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[F22 - Quest] Fish are friends, Not food! (Mina, Knightessciela, Wulfrin, and Freyd!) [Assisted] <<KoL>>

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"God, this was such a good idea~" Violet had travelled to floor 22 as the most recent part of a group effort to get one of their newest frontline hopefuls - that hopeful being Ciela, a rookie tank - up to snuff. So far, she'd been dragged through Absolute Zero with the help of Kataoka, braving the icy cold fields of floor four in order to earn herself an Extra skill. Now, they were much, much higher on the castle, and ready to smack down a brand new quest mob.

She'd heard of it from a few of her broker friends, as well as word of mouth from Akane - who'd suggested that she try fighting it, seeing as she was fond of fishing. given that it was a relatively squishy quest boss, it wouldn't be too difficult to work through, so most of their afternoon would probably be spent just having fun on the lakeside. As such, she'd come prepared, dressed in a nice swimsuit that was partially covered with a red Hawaiian shirt, as well as a picnic basket filled with goodies.

"Let's see, we're supposed to meet up by the contest, but I kinda want to set up the picnic area somewhere else..." she pouted a bit, pulling lament out of its holster to fan herself. "I don't want everything to get crushed by a giant fish, that'd be terrible. I worked hard on all of this, so I'd much rather it not go to waste." She checked her menu, looking through all of her messages to see if Freyd, Ciela, or Wulfrin had finally responded to her messages.

   | To: Freyd, Knightessciela, Wulfrin
   | From: Tricolor_Mina
   | Hey! Just wanted to double check that we're still good for the quest up on floor 22! If we finish up early, we might have time to do some
   | Actual fishing after the quest is finished! I made sure I brought plenty of snacks and drinks to keep us tided over (sadly I don't have any
   | Consumables on hand, but I don't think it matters considering that this guy has chump armor, lol).
   | See you soon!
   | - Mina

Akame had curled up on her shoulders, the happy-go-lucky dragon snoozing away without a care in the world as she basked in the sun. Violet smiled, scratching her behind the ears. "Maa... at least one of us is enjoying playing the waiting game!" she laughed, before walking over to the lake to watch the rest of the participants in the contest. Even though it was a quest, there were always a few player-run contests to see who could catch the best mob from the water.

it was silly to watch, but she enjoyed it at the very least.

link to quest below + all the stat goodies <3

Mina consumeth a field Rations <3

Normal stats


Tricolor Mina | HP: 874/874 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:5 | AA | PHASE | VAMP-D: 87 | HLY: 16 | LD:3

Adjusted Stats


Tricolor Mina | HP: 526/526 | EN: 63/77 | DMG: 18 | MIT:66 | ACC:5 | VD: 52 AA | PHASE | HLY: 12 | LD:4

Full Statblock :D


Name: Tricolor Mina True Tier: 6
Level: 22
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 526/526
EN: 77/77

Damage: 18
Mitigation: 66
Accuracy: 5
Loot Die: 3
Stealth Rating: -2
Equipped Gear:
- Everlasting Ember (T4 Demonic War Fan: Phase/Holy II/A.A.
- Queen's Gambit (T4 Demonic Light Armor: Vamp. Def. II, MIT II)
- Mask of Rose (T1 Perfect Trinket: ACC III)

Combat Mastery:
- Combat Mastery: Damage R3

Combat Shift:
- ST Shift

Familiar Skill:
- Hunting Familiar

Custom Skill:

- Charge
- Energist
- Light Armor R5
- Lock Picking R3
- Quick Change
- Searching R3
- Thrown Weaponry R5

Extra Skills:
- Assault Mode
- Frozen Hide

Inactive Extra Skills:

- Dismantling
- Focus
- Precision
- Resolve
- Stamina

- Meticulous
- Night Vision
- Tracking

Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:
- Briar's Lost Lament (Cursed/Blight/Burn/Frostbite) x
- TP Crystal x
- Truffles (T3 VIT) x

Housing Buffs:
- Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
- Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
- Attic (Bedroom): +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cannot boost a skill without ranks, or increase a skill past its maximum rank. Cannot boost a skill the user has not learned yet. Ranks obtained using this buff will make the mods of that rank available for purchase. Mods obtained this way are unusable if this buff is removed until the skill is returned to the appropriate rank by way of SP purchase.
- Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per fishing attempt
- Extended Workshop: +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
- Mega Slime Farm: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:

Gathering Profession:

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Wulfrin had taken the day off from his shop for the fishing tournament taking place not far from his place of residence on Floor 22. He was even more interested that it contained a perfect opportunity to bump his fiancé up a few levels via a quest boss linked to it. Wulfrin had gotten an early start, in an effort to get some recreation fishing done before the whole thing kicked off. Unfortunately he wasn't having much luck in that regard. He was at the edge of the dock, his feet dangling just above the water of the Lake of Reflection. He had been there a few hours with no bites, waiting on Ciela to come and join him for the festivities.

Guess the spawns have been reduced until the tourney starts.

Wulfrin's notification icon flickered to life with a chime. He opened his menu and found the message form Mina confirming the quest was still on. Wulfrin shot a quick reply back.

To: Freyd, Knightessciela, Tricolor_Mina
From: Wulfrin

I'm still down for a fishing tourney. I'm at the dock right now actually trying to get a bit of personal fishing done before it gets too crowded.


