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[PP - F23|F24|F25] Frontline's Cohort <Macradon, NIGHT, Freyd, Katoka>

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It was a busy day at the Macradon Estate, steps could be heard going back and forth between the mansion and the smithy. It was a day to be joyous, the labyrinth boss on the 28th floor has been slain, and the frontlines were bolstering their resolve for a Boss Raid. A smile adorned the knight’s face, unable to hide his excitement of what was to come: combat!; fighting!; even more fighting! Despite his seemingly erratic movements, Macradon’s pacing back and forth was him checking his inventory and personal armoury, making sure that he had everything he needed himself, or at least most of it.

In his hand was a piece of paper with tables filled out, a check sheet for all the consumables needed for the raid. He had found it at the Request Board, making a copy for himself to ponder upon. The most exciting way to start was the 23rd floor, that’s where he could use his powers to their fullest. It’s been a long while since he last joined any meaningful battle, and there was no need for him to go material gathering anymore, either his crafts would come out with a gain, or he’d just pay someone to get them for him.

He finished his own personal checklist and began consuming all that he needed for this expedition, it would be a long one. While eating all the feasts and snacks, and drinking all the potions he needed, Macradon tried to brew up a direct message to those he found most capable to take care of this. He would ponder upon his words, make a draft or two, but it all ended up sounding way too formal. “Whelp, f*ck that …” he muttered for himself and just wrote a quick message and sent it away without thinking too much of it “Should be enough for them to get the gist.” he thought and walked out of his mansion, locking everything down at his home base.



Hey guys,

I’m quite sure you’ve all heard about the clearance of the 28th Labyrinth Boss, so it’s time to gather resources for the frontlines as always.

I think this party would be the most suitable to take care of the Tier 4 Field Bosses, so let’s head out and hunt them down.

Meet me at Kalanaes on the 23rd floor.


Once again his strides were determined, each step was coupled together with an action: checking his inventory to make sure he had it all; checking for any replies that would come in from his message; change out his attire for battle; double check his extra gear was at the ready. He smiled as he arrived at the teleport plaza and muttered “It’s showtime.” He cleared his throat and commanded “Teleport to Floor 23.” The fluorescent blue light covered his body and transported him up, ascending through the floors in an instant, delivering him to the floor where he had his falling out with his old guild mate, his guild in general “This place doesn’t really shine any bright light in my memories …” the thought and looked around the underdark “nor does it shine any bright light in general” he joked and snickered for himself. The ironclad knight stood ready, the Imperial Topaz was ready to fight for the citizen of Aincrad once more, the hunt would begin, and the upper floors the hunting grounds.

< Macradon consumes Hearty Seafood Soup >
< Macradon consumes Beef Wellington >
< Macradon consumes Titan's Strength >
< Macradon consumes Crystallised Elixir of Vitality >

«Macradon» 1175/1175 HP | 129 MIT | 28 DMG | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 8 REC | 64 BH | 129 VMP | 16(8) FRT | 16 FRS | 16 Holy | Phase | 130/130 EN

Word count: 565

The Imperial Topaz
Level: 33(66)
«Macradon» 1175/1175 HP | 129 MIT | 28 DMG | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 8 REC | 64 BH | 129 VMP | 16(8) FRT | 16 FRS | 16 Holy | Phase | 130/130 EN
Stats HP: 1175
EN: 130
ACC: 4
EVA: 2
DMG: 28
MIT: 129
REC: 8
FRT: 16(8)
FRS: 16(2 turns)
VMP: 129
Equipped Items - Blade of the Bloody Dictator // +16 Holy Damage, Phase, 10%+Survival(129) Vampiric Offensive
- Silverlight ................ // +64 Mitigation, +16(8) Frost Thorns, +16 Frost Damage
- Templar's Necklace ......... // +8 Recovery, +2 Accuracy
Battle Ready Inventory - Glacial Hide ............... // Never Freeze, +12 MIT (Tier 1 Heavy Armour)
- Toffee Armour ............... // Bloodclot, +54 Thorns (Tier 3 Heavy Armour)
- The Biggest Peep ........... // Holy Blessing, +6 Recovery (Tier 3 Trinket)
- Orgoth's Legacy ............ // +32 Blight, +45 Burn, +45 Bleed (Tier 4 Two Handed Straight Sword)
- Empty Inventory Slot ....... //
- Dimensional backpack
- - 5x Teleportation Crystal . // Teleport to a designated location
Buffs - Rested ..................... // -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.
- Filling .................... // Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by
                                  +1 T1 slots.
- Relaxed .................... // Increase Out of Combat HP regen by 5*Tier+Survival(22) HP and decrease full energy regen
                                  to 2 Out of Combat posts.
- Col Deposit ................ // +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.
- Paragon Level 66 ........... // +260 HP, +26 EN.
- Damage Mitigation .......... // +45 MIT (Hearty Seafood Soup)

- Protein .................... // +2 DMG, -30 MIT
- Damage ..................... // +3 DMG (Titan's Strength)
- Overhealth ................. // +135 HP (Crystallised Elixir of Vitality)

- Accuracy ................... // +2 ACC (Crème Brûlée)
- Evasion .................... // +2 EVA (Madlad Muffin)
Skills & Mods

- 2H Straight Sword ............ || Rank 5: +7 Damage.
- - Ferocity .................... // +2 Damage.
- - Stamina ..................... // Decrease Energy Cost by 2.

- Battle Healing ............... || Rank 5: Heal 5%+Survival(64) each post In-Battle.

- Charge ....................... || +5 Damage -1 Accuracy on first hit.

- Combat Mastery: Damage ....... || +1*Tier*Rank(12)

- Energist ..................... || Add 5*Tier(20) Energy to your max pool.

- Fighting Spirit .............. || +1 Hate generation.

- Heavy Armor .................. || Rank 5: +35 Damage Mitigation.
- - Impetus ..................... // +1 Damage.
- - Iron Skin ................... // +15 Mitigation, +15*Tier(60) HP.

- Searching .................... || Rank 5: +5 Loot Die, +5 Stealth Detection.
- - Reveal ..................... || +2 LD when seargin for Sub-Dungeons or Labyrinths. You may also search for a
                                   sub-dungeon or labyrinth once every 10 posts (instead of 15). Reduces the
                                   personal post cooldown when searching for a labyrinth to 3 posts (instead of 5).

- Quick Change ................. || Allows the user to instantly equip, unequip, or swap any equipment in their
                                  battle-ready inventory.

- Aerial Ace ................... || Increase damage at the cost of ACC, EVA, & MIT while in Aerial stance.

- Disguise ..................... || +1 EVA for one turn, lesser critical doesn't autohit.

- Meditation ................... || Recover 4*Tier(16) energy with post action.
- Parry ........................ || Reduce incoming damage by 50%(rounded down).
- Survival ..................... || Increase all Healing from all sources by 10%. Immune to environmental damage.

Edited by Macradon
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Message received and preparations made, Freyd had been gradually assembling resources for the next raid since the last one ended.  He'd been involved in enough of these things, by now, that it was finally starting to become familiar.  Mad dashes near the event itself were perfectly, predictably normal.  How many times had he found himself dashing around between six different floors trying to scoop up that one last consumable, just in case.  The preamble to facing Wushen had been replete with such frantic activity.  At least, this time he'd cleared most of his own needs off his list, leaving him more time to help others.  Very few field bosses remained unknown to him, having made a point of hunting many of them down for exactly this purpose.  Taking on The Watcher solo had been especially dicey.  Gathering a few key consumables for himself and prepping a handful of spares in case others came short, he organized them all for easy and convenient access.

The trip from Witherwind Rest to Urbus took little time, having become a well-traveled route since he and Elora settled into their new home.  Suspicious as ever, Freyd made sure to portal at least part of the way.  Even with the right mods active, you never knew who might be trailing you.  That, and old habits died especially hard, and often brutally in the spycraft business.  Donning one of a dozen assorted commoner disguises, he made his way to the central plaza before calling out the dreaded name of a city with a dark and storied past.


It always surprised him how life teemed in the Underdark, despite its many, varied challenges.  Fonsa's people had carved themselves a home here, at a terrible cost.  Some of it was self inflicted.  Some by circumstance, chance, Fate, or whatever other mystical force one might assign to explain the inexplicable.  His own relationship with the dark elves was complicated, going back as far as hiding on the  abandoned outskirts of the city, huddling with an emotionally shattered Mari, teetering on the edges of her own progressive self-destruction.  It seemed like so long ago now.  

