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[F28 | R1 Appraiser] The Sleeping Moon

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Within the autumnal setting of Glyndebourne, is a modest little shop kept neat and orderly by its proprietor. The items lining the shelves of the store are kept clean and clearly priced as if the owner was an experienced shop keep. Riardon can often be found relaxing on the front porch in a rocking chair, trying to make the most of his current predicament. He is always excited to see new faces and welcomes each with open arms. Should one inquire about wares or appraisals, he adopts a more professional tone, but does his best to keep the sense of comfort alive.

Edited by Riardon
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Services and Prices

Junk Sale


The Sleeping Moon takes 10% of all junk sale returns. This is not included in the returns below.

Rarity Tier Return
Uncommon 1 100
Uncommon 2 300
Uncommon 3 600
Uncommon 4 1,000
Rare 1 200
Rare 2 500
Rare 3 900
Rare 4 1,400
Perfect 1 400
Perfect 2 750
Perfect 3 1,250
Perfect 4 1,900


Rarity Tier Return
Uncommon 1 50
Uncommon 2 150
Uncommon 3 300
Uncommon 4 500
Rare 1 100
Rare 2 250
Rare 3 450
Rare 4 700
Perfect 1 200
Perfect 2 375
Perfect 3 625
Perfect 4 950



The Sleeping Moon charges a 10% service fee on top of all purchases. This is not included in the prices below. Any Mystic Essence requested will cost an additional 1,000 col.

Rarity Tier Price
Rare 1 320
Rare 2 800
Rare 3 1,440
Rare 4 2,080
Perfect 1 640
Perfect 2 1,200
Perfect 3 2,000
Perfect 4 3,040
Demonic 1 960
Demonic 2 2,000
Demonic 3 3,120
Demonic 4 4,320


Rarity Tier Price
Uncommon 1 80
Uncommon 2 240
Uncommon 3 480
Uncommon 4 800
Rare 1 160
Rare 2 400
Rare 3 720
Rare 4 1,120
Perfect 1 320
Perfect 2 600
Perfect 3 800
Perfect 4 1,440



The Sleeping Moon charges only the prices listed below for re-rolls, with no additional cost. Demonic Shards and Gleaming Scales must be provided upon purchase.

Attempt Price
1st 1,000
2nd 2,000
3rd 4,000
4th 8,000
5th 16,000
6th 32,000
7th 64,000
8th 128,000
9th 256,000
10th 512,000
11th 1,024,000


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Current Unique Stock


DM Wulfrin on Discord if interested in a stock item. Usually, these are converted to mystic essence and then used for custom items. If something here is of interest, though, feel free to ask about it.

Unidentified Item Stock




Unidentified T2 Rare Weapon [221097c]
T1 Rare Weapons: 235504a, 235607a, 235608b, 235611b, 235619a, 235523c, 235622a, 235622b
T1 Perfect Weapons: 235514a, 235514b, 235514c, 235517a, 235517b, 235517c, 235595a, 235595b, 235595c, 235523a, 235523b,

Rare Weapon 
{2} | Tier 1 | ID222466, 222587
Rare Weapon {1} | Tier 2 | ID223873
Rare Weapon {8} | Tier 3 | ID226365, 226814, 227902, 228305, 228649, 228682, 228690, 229019

T3 Rare Weapon [197630a]
T1 Rare Weapon [197414a]

T4 Rare Weapon [228504b] 
T4 Perfect Weapon | 231057b 231276a 231276b
T3 Perfect Weapon | 229489b [231144b]
T3 Rare Weapon | [232069b]



T1 Rare Armor/Shields: 235515, 235516, 235529b, 235617, 235491b, 235521b, 235599b
T1 Perfect Armor/Shields: 235538c, 235538d, 235547a, 235594c, 235594d, 235491a, 235521a, 235599a

Rare Armour/Shield 
{1} | Tier 2 | ID223818
Rare Armour/Shield {5} | Tier 3 | ID228290, 228689, 229093, 229252, 229261

T1 Rare Armor/Shield [197402]
T1 Rare Armor/Shield [197395]
T1 Rare Armor/Shield [197403]

T4 Rare Armor: [#226840]
T3 Rare Armor/Shield | 230649a [231143b] [2311148a]
T3 Perfect Armor/Shield | [231144a] [231142a] [232070a]