Wulfrin looked up after sending the message to see a fish leap from the water only a mere few inches from where he had retrieved his line.

"Damn fish," He scoffed. "Why you gotta taunt me like that."

* * *


Fishing Attempt: [R4 | Success on CD 5+ | Critical on LD 9+ | +3 LD when opening fishing chests]

ID: 225028 | CD: 1 | LD: 3

Nothing found!
+5 Fishing EXP

Total Fishing Rewards this thread:
+5 Fishing Exp

* * *

Wulfrin's Original Stats


Wulfrin | HP: 660/660 | EN: 100/100 | DMG: 23 | MIT:30 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:2 | BRN-IM | BH:13 | FRZ: 64 | LD:2

Wulfrin's Adjusted Stats


Wulfrin | HP: 470/470 | EN: 77/77 | DMG: 20 | MIT:30 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:2 | BRN-IM | BH:9 | FRZ: 48 | LD:2

Wulfrin's Full Stat Block


Name: Wulfrin True Tier: 4
Level: 22
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 470/470
EN: 77/77

Damage: 20
Mitigation: 30
Accuracy: 5
Evasion: 2
Battle Healing:
Loot Die: 2
Stealth Rating: -2
Equipped Gear:
- Icingdeath | T4 Demonic SS | AA | Freeze 2 | Frostbite
- Phoenix Memoir | Tierless Perfect LA | EVA 2 | Fireproof
- Dioscuri | Perfect T1 Trinket | ACC 3

Combat Mastery:
- Combat Mastery: Damage R3

Combat Shift:
- TECH Shift

Familiar Skill:
- Rending Familiar

Custom Skill:

- Battle Healing R2
- Charge
- Energist
- Light Armor R5
- Searching R2
- Straight Sword R5

Extra Skills:
- Concentration
- Forgotten King's Authority
- Frozen Hide

Inactive Extra Skills:

- Ferocity
- Precision
- Resolve
- Stamina

- Meticulous
- Night Vision

Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:
- TP Crystals x

Housing Buffs:
- Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
- Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
- Basic Workshop: +2 EXP per crafting attempt
- Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
- Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
- Dining Room: Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
- Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
- Attic (Storage): +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
- Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per fishing attempt
- Basement: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:
- Blacksmith[771exp] R7
Gathering Profession:
- Fishing[360exp] R4



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1363689007_GoneFishing001.thumb.jpg.279a5831b3cb2817ec256bb8d2d923ac.jpgFreyd was already sitting by the shores of the Lake of Reflections when he received Mina's invitation.  Recent events with Elora and Oscar in Snowfrost had brought darker memories of this place to the forefront.  Given the nearby woods, such things were not easily dislodged once they took root.  Yori's bloody shirt hanging off the tree at Tanabata had been haunting his dreams ever since, verging them towards nightmares.  He'd have to fill Elora in on what happened, when he got the chance.

Right now, they had a contest to win, which probably meant Freyd was about to get swallowed and spat out by some giant ass fish that had it out for him because of his shirt.  For all his 'edgelordliness', fishing was the one task that the Whisper could actually permit himself as an outlet to relax.  Donning his trusty fishing shirt, complete with Hawaiian print, khaki shorts and sneakers to complete the ensemble, rarely would he ever be seen in anything but his trademark cowl and spoopy black garb.  Here was one of those rarest of exceptions.

"So, we doing the thing with the thing?"  He paused a moment, staring at Mina and Wulfrin's shirts, wondering if they'd shared some critical memo that he'd completely missed yet somehow stumbled into.  A broad grin spread across Freyd's face, his former pre-occupations fading to the background in favour of some shared shenanigans.


Assisting Knightessciela (reduce to level 22).  True Tier 17.

Note: CS (Shades of the Gemini) is in use.  If any other player objects to this, please state in first post and it will be considered inactive.

Freyd consumes:

Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (6/6) - takes 1 portion + [filled], shared the rest with party
Mini Cheesecake (Meal) | T3 Mitigation 3 | 177649
[Draft of Keen Edge] - T1 Perfect Potion | Damage 3 | 214675

Freyd | HP: 440/440 | EN: 77/77 | DMG: 21 | MIT:90 | ACC:6 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | BH:24 | VAMP-D: 48 | REC: 6 | FLN: 12 | HLY: 12 | LD:6          


Name: Freyd, The Whisper in Shadows

True Tier: 17
Level: 22
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 440/440
EN: 77/77

Damage: 18+3
Mitigation: 45+45
Accuracy: 3+2+1
Evasion: 4
Battle Healing: 24
Loot Die: 5
VAMP-D: 48
REC: 6
FLN: 12
HLY: 12

Equipped Gear:

  - Samael's Pride | T4 MA | FLN 2 | HLY 2
  - Black Cowled Traveling Garb | T4 CA | VD 2 | REC 2
  - Fight O'er Flight (ACC 2 | EVA 2)

Combat Mastery:
  - Combat Mastery: Damage R3

Combat Shift:
  - AOE Shift

Familiar Skill:
  - Grappling Familiar

Custom Skill:
  - Shades of the Gemini

  - Battle Healing R5
  - Charge
  - Cloth Armor R5
  - Energist
  - Extended Mod Limit
  - Extended Weight Limit
  - Fighting Spirit
  - Howl
  - Martial Arts R5
  - Quick Change
  - Searching R4