The imperial topaz was hard to miss, especially in this scenery, his polished and resplendent armor drawing glances of awe and disdain alike from the natives.  Beacons of light were hardly popular in the darkness.  To players who'd fought alongside Macradon before, he was a symbol of strength they could rally behind.  If he was here, did it mean that he meant to return to the front lines once more?  A promising prospect.

"Long time no see, Mac.  You stepping out of retirement for a bit?"

Dressed in his usual black garb, Freyd fit in much better with the locals.  His trademark cowl concealed most of his features, save from the nose down.  Hands stuffed into unseen pockets, there was an ever-present sense of nonchalance about him, contrasted by the ruthless potential for spontaneously channeled violence. Fortunately, it was strictly reserved for oppositional mobs.  As if playing to the contrast, Mac would see Freyd kneel at a nearby shrine, laden with dried out lilies that could never grow in a world of perpetual shadow.  They clearly held some meaning to those who tended it.  Pressing the back of his hand against his forehead, he then gently pressed his open palm against the stoned outlining the memorial.

"Forgive me. Just taking the opportunity to pay respects to an old friend."


Note: CS (Shades of the Gemini) is in use.  If any other player objects to this, please state in first post and it will be considered inactive.

Freyd consumes:

Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (6/6) - takes 1 portion and shares the rest with party
Madlad Muffin | Tierless Rare Meal | EVA 2 | Combine 220090b and 220090c into Feast using Dining Room | Feast (4/4) - takes 1 portion and shares the rest with party (filled)
[Draft of Keen Edge] - T1 Perfect Potion | Damage 3 | 182195-1
Stalwart's Stew | T4 Perfect Meal | MIT 3 | 216707
Shrimp Gumbo | Tierless Perfect Meal | Overhealth 3 | 216726
kintsugi. | TIER 4 PERFECT SALVE | TOXIC VENOM | 223936f

Freyd | HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 156/156 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 6 (incl. AA) | BH: 74 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | TXV 32 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 129 | V.O.: 129


Freyd, The Whisper in Shadows
Level: 33
Paragon Level: 131
HP: 1180/1180+177
EN: 156/156

Damage: 21+3
Mitigation: 45+60
Evasion: 4+2+1
Accuracy: 3+2+AA
Battle Healing: 64+10
Loot Dice: 6
TXV: 0+32
REC: 8
V.D.: 129
V.O.: 129

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Hope's Covenant - Resolve +4 (T4 Demonic Weapon (MA) - AA, Phase, Frostbite, VO
Armor: Black Cowled Traveling Garb | T4 CA | VD 2 | REC 2
Misc: Fight O'er Flight (ACC 2 | EVA 2)

Combat Mastery: Damage R3
Combat Shift: AOE
Familiar Skill: Grappling Familiar
Custom Skill: Shades of the Gemini

Martial Arts R5
Battle Healing R5
Cloth Armor R5
Searching R4
Quick Change
Extended Mod Limit
Extended Weight Limit
Fighting Spirit

Active Mods:
Night Vision
Emergency Recovery
Justified Riposte

Inactive Mods:

Focused Howl

Active Extra Skills:
Forgotten King’s Authority

Inactive Extra Skills:
Frozen Hide
Hiding R2

Battle Ready Inventory:
Teleport Crystals x7
Mass HP Rec [Inst] (+10% HP) x7
T4 Vitality (+16 EN) x7
Crystal of Divine Light (Reusable) x1
Rhino's Horn (Reusable) x1
Hmr.Pk:  Samael's Pride | T4 MA | FLN 2 | HLY 2   x1
EWL: The Thing Behind All Lies (T4 Demonic MA, AA, Blight, Static, Para.Ven (Off))    x1
EWL:  Shadowed Rose (ACC 3 | Para.Imm.) x1

Housing Buffs:
Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
Delicious: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Skylight (Searching): +1 Rank to the Searching skill.
Angler: +2 Fishing EXP per attempt
Practiced Angler: +2 Fishing EXP per attempt, addition +1 LD/CD to fishing attempts
Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
Decor [Potted Tanabata Bamboo Tree]: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

Guild Hall Buffs:
Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild:
Tanos Statue: +25 Mitigation for a thread.

Wedding Ring: n/a

Fishing: Level 5 | 576XP                                               


Edited by Freyd
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The busy streets of the Kalanaeyan teleportation plaza, was quite a sight. It wasn’t something you’d consider as a livable area. With the amount of citizen in the underdark, just as many deadly monstrosities roamed the cavernous underdark. Despite its gloomy exterior Kalanaes, and the rest of the underdark for that matter, was extremely lively, so many inhabitants walking around, living, or rather, surviving. The busy main area would keep Macradon occupied for the time being, his ironclad self would sit by a wall and await the rest to arrive.

First to show themselves would be Freyd, a man Macradon had went on a single adventure with in the past. Freyd was a formidable person, and just as formidable a fighter, the man was capable and deserving of his fame, a paragon of the frontlines. As the Whisper in the Shadows exited the platform Macradon would stand up and approach his fellow frontliner. @Freyd! It’s good to see you, happy to have you on board for this retrieval mission, it’s gonna be a doozy.” he said with a goofy smile “I’ve also sent the message to NIGHT and Katoka. NIGHT I know, but Katoka was just someone I had been recommended for this, I don’t know them that well if at all. Any notes you would be willing to offer me about them? Anything I should be careful about?” he inquired with a joyous tone, not really expecting an answer, just trying to keep the gloomy area feel somewhat less gloomy, if that was even possible.

Noticing the presence of a feast, Macradon would not hold back “Don’t mind if I do!” he said, wiggling his fingers as he devoured a Creme Brulee and a Madlad Muffin, if only he had his Sick Shades to match with the theme. “I haven’t been too active in Frontliner business since Gabrandr, anything new happened while I was away?” he asked, mouth half full with deliciousness.

< Macradon consumes Crème Brûlée >
< Macradon consumes Madlad Muffin >

Stats updated in original post

Word count: 323

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Receiving an invite from the infamous Macradon had pulled Katoka out of her stupor and sent her off in a flurry of stumbling and gathering of her things. She had always heard of the player known as Macradon, but had always seen him as a sort of urban legend or even cryptid of Aincrad. I mean surly there couldn't be a player that was as grandiose as he was. Right? Her mind raced as she gathered a few consumables and double checked her gear. If this was not just some joke she had to play it cool, she couldn't fan girl and embarrass herself.

Managing to rush to the teleport gate, Kat now found herself in the city of Kalanaes, where the dark elves made their home. She blinked a few times and looked around, catching sight of her fellow guild captain Freyd. She approached and slapped him on the back a few times, "Well well well, funny running into you here big brother." she teased before she turned to the other player that he was standing near, "And who might this--" she abruptly stopped talking as she noticed the nameplate above his head. It was actually him. A sound escaped her mouth that was attune to that of a tea kettle as she grabbed onto the Whisper's arm. "Is it actually him? The guy that all the new players talk about? THE Macradon?!" she attempted to whisper to him frantically.

The small samurai looked back and forth between the two before politlely bowing, "I-I'm Katoka, Captain of the Assault Team of Firm Anima. It's nice to meet you sir."

"Sir? He's not your father you idiot!" she thought, wincing. In an attempt to stop herself from talking more she began shoving food and potions down her throat.


Katoka consumes:

Well-Done Steak | Tierless Rare Meal | Protein 2 | 190631
Draft of Keen Edge | Tier 1 | Damage 3 | 218087
Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (5/6) - takes 1 portion
Madlad Muffin | Tierless Rare Meal | EVA 2 | Combine 220090b and 220090c into Feast using Dining Room | Feast (3/4) - takes 1 portion

Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:7 | EVA:3 | BH:43 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16


Level: 33
Paragon Level: 22
HP: 780/780
EN: 112/112

Damage: 23+5=28
Mitigation: 78-40=38
Evasion: 1+2=3
Accuracy: 5+2=7
Battle Healing: 43
FLN: 16
HLY: 16
REC: 8

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Muramasa's Legacy | T4/Demonic/Katana | Holy II, Fallen II
Armor: Oni Haori | T4/Demonic/Light Armor | MIT 2, REC 2
Misc: Aquamarine | T4 Demonic Trinket | ACC III, EVA I

Custom Skill:

Katana R5
Light Armor R5
Battle Healing R5

Active Mods:
Vengeful Riposte

Inactive Mods:


Active Extra Skills:
Forgotten King’s Authority

Inactive Extra Skills:

Battle Ready Inventory:
Teleportation Crystal x5
Starter Healing Potion x1
Tincture of Recovery | HP Recovery x5

Housing Buffs:
Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
Basic Training: +5% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

Guild Hall Buffs:
Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild:

Wedding Ring:



Edited by Katoka
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hey guys, it'd read. i'm quite sure you've all heard about the clearance of the 28th labyrinth boss...

