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[F08-SP] Into the Forests, Predator and Prey

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Overall another fine haul, though the hoped for Gleaming Scales or Demonic Shards that he had secretly been hoping for once again eluded his grasp. Still, he was steadily collecting col, resources and unidentified items - none of which he expected to match what he had custom crafted to his specifications, though the consumable was worth having identified instead of going straight to disassembly.

Looting complete, he paused and squinted at something in the distance. Barely glimpsed between the trees, he thought he saw a chest sitting unattended. It'd be a surprise - he wasn't that far from the city and figured that these woods would have been combed through endlessly by this point. But the lure of finding a large payday was enough to get him on his feet and off the beaten path, disappearing between the trees in search of the treasure's golden lure. It was only a short distance, after all.


Recovery: +10 HP, +1 EN (full recovery 1/3)

Post Action | Loot Great Tailed Deer #5-#8
Free Action | None

ID #227261 | Great Tail Deer #5 | LD 14 + 8 = 22 | CD 2
 | [Base Col] = 80 * (3 + 3) = 480col
 | [CD Bonus] = 80 * 2 = 160col
 | [LD Bonus] = 80 * 2 = 160col
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified Tier 1 Perfect Armor (227261a), Unidentified Tier 1 Perfect Weapon (227261b)

ID #227262 | Great Tail Deer #6 | LD 7 + 8 = 15 | CD 11
 | [Base Col] = 80 * (3 + 3) = 480col
 | [CD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [LD Bonus] = 2 materials
| [Loot Table] = Unidentified Tier 1 Rare Armor (227262), 80 * 2 = 160col

ID #227263 | Great Tail Deer #7 | LD 9 + 8 = 17 | CD 9
 | [Base Col] = 80 * (3 + 3) = 480col
 | [CD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [LD Bonus] = 2 materials
| [Loot Table] = Unidentified Tier 1 Rare Trinket (227263), 80col

ID #227264 | Great Tail Deer #8 | LD 15 + 8 = 23 | CD 10
 | [Base Col] = 80 * (3 + 3) = 480col
 | [CD Bonus] = 80 * 2 = 160col
 | [LD Bonus] = 2 materials
| [Loot Table] = Unidentified Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (227264), 80 *  6 = 480col

Loot Summary
 + 3,120 col
 + 10 materials
 + Unidentified Tier 1 Rare Trinket (227263)
 + Unidentified Tier 1 Rare Armor (227262)
 + Unidentified Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
 + Unidentified Tier 1 Perfect Armor (227261a)
 + Unidentified Tier 1 Perfect Weapon (227261b)

Hanzoku | HP: 120/120 | EN: 3/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:2 | LD:8 | PROSP:3


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Posted (edited)

Ducking under branches and weaving his way through the underbrush, Hanzoku quickly lost track of what he thought he had seen in the distance. The smart move would have been to return to the well-worn game trail and wait for his elven companion to return. But he was certain of what he had seen, and continued navigating with only a crude mental map, his <<Search>> skill and a healthy dose of luck to guide him.

Steadily he found landmarks back, and a few minutes later he entered a small tranquil clearing. Sitting in the center was a simple wooden chest with brass fittings, the quintessential treasure chest. This was one was artfully decorated with moss growing up one corner and drapped across the top, and he stopped short at the sight of it. Greed warred with caution, and he considered the possibility that what he has found is no treasure chest  but instead a mimic - it'd be about this hellgame's speed after all.


Recovery: +1 EN (full recovery 2/3)

Post Action | Search for Treasure
Free Action | None

ID #227291 | Search for Treasure | LD 7 + 8 = 15 | <<Treasure Found!>>

HanzokuHP: 120/120 | EN: 4/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:2 | LD:8 | PROSP:3


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Posted (edited)

Overall, it wasn't a bad haul - another 600 col and some materials and unidentified items. He certainly wouldn't have found anything like this if he was foraging. Pleased with the success of his searching, Hanzoku stored the contents of the chest in his inventory and paused to switch his laurel earcuffs for his wolfhead pendant. As he closed his inventory he froze as he heard the sounds of other creatures moving through the woods.

