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[F02 | SP] Why? Because I Can. | <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>

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Without losing focus, she tried switching up her movements. She practiced by running through the stationary forms. She practiced shifting her weight from foot to foot. And as she follow some of the gentler forms, she tried weaving in explosive movements from the other forms. Crack.

Each time her mind began to wander, she recalled the overpowering sensation of the waterfall crashing down around her, and she imagined it washing away all other thoughts. Crack. Her past flowed away from her. The present rushed by in a river of timelessness. And the future would not arrive until the boulder had been finished. Crack.

But try as she did to let the past flow on, it clung tenaciously to her memory. She thought about herself in the real world, and how she never would have even considered doing this. It’s not that I’d never get to do this in real life—I’d never try.



Acanthus recovers 1 EN.


Post Action. Roll ID 224875 | BD 2 + 3 + 2 = 7. Success. 11 DMG



  • Acanthus | HP: 240/240 | EN: 41/42 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3
  • Boulder | HP 42/75 | EVA -2


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Crack. That’s not true. Crack. Here you are, thinking about lessons if you get back. Crack. When you get back. Then why did I wait until now to feel that way?

I never wanted to upset dad. Crack. It seemed like he was happier when I wasn’t in karate. But he also seemed happier when my aunt was around. Crack. So what happened?

Does it matter? Crack.

Sweat was pouring off of Acanthus’ brow and into her eyes. Rather than wiping them, she closed them. The boulder isn’t moving, and neither am I. Relying on her forms and steps, she continued attacking the boulder.

She imagined herself punching through the boulder; that with each strike, her arm carried itself through solid rock and to the other side. 

Except it was solid no longer. Although she was not done, A large wedge had formed in the center of the boulder. Shards of the rock lay all around, shaken free by the punishing strikes.


Acanthus recovers 1 EN.


Post Action. Roll ID 224876 | BD 10 + 3 + 2 = 15. Major Critical! 13 DMG


  • Acanthus | HP: 240/240 | EN: 41/42 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3
  • Boulder | HP 29/75 | EVA -2


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She could no longer see it, but she felt the rock as she struck it. It did not reverberate with a full, solid feel. It was yielding to her strength.

No, not my strength. My patience.

Patience had always been her greatest attribute. She did not believe she was naturally strong, or athletic, or intelligent. Anything she had achieved in sports or school was the result of her tenacity. She studied until she slept. She practiced until she could no longer get it wrong. Whenever her task was not barred by time, she knew she would succeed.

I have as long as it takes. I know I can do this.

She opened her eyes again. The sweat stung, but she dared to look at the boulder regardless. The crack in the center was still growing. The ground around her was even more littered with shards than it was a few minutes ago.

I can do this.



Acanthus recovers 1 EN.


Post Action. Roll ID 224877 | BD 6 + 3 + 2 = 11. Success. 11 DMG


  • Acanthus | HP: 240/240 | EN: 41/42 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3
  • Boulder | HP 18/75 | EVA -2


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Progress was glacial, but each strike shook the boulder. It’s only a matter of time.

She began to wonder what her father would say to this. Shouting, throwing punches… It was certainly most “unbecoming” he would have ever seen her.

He would take one look at her gi and say, “Don’t dress in rags.” Crack.

He would look at the sweat rolling off of her and say, “Don’t exert yourself—allow me.” Crack.

He would look at her knuckles, red and bare, and say “You are ruining yourself.” Crack.

She drove her fists into the boulder harder than before. I will dress how I want. I will exert myself. And if I care to, I will ruin myself as well.

The hum had turned back into a buzz. She noticed her knuckles had started to drip. In the top left of her vision, she saw: 239/240. Crack. 238/240.

Breathe in. Breath out. Crack.



Acanthus recovers 1 EN.


Post Action. Roll ID 224878 | BD 6 + 3 + 2 = 11. Success. 11 DMG


  • Acanthus | HP: 238/240 | EN: 41/42 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3
  • Boulder | HP 7/75 | EVA -2


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Steadily, Acanthus worked into a rhythm. Draw the wrist to the waist, drive the punch. Crack. Draw the wrist to the waist, drive the punch. Crack.

Her father had now appeared. He was pacing behind her, seething like someone who didn’t understand “No.” He barked at her like a drill sergeant.

A lady behaves. Crack. A lady is quiet. Crack

A lady never asks. Crack. Or wants. Crack. She merely provides. Crack.

These are the things you are meant for. Crack. I do this because I care about you. Crack. I want you to live up to our family name. Crack.

Her wrists were numb, her fists were bleeding as she struck the boulder over and over. She watched her health bar dip, one health point at a time. Crack. 226/240.  Crack. 225/240.  Crack. 224/240. 

She drew back one last time. The boulder had been split almost all the way through. She drew back one last time, and felt the faint sensation of a sword art forming. She let the tingle build, and with a final cry, imagined herself punching through the boulder.

A spear of light flashed from her fist, and shot out the opposite side of the boulder. With a final, booming CRACK, it shuddered and split in two.

Acanthus bowed to the boulder one last time. “Thank you for the lesson.”


Acanthus recovers 1 EN.


Post Action. Roll ID 224879 | BD 6 + 3 + 2 = 11 | CD 12. Success. 11 DMG. Subtract five health from the boulder.


  • Acanthus | HP: 224/240 | EN: 41/42 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3
  • Boulder | HP -9/75 | EVA -2


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“You have harnessed your inner strength and learned to channel it outward, proving your worth.  I am proud to call you my student.” Acanthus bowed deeply to him. “Thank you, Sensei. I will remember your lessons.” He approached, and wrapped her hands in gauze. “Let’s return to the dojo. I have some ointment and tea to share before you make your journey back down the mountain."

Back in the dojo, the Master poured Acanthus a cup of piping hot green tea. The ointment on her freshly rewrapped knuckles was already beginning to take effect.

“I feel like a new person.” She said out loud.

“Is that from the refreshments, or perhaps something else?”

She took a light sip of her tea mug while thinking of a response. “It’s both. I didn’t realize how much damage I was doing to myself when I attacked the boulder. It was very unlike me.”

“How so?”

“I don’t like risks, and I tend to shy away from danger that I can avoid. I think the old me would have been more than happy to take a break, or bring something up the mountain that would make that trial a little easier.”

“New you, old you…” The Master stroked his beard. “Isn’t it all just you? And if it isn’t, where does ‘old you’ end and ‘new you’ begin?”

Acanthus drank her tea thoughtfully. “An excellent question.”

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