Extra Skills:
  - Disguise
  - Forgotten King's Authority
  - Parry
  - Survival

Inactive Extra Skills:
  - Assault Mode
  - Brawler
  - Frozen Hide
  - Hiding R2
  - Lady Luck
  - Meditation
  - Photosynthesize

  - Focus
  - Focused Howl
  - Nimble
  - Precision
  - Reveal
  - Stamina

  - Athletics
  - Detect
  - Emergency Recovery
  - Justified Riposte
  - Night Vision
  - Tracking

Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:
  - Crystal of Divine Light (Reusable) x1
  - Hope's Covenant - Resolve +4 (T4 Demonic Weapon (MA) - AA, Phase, Frostbite,,VO x1
  - Mass HP Rec [Inst] (+10% HP) x7
  - Ordsea Crystal-B x1
  - Rhino's Horn (Reusable) x1
  - T4 Vitality (+16 EN) x7
  - Teleport Crystals x7
  - The Shadowed Rose | ACC 3 | Para.Imm x1
  - The Thing Behind All Lies (T4 Demonic MA, AA, Blight, Static, Para.Ven (Off))  x1

Housing Buffs:
  - Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
  - Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
  - Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  - Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
  - Living Room: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  - Attic (Bedroom): +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cannot boost a skill without ranks, or increase a skill past its maximum rank. Cannot boost a skill the user has not learned yet. Ranks obtained using this buff will make the mods of that rank available for purchase. Mods obtained this way are unusable if this buff is removed until the skill is returned to the appropriate rank by way of SP purchase.
  - Basement: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
  - Guest Room: Players can have one «Amenity» in a «Guest Room» and the «Amenity» cannot be recovered. Players are allowed to change which «Amenity» is in the «Guest Room». Multiple instances of the same «Amenity» do not stack. This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.
  - Extended Workshop: +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
  - Ornate Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to fishing attempts.
  - Dining Hall: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
  - Mega Slime Farm: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

Guild Hall Buffs:
  - Trading Hall: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters and Rank 4 merchants/performers receive +1 crafting/identification attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters and Rank 5 merchants/performers receive +2 crafting/identification attempts per day.
  - Treasury: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild Totem:
  - Tanos

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:
 - Appraising[3478exp] R5

Gathering Profession:
 - Fishing[576exp] R5                                                                                                                    




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Ciela rolled out of bed, groggy but alert enough to catch Mina’s message popping up in front of her. She moved slowly at first, taking her time to make her way in the kitchen. She prepared a few quick snacks and pack a simple lunch for the day. A glance at the clock made her freeze. 11 o'clock already? Seriously!? She glanced down at her pajamas, letting out a groan before facepalming. There was no way she could show up at the beach dressed like this, although she knew Mina or Freyd might get a kick out of her bunny slippers.

In a hurry, Ciela grabbed a red shirt from Wulfrin’s dresser and slipped it over her swimsuit and shorts, knotting it just under her chest. She topped off her look with a straw hat adorned with a red bow, added some sunglasses, and slid into her sandals. With Perlita by her side, she rushed out the door, hoping to make it to Wulfrin’s place quickly.

Thankfully, Wulfrin lived on the same floor, so she planned to sprint there, praying that everyone else was running late. But knowing this group, she suspected she’d be the last to arrive. Sure enough, when Ciela reached the meeting spot, she saw Wulfrin, Freyd, and Mina already waiting for her. As she looked at them and then down at herself, she realized that somehow, they’d all ended up coordinating their outfits.

"Okay, are we going to talk about how weird this is, or are we just going to ignore it?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face.57308815_download(39).thumb.jpg.e2c97db25a2963bfc252dbb2af95c84b.jpg

* * *


Character Sheet:


KnightessCiela | Level 22 | HP: 485/485 | EN: 62/62 | DMG: 11 | MIT:114 | ACC:2 | TAUNT | THORNS:54 | REGEN: 19 | REC: 3


  • Frightening Rosethorn | T3 Perfect Heavy Armor | Taunt I | Thorns II | ID: [220898]
    Desc: A suit of heavy plate armor decorated with images of roses on thorny vines. On the left Pauldron is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments

  • Rejuvenating Kite Shield | T3 Perfect Shield | Recovery | Regen II | ID: [223883]
    Desc: A shield designed to bolster it's user's health and energy regen. On the front is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments

  • Defender's Longsword | T3 Perfect Straight Sword | ACC II | DMG I | ID: [220779]
    Desc: A longsword designed to strike true. At the center of the cross guard is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments




  • R5 Heavy Armor
    • MIT 40
    • STEALTH -5

Combat Mastery:

  • Mitigation
    • R3 - Grandmaster
    • 6*tier MIT per rank = 54 MIT

Battle Skills:

  • Howl
    • Active: Post Action
    • Cost: 2 EN
    • Cooldown: 2 Turns
    • Effects: Adds +2 Hate each against up to 4 targets
    • Description: Taunt nearby enemies to attack you, increasing your Hate against multiple creatures at once.
      • [Howl Addon] Focused Howl
        • Active: Post Action
        • Cost: 4 EN
        • Cooldown: 4 Turns
        • Effects: Adds +4 Hate against a single target
        • Description: Focus the enemy’s attention on you to gain a larger amount of hate by taunting a single creature.



