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[F24 | R2 - Performer] A Familiar Tune | Open

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Crafting for 9/17/2024 

Langue de chat consumed (Ambition). +1 EXP per craft (+2 total from Trinket | Tuning Fork)


1273/2559 EXP. Crafter's Respite used! (ID 230277-3). Daily resets attempt.


Jesus Christ this might be the worst crafting day I've ever had. EXP: 1317/2559

Edited by Acanthus
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Crafting for 9/22/2024 

Langue de chat consumed (Ambition). Extended Workshop. (+4 EXP total from Trinket | Tuning Fork | Hard Working)


(Bonus column should read "4") Crafter's Respite Consumed (230288-1). Daily attempts reset!


EXP: 1836/2559

Edited by Acanthus
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He picked up the crystals much in the same way he had picked up the last. He snuck into the place after hours, and, as was usually the case, Acanthus had set aside his order for pick-up. He worked his way through the items, sorting them into his inventory. His hands lingered over the Soundtrack. He hadn't yet paid for it. The show of good faith from Acanthus meant something to him, but he didn't linger over that. He left behind the Demonic Shard she'd have burned on it, and then he vanished. He didn't listen to it until he was on his own, and when he did, he listened to it far more than just once. 


- Sent x1 Demonic Shard to @Acanthus, picking up my order!


Bolero of the Damned (Instant Perpetuate | 232615, 232616, 232617, 232618, 232619)


Name In memoriam miserae
Roll ID 232661
Type Soundtrack
Quality Perfect Masterpiece
Enhancements Instant Perpetuate
Description A bittersweet letter of thanks and farewell to the people we used to be.


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Star hadn't gone to a performer's shop in a long time. Actually, the only one he knew of was Nari's, and he wasn't even sure that it was still open for business. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen Nari in a good while. Not since they separated at the skyport, he thought. Periods of MIA were not unusual for anyone on the frontlines. Many on the crew came and went as they pleased. Still, he hoped she was okay.

He entered "A Familiar Tune," enticed by the musical items inside, and realized that the owner was none other than Acanthus. "Oh, hi," Star stepped out of the door way, immediately peeking around at stock. "How are you?" He asked, bringing a product up to the counter with him.



  • Ambient Aria (Instant Lullaby 1) | 225989)

col: 1050 | 750(uncommon)+50%(masterpiece)

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Crafting for 10/4/2024

Extended Workshop. (+3 EXP total from Trinket | Tuning Fork + Hard Working)


Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience Ambition Mod
1 234621 CD: 5 +1 LD: 1 Uncommon - 6 (+3 Ambition)
2 234620 CD: 5 +1 LD: 17 Uncommon (Mast) - 6 (+3 Ambition)
3 234619 CD: 1 +1 LD: 9 Critical Failure - 4 (+3 Ambition)
4 234618 CD: 5 +1 LD: 1 Uncommon - 6 (+3 Ambition)
5 234617 CD: 2 +1 LD: 18 Salvage Success - 5 (+3 Ambition)
6 234616 CD: 4 +1 LD: 7 Uncommon - 6 (+3 Ambition)
7 234615 CD: 11 +1 LD: 15 Perfect (Mast) - 11 (+3 Ambition)
8 234614 CD: 10 +1 LD: 7 Perfect - 11 (+3 Ambition)
9 234613 CD: 4 +1 LD: 15 Uncommon (Mast) - 6 (+3 Ambition)
10 234612 CD: 2 +1 LD: 18 Salvage Success - 5 (+3 Ambition)
11 234611 CD: 12 +1 LD: 2 Perfect - 11 (+3 Ambition)

EXP: 2638

Edited by Acanthus
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