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[F1 - PP] Potential Cash, Guaranteed Friendships! <<Earning a Living>>

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"Just don't go around provoking things then, easy right?" she chuckled. In truth, it was never that simple and it was the main reason for her permanent stay in the Town of Beginnings. You simply never knew if something would randomly attack you just because it felt like it. Just like these herbs felt like not appearing when she needed them. 

Ty liked the idea of someone always being around to assist her if she needed help. Gods knew she needed it anyway, besides, the more friends, the better! Which brought her mind back to getting a familiar. She could send it into spaces she herself could never reach.
she blinked at Kil when he mentioned a guild member was a little out there. "Out there...how? I've met my fair share of weirdos, so nothing really surprises me anymore." She shrugged, amused. 

"Dang, you don't have to spoil me day one!" Ty exclaimed when Kil started listing all the food he was going to make for them. Despite her words, however, she was more than excited to see how real cooking was done in this world, so she could feed herself properly. 
"Wow, you live on the sixth floor? Never been that high before...should be interesting."



Action: Gathering Alchemy Materials

Roll ID: 228725

Result: LD: 8 = Fail


Edited by Typhoonflame
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This was tragic. Kil had no idea why he wasn't having much luck finding anything this way. He had struck out this time in this area and his red eyes narrowed a bit. The penguin, however, was having the time of her life while committing genocide on the small ants with her little wooden sword. Stab. Stab. Stab. She waved frantically as one of the ants managed to stay on her sword only to be thrown into the distance.

"I wish I didn't have to poke things. But unfortunately, it's the way of how this world works. If I want honey, I gotta poke a bee. If I want some vanilla extract, I gotta go against a man-eating plant." He felt a sweat drop form against the side of his face as it sounded like he was committing war crimes for food purposes. 

When she mentioned Shiina, he thought about that woman for a second. "I literally cannot describe her in any way shape or form. You'll just have to meet her and see the chaos she sows." He had to do that as well. Her reaction to the food seemed exciting as he flashed her a grin. "Food warms the soul."

In truth, he hadn't cooked for anyone in a long while. He, himself, had been just going day by day without doing much of anything such as random bouts of sleep and cocoa to keep him warm in the shop. He had to dust off that skill and at least make it decent for her. "The sixth floor is pretty. It's a giant jungle that houses a lot of things. I chose it because of the area outside of the gate. It's relatively close by to the teleport and it allows me to find some exotic foods. I'm sure we'll be able to find a cat there. Might be a jungle cat but a cat, nonetheless." 

He looked over at her slightly. "What was it like for you before all this? Like what were you doing?" It was an open-ended question that could be answered in various ways. 



Action: Material Search Fail!

228749    8    4    1    7    Kiluia


Edited by Kiluia Seiko
Material Search Roll
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Ty didn't really mind Pingu throwing ants around as she herself was prone to killing spiders and other such creepy-crawlies. She simply felt squeamish at the mere sight of one. However, she didn't kill them if they didn't enter her apartment or personal space. 

She nodded as Kil explained why he had to poke things. It was an MMO after all, which meant that drops like food ingredients were drops, and they usually only came from mobs. 

Ty had to admit that a jungle sounded great. She'd never been to one, given that she'd been born in an urban city and had thus only seen jungle animals and plants in zoos and the like, or in documentaries. She wondered just how humid and hot it got up there, and how urbanized it was. Jungles were usually depicted as dangerous areas where only experienced tribes dwelt, and nowadays, as places that humanity sought to destroy to keep creating concrete jungles instead. At least she may find a cat up there.

"I like the sound of that, more or less." 

She shrugged at his question. "Not much, I worked, came home, played some games...you know how it is. Didn't have any fiends, so all my social life was online, not that I minded."



Action: Gathering Alchemy Materials

Roll ID: 228890

Result: LD: 16 = 1 Material


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He combed the area again for materials and once again, failed. This was becoming a growing trend for him now and he wasn't feeling it since he was a provisional captain. He was known for gathering like a maniac, but this felt wrong. He sat down and just fell backwards trying to reestablish a connection to gathering. It had been so long since he had done so, albeit they were almost done. 

