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[F03 | Flora] Silent Moments

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Stepping into the shop Sable felt as though he had entered a completely different floor. The sights and sounds of the outside seemed to melt away and he was filled with a sense of warmth and protection. It had nearly knocked him on his rear. Blinking his eyes a few times to focus the young man stepped further inside to better inspect the gadgets and doodads that were placed along the shelves and displays. "All these things are so well made. I'd expect craftmanship like this in an NPC shop more than one ran by a person."

After taking his time to inspect the items one seemed to catch his eye. With that he stepped up to the counter and placed his payment there, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Excuse me miss, I'd like that bracelet please. It'd be perfect for what I need."


Sable Purchases:

Looting Charm | T4 Perfect Trinket | ID#: 229994 | LD 3
Desc: A simple metal band with a small charm hanging from it, shaped like a compass.

Cost: 3 Mats | Sent to Nymoria

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Rank 7 Artisan | 705/1,279 EXP
Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 234002 [4+1] = 5 13 Salvage (-0 Material) +3 EXP
2 234003 [9+1] = 10 7 T4 Rare | Jewelry (-1 Material) +6 EXP
3 234004 [11+1] = 12 6 T4 Perfect | Jewelry (-1 Material) +9 EXP
4 234005 [3+1] = 4 15 Salvage (-0 Material) +3 EXP
5 234006 [12+1] = 13 15 T4 Perfect | Jewelry (-1 Material) +9 EXP
6 234007 [3+1] = 4 10 Salvage (-1 Material) +3 EXP
7 234008 [2+1] = 3 3 Salvage (-1 Material) +3 EXP
8 234010 [11+1] = 12 7 T4 Perfect | Jewelry (-1 Material) +9 EXP
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
Edited by Nymoria
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Rank 7 Artisan | 750/1,279 EXP
Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 234235 [4+1] = 5 5 Salvage (-1 Material) +3 EXP
2 234236 [12+1] = 13 2 T4 Perfect | Jewelry (-1 Material) +9 EXP
3 234237 [8+1] = 9 3 T4 Rare | Jewelry (-1 Material) +6 EXP
4 234238 [1+1] = 2 10 Critical Fail (-1 Material) +2 EXP
5 234239 [12+1] = 13 8 T4 Perfect | Jewelry (-1 Material) +9 EXP
6 234240 [6+1] = 7 8 T4 Uncommon| Jewelry (-1 Material) +4 EXP
7 234241 [6+1] = 7 13 T4 Uncommon| Jewelry (-1 Material) +4 EXP
8 234242 [12+1] = 13 17 T4 Perfect | Jewelry (-1 Material) +9 EXP
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 234240 + 234241 234243 T4 Rare | Jewelry
2 234237 + 234243 234244 T4 Perfect | Jewelry
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
Edited by Nymoria
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Rank 7 Artisan | 796/1,279 EXP
Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 234411 [12+1] = 13 17 T4 Perfect | Jewelry (-1 Material) +9 EXP
2 234412 [1+1] = 2 4 Critical Fail (-1 Material) +2 EXP
3 234413 [11+1] = 12 12 T4 Perfect | Jewelry (-1 Material) +9 EXP
4 234414 [6+1] = 7 2 T4 Uncommon | Jewelry (-1 Material) +4 EXP
5 234415 [12+1] = 13 19 T4 Perfect | Jewelry (-1 Material) +9 EXP
6 234416 [12+1] = 13 13 T4 Perfect | Jewelry (-1 Material) +9 EXP
7 234417 [1+1] = 2 4 Critical Fail (-1 Material) +2 EXP
8 234418 [10+1] = 11 19 T4 Rare | Jewelry (-1 Material) +6 EXP
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 234003 + 234418 234419 T4 Perfect | Jewelry
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
Edited by Nymoria
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“Nymoria. It’s good to see you again. I hope you’ve been doing alright since our time in the garden.” Truth be told, she was worried about the girl. Acanthus hadn’t heard from her since their trip to the garden. While she pleased to see Silent Moments had come into its own as a shop, she couldn’t help but feel the place was a bit… somber. Not that Acanthus had any room to shame other people for that. But it was easier to worry about others than it was to worry about herself.

But not easy enough to address her unvoiced concerns. “I’m here for a charm,” she said, picking out one with a lightning bolt on it.

