 15 EN): 15 - (Well Rested 2/3; Stamina) = 12 EN

ID228807 | BD: 8+5-2=11 (hit) | FLN PROC | PARA-V PROC

(17+8) * 16 = 400
400 - 30 = 370 DMG

Hirru HP: 930/930 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 91 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 4 | THRNS: 18 |
Morningstar HP: 760/760 | EN: 63/104 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | BH: 42 | REC: 2 | FLN: 8 | PARA-V | LD: 5
Wulfrin | HP: 604/604 | EN: 58/86 | DMG: 17 | MIT:54 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 | BH:12 | REC: 2 | BLD: 24 | LD: 2
NIAN HP: 380/380 | EN: 44/52 | DMG: 16 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | MIT: 36

[0,3,2,1] Phoenix HP: 3/975 (397-24) | MIT: 50 30 | DMG: 90 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 0 | BLEED 24 (1/2) | PARALYZED | SHATTER (1/3)
Ashborn | Upon dropping to 0 HP, the Phoenix’ health will go back to 225, and its DMG will be boosted to 110. This can only happen once per battle.
Inferno | On an MD 9-10, the Phoenix will rain fire onto its opponents, hitting the Player with the highest hate for 150 mitigatable DMG and applying T2 Burn to the entire party.


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Wulfrin caught the slight glance from Morningstar. Wulfrin had set up for his massive single target strike, but then pivoted to a stance that allowed for a lesser art to be used. If the phoenix was going to keep respawning this quick, energy consumption was the name of the game. With pin-point accuracy, Wulfrin unleashed a massive upward slash that left an even larger wound behind it than his last strike had. The phoenix turned to ash. Instinctively Wulfrin turned away as the flaming sprang back to life with a torrential inferno.

Wulfrin regrouped with his companions. As he watched the Phoenix, Wulfrin felt a shiver run down his spine. He had drawn the Phoenix's anger a bit much in his onslaught of attacks. Wulfrin readyed his blade for the Phoenix's retort should it get the chance to move.

I don't like the way that flaming chicken is looking at me.

* * *


Recovery | ID: 228910 | CD: 10
Wulfrin regains 4 energy
Cooldowns: Rending Familiar (4/5)

Post Action: [x12] ST-I (12 EN) - 1 Rested (1/2) - 2 Stamina = 9 EN vs Phoenix
Free Action: none

ID: 228909 | BD: 10 (major crit +2 DMG) | CD 5 | (19*12)=228-30=198 DMG to Phoenix. Bleed Refreshed. ST-B locked. Ashborn Triggers

Hirru HP: 930/930 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 91 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 4 | THRNS: 18 |
Morningstar HP: 760/760 | EN: 63/104 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | BH: 42 | REC: 2 | FLN: 8 | PARA-V | LD: 5
Wulfrin | HP: 604/604 | EN: 53/86 (58-9+4) | DMG: 17 | MIT:54 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 | BH:12 | REC: 2 | BLD: 24 | LD: 2
NIAN HP: 380/380 | EN: 44/52 | DMG: 16 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | MIT: 36

[0,3,4,1] Phoenix HP: 225/975 (3-198+225) | MIT: 50 30 | DMG: 90 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 0 | BLEED 24 (0/2) | PARALYZED | SHATTER (1/3)
Ashborn | Upon dropping to 0 HP, the Phoenix’ health will go back to 225, and its DMG will be boosted to 110. This can only happen once per battle.
Inferno | On an MD 9-10, the Phoenix will rain fire onto its opponents, hitting the Player with the highest hate for 150 mitigatable DMG and applying T2 Burn to the entire party.


