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[SP-F08] The Great Bear Massacre

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There was a sound like thunder outside his home. Green Garden was a quiet little place in the woods of the Eighth Floor, and Pinball had gotten lucky and chosen it because of that. It was quiet, and it was hidden. The downside of that was that the stone halls echoed sound like you wouldn't believe. Pinball peeked out the window. It wasn't raining. Then what was all that noise-? 

He moved to another window to check. Outside was an ocean of stamping, panting, huge brown bodies. Pinball frowned. What the actual fuck. Milling about without space between them was the largest gathering of bears Pinball had seen, and quite definitely the largest gathering of mobs in general that he had never seen. Pinball wasn't having it. He gathered up his things, downed a whole feast of consumables to get ready, and hurried to his front door. One thing was certain... 



- x1 Eye-Spy Cake: +2 Accuracy
- x1 Liquor of Might: +3 DMG 
- x1 Tofu Burger: +2 Protein 
- x1 Pilk: +3 LD -> {Filling} +4 LD 
- x1 Hellstorm: Apply an additional (20*Player's Tier) unmitigated damage to every attack for a single thread.

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 120/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

(Pilk: +4, Cloak: +3, Searching: +5, Paragon: +1, Unhindered: +1)

Player Stats (Unbuffed):


Level: 33 (Paragon Level 40)
Health: 840 | Energy: 120
DMG: 20  | ACC: 3  | EVA: 2  | BH: 37 | LD: -
Shift: Tech


Combat Skills:
► Battle Healing [22/30]
► Energist [8/8]
► Combat Mastery: Damage [13/13]

Weapon Skills:
► Thrown Weapons [30/30] 
    Add Ons: 

Utility Skills:
► Quick Change [8/8] 
► Searching: [22/30] -> (Skylight: R5) 

Extra Skills:
► Disguise
► Survival
► Forgotten King’s Authority 
► Hiding [30/30]

Familiar Skill: 
► Rending Familiar [10/10]

Armor Skills:
► Unhindered 

► Sneak Attack: Trickster 
► Vanish 
► Tracking
► Untraceable

► +1 LD to Looting, Searching for/Opening Treasure Chests (Paragon) 
► Earn Col Equivalent to 15% of player’s EXP earned in a thread (Paragon) 

»[Equipped] [Uncommon] Tyrfing: Absolute Accuracy 
»[Equipped] [Perfect] Shadow Cat's Cradle: +2 Quality, +1 EVA 
»[Equipped] [Perfect] Cloak of the Harbingers: +3 LD 

Battle Ready: 
» [Reusable Consumable] Rhino’s Horn 
» [2x] Teleportation Crystal 
» [x3] Lacrimosa - HP Recovery III Crystal {Instant}
» [Demonic TW] Hellfire: Burn, Bleed, Blight, Static
» [Demonic TW] Astral Blade: Holy, Fallen, Phase, Damage
» [Demonic TW] Cold Fervor: Freeze II, Phase, Cursed  
» [Perfect Cloth] Black Cloak: +3 EVA 

Housing Buffs: 


Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
Relaxed: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Item Stash: +1 BR Slot 
Skylight (Searching): +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cannot boost a skill without ranks, or increase a skill past its maximum rank. Cannot boost a skill the user has not learned yet. Ranks obtained using this buff will make the mods of that rank available for purchase. Mods obtained this way are unusable if this buff is removed until the skill is returned to the appropriate rank by way of SP purchase.
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt


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He was going to be rolling in col, materials, and loot by the time this was over. Pinball hurried across the stone floors of Green Garden. Outside, the cacophany of snorting and paws and shuffling was unceasing. Pinball made sure his stuff was equipped properly -- he was going to take full advantage of this opportunity, however annoying it might be. His cloak was equipped, and so was the right knife and his new trinket for looting mobs. Pinball nodded quietly to himself, sent a quiet prayer that he wouldn't have to deal with something like this on his doorstep again, and pushed outside. Immediately, he started throwing knives. It didn't matter where he threw them. They were going to hit. Four knives were thrown and four bears were killed. What did that leave? A hundred? More? It certainly looked that way. Pinball grimaced. It looked like it was going to be a very long day. 

Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 1: ID#227802 BD: 2+5= 7 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG
Bear 2: ID#227803 BD: 6 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG
Bear 3: ID#227804 BD: 2+5= 7 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG
Bear 4: ID#227805 BD: 6 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 104/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 1: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 2: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 3: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 4: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 


ID: 227807 | LD: 4+14=18 | CD:11+2=13 | Col:3328, Mats:2, [227807a] T4 Rare Trinket  
ID: 227806 | LD: 4+14=18 | CD:2+2=4 | Col:2912, Mats:0, [227806a] T4 Rare Consumable, [227806b] T4 Rare Weapon
ID: 227808 | LD: 17+14=31 | CD:1+2=3 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [227808a] T4 Perfect Consumable, [227808b] T4 Perfect Consumable, [227808c] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [227808d] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield
ID: 227809 | LD: 13+14=27 | CD:3+2=5 | Col:4160, Mats:4, [227809a] T4 Perfect Weapon, [227809b] T4 Perfect Weapon, [227809c] T4 Perfect Weapon    

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Big brown furred beasties stretched out across the forest like an ocean of fur. Tooth and claw, thick fat and fur -- it was lucky that Pinball was on a lower floor, and that they were simple trash mobs, or else Pinball might have had a much harder time working his way through that endless sea of mobs. Four had fallen to his blades, and another four quickly followed. He kept his back to the door of his home, Green Garden. At the end of the day, he was horribly outnumbered, and he couldn't afford to draw the aggro of more than a small group of bears at the time. It was lucky then that they showed more interest in milling about aimlessly than fighting him, and that they only really showed Pinball any mind when he approached with his knives out. It was weird, he knew, but again, he was going to take advantage of it. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 5: ID#227810 BD: 8 - 25+3= 28*12+80 = 416 DMG
Bear 6: ID#227811 BD: 9 - 25+3+1= 29*12+80 = 428 DMG
Bear 7: ID#227812 BD: 7 - 25+3= 28*12+80 = 416 DMG
Bear 8: ID#227813 BD: 8 - 25+3= 28*12+80 = 416 DMG

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 95/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 1: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 2: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 3: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 4: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 


Bear 5: ID: 227814 | LD: 8+14=22 | CD:8+2=10 | Col:4992, Mats:0, [227814a] T4 Perfect Trinket     
Bear 6: ID: 227815 | LD: 1+14=15 | CD:11+2=13 | Col:2080, Mats:4, [227815a] T4 Rare Armor/Shield     
Bear 7: ID: 227816 | LD: 8+14=22 | CD:10+2=12 | Col:4992, Mats:0, [227816a] T4 Perfect Trinket     
Bear 8: ID: 227817 | LD: 1+14=15 | CD:4+2=6 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [227817a] T4 Rare Weapon, [227817b] T4 Uncommon Consumable     

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Another thing to note about the army of bears outside his home was the heat. The heat generated from a hundred something giant, heavily furred, hot-breathed beasts was overwhelming. Pinball would have started sweating if it was the real world, surely, but it didn't make the heat any less uncomfortable. He kept his hands on his knives and kept mowing through them. It did nothing to less the heat. Or the crowding. Whenever he cut down a group of bears, it felt like another group was already there to take their place. When would it end? He'd already cut througha  dozen of them, and seemed to make no dent in the ursine onslaught on his front door. Pinball shook his head. He really shouldn't be complaining. He could buy another house, with all this cash, or at the least finish upgrading his. Not that he needed to, but it was nice to think about. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 9: ID#227819 BD: 6 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 10: ID#227820 BD: 7 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 11: ID#227821 BD: 8 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 12: ID#227822 BD: 4 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 86/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 9: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 10: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 11: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 12: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 