T1 Rare Trinkets: 235505, 235539, 235540a, 235539, 235549, 235596, 235609
T1 Perfect Trinkets: 235505, 235539, 235540a, 235539, 235549, 235596, 235609

Rare Trinket 
{5} | Tier 1 | ID221988, 222169, 222178, 222466, 222590 
Rare Trinket {6} | Tier 2 | ID223763, 223872, 223880, 223881, 224119, 224246
Rare Trinket {12} | Tier 3 | ID226117, 226818, 228256, 228303, 228307, 228644, 228650, 228651, 229013, 229094, 229098, 229100

T1 Rare Trinket [197401]
T1 Rare Trinket [197413]

T3 Rare Trinket | 228916b [232072a] [232071a]
T3 Perfect Trinket | 229489a [231142b] [232070b]
T4 Rare Trinket: [#226826-b] [#226839] [#226842] [228502a] [228503a], 229811a, 229810a
T4 Perfect Trinket | 231057b, 229812a, 231057a



T1 Uncommon Consumables: 235504b, 235607b, 235619b
T1 Rare Consumables: 235529a, 235608a, 235611a, 235622c, 235622d
T1 Perfect Consumables: 235531, 235538a, 235538b, 235540b, 235550, 235594a, 235594b

Uncommon Consumable
 {1} | Tier 1 | ID222587
Uncommon Consumable {3} | Tier 2 | ID223817, 224118, 224245
Uncommon Consumable {11} | Tier 3 | ID226365, 226790, 226816, 228281, 228304, 228305, 228649, 228682, 228690, 229024, 229114
Rare Consumable {1} | Tier 2 | ID223873
Rare Consumable {5} | Tier 3 | ID226814, 227902, 228689, 229252, 229261
Perfect Consumable {1} | Tier 1 | ID222590
Perfect Consumable {2} | Tier 3 | ID229014, 229019

T3 Uncommon Consumable [197630b
T1 Rare Consumable [197414b]

*RETURN REQUESTED* T4 Perfect Consumable | 231140a, 231140b, 231141a, 231141b 231276c
T4 Rare Consumable | 231139a
T4 Uncommon Consumable 231465a
T3 Perfect Consumable | 230650b, 230650c, 230651b, 230651c 228916a
T3 Rare Consumable | 230678b 230678c [231143a] [232069a]
T3 Uncommon Consumable | 229117a, 229487a
T1 Uncommon Consumable | 223962a 223962b



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Having received a message from Riardon that his store was established, Wulfrin made his way up to floor 28. He wasn't surprised by the choice of location. Had Wulfrin not fallen in love with the lake side aesthetic that was Floor 22, he may have chosen to settle here as well. Wulfrin had done just as he promised and emptied his inventory of all his unidentified items, a generous gift for the upstart appraiser.

"Here we are," Wulfrin said as he hefted the sack onto the table. "A nice selection of unidentified goods to get you started. I'll bring by more as I find them."

* * *

Wulfrin Donates:

Unidentified T2 Uncommon Consumables [221093] [221094]
Unidentified T2 Perfect Weapons [221097a] [221097b]
Unidentified T2 Rare Weapon [221097c]

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Unidentified T2 Uncommon Consumables [221093] [221094]
Unidentified T3 Rare Consumables [222977c] [222977d]
Unidentified T3 Uncommon Consumable [222950b]

2,000 Col = (150*2)+(300*1)+(450*2)

Identifying Items:



Item#1 - Junked
Unidentified T3 Rare Trinket [222951]
Cost: 1,440 Col
Slot 1:
ID 228815 | BD 4 | CD 11 | LD 9

Slot 2:
ID 228816 | BD 9 | CD 11 | LD 12

Junking +900 -1,440 = -540 Col

Item#2 - Junked
Unidentified T3 Perfect Armor/Shield [221515a]
Cost: 2,000 Col 
Slot 1:
ID 228817 | BD 1 | CD 8 | LD 3

Slot 2:
ID 228818 | BD 9 | CD 8 | LD 13

Slot 3:
ID 228819 | BD 6 | CD 2 | LD 9

Junking: +1250 - 2000 = -750 Col

Item#3 - Junked
Unidentified T3 Rare Armor/Shield [221515b]
Cost: 1,440 Col
Slot 1:
ID 228820 | BD 8 | CD 7 | LD 3