Edited by Wulfrin
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the blaze didn't faze her. nian narrowed her eyes, strength as her shield as she watched its health from the sidelines. her estimations, her calculations, her accuracy aside, every bone in her body was screaming at her to put an end to the shriek of the bird before them.

so she did just that -- not by giving in to carnal instinct, but through a controlled, notion of channeling the celestial's will. one lunge; she scoffed at how small the bird's skull felt through her claws' digits, malleable though imperceptible, ethereal and unreal, and it was enough to tear away the creature from its fixed aerial position, near tumbling to a side with its own retaliatory cry.

like a child's plaything, she broke it, and felt instant gratification at its shatter.

when she looked to the squad, grimace forcing back a grin, the woman simply released a breath, storming back to their apparent leader.

"... once more here, i take it?"



ID229985 | bd6 + 5 = 11 | -> Phoenix

16 * 18 = 288 DMG
288 - 30 = 258 DMG

18+2-2+2 = 16 EN

Hirru HP: 930/930 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 91 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 4 | THRNS: 18 |
Morningstar HP: 760/760 | EN: 63/104 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | BH: 42 | REC: 2 | FLN: 8 | PARA-V | LD: 5
Wulfrin | HP: 604/604 | EN: 53/86 (58-9+4) | DMG: 17 | MIT:54 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 | BH:12 | REC: 2 | BLD: 24 | LD: 2
NIAN HP: 380/380 | EN: 28/52 | DMG: 16 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | MIT: 36

[0,3,4,1] Phoenix HP: -33/975 | MIT: 50 30 | DMG: 90 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 0 | BLEED 24 (0/2) | PARALYZED | SHATTER (1/3)
Ashborn | Upon dropping to 0 HP, the Phoenix’ health will go back to 225, and its DMG will be boosted to 110. This can only happen once per battle.
Inferno | On an MD 9-10, the Phoenix will rain fire onto its opponents, hitting the Player with the highest hate for 150 mitigatable DMG and applying T2 Burn to the entire party.


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Another Phoenix dead, another Hellstorm collected. "Yeah. I've got time for one more of these. I think we're still short a few Hellstorms anyway."

He took a seat on a rough boulder and watched his energy store tick up and up. It was a slow process, waiting for recovery to kick in. He looked up at the sky, taking notice of the sun's position. He frowned. Their shopping list was still so large and they were running low on time. They were going to have to settle with whatever they had.

He activated Tracking to speed up the boss' respawn timer. They didn't have all day, and frankly, Star was tired of fire birds. They had trees to kill.

"It should be coming back soon. Let's make this next fight quick so we can move on. I don't want any more jacket burns..." He rubbed his fingers against charred part of his sleeve.



Phoenix Respawn cooldown reduced from 15 posts -> 10 posts

1/10 posts

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"Well, I'd say we could go for one more, but let's take our time for this next one."

He would look upon everyone's energy reserves and some of them needed a better rest than just a few moments.  He would refrain from using another spyglass, so that their respawn time was slightly longer than before.  Hirru didn't want everyone burned out from this floor and the burning sensations all around.  Heck, without survival, Hirru had been cooking in his armor.  Taking off the helm, he could breath once more.  Not that one needed to, but the feeling was always there.

"Let's settle for a bit.  Rest up, and we'll continue on.  I don't want anyone collapsing nor unable to fight during the next bout."

The blazing inferno of the floor would raise some steam from below.  The environment was not the best to rest in, but they could not easily move back to the town with the shifting trails.  They would have to sit pretty and watch for anything to come up.

2/10 posts

1/2 OoC regen

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"I'm not opposed," Wulfrin said as he put his blade away. "If we have a long list of hunts, it's best to not stretch ourselves too thin."

Solaris soared through the air overhead. At least his familiar wasn't terribly opposed to them farming its kin. Too be fair Wulfrin had found Solaris on floor 5 at a fresh water well. Wulfrin never thought much about where his familiar had truly originated. Perhaps this was Solaris's true home. Looking around the current arena as he followed Solaris's flight path, Wulfrin began to start thinking up a crazy idea. On this floor they were basically walking in a forge. Wulfrin thumbed through his inventory and pulled out a small kit of smithing supplies and set up at a boulder near a free flowing lava stream.