R5 Straight Swords

  • [x12] ST-I (12 EN) | A single-target sword art.
  • [x15] ST-II (15 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
  • [x20] ST-B (20 EN) | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.
  • [x11] AOE-I (11 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
  • [x14] AOE-II (14 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed all intended targets the previous turn.
  • [x12] TECH-A (13 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
  • [x12] TECH-B (12 EN) | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a debuff that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.


  • [x8] TECH-F (8+2 * targets EN) | AOE STUN | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. All struck targets are stunned for one turn.
  • [x12] Tech-D (12 EN) | SHATTER | A single-target sword art that applies a stack of [Shatter] to an enemy for 3 turns. [Shatter] is a debuff that can stack up to a cap of 3, taking immediate effect on the attack it was applied on. Each stack of [Shatter] removes -20 MIT from an enemy, down to 0, if it has MIT. 


  • Iron Skin
    • +15 MIT and +15* Tier HP (30 HP)
  • [Howl Addon] Focused Howl
    • Active: Post Action
    • Cost: 4 EN
    • Cooldown: 4 Turns
    • Effects: Adds +4 Hate against a single target
    • Description: Focus the enemy’s attention on you to gain a larger amount of hate by taunting a single creature.



None Yet


  • R1 Block
    • Passive, [Requires two Extra Skill slots], Requires an equipped shield. User’s evasion cannot be greater than 0 (can still be negative). Grants 5 mitigation
  • Frozen Hide
    • Active: Free Action
    • Cost: 5 EN
    • Cooldown: 4 Turns
    • Effect: Apply one slot of Frost Aura and one slot of Frost Thorns equal to your tier to yourself until the start of your next turn.


Battle Ready Inventory:

  • (5) T1 Uncommon Health Potions: Heals 5% of Maximum HP
  • (1) T1 Uncommon Overhealth Potion: Adds 5% of Maximum HP to users Maximum HP for a thread.
  • (1) T1 Rare Health Potion: Heals 10% of maximum HP.
  • (3) Teleport Crystal
  • Nepent's Ovule: (T1/Consumable/Re-usable) Generates +1 Hate on up to 4 targets as a post action.

* * *


KnightessCiela consumes Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (4/6)

Updated Stats:

KnightessCiela | Level 22 | HP: 485/485 | EN: 62/62 | DMG: 11 | MIT:114 | ACC:4 | TAUNT | THORNS:54 | REGEN: 19 | REC: 3


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Violet looked pleased as she saw the rest of her team show up, a grin on her face as she realized that they were all wearing matching outfits. "Well, I figured Freyd would match with me today since he seems to enjoy his Hawaiian print shirts when we're fishing... but I wasn't expecting all of us to match!" she patted the basket that laid on the ground next to where she'd been sitting, her grin widening slightly. "I've got some snacks and things for after we go kick some ass during the quest, but for now, we gotta go find us a salamander before we enter into the contest. Apparently they like to lurk around in the forest that surrounds the local mountain~"

She fiddled with her menu for a moment, before a Spyglass appeared around her neck, "It'll be super simple, they're pretty big for a passive mob! We just have to be fast enough to catch any that we find, or we're gonna be stuck playing cat and mouse for a little bit." Another menu appeared, prompting her to turn around as she spotted Akame flying back her way with a small bundle of herbs. "Aw, thanks lil lady~"

Akame doing Hunting Familiar Shenanigans :D


ID: 227636 | LD: 2+0=2 | CD:11+0=11 | Col:1584, Mats:2 (Akame Rolled like crap >:c)

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Truthfully I wasn't planning to match with anyone," Wulfrin said with a sigh. "It is good to see everyone again though."

Wulfrin continued to sit with his feet hanging off the dock as the conversations happened around him. He was excited to see this crew come together in an odd set of circumstances. Sure they had planned to be here for this tournament, but he didn't think they would all have matching uniforms. He had done some research before coming out here though, supposedly this salamander was located in the mountains nearby and was supposed to be some kind of special bait for something called King of Lakes. He had heard several NPCs talking about it a few days before the competition.

"That salamander is the bait for the quest boss right?" Wulfrin asked as he cast his line back into the lake. "Ain't they located up in the mountains near here?"

He felt a tug on his line. With a large pull, he drug his catch up to the dock. The large catfish dangled from his line, flopping around gasping for water before, disappearing into the void that was his inventory. A small chest appeared before him. Wulfrin opened the chest forcing it to turn into an info panel displaying his spoils.

"Neat," Wulfrin said as he looked over the items. "Perhaps my luck is turning around now."

* * *


Fishing Attempt: [R4 | Success on CD 5+ | Critical on LD 9+ | +3 LD when opening fishing chests]

ID: 228189 | CD: 11 | LD: 15 | Success | Found a chest

Chest Roll
ID: 228190 | LD: 8 +3 = 11

+1 material
+18 Fishing EXP
1 Perfect Armor/Shield + 1 Rare Armor/Shield

Total Fishing Rewards this thread:
+23 Fishing Exp
+1 Materials

T3 Perfect Armor/Shields: [228190a]
T3 Rare Armor/Shields: [228190b]


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"Hey!  Don't look at me. I had dibs," Freyd joked, smirking beneath his suspiciously familiar shades.  "But, given how good Mina and Ciela look, I might have to give up my claim, or maybe get something similar for Elora?"  Said smirk turned modestly goofy for a moment, an unfamiliar sense of comforting warmth flushing the Whisper's face.