... huh? no she hadn't. when did this happen?

in all honesty, being told to hang back past the prior clearance made night a comfortable bug. she hadn't considered what the other players were up to -- or rather she'd been opting not to. taking it slow as the twenty-eighth had seemed to advocate for. the player simply rubbed her eyes of sleep when she first read the message.

it was one thing to be contacted about the front. it was another when it came from macradon. something about his legacy added repute to what operations were happening behind her back. if it were from him, night thought, surely the victory must've been seized by baldur's faction.

but something gnawed at her on her way to the twenty-third. what was it? it was upon taking a gander at the settlement she'd teleported in that the realization struck her. the choice of resources he'd wanted to gather felt strange. night had been in multiple boss fights, and she'd never seen interest from any other frontliner in the twenty-third.

why now?

night ambled around the city, almost finding herself lost trying to look for macradon. it didn't occur to her that he'd also be pictured right next to freyd, but it was just as likely she hadn't caught it during her survey because the woman next to both of them didn't seem as though she belonged in the tunnels. that sheer mismatch must've lead to her shelving that section of the city away until she was willing to do a second take. striding forward to greet them, she'd realized they'd only started to exchange niceties.

night knew to be on guard (for multiple reasons), but she couldn't exactly gauge by how much.

"i'm here," was all she said, hands in her pockets. a poor announcement. her palm kneaded the back of her neck until she was aware that any one of them was paying her attention. in the mean time, reading the situation -- and the attendees present -- made the intention behind their gathering clear. 

"sorry. with the mention of the frontlines needing these resources for the boss fight, am i right to assume that the line up for the raid has been decided upon? ... what exactly are we expected to take down, and for how many are we catering to?"

R5tSbC7.png | NIGHT
 | Lv. 147 >> P. 114, Lv. 33
 | Status: ??

NIGHT | HP: 1100/1100 | EN: 148/148 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | LD: 5 | BH+HB: 109 | FLN/HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6


  • oathkeeper.
  • regards.
  • signet.

battle-ready inventory

  • Jack’s Executioner
    [DoT: 160 DMG] (2)
    [DB: -20MIT, -1ACC] (2)
    [AoE: 24 DMG] (1)
  • Teleport Crystal (3) | TELEPORT
  • imugi's inspiration. (5) | MASS HP RECOVERY



mod count: 5/7

    • focus, stamina, precision
    • shift: aoe
    • athletics, nimble
  • SEARCHING | RANK 3+1/5
    • emergency recovery
  • HOWL
    • focused howl


    • untraceable, vanish, surprise attack-t






  1. Liquor of Light | +3 DMG
  2. Breakfast Fry | +3 DMG, -60 MIT | filled.
  3. kintsugi. | TOXIC VENOM
  4. Crème Brûlée Tray | +2 ACC
  5. Madlad Muffin | +2 EVA


  • Lv. 5 | Gain additional col equivalent to 15% of EXP earned in that thread.
  • Lv. 10 | +1 LD to looting.

sword arts


en cost matches multiplier unless stated otherwise. shift underlined.

  • ST | x12 -> x15 | x20
  • AOE | x15 -> x18
  • TECH-A | x12 | STUN | 13EN
  • TECH-B | x12 | DELAY
  • TECH-D | x12 | SHATTER
  • TECH-F | x8 | AOE STUN 
  • TECH-G | x12 | BURN




  • Dimensional Backpack, Item Stash
    | +2 Battle-Ready Inventory Slots.
  • Well Rested
    | -1 EN for the first three expenditures of each combat. 
  • Relaxed
    | +(5 * Tier) HP per out-of-combat post. Full energy restoration occurs after two turns out of combat.
  • Squeaky Clean
    | -25% DoT damage taken from the first DoT applied to this player in a thread.
  • Skylight: Searching
    | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cooldown of 30 days to reassign.
  • Multipurpose
    | +1 LD/Prosperity/Stealth/Detection to one post per thread. Can be applied after a roll.
  • Filling
    | +1 T1 slot to a food consumed by this player in a thread. Can exceed Cook enhancement caps.
  • Col Deposit
    | +5% col from loot-minimum mobs, +10% col from treasure chests.

foraging | r2 | xp: 69/150

  • Greenhouse
    | +2 G.EXP, +1 CD&LD to gathering attempts.
  • Familiar: Profession
    | +2 G.EXP
  • Demeter's Cornucopia
    | +1 CD to gathering attempts. 


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"Good to see you too, Mac.  It's been a while."  An unusually warm response from the normally cold and elusive player, but they had met and fought side by side before, including that bug hunt on the shores of the Lake of Reflections after Tanabata.  Mac was a good egg, at least in the Whisper's scrambled mess of a recipe book.  "Kat's a guildmate whose been rising quickly through the ranks.  Boss killer, and fast as lightning.  She's got quite the spark to her.  You two should get along great.  She joined the front lines for the last raid.  Speaking of which, we missed you against Wushen.  Your special brand of brash would have been invaluable."

He waved as Katoka arrived, right on queue.  Quick introductions complete, his young blonde friend was soon gushing over the Imperial Topaz like an addled schoolgirl.  Freyd quietly rolled his eyes beneath his cowl and smiled.  You could hardly blame her.  Mac had the looks and charismatic personality to match.  One wondered whether he could walk through towns without being molested, or whether he might do so deliberately just for that effect.

"Does this mean you'll be coming with us for the next raid?"  The answer seemed self-evident, but Freyd was keeping up appearances, plus giving Katoka a chance to reform her spine after swooning so hard.

Night's brief declaration of arrival was likewise true to form.  Freyd hadn't heard her coming, which was no surprise given the woman's skill.  For all of Katoka's fawning over Mac, he had to confess an equal, if more professional, admiration for the quiet swordswoman.  They'd met during his earliest adventuring days, she having inadvertently dropped a sword he later picked up and treasured through most of his rise to join his first raid.  It wouldn't be until later, facing off against he venomous wargs that they were formally introduced.  To this day, he respected her tenacity and grit.  Or, maybe it was all just an act, but a good one.  That alone might also merit the same response.

"The labyrinth guardian was felled in the Fire Woods outside of Glyndebourne just days ago.  Nothing else has been decided yet, so far as I know, though it sounds like a meeting will be called soon and likely occur as a sideshow to Wulfrin and KnightessCiela's wedding."  He raised his hands, palms open, as if to ward of questions or protests.  "Don't ask me why.  I think this might even have been their idea.  A few people have reached out to express interest, but no formal rosters yet exist.  Our best option may be to simply gather all we can, in general."  Turning to Mac, he added a layer of speculation.  "Can I take it you mean to take down Ugzeke while we're here?" 

After a brief back and forth, the group decided to take their aim at Ugzeke, Piasuhon and The Maze Weaver.  Freyd had faced each of them in turn.  Whether they could use reward earned personally or share them with others would be up to each participant. Little more could be done until they knew who was actually going to be present.  Leading the others to the infamous troll's favoured paths wouldn't take long, and he was more than keen not to linger among the dark elves any longer than necessary, lest the wrong eyes notice his presence.

"There," whispered the Whisper, pointing down from a high ledge to the cavern floor below, where Ugzeke predictably lumbered.  "I'm just the distraction here.  Damage will be up to the rest of you."  Without another word, Freyd tossed himself over the edge.  Landing silently a dozen feet ahead of their foe, Freyd just raise his hand towards him with an open palm.  From all around, every shadow cast by surrounding softly glowing lichen and crystalline formations bent and folded to his will, swarming over the troll like an angry, screeching colony of bats.  Clenching his fist recalled them into his own shadow, holding onto the ire they yielded like a treasure. Montjoy's darkness swelled gleefully from the feast.  

"Hello, old friend.  Did you miss me?"

Ugzeke, already driven to frenzy by the swarm, narrowed its rage to focus upon its nightmares' host.  Bellowing, he charged mindlessly forward, right into their trap.