"Good news is I brought some tools," Wulfrin said as he began going through maintenance on his weapon and armor. "While we're just idling, I can make sure your weapons are in top condition. One less thing to worry about on our hunt."

* * *

Cooldowns: Rending Familiar (5/5)

OOC Recovery Posts: 1/2

3/10 Posts for boss respawn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

nian eyed the blacksmith's setup. one less thing to worry? the way that he had set his attention aside to focus on his weapon already made him out like a liability. it didn't matter so much if they could take down the phoenix as experienced pros at this point. nian simply watched him, obsidian folded and kept across her chest. while she stewed, her eyes went back to the empty space that the phoenix was meant to fill. it couldn't take that long for it to show again, could it?

even if the others were keen on partaking in maintenance, nian wouldn't budge. obsidian's make meant her method of upkeep for it was different, a lot moreso given its complex make as a proxy gauntlet. her eyes drifted away, and she scoffed to no one in particular. "not interested," she decided. nian, practicing her duties, kept her own weapons polished every night.

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Wulfrin, a considerate blacksmith, offered his maintenance services to the party. Nian declined in a less than friendly manner. Star couldn't imagine why. Maybe she preferred not to let others touch her equipment. He trusted the smith's skills, but forgot that Wulfrin would have been a stranger to her. He couldn't blame her, if that were the case. He was the same.

Unfortunately, Morningstar would also have to decline. "No time," he replied. "Our best friend is back."

It began as a collection of blue pixels, slowly growing larger and darker until it eventually sprouted wings. It exploded into shades of red and orange, aggressively cawing at the four stack. The Phoenix returned to full strength, ready to drop another set of consumables for their collection. Star swooped up his sword once more, ready to go. "Okay," he sighed, giving his body a quick stretch. "Let's get this over with."


uses x1 spyglass (purchased here)

Phoenix Respawn cooldown reduced from 10 posts -> 5 posts

5/5 posts. Phoenix respawns.


Hirru HP: 930/930 | EN: 102/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 91 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 4 | THRNS: 18 |
Morningstar HP: 760/760 | EN: 71/104 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | BH: 42 | REC: 2 | FLN: 8 | PARA-V | LD: 5
Wulfrin | HP: 604/604 | EN: 57/86 | DMG: 17 | MIT:54 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 | BH:12 | REC: 2 | BLD: 24 | LD: 2
NIAN HP: 380/380 | EN: 30/52 | DMG: 16 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | MIT: 36

[0,0,0,0] Phoenix HP: 975/975 | MIT: 50 30 | DMG: 90 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2
Ashborn | Upon dropping to 0 HP, the Phoenix’ health will go back to 225, and its DMG will be boosted to 110. This can only happen once per battle.
Inferno | On an MD 9-10, the Phoenix will rain fire onto its opponents, hitting the Player with the highest hate for 150 mitigatable DMG and applying T2 Burn to the entire party.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

"Bloody hell!  When ya ask for a minute and the world says: 'ha no'.  Guess I'll be slapping this on our energetic one."

He would say as the fight would start out with the hunter using his energizing modification to give the rough around the edges one a full energy boost.  If only he could take care of all of the energy needs for everyone, but that was something he could not do.  If only there was a stronger form of energize that could push out more energy restoration, but that would probably come with a larger cost.  If there were instant snacks that he could shove down peoples throats, that could probably work too, but that's also off the table.

"Final one, I guess!  Take it down fast, and we can work on another boss later."

There was always some other way of doing things, but he didn't like having his party have so little possibilities.  It only meant that there could only be more working around the issues.  Working on equipment and what not, but that wasn't up to him.