"Dude.  Leave room for the rest of us."  Wulfrin had twenty feet of clear space to either side of him.  "I haven't actually sat for a decent fish in a long while.  This could be nice."  Persi had already oozed from her hiding place and absconded with sampled deliciousness from Mina's treat bag.  Her tiny inky form could be seen darting beneath the deck of the nearby boardwalk, the slitted slots of her eyes purring with purloined satisfaction.

"Yeah.  The salamanders hide in the rocks over by the rocks on the far side of the lake."  A lazily drawling hand pointed randomly inland towards the Forest of Memories instead of anywhere near the water.  "Little buggers can be a real pain to find.  Wonder if Tracking would work?  Doesn't always with this sort of quest objective."  

As Freyd casually flicked and cast his line into the open waters, everyone else spotted a tiny patch of red moving on the back of his shirt, skittering to perch itself on his right shoulder.  Sighing and clearly oblivious to the unanticipated visitor, he slowly started to recoil his reel, starting what sounded like a countdown ticking its way towards disaster.

"I swear.  It would be so nice if a fishing trip didn't turn into a complete debacle, just once."


ID 229258 | LD 18+6=24 | Salamander found.  Players now have three attempts at catching it.

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Ciela let out a laugh, "I definitely didn't plan to look like this. But it's probably a sign. You definitely should get Elora something similar. I mean just look how good we look!" Ciela did a quick spin to show off her outfit. She paused a second, "OH! I brought baked goods and some sandwiches. And, I even brought you more honeybuns Freyd."

She looked over at Wulfrin who wasted no time getting set up fishing, and laughed at Freyd's comment to Wulfrin. She made her way over to the pier where Wulfrin and Freyd were sitting.

As she got closer she saw this little red thing crawling on Freyd. It just perched itself on her shoulder when she grabbed it right off. "Well aren't you a cute little guy!" She pet the salamander and handed it off to Freyd. "I mean the trip may have gone a little bit different if I weren't so quick at catching the little bugger."

* * *

Attempting to catch the Salamander:
ID: 229445 | CD: 6

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  • 3 weeks later...

With the giga-Chad gecko found, Freyd sauntered over to a suspiciously familiar-looking Lotus, preferring to help the old man out than compete with him.  Patting the old fisher on the back, Freyd pulled out his replica rod, its green mallard head looking perfectly at home in the 1950s. 

"It reminds me of the one my grandad used, okay?"  Deflecting the odd and incredulous looks, he baited his hook, offering Lotus an equal share and casting out his line.  "Come join us, Wulfrin.  I know you've got the skill."  Thanking Ciela for the snacks, he snarfed down one of the honeybuns like he'd been craving them, despite having an absurdly large stock in his inventory.  Fresh was always best.

"Keep this up and you'll make Freya jealous," he offered, glad that she's either picked up or learned to replicate the recipe.  Soaking in the sun and fun, Freyd was in no hurry - the perfect mood for fishing, and would remain quite content if they failed for the rest of the day.  It was rare for the Whisper to allow himself a break.


ID 6+5=11 | Fishing for KoL (failed)

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"One mega fish boss coming up!" Wulfrin said as he made his way over to Freyd. "Gimme the salamander."

Living on Floor 22 had its perks. Today the biggest perk was getting to the tournament grounds early in an attempt to get some warm up casts in before the show. As Wulfrin fastened the salamander to his hook. He gave Lotus a thumbs up. The two had had conversations about this tournament multiple times leading up to the day's events. The plan was to catch the big ol' fish and cook up some fillets. Wulfrin stood at the end of the dock where he had been fishing all morning. With a simple flick of the wrist, the salamander soared through the air towards the lake's center. Stillness fell across the lake's surface. For a moment, one would think there was nothing churning in the water. Lotus slowly made his way to Wulfrin and began to speak.

"Maybe you sho-" 

"Shhh!" Wulfrin cut him off, holding up a finger.

There were small nibbles at his line as if something was testing it. Stillness once again. Then a series of violent tugs began to pull Wulfrin towards the edge of the dock, threatening to pull him under. Wulfrin pivoted 180 degrees and began to slowly march towards the shore with a series of grunts and yells.

"Here! ... We! ... Go!" He shouted as he made one final tug. Emerging from the water, a massive catfish with six legs and jagged teeth. It roared as Wulfrin's hook came free from its jaw. "Target... acquired..." Wulfrin panted as he prepared for combat.

* * *

Post Action: Fishing for KoL (Target modified LD 11+ w/ R4 Fisher)
ID 233144 | LD: 15 + 2 = 17 Success.

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*Small note: Forgor Mina's VD value ;A; Stats were adjusted accordingly

Violet frowned as she watched Wulfrin cast his line, her eyes immediately being drawn to the water. 'If I'm remembering this right... then it should spawn a few moments after the line gets cast- oh!' She jolted slightly as she spotted a health-bar a split second before the massive fish boss broke the surface of the water, a booming Roar echoing across the beach. "Oh shit, that thing's bigger than I thought it was gonna be..!" she said shakily, backing up slightly so that she was standing a bit closer to Freyd. "Well, um... Let's get this guy!" She hurled Ember forward, the sword art seemingly not proccing properly until it nearly whiffed the boss.