Post Action | Focused Howl (4 EN, CD 0/4)
Free Action | None

Freyd | HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 152/156 (156-4) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 6 (incl. AA) | BH: 74 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | TXV 32 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 129 | V.O.: 129
Macradon | 1175/1175 HP | EN: 130/130 | 28 DMG | 129 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 8 REC | 64 BH | 129 VMP | 16(8) FRT | 16 FRS | 16 Holy | Phase 
Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:7 | EVA:3 | BH:43 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16
| HP: 1100/1100 | EN: 148/148 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | LD: 5 | BH+HB: 109 | FLN/HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6

(5,0,0,0) Ugzeke | HP: 3100/3100 | MIT: 160 | DMG: 300 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1

  • Oblivious | Every turn, unless <<Ugzeke>> rolls CD 5+, he will remain oblivious to the enemy party and refuse to attack. This skill is disabled once <<Ugzeke>> becomes <<In Pain>>.
  • In Pain | Once <<Ugzeke’s>> health reaches 1200, he will become enraged as his skin turns red and he notices the party fully. His ACC is reduced to 1, but his EVA is increased to 2.
  • Smash | On an MD 9-10, his attack will hit the entire party for 225 DMG, lowering everyone’s ACC by 1 for two turns.
  • Hard Hitter | <<Ugzeke’s>> attacks cannot be parried.
  • Tier Lock | For the duration of the fight, all of the participants’ stats that scale with Tier are calculated as though they’re Tier 4. [DMG/MIT/BLEED enhancements etc.]
  • This skill only locks downward. Those at Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 will still have T1, T2, or T3 stats, respectively.


Edited by Freyd
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Macradon perked up at the description of Katoka. He had only heard a few things about her from different sources, mostly Baldur mentioning her in passing, so this more thorough description was well met. He smirked and replied “Alright! She sounds like an amazing balance to whatever I’ll come up with when we go fighting!” an overly exciting tone was easily discerned from his words as the knight was once again way too ready to get his body limbered up by good ol’ combat. He chortled lightly at Freyd’s remark “I wish I could’ve been there … it’s just been … difficult to get out of the house sometimes.” he replied, trying to keep the happy tone, trying intently not to sombre up the atmosphere, but luckily that changed.

Not long after the exchange, the topic at hand appeared, Katoka was the next to arrive. Her charming greeting contrasted with Freyd’s usually cold demeanour, evening out the playing field. Startled by the sudden change of Katoka’s expression, Macradon couldn’t do anything but blush a bit and scratch the back of his head “Oh .. uhh … yes, it’s me. ‘The’ Macradon” he said with a slight chuckle while doing air-quotations around ‘The’. “I’m glad the players still know who I am, even though I haven’t been the most present in a while. I hope my infamy hasn’t detracted from who you perceive me to be.” he said, hoping that he wasn’t fabled to be someone he wasn’t, it’s much better than being told that he doesn’t even exist.

As Katoka introduced herself, Macradon would salute the Captain and reply “It’s nice meet you too, Captain. I am Macradon, solo player, and former Vanguard Commander. The honour is mine, your guild mate has put in some good words for you and I’m excited to see your fighting style.” the ended his small introduction with a small bow with his head and his salute firing off.

Not long after the introduction of the two NIGHT would make her entrance. The knight looked over at his fellow greatsword wielder and waved his hand at her “Good to see you, NIGHT,” he greeted and listened to Freyd’s more detailed description of the current situation. He nodded at Freyd while showing off his notes that he had compiled from the request board “It’s not something I’ve done before, but it seems like those that want to go to the frontlines are requesting consumables for the raid. I know you two are extremely capable,” he explained and looked at NIGHT and Freyd, “and I’ve only heard good about your skills,” he added and looked at Katoka, “I found this party to be the most capable to take on the Tier 4 field bosses for their consumable drops. Unfortunately we have to cater to a lot. Freyd is right that we are to fight Ugzeke, at least twice. Our total is 6 Troll’s Blood, 6 Rhino’s Horn, and 4 Iron Thread. This means that we should take out Ugzeke twice, Piasuhon twice, and Maze Weaver just a single time. It’s gonna be an exhausting expedition, but I’m sure that we can handle it.” he said and looked up at his party mates.

Freyd would lead the way to Ugzeke in a seemingly knowing way. Macradon had fought the troll once before, but he hadn’t memorised its hideout or spawn location like this, Freyd seemed to have all the scouting under control. As the party came to a ledge, Freyd jumped down and began the fight, catching all the attention from the troll. Macradon smirked and looked over at Katoka “This is gonna be great! Hope you’ll enjoy the show!” he said exceedingly and drew his sword from its scabbard. He walked up to the ledge with a strong stride and as he came to the very edge, he would let himself fall over, but just as his body got into position, Macradon would push himself from the ledge straight down towards Ugzeke, engaging his <Charge> and went into stance mid-air. He would extend his sword to trial behind him in his right hand and glided through the air like an arrow being sent off from a bow.

Macradon darted through the air, leaving a trail of ice cold mist behind him as he crashed into Ugzeke. His sword sliced into the troll with a decisive strike as Macradon blurred by the troll with an orange flash from his <Sword Art>, cleaving into the health bar of the boss. He landed a few metres from the troll with a large boom, his crash into the ground from the ledge left a small crater from the impact. The knight peered up and tried to estimate his damage and sighed a bit as he saw the movement stop quite early “Damn … only about ... 10 percent …” he thought for himself, somewhat disappointed by his rustiness.

<Aerial stance engaged>

Word count: 817



Post Action | [Aerial][Charge] ST-I at Ugzeke

  • 224226: CD: 6 + 4 - 1 = 9 : Hit! | 12x(28 + 4[Aerial Ace] + 3[Charge] - 160 = 420 - 160 = 260
  • EN Cost: 12 - 1(Rested) - 2(Stamina) + 5(Aerial Ace) = 14

Free Action | Engaging [Aerial] stance

  • +4 DMG, -5 EVA, -40 MIT

Freyd | HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 152/156 (156-4) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 6 (incl. AA) | BH: 74 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | TXV 32 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 129 | V.O.: 129
Macradon | 1175/1175 HP | EN: 116/130 | 28 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | -3 EVA | 8 REC | 64 BH | 129 VMP | 16(8) FRT | 16 FRS | 16 Holy | Phase [-14 EN]
Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:7 | EVA:3 | BH:43 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16
| HP: 1100/1100 | EN: 148/148 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | LD: 5 | BH+HB: 109 | FLN/HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6

(5,2,0,0) Ugzeke | HP: 2840/3100 | MIT: 160 | DMG: 300 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 [-260 HP]

  • Oblivious | Every turn, unless <<Ugzeke>> rolls CD 5+, he will remain oblivious to the enemy party and refuse to attack. This skill is disabled once <<Ugzeke>> becomes <<In Pain>>.
  • In Pain | Once <<Ugzeke’s>> health reaches 1200, he will become enraged as his skin turns red and he notices the party fully. His ACC is reduced to 1, but his EVA is increased to 2.
  • Smash | On an MD 9-10, his attack will hit the entire party for 225 DMG, lowering everyone’s ACC by 1 for two turns.
  • Hard Hitter | <<Ugzeke’s>> attacks cannot be parried.
  • Tier Lock | For the duration of the fight, all of the participants’ stats that scale with Tier are calculated as though they’re Tier 4. [DMG/MIT/BLEED enhancements etc.]
  • This skill only locks downward. Those at Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 will still have T1, T2, or T3 stats, respectively.


Edited by Macradon
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Doing her best to keep up with the introductions Katoka bowed over and over to each person. She had seen NIGHT in the last raid in passing so she was at least familiar with her in that aspect. "I look forward to working with you as well." she added when things weren't as hectic. "You were super cool in the last raid." Kat gave her a huge grin, hoping she would appreciate the compliment. Turning her attention to everyone she nodded along as Mac gave an expedited explanation to the overall plan. It all seemed to be very straight forward.

She watched Freyd step down over a cliff and rolled her eyes with a smile. Turning to Mac and NIGHT she gave them both a thumbs up, "Let's cream this idiot and get some goodies for everyone." Next Macradon dropped in, his armor polished and ready for the battles to come. Once he had landed his hit Katoka decided to make her move, "Hope you don't mind me going next!" she called to NIGHT as she slid down into the fray.

"Time to see what this baby can do." her hand gripped the hilt of her new katana. The samurai crouched down into her first form, her brow furrowing in concentration. Electricity sparked and snapped from her body as if she was a living tesla coil, the blue white light of the energy collecting into her blade as her sword art charged. With a flash she appeared on the opposite side of her opponent, her katana now fully drawn and a red glowing gashing appearing on its chest. Black lighting erupted from the wound and the monster seemed to stumble at the force of the attack.

"Hot damn, I like this new sword." she grinned ferociously as she felt her thirst for battle grow.