"Where is that roundear?" a voice hissed, barely audible above the sound of the winds above stirring the leaves of the trees. Hanzoku faded back into the brush of the clearing, finding that it was near the game trail he had abandoned a few minutes ago. "Astarion promised that he would be weak and out of energy, but the damnable mon'keigh is nowhere to be found!"

"Quiet, fool! He couldn't have gone far. We need to run him down and engage him before he has a chance to recover fully." another voice hissed.


Recovery: +26 EN (full recovery 3/3)

Post Action | Open that Treasure!
Free Action | None

ID #227292 | Search for Treasure | LD 5
 | 8 * 75 = 600col
 | 3 materials
 | (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)

Hanzoku HP: 120/120 | EN: 30/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3


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Posted (edited)

He wasn't truly hiding from them, luckily - his heavy armor did him no favors if trying to engage the stealth systems of the game. Instead, it was a far simpler solution - they simply weren't expecting that the hunters would themselves be hunted. He lunged out from the underbrush at the side of the trail, and his Sword Art slashed across all four surprised elves in a single movement, sending them reeling backwards in shock and pain.

"Too late, I'm fully recovered." the human says as he keeps moving, closing in and forcing the two archers in the group to abandon their bows and scrabble for their melee weapons. Of the other two, one is armed with a spear, and the other wields a light sword and a shield that he raises defensively as the human presses his sudden attack.

"Run and get the others!" the one with the shield commands, and one of the archers begins to turn to do so.


Recovery: N/A

Post Action | AOE-I (-13 EN)
Free Action | None

ID: 227293 | ELF Terrorist 1 | BD 2 + 5 = 7 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 6 <<Hit>> 39 - 39 = 1 DMG
ID: 227294 | ELF Terrorist 2 | BD 8 + 5 = 13 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 4 <<Miss>>
ID: 227295 | ELF Terrorist 3| BD 9 + 5 = 14 <<Minor Critical>> (13 + 1) = 14 * 5 = 70 DMG | MD 6 <<Hit>> 39 - 39 = 1 DMG
ID: 227296 | ELF Terrorist 4 | BD 5 + 5 = 10 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 5 <<Miss>>

[1,1,2,1] Hanzoku HP: 118/120 | EN: 17/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

ELF Terrorist 1 | HP 65/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 2 | HP 65/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 3 | HP 60/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 4 | HP 65/130 | DMG: 39

Loot Summary:

+ 7,320col
+ 17 materials
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (4) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b)
+ Foraging EXP +6


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"Nope, that won't be happening either." Hanzoku said grimly as he lashed out with another cleaving sword art. Three of the elves shattered into nothingness, leaving only their leader alive, casting aside his shield that was destroyed from taking the brunt of the brutal sword arts employed by the human adventurer.

"Mon'keigh invader! We, the Elven Liberation Front will cleanse the forest of your taint! Our lands will be purified with your blood, and the blood of every outlander that steps foot in our sacred forests!" the elf ranted as he rained blows down on Hanzoku's guard.

"Elven Liberation Front... wait, you assholes call yourselves E.L.F.? That's hilarious!" Hanzoku said, his laughter only serving to enrage the elf further. "You're an ELF elf! Jesus, did not one of you think about what you were doing with that name?"

"Silence! Cease your inconsequential babble! Your mockery only proves the weakness of your puny, short-lived mind!"


Recovery: +1 EN

Post Action | AOE-I (-13 EN)
Free Action | None

ID: 227297 | ELF Terrorist 1 | BD 9 + 5 = 14 <<Minor Critical>> (13+1) * 5 = 70 DMG | MD 8 <<Hit>> 39 - 39 = 1 DMG
ID: 227298 | ELF Terrorist 2 | BD 4 + 5 = 9 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 2 <<Miss>>
ID: 227299 | ELF Terrorist 3| BD 1 + 5 = 14 <<Critical Missl>> | MD 8 <<Hit>> 39 - 39 = 1 DMG
ID: 227300 | ELF Terrorist 4 | BD 4 + 5 = 9 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 1 <<Miss>>

[1,1,2,1] Hanzoku HP: 116/120 | EN: 5/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

ELF Terrorist 1 | HP -5/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 2 | HP 0/130 | DMG: 39

ELF Terrorist 3 | HP 60/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 4 | HP 0/130 | DMG: 39

Loot Summary:

+ 7,320col
+ 17 materials
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (4) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b)
+ Foraging EXP +6


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Posted (edited)

"So... I'm betting its not just the five of you." Hanzoku said conversationally, ignoring the tingles from the strike that got through his guard. In any game without a HP bar, the strike to his throat would have been fatal, and he resolved to correct his defenses before running into something where it did more then chip his health bar.