A few moments later, the fan shot back towards it, glowing with a silver flame as it bonked the giant fish across the back of its head. Violet caught her fan in her outstretched hand, blinking as she stared at it. "Huh... so that's what Absolute Accuracy looks like with throwing weapons..?" She looked over at wulfrin again, giving him a thumbs up. "Alright, you're up buddy. Go get that fishy bastard!"

post action: ST-I Vs KOL


Roll ID#: 233576 BD: 1 (AA Active! 1+1+5 = 7, HIT!  15*18 = 270 - 20 = 250 DMG to King of Lakes!), CD: 9 (ST-B Unlocked!)

Mina loses 14 EN!

Tricolor Mina | HP: 526/526 | EN: 63/77 | DMG: 18 | MIT:66 | ACC:5 | VD: 52AA | PHASE | HLY: 12 | LD:4
Wulfrin | HP: 470/470 | EN: 77/77 | DMG: 20 | MIT:30 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:2 | BRN-IM | BH:9 | FRZ: 48 | LD:2
Freyd | HP: 440/440 | EN: 77/77 | DMG: 21 | MIT:90 | ACC:6 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | BH:24 | VAMP-D: 48 | REC: 6 | FLN: 12 | HLY: 12 | LD:6
KnightessCiela | Level 22 | HP: 485/485 | EN: 62/62 | DMG: 11 | MIT:114 | ACC:4 | TAUNT | THORNS:54 | REGEN: 19 | REC: 3

[H: 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 ] <<King Of Lakes>> HP: 1000/1250 | DMG: 175MIT: 20


  • Body Slam | On an MD of 9, the boss will jump high into the air and crash down in the center of the players, sending out a shock-wave that automatically deals 120 AoE damage to each player.  This effect is subject to mitigation.
  • Dive | On an MD of 10, the King of Lakes will take the player with the highest hate in its teeth and drag it back into the lake. The player will take 150 unmitigated damage and need spend their next post action swimming back to the shore. 
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Wulfrin quickly swapped from rod to sword, the icy mist of Icingdeath began to slowly pool around his feet as he charged forward, his Florenthian Howl sword art causing a vibrant emerald light to envelope his blade as he closed the distance from the dock to King of Lakes in a fraction of a second. The impact caused the giant walking catfish to stagger a bit as its natural armor became practically non existent.

"Alright," Wulfrin said to his little adventuring party. "Freyd. Ciela. Y'all are up. Honey you may want to swing first or Freyd is likely to wipe the beast before you even get a chance."

His estimation was most likely to be correct. Between himself and Mina's attacks, the beast was already at basically half health. Solaris was set up to follow up Wulfrin's attack. With King of Lakes having no Mitigation anymore, Freyd could likely obliterate the last fractions of its health bar with one punch. Ciela, needed the experience tanking, but this encounter was unlikely to give her that the way it was going.

* * *


Recovery?: Not Needed
Wulfrin is at full EN and HP
Cooldowns: Rending Familiar (1/5)

Post Action: Charge: [x16]Tech-D vs KoL (12 + 8 EN) = 20 EN - 2 Stamiina - 1 Rested (2/2)
Free Action: Rending Familiar -> KoL

ID: 233853 | BD: 6+5=11 | CD: 11 | (20+3) = 23 * 16 = 368 DMG to KoL. Shatter 1 applied to KoL.

Tricolor Mina | HP: 526/526 | EN: 63/77 | DMG: 18 | MIT:66 | ACC:5 | VD: 52 AA | PHASE | HLY: 12 | LD:4
Wulfrin | HP: 470/470 | EN: 77/77 | DMG: 20 | MIT:30 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:2 | BRN-IM | BH:9 | FRZ: 48 | LD:2
Freyd | HP: 440/440 | EN: 77/77 | DMG: 21 | MIT:90 | ACC:6 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | BH:24 | VAMP-D: 48 | REC: 6 | FLN: 12 | HLY: 12 | LD:6
KnightessCiela | Level 22 | HP: 485/485 | EN: 62/62 | DMG: 11 | MIT:114 | ACC:4 | TAUNT | THORNS:54 | REGEN: 19 | REC: 3

[H: 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 ] <<King Of Lakes>> HP: 632/1250 | DMG: 175 MIT: 20 0 | SHATTER 1 [-20 MIT] (0/3) | REND 21 (0/2)


  • Body Slam | On an MD of 9, the boss will jump high into the air and crash down in the center of the players, sending out a shock-wave that automatically deals 120 AoE damage to each player.  This effect is subject to mitigation.
  • Dive | On an MD of 10, the King of Lakes will take the player with the highest hate in its teeth and drag it back into the lake. The player will take 150 unmitigated damage and need spend their next post action swimming back to the shore. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

Ciela couldn’t help but feel a rush of pride as she caught the elusive gecko on her first try. She glanced over at Freyd, who was struggling to reel in the King Fish. She felt a pang of sympathy for him, but her spirits lifted as Wulfrin finally caught the creature. After the fiasco with Wulfrin and the Lurker last time, she was glad Wulfrin managed to wrangle the fish without too much hassle.

Following Wulfrin's advice, Ciela took the opportunity to attack before Freyd. She figured that if she could get a quick stun in, it might make things easier for him. The King of Lakes was massive, and Freyd would likely kill it with his next hit. But just in case, she thought she’d soften it up a bit, or at the very least, stop it from taking a swing at them.