Post Action | [x15] ST-I (12 EN +2 ST Shift) 14 - (Rested 2/2; Stamina) = 11 EN
Free Action | None

ID#: 224233 | BD: 6+7=13 HIT! | Fallen Proc | 16+28*15=660-160=500 DMG vs Ugzeke

Freyd | HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 152/156 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 6 (incl. AA) | BH: 74 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | TXV 32 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 129 | V.O.: 129
Macradon | 1175/1175 HP | EN: 116/130 | 28 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | -3 EVA | 8 REC | 64 BH | 129 VMP | 16(8) FRT | 16 FRS | 16 Holy | Phase [-14 EN]
Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 101/112 (112-11) | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:7 | EVA:3 | BH:43 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16
NIGHT | HP: 1100/1100 | EN: 148/148 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | LD: 5 | BH+HB: 109 | FLN/HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6

(5,2,1,0) Ugzeke | HP: 2340/3100 | MIT: 160 | DMG: 300 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 (2840-500)

  • Oblivious | Every turn, unless <<Ugzeke>> rolls CD 5+, he will remain oblivious to the enemy party and refuse to attack. This skill is disabled once <<Ugzeke>> becomes <<In Pain>>.
  • In Pain | Once <<Ugzeke’s>> health reaches 1200, he will become enraged as his skin turns red and he notices the party fully. His ACC is reduced to 1, but his EVA is increased to 2.
  • Smash | On an MD 9-10, his attack will hit the entire party for 225 DMG, lowering everyone’s ACC by 1 for two turns.
  • Hard Hitter | <<Ugzeke’s>> attacks cannot be parried.
  • Tier Lock | For the duration of the fight, all of the participants’ stats that scale with Tier are calculated as though they’re Tier 4. [DMG/MIT/BLEED enhancements etc.]
  • This skill only locks downward. Those at Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 will still have T1, T2, or T3 stats, respectively.



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night opened her mouth to speak.

"Don't ask me why."

"... i was about to ask who," she added, arms folded as she listened to their informant. curious. night was decently certain she'd been to a wedding in aincrad only once, and daren't ask how the players met each other, nor chance the occasion ending up in a haze that no party in attendance would remember its happenings. and, when the conversation lead to them discussing what was about to take place, night made sure to pay careful attention. resources she'd barely heard of, but akin to those she was sent out to hunt based on the details of the bosses mentioned. a lot of multiples, at that.

she fell into step with the apparent 'kat', post hesitant nod, as freyd took charge towards their first mark. wasn't ugzeke the one ogre from that quest a while back? she couldn't remember what had happened to it, and neither did she take it for a field boss out of all things. perhaps it got a promotion since the last time she'd seen it. when the party went swan diving, night took her time eyeing up the splotch of green in her periphery.

that... definitely looked like ugzeke, model unchanged and all. why'd cardinal choose to polish him, night wondered?

the first strike (from mac?) felt empty, and when the other swordswoman hollered to her, night watched the cut she'd delivered erase a substantial gap from the target in question. the player knelt down just to get a look at the blade in her hand -- something carved out of lighting, tainted red and black.

how curious, indeed.

night took the drop downwards with a hop, sliding into the clearing, kicking off the ground as the slope started to flatten. she would've said something during her lead towards their target, but working alone had proven the death of her words then.

her promise materialized in her hands as night gestured to the side. upon her grip reaffirmed, a second skip and swing across her front culminated into a rejoicing of light, the white near blinding as its force repelled ugzeke backwards. now stumbling, the troll would have to recover from its countered retaliation, hindered by the echoed ringing in the air, the chime of her blade a song starting to fade in intensity.

night recovered from her lashing quickly, hand to the ground as she landed. "i hope one of you would enlighten me about the happy couple after this," she breathed, considering what sort of gift she was expected to bring strangers -- in a professional context, no less. "and to what end they plan on aiding us with the floor boss. the honeymoon's not based on one of them becoming newly-shattered, surely?"



ID224237 | bd10 | -> Ugzeke

(28+3+16+3) * 15 = 750 DMG
750 - 160 = 590 DMG

15 + 2 + 8 - 2 - 1 = 22 EN

ID224239 | md8+2-7 = 3 | -> Freyd

Freyd HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 152/156 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 6 (incl. AA) | BH: 74 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | TXV 32 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 129 | V.O.: 129
Macradon | 1175/1175 HP | EN: 116/130 | 28 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | -3 EVA | 8 REC | 64 BH | 129 VMP | 16(8) FRT | 16 FRS | 16 Holy | Phase [-14 EN]
Katoka HP: 780/780 | EN: 101/112 (112-11) | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:7 | EVA:3 | BH:43 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16
NIGHT HP: 1100/1100 | EN: 126/148 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | LD: 5 | BH+HB: 109 | FLN/HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6 | [CHARGE: 1/3]

(5,2,1,0) UgzekeHP: 1718/3100 | MIT: 160 | DMG: 300 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 | [TXV: 32] (1/3) | (2340 - 590 - 32)

  • Oblivious | Every turn, unless <<Ugzeke>> rolls CD 5+, he will remain oblivious to the enemy party and refuse to attack. This skill is disabled once <<Ugzeke>> becomes <<In Pain>>.
  • In Pain | Once <<Ugzeke’s>> health reaches 1200, he will become enraged as his skin turns red and he notices the party fully. His ACC is reduced to 1, but his EVA is increased to 2.
  • Smash | On an MD 9-10, his attack will hit the entire party for 225 DMG, lowering everyone’s ACC by 1 for two turns.
  • Hard Hitter | <<Ugzeke’s>> attacks cannot be parried.
  • Tier Lock | For the duration of the fight, all of the participants’ stats that scale with Tier are calculated as though they’re Tier 4. [DMG/MIT/BLEED enhancements etc.] This skill only locks downward. Those at Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 will still have T1, T2, or T3 stats, respectively.


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It still felt awkward, focusing on C&C while champions rained down ruin on a target whose entire focus was meant to be kept on you.  He'd volunteered for the role during the last raid because they were desperate.  NIGHT had done the same, for which he was grateful.  The raid might have failed before it began without them both taking on the challenge.  Watching Macradon and Katoka blaze around the battlefield, Freyd found himself smiling, even if the role of tank still felt awkward as a mantle.

NIGHT came in blazing from the flank, her own acrobatic flair still and always inspiring to behold.  Catching only a glimpse of her weapon and effect, his keen appraiser's eye surmised a kinship to his own preferred weapon of choice. 

"Greatsword wielders indeed, Mac.  It's been awhile since I dropped out of the club.  Hope you don't permanently revoke my membership."  

A chunk of troll went flying past his head, disintegrating into fractal motes like some Disney fairy in a death spiral.  NIGHT was asking about the happy couple.

"Wulfrin's a good man, and rising quickly through the ranks.  There's a good chance he'll be ready in time for the raid.  A few of us are trying to help him out, in that regard." 

Rolling into a lunge and tumble, Freyd came up next to Ugzeke's left flank, the lumbering brutish mob sailing its fist too high over his head to connect.  Freyd's, by comparison, failed to miss.  Cracking a few ribs with a sickening crunch that staggered the giant back a few steps.

"Ciela's planning on becoming a tank, I believe, but still has a ways to go.  She'll want to join us as soon as she's able, I'm sure.  I don't look forward to splitting them up after their honeymoon."  An audible gulp followed as he remembered another commitment.  "Oh shit.  I think I'm supposed to be the one to officiate their wedding!  Wonder if I still have my old cassock somewhere?"



Note: Adjusted NIGHT's hate, missed from last post 

Freyd regains +4 EN
CD 3 (No REC proc) ID #224254

Post Action | TECH-D (x12, 12 EN): 12 EN - (Rested 1/2; Stamina) = 9 EN.  
Free Action | None

ID #224253 | BD:9 (Crit+2, Phase).  DMG (12*25=300-70=230) vs Ugzeke.  Frostbite applied. (CD 6 | ST-B locked)

Freyd HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 147/156 (152+4-9) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 6 (incl. AA) | BH: 74 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | TXV 32 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 129 | V.O.: 129 | F-HOWL (1/4)
Macradon | 1175/1175 HP | EN: 116/130 | 28 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | -3 EVA | 8 REC | 64 BH | 129 VMP | 16(8) FRT | 16 FRS | 16 Holy | Phase 
Katoka HP: 780/780 | EN: 101/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:7 | EVA:3 | BH:43 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16
NIGHT HP: 1100/1100 | EN: 126/148 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | LD: 5 | BH+HB: 109 | FLN/HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6 | [CHARGE: 1/3]

(8,2,1,3) Ugzeke HP: 1488/3100 (1718-230) | MIT: 160 (-20, 0/3)) | DMG: 300 | ACC: 2 (-1, 0/2) | EVA: -1 | [TXV: 32] (1/3) | FRSTB 40 (0/2)

  • Oblivious | Every turn, unless <<Ugzeke>> rolls CD 5+, he will remain oblivious to the enemy party and refuse to attack. This skill is disabled once <<Ugzeke>> becomes <<In Pain>>.
  • In Pain | Once <<Ugzeke’s>> health reaches 1200, he will become enraged as his skin turns red and he notices the party fully. His ACC is reduced to 1, but his EVA is increased to 2.
  • Smash | On an MD 9-10, his attack will hit the entire party for 225 DMG, lowering everyone’s ACC by 1 for two turns.
  • Hard Hitter | <<Ugzeke’s>> attacks cannot be parried.
  • Tier Lock | For the duration of the fight, all of the participants’ stats that scale with Tier are calculated as though they’re Tier 4. [DMG/MIT/BLEED enhancements etc.] This skill only locks downward. Those at Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 will still have T1, T2, or T3 stats, respectively.