"Our numbers are legion, roundear!" the elf gloated, encouraged by the fierce strike and stubbornly believing that victory was achievable. "From our hidden base, we will raise the banners of liberation and purge the capital of your filth!"

Their swords rang as they fought back and forth, testing each other's guard. "And where would that be located? Seeing as soon I will be dead and therefore not at all a security risk to pass that information along to."

"Hah, you will indeed perish on my blade, mon'keigh! And I will return in glory to our base just down the trail, its entrance framed majestically by two great towering oaks!"

"Thanks, that should be enough." Hanzoku said. His sword glowed with the fury of his Sword Art.

To the elf's credit, he blocked two of the blades. That left four more to shred his torso.


Recovery: +1 EN

Post Action | ST-I (-6 EN)
Free Action | None

ID: 228493 | ELF Terrorist 3| BD 6 + 5 = 11 <<Hit>> 13 * 6 = 78 DMG | MD 10 <<Major Critical>> 39 + 2 - 39 = 2 DMG

[1,1,2,1] Hanzoku HP: 114/120 | EN: 0/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

ELF Terrorist 1 | HP -5/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 2 | HP 0/130 | DMG: 39

ELF Terrorist 3 | HP -18/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 4 | HP 0/130 | DMG: 39

Loot Summary:

+ 7,320col
+ 17 materials
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (4) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b)
+ Foraging EXP +6


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Posted (edited)

Hanzoku considered the situation while he methodically looted the four assassin's bodies. By all rights, he should return to the city and pass on the information he recovered to the authorities - both NPC and player alike. Some sort of racist independence group probably needed to be put down, and players needed to be warned to remain distrustful of helpful elves while these idiots were running around.

On the other hand, they were easy enough to kill and had better loot than the deer had. So he could just... walk in and slaughter everything that moves. Worst case, he'd have to pull back and go with plan A, but it was also easier to let people know that there had been a problem, but that said problem had run into the business end of a sword repeatedly until it learned to be less outright stupid.

As it was, he wasn't too worried about the ELF terrorists if the braintrust he just killed was some sort of leader.

  Reveal hidden contents

Recovery: +6 HP, +1 EN (full recovery 1/3)

Post Action | Loot elves
Free Action | None

ID: 227303 | ELF Terrorist 1 | LD 4 + 5 = 9 | CD 10
 | [Base Col] = 130 * (3 + 3) = 780col
 | [CD Bonus] = 130 * 2 = 260col
 | [LD Bonus] = 130 * 2 = 260col
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (227301), 130col

ID: 227304 | ELF Terrorist 2 | LD 14 + 5 = 19 | CD 11
 | [Base Col] = 130 * (3 + 3) = 780col
 | [CD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [LD Bonus] = 130 * 2 = 260col
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (227304), 130 * 4 = 520col

ID: 227305 | ELF Terrorist 3 | LD 5 + 5 = 10 | CD 2
 | [Base Col] = 130 * (3 + 3) = 780col
 | [CD Bonus] = 130 * 2 = 260col
 | [LD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305)

ID: 227306 | ELF Terrorist 4 | LD 6 + 5 = 11 | CD 6
 | [Base Col] = 130 * (3 + 3) = 780col
 | [CD Bonus] = 130 * 2 = 260col
 | [LD Bonus] = 130 * 2 = 260col
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified Uncommon Consumable (227306a), Unidentified Rare Weapon (227306b)

Loot Summary:
 + 5,330col
 + 4 materials
 + (2) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a)
 + (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (227301)
 + (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
 + (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (227304)

Hanzoku HP: 120/120 | EN: 1/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

Loot Summary:

+ 12,650col
+ 21 materials
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304)
+ Foraging EXP +6



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Posted (edited)

Using That Idiot's directions as a guide, Hanzoku made his way carefully down the trail. To avoid being seen as easily, he was off the trail and working his way through the thick woods. It made for much slower going, but despite his low opinion on the group's intelligence, it was always possible that there were a few smarter elves involved in this idiocy who would maintain basic concepts of security and keeping watch on potential visitors to the location of their supposedly secret base.