EN: +4
Recovery: [ID: 234630][CD: 10] +8 en (max)
Post Action: ENERGIZE (10 en) -> NIAN | +8 EN

Hirru HP: 930/930 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 91 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 4 | THRNS: 18 |
Morningstar HP: 760/760 | EN: 71/104 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | BH: 42 | REC: 2 | FLN: 8 | PARA-V | LD: 5
Wulfrin | HP: 604/604 | EN: 57/86 | DMG: 17 | MIT:54 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 | BH:12 | REC: 2 | BLD: 24 | LD: 2
NIAN HP: 380/380 | EN: 38/52 | DMG: 16 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | MIT: 36

[0,0,0,0] Phoenix HP: 975/975 | MIT: 50 30 | DMG: 90 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2
Ashborn | Upon dropping to 0 HP, the Phoenix’ health will go back to 225, and its DMG will be boosted to 110. This can only happen once per battle.
Inferno | On an MD 9-10, the Phoenix will rain fire onto its opponents, hitting the Player with the highest hate for 150 mitigatable DMG and applying T2 Burn to the entire party.


Edited by Hirru
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"So much for a breather," Wulfrin sighed as he drew his blade. "I will definitely need a rest after this one."

Wulfrin's energy was still above fifty percent, but it was creeping down faster than he could gain it back. If they were to get into too many more of these without a recharge, he'd literally be no more useful than a wet paper towel. Regardless, he charged in and brought his blade to bare against their fire wreathed opponent. Wulfrin's attack left a sizeable gash across the giant flaming chicken's midsection, it's health bar obtaining two effects from Wulfrin's attack. The force of the blow sent the giant bird crashing to the ground. It flailed and thrashed attempting to right itself, but for now the creature was open.

"Once more into the breach!" Wulfrin shouted as he recovered from his mid-air assault. "Bird is downed! Light it the hell up!"

* * *


Recovery | ID: 234636 | CD: 11
Wulfrin regains 4 energy
Cooldowns: Rending Familiar (5/5)

Post Action: [x16] TECH-A (12 EN) - 1 Rested (1/2) - 2 Stamina = 9 EN vs Phoenix
Free Action: none

ID: 234635 | BD: 10 (major crit +2 DMG) | CD 3 | (19*12)=304-50=254 DMG to Phoenix. Bleed Applied. ST-B locked. Target is Stunned

Hirru HP: 930/930 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 91 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 4 | THRNS: 18 |
Morningstar HP: 760/760 | EN: 71/104 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | BH: 42 | REC: 2 | FLN: 8 | PARA-V | LD: 5
Wulfrin | HP: 604/604 | EN: 48/86 (53+4-9) | DMG: 17 | MIT:54 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 | BH:12 | REC: 2 | BLD: 24 | LD: 2
NIAN HP: 380/380 | EN: 38/52 | DMG: 16 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | MIT: 36

[0,0,2,0] Phoenix HP: 721/975 (975-254) | MIT: 50 | DMG: 90 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | BLEED 24 (0/2) STUNNED
Ashborn | Upon dropping to 0 HP, the Phoenix’ health will go back to 225, and its DMG will be boosted to 110. This can only happen once per battle.
Inferno | On an MD 9-10, the Phoenix will rain fire onto its opponents, hitting the Player with the highest hate for 150 mitigatable DMG and applying T2 Burn to the entire party.


Edited by Wulfrin
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Star swerved by the bird's spitfire and ducked below its long talons. He slashed it across the back, bouncing it over to Nian for the next blow. One more of these and they were home free. He cursed. A little more damage sounded lovely. The best he could do was hit it with shatter and ruin its mitigation.

He saved his energy, waiting for another opening to attack. Hirru could only support one of them at once, in that regard, and it was best spent on their new non-frontliner friend. He sat back, letting his party put in some work. It was reminiscient of the old days, spent standing behind the walls that were frontliners. All he could do back then was sit back and watch.

Now was different, though. He was watching a new generation of players grow, evolve as they prepped for the greatest threats that existed throughout the castle. There was pride, and excitement in him. He wondered if Hirru felt it too.