Slot 2:
ID 228821 | BD 3 | CD 10 | LD 10

Junking: +900 -1,440 = -540 Col

Item#4 - Junked
Unidentified T3 Rare Weapons [222977a]
Cost: 1,440 Col
Slot 1:
ID 228822 | BD 10 | CD 11 | LD 16

Slot 2:
ID 228823 | BD 3 | CD 2 | LD 9

Junking: +900 - 1440 = -540 Col

Item#5 - Junked
Unidentified T3 Rare Weapons [222977b]
Cost: 1,440 Col
Slot 1:
ID 228824 | BD 8 | CD 11 | LD 15

Slot 2:
ID 228826 | BD 9 | CD 6 | LD 17

Junking: +900 -1,440 = -540 Col



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The shop was anything but amazing. Simplicity in its finest of designs, nothing that had stood out as mindblowing to Nymoria's eyes. That being said, she would not have gone so far as to call the place unappeasing to the eye, or unwelcoming to the soul who entered its interior. She had long since known that an eye catching exterior appearance didn't necessarily mean that there was anything less satisfactory to be found within. That, and she had been recommened the shop by someone else whom had informed her that the appraiser was an up and coming indiviudal in need of some assistance and business. Nymoria had, through her own experience, come to know just how hard it was to get started on ones own shop - a fact that had made the decision for her.

As she had entered the shop, finding the owner seated among their work, she had smiled and waved, before signing to the individual about her needs and expectations. I've collected a number of items. I would like to have them appraised. Anything that isn't unique can be discarded, at your own profit. If you do find anything unique, let me know, and we can see whether I want it, or if its something you can add to your own stocks. Does that sound acceptable?


Nymoria drops the following off for appraisal:
Rare Weapon {2} | Tier 1 | ID222466, 222587
Rare Weapon {1} | Tier 2 | ID223873
Rare Weapon {8} | Tier 3 | ID226365, 226814, 227902, 228305, 228649, 228682, 228690, 229019
Perfect Weapon {1} | Tier 2 | ID224175
Perfect Weapon {2} | Tier 3 | ID226815, 229014
Rare Armour/Shield {1} | Tier 2 | ID223818
Rare Armour/Shield {5} | Tier 3 | ID228290, 228689, 229093, 229252, 229261
Rare Trinket {5} | Tier 1 | ID221988, 222169, 222178, 222466, 222590 
Rare Trinket {6} | Tier 2 | ID223763, 223872, 223880, 223881, 224119, 224246
Rare Trinket {12} | Tier 3 | ID226117, 226818, 228256, 228303, 228307, 228644, 228650, 228651, 229013, 229094, 229098, 229100
Uncommon Consumable {1} | Tier 1 | ID222587
Uncommon Consumable {3} | Tier 2 | ID223817, 224118, 224245
Uncommon Consumable {11} | Tier 3 | ID226365, 226790, 226816, 228281, 228304, 228305, 228649, 228682, 228690, 229024, 229114
Rare Consumable {1} | Tier 2 | ID223873
Rare Consumable {5} | Tier 3 | ID226814, 227902, 228689, 229252, 229261
Perfect Consumable {1} | Tier 1 | ID222590
Perfect Consumable {2} | Tier 3 | ID229014, 229019