There were upsides for going slow through the woods - he came across a patch of rare flowers that he was fairly certain would be of interest to alchemists, and succeeded in gathering them into his inventory. He'd be able to trade them for a more general material crystal in town for his own profession, something that brought a spring to his step as he made his way further down the path.


Recovery: +1 EN (full recovery 2/3)

Post Action | Forage
Free Action | None

ID: 228494 | LD: 16 | CD: 4 => Success! Found 1 material. +8 Foraging EXP

Hanzoku HP: 120/120 | EN: 2/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

Loot Summary:

+ 12,650col
+ 22 materials
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304)
+ Foraging EXP +14


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Posted (edited)

It took about an hour, but Hanzoku found the clearing with the two towering oaks that grew unnaturally close to the sheer wall of a cliff. Set between them, obvious to even the least observant were two towering wooden doors with gleaming copper fittings. The human couldn't help but cover his eyes for a long moment as he observed what was possibly the least hidden entrance he had ever seen to a hidden base.

- - - - -

Inside the 'hidden' main base of the Elven Liberation Front, Lysandra was starting to get a bad feeling about this. First Astarion came hurrying back from some mission outside and dispatched four of their finest warriors in a hurry, but then he had rushed off to secret himself in the deepest parts of the base, leaving no one in charge.

"You four, go guard the doors." she ordered several of the other elites. They grudgingly moved towards the doors as a series of thunderous blows called the base to alert. 


Recovery: +28 EN (full recovery 3/3)

Post Action | Forage
Free Action | None

ID: 228495 | LD: 2 | CD: 9 => Failure. +3 Foraging EXP

Hanzoku HP: 120/120 | EN: 30/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

Loot Summary:

+ 12,650col
+ 22 materials
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304)
+ Foraging EXP +17


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Posted (edited)

"Bar the doors!" Lysandra snapped at the four before turning to help organize the others as they started retreating deeper into the base. The doors were sturdy and with the bar and the four bracing it, whatever was outside would have a hard time making it through the doors, giving them time to prepare a defense and evacuate the civilians.

The sound of the bar thumping on the floor made the skin on the back of her neck prickle, and the elven woman whirled around to stare in horror as one of the elites went to open one of the now unbarred doors. "What are you idiots doing, don't-" she started to cry out as elven man cracked open the door. "Who's out th-" he began to say before flying backwards as the door is smashed open by the armored form that barreled through it, sword swinging in a blazing arc that struck all four elites, sending them to the floor. 


Post Action | AOE-I (-13 EN)
Free Action | None

ID: 228507 | ELF Terrorist 5 | BD 5 + 5 = 10 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 5 <<Miss>>
ID: 228508 | ELF Terrorist 6 | BD 2 + 5 = 7 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 1 <<Miss>>
ID: 228509 | ELF Terrorist 7| BD 7 + 5 = 12 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 2 <<Miss>>
ID: 228510 | ELF Terrorist 8 | BD 9 + 5 = 14 <<Critical +1>> (13 + 1) * 5 = 70 DMG | MD 7 <<Hit>> 39 - 39 = 1 DMG

Hanzoku | HP: 119/120 | EN: 17/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

ELF Terrorist 5 | HP 65/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 6 | HP 65/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 7 | HP 65/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 8 | HP 60/130 | DMG: 39

Loot Summary:

+ 12,650col
+ 22 materials
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304)
+ Foraging EXP +17


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Posted (edited)

What Lysandra beheld was nothing less then a monster, every bit as terrible as the ones that roamed the woods. Standing a head taller then his victims and clad in heavy plate armor that denied their every effort to harm him, his bearded face, so unlike an elf's locked in a savage grin as he cleaved his way through the so-called elites like they were chaff. Fear nearly froze her in place, but she forced herself to breath through it to turn and push the last civilian out of the room."Pass the word - full evacuation. Go!" she ordered before turning back to look at the fight behind her. She briefly contemplated drawing the saber at her side and attacking the human, but what was the use? He had wiped out four of the elites within ten seconds, and now he was looting their bodies without a care in the world.