ID234643 | cd9 | Recovery +2 EN
Morningstar Regens +2 EN


ID234644 | bd1 + 5 = 6 | -> Phoenix

16 * 17 = 272 DMG
272 - 70 = 202 DMG

15-3 = 12 EN

Hirru HP: 930/930 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 91 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 4 | THRNS: 18 |
Morningstar HP: 760/760 | EN: 63/104 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | BH: 42 | REC: 2 | FLN: 8 | PARA-V | LD: 5
Wulfrin | HP: 604/604 | EN: 48/86 (53+4-9) | DMG: 17 | MIT:54 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 | BH:12 | REC: 2 | BLD: 24 | LD: 2
NIAN HP: 380/380 | EN: 38/52 | DMG: 16 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | MIT: 36

[0,1,2,0] Phoenix HP: 519/975 (975-254) | MIT: 50 | DMG: 90 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | BLEED 24 (0/2) STUNNED
Ashborn | Upon dropping to 0 HP, the Phoenix’ health will go back to 225, and its DMG will be boosted to 110. This can only happen once per battle.
Inferno | On an MD 9-10, the Phoenix will rain fire onto its opponents, hitting the Player with the highest hate for 150 mitigatable DMG and applying T2 Burn to the entire party.


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she powered through it. the jolt that sent shocks down her form from that energy boost from the man in green. it wasn't an unpleasant sensation, but it wasn't exactly ideal for her, either. because that made her feel vulnerable.

the king shouldn't be receiving this kind of help from anyone.

so rightfully so, she was energized. restless. the bird was tossed from fighter to fighter, until it ended served right up in front of nian. she tore it out of the air with the swipe of her claw, kneeing its face in, and as it started to stray out of her hold, aloft, she took it down with strength and pummeled it into the ground. 

nian didn't feel done with it yet. 

her digits raked through its pelt, before she sent it off the ground with a kick. down to another fighter. she felt moved enough to chase after it. the glance she gave their support was enough to substitute for a 'thanks'.



ID235095 | bd10 | -> Phoenix

(16+2) * 15 = 270 DMG
270 - 90 = 180 DMG

15-2 = 13 EN

Hirru HP: 930/930 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 91 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 4 | THRNS: 18 |
Morningstar HP: 760/760 | EN: 63/104 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | BH: 42 | REC: 2 | FLN: 8 | PARA-V | LD: 5
Wulfrin | HP: 604/604 | EN: 48/86 (53+4-9) | DMG: 17 | MIT:54 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 | BH:12 | REC: 2 | BLD: 24 | LD: 2
NIAN HP: 380/380 | EN: 25/52 | DMG: 16 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | MIT: 36

[0,1,2,2] Phoenix HP: 315/975 (519-180-24) | MIT: 50 | DMG: 90 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | BLEED 24 (1/2) STUNNED
Ashborn | Upon dropping to 0 HP, the Phoenix’ health will go back to 225, and its DMG will be boosted to 110. This can only happen once per battle.
Inferno | On an MD 9-10, the Phoenix will rain fire onto its opponents, hitting the Player with the highest hate for 150 mitigatable DMG and applying T2 Burn to the entire party.


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  • 2 weeks later...

"Once more!  It's almost taken care of!  Let me add to your weaponry."

The fire bird's third iteration or so it would seem, was just about to be destroyed.  Though, not without some specific help this time around.  Raising his shield, instead of a yellow light that was fall upon their energetic player, a shimmering sheen of colors.  The light would fold upon their weapons as they fight the Phoenix.  They had spent quite enough time on this floor, and the hunter was starting to feel the heat that much more as time went on.  Survival was just that good at times, it seemed.  Though this buff to everyone will help out that much more, he wished he could do so much more.

The players that were coming up and out into the open.  There was such potential in them, but they needed more.  He could help, but he was only one player to the many that needed it.

"A bit more damage to end it quickly!  We got more places to be, and less time to be there!"