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Appraisals 9/3/2024

Attempts per day: 5
Rank: 1

Item #1 - Junked


Type: Weapon
Rarity: Perfect
Tier: 2
ID: 221097a

Slot 1:
ID 229590 | BD 8 | CD 1 | LD 1

Slot 2:
ID 229591 | BD 7 | CD 4 | LD 14

Slot 3:
ID 229592 | BD 4 | CD 7 | LD 10

Cost: 1200 - 750 = 450 Col

Item #2 - Junked


Type: Weapon
Rarity: Perfect
Tier: 2
ID: 221097b

Slot 1:
ID 229593 | BD 5 | CD 10 | LD 16

Slot 2:
ID 229595 | BD 3 | CD 6 | LD 11

Slot 3:
ID 229595 | BD 3 | CD 7 | LD 6

Cost: 1200-750 = 450

Item #3 - Junked


Type: Weapon
Rarity: Perfect
Tier: 2
ID: 224175

Slot 1:
ID 229596 | BD 7 | CD 10 | LD 4

Slot 2:
ID 229597 | BD 8 | CD 11 | LD 16

Slot 3:
ID 229598 | BD 6 | CD 4 | LD 8

Cost: 1,200 - 750 = 450

Item #4 - Junked


Type: Weapon
Rarity: Perfect
Tier: 3
ID: 226815

Slot 1:
ID 229605 | BD 1 | CD 11 | LD 6

Slot 2:
ID 229606 | BD 9 | CD 9 | LD 5

Slot 3:
ID 229607 | BD 1 | CD 6 | LD 7

Cost: 2,000 - 1,250 = 750

Item #5 - Junked


Type: Weapon
Rarity: Perfect
Tier: 3
ID: 229014

Slot 1:
ID 229608 | BD 5 | CD 12 | LD 3 

Slot 2:
ID 229609 | BD 1 | CD 3 | LD 13

Slot 3:
ID 229610 | BD 10 | CD 10 | LD 15

Cost: 2,000 - 1,250 = 750

Total Cost = 450 + 450 + 450 + 750 + 750 = 2,850 Col | Sent to Banker
EXP Gain: (3*5 = 15 slots) +3 exp/slot = 45 Exp

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Hirru comes and goes from the first floor more frequently than he once thought.  There were quite a few new traders lately, and it was good trade to get some businesses up.  There was one that caught his attention.  A modest little shop out on the outskirts.  An older gentleman sitting by, or more waiting.  The hunter was not dressed in his armor, to keep a bit of suspicion away.  Not that it really did much when he would do something like the thing he was about to do.

Stepping up to the man, the hunter made a proposition.

"Good sir!  I'm here for simple business.  The items here are nothing special, but I am sure they may be of more use to you, than they would collecting dust."

A trade window would appear with the following:

Col: 50,000

T3 Rare Weapon [197630a]
T3 Uncommon Consumable [197630b]
T1 Rare Trinket [197401]
T1 Rare Armor/Shield [197402]
T1 Rare Armor/Shield [197395]
T1 Rare Armor/Shield [197403]
T1 Rare Trinket [197413]
T1 Rare Weapon [197414a]
T1 Rare Consumable [197414b]

"Please take care to appraise them as you please."

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Appraisals 9/4/2024

Attempts per day: 5
Rank: 1

Item #1 - Junked


Type: Weapon
Rarity: Rare
Tier: 3
ID: 226365

Slot 1:
ID 229767 | BD 10 | CD 7 | LD 10

Slot 2:
ID 229678 | BD 3 | CD 1 | LD 15

Cost: 1,440 - 900 = 540 Col

Item #2 - Junked


Type: Weapon
Rarity: Rare
Tier: 3
ID: 226814

Slot 1:
ID 229769 | BD 2 | CD 4 | LD 9

Slot 2:
ID 229770 | BD 3 | CD 6 | LD 5

Cost: 1,440 - 900 = 540 Col

Item #3 - Junked


Type: Weapon
Rarity: Rare
Tier: 3
ID: 227902

Slot 1:
ID 229771 | BD 10 | CD 8 | LD 15

Slot 2:
ID 229772 | BD 1 | CD 3 | LD 8

Cost: 1,440 - 900 = 540 Col

Item #4 - Junked


Type: Weapon
Rarity: Rare
Tier: 3
ID: 228305

Slot 1:
ID 229773 | BD 8 | CD 8 | LD 7

Slot 2:
ID 229774 | BD 5 | CD 8 | LD 17

Cost: 1,440 - 900 = 540 Col

Item #5 - Junked


Type: Weapon
Rarity: Rare
Tier: 3
ID: 228649

Slot 1:
ID 229775 | BD 4 | CD 4 | LD 10

Slot 2:
ID 229776 | BD 4 | CD 7 | LD 18

Cost: 1,440 - 900 = 540 Col

Total Cost = 540 + 540 + 540 + 540 + 540 = 2,700 Col | Sent to Banker
EXP Gain: (2*5 = 10 slots) +3 exp/slot = 30 Exp

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Glyndbourne was a beautiful sight. Acanthus had only recently found her way up here after reaching tier four. Throughout her adventures, she had accrued a growing pile of unidentified items. It’s time that I finally do something with all this junk.

She had picked up wind of a new appraiser while sampling some brews at the sour pub. And now here she was, taking in the autumnal atmosphere of floor 28 with a cart full of unidentified items. Acanthus entered the shop and approached the front desk. Unceremoniously, she opened her menu, swiped two buttons, and watched as an avalanche of items tumbled out onto the desk. She looked back up.

