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[SP-F08] The Great Bear Massacre

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He danced away as the bears rushed him again. They were fast, but Pinball was faster. They were vicious, too, but Pinball hit a tad harder. The bear swiped at him and its paw slammed heavily into the ground. Pinball's response was to bury a dagger between its eyes with enough force to nearly send it flying off its feet. The other one was closer than he'd expected. The bear swiped heavily at its head, and Pinball ducked, feeling the displaced wind and hearing the woosh of its mass overhead. He spun around, looking to finish the last remaining big bear with a slash across its muzzle. He missed narrowly, succeeding in only landing the thinnest of slices across its jaw. Pinball grumbled something unintelligible under his breath. It didn't matter. He was doing well, and soon -- hopefully -- he wouldn't have to fight any bears for a good, long while. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-12 EN] 
Big'r Bear 1: ID#228791 BD: 1 | MD: 5+2-6 
Big'r Bear 2: ID#228792 BD: 4+5-1 - 25*12+80= 380-120= 260 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 84/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #1 -- 

Big'r Bear 1: 84/700 HP | 280 DMG | 120 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA
Big'r Bear 2: 0/700 HP | 280 DMG | 120 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA


Big'r Bear 2: ID: 228793 | LD: 8+11=19 | CD:4+0=4 | Col:4900, Mats:0, [228793a] T4 Perfect Consumable, [228793b] T4 Rare Trinket

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Pinball stood still, watching the last remaining bear as it sized him up. It was unbridled fury, all fat and muscle and fur. And teeth. And also claws, too. He reckoned each one of its claws were the same size as his daggers, if not just a bit shorter. Pinball tilted his head as it rushed him. Too brazen. Too rash. But that was alright. He wouldn't complain if things worked out in his favor. All it took was a single smooth sidestep, and a couple of knives in its side to finish it off. The bear, mid-charge, was carried off its feet and slid face first into the grass and dirt, causing the ground to shake. Pinball watched as it was destroyed, returning his blades beneath his cloak. If he remembered correctly, the only one left was going to be the big boss itself. Hopefully it was just the one last fight. 


Action Taken: [TECH-F] [-10 EN] 
Big'r Bear 1: ID#228800 BD: 5+5-1 - 25*12+80= 380-120= 260 DMG

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 80/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #2 -- 

Big'r Bear 1: 0/700 HP | 280 DMG | 120 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA


Big'r Bear 1: ID: 228801 | LD: 1+11=12 | CD:11+0=11 | Col:3500, Mats:4, [228801a] T4 Rare Armor/Shield

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He walked along the path for what felt like ages. As far as he could tell, there were no more bears to be found. Pinball was confused. Had he been mistaken? He was just about to call it quits and head back when a massive roar sounded behind him. Pinball spun around, blades in hand -- and he was too late. The bear's giant paw slammed into him and sent Pinball flying. He hit the ground hard. His health dipped below half. His head was spinning. His heart rate quickened. When was the last time a single hit had sent him so dangerously close to the edge? With a practiced hand he pulled out one of his emergency healing crystals and crushed it in his palm. His health bounced up a bit. Pinball got to his feet and collected himself, weapons drawn. The giant bear across from him stamped the ground, taunting him. 

Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-D] MISS! [-1 EN]
Big'rest Bear: ID#228802 BD: 2+5-3 - Miss || MD: 9 (Critical) - 440 DMG to Pinball 
Free Action: x1 Lacrimosa: +126 HP 

Pinball: 556/840 HP | 83/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #3 -- 

Big'rest Bear 1: 2000/2000 HP | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 

  • Critical (MD 9): Deals 400 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 240 DMG to every other player.
  •      Critical (MD 10): Deals 440 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 340 DMG to every other player.
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The bear was giant. Twice the size of the biggest bears he'd ever seen. It stood head and shoulders above Pinball on four legs. If the last group of bears had claws like daggers, this bear had claws like shortswords. Pinball was half surprised that he hadn't been ripped in half when he'd been swatted aside like a doll. If he had bones, he was sure that every single one of them would be broken from its attack if not from the fall after. Pinball set his jaw. All that meant was that he was going to have to make sure he didn't get hit like that again. Or if he did, that he was prepared to run away. Pinball wasn't scared of death -- but he wasn't going to go out and get himself killed for no reason. If he died, it'd be for something worthwhile... or at least on his own terms. 

Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-A] [-13 EN] 
Big'rest Bear: ID#228803 BD: 5+5-3 - 25*16+80= 432-160= 272 DMG || MD: Stunned 

Pinball: 593/840 HP | 70/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #3 -- 

Big'rest Bear 1: 1728/2000 HP | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 

  • Critical (MD 9): Deals 400 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 240 DMG to every other player.
  •      Critical (MD 10): Deals 440 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 340 DMG to every other player.
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The bear charged. Pinball charged too. He leapt over the bear and onto its back, burying a pair of knives in its shoulder blades, much like he'd stunned all the others before it. And like all the others before it, it too collapsed, its limbs betraying it. Pinball bounced off the back of the bear and landed on his feet. He flipped the new blades in his palm. He was going to take advantage of whatever he could -- but he'd learned his lesson about taking the bear head on. He was playing it risky enough by rushing out and leaping over it like that. No, Pinball hung back. He threw a pair of blades into the exposed stomach of the bear lying prone across the forest floor, watching its health take a dive. Thankfully, it wasn't going to take many attacks to kill it. He just had to be patient and place his shots properly to get the job done. 

Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-D] MISS! [-1 EN] 
Big'rest Bear: ID#228804 BD: 2+5-3 (Miss) || MD: 4+3-6 (Miss) 

Pinball: 630/840 HP | 73/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #3 -- 

Big'rest Bear 1: 1728/2000 HP | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 

  • Critical (MD 9): Deals 400 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 240 DMG to every other player.
  •      Critical (MD 10): Deals 440 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 340 DMG to every other player.
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The bear recovered. Pinball stayed his distance. He wasn't going to face it head on, not if he could help it. But it seemed like Pinball wasn't going to get the chance. The bear was quick -- quicker than all others before it -- and it was in his face before Pinball could even properly gauge its speed. It stood up, bringing both of its massive paws up and then down on Pinball. Pinball dropped his knives and caught the bear's paws. Almost immediately his knees buckled, and Pinball's arms were shaking. The power was unreal. What had he been thinking. Why hadn't he just rolled away like he normally did? The answer seemed pretty clear when he thought about it: he hadn't been given the chance to. Pinball struggled for another second before letting the bear's paws go. He rolled out of the way and the bear, snorting angrily, was once again grounded. 

Action Taken: [TECH-D] MISS! [-2 EN] 
Big'rest Bear: ID#228805 BD: 3+5-3 (Miss) || MD: 3 (Miss) 

Pinball: 667/840 HP | 75/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #3 -- 

Big'rest Bear 1: 1728/2000 HP | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 

  • Critical (MD 9): Deals 400 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 240 DMG to every other player.
  •      Critical (MD 10): Deals 440 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 340 DMG to every other player.
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He couldn't let that happen again. He stayed his distance. The bear didn't let up. It wanted him badly. But Pinball was ready for it this time. He kept his distance dancing on the outside, halting its charges before it ever even had the chance to advance. Every time it reared up to charge, Pinball threw a knife in its direction. It was smarter than the other bears, too. It wasn't passively accepting its death. Pinball's blades hurt it bad and it knew it. It stayed its distance, testing for an opening, but Pinball wouldn't give it one if he could at all help it. The bear got brave and charged him again but a well placed knife was more than enough to dissuade it. The impact slowed its charge and the phantom pain it was coded to feel stopped it. Pinball flicked a new dagger into his palms. He was ready. 

Action Taken: [TECH-D] [-13 EN] 
Big'rest Bear: ID#228806 BD: 9 - 25+8+1= 34*16+80= 624-70= 554 DMG || MD: 4+3-6 (Miss) 

Pinball: 704/840 HP | 66/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #3 -- 

Big'rest Bear 1: 1174/2000 HP | DMG: 360 | MIT: 140 (-20) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 [Shatter 1/3] 

  • Critical (MD 9): Deals 400 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 240 DMG to every other player.
  •      Critical (MD 10): Deals 440 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 340 DMG to every other player.
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His battle healing, at this point, had healed up most of the damage the bear had initially inflicted to him. He was probably able to eat another one or two of those swipes, though if he could at all help it, he was going to avoid it. Pinball watched. They were still playing their little game of cat and mouse, the bear testing his perimeter, and Pinball holding it down. It was scared, now. Or maybe scared wasn't the right word. Maybe it was just hesitant. Pinball didn't want to give the mob any more credit than it deserved. It was digital. It had no thoughts, it had no feelings. All it had was a preprogrammed behavior pattern, and predictable attacks. Pinball threw another blade and it sunk hilt deep into the bear's flesh. It roared defiantly, stamping the ground, but still it did not dare charge him again. Pinball snorted.