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Macradon chortled at Freyd’s remark “Don’t you worry about your membership, I’m not even the one keeping the tabs on that one.” he said jokingly while manoeuvring into a better position to strike “You know what they say, once a greatsword wielder, always a greatsword wielder!” he excitedly exclaimed while going into another aerial feat of sword art execution. 

Despite his status and the rumours about him, he was severely lacking behind in raw damage output, both Katoka and NIGHT excelled in dealing damage much better than Macradon did. His measle 10%, if even, hits were nothing compared to the health shattering strikes from the two other fighters. He truly was getting rusty at this damage dealing thing … maybe this was just a warm up “Haha, yeah, warm up, that’s why I’m not doing so well … right …” he thought to himself and continued on with the fighting.

His sword gleamed a bright yellow as his next sword art was about to be unleashed. With a quick jump into the air and a decisive downwards strike, Macradon sliced through the troll once again, just enough to trigger it into its rage zone. The troll’s skin quickly turned red in rage and its movements became much more erratic, more agile, more nimble. In its blind rage, the troll would sweep around the mosquitos that were flying around it. “I think he’s angry!” he called out the rest of his party.

< Ugzeke has entered In Pain >

Word count: 241



+4 EN

ID: 224257
CD: 4, No Recovery

Post Action | ST-II
Free Action | None

ID: 224256 | BD: 8+4+1=12 hit! | 15x(28+4)-(160-20) = 480-140 = 340 Damage

15-1-2+5 = 17 EN

Freyd HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 147/156 (152+4-9) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 6 (incl. AA) | BH: 74 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | TXV 32 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 129 | V.O.: 129 | F-HOWL (1/4)
Macradon | 1175/1175 HP | EN: 103/130 | 28 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | -3 EVA | 8 REC | 64 BH | 129 VMP | 16(8) FRT | 16 FRS | 16 Holy | Phase 
Katoka HP: 780/780 | EN: 101/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:7 | EVA:3 | BH:43 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16
NIGHT HP: 1100/1100 | EN: 126/148 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | LD: 5 | BH+HB: 109 | FLN/HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6 | [CHARGE: 1/3]

(8,2,1,3) Ugzeke HP: 1148/3100 (1488-340) | MIT: 160 (-20, 0/3)) | DMG: 300 | ACC: 1 (-1, 0/2) | EVA: 2 | [TXV: 32] (1/3) | FRSTB 40 (0/2)

  • Oblivious | Every turn, unless <<Ugzeke>> rolls CD 5+, he will remain oblivious to the enemy party and refuse to attack. This skill is disabled once <<Ugzeke>> becomes <<In Pain>>.
  • In Pain | Once <<Ugzeke’s>> health reaches 1200, he will become enraged as his skin turns red and he notices the party fully. His ACC is reduced to 1, but his EVA is increased to 2.
  • Smash | On an MD 9-10, his attack will hit the entire party for 225 DMG, lowering everyone’s ACC by 1 for two turns.
  • Hard Hitter | <<Ugzeke’s>> attacks cannot be parried.
  • Tier Lock | For the duration of the fight, all of the participants’ stats that scale with Tier are calculated as though they’re Tier 4. [DMG/MIT/BLEED enhancements etc.] This skill only locks downward. Those at Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 will still have T1, T2, or T3 stats, respectively.


Edited by Macradon
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"Wulfrin and Ciela are good people." Katoka called as she moved from one side of the battlefield to the other, "Mina and I helped them both with Absolute Zero not long ago. I like them." She felt like they would both be great assets to the frontlines and looked forward to seeing them both at future battles. Freyd's comment on officiating their wedding caused her to feel a pang in her heart, he was supposed to officiate her wedding as well. The samurai nearly lost her focus, just barely dodging the swinging enraged arms of the troll.

Now was not the time to be remorseful about her failed engagement. Kat assumed a different stance, charging her next sword art as the now red creature seemed to be distracted. With another burst of speed and electricity, Katoka struck her target with a thunderous crash. Tendrils of now white electricity surged from Ugzeke's back wound, his body convulsing and twitching in response.

"If you're going to get emotional, use it as fuel." she told herself, out loud.

Watching as the boss' health dropped into the red she felt a grin once again pulling at the corners of her mouth. Her grip adjusted on her weapon ever so slightly, she felt like her katana was pleased with itself just as much as she was.




Katoka regains +4 EN
CD 6 (No REC proc) ID #224286

Post Action | [x18] ST-II (15 EN +2 ST Shift) 17 - (Rested 1/2; Stamina) = 14 EN
Free Action | None

ID#: 224288 | BD:9 Crit+1 | Holy Proc | 28+1+16=46*18=810-140= 670 DMG vs Ugzeke!

Freyd | HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 147/156 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 6 (incl. AA) | BH: 74 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | TXV 32 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 129 | V.O.: 129 | F-HOWL (1/4)
Macradon | 1175/1175 HP | EN: 103/130 | 28 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | -3 EVA | 8 REC | 64 BH | 129 VMP | 16(8) FRT | 16 FRS | 16 Holy | Phase 
Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 91/112 (101+4-14) | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:7 | EVA:3 | BH:43 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16
NIGHT | HP: 1100/1100 | EN: 126/148 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | LD: 5 | BH+HB: 109 | FLN/HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6 | [CHARGE: 1/3]

(8,2,3,3) Ugzeke | HP: 478/3100 (1148-670) | MIT: 160 (-20, 0/3)) | DMG: 300 | ACC: 1 (-1, 0/2) | EVA: 2 | [TXV: 32] (1/3) | FRSTB 40 (0/2)

  • Oblivious | Every turn, unless <<Ugzeke>> rolls CD 5+, he will remain oblivious to the enemy party and refuse to attack. This skill is disabled once <<Ugzeke>> becomes <<In Pain>>.
  • In Pain | Once <<Ugzeke’s>> health reaches 1200, he will become enraged as his skin turns red and he notices the party fully. His ACC is reduced to 1, but his EVA is increased to 2.
  • Smash | On an MD 9-10, his attack will hit the entire party for 225 DMG, lowering everyone’s ACC by 1 for two turns.
  • Hard Hitter | <<Ugzeke’s>> attacks cannot be parried.
  • Tier Lock | For the duration of the fight, all of the participants’ stats that scale with Tier are calculated as though they’re Tier 4. [DMG/MIT/BLEED enhancements etc.] This skill only locks downward. Those at Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 will still have T1, T2, or T3 stats, respectively.




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whatever happened to after? she'd wanted to ask, bouncing her blade about as she watched the fighters at work. three slashes, all solid and substantial -- but just so that she was distracted by their commotion. the wedding, she was told, were of folks up and coming. and yet she still knew nothing about them by the time kat was done. mac said nothing on the subject. a stranger to him, perhaps?

a familiarity with... ah, that's it.

"well, congratulations to them," night said plainly, slipping through the other combatants as ugzeke started to turn around, looking for his target. a strike forward, sending their mark reeling -- she had it calculated in her head that, so long as they'd wait it out, the troll would've finished itself off by the time he'd try to get at them.

her math was off, it seemed, but the danger, apparently, had passed.

so upon her recovery, she sunk the tip of her sword into the ground, choosing to lean against it, two hands on the pommel. "i don't doubt they're wonderful people," night began, eyes focused on ugzeke as is her instincts were wont to do. "but surely there has to be more to them than just barging onto the front. not that i'm doubting such people exist, of course. ... or -- is that everyone's idea of a wedding gift? one of these items we're harvesting? even the cheesiest idea we could deliver on is making sure the husband gets home safe, and that's still worth more than a potion or two here or there. tell me someone else here thinks so."



