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Lanna - The Literalist

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cd420642e6af78d31db0e9347b538893.thumb.jpg.c670ae4608dab9c51a9336df3ca9ec01.jpgLanna Lexon has walked through life on the easy road. Rich parent came with spoiled intentions, one would say she got anything she wanted because her mother and father felt sorry for her. Lanna is not that smart, this would be clouded with the highest grade point average in her class. By paying her class mates a wealthy sum to keep her facade alive, it would allow her to breeze through high school. It worked all up until a student would approach the principle with this scam that Lanna was doing. Getting expelled for a week, Lanna grew bored and decided that school was a waist of time. Before leaving, a rumor of a game that would make all your dreams come true was set in motion. The girl would dive into this program to keep contact with those who were her actual friends.

Lanna only had a few friends, a boyfriend who she cheated on. Chose to keep him cause the chamber was great. Girlfriends, there was only two... three by force. Lynn, Freya, and Eruda, Freya's twin. They were inseparable, even when Freya would outright punch a guy and Lanna would bribe the principle to keep her out of being expelled. Somehow Lanna was always happy, even when Freya's boring sister tagged along, there was always laughter, usually after a insulting comment was said behind Eruda's back. Life was good in her eyes.

Lanna's parent didn't much care for her, at least that is how she persevered it. Whatever she wanted she got, simple because they didn't want to deal with Lanna the way a regular parent would. One would discipline their child when they did something bad. In Lanna's case they just paid her to not do it again.

After Lanna got kicked out from school, which she really wasn't, just expelled, but Lanna took it as they didn't want her going there anymore so she stayed away. So in better terms, when Lanna left school she decided to commit more time into her designer clothing. Everything that she wear's, was made with her own two hands. Asked her mother and father to help her open a booth, long behold anything she wants she got. Instead of people paying for her clothing, she payed them to give them more incentive to buy the outfits. Lanna thought it was a great idea...

Username: Lanna
Real name: Lanna Lexon
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"

SP Spent: 4/5
HP: 20
EN: 20


Honest: Never lies, to the best of her ability. Anything that she believes to be is her truth. If someone tells her something in a joking statement, it must be true right? If you tell her a rumor, in her mind it is very much a reality for her.

Blissful: Being happy and keeping a smile upon her face is all she knows. Was told that if she kept her cheerfulness that everyone around her would do the same. Taking this literally, you will never see Lanna without a smile or a grin upon her lips. Believes that any and all bad emotion is pointless.

Helpful: Tries to be as useful as possible. What Lanna lacks in brain cells, she makes up for it in doing what she can to help others. Momma always said, "Do your best and everything will be okay." Poor Lanna takes this as even if she fails at a task, did it right in her eyes, even if others don't think so.

Artistic: This is about the only actual skill Lanna knows. Taking pride in the clothing that is made with her own two hands. Typically anything that you see her wearing was created by her. Many would pay top dollar for her her designs, that is if she was actually charging anything for them.



Spoiled: Lanna grew up getting everything that she wanted. In school she would pay the students to do her homework for her. The only thing that she has ever done herself is her designer shop, even then, her parents payed to make it happen. Doesn't know the value of money, never had to care about it. Walks through life thinking that everything will just be handed to her.

Blonde: Lanna isn't the brightest cookie in the jar. Paying for people to buy her clothing instead of getting paid by the purchasers. Thinking that she wasn't allowed to go back to school after being expelled so she doesn't go back... Do I dare say more.

Flirt: Lanna is both knowing and unknowing of what she does. Using her well built frame and perfect complexion to her advantage. In the same notion, sometimes it isn't intentional. Seeing a pretty face, male or female, she just has to meet them. Sometimes Lanna comes off a bit to strong though, making most people feel uncomfortable or rare, too comfortable.

Literal-Minded: Takes every word said to her with a Grand Assault... Grain of Salt? Metaphors are taken as god to honest truths for her. Tell her that pigs fly, she will find a pig and watch it just to see if it really does fly. You have to watch what you say to her or you just might find her in a forest eating something that isn't very edible.

Whip | +2 Damage

(3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

Whips Rank 1



Edited by Lanna
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