Action Taken: [TECH-D] [-13 EN] 
Big'rest Bear: ID#228809 BD: 7+5-3 - 25+8= 33*16+80= 608-120= 488 DMG || MD: 8+3-6 (Miss) 

Pinball: 741/840 HP | 57/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #3 -- 

Big'rest Bear 1: 686/2000 HP | DMG: 360 | MIT: 120 (-20, -20) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 [Shatter 2/3] 

  • Critical (MD 9): Deals 400 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 240 DMG to every other player.
  •      Critical (MD 10): Deals 440 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 340 DMG to every other player.
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He held his dagger at the ready. The bear was getting impatient. It didn't seem to want to wait anymore. Pinball hesitated. The bear sense it and charged. Pinball took a wider stance. Again, it was fast -- faster than any other bear Pinball had fought, though probably not the fastest creature (or person) he'd faced in Aincrad. The bear practically leapt at him. Pinball tossed a knife up -- a bad throw -- but it was all he could do before he had to duck and slip out of the way. The ground where Pinball was once staying was instantly cratered, and the ground shook from the impact. Pinball let out a short curse, and flipped another dagger into his hand. The Big'rest Bear did not hesitate, despite how stupid its name sounded. Pinball was on the defensive now, dodging and weaving to the best of his ability. It was hard, at first, but eventually the bear began to slow. 

Action Taken: [TECH-D] MISS! [-2 EN] 
Big'rest Bear: ID#228810 BD: 1 (wow) MD: 4+3-6 (Miss) 

Pinball: 778/840 HP | 59/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #3 -- 

Big'rest Bear 1: 686/2000 HP | DMG: 360 | MIT: 120 (-20, -20) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 [Shatter 2/3]

  • Critical (MD 9): Deals 400 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 240 DMG to every other player.
  •      Critical (MD 10): Deals 440 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 340 DMG to every other player.
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That was his opening. The bear was slow, tired, exhausted -- whatever you wanted to call it, whatever a mob that was at the end of their rope could be described as. It tried to bite his head off his neck and Pinball rewarded it with a dagger through the bottom of his jaw. It swatted at him with a paw the size of him and Pinball jumped out of his range, hurling a pair of knives into its chest. It roared, but Pinball could tell by the roar that it didn't have much fight left in it. Pinball took another step back. Another. The bear lumbered forward, weak, its head drooping and its paws heavy. Pinball tilted his head. It only had a sliver of its health left. Pinball readied another one of his blades, ready to finish the job. The bear growled, tried to roar. The roar wasn't there. 

Action Taken: [TECH-A] [-14 EN] 
Big'rest Bear: ID#228811 BD: 10 - 25+8+3= 36*16+80= 656-80= 576 DMG || MD: Stunned 

Pinball: 815/840 HP | 49/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #3 -- 

Big'rest Bear 1: 110/2000 HP | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 

  • Critical (MD 9): Deals 400 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 240 DMG to every other player.
  •      Critical (MD 10): Deals 440 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 340 DMG to every other player.
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The final showdown was over quickly, and Pinball was pretty happy for it. The bear stumbled forward, weak and defeated. It didn't seem to have a fraction of the vigor it was showing him just moments ago. Pinball flicked a knife into its face and called it a day. The beast burst into a cloud of dust and light, leaving Pinball alone on the broken forest path. He glanced down at the pop up menus on his interface. Standard loot rewards, dungeon rewards... good. Maybe now the bears would stop spawning. He dismissed the menus and checked his inventory. He was making pretty solid progress. Hopefully by the end of it all, he wouldn't have to worry about col or materials for a good while. Or maybe he'd end up burning all the col and materials on an appraiser to get through the pile of unidentified equipment he'd be sitting on.

Action Taken: [TECH-D] [-13 EN] 
Big'rest Bear: ID#228812 BD: 10 - 25+8+3= 36*16+80= 656-70= 586 DMG

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 40/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 37 | 8 HLY | 8 FLN | Phase | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +11

Wave #3 -- 

Big'rest Bear 1: 0/2000 HP | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 

  • Critical (MD 9): Deals 400 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 240 DMG to every other player.
  •      Critical (MD 10): Deals 440 DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals 340 DMG to every other player.

