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[PP-F8] Exploring the Deep Jungle [jjjman]

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Ethereal sat on a low-lying branch, hair blowing in the wind. He wasn't currently wearing his suit of armor, instead a tailored suit. He checked the time on his HUD, "Where is this guy?". Ether had decided to meet up with a new guy and do some adventuring with him.

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Katashi sat around in the village waiting. He still didn't have that good of armor or a decent weapon. It was just a starter rapier, but at the same time it was something that was doing somewhat damage if he needed it. Katashi looked around and sighed, well the person he was waiting for was not there and decided to head toward the wood line on his own. He walked down the path that led him toward the jungles entrance.

As he walked he noticed something. A person on a branch of a tree. He thought it was a bit odd, but everyone had their own oddness. It was what made them unique so and so. Katashi just walked puzzled toward the person. As he got closer he noticed it was not anyone who was a starter. The person had what looked like decent armor on. It was interesting to say the least. He stopped at the branch and stared. After a few minutes he let out some words to speek. "Who may you be? So far you are the only person I have seen around here and I was suppose to meet someone around here. You may not be him are you?" He stood there, contemplating. It would be ironic if it was him.

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Ether saw the player a mile off, curious if it was just an adventurer like him or the person he was meeting up with. He hopped down from the branch, feet crunching on the ground. "My name's Ether." he said, while sizing up the person. "Are you Katashi? I was meant to meet him here, but he never showed.. I guess we could party up if you want?" he offered, holding his hand out.

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Katashi heard the guy say his name as Ether. Then he asked if he was he. He knew no one knew his real name in the game which made it confusing. Had he messed up somewhere. His mind was racing but he kept his composure. It was time to speak and he knew it.

"Yes I am katashi. Idk how you learned my real name, but that is my name. I guess I was suppose to meet you out here. I am up for a party if you want." He stood there, just baffled/confused. He didn't know what to do though or say.

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[OOC sorry I've been really busy]

"Man, that's so weird. I just got a PM saying that they'd never seen the person they were partying up with, and that they would meet me here.." he said, confused himself. Whatever. You're here now and I fancy exploring. You up to it?" Ethereal asked, inviting him to a party.

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He opened his hud and saw the party invite from the guy in front of him. He looked at him and nooded and decided to accept it. He knew going to be dangerous and it was a risk going with him. But what was trusting people without risks. It was just what he needed.

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"Lets go then. No point waiting around." Ether said happily, turning to the treeline. He began strolling through the wooded area, his companion beside him. "I've only been to this area a couple of times. What about you? Any experience?" he questioned curiously. He was equipped for anything they may face, but it was always good to have some intel.

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