Purchasing. Evasive Charm [Jewlery | Tierless | Evasion III]: A simple green coloured band which contains a small yellow charm in the shape of a lightning bolt hanging from it.

Payment. 3 Materials sent to Nymoria.

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Several failed attempts to enter other shops left Moog on the doorsteps of an even more fragile looking establishment, which should have spelled disaster.  Bulls allegedly came to him to learn about how best to behave in china shops, and he was about to enter?  That he'd even made it into an alley with his bulk required some reality bending gymnastics that had somehow been achieved.  Why not aim for two impossible tasks in a single day?  Knocking didn't do much, other than rattle windows.  Moog's knuckles were accustomed to reckless brutality, not the pleasant etiquette of polite society, ... or normal people.  

He was about to beat the door down, his left eye twitching with frustration that nearly boiled over to destructive impulse when a small child ran up and opened it for him, protecting Nymoria's property in a way he'd not have expected.

"She's nice.  Don't break her things, m'kay?"  Blonde pigtails whirled back the way they came, leaving Moog's permanently furrowed brow and hanging jaw to return to their normally schedule programming - meaning about the same.

Once his bulk had waddled through the relatively tiny door, twin heavyset brows struggled and rose, like they were attached to heavy weights and unaccustomed to the action.  And with good reason.  The shops was chock full of brilliantly dazzling and shiny things, all preciously laid out in splendidly organized displays.  Fidgeting like a nervous kid in his first candy shop, Moog nearly stomped his feet with joy.  Thankfully, spotting one particularly sparkly bit of ore stopped him before he utterly destroyed the surrounding treasures. 

Where most might migrate towards Nymoria's spectacular finished goods, something about the raw materials appealed more to Moog's simple tastes.  That, or he'd somehow connected that he was less likely to crush them by accident.

"Can I has some?  Moog likes shinies."


Placing 3 custom orders (15 mats total):

Item Name: Makes Me Chuckle
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: Tierless
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: ACC III
Description: A polished hunk of bloodstone, with splotches of black and crimson that create a happy face if you turn them just right.

Item Name: Locating Charm
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: Tierless
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: LD III
Description: A simple metal band with a small charm hanging from it, shaped like a compass.

Item Name: Dark Hunk of Shiny
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: Tierless
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: An unrefined hunk of obsidian, laced with mineral veins and tiny speckles of various gemstones that make it shine and sparkle brightly.

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She gave a soft wave of her hand as the individuals arrived and browsed, before placing their orders. A quick beaming smile, and Nymoria shifted to begin working on the requested items, waving a hand towards a collection of already crafted items that she had placed to the side for display. Without looking up, she quickly signed a response to the larger individual, focusing on her work even as her right hand spoke for her.

The Locating Charm. I will make others. Please wait. Moment. She focused, for a few moments, on the work as she defined out the details of what the customer wanted, before grinding away and crafting the items into shape and existence. Once she was content with the work, she held them up for the approval of the individual, smiling slightly as she waited for their confirmation. Once everything was done, she gave a bow and signed quickly. Thank you for your patronage, please come again!


Ready for pick-up | Order for @Moog

Item Name: Makes Me Chuckle
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: Tierless
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: ACC III
Identification: ID231286
Description: A polished hunk of bloodstone, with splotches of black and crimson that create a happy face if you turn them just right.

Item Name: Locating Charm
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: Tierless
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: LD III
Identification: ID229823
Description: A simple metal band with a small charm hanging from it, shaped like a compass.

Item Name: Dark Hunk of Shiny
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: Tierless
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Identification: ID231291
Description: An unrefined hunk of obsidian, laced with mineral veins and tiny speckles of various gemstones that make it shine and sparkle brightly.

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"Patro... uh?  Wut?"  The pretty lady talked funny.  But she was nice.  He'd been told she would be, and Moog didn't like to think, so he just agreed.  She was nice, just like the pretty shinies all around him that reminded him of home, except smaller, and brighter, and less smelly.  For several minutes, Moog stared at the baubles in his hand, unmoving, big head with beady eyes glaring blankly at them.  It was unclear whether there was any thought process actually occurring, of if he'd just stalled.