Bear 9: ID: 227822 | LD: 18+14=32 | CD:1+2=3 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [227822a] T4 Perfect Consumable, [227822b] T4 Perfect Consumable, [227822c] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [227822d] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield     
Bear 10: ID: 227823 | LD: 1+14=15 | CD:3+2=5 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [227823a] T4 Rare Weapon, [227823b] T4 Uncommon Consumable  
Bear 11: ID: 227824 | LD: 15+14=29 | CD:12+2=14 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [227824a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [227824b] Random Dungeon Map 
Bear 12: ID: 227825 | LD: 4+14=18 | CD:5+2=7 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [227825a] T4 Rare Consumable, [227825b] T4 Rare Armor/Shield

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More knives, more bears dead. He threw two, cut down another two with a fresh pair in his hands. Like all the others, they didn't offer up much of a fight in response. Maybe it was because there was just so many of them that they didn't notice Pinball mowing through them by the squadron of them, or maybe there just wasn't enough room for them to properly attack in the first place. Pinball himself was having difficulty with just that thing. He was crowded in, boxed in by giant walking tanks of fat and fur. They looked at him with stupid eyes, not recognizing or perhaps not caring that he was in fact not one of them. For a brief, crazy moment, Pinball wondered if someone had put all these bears on his doorstep intentionally. Was this all just one big prank? But as he considered the logistics of such a thought, he ruled it out as impossible. A shame. It'd be funny to do to somebody else. Just not to him. It wasn't funny if it happened to you. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 13: ID#227834 BD: 3+5 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 14: ID#227835 BD: 9 - 25+3+1= 29*12+80= 428 DMG 
Bear 15: ID#227836 BD: 1+5 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 16: ID#227837 BD: 8 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 77/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 13: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 14: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 15: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 16: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 


Bear 13: ID: 227839 | LD: 10+14=24 | CD:11+2=13 | Col:4576, Mats:2, [227839a] T4 Perfect Consumable     
Bear 14: ID: 227839 | LD: 10+14=24 | CD:11+2=13 | Col:4576, Mats:2, [227839a] T4 Perfect Consumable     
Bear 15: ID: 227840 | LD: 7+14=21 | CD:12+2=14 | Col:4160, Mats:2, [227840a] T4 Perfect Trinket     
Bear 16: ID: 227841 | LD: 14+14=28 | CD:1+2=3 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [227841a] T4 Perfect Consumable, [227841b] T4 Perfect Consumable, [227841c] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [227841d] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield     

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He pushed through the ocean of bears, and killed another four. One, two, three, and four. They all fell with ease. The huffing, puffing, grunting mass of large brown furred bodies did not stop. It did not even lessen in intensity. Pinball resolved himself for a long day. He wouldn't be able to stop until he'd thinned the herd -- no, eradicated all of them. How could he sleep when there was a constant stampede outside? Pinball's knives found their marks and he swam through the ocean of bears again. Again, they didn't seem to pay him much mind. Pinball sighed. How much more of this was he going to take? They didn't seem willing -- or capable of, for that matter -- attacking him. So he guessed that it depended entirely on which exhausted itself first: Pinball's patience, or the bears' numbers. He sincerely hoped that it would turn out to be the latter. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 17: ID#227842 BD: 1+5 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 18: ID#227843 BD: 2+5 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 19: ID#227844 BD: 6 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 20: ID#227845 BD: 5+5 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 68/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 17: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 18: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 19: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 20: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 


Bear 17: ID: 227846 | LD: 6+14=20 | CD:9+2=11 | Col:3744, Mats:2, [227846a] T4 Perfect Weapon     
Bear 18: ID: 227847 | LD: 7+14=21 | CD:10+2=12 | Col:4160, Mats:2, [227847a] T4 Perfect Trinket     
Bear 19: ID: 227848 | LD: 13+14=27 | CD:4+2=6 | Col:4992, Mats:2, [227848a] T4 Perfect Weapon, [227848b] T4 Perfect Weapon, [227848c] T4 Perfect Weapon     
Bear 20: ID: 227849 | LD: 2+14=16 | CD:4+2=6 | Col:2912, Mats:0, [227849a] T4 Rare Consumable, [227849b] T4 Rare Armor/Shield     