He listened carefully to her and spoke as he stared at the blue skies with passing clouds. "I had gotten home from part time work. I might be a spoiled rich kid in some eyes, but I worked at a diner. It was nice meeting people that way." He thought about the patrons and whether or not they still remembered him. "I remember that I was supposed to go play games with a few friends at the arcade, but the VR came home. I was stoked"

He couldn't remember faces anymore of those he was friends with. It had been too long, and he had met so many others. Dealing with death every day, seeing people die every day, and just worrying about surviving was always on the mind of the people here. He didn't want to see people die anymore. 

He snapped back from his gloomy state and looked at her. "So, dessert, what kinda sweets do you like?" He wanted to change the subject since he was not willing to bring the mood down with that. "I prefer Italian types like a gelato."



Action: Gathering Materials Failed
229025    7    1    5    7     Failure!


Edited by Kiluia Seiko
Material Search Roll
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Ty blinked at Kil as he lay back, unsure what to make of it. Was he really so upset by his gathering failures? To be honest, she could kind of understand it, but she also supposed she was used to failure here, as she was still very new to this game and didn't understand half of its systems.

She sighed. "Yeah, I was stoked when mine came in too, I could finally live in a fantasy world and feel more...normal. I never really thought about my disability much, but I did want to know what it would feel like to walk freely. Who knew I'd actually get to live here, permanently. I wonder if I'll even know how to function without semi-normal legs when I get back." She chuckled sadly.

She coughed quickly, regaining her composure. "Y-yeah, I like anything really. Anything that has chocolate, I'm game for! Fruity stuff...it depends. I like green apple as a flavor, but not other fruity stuff."



Action: Gathering Alchemy Materials

Roll ID: 229030

Result: LD: 19 = 1 Material


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Signs of luck seemed to change as it seemed that they needed one more. However, Kil was not the one to find the last one as he stood up dusting off his clothing and looking at her. "Some captain I am. I can't even find two." He laughed as he watched her find one. 

Her story interrupted his thoughts as he listened intently. Her trials and tribulations were indeed tough. He wouldn't understand her pain in any detail at all as the woman continued with her words. "Must have been tough." He stated as he looked back down the path where they had come. He figured they would start heading back now since they only needed one more item and back to the alchemist. 

His looked over at her once more and placed both hands behind his head. "You are a fighter. I mean, you already are in a death game facing crazy things." He thought about what they would do when they got out. "Let's meet up. After we get out of the game." He seemed to speak casually about getting together. His red eyes soften as he held out a fist bump to her. "I promise to meet up with you after this weird life." He flashed a smile at her.



Action: Gathering Material Failed!

229038    7    6    10    4    Kiluia


Edited by Kiluia Seiko
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"It wasn't that tough, really. At least I don't think so." She shrugged. She was used to pitying glances from others, so she was more than relieved to see Kil's gaze held none of that, just compassion. 

"Yeah...it's a shame, no? This game would've been so cool. But now, it's been tainted by all this garbage about killing people and whatnot. What's the point, besides lunacy? This gives the developer nothing but a bad rep and criminal status.It doesn't even benefit them politically, so why...Why trap us?" she said, thinking aloud. She'd been thinking about that for a while, and the answer escaped her, even despite her extensive study of politics as part of her university programme. There was nothing the devs could gain from this at all!

Ty blinked up at Kil as he suddenly said they should meet up. "I mean, we could live across the world or something! And I can't really travel alone, so how would that even work? Seriously, don't make promises you don't know if you can keep!" she chided, but good-naturedly, as she pressed her fist against his. "How about this, let's survive first, stay in touch, then think about that, huh? Have some priorities." She snickered, grabbing another nearby herb. "Come on, we can go back now!