“...Sorry about the mess. Here’s some col for your trouble. Also, if you find any unique enhancements, please let me know and I’ll see what I can do for the item. I’m particularly interested in Absolute Accuracy, or anything that deals damage over time—particularly blight.”

20,000 col sent to Riardon

Items Given:

---Tier 4---
T4 Perfect Weapon [228531a] 
T4 Rare Weapon [228504b] 
T4 Perfect Armor: [#226823-a]
T4 Rare Armor: [#226840]
T4 Perfect Trinket [228532b] 
T4 Rare Trinket: [#226826-b] [#226839] [#226842] [228502a] [228503a] 

---Tier 3---
T3 Perfect Weapon | 230668b
T3 Perfect Armor/Shield | 230650a, 230651a, 230666a, 230667a, 230668a, 230678a
T3 Rare Armor/Shield | 230649a
T3 Perfect Trinket | 230666b, 230667b
T3 Perfect Consumable | 230650b, 230650c, 230651b, 230651c
T3 Rare Consumable | 230678b 230678c

---Tier 1---
T1 Uncommon Consumable | 223962a 223962b

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Appraisals 9/4/2024

Item 1:

Tier: 3
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Weapon
ID: 230668b

Slot 1:
ID 232054 | BD 7 | CD 5 | LD 8
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 2:
ID 232055 | BD 9 | CD 8 | LD 13
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 3:
ID 232056 | BD 2 | CD 6 | LD 9
No Unique | +3 exp

Total Exp: +9 exp
Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk refund) = 750 col

Item 2:

Tier: 4
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Weapon
ID: 228531a

Slot 1:
ID 232057 | BD 7 | CD 3 | LD 6 
No Unique | +3 Exp

Slot 2:
ID 232058 | BD 2 | CD 4 | LD 1
No Unique | +3 Exp

Slot 3: 
ID 232058 | BD 9 | CD 9 | LD 3
No Unique | +3 Exp

Total Exp: +9 Exp -> Rank Up!
Total Cost: 3040  = 1,140 col


Item 3:

Tier: 4
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Light Armor
ID: 226823a

Slot 1:
ID 232060 | BD 7 | CD 8 | LD 20
No Unique | +3 exp

Reroll 1/3:
ID 232078 | BD 5 | CD 11 | LD 4
Result: Recovery |+5

Slot 2:
ID 232061 | BD 10 | CD 11 | LD 13
Unique Found! | +11 exp 

Slot 3:
ID 232062 | BD 10 | CD 5 | LD 14

No Unique | +3 exp
Reroll 2/3:
ID 232079 | BD 7 | CD 4 | LD 5
Result: Recovery | +5 exp
Reroll 3/3:
ID 232079 | BD 7 | CD 10 | LD 20
Result: Light Momentum | +5 exp

Total Exp: +32 Exp
Total Cost: 3040 + 1000 + 2000 + 4000  = 10,040 col

Item Result:

Enduring Thistle +3 | T4 Perfect Light Armor | ID 226823a | Rec | Vamp Def | Light Momentum
Desc. This simple breastplate features delicate engravings and patterns of the thistle, accentuated by soft hues of green and violet. It bestows the thistle’s resilience upon the wearer.

Item 4:

Tier: 3
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Armor/Shield
ID: 230650a

Slot 1:
ID 230281 | BD 5 | CD 8 | LD 13
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 2:
ID 230282 | BD 2 | CD 5 | LD 9
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 3:
ID 230283 | BD 4 | CD 11 | LD 12
No Unique | +3 exp

Total Exp: +9 exp
Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk refund) = 750 col


Item 5:

Tier: 3
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Armor/Shield
ID: 230651a

Slot 1:
ID 230284 | BD 3 | CD 1 | LD 5

No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 2:
ID 230285 | BD 2 | CD 8 | LD 15
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 3:
ID 230286 | BD 4 | CD 4 | LD 14
No Unique | +3 exp

Total Exp: +9 exp
Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk refund) = 750 col


Item 6:

Tier: 3
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Armor/Shield
ID: 230666a

Slot 1:
ID 232087 | BD 3 | CD 11 | LD 20
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 2:
ID 232088 | BD 6 | CD 12 | LD 14
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 3:
ID 232089 | BD  3 | CD 10 | LD 18
No Unique | +3 exp

Total Exp: +9 exp
Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk refund) = 750 col


Total Cost = 750 + 1140 + 10040 + 750 + 750 + 750 = 14,180 Col | Sent to Banker
EXP Gain: +77 exp