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Pinball didn't throw knives this time. He just put the big brown bears through the blender, slashing wildly in all directions and carving them up haphazardly. Every attack hit, of course. It was nearly impossible to, in an ocean of bears. There was a certain amount of finesse that was required to wield his knives effectively; or at least they did because he had the bad habit of flourishing them. That was all thrown out the window in a situation like this, though. The correct answer was to just swing your arms around wildly and move on to the next one. The bears, as they always were, were completely unresponsive and passive. Pinball wondered what would happen if he let himself stand still for a moment, but with the sheer number of bears around him, he was a little worried to try. It wouldn't take much to kill him with numbers like that. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 21: ID#227850 BD: 10 - 25+3+2= 30*12+80= 440 DMG 
Bear 22: ID#227851 BD: 8 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG
Bear 23: ID#227852 BD: 6 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 24: ID#227853 BD: 1+5 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 59/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 21: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 22: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 23: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 24: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 


Bear 21: ID: 227854 | LD: 13+14=27 | CD:4+2=6 | Col:4992, Mats:2, [227854a] T4 Perfect Weapon, [227854b] T4 Perfect Weapon, [227854c] T4 Perfect Weapon 
Bear 22: ID: 227855 | LD: 12+14=26 | CD:12+2=14 | Col:2912, Mats:0, [227855a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [227855b] Random Dungeon Map     
Bear 23: ID: 227856 | LD: 9+14=23 | CD:2+2=4 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [227856a] T4 Perfect Trinket, [227856b] T4 Perfect Weapon     
Bear 24: ID: 227857 | LD: 11+14=25 | CD:6+2=8 | Col:4992, Mats:2, [227857a] T4 Perfect Weapon, [227857b] T4 Perfect Weapon, [227857c] T4 Perfect Weapon     

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It was slowly coming to his attention that there were only so many ways you could kill a bear. Put a knive through their forehead, bury a blade in their belly, carve 'em up, stick 'em full of daggers -- after a while of the same thing, over and over again, it began to lack creativity and imagination. Not that Pinball felt particularly uninspired when it came to killing things (as much as he'd hate to admit it). But especially when they were passive, stupid, and generally unresponsive, Pinball almost felt that it was too easy. He had to remind himself that however they had gotten to his doorstep, flooding the forest in an ocean of brown fur, it was to Pinball's great benefit. He was already practically drowning in loot, and with no end to the bears in sight, he would be set for a good and long time by the time it was finished. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 25: ID#227858 BD: 6 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG  
Bear 26: ID#227859 BD: 2+5 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 27: ID#227860 BD: 3+5 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 28: ID#227861 BD: 10 - 25+3+2= 30*12+80= 440 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 50/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37| Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 25: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 26: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 27: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 28: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 


Bear 25: ID: 227862 | LD: 20+14=34 | CD:9+2=11 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [227862a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [227862b] Random Dungeon Map     
Bear 26: ID: 227863 | LD: 14+14=28 | CD:9+2=11 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [227863a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [227863b] Random Dungeon Map     
Bear 27: ID: 227864 | LD: 9+14=23 | CD:10+2=12 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [227864a] T4 Perfect Consumable     
Bear 28: ID: 227865 | LD: 7+14=21 | CD:1+2=3 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [227865a] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [227865b] T4 Perfect Weapon     

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His energy was low. It was lower than he think it had been in a very long time. But still, despite thirty odd bears being slain, there was still an ocean of enemies remaining. He felt the slightest twinge of worry in his chest. What was going to happen when he ran out of energy? Every time a group of bears had gotten close, he had put them through the blender. A flurry of knives was enough to keep them at bay. It's what made them look so passive, so unresponsive. When he ran out of energy, was that going to remain the same? Or were the bears going to finally take their opportunity to maul him? He was well aware that he had no mitigation to speak of. And there was hardly any room for him to escape, being so crowded in. It wouldn't take many attacks to put him down. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 29: ID#227866 BD: 1+5 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 30: ID#227867 BD: 9 - 25+3+1= 29*12+80= 428 DMG 
Bear 31: ID#227868 BD: 6 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 32: ID#227869 BD: 10 - 25+3+2= 30*12= 440 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 41/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 29: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 30: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 31: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 32: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 