She shook her head and fled the room. There were still a few more elites in the base, she just had to rally them.


Recovery: +1 EN

Post Action | AOE-I (-13 EN)
Free Action | None

ID: 228517 | ELF Terrorist 5 | BD 3 + 5 = 8 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 1 <<Miss>>
ID: 228518 | ELF Terrorist 6 | BD 8 + 5 = 12 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 9 <<Critical +1>> 39 + 1 - 39 = 1 DMG
ID: 228519 | ELF Terrorist 7| BD 10 + 5 = 15 <<Critical +2>> (13+2) * 5 = 75 DMG | MD 1 <<Miss>>
ID: 228520 | ELF Terrorist 8 | BD 3 + 5 = 8 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 7 <<Hit>> 39 - 39 = 1 DMG

Hanzoku | HP: 117/120 | EN: 5/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

ELF Terrorist 5 | HP 0/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 6 | HP 0/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 7 | HP -10/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 8 | HP -5/130 | DMG: 39

Loot Summary:

+ 12,650col
+ 22 materials
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304)
+ Foraging EXP +17


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Posted (edited)

Hanzoku paused and looked around. The entrance was clear now - there were a lot more elves then he was expecting, but most of them were first or second level and wouldn't be worth loot or EXP if he killed them. Besides the four idiots who had opened the door for him, the rest weren't a threat to anyone who had any business coming up to a higher floor and leaving the safe zone.

Humming to himself, he looted the cores left behind by the four terrorists he had killed and looked around. Once again, he was struck that this looked far too organized and polished to be a secret hideout. Fitted stone walls and floors, wall coverings and lanterns hanging from the ceiling providing more then enough illumination. He'd have placed this as belonging back in town, and taking more then a year to build - especially since it was dug into the side of a cliff.


Recovery: +3 HP, +1 EN (full recovery 1/3)

Post Action | Loot elves
Free Action | None

ID: 228521 | ELF Terrorist 5 | LD 1 + 5 = 6 | CD 1
 | [Base Col] = 130 * (3 + 3) = 780col
 | [CD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [LD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (228521)

ID: 228522 | ELF Terrorist 6 | LD 19 + 5 = 24 | CD 4
 | [Base Col] = 130 * (3 + 3) = 780col
 | [CD Bonus] = 130 * 2 = 260col
 | [LD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a), Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (228522b)

ID: 228523 | ELF Terrorist 7 | LD 5 + 5 = 10 | CD 9
 | [Base Col] = 130 * (3 + 3) = 780col
 | [CD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [LD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (228523), 130col

ID: 228524 | ELF Terrorist 8 | LD 3 + 5 = 8 | CD 5
 | [Base Col] = 130 * (3 + 3) = 780col
 | [CD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [LD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (228524), 130col

Loot Summary:
 + 3,640col
 + 14 materials
 + (1) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (228521)
 + (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (228523, 228524)
 + (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a)
 + (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (228522b)

Hanzoku | HP: 120/120 | EN: 6/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

Loot Summary:

+ 16,290col
+ 36 materials
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a, 228521)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301, 228523, 228524)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (6) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304, 228522b)
+ Foraging EXP +17


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Posted (edited)

He made his way deeper into the base, a nagging feeling growing that he was being watched. It wasn't too far-fetched of course - he was invading a hostile base, so it was even to be expected. But after the initial scrum in the entry chamber, the base had been entirely deserted. Yet he couldn't shake the feeling that something was shadowing his every step as he made his way through one empty room after another.

The base was definitely inhabited normally - he came across plates and cups, books and even toys tossed haphazerdly aside. He stepped carefully around a doll lying in the middle of the path. He had thought that this was some sort of event that Cardinal was running, but the clear signs of civilians living outside one of the safe zones was confusing - and he wasn't about to slaughter a bunch of unarmed kids. He was tempted to turn around and leave when the sound of boots pounding down the stones reached him, and he readied his sword.