With her usual grace, Ciela landed a clean hit on the King, stunning it just enough to buy them a few precious seconds. “Yes!” she exclaimed, a grin lighting up her face as she did a little celebratory dance. The hit felt good, and the adrenaline only added to her excitement. She took a step back, knowing Freyd could handle the rest.

“Alright, Freyd,” she called out, her tone playful. “Don’t miss!” She gave him a teasing look, knowing full well he had it in the bag. Still, a part of her wondered, just a little, What if he did?

* * *



Recovery: N/A - Ciela is at Full EN

Post Action: Tech-A vs King of Lakes [x12] (13 EN)
Free Action: None

ID: 235991 | BD: 10 (+ACC 4) = 14 | DMG: 11 (+2) * 12 = 156 DMG (KoL is stunned)

Tricolor Mina | HP526/526 | EN: 63/77 | DMG: 18 | MIT:66 ACC:5 | VD: 52 | AA | PHASE | HLY: 12 | LD:4
Wulfrin HP470/470 | EN: 77/77 | DMG: 20 | MIT:30 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:2 | BRN-IM | BH:9 | FRZ: 48 | LD:2
Freyd | HP440/440 | EN: 77/77 | DMG: 21 | MIT:90 | ACC:6 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | BH:24 | VAMP-D: 48 | REC: 6 | FLN: 12 | HLY: 12 | LD:6
KnightessCiela | HP485/485 | EN: 49/62 (61-13) | DMG: 11 | MIT:114 | ACC:4 | TAUNT | THORNS:54 | REGEN: 19 | REC: 3

[H: 1 | 1 | 0 | 3 ] <<King Of Lakes>> HP476/1250 (632-156) | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 0 | SHATTER 1 [-20 MIT] (0/3) | REND 21 (0/2) | Stunned (0/3)


  • Body Slam | On an MD of 9, the boss will jump high into the air and crash down in the center of the players, sending out a shock-wave that automatically deals 120 AoE damage to each player.  This effect is subject to mitigation.
  • Dive | On an MD of 10, the King of Lakes will take the player with the highest hate in its teeth and drag it back into the lake. The player will take 150 unmitigated damage and need spend their next post action swimming back to the shore. 


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Still slightly dozy, Freyd was slow on the uptake, struggling to find his footing and get in on the fight.  Maybe is was the beachwear?  The ladies were killing it, after all.  Fortunately, that also include the giant fish monster threatening to ruin their day.  A weak-hearted blow was all be managed to get in, his loafers catching on some of the deck boards and nearly spilling him into the drink in the process.

"Ugh.  Just not my day, I guess." he grumbled, trying to unwrench his leg from an uncomfortable looking pose.  "Good thinking with that stun, Ciela.  Someone want to finish this thing off while I deal with a pair of shoe laces trying more than a little too hard to suicide me?"  Part of him was seriously tempted to sword art his sneaker and blow it to smithereens, but he'd probably manage to explode the rest of his foot along with it, which would be bad.


Freyd's Action:


Post Action | AoE-I (x15, 11 EN, +2 shift, +2/hit): 15 EN - (Rested 2/2; Stamina) = 12 EN.  
Free Action [item] | Rhino's Horn

ID #236724 | BD: 4+7=11 (hit, Horn +3).  DMG (15*24=360) vs KoL | CD 11 | ST-B unlocked

Tricolor Mina | HP526/526 | EN: 63/77 | DMG: 18 | MIT:66 ACC:5 | VD: 52 | AA | PHASE | HLY: 12 | LD:4
Wulfrin HP470/470 | EN: 77/77 | DMG: 20 | MIT:30 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:2 | BRN-IM | BH:9 | FRZ: 48 | LD:2
Freyd | HP440/440 | EN: 65/77 (77-12) | DMG: 21 | MIT:90 | ACC:6 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 (-1) | BH:24 | VAMP-D: 48 | REC: 6 | FLN: 12 | HLY: 12 | LD:6
KnightessCiela | HP485/485 | EN: 49/62 | DMG: 11 | MIT:114 | ACC:4 | TAUNT | THORNS:54 | REGEN: 19 | REC: 3

[H: 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 ] <<King Of Lakes>> HP: 116/1250 (476-360) | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 0 | SHATTER 1 [-20 MIT] (0/3) | REND 21 (0/2) | Stunned (0/3)


  • Body Slam | On an MD of 9, the boss will jump high into the air and crash down in the center of the players, sending out a shock-wave that automatically deals 120 AoE damage to each player.  This effect is subject to mitigation.
  • Dive | On an MD of 10, the King of Lakes will take the player with the highest hate in its teeth and drag it back into the lake. The player will take 150 unmitigated damage and need spend their next post action swimming back to the shore. 

Enemy's Action:


ID #236725 - roll void.  Forgot that KoL was stunned.

KoL suffers 21 damage from Rend.

Stun fades and is replaced by Stun-IMM.