Bear 29: ID: 227870 | LD: 8+14=22 | CD:5+2=7 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [227870a] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [227870b] T4 Perfect Consumable, [227870c] T4 Perfect Consumable     
Bear 30: ID: 227871 | LD: 14+14=28 | CD:3+2=5 | Col:4992, Mats:2, [227871a] T4 Perfect Weapon, [227871b] T4 Perfect Weapon, [227871c] T4 Perfect Weapon     
Bear 31: ID: 227872 | LD: 2+14=16 | CD:12+2=14 | Col:4160, Mats:0, [227872a] T4 Rare Trinket     
Bear 32: ID: 227873 | LD: 14+14=28 | CD:10+2=12 | Col:2912, Mats:0, [227873a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [227873b] Random Dungeon Map     

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He began making his escape through the fluffy brown mass of hot, furry bodies. They paid him no mind, even when he shredded up their cousins and friends on his way out. He watched his energy level dip. Should he really be playing it so fast and loose, when death was a concern? He thought about it for a moment. He couldn't see himself dying to these bears, unless they all suddenly turned on him, and they'd not shown any signs of hostility since he'd started. He figured if he made it out of the bear ocean quick enough, he could recover and likely finish off the rest of them afterwards. He could start at the outskirts of it and cut his way in, instead of jumping right into the middle of all of it. It had been rash. He'd been blinded by the possibility of loot, and perhaps the annoyance of bears on his doorstep. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 33: ID#228212 BD: 8 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 34: ID#228213 BD: 2+5 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 35: ID#228214 BD: 1+5 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 
Bear 36: ID#228215 BD: 4+5 - 25+3= 28*12+80= 416 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 32/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 33: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 34: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 35: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 36: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 


Bear 33: ID: 228216 | LD: 17+14=31 | CD:4+2=6 | Col:4992, Mats:2, [228216a] T4 Perfect Weapon, [228216b] T4 Perfect Weapon, [228216c] T4 Perfect Weapon     
Bear 34: ID: 228219 | LD: 12+14=26 | CD:9+2=11 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [228219a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [228219b] Random Dungeon Map     
Bear 35: ID: 228217 | LD: 10+14=24 | CD:1+2=3 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [228217a] T4 Perfect Trinket, [228217b] T4 Perfect Weapon     
Bear 36: ID: 228218 | LD: 3+14=17 | CD:10+2=12 | Col:3328, Mats:2, [228218a] T4 Rare Trinket 

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He cut and tore his way through the passive grizzlies. Still, they did nothing more than huff and snort, stamp their giant paws in the grass, and look otherwise irritated or unbothered, he couldn't particularly tell. Pinball's hands felt like they were going numb every time he buried a knife into the hide of one of the giant beasts. The dull impact Cardinal sent to his brain was not quite pain; his hands could not grow tired or sore, not really, but the sensation was none too pleasant after a certain amount of time of experiencing nothing else but it. Pinball could see the end in sight. Just a few more groups of bears he had to blend up with his blades and he'd be free to recover, and then he could try to approach things a little more tactically. He pushed forward. Just a little bit more, just a little bit more.


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 37: ID#228732 BD: 8 - 416 DMG
Bear 38: ID#228733 BD: 2+5 - 416 DMG 
Bear 39: ID#228734 BD: 9 - 428 DMG 
Bear 40: ID#228735 BD: 10 - 440 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 23/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 37: 0/416 H9P | 132 DMG 
Bear 38: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 39: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 40: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 


Bear 37: ID: 228736 | LD: 21 (7, +14) | CD: 3 (1, +2) | 1248col, Materials (4), Tier 4 Perfect Weapon (1), Tier 4 Perfect Armor/Shield (1)    
Bear 38ID: 228737 | LD: 21 (7, +14) | CD: 6 (4, +2) | 2080col, Materials (2), Tier 4 Perfect Consumable (2), Tier 4 Perfect Armor/Shield (1)    
Bear 39: ID: 228737 | LD: 7+14=21 | CD:4+2=6 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [228737a] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [228737b] T4 Perfect Consumable, [228737c] T4 Perfect Consumable     
Bear 40: ID: 228739 | LD: 2+14=16 | CD:1+2=3 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [228739a] T4 Rare Consumable, [228739b] T4 Rare Weapon     