Recovery: +1 EN (full recovery 2/3)

Post Action | Forage
Free Action | None

ID: 228525 | LD: 11 | CD: 5 => Failure. +3 Foraging EXP

Hanzoku | HP: 120/120 | EN: 7/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

Loot Summary:

+ 16,290col
+ 36 materials
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a, 228521)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301, 228523, 228524)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (6) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304, 228522b)
+ Foraging EXP +20


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Posted (edited)


Lysandra was beyond frustrated. She had safely gotten all the civilians out of the way and rounded up the last of the elites in the base, but the stupid knuckleheads weren't listening to her. One gave her a patronizing pat on the head (despite them being the same height) and smugly informed her that no roundear was a threat. The group had hurried off, already looking forward to the glory that would be rained down upon them for being the first to slay one of the dreaded Outworlders.

She followed behind at a more sedate pace, sabre out and ready. They hadn't seen slaughter the last squad to attack him in less then a minute while taking no more then a scratch or two. They needed to fight him with a plan, hit him from ambush and use the environment against him. Instead, she heard the monster's voice rise as it began to sing a song in its inelven tongue.


Recovery: +23 EN (full recovery 3/3)

Post Action | Forage
Free Action | None

ID: 228525 | LD: 9 | CD: 12 => Failure. +3 Foraging EXP

Hanzoku | HP: 120/120 | EN: 30/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

Loot Summary:

+ 16,290col
+ 36 materials
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a, 228521)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301, 228523, 228524)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (6) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304, 228522b)
+ Foraging EXP +23


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Posted (edited)

"...Three - Something's got to give -


Let the bodies hit the floor..."

He sang as he fought, sword flashing with the power of his sword art as he fought four at once and was pushing them back with ease. Their blades couldn't make it past his armor, and only one managed to avoid taking massive damage as he forced them back into the corridor they spilled out of.

It wasn't even close, the difference in power between them. Perhaps if they had gear or sword arts of their own it would be a different matter, but these elves were simply outclassed. For all that, they fought with fanatical determination, continuing to spew racist declarations and exclamations of their impending victory.

"...Here we go... Here we go... Here we go - now!

One - Nothing wrong with me..."

He caught sight of a fifth elf - the woman he had seen earlier who had focused on getting the low leveled elves out. She was watching him fight with grim intensity, knuckles white around the hilt of her sword.


Post Action | AOE-I (-13 EN)
Free Action | None

ID: 228604 | ELF Terrorist 9 | BD 1 + 5 = 6 <<Miss>> | MD 7 <<Hit>> 39 - 39 = 1 DMG
ID: 228605 | ELF Terrorist 10 | BD 8 + 5 = 13 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 5 <<Miss>>
ID: 228606 | ELF Terrorist 11| BD 7 + 5 = 15 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG  | MD 9 <<Critical +1>> 39 + 1 - 39 = 1 DMG
ID: 228609 | ELF Terrorist 12 | BD 8 + 5 = 13 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 1 <<Miss>>

Hanzoku | HP: 118/120 | EN: 17/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

ELF Terrorist 9 | HP 130/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 10 | HP 65/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 11 | HP 65/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 12 | HP 65/130 | DMG: 39

Loot Summary:

+ 16,290col
+ 36 materials
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a, 228521)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301, 228523, 228524)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (6) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304, 228522b)
+ Foraging EXP +23


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Posted (edited)

Lysandra beheld the monster once more. He fought with the same berserker disregard for his life and safety that he had shown before - and to be fair, he was in no danger. Even when one of her compatriots caught him in the side of his head with a blow, it left a tiny glowing mark that faded after a second. And the monster's health bar barely dipped. Meanwhile his own blows struck each of them in turn, and three fell to the ground as their bodies shattered into shards and faded, leaving only a strange glowing object behind.

"Monsters..." she whispered. Astarion was right - these Outworlders were truly monsters, containing only light inside instead of being beings of flesh and blood. And that otherness made them see others not as people, but simply walking treasure chests, whose slaughter only made them more powerful.

Only one remained, desperation etched on his face as he fought.