Big'rest Bear: ID: 228813 | LD: 24 (13, +11) | CD: 1 (1, +0) | 6000col, Materials (4), Tier 4 Perfect Weapon (1), Tier 4 Perfect Trinket (1)



Wave #1 Rewards: 
16 Materials 

Wave #2 Rewards: 
28,000 Col 

Wave #3 Rewards: 
100,000 Col, [LD Drop] 
LD DROP: ID#228814 LD: 13 -- Unidentified Perfect Armor/Shield with one guaranteed Unique Enhancement.

EXP Reward: 
2,880 Bonus EXP  


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  • 3 weeks later...

He scoffed. As if he could find an appraiser that would do him such a solid. Hand a stack of weapons and armor to a killer? For what reason? To join the frontlines? Fat chance. Pinball made his way back down the broken forest path, back towards his home and the remaining ocean of bears he had yet to clear out. Pinball swiped idly through his inventory, equipping again the gear that was more suited for mowing through the bears and looting. The old, tattered cloak of the Emerald Harbingers appeared around his shoulders and Pinball felt as though he were embraced by the echoes of ages past. Then came the cat's cradle, and Tyrfing, the weapon that practically ensured his every hit. Pinball flipped the blade absentmindedly in one hand before returning it beneath his cloak. Home wasn't much farther now. It was easier to make progress when you weren't being jumped by bears.



Black Cloak -> Cloak of the Harbingers 
Astral Blade -> Tyrfing 
Warrior's Focus -> Shadow Cat's Crade

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It wasn't long before the bears were again within sight. And within earshot, he might add. The huffing and puffing and grunting had gone on uninterrupted, it seemed, and Pinball was not that much happier about it than he was when he'd left. He'd gone off to take on that dungeon in the hopes that it would cut off whatever was supplying the sheer quantity of these bears on his front lawn. Now it was time to put it to the test, he supposed. Pinball retrieved his daggers and got to cutting them up. He didn't overextend this time, however. His energy was already low, and he'd only be able to blender a few of the bears before he had to wait for his energy to recover again. He took his time with it, slashing into two of the bears in quick succession, and flicking another pair of blades at another pair. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 52: ID#231256 BD: 3+5 - 416 DMG 
Bear 53: ID#231257 BD: 8 - 416 DMG 
Bear 54: ID#231258 BD: 8 - 416 DMG 
Bear 55: ID#231259 BD: 1+5 - 416 DMG

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 28/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 52: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 53: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 54: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 55: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG


Bear 52: ID: 231260 | LD: 11+14=25 | CD:9+2=11 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [231260a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [231260b] Random Dungeon Map
Bear 53: ID: 231261 | LD: 11+14=25 | CD:9+2=11 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [231261a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [231261b] Random Dungeon Map     
Bear 54: ID: 231262 | LD: 8+14=22 | CD:6+2=8 | Col:2912, Mats:0, [231262a] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [231262b] T4 Perfect Consumable, [231262c] T4 Perfect Consumable     
Bear 55: ID: ID: 231263 | LD: 13+14=27 | CD:7+2=9 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [231263a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [231263b] Random Dungeon Ma

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  • 1 month later...

He began mowing through the last group. Now that he had a better look of things, though, Pinball realized that there really weren't that many bears left. At least not compared to the sheer amount there had been. Maybe he'd put more of a dent in their numbers than he'd thought, or maybe the dungeon really had played a roll in cutting down on the ocean of fur outside his house. Whatever the reason truly was, Pinball was grateful for it. He cut through a group of four of the bears, slicing through the mobs with his daggers like hot knives through butter. They still, even with their numbers so diminished, hardly reacted. He was beginning to think that the bears were glitched, bugged, or something. Their behavior was so unusual, even when compared to some of the wildest things that he'd faced during his time on Aincrad, that he couldn't think of any other reason.


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 56: ID#235629 BD: 5 - 416 DMG 
Bear 57: ID#235630 BD: 10 - 416 DMG 
Bear 58: ID#235631 BD: 8 - 416 DMG 
Bear 59: ID#235632 BD: 10 - 416 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 16/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 56: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 57: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 58: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 59: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG


Bear 56: ID: 235633 | LD: 11+14=25 | CD:9+2=11 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [235633a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [235633b] Random Dungeon Map
Bear 57: ID: 235634 | LD: 12+14=26 | CD:5+2=7 | Col:4992, Mats:2, [235634a] T4 Perfect Weapon, [235634b] T4 Perfect Weapon, [235634c] T4 Perfect Weapon
Bear 58: ID: 235635 | LD: 10+14=24 | CD:8+2=10 | Col:5408, Mats:0, [235635a] T4 Perfect Consumable
Bear 59: ID: 235636 | LD: 5+14=19 | CD:7+2=9 | Col:2912, Mats:4, [235636a] T4 Perfect Weapon