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Appraisals 9/23/2024
Rank 2 | 6 Appraisals per day

Item 1:

Tier: 3
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Armor/Shield
ID: 230667a

Slot 1:
ID 233214 | BD 5 | CD 10 | LD 1
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 2:
ID 233215 | BD 7 | CD 7 | LD 14
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 3:
ID 233216 | BD 2 | CD 12 | LD 16
No Unique | +3 exp

Total Exp: +9 exp
Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk refund) = 750 col

Item 2:

Tier: 3
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Armor/Sheild

Slot 1:
ID 233217 | BD 3 | CD 9 | LD 15
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 2:
ID 233218 | BD 5 | CD 7 | LD 8
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 3:
ID 233219 | BD 1 | CD 2 | LD 7
No Unique | +3 exp

Total Exp: +9 Exp
Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk refund) = 750 col

Item 3:

Tier: 3
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Armor/Sheild

Slot 1:
ID 233220 | BD 4 | CD 3 | LD 5
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 2:
ID 233221 | BD 6 | CD 10 | LD 2
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 3:
ID 233222 | BD 7 | CD 4 | LD 11
No Unique | +3 exp

Total Exp: +9 Exp
Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk refund) = 750 col


Item 4:

Tier: 4
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Trinket
ID: 228532b

Slot 1:
ID 233223 | BD 2 | CD 3 | LD 3
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 2:
ID 233224 | BD 5 | CD 4 | LD 11
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 3:
ID 233225 | BD 5 | CD 9 | LD 4
No Unique | +3 exp

Total Exp: +9 Exp
Total Cost: 3040 - 1900 (junk refund) = 1140 col


Item 5:

Tier: 3
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Trinket
ID: 230666b

Slot 1:
ID 233226 | BD 6 | CD 10 | LD 11
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 2:
ID 233227 | BD 6 | CD 5 | LD 3
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 3:
ID 233228 | BD 2 | CD 5 | LD 15
No Unique | +3 exp

Total Exp: +9 exp
Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk refund) = 750 col


Item 6:

Tier: 3
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Trinket
ID: 230667b

Slot 1:
ID 233229 | BD 10 | CD 3 | LD 6
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 2:
ID 233230 | BD 2 | CD 4 | LD 15
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 3:
ID 233231 | BD 5 | CD 6 | LD 1
No Unique | +3 exp

Total Exp: +9 exp
Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk refund) = 750 col


Total Cost = 750 + 750 + 750 + 1140 + 750 + 750 = 4,890 Col | Sent to Banker
EXP Gain: +54 exp

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Acanthus ducking into The Sleeping Moon one more time. She had already been inside once before, so she wasted little time in looking around the place. “Thank you for the armor,” she began. “I have a few more items that have been gathering dust in my collection. Now that I have a little more col to my name, I can pay to have them identified." With a few practiced swipes, her inventory explodes out onto the table in the shop. “...That was more than I remember. Let me add a little col to my tally.” She gave a few quick instructions. "As before, please message me with any unique enhancements you find. But this time, I have one additional request. Please return each of the Tier 4 perfect consumables back to me, regardless of the enhancement. I believe my payment should make up for not being able to junk them for col."

She turns in the doorway of the shop with a few final words. “Keep an eye on your inventory. And if a strange man in a bucket hat says that he’s here to pick up my order…” She paused for a moment. “Actually, let him. I’m curious to see what he’d do with it.”

50,000 col sent to Riardon

Items Given:

---Tier 4---
T4 Perfect Weapon | 231057b 231276a 231276b
T4 Perfect Trinket | 231057b, 229812a, 231057a
T4 Rare Trinket | 229811a, 229810a
T4 Perfect Consumable | 231140a, 231140b, 231141a, 231141b 231276c
T4 Rare Consumable | 231139a
T4 Uncommon Consumable 231465a

---Tier 3---
T3 Perfect Weapon | 229489b [231144b]
T3 Perfect Armor/Shield | [231144a] [231142a] [232070a]
T3 Perfect Trinket | 229489a [231142b] [232070b]
T3 Rare Weapon | [232069b]
T3 Rare Armor/Shield | [231143b] [2311148a]
T3 Rare Trinket | 228916b [232072a] [232071a]
T3 Perfect Consumable | 228916a
T3 Rare Consumable | [231143a] [232069a]
T3 Uncommon Consumable | 229117a, 229487a

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"Alright Riardon," Wulfrin said as he entered Sleeping Moon. "I've been sending players your way and now I've got some items to drop off myself. They're all yours so do with them as you will. I've also got a little pet project for you if you have the time, but that can only come once you have a decent stock of mythic essence. We'll cross that bridge a bit later down the line. In the mean time, I've got  a raid to prep for. See ya 'round"

Wulfrin left a pile of items on the table. All far too low tier to be of any use to him, but they would make for great exp farming for Riardon.