Recovery: +1 EN

Post Action | AOE-I (-13 EN)
Free Action | None

ID: 228614 | ELF Terrorist 9 | BD 3 + 5 = 8 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 2 <<Miss>>
ID: 228615 | ELF Terrorist 10 | BD 5 + 5 = 10 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 7 <<Hit>> 39 - 39 = 1 DMG 
ID: 228616 | ELF Terrorist 11| BD 3 + 5 = 8 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG  | MD 3 <<Miss>>
ID: 228617 | ELF Terrorist 12 | BD 3 + 5 = 8 <<Hit>> 13 * 5 = 65 DMG | MD 8 <<Hit>> 39 - 39 = 1 DMG

Hanzoku | HP: 116/120 | EN: 5/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

ELF Terrorist 9 | HP 65/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 10 | HP 0/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 11 | HP 0/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 12 | HP 0/130 | DMG: 39

Loot Summary:

+ 16,290col
+ 36 materials
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a, 228521)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301, 228523, 228524)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (6) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304, 228522b)
+ Foraging EXP +23


Edited by Hanzoku
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Posted (edited)

His end came swiftly as the monster used a different Sword Art to replicate its blade sixfold, the strike spearing past his defenses and causing his body to shatter as well. Only Lysandra and the monster remained. He eyed her as she stalked forward, doing her best to conceal the knee-shaking terror that she was feeling in that moment.

"Why did you come here, monster?" she spat, slowly circling to his left. He didn't deign to turn to face her, which only spurred her fury to override her terror. "Why do you defile our peaceful forest?"

"Peaceful? It's full of psychotic deer, hostile trees, pyromaniac foxes-" the monster began, and she cut him off with a sharp movement of her blade.

"None of which were an issue until a few months before you Outworlders appeared! We lived here for centuries in peace with nature!"

"A few months before the players showed up, huh?" he mused, rubbing his bearded jaw.


Recovery: +1 EN

Post Action | ST-I vs ELF Terrorist 9 (-6 EN)
Free Action | None

ID: 228618 | ELF Terrorist 9 | BD 8 + 5 = 13 <<Hit>> 13 * 6 = 78 DMG | MD 8 <<Hit>> 39 - 39 = 1 DMG

Hanzoku | HP: 115/120 | EN: 0/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

ELF Terrorist 9 | HP -13/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 10 | HP 0/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 11 | HP 0/130 | DMG: 39
ELF Terrorist 12 | HP 0/130 | DMG: 39

Loot Summary:

+ 16,290col
+ 36 materials
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a, 228521)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301, 228523, 228524)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a)
+ (6) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304, 228522b)
+ Foraging EXP +23


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Posted (edited)

Hanzoku sighed as the angry elven woman stared holes through him. He was sure if her looks could kill, he'd be taking HP damage right this moment. "Looks like this all started when the game was booted out of beta and went live." he said, tapping each of the loot crystals in turn, causing the elf to growl in protest.

"Have you no respect for the remains of the dead?" she cried out furiously, and he shrugged in return.

"If they left bodies behind and I'd have to go through their pockets to find these things, it'd be a lot harder. Kayaba did a lot to sanitize the experience of the game." he said philosophically as he tapped each item and caused them to disappear into the ether.

"This isn't a game! This is our lives, and you just see us as... resources!"

"This was meant to be a game, I'm sorry to say. But now we're stuck here and fighting for our lives."

"And that gives you a right to do what you want, take what you want, and kill everything that moves?"

"Survival is poor justification, but largely yes, you'll see players doing that." Hanzoku frowned and eyed the well-lived in base. "Why are you guys here, anyway?"


Recovery: +5 HP, +1 EN (full recovery 1/3)

Post Action | Loot elves
Free Action | None

ID: 228619 | ELF Terrorist 9 | LD 16 + 5 = 21 | CD 5
 | [Base Col] = 130 * (3 + 3) = 780col
 | [CD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [LD Bonus] = 130 * 2 = 260col
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (228619a), (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (228619b, 228619c)

ID: 228620 | ELF Terrorist 10 | LD 18 + 5 = 23 | CD 8
 | [Base Col] = 130 * (3 + 3) = 780col
 | [CD Bonus] = 130 * 2 = 260col
 | [LD Bonus] = 130 * 2 = 260col
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (228620a), (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (228620b, 228620c)

ID: 228621 | ELF Terrorist 11 | LD 14 + 5 = 19 | CD 1
 | [Base Col] = 130 * (3 + 3) = 780col
 | [CD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [LD Bonus] = 130 * 2 = 260col
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (228621a), Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (228621b)