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The end was almost near. He could see the outskirts. Just a few more bears had to fall before he was free of them. Not to say that their numbers were thinning -- Pinball had cut through a great deal of them at this point, and still there was a veritable ocean of them outside his home. He'd need to be a little more efficient when he came back to start clearing them out again. Whatever his plan had been wasn't working well enough in practice. He'd need to adjust. He found himself momentarily wishing there were such things as dynamite he could use. If he could just toss a couple sticks in there, he figured he'd have the lot of them cleared out in no time. Cleaning up the mess seemed like a lot less work than taking them all out one by one like he had been doing. He sighed. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 41: ID#228741 BD: 6 - 416 DMG
Bear 42: ID#228742 BD: 5+5 - 416 DMG 
Bear 43: ID#228743 BD: 2+5 - 416 DMG 
Bear 44: ID#228744 BD: 10 - 440 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 14/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 41: 0/416 H9P | 132 DMG 
Bear 42: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 43: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 44: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 


Bear 41: ID: 228745 | LD: 18+14=32 | CD:8+2=10 | Col:2912, Mats:0, [228745a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [228745b] Random Dungeon Map     
Bear 42: ID: 228746 | LD: 9+14=23 | CD:1+2=3 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [228746a] T4 Perfect Trinket, [228746b] T4 Perfect Weapon     
Bear 43: ID: 228747 | LD: 12+14=26 | CD:2+2=4 | Col:2912, Mats:0, [228747a] T4 Perfect Consumable, [228747b] T4 Perfect Consumable, [228747c] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [228747d] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield     
Bear 44: ID: 228748 | LD: 9+14=23 | CD:11+2=13 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [228748a] T4 Perfect Consumable

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The last group. He cut and tore his way through them. They, like all the other great bears before them, fell too. Pinball found himself closer to his house then, and he glanced over his shoulder to appreciate his handiwork. Or lack thereof. He'd barely made a dent in the great bear army's numbers and it was more than apparent to see. He frowned. Once again, he found himself lost as to how they had gotten there, and without an answer as to how he was going to make sure it didn't happen again. Because he could dedicate a couple of hours to clearing them out, sure -- but after that, then what? What happened if another ocean spawned? He considered it for a while as he caught his breath. Well, he figured if that horrible scenario ever came to be, he was simply going to have to buy another house. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 45: ID#228751 BD: 1+5 - 416 DMG
Bear 46: ID#228752 BD: 8 - 416 DMG
Bear 47: ID#228753 BD: 3+5 - 416 DMG
Bear 48: ID#228754 BD: 3+5 - 416 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 5/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 45: 0/416 H9P | 132 DMG 
Bear 46: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 47: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 48: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 


Bear 45: ID: 228755 | LD: 3+14=17 | CD:5+2=7 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [228755a] T4 Rare Consumable, [228755b] T4 Rare Armor/Shield     
Bear 46: ID: 228756 | LD: 11+14=25 | CD:2+2=4 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [228756a] T4 Perfect Consumable, [228756b] T4 Perfect Consumable, [228756c] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [228756d] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield     
Bear 47: ID: 228757 | LD: 18+14=32 | CD:6+2=8 | Col:5824, Mats:0, [228757a] T4 Perfect Weapon, [228757b] T4 Perfect Weapon, [228757c] T4 Perfect Weapon 
Bear 48: ID: 228758 | LD: 19+14=33 | CD:11+2=13 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [228758a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [228758b] Random Dungeon Map