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He picked out another group of them. Stragglers, they had strayed too far from the pack and Pinball had to put them down before they wandered off deeper into the forest. Or worse, into Green Garden. He had a dagger for each of them. One, two, three, four, one after the other they exploded into digital light. The crowd was looking a lot cleaner now, a lot smaller than it had been. It didn't look nearly as suffocating. Pinball tried to count but there were still too many for him to get an accurate picture. Twenty? Thirty? Forty? More? He wasn't entirely sure, but he was sure that at least more than half of the invading bears had been wiped out. Good -- it meant his work was nearly finished. Pinball returned his blades and took a seat by his front door. He waited for his energy to recover. It wouldn't be much longer.


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 60: ID#235637 BD: 4 - 416 DMG 
Bear 61: ID#235638 BD: 6 - 416 DMG
Bear 62: ID#235639 BD: 5 - 416 DMG
Bear 63: ID#235640 BD: 2 - 416 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 4/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 60: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 61: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 62: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 63: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG


Bear 60: ID: 235641 | LD: 15+14=29 | CD:7+2=9 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [235641a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [235641b] Random Dungeon Map
Bear 61: ID: 235642 | LD: 1+14=15 | CD:7+2=9 | Col:2080, Mats:4, [235642a] T4 Rare Armor/Shield     
Bear 62: ID: 235643 | LD: 2+14=16 | CD:11+2=13 | Col:3328, Mats:2, [235643a] T4 Rare Trinket
Bear 63: ID: 235644 | LD: 3+14=17 | CD:10+2=12 | Col:3328, Mats:2, [235644a] T4 Rare Trinket 

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While he sat, he once again finding himself wonder about the origin of the bears. Prank, glitch, or something else? He was vaguely aware of some video game mechanics from other RPGs that included "monster swarms," but he had never experienced anything of the sort in SAO. It was the very first time he'd ever even had to consider it. But then if it was a monster swarm, why bears? Why not winged abominations swooping down from a blood red sky? And why were they so passive? Pinball could hardly come up with a reason as to why there'd be a monster swarm of perfectly passive grizzly bears. And especially so when it meant they had spawned right on his doorstep. So maybe it had nothing to do with monster swarms. So a prank, then? Or a bug? Cardinal could be freaking out, spitting out things that don't really make sense. 



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From what little that he understood, AI could just be weird like that. Maybe if it ran out of things to do it would start mashing together random events, spitting out something completely nonsensical? It would make sense, given how long they'd been in the game. Or how long, at least, it felt as though they'd been stuck in the game. Pinball absentmindedly plucked out a few strands of grass and rolled them between his fingers. If Cardinal was really just shitting the bed, would that make sense? He thought about it. Maybe, he decided, but he had the feeling that wherever Kayaba was, he was keeping an eye on the state of things. So that couldn't be entirely true, could it? Pinball sighed, scratching his chin. Whatever the reason for the invasion of his personal space, he just found himself desperately hoping that it would never happen again. Ever. 



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With his energy recovered, Pinball was free to get back to work slaughtering the rest of the grizzly bears. He flicked the blades of grass aside and pushed himself to his feet. He retrieved a pair of knives and walked -- didn't ran -- over to the group of passive bears. He stood there for a moment. He was curious if he just spent a few moments in their proximity, if they would show more signs of aggression. That didn't seem to be the case. The giant mobs went about their day peacefully, sniffing the earth and grunting, pawing at herbs, foraging for berries. Pinball sighed. It made it easier for him, he supposed, but he was still in his own head about all the different reasons as to why that could be. Well, there was no real point in stressing about it too much. He flicked blades into the bodies of each bear. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 64: ID#235692 BD: 5 - 416 DMG 
Bear 65: ID#235693 BD: 10 - 416 DMG 
Bear 66: ID#235694 BD: 8 - 416 DMG 
Bear 67: ID#235695 BD: 2 - 416 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 104/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 64: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 65: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 66: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 67: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG


Bear 64: ID: 235696 | LD: 1+14=15 | CD:1+2=3 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [235696a] T4 Rare Trinket  
Bear 65: ID: 235697 | LD: 10+14=24 | CD:9+2=11 | Col:4576, Mats:2, [235697a] T4 Perfect Consumable 
Bear 66: ID: 235698 | LD: 16+14=30 | CD:7+2=9 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [235698a] Gleaming Scale (1) or Demonic Shard (1), [235698b] Random Dungeon Map
Bear 67: ID: 235699 | LD: 15+14=29 | CD:5+2=7 | Col:4160, Mats:4, [235699a] T4 Perfect Weapon, [235699b] T4 Perfect Weapon, [235699c] T4 Perfect Weapon