EN: +2
Recovery?: [ID:235906][CD:12] +4 EN
Post Action: Press the Attack -> +2 dmg to everyone for 1 turn | -15 en

Hirru HP: 930/930 | EN: 89/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 91 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 4 | THRNS: 18 |
Morningstar HP: 760/760 | EN: 63/104 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | BH: 42 | REC: 2 | FLN: 8 | PARA-V | LD: 5
Wulfrin | HP: 604/604 | EN: 48/86 (53+4-9) | DMG: 19 | MIT:54 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 | BH:12 | REC: 2 | BLD: 24 | LD: 2
NIAN HP: 380/380 | EN: 25/52 | DMG: 18 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | MIT: 36

[0,1,2,2] Phoenix HP: 315/975 (519-180-24) | MIT: 50 | DMG: 90 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | BLEED 24 (1/2) |
Ashborn | Upon dropping to 0 HP, the Phoenix’ health will go back to 225, and its DMG will be boosted to 110. This can only happen once per battle.
Inferno | On an MD 9-10, the Phoenix will rain fire onto its opponents, hitting the Player with the highest hate for 150 mitigatable DMG and applying T2 Burn to the entire party.


Edited by Hirru
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Wulfrin dashed towards The Phoenix immediately after the order to press the attack was given. A cerulean light engulfed his blade as he charged the flaming chicken. The light effect burst on impact near the bird's eyes disorienting it and making it harder to land its attacks. As Wulfrin landed back on the superheated ground of the arena, he let out a singular sharp whistle. Solaris swooped in and began attacking his much larger cousin's face, adding to the additional effects Wulfrin was so keen on stacking. Sadly though, he couldn't finish the job. Calmly he stepped back and readied for his next attack. With any luck, he'd be able to finish it off if for some reason his allies failed to do so.

"Crunch time!" Wulfrin called out, remembering the boss's patterns. "Phoenix will do its Revive on the next hit so don't waste more energy than you need to!"

* * *


Recovery | ID: 235927 | CD: 3
Wulfrin regains 2 energy
Cooldowns: Rending Familiar (1/5)

Post Action: [x16] TECH-A (15 EN) - 1 Rested (1/2) - 2 Stamina = 12 EN vs Phoenix
Free Action: Rending Familiar -> Phoenix

ID: 234635 | BD: 7+3-2=8 | CD 12 | (19*16)=304-50=254 DMG to Phoenix. ST-B unlocked. Delay Applied to target. Rend 14 Applied

Hirru HP: 930/930 | EN: 89/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 91 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 4 | THRNS: 18 |
Morningstar HP: 760/760 | EN: 63/104 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | BH: 42 | REC: 2 | FLN: 8 | PARA-V | LD: 5
Wulfrin | HP: 604/604 | EN: 48/86 (53+4-9) | DMG: 19 | MIT:54 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 | BH:12 | REC: 2 | BLD: 24 | LD: 2
NIAN HP: 380/380 | EN: 25/52 | DMG: 18 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | MIT: 36

[0,1,3,2] Phoenix HP: 61/975 (315-254) | MIT: 50 | DMG: 90 | ACC: 2 1 | EVA: 2 | BLEED 24 (1/2) REND 14 (0/2) | DELAY (0/1) | Stun Immune (1/3)
Ashborn | Upon dropping to 0 HP, the Phoenix’ health will go back to 225, and its DMG will be boosted to 110. This can only happen once per battle.
Inferno | On an MD 9-10, the Phoenix will rain fire onto its opponents, hitting the Player with the highest hate for 150 mitigatable DMG and applying T2 Burn to the entire party.


Edited by Wulfrin
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A surge of power coursed through Morningstar, courtesy of the Jade Hunter's buffing capabilities. He took charge, following Wulfrin's behest and considering the Phoenix's resurrection ability. One far sweep of his sword was enough to bring the mob's health bar to zero, if only for a fraction of a moment.

It turned to dust, and the second passed while Ashborn readied itself. Star counted the seconds in between. Suddenly, it erupted into flames, returning to the form of a living, breathing bird.

So close, and yet so far. That was the story of Star's life, really. The Phoenix was the system's way of mocking him, he thought; Star wasn't very enthused by it.

His eyes darted to Nian, who was already on the prowl. "Go for it," he urged her, drawing back to give her some space to work. One--maybe two hits, and the Phoenix would be dead, and Morningstar could go home to the beach and his bed.