Edited just now by Pinball

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Well, he had the free time to take a breather now. Pinball crossed his arms. He was standing by his front door, looking rather annoyed at all the bears gathered in the woods outside his previously isolated home. That was another thing. If he couldn't get all these bears away, was his home going to be hidden for much longer? It wasn't like he desperately needed the solitude like he used to; there came a point when people stopped chasing him down, stopped trying to make him pay for the horrible things he'd done. Now he only kept it hidden out of habit, out of comfort. It was nice, after having spent so long alone sleeping in the woods and in caves, to have a place to rest your head without fear of having your throat cut open. He knew it was the skill that protected him, but the only one who knew about Green Garden was Mishiro. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested}
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 9/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 


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He kept Untraceable just in case he was wrong, and there were still people out there that wanted him dead. He wouldn't be too surprised. If someone killed Mishiro, or Bahr, or even Acanthus, Pinball would probably chase their killer down through every floor of Aincrad ten times over. Pinball frowned even deeper, if that was possible. 

It was during this depressing train of thought that Pinball noticed a path that had previously not been there. He squinted. It led through the trees, across a path of trampled plants and broken twigs. It was too conspicuous to be an accident. He thought that maybe the sheer number of bears surrounding it a few minutes ago had hidden it from his sight, and that now it was visible. He realized that it might even lead to what was causing all of the bears to gather around his house. Pinball went in for a closer look. 


1/2 Posts for Full EN {Relaxed} 

Tyrfing: ABS.ACC -> Astral Blade: Holy, Fallen, Phase, DMG 
Shadow Cat's Cradle -> Warrior's Focus: +3 ACC 


Evasion Cake: +2 EVA 

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Pinball went in for a closer look. As it turned out, the path DID lead somewhere. Just as to where, he was uncertain, but judging from the path of destruction leading to and from whatever destination laid at either end of the path, he could only assume that it had something to do with the ocean of bears gathered on his front door. Pinball ate a piece of cake to keep him quick on his feet and equipped a different knife and trinket. He was gearing up for combat. If he was right in his assumption, he was heading into what was basically a nest of the big brown grizzly bears. And as the old saying goes: if you're going to go fight bears, be prepared. That wasn't a saying at all. He was probably losing it. He needed to get this done fast so he could go back to bed. 

2/2 posts for full EN 

Searching for Dungeon: 
ID#228776 LD: 2+13= 15 (Dungeon Found) 

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It wasn't long after he started down the broken forest path that his suspicions were proven true. Four big bears stood guard. They were standing on their hind legs. What? Pinball had never seen that before, but he didn't have time to question it. He threw himself into the thick of it, his daggers flashing, one in each palm. The bears took swats at him, but they were two slow. He slammed the blades almost surgically into their joints, halting their movements. Each of them roared in pain, and Pinball retreated a few steps, retrieving a new pair of blades. He tilted his head and looked down. He realized he was wearing the wrong cloak and, quickly, before the stun wore off on the two bears, swapped out of it. He had gotten quite adept at moving through his menus over time, and so it was no problem getting it done before they recovered. 

Free Action: [Quick Change] - Cloak of the Harbingers: +3 LD -> Black Cloak: +3 EVA
Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Big Bear 1: ID#228777 BD: 4+5-1= 8 - 25*12+80= 380-60= 320 DMG || MD: Stunned 
Big Bear 2: ID#228778 BD: 7+5-1 - 25+8= 33*12+80= 476-60= 416 DMG || MD: Stunned
Big Bear 3: ID#228779 BD: 6+5-1 - 25+8= 33*12+80= 476-60= 416 DMG || MD: Stunned 
Big Bear 4: ID#228780 BD: 2+5-1 - 25*12+80= 380-60= 320 DMG || MD: Stunned 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 104/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #1 -- 

Big Bear 1: 80/400 HP | 180 DMG | 60 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA 
Big Bear 2: 0/400 HP | 180 DMG | 60 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA 
Big Bear 3: 0/400 HP | 180 DMG | 60 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA

Big Bear 4: 80/400 HP | 180 DMG | 60 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA


Big Bear 2: ID: 228783 | LD: 2+11=13 | CD:4+0=4 | Col:2800, Mats:0, [228783a] T4 Rare Trinket 
Big Bear 3: ID: 228784 | LD: 2+11=13 | CD:8+0=8 | Col:2800, Mats:0, [228784a] T4 Rare Weapon, [228784b] T4 Uncommon Consumable