Licking his lips, finally, like that might somehow be a sign of life, Moog blinked and looked around at the shop.  It was a good thing he'd paid in advance, or he would have forgotten. Barely even registering Nymoria's presence, he glanced back towards the door.  It swung open of its own accord, the latch and handle fearing for their existence, and Moog's bulk waddled through.


Moog accepts:

Makes Me Chuckle | Tierless Perfect Trinket | ACC III
A polished hunk of bloodstone, with splotches of black and crimson that create a happy face if you turn them just right.
Identification: ID231286

Locating Charm | Tierless Perfect Jewelry | LD III
A simple metal band with a small charm hanging from it, shaped like a compass.
Identification: ID229823

Dark Hunk of Shiny | Tierless Perfect Trinket | Ambition
An unrefined hunk of obsidian, laced with mineral veins and tiny speckles of various gemstones that make it shine and sparkle brightly.
Identification: ID231291

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  • 2 months later...

Rank 7 Artisan | 846/1,279 EXP
Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 240209 [8+1] = 9 5 T4 Rare | Trinket (-1 Material) +8 EXP
2 240210 [7+1] = 8 15 T4 Uncommon | Trinket (-1 Material) +6 EXP
3 240211 [4+1] = 5 16 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
4 240212 [8+1] = 9 9 T4 Rare | Trinket (-1 Material) +8 EXP
5 240213 [5+1] = 6 6 T4 Uncommon | Trinket (-1 Material) +6 EXP
6 240214 [11+1] = 12 10 T4 Perfect | Trinket (-1 Material) +11 EXP
7 240215 [6+1] = 7 19 T4 Uncommon | Trinket (-1 Material) +6 EXP
8 240216 [1+1] = 2 13 Critical Fail (-1 Material) +4 EXP
9 240217 [8+1] = 9 10 T4 Rare | Trinket (-1 Material) +8 EXP
10 - - - - -
11 - - - - -
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
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Rank 7 Artisan | 908/1,279 EXP
Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 240223 [8+1] = 9 18 T4 Rare | Trinket (-1 Material) +8 EXP
2 240224 [5+1] = 6 20 T4 Uncommon | Trinket (-1 Material) +6 EXP
3 240225 [2+1] = 3 10 Salvage (-1 Material) +5 EXP
4 240226 [1+1] = 2 19 Critical Fail (-1 Material) +4 EXP
5 240227 [9+1] = 10 15 T4 Rare | Trinket (-1 Material) +8 EXP
6 240228 [10+1] = 11 19 T4 Rare | Trinket (-1 Material) +8 EXP
7 240229 [3+1] = 4 11 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
8 240230 [12+1] = 13 9 T4 Perfect | Trinket (-1 Material) +11 EXP
9 240231 [4+1] = 5 15 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
10 - - - - -
11 - - - - -
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
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Rank 7 Artisan | 968/1,279 EXP
Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 240270 [9+1] = 10 5 T4 Rare | Sculpture (-1 Material) +8 EXP
2 240271 [4+1] = 5 17 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
3 240272 [5+1] = 6 19 T4 Uncommon | Sculpture (-1 Material) +6 EXP
4 240273 [1+1] = 2 2 Critical Fail (-1 Material) +4 EXP
5 240274 [6+1] = 7 9 T4 Uncommon | Sculpture (-1 Material) +6 EXP
6 240275 [12+1] = 13 16 T4 Perfect | Sculpture (-1 Material) +11 EXP
7 240276 [12+1] = 13 10 T4 Perfect | Sculpture (-1 Material) +11 EXP
8 240277 [6+1] = 7 11 T4 Uncommon | Sculpture (-1 Material) +6 EXP
9 240278 [5+1] = 6 20 T4 Uncommon | Sculpture (-1 Material) +6 EXP
10 - - - - -
11 - - - - -
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
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Rank 7 Artisan | 1,031/1,279 EXP
Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 240374 [11+1] = 12 12 T4 Perfect | Jewellery (-1 Material) +11 EXP
2 240375 [11+1] = 12 18 T4 Perfect | Jewellery (-1 Material) +11 EXP
3 240376 [4+1] = 5 7 Salvage (-1 Material) +5 EXP
4 240377 [10+1] = 11 12 T4 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material) +8 EXP
5 240378 [4+1] = 5 11 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
6 240379 [4+1] = 5 13 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
7 240380 [2+1] = 3 7 Salvage (-1 Material) +5 EXP