Tricolor Mina | HP526/526 | EN: 63/77 | DMG: 18 | MIT:66 ACC:5 | VD: 52 | AA | PHASE | HLY: 12 | LD:4
Wulfrin HP470/470 | EN: 77/77 | DMG: 20 | MIT:30 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:2 | BRN-IM | BH:9 | FRZ: 48 | LD:2
Freyd | HP440/440 | EN: 65/77  | DMG: 21 | MIT:90 | ACC:6 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 (-1) | BH:24 | VAMP-D: 48 | REC: 6 | FLN: 12 | HLY: 12 | LD:6
KnightessCiela | HP485/485 | EN: 49/62 | DMG: 11 | MIT:114 | ACC:4 | TAUNT | THORNS:54 | REGEN: 19 | REC: 3

[H: 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 ] <<King Of Lakes>> HP: 95/1250 (116-21) DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 0 | SHATTER 1 [-20 MIT] (1/3) | REND 21 (1/2) | Stun-IMM (1/3)


  • Body Slam | On an MD of 9, the boss will jump high into the air and crash down in the center of the players, sending out a shock-wave that automatically deals 120 AoE damage to each player.  This effect is subject to mitigation.
  • Dive | On an MD of 10, the King of Lakes will take the player with the highest hate in its teeth and drag it back into the lake. The player will take 150 unmitigated damage and need spend their next post action swimming back to the shore. 


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  • 1 month later...

"Gotcha, I'll clean it up!" Violet launched herself at the Fish, laughing at Freyd who had tripped over his own feet. "At least you're being a good sport about it, yeah?Ember snapped shut, the edge glinting with a deep white-hot light that easily seared its way through any remaining defenses that the King might have had, the bladed fan sizzling as it cleanly severed its way through its body. Talk about overkill! "Either way, that's a wrap, everyone! Now we can either just chill, and enjoy the rest of our day after we turn in the quest, or we can just head back home after!"

The quest boss shattered as she walked away, a mischievous grin on her face as she put away her fan, before retrieving a different one that was clearly a non-weapon vanity item, red and black lacey fabric attached to the delicate panels. "That was way simpler than I thought it would be, seeing as we just kind of stomped it..." She turned back to her friends. "Either way, we do gotta go get our rewards! C'mon, let's go get our goodies!"

ST-B VS KOL (This is gonna be mean :')


Mina Recovers 3 EN!

Roll ID#: 238678, BD: 9 (MINOR CRIT! 19+16 = 25 * 23 = 575 DMG to KoL!! KoL go kablooey :)

Mina loses 22 EN!

Tricolor Mina | HP526/526 | EN: 44/77 | DMG: 18 | MIT:66 ACC:5 | VD: 52 | AA | PHASE | HLY: 12 | LD:4
Wulfrin HP470/470 | EN: 77/77 | DMG: 20 | MIT:30 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:2 | BRN-IM | BH:9 | FRZ: 48 | LD:2
Freyd | HP440/440 | EN: 65/77  | DMG: 21 | MIT:90 | ACC:6 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 (-1) | BH:24 | VAMP-D: 48 | REC: 6 | FLN: 12 | HLY: 12 | LD:6
KnightessCiela | HP485/485 | EN: 49/62 | DMG: 11 | MIT:114 | ACC:4 | TAUNT | THORNS:54 | REGEN: 19 | REC: 3

[H: 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 ] <<King Of Lakes>> HP-480/1250 (116-21) DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 0 | SHATTER 1 [-20 MIT] (1/3) | REND 21 (1/2) | Stun-IMM (1/3)


  • Body Slam | On an MD of 9, the boss will jump high into the air and crash down in the center of the players, sending out a shock-wave that automatically deals 120 AoE damage to each player.  This effect is subject to mitigation.
  • Dive | On an MD of 10, the King of Lakes will take the player with the highest hate in its teeth and drag it back into the lake. The player will take 150 unmitigated damage and need spend their next post action swimming back to the shore. 
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  • 3 weeks later...

"Guess it's time for quest turn in then," Wulfrin shrugged. "Thing went down pretty quick, though this does remind me that I had something brewing up that I could use some extra man power on. I've got a few bosses on my radar, namely Cerberus for a new tech art. Figured we could maybe splash a few field bosses in between. Could help me get frontline ready as we push closer to the raid being open."

Wulfrin looked out to the open lake before them. It was already packed from the countless other entries for the tourney, but Wulfrin knew they had already claimed the largest catch. The rest of the day would be theirs for the taking. The real question was how to spend it.

"You don't have to agree right now," Wulfrin reassured as he swapped back to his fishing rod. "We've got a whole day here best not to let it go to waist, buuuutttttt y'all will have to work hard to beat the catch I just reeled in."

The shit eating grin was almost impossibly big compared to his face. The gauntlet had been thrown. Now to see who would step up to the challenge.

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  • 2 months later...

Ciela snuggled up to Wulfrin, her lips curling into a mischievous smile as she watched him focus on swapping out his fishing rod. The moment his attention wavered, she struck. With practiced ease, she grabbed a handful of ice from the picnic basked and, without hesitation, slipped it right down the back of his shirt.

A wicked grin stretched across her face as she leaned back just in time to watch the inevitable reaction unfold. "I say we enjoy our time on the lake," she chimed in innocently, as if she hadn't just committed an act of cold-blooded sabotage. "We literally live nearby and never come to the lake. We can go boss hunting another day." She batted her lashes at Wulfrin, her expression the very picture of feigned innocence.

Turning her gaze to Freyd and Mina, she let out a content sigh. "Today just feels like a good day to be lazy. Ya know? Lounge around, catch some fish," then whispered, "maybe push someone into the lakeeee." She trailed off, side-eyeing Wulfrin with a playful smirk. She was feeling peak gremlin energy today, and the last thing she wanted was a high-stakes battle. No, today was for unwinding, laughter, and causing an adequate amount of chaos, specifically to Wulfrin.

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