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[PP-F22] The Lion, The Witch, and The Audacity of this... well... you know. | <<Witch of the West>> [Assisted]

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"That's a thought." The nomad spurned on by the chatter between his team, beginning to ruffle through the papers scanning for notes and formula. The various glassware seeming to glare under the burning candlelight, he'd eye the doorway pointed out by Freyd. "Unlikely, Francine has some skill but a lot of it seems like a facsimile of expertise. Its half the reason why I cant crack the code on her damn potion... Its 'magic logic'" the man actually performs the air quotes with both hands, a new one for him. Lenses glare as he shift and answers the prior conversation with possibilities parading as thoughts roll off his shoulders. "We don't need it. Its nothing more then a bunch of made up recipes that follow no rules and a bad retelling of Narnia that reads like vomit." The man remarked in a plain tone, pushing the bridge of his glasses up his nose.

"@KnightessCiela, Look around for pages with numbers on them. If my hunch is correct...." The man nurses an older looking tome in both hands, folding it open and beginning to parse what was inside. "Megan is stupid, and she couldn't produce a potion of the game didn't allow her to. I suspect she found this..." Gesturing to the portal. "and had not a damn clue what it was. Playing with fire."

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Ciela let out a long breath of relief as Freyd's words helped her regain her composure. "I figured as much. I knew you or Rai wouldn’t let me toss it if it was actually important," she muttered, glaring daggers at Wulfrin before then rolling her eyes. She turned to follow Raidou’s instructions, but her mood quickly soured as she realized what she was in for. Oh boy, fetch quest time. She despised tasks like this. Especially when or if they were driven by random chance. RNG never seemed to be on her side.

As she scanned the room, her eyes landed on countless piles of papers strewn everywhere. Fucking. HELL. Ciela groaned softly. This is going to be a nightmare. With a resigned sigh, she began digging through the mess. Halfway through, she blinked, confused. Wait... Did Raidou just change the witch’s name again? She couldn’t keep track of whether the witch was Karen, Francine, Susan, or Megan at this point. Whatever. I don’t have the energy to deal with that right now.

Sorting through the chaotic stacks of papers took far longer than she’d hoped. By the time she was done, her head was pounding, her temples throbbing from the sheer monotony. Still, she couldn’t help but feel a tiny spark of satisfaction. I don’t care if it kills me, Karen/Francine/Susan/Megan will be organized.

Ciela’s organization system came together in four neat piles: numbered papers, non-numbered ones, spell-related documents, and potion recipes. She carefully placed the stacks on one of the witch’s cluttered bookshelves, hoping it might help. Though she knew the witch would probably mess it all back up, thwarting her efforts.

She gathered the numbered pages and made her way over to Raidou, handing them off with a tired smile. "This what you were looking for? These were the only numbered pages I could find in that disaster zone. I tried to organize it a bit, but honestly, she’s even more of a hot mess than I am." Ciela let out a small chuckle, shaking her head.

At least the task was done, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that the witch’s chaotic energy would eventually swallow any sense of order she’d just imposed. Good luck staying organized, she thought, smirking to herself.

* * *

EN Recovery Post (2/3)

Edited by KnightessCiela
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Relaxed (2/2) -> Full EN restore

Taking the stack of parchment from Ciela curiously, the man would turn a bookshelf around and use the flat back as a form of board. One by one he'd quickly tack them to the flat surface, like a tapestry of white scrawling. A hand moves to his chin earnestly scanning the information on them in droves, eyes flipping back and forth readily. "As I suspected, Mary had no idea what she had found. Based on her faint understanding this is a gateway into 'somewhere' that she was convinced she could tap some newfound power. Yet everything contained here is nothing more then conjecture. Superstition and misguided expectation." The man remarks as his expression doesn't change from his calculating stare.

"Again, Nicole is stupid."

The man would move to one of the nearby tables, adjusting some of the glassware to the side as if picking out specific pieces. A large glass dome, a small stone bowl and rod. Into his pocket he'd pull out a quarter sized red rock and place it beneath a smaller basin. "And again, I assume...." He'd exhale and send a cloud of dust from the top of them. "That these are entirely for show and she probably doesn't know how half of them work. But they will suffice." Striking the gemstone sees it spark into a dimly lit flame, to which he offers under the receptacle. Into it, he offers water from a leather skin container. As it boils, he seeks out a pair of vials from his pocket: One with small flakes of white leaves, and the other with a bright golden fluid. A few very precise minutes, flakes added to the boil and a single droplet added in will turn the mixture in a bright and vibrant white color. Opaque it would almost look like stained glass with light shining through. "Now, if you would so kindly." He offers the vial to @KnightessCiela "Pour this into the top of the apparatus, but do so quickly. If done too slow you will just end up with a fully formed corridor crystal. We aim to repair this doorway, and based on my loose calculations this should do exactly that." 

Reading back over where it was found, Raidou had a decent idea where this thing might lead. The place? Well, the iconography eluded to Hel's throne. Another witch that drastically dwarfed Amanda's power and if his suspicians were correct, she had found a back door into Val Halla

Post Action | Discovering T3 Dungeon (234648, LD: 12 + 6 = 18 [Success])

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