ID235964 | bd4 | -> Phoenix

19 * 16 = 304 DMG
304 - 30 = 274 DMG

15-3 = 12 EN

Hirru HP: 930/930 | EN: 89/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 91 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 4 | THRNS: 18 |
Morningstar HP: 760/760 | EN: 55/104 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | BH: 42 | REC: 2 | FLN: 8 | PARA-V | LD: 5
Wulfrin | HP: 604/604 | EN: 48/86 (53+4-9) | DMG: 19 | MIT:54 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 | BH:12 | REC: 2 | BLD: 24 | LD: 2
NIAN HP: 380/380 | EN: 25/52 | DMG: 18 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | MIT: 36

[0,2,3,2] Phoenix HP: 225/975 (61-274+225) | MIT: 30 (50-20) | DMG: 110 | ACC: 2 1 | EVA: 2 | BLEED 24 (1/2) REND 14 (0/2) | DELAY (0/1) | Stun Immune (1/3)
Ashborn | Upon dropping to 0 HP, the Phoenix’ health will go back to 225, and its DMG will be boosted to 110. This can only happen once per battle.
Inferno | On an MD 9-10, the Phoenix will rain fire onto its opponents, hitting the Player with the highest hate for 150 mitigatable DMG and applying T2 Burn to the entire party.


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nian jumped before the phoenix could've gotten out of its revival spiel, wings spread open wide. she tackled it out from the air with a shoulder tackle, before raising strength above her head, capturing the bird in its buffer. they came crashing down all at once, consumed by flames and fury, and upon their strike to the ground, all the beast had to do was launch a barrage of punches against it, until nothing was left in her wake but dust. never mind the shrill noise of fear that erupted as it shattered into pieces. amidst the drifting shards, nian but clenched her claw and turned to the party.

"if we have elsewhere to be now," she said, "let us be off."

there was a trade offer made in nonchalance to the support of their group. what drops from the phoenix were accumulated were sent over. nian said nothing, but walked on ahead of the group, an ear open for further instructions.



ID235966 | bd8-2+5 | -> Phoenix

18 * 18 = 324 DMG
324 - 30 = 294 DMG

18-2-2 = 14 EN

Hirru HP: 930/930 | EN: 89/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 91 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 4 | THRNS: 18 |
Morningstar HP: 760/760 | EN: 55/104 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | BH: 42 | REC: 2 | FLN: 8 | PARA-V | LD: 5
Wulfrin | HP: 604/604 | EN: 48/86 (53+4-9) | DMG: 19 | MIT:54 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 | BH:12 | REC: 2 | BLD: 24 | LD: 2
NIAN HP: 380/380 | EN: 11/52 | DMG: 18 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | MIT: 36

[0,2,3,2] Phoenix HP:0/975 (225-294) | MIT: 30 (50-20) | DMG: 110 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 2 | BLEED 24 (1/2) REND 14 (0/2) | DELAY (0/1) | Stun Immune (1/3)
Ashborn | Upon dropping to 0 HP, the Phoenix’ health will go back to 225, and its DMG will be boosted to 110. This can only happen once per battle.
Inferno | On an MD 9-10, the Phoenix will rain fire onto its opponents, hitting the Player with the highest hate for 150 mitigatable DMG and applying T2 Burn to the entire party.


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thread summary.


+4430xp | (670*10*0.5) + (240*3)
+764col | (xp*0.15) + 100col
+hellstorm. (4)


+3065xp | (670*7*0.5) + (240*3)
+559col | (xp*0.15) + 100col
+hellstorm. (4)


+1725xp | (670*3*0.5) + (240*3)
+hellstorm. (4)


+1390xp | (670*2*0.5) + (240*3)


thread progression.

6705 words | 670 sects | 0.5x

field bosses.

+(240 * 3)xp
hellstorm (12) total
-> (4) ea. to hirru, wulfrin, morningstar.


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