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The realization that there were not many of the bears remaining invigorated him in a way not much else could. Pinball cut through the horde of bears with a completely renewed vigor, his blades flashing different colors as he chained sword arts to properly dispatch the grizzly bears at his door step. Pinball had had enough of the huffing, the puffing, and the stomping, to say nothing of the grass being ruined and the plants being trampled. The scenery around Green Garden was really the only thing that he had to look forward to when he came back from whatever it was that he was doing all day. Green Garden was the only place he could rest his head and actually get some rest. His first home had been nothing more than an apartment in the middle of nowhere, a hovel, and he was a lot more comfortable in Green Garden's halls. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 68: ID#235700 BD: 10 - 416 DMG 
Bear 69: ID#235701 BD: 5 - 416 DMG 
Bear 70: ID#235702 BD: 4 - 416 DMG 
Bear 71: ID#235703 BD: 4 - 416 DMG 

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 92/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 68: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 69: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 70: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 71: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG


Bear 68: ID: 235704 | LD: 17+14=31 | CD:1+2=3 | Col:1248, Mats:4, [235704a] T4 Perfect Consumable, [235704b] T4 Perfect Consumable, [235704c] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [235704d] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield 
Bear 69: ID: 235705 | LD: 1+14=15 | CD:7+2=9 | Col:2080, Mats:4, [235705a] T4 Rare Armor/Shield 
Bear 70: ID: 235706 | LD: 8+14=22 | CD:6+2=8 | Col:2912, Mats:0, [235706a] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [235706b] T4 Perfect Consumable, [235706c] T4 Perfect Consumable  
Bear 71: ID: 235707 | LD: 12+14=26 | CD:4+2=6 | Col:5824, Mats:0, [235707a] T4 Perfect Weapon, [235707b] T4 Perfect Weapon, [235707c] T4 Perfect Weapon

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He shredded through the group of bears without a shred of mercy remaining. Pinball wasn't there for mercy, anyways. They were all going to die; Pinball was the judge, the jury, and the executioner, and they were all guilty of the capital offense of being annoying. His blades cut through the bears like hot knives through butter. Each slash was the death of another grizzly. Pinball couldn't help but notice that since he'd sprang back into the thick of it, the group of bears was looking thinner and thinner by the moment, and it wasn't just because he was killing all of them that quickly. Were they despawning? He certainly hoped so. It would make his life a lot easier. Whether or not they were despawning before his eyes, Pinball cut through them all the same. If they weren't long for the world anyway, he could certaionly help them along. 


Action Taken: {Well Rested} [TECH-F] [-16 EN] 
Free Action: Using Rhino Horn (+3 DMG, -1 EVA) 
Bear 72: ID#235708 BD: 2 - 416 DMG
Bear 73: ID#235709 BD: 2 - 416 DMG
Bear 74: ID#235710 BD: 4 - 416 DMG
Bear 75: ID#235711 BD: 2 - 416 DMG

Pinball: 840/840 HP | 80/120 EN | DMG: 25 | ABS.ACC | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BH: 37 | Hellstorm: +80 DMG | Looting LD: +14 | Looting CD: +2 

Bear 72: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG 
Bear 73: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 74: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG
Bear 75: 0/416 HP | 132 DMG


Bear 72: ID: 235712 | LD: 14+14=28 | CD:1+2=3 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [235712a] T4 Perfect Consumable, [235712b] T4 Perfect Consumable, [235712c] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [235712d] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield 
Bear 73: ID: 235713 | LD: 16+14=30 | CD:1+2=3 | Col:2080, Mats:2, [235713a] T4 Perfect Consumable, [235713b] T4 Perfect Consumable, [235713c] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield, [235713d] T4 Perfect Armor/Shield
Bear 74: ID: 235714 | LD: 18+14=32 | CD:4+2=6 | Col:5824, Mats:0, [235714a] T4 Perfect Weapon, [235714b] T4 Perfect Weapon, [235714c] T4 Perfect Weapon
Bear 75: ID: 235715 | LD: 7+14=21 | CD:8+2=10 | Col:4160, Mats:2, [235715a] T4 Perfect Trinket

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