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[F24 | R2 - Performer] A Familiar Tune | Open

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"So this is a Soundtrack, huh...?" His voice was a whisper as he held the crystal to the light. Pinball nearly activated it, but decided not to. As promised, he had slipped into the shop after hours, in the dead of night. Acanthus was, for the moment, nowhere to be seen -- and if for whatever reason she was asleep somewhere in her shop, Pinball didn't want to disturb her rest. Instead, he inspected the items' information. The incarcerates were pretty standard, but as he began to read the Soundtrack's description, Pinball paused. 

The smallest of smiles cracked the ice of his face. He thoughtfully tossed the crystal in his palm a bit, then vanished. 


Picking up my order :) tysm! 

On 8/5/2024 at 1:33 PM, Acanthus said:


Binding Melody (Instant Incarcerate | 228198, 229399, 228936, 229375, 229765)


Name Sound of the Wild
Roll ID 229766
Type Soundtrack
Quality Perfect Masterpiece
Enhancements Instant Incarcerate
Description An extravagant, multi-movement symphony that takes the listener to the furthest reaches of Aincrad, retracing the steps Acanthus and Pinball took in their quest <<Scent of the Wild>>.
Edited by Pinball
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Item Name: (crafter's choice) 
Item Type: Debuff Song 
Item Quality: Perfect {Masterpiece | Instant} 
Enhancements: Perpetuate 
Description: (crafter's choice)

Just a few days later, Pinball slipped into Acanthus's shop again. This time, it wasn't so late. He was here to place an order. There were still more crystals he needed -- his build had always been reliant on items, unfortunately -- and Acanthus was the only person that seemed available and willing to help Pinball get his hands on them. He left the form blank other than the item quality and enhancements desired. He sent the materials over just a few swipes through his menu later. "I can't afford the Soundtrack for this one," he said, "yet. This will hold me over for a bit, though. Thank you, Acanthus." 


Sent x25 Mats over as payment :) 

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