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Majineko - The Two Tailed Fortune

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"This is paw'satively Purrfect, Purrleasure to Mew't Yah."
Username | Majineko (Pronounced Ma-gee-neh-ko) Age | 23
Real name | Lucia Acierno Derulo Di'Forti Mallory Gender | Female

Born to a moderately influential Italian family, young Lucia was a bombastic and excitable child. Albeit a bit naïve. Her curiosity mixed with her mischievousness had her dubbed a 'Micio' by her superiors. Thinking that it was some term of endearment she was inclined to agree with them. This facet of her youth continued long into her teens, where her nickname would always bounce between 'Gatta' or 'Micio' by her peers and her own acknowledgement of the nickname made it a easy stick. It wouldn't be until she entered high school before it had a darker connotation, to which she like prior so whole heartedly accepted and embraced. Naivety and being called a cat mixed poorly, started becoming a running gag or worse. Even still, little Lucia and her tiny stature rocked it.

It wouldn't be until her later years in high school that her parents and teachers would start demanding that she'd "Grow up." with all the playful and obnoxious affairs she'd cling to. Yet despite all of their best efforts, she continued to be a mix of an object and a running joke to her fellow students. Grades sucked, but life was all bowls of milk.

One fateful day, prancing the dorms she managed into a boys room. Perhaps she'd pilfer some boxers and embarrass the guy, or perhaps she'd shove a damn helmet on her thick noggin and end up trapped in a death game.

Take a wild guess...

Height | 142.25cm {4'8} and yes the .25 matters!
B.W.H. | 
Virtues Flaws

Persistent | Lucia will not break character. This extends to all facets of her persona, which will play off in her continue attempts on a difficult quest. She'll stick it out, thick or thin, dark or light. You wanna keep going, she's right in the wagon with you.
Defiant | Do not tell her how to act. Majineko will not accept you using an ill fitting name, will not accept if you try and change her own defined identity. Sorry pappy, but this furball is isn't about to change because your over there coughin' up fuzz.
Playful | Easy to like, easy to enjoy the company of. SAO is a game, and Majineko is all for it. It can be a bit grueling or dangerous sure, but within a realm of safety she can find the glass half full.


Obnoxious | Young Lucia, can really find those buttons. If you don't like her mannerisms or her act, your never going to get around it. That persona is linked to her to such a strong degree, you might as well walk away.
Naive | If she gets a thought stuck in her noodle, it tends to stay there. Majineko doesn't need facts, she doesn't need no approval. Whatever seems true to her, is what she'll go with.
Wack a doodle | The girl is a little odd. And that's putting it nicely. She took a damn nickname based on her personality so damn seriously that she started sporting lifelike ears, a movable tail and a pair of contacts. Combine that with the puns and she ends up looking like she should be fitted for a straight jacket.

Skills: [1/5] Inventory: Equipment Consumables

Claws R1







Roleplay Log:



Edited by Majineko
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