* * *

Wulfrin Drops Off:

T1 Uncommon Consumables: 235504b, 235607b, 235619b
T1 Rare Weapons: 235504a, 235607a, 235608b, 235611b, 235619a, 235523c, 235622a, 235622b
T1 Rare Armor/Shields: 235515, 235516, 235529b, 235617, 235491b, 235521b, 235599b
T1 Rare Trinkets: 235505, 235539, 235540a, 235539, 235549, 235596, 235609
T1 Rare Consumables: 235529a, 235608a, 235611a, 235622c, 235622d
T1 Perfect Weapons: 235514a, 235514b, 235514c, 235517a, 235517b, 235517c, 235595a, 235595b, 235595c, 235523a, 235523b,
T1 Perfect Armor/Shields: 235538c, 235538d, 235547a, 235594c, 235594d, 235491a, 235521a, 235599a
T1 Perfect Trinkets: 235505, 235539, 235540a, 235539, 235549, 235596, 235609
T1 Perfect Consumables: 235531, 235538a, 235538b, 235540b, 235550, 235594a, 235594b

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Appraisals 10/19/2024
Rank 2 | 6 Appraisals per day

Items Being Evaluated: T4 Perfect Weapon (For Acanthus) |

Item 1 (Keep):


Tier: 4
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Consumable
ID: 231140a

Slot Roll:
ID: 235953 | BD: 4 | CD: 11 | LD: 8
Result: Damage 3

Exp: +9 EXP

Total: 1440 Col

Can o' Spinach | ID: 231140a | T4 Perfect Potion | DMG 3
Desc. Munch on the contents and you'll feel your muscles increase in size.

Item 2 (Keep):


Tier: 4
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Consumable
ID: 231140b

Slot Roll:
ID: 235954 | BD: 2 | CD: 9 | LD: 6
Result: Prosperity 3

Exp: +9 EXP

Cost: 1440 Col

Imperial Chocolate Bar | T4 Perfect Snack | ID 231140b | Prosperity 3
Desc. Some say eating this candy bar brings one good fortune. This has yet to be proven though

Item 3 (Keep):


Tier: 4
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Consumable
ID: 231141a

Slot Roll:
ID: 235956 | BD: 8 | CD: 1 | LD: 16
Result: HP Recovery 3

Exp: +9 EXP

Cost: 1440 Col

Dr. Pepper | ID: 231141a | T4 Perfect Potion | HP Recovery 3
Desc. This fizzy soda drink is made from an exquisite blend of 23 different flavors. 

Item 4 (Keep):


Tier: 4
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Consumable
ID: 231141b

Slot Roll:
ID: 235955 | BD: 9 | CD: 2 | LD: 7
Result: Damage 3

Exp: +9 EXP

Total: 1440 Col

Can o' Spinach | ID: 23114ba | T4 Perfect Potion | DMG 3
Desc. Munch on the contents and you'll feel your muscles increase in size.

Item 5 (Keep):


Tier: 4
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Consumable
ID: 231276c

Slot Roll:
ID: 235957 | BD: 4 | CD: 10 | LD: 12
Result: Mitigation 3

Exp: +9 Exp

Total 1440 Col

Bowl of Nails (without milk) | T4 Perfect meal | ID: 231276c | MIT 3
Desc. Only the toughest of men can down this hearty meal. How tough are you?

Item 6 (JUNKED):


Tier: 4
Rarity: Perfect
Type: Weapon
ID: 231057b

Slot 1:
ID 235958 | BD 3 | CD 4 | LD 10
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 2:
ID 235959 | BD 1 | CD 5 | LD 20
No Unique | +3 exp

Slot 3:
ID 235960 | BD 9 | CD 10 | LD 9
No Unique | +3 exp

Total Exp: +9 Exp
Total Cost: 3040 - 1900 (junk refund) = 1140 col

Total Col Expended: 8,340 Col | Sent to Banker

Edited by Wulfrin
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