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Two of the four bears he'd paralyzed didn't get up. They succumbed to their injuries with whimpers, shattering into two distinct clouds of azure fractals. Good. That only left the last two. They struggled to get back up, their massive paws digging holes into the earth with every frustrated stomp. Pinball didn't wait for them to recover. Why bother? The outcome was going to be the same. He buried a dagger in the skull of the two of them, putting them out of their misery. They, too, followed their companions, passing away in explosions of light and dust. Pinball's hands vanished beneath his cloak. Those were the trash mobs defeated; the others, he knew, wouldn't be so easy. He'd only been through dungeons a handful of times, but he had enough experience to know that they were more difficult than that. Unfazed, he moved forward along the broken forest path. 

Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-12 EN] 
Big Bear 1: ID#228781 BD: 6 - 25+8= 33*12+80= 476-60= 416 DMG 
Big Bear 4: ID#228782 BD: 6 - 25+8= 33*12+80= 476-60= 416 DMG

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 99/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #1 -- 

Big Bear 1: 0/400 HP | 180 DMG | 60 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA
Big Bear 4: 0/400 HP | 180 DMG | 60 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA


Big Bear 1: ID: 228785 | LD: 12+11=23 | CD:9+0=9 | Col:2000, Mats:2, [228785a] T4 Perfect Consumable 
Big Bear 4: ID: 228786 | LD: 19+11=30 | CD:5+0=5 | Col:4000, Mats:4, [228786a] T4 Perfect Weapon, [228786b] T4 Perfect Weapon, [228786c] T4 Perfect Weapon

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The next group of bears came, and this time there were only two of them. They weren't standing on their hind legs, thankfully, and just seemed to be normal bears. But they were much bigger than the last four, and Pinball was beginning to notice the pattern of their names. He frowned. It definitely felt like a prank, at this point, but what was he supposed to assume? That Cardinal itself had decided that today of all days they were going to mess with one specific person? That was much too far fetched and he wouldn't even entertain the thought. Pinball let the bears come to him this time; he was too busy thinking about how the hell this was happening to him. He couldn't puzzle it out. Once the bears got two close, Pinball lashed out, and, much like the last group of angry bears, they fell to the floor, stunned. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-12 EN] 
Big'r Bear 1: ID#228787 BD: 4+5-1 - 25*12+80= 380-120= 260 DMG || MD: Stunned 
Big'r Bear 2: ID#228788 BD: 2+5-1 - 25*12+80= 380-120= 260 DMG || MD: Stunned 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 94/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #2 -- 

Big'r Bear 1: 440/700 HP | 280 DMG | 120 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA
Big'r Bear 2: 440/700 HP | 280 DMG | 120 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA

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Unlike the last group, though, these bears were tougher. There was the incrementing difficulty; but that wasn't quite the whole of it, he knew. Pinball's knives buried themselves deep in the flanks of both bears, digging through muscle and fat and fur. They each roared angrily, taking swats at him, but Pinball was quicker than that, and he wasn't going to be caught lacking by a couple of middle of the road dungeon mobs. Pinball let his hands fall beneath his cloak, flipping a new pair of blades into his palms but not revealing them yet. His mind briefly went back to the bears near his house, outside of the forest path he currently walked. He really, truly hoped that taking care of this dungeon would allow him to properly clear out the rest of the bears swarming the woods around his Green Garden. Pinball exhaled softly. Just a little bit more. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-12 EN] 
Big'r Bear 1: ID#228789 BD: 8 - 25+8= 33*12+80= 356 DMG || MD: 2+2-6 
Big'r Bear 2: ID#228790 BD: 9 - 25+8+1= 34*12+80= 488-120/2= 428 DMG || MD: 7+2-6 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 89/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #2 -- 

Big'r Bear 1: 84/700 HP | 280 DMG | 120 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA
Big'r Bear 2: 12/700 HP | 280 DMG | 120 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA

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