8 240381 [2+1] = 3 5 Salvage (-1 Material) +5 EXP
9 240382 [8+1] = 9 13 T4 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material) +8 EXP
10 - - - - -
11 - - - - -
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
Edited by Nymoria
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Rank 7 Artisan | 1,094/1,279 EXP
Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 240410 [2+1] = 3 17 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
2 240411 [9+1] = 10 4 T4 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material) +9 EXP
3 240412 [4+1] = 5 13 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
4 240413 [5+1] = 6 3 T4 Uncommon | Jewellery (-1 Material) +6 EXP
5 240414 [2+1] = 3 14 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
6 240415 [2+1] = 3 17 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
7 240416 [9+1] = 10 8 T4 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material) +8 EXP
8 240417 [4+1] = 5 15 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
9 240418 [10+1] = 11 13 T4 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material) +8 EXP
10 - - - - -
11 - - - - -
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
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Rank 7 Artisan | 1,150/1,279 EXP
Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 240419 [4+1] = 5 10 Salvage (-1 Material) +5 EXP
2 240420 [2+1] = 3 11 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
3 240421 [4+1] = 5 20 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
4 240422 [3+1] = 4 13 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
5 240423 [7+1] = 8 10 T4 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material) +8 EXP
6 240424 [4+1] = 5 20 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
7 240425 [3+1] = 4 18 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
8 240426 [7+1] = 8 20 T4 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material) +8 EXP
9 240427 [8+1] = 9 2 T4 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material) +8 EXP
10 - - - - -
11 - - - - -
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
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Rank 7 Artisan | 1,204/1,279 EXP
Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 240429 [7+1] = 8 19 T4 Uncommon | Trinket (-1 Material) +5 EXP
2 240430 [9+1] = 10 5 T4 Rare | Trinket (-1 Material) +5 EXP
3 240431 [5+1] = 6 10 T4 Uncommon | Trinket (-1 Material) +5 EXP
4 240432 [7+1] = 8 16 T4 Uncommon | Trinket (-1 Material) +5 EXP
5 240433 [7+1] = 8 12 T4 Uncommon | Trinket (-1 Material) +8 EXP
6 240434 [10+1] = 11 18 T4 Rare | Trinket (-1 Material) +5 EXP
7 240435 [7+1] = 8 6 T4 Uncommon | Trinket (-1 Material) +5 EXP
8 240436 [5+1] = 6 6 T4 Uncommon | Trinket (-1 Material) +8 EXP
9 240437 [4+1] = 5 18 Salvage (-0 Material) +8 EXP
10 - - - - -
11 - - - - -
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
Edited by Nymoria
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Traveling to the 3rd floor felt significantly more peaceful now, bolstered by their assisted success in the sands. I wonder how long it takes to get used to that the sudden change in humidity was enough to make Echo nauseous. It's cool that they could replicate it but give me some time to adjust. Shaking their head they started walking. Echo takes a moment to change out of their coveralls and into their dirty white tunic and leather pants. Traveling the streets for some time, the day passing by overhead, they finally find what they're looking for. Slipping in, Echo looked around at the various trinkets and bobbles lying around, taking care to examine handiwork and craftsmanship before making their way to the front desk. “E-excuse me, I would like to place an order if you have any opening.” The voice quiet, anxious. Echo fills out the forms before handing them back. “If you want to take creative liberty with it that's fine too, I'm really not too picky. No rush either, if you could send me a message once it's available I would greatly appreciate”