ID: 228622 | ELF Terrorist 12 | LD 19 + 5 = 24 | CD 11
 | [Base Col] = 130 * (3 + 3) = 780col
 | [CD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [LD Bonus] = 2 materials
 | [Loot Table] = Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (228622), 130 * 6 = 780col

Loot Summary:
 + 4,940col
 + 8 materials
 + Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (228621a)
 + (4) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (228619b, 228619c, 228621b, 228622)
 + (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (228619a, 228620a)
 + (2) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (228620b, 228620c)

Hanzoku | HP: 120/120 | EN: 1/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

Loot Summary:

+ 21,230col
+ 44 materials
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a, 228521)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (6) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301, 228523, 228524. 228621a)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264, 228619b, 228619c, 228621b, 228622)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a)
+ (4) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a, 228619a, 228620a)
+ (8) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304, 228522b, 228620b, 228620c)
+ Foraging EXP +23


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Posted (edited)

Lysandra's gaze was haunted as she looked around the abandoned base. "This is a... was a refuge. For those of us who realized the truth of you Outworlders, and the multiple worlds that are connected by the Great Tower."

"Huh. I didn't realize that you guys could even think about that. I've tried talking to other NPCs, but their Floor is their whole world, and the concept of other Floors just gets... blanked."

Despite herself, Lysandra found herself talking to the human - perhaps the first Outworlder she had ever conversed with. "There is some spell cast over us. Most of my people are unable to contemplate the possibility of other worlds. When I was younger it was the same for me. Only when I saw one of you Outworlders cast your great spell in the town square and saw the world beyond that they stepped into did the charm break."


Recovery: +1 EN (full recovery 2/3)

Post Action | Talk
Free Action | None

Hanzoku | HP: 120/120 | EN: 2/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

Loot Summary:

+ 21,230col
+ 44 materials
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a, 228521)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (6) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301, 228523, 228524. 228621a)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264, 228619b, 228619c, 228621b, 228622)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a)
+ (4) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a, 228619a, 228620a)
+ (8) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304, 228522b, 228620b, 228620c)
+ Foraging EXP +23


Edited by Hanzoku
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Posted (edited)

"It was Asterion that found me, and the others. He explained to us the truth of the world - that our world is but one of many, and that you Outworlders are parasites that infest these worlds, slaughtering countless creatures to fuel your powers and constantly seeking out new worlds to infect with your taint!"

Hanzoku laughed dryly. "That's... certainty one way to look at it." he said, shaking his head. They had been moving as they talked, and he stood with his back to the doors leading to Asterion's chamber. Those doors swung inward now on silent hinges, and she forced her eyes to remain fixed on the Outworlder's own - green like her own, though a lighter shade of the color.

"Slightly more charitable, is that we're searching for the way to a specific world - the last one. Once we reach that, we'll be allowed to leave again." he said. The shadow behind moved closer, ready to strike. Lysandra moved not a muscle in reaction, willing the human to remain oblivious. "But until then, a certain amount of healthy paranoia-" he said, spinning and grasping the hand holding a knife in his right hand and dragging the strike to the side, left driving his sword home in Asterion's stomach. "Is a sensible idea." he finishes. He feels something spill over his hand as the elf grins at him, not at all phased by his wound. Hanzoku looked down and watched black blood spill over the guard and grip of his sword.

He rips the weapon free and Astarion sagged against a wall, hands covering the deadly stomach wound. "What the hell? Blood?"

Lysandra staggers as the world seems to freeze and skip, discordance rising up within her. Blood? How was he bleeding? Ever since the months before the Outworlders appeared - had she remembered bleeding? But she had scraped her knees as a girl...


Recovery: +28 EN (full recovery 3/3)

Post Action | Switch Equipment
Free Action | None

Hanzoku | HP: 120/120 | EN: 30/30 | DMG: 13 | MIT:39 | ACC:2 | THORNS:9 | REGEN: 5 | LD:5 | PROSP:3

Loot Summary:

+ 21,230col
+ 44 materials
+ (3) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a, 228521)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b)
+ (6) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301, 228523, 228524. 228621a)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
(1) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264, 228619b, 228619c, 228621b, 228622)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a)
+ (4) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a, 228619a, 228620a)
+ (8) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304, 228522b, 228620b, 228620c)
+ Foraging EXP +23


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