ID224299 | bd4 + 6 - 2 = 8 | -> Ugzeke

28 x 18 = 504 DMG
504 - 140 = 364 DMG

18 + 2 - 2 - 1 + 4 = 13 EN

ID224300 | md3+1-7 = -3 | -> Freyd

Freyd | HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 147/156 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 6 (incl. AA) | BH: 74 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | TXV 32 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 129 | V.O.: 129 | F-HOWL (1/4)
Macradon | 1175/1175 HP | EN: 103/130 | 28 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | -3 EVA | 8 REC | 64 BH | 129 VMP | 16(8) FRT | 16 FRS | 16 Holy | Phase 
Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 91/112 (101+4-14) | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:7 | EVA:3 | BH:43 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16
NIGHT | HP: 1100/1100 | EN: 113/148 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | LD: 5 | BH+HB: 109 | FLN/HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6 | [CHARGE: 2/3]

(8,2,3,5) Ugzeke | HP: 42/3100 (478-364-32-40) | MIT: 160 (-20, 1/3)) | DMG: 300 | ACC: 1 (-1, 1/2) | EVA: 2 | [TXV: 32] (2/3) | FRSTB 40 (1/2)

Oblivious | Every turn, unless <<Ugzeke>> rolls CD 5+, he will remain oblivious to the enemy party and refuse to attack. This skill is disabled once <<Ugzeke>> becomes <<In Pain>>.
In Pain | Once <<Ugzeke’s>> health reaches 1200, he will become enraged as his skin turns red and he notices the party fully. His ACC is reduced to 1, but his EVA is increased to 2.
Smash | On an MD 9-10, his attack will hit the entire party for 225 DMG, lowering everyone’s ACC by 1 for two turns.
Hard Hitter | <<Ugzeke’s>> attacks cannot be parried.
Tier Lock | For the duration of the fight, all of the participants’ stats that scale with Tier are calculated as though they’re Tier 4. [DMG/MIT/BLEED enhancements etc.] This skill only locks downward. Those at Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 will still have T1, T2, or T3 stats, respectively.


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By the time the others had done their respective things, there wasn't much left of Ugzeke. He almost pitied the steaming troll.  Deep gashes exposed all over its reddened skin, glared orange as the exposed mesh glared in harsh contrast to the softer hues of their underground surroundings.  Freyd thought it looked like the poor thing's essence was bleeding out.  Maybe it was.  Strange to feel pity for a creature that's done what I've seen it do.

NIGHT's tone was unreadable to him as she leaned against her sword, waiting for the meaty mobile redwood she'd just cut to come crashing down.  Was she being sarcastic or sincere?  Maybe both?  He could never tell the woman's intent, being as withdrawn as she often was.  Had they really ever sat and had a decent conversation together?  To be fair, he'd never been part of the chattier crowd himself.  A blank was drawn while scouring his memories, then set aside for future consideration.  Last rites remained to be performed, and they didn't have time to wait while the mob bled out on its own.  Especially not if the respawn timer was to reset by the time they rolled back around.

"I'm sure we can come up with something."  Half-hearted and distracted, Freyd watched as Ugzeke's fury gave out along with his legs.  Falling to his knees, he looked like a punch-drunk boxer who was just about to tip over and concede defeat.

"Sorry old friend.  I always hate to see it end this way."  There was no mirth or mockery in Freyd's voice, for a change.  Only sincere regret reigned while he whispered the words to their enemy.  Winding up, he stepped into the punch and drove his fist with full force into the mob's heart, almost as if it were meant to be a mercy.  Ugzeke tensed and shattered, spraying backwards like a crashing wave upon the beach.  With a clenching release, he stood at ease once more, muttering something more, but only to himself.

"Come on," he added, more boldly though less fervently than when they had first gathered, as if something had been hollowed out inside.  "We still have a lot of ground to cover before returning.  Mac.  Any preferences for our next stop?"



Note: adjusted Mac's hate missed from attack on post #11.

Freyd regains +4 EN
CD 3 (No REC proc) ID #224332

Post Action | TECH-D (x12, 12 EN): 12 EN - (Stamina) = 10 EN.  
Free Action | None

ID #224333 | BD:8+6-2=12 (hit).  DMG (12*24=288-120=168) to Ugzeke.  Dies.

Freyd | HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 141/156 (147+4-10) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 6 (incl. AA) | BH: 74 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | TXV 32 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 129 | V.O.: 129 | F-HOWL (2/4)
Macradon | 1175/1175 HP | EN: 103/130 | 28 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | -3 EVA | 8 REC | 64 BH | 129 VMP | 16(8) FRT | 16 FRS | 16 Holy | Phase 
Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 91/112  | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:7 | EVA:3 | BH:43 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16
NIGHT | HP: 1100/1100 | EN: 113/148 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | LD: 5 | BH+HB: 109 | FLN/HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6 | [CHARGE: 2/3]

(8,4,3,5) Ugzeke | HP: 0/3100 (42-168) | MIT: 160 (-40, 1/3)) | DMG: 300 | ACC: 1 (-1, 1/2) | EVA: 2 | [TXV: 32] (2/3) | FRSTB 40 (1/2)

Oblivious | Every turn, unless <<Ugzeke>> rolls CD 5+, he will remain oblivious to the enemy party and refuse to attack. This skill is disabled once <<Ugzeke>> becomes <<In Pain>>.
In Pain | Once <<Ugzeke’s>> health reaches 1200, he will become enraged as his skin turns red and he notices the party fully. His ACC is reduced to 1, but his EVA is increased to 2.
Smash | On an MD 9-10, his attack will hit the entire party for 225 DMG, lowering everyone’s ACC by 1 for two turns.
Hard Hitter | <<Ugzeke’s>> attacks cannot be parried.
Tier Lock | For the duration of the fight, all of the participants’ stats that scale with Tier are calculated as though they’re Tier 4. [DMG/MIT/BLEED enhancements etc.] This skill only locks downward. Those at Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 will still have T1, T2, or T3 stats, respectively.

Loot Ugzeke: ID #224334 | LD: 10+6+1=17 | CD: 1
+2 materials (+2 CD odd)
16275 col (HP[3100]*5 - incl. +2 LD even, +5% Col Deposit)
T4 Rare Consumable 224334a
T4 Rare Weapon 224334b

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As the last few hits went through, Ugzeke was no match for this crew of fierce warriors. He would sheathe his sword with a big grin adorning his face “That was great! You’re all so great!” he said, totally ignoring the other conversation that had been going on about some kind of wedding. He hadn’t heard about these new up-and-coming fighters, not about any wedding that was to be present at the raid meeting? Macradon was confused, and his mind wasn’t set for that kind of discussion right now, there were more important matters at hand, being delivery people, “I will become the milkman …” he muttered for himself like some kind of mantra.

He raised his head towards Freyd and would reply “So … we can either dwell here and wait for Ugzeke to respawn, but that’s probably gonna be a while before that’s of any use. I think we can ascend a floor and take out that rhino thingy, and after that go up and Raid that spider on the floor above that. At that time, I’m sure Ugzeke will have respawned, and we’ll have gathered all that have been requested,” he looked at his notes once more just to double check “unless, of course, you have any objections, or even want some extra consumables yourself? We can probably take a detour after we get the main stuff, I’m up for it.” he said with a calm and content tone.

Word count: 242



ID: 224335
CD: 1

107/130 EN

Turn out of combat: 1/3


Edited by Macradon
Recovery roll
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With their target felled the party was able to take a moment to begin recovering their energy. Kat felt her chest rise and fall heavily, her heart pumping as if she had been in an all out brawl. She hesitated to return her weapon to her side but when she finally did a sense of calmness washed over her. Glancing down her katana she arched a brow in confusion. Was it doing something to her? Surly not. She probably had just gotten excited to fight or something. Turning her attention back to the group she put on a smile, "I'm sure that they just want to share their day with everyone. If you're going to be on the frontlines with everyone then what better way to get to know them than to throw a party?"

Katoka hadn't noticed her hand gripping the hilt of her sword at first. At the realization her brow furrowed and she let go, reflexively rubbing her hand as if it was in pain. "I'm cool with moving on to the next floor if it's easier. Waiting here might get boring fast." the samurai responded as she began pacing around the general area. She was feeling restless, as if she would begin to vibrate out of her skin if she sat still for too long.

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"I'm sure that they just want to share their day with everyone. If you're going to be on the frontlines with everyone then what better way to get to know them than to throw a party?"