Action: Gathering Alchemy Materials

Roll ID: 229072

Result: LD: 15 = 1 Material



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He was definitely not showing off his cool side with being able to find the materials. A slight sigh escaped as he handed over the material he found earlier and laughed a bit. "Damn I thought I would do better." He would shrug slightly as they headed back to the alchemist shop. 

The way was straight forward as path was straight toward town. "Why trap us? That is literally something I wish I understood." He frowned slightly but shrugged. "No use thinking about it though. We are here and need to get our asses in gear." He would look back at her as she proclaimed the other part of their conversation. He listened intently and nodded. "Of course, but we can always have goals. I live in Japan currently. That's where I was logged in at least. Plus, my dad is a German politician and wants to be work at the emissary here. So, if anything, we could just jump on a plane?" He was half kidding but half not. 

He waved for Pingu, who came running and rolling down the hill with her sword tucked away. She made it to them and continued to roll past as if it was the right thing to do. "Least, one of us is having fun." He laughed as he looked at her. "Yeah, lets survive together." 


Action: Gave Material found in quest away to Typhoon Flame


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Ty hummed in agreement at Kil's words. It was indeed time to get their asses in gear, her ass specifically, since she hadn't done much yet. She had a list now: get sword arts, set up her shop, get out there more, help out as much as she could. 

"Japan? Wow! I've always wanted to go there! You're lucky, I'm still stuck in Europe, in the UK, actually. So that's pretty far from you." 
She wasn't going to ask about his dad's work now, knowing that getting into politics with people usually led to arguments,, and besides, it didn't look like Kil himself was much of a politician. Not like real-world politics mattered here, they had plenty of fantasy politics right here, learning how to survive.

"Yeah, let's survive..."


She led him back to the Town of Beginnings, hurrying back to the alchemist shop. She handed the herbs to the shopkeep, named Evangeline, who then instructed her to craft a simple salve with what she'd gathered. It took her a few attempts, but she managed to do it after a lot of trial and error, showing it to Kil proudly as she left the shop. 



Roll 1

Action: Crafting Salve (permitted to roll until success)

Roll ID: 229211

Result: CD 5- Fail

Roll 2

Action: Crafting Salve

Roll ID: 229212

Result: CD 8- Fail

Roll 3

Action: Crafting Salve

Roll ID: 229213

Result: CD 1- Fail

Roll 4

Action: Crafting Salve

Roll ID: 229214

Result: CD 11- Rare Item [2 slots]



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The shop was the same as ever but with this time fewer people. The only inhabitants were the shop keep and them since they found a time to be by themselves. His eyes wandered around slightly before seeing her in action at the alchemist shop. He hadn't seen it in action for quite some time so he decided it would be fair for him to at least watch. He would think about the situation about her living in the UK while she did her thing.

When she finished up her testing and produced a couple items, he smiled with some satisfaction. "Good job." He would tilt his head slightly before looking at her. "UK isn't far from Germany. I'll just have to see you when we go back there." 

With that, the quest had ended for her but would open many doors for her as they duo went to the guild. He would have to introduce everyone to her when he had the chance. Perhaps, this was the chance meeting he needed to get back into the world once again.

Thread Closed



Typhoon Flame-
300 Experience Points
<<Alchemist>> Profession
Successfully Crafted Item
Standard <<Alchemist>> Shop
300 Experience Points

Adjustments by Nymoria
Word Count: 6,705

Typhoon Flame
EXP: 6,705 / 10 x 1 [True Tier] x 0.7 [Group Factor] = 469 [Thread Progression] + 300 [Quest] = 769 EXP
Col: 200 [Thread Progression] col
5 materials [Quest]
Standard <<Alchemist>> Shop
[Rare] Crafting Salve (Evaluation Submission required)

Kiluia Seiko
EXP: 6,705 / 10 x 6 [True Tier] x 0.7 [Group Factor] = 2,814 [Thread Progression] EXP
Col: 200 [Thread Progression] col


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