Item Name: Diligent Observation

Item Type: Jewelry

Item Tier: 2 [might actually br tierless]

Item Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: 3 Loot Die

Description: This set of fine guilded Jewelers glasses hold a number of lenses each with different levels of magnification or color. While the glasses themselves are of fine make, it makes the wearer look a bit silly as when looking at them from a distance it seems to make their eyes too big for their face [You are welcome to add additional flair/modify existing description if you so choose]


Item Name: Only Satisfaction

Item Type: Jewelry

Item Tier: 2 [Might actually be Tierless]

Item Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: 2 Recovery | 1 Prosperity

Description: This silver brace begins attaching to the wearers ring finder and weaves its way up the wearer’s arm ending at the shoulder as though it were an articulated metal sleeve. Evocative of ivy climbing up a structure. In the fine details you can see the veins of leaves carved in various spaces. [You are welcome to add additional/modify existing description flair if you so choose]


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Rank 7 Artisan | 1,258/1,279 EXP
Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 240471 [6+1] = 7 18 T2 Uncommon | Jewellery (-1 Material) +6 EXP
2 240472 [8+1] = 9 13 T2 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material) +8 EXP
3 240473 [10+1] = 11 10 T2 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material) +8 EXP
4 240474 [5+1] = 6 8 T2 Uncommon | Jewellery (-1 Material) +6 EXP
5 240475 [5+1] = 6 16 T2 Uncommon | Jewellery (-1 Material) +6 EXP
6 240476 [1+1] = 2 1 Critical Fail (-1 Material) +4 EXP
7 240477 [10+1] = 11 9 T2 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material) +8 EXP
8 240478 [5+1] = 6 4 T2 Uncommon | Jewellery (-1 Material) +6 EXP
9 240479 [4+1] = 6 6 T2 Uncommon | Jewellery (-1 Material) +6 EXP
10 - - - - -
11 - - - - -
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 240471+240474 240480 T2 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material)
2 240475+240478 240481 T2 Rare | Jewellery (-1 Material)
3 240472+240473 240482 T2 Perfect | Jewellery (-1 Material)
4 240480+240481 240483 T2 Perfect | Jewellery (-1 Material)
5 - - -
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  • 3 weeks later...

Fae had lived on the fourth floor for a while now, but had never taken a chance to explore anything but the wilderness surrounding her small shop. A trip to the nearby town of Flora was in due order, and while wandering the streets of the picturesque town Fae came across a warmly glowing building selling all sorts of odds and ends. Opening the door, Fae was almost lost in all the different nick knacks and trinkets, the shelves full of everything one could imagine. Not looking for anything in particular Fae looked through the organized chaos of the shop until her eyes fell onto a peculiar metal coin. "How much for this?" Fae asked the shop owner as she made her way up to the counter, placing the coin on it.


Item Name: Fae Coin
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: Tierless/Tier2
Quality: Demonic
Enhancements: 2 Quality | 2 Prosperity
Description: This simple metal coin has 2 faces on it, one the benevolent and beautiful face of a fairy and the other the disgusting face of an imp. If one looks closely they can see that in truth, both faces are one in the same and slowly morph back and forth.


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Rank 8 Artisan | 1,316/2,559 EXP
Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 241686 [2+1] = 3 10 Salvage (-1 Material) +5 EXP
2 241687 [11+1] = 12 20 T2 Perfect | Trinket (-1 Material) +11 EXP
3 241688 [4+1] = 5 5 T2 Uncommon | Trinket (-1 Material) +6 EXP
4 241689 [1+1] = 2 9 Critical Failure (-1 Material) +4 EXP
5 241690 [12+1] = 13 18 T2 Perfect | Trinket (-1 Material) +11 EXP
6 241691 [7+1] = 8 16 T2 Uncommon | Trinket (-1 Material) +6 EXP
7 241692 [9+1] = 10 16 T2 Rare | Trinket (-1 Material) +8 EXP
8 241693 [8+1] = 9 3 T2 Rare | Trinket (-1 Material) +8 EXP
9 241694 [2+1] = 3 11 Salvage (-0 Material) +5 EXP
10 241695 [9+1] = 10 18 T2 Rare | Trinket (-1 Material) +8 EXP
11 - - - - -
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 241687+241690 241696 T2 Demonic | Trinket
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
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The woman behind the counter smiled as she made a gesture that seemed to have a meaning that Fae didn't understand. Though it was clear that she was directing Fae to look at the sign on the counter. The sign gave a list of general prices as well as a brief explanation of how the shop keeper could not speak. 'That must have been sign language earlier' Fae thought to herself smiling at the woman and dropping the bag of col on the counter "Thank you. Your shop is wonderful, I'll make sure to stop by again soon, I live in the forest just nearby." With that Farewell Fae pocketed her coin and exited the shop.


Picking Up:

Item Name: Fae Coin
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: Tierless/Tier2
Quality: Demonic
Enhancements: 2 Quality | 2 Prosperity
Description: This simple metal coin has 2 faces on it, one the benevolent and beautiful face of a fairy and the other the disgusting face of an imp. If one looks closely they can see that in truth, both faces are one in the same and slowly morph back and forth.

Item ID: 241696


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