"a conversation?"

night leaned further against her blade. she'd been watching ugzeke the entire time, until it truly shattered into pieces – so the strange ritual from freyd hadn't passed her notice. the intricacy of doing so was odd, and out of place, so surely it must've had a story behind why he'd been doing such a thing. meanwhile, mac and kat seemed liken to make a move, almost giving their presumed leader no thought.

so the player looked away, to give the shroud of a man his privacy. now, her eyes were on kat. "or attending the boss meeting. it's not like i'm asking about why the wedding; i'm more curious as to who they are. i don't know about you, but it feels a tinge rude to show up without knowing the bride nor groom."

night fell silent, giving the players time to determine their next course of action. she'd looked at the spot where ugzeke once stood. a bore, waiting? at least she wouldn't have to do anything but wait. there was something to be said about feeling alone amongst company – and if the rules of engagement were solely on combat, despite the chore, then night would've rather been told to do it on her lonesome as an errand, perhaps.

quietly, she pulled out a spyglass from her inventory. one of the layered kinds in design – she let it extend with a flip of her hand before twirling it. upon the slightest pressure against its shell, it broke; an alternative preferred to actually looking through the glass.

"up's fine," she commented, voice low, pulling her sword from the ground then. "then that makes it the twenty-fourth, right?" but she chose not to wait for an answer before heading off towards the settlement's direction. it'd be better for the ones with an antsy syndrome, she justified.

using a spyglass. | -5 posts till next field boss.

NIGHT | HP: 1100/1100 | EN: 114/148 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | LD: 5 | BH+HB: 109 | FLN/HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6 | [CHARGE: 3/3]

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"Works for me," Freyd replied, following Night as she turned back towards Kalanaes, their prey's final vestiges melting silently into the uneven cavern floor.  He'd followed the banter between Mac and Kat. 'That name might stick,' he mused internally.  'There's a dynamic duo in there somewhere.'

Tugging his cowl tighter around his head, Freyd gazed through, shadows, as his version of this skill was wont to do, though he already knew what possible responses to expect.  This particular boss always spawned in the Colosseum near Scalabis. Finding it was less a matter of hunting than pure chance that the beast was presently spawned, especially given the multitudes of other nasty critters known to share the same venue.  Only one type could occupy the space at a time.  Pre-scouting done, he noted Night's similar intent as she quickly gazed through her spyglass.  Hopefully they could keep a tight schedule to cover more ground faster.

"Are you alright there, Kat?"  Their scrappy samurai seemed a little buzzed, or was it just more fangirl behaviour?  

"You've still got it, Mac.  Were those acrobatic moves something of your own design?  I don't recall ever seeing anything like that before."

Stuffing his hands casually into unseen pockets, Freyd chatted casually as they made their way back to the dark elf city, having walked the way so many times before that it felt like a stroll in his home neighbourhood.


Freyd uses Tracking on 'Piasuhon'  (-5 posts)
F-HOWL (3/4)


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Noticing the party beginning to take their leave, Kat hurried to follow suit. This was the first time the had fought any of these field bosses so she was in the care of her seniors in that regard. Taking a quick look at the other three it dawned on her that she was really the only fresh to the frontlines player there. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, but she hoped it was leaning towards good. It would mean that she was on equal enough footing with them that they felt comfortable enough to bring her along. At least that's what she hoped it meant.

At Freyd's question the samurai flinched slightly, letting out a nervous chuckle. She moved in a bit closer to him before responding, "Um, just keep an eye on me, I feel a bit off for some reason. Not sure if it's the environment or what, but I felt a bit too... ready to battle." she looked at him, her face concerned. "It might be nothing, but like I said. Just do your usual thing and keep your eyes peeled." with that she returned to a normal distance and continued with their trek to the teleport gate.

Katoka did her best to keep a conversation flowing, talking with the group and trying to be her usual self, all the while she fought to keep her hand from trembling.

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They didn’t spare much time from slaying Ugzeke to venturing up the floors, reaching the 24th where both NIGHT and Freyd had used utilities to make the search easier. He looked over at Freyd and smiled at his complement “Thank you, I still feel rusty, I haven’t been sharpening my skills, nor honing whatever I’ve been doing between raids … maybe I should,” he said with a chuckle “and thanks, yeah I’ve been practising some acrobatics, seems like there’s an exploit in the gravity system that I can get a hang of, and when I execute sword arts mid-air, it’s like I have a knack for when to fire them off with greater force than if I’d had just done it stationary on foot.” he said and pondered on his ability “But I haven’t had the time to really dial it in yet … mostly experimental. It leaves me quite vulnerable when I jump around, not much dodging I can do while up there.” he chortled and walked on with the rest.

There was something about Katoka, she didn’t seem … all too gathered, like something was bothering her. It’s not like Macradon could see what it was, but he could just feel it in her demeanour shifts. He shrugged it off and continued on, walking towards the Colosseum where Piasuhon was located. Macradon walked up to the entrance and notified the guards and planners of their arrival “We’re just 4 adventurers who wants to challenge Piasuhon.” he said calmly and just waited for the gates to open. The guards chortled at the remark of this rag tag team, this motley crew, “As long as you give them some entertainment, go for it.” one of the guards said trying to compose himself. The gates opened up and the party was led inside. The sandy arena ground was firm as the foundation beneath it, it felt sturdy enough despite the sands somewhat loose traction, Macradon smiled at the though of shenanigans you could do with this terrain, but that would be something for him to do when he was by himself, not while gathering resources for a raid.

The portcullis at the entrance fell down and locked the party in the arena, the crows was cheering on, be it for the party or for what was to face them. The grunts of the beast could be heard from the portcullis opposite of the entrance, chains clanged as the pulley system would open up the gate to the beast. Without hesitation Piasuhon charged out of its caged area, diving under the not fully opened gate, pushing the spikes up and away for it to engage in combat. “Here he comes!” Macradon exclaimed, but it was probably just for the theatrics, as the rest of the party surely had seen the commotion coming at them. 

Macradon began dashing up towards the rampaging rhino, he clenched his fist around his sword and drew it from his scabbard just as quickly as he moved. His body would loosen up with the sudden movements and he jumped up into the air like he had done previously. With a quick stance in the air, Macradon's sword beamed with holy white light as he darted towards the rhino and sliced through it like butter. His body’s movement was smooth but despite that a huge cloud of sand and dust would erupt as the knight landed just behind the rhino after reaping into its digital flesh. The open wound burned with a bright light, its hide pierced like it was nothing, Macradon was back in his groove again. He quickly manoeuvred out of the way from the rest of the party to take their hit towards the spiky guy. The crowd went wild for the very first strike to be delivered, it was flashy, bot the sword arts execution, but also just Macradon’s antics, it was a show after all.

<Aerial stance engaged>

Word count: 651



ID: 224776 | CD: 1

Post Action | ST-I (12 EN): 12 EN - (Stamina) - (Rested) + (Aerial Ace) + (Charge) = 22 EN.  
Free Action | Aerial Stance engaged

ID: 224775 | BD: 9 CRIT +1 | 12 x (28 + [Charge] + [Aerial] + [Holy] + [Crit]) - (170 / 2) = 539 Damage to Piasuhon

Freyd | HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 141/156 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 6 (incl. AA) | BH: 74 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | TXV 32 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 129 | V.O.: 129 | F-HOWL (2/4)
Macradon | 1175/1175 HP | EN: 89/130 | 28 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | -3 EVA | 8 REC | 64 BH | 129 VMP | 16(8) FRT | 16 FRS | 16 Holy | Phase 
Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 91/112  | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:7 | EVA:3 | BH:43 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16
NIGHT | HP: 1100/1100 | EN: 113/148 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | LD: 5 | BH+HB: 109 | FLN/HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6 | [CHARGE: 2/3]

(0,3,0,0) Piasuhon | HP: 2461/3000(-539) | MIT: 170 | DMG: 275 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3
Piasuhon's Horn | HP: 750/750 | MIT: 50 | EVA: 3

By The Horns | Players can choose to attack <<Piasuhon’s Horn>> (HP: 750, MIT: 50, EVA: 3) instead of <<Piasuhon>>. Upon dealing cumulative total of 750 DMG to it, it will break, lowering Piasuhon’s DMG by 50 for the rest of the fight.
Stampede | On a CD 9+, <<Piasuhon>> will charge right at the Player with the highest hate, dealing +75 additional DMG and stunning them. This can only occur every three turns.
Body Slam | On an LD 15+, the rhino will use its body to attack the players with the two lowest hate values, dealing -40 DMG less than usual.
Blinded By Rage | Upon dropping to 1000 HP, <<Piasuhon>> will no longer use <<Body Slam>>. It will gain +50 DMG and +1 ACC, but lose -2 EVA and -20 MIT.
Seething | While <<Blinded By Rage>> is active, Players may use a Post Action to throw a glowstone to the side, causing <<Piasuhon’s>> next attack to target it instead. This will only work once.


Edited by Macradon
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