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[F24 | SP+ST] Alea Iacta Est | <<Incognito Antics: Part 2 - Assassination>>

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“So you’re the one that bested my enforcers.” Uso-Tsuki pulls back, looking for openings in your defense. “The outsider here to save the Chief from the consequences of his own rule.” He continues to circle you, eyes darting. He licks his lips. “The Chief’s position should have passed to me by right. Did he tell you that? But he decided to cast me out instead.” Uso-Tsuki gave a mock pout. “The poor old man. He refused to keep up with the times. Why play nice with the lands outside of Marsonia? We have all the strength we need without them.”

Without warning, he darts underneath your sword and his knives flash. You feel a buzzing sensation—pain indicators. Your health drops. Behind you, Uso-Tsuki shivers, and you can see the cold air escape from his smiling lips.

“When I kill you, I will assume the mantle of Chief. I will lead Marsonia to a bright, glorious future. One free from doddering old idealists and outsiders such as yourself.”




Post Action: Attack -> Wulfrin
ID: 229927 | BD 6+3-3=6 Hit! 150 - 98 - 16= 36 damage. Uso-Tsuki takes 16 damage. (8 + 8)

Wulfrin | HP: 748/784 | EN: 104/104 | DMG: 28 | MIT:98 | ACC:7 | AA | EVA:3 | BH:17 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:6
Uso-Tsuki HP: 1384/1400 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1


  • Master's Eye | <<Uso-Tsuki>> knows that you are coming, and is already prepared. His precognitive vision allows him to predict your motions and negate ACC and auto-hit bonuses.
  • Fleet Feet | On his first roll, if <<Uso-Tsuki>> misses, he will attack a second time in the same turn.
  • Ultimate Assassin | Starting on his second turn, Uso-Tsuki will gain a DMG boost of 75 for that attack only. This ability has a 3 turn cooldown, and <<Uso-Tsuki>> will always use it again as soon as it is available.


Edited by Acanthus
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"Right," Wulfrin said sarcastically as his frozen armor returned to its misty form. "Because the world where you rule with fear and tyranny is just the perfect one for the people to live in."

Wulfrin rushed in with his sword art glowing. His eyes narrowed on Uso-Tsuki's midsection. Time seemed to slow for Wulfrin as <<Concentration>> kicked in. It felt odd calling on the gift from his Gemini. It was a skill that had little use for him as of late, but the fight here was a return to basics. Uso-Tsuki was negating Wulfrin's Accuracy bonuses somehow, so alternative means were needed. Wulfrin was on the back foot and needed to gain some momentum. This was his opportunity.

Keep him talking. Maybe he'll slip up.

"You and your lackies are all mis guided," Wulfrin said as he watched Uso-Tsuki stagger from his blow. "You want to end the  era of peace the Chief worked so hard to build. There is only one reason to do so. Hubris."

* * *


Recovery: Not Needed
Wulfrin is at Full Energy
Cooldowns: Frozen Hide (2/4), Charge (2/3), Concentration (1/5)

Post Action | [x16] Tech-A vs Uso-Tsuki (16 En) - 2 Stamina - 1 Rested (1/2) = 13 EN
Free Action | Concentration: +1 BD

ID: 229923 | BD 6-1+1=6 Hit | CD 12 | (28*16) = 448-75 = 373 DMG to Uso-Tsuki. ST-B Unlocked. Uso-Tsuki negates ACC Bonus.

Wulfrin | HP: 748/784 | EN: 91/104 | DMG: 28 | MIT:98 | ACC:7 | AA | EVA:3 | BH:17 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:6
Uso-Tsuki HP: 1011/1400 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | STUNNED


  • Master's Eye | <<Uso-Tsuki>> knows that you are coming, and is already prepared. His precognitive vision allows him to predict your motions and negate ACC and auto-hit bonuses.
  • Fleet Feet | On his first roll, if <<Uso-Tsuki>> misses, he will attack a second time in the same turn.
  • Ultimate Assassin | Starting on his second turn, Uso-Tsuki will gain a DMG boost of 75 for that attack only. This ability has a 3 turn cooldown, and <<Uso-Tsuki>> will always use it again as soon as it is available.


Edited by Wulfrin
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“Hubris?!” Uso-Tsuki sputtered. “It’s not hubris to be right.” Doing his best to avoid your attacks, your <<Concentration>> manages to punch through his defenses, striking a telling blow. Your attack leaves him winded. Staggering backwards, he does his best to put space between the two of you. “That’s the problem with you hero types. You’re not willing to see the big picture. So what if I have to break a few eggs here and there?”

Uso-Tsuki continues rambling, hoping to catch his breath before you begin another offensive. “Power is a necessary evil to wield. You’re doing it right now, aren’t you? You’re just using your power to preserve the Chief’s shaky little peace, rather than boldly claiming what you deserve. You shouldn’t have to be fighting other people’s battles—you should be the one leading the wars! Doesn’t that thought excite you?”

Slowly, Uso-Tsuki draws back up to his full height. The stun appears to be wearing off. “You know, it’s not too late. I can offer you so much more than the Chief. Power, wealth, whatever you name. Being the Chief is going to have some perks.” He grins greedily. “What do you say?”


Post Action: Stunned
No action taken.


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"Not a fan of the whole war thing," Wulfrin scoffed as he prepared another attack. "I'm more of a only swing the sword when necessary kind of guy. Honestly had my schedule not been free, we'd probably not be having this conversation."

Wulfrin charged at Uso-Tsuki with the sword art he had picked up from defeating The Monkey King. This art was designed to smash through armor, creating weak spots that Wulfrin could exploit for more damage. Uso-Tsuki however had other plans. With unexpected precision, Wulfrin found his blade parried to the side harmlessly. This caused Wulfrin to stumble a bit before regaining his stance. This battle was starting to drag on much longer than Wulfrin would have liked it to. Whatever Uso-Tsuki was doing to give himself an edge, Wulfrin had to find a way to stop it. The upside was his energy was recharging faster than he was using it. So hey silver lining.

"You know you should really learn to keep some tighter security around your camps," Wulfrin said mockingly. "It was remarkably easy to steal your plans for today."

* * *


Recovery: ID: 230073 | CD: 12 | +8 En.
Wulfrin regains 12 Energy
Cooldowns: Frozen Hide (3/4), Charge (3/3), Concentration (2/5), Rending Familiar (1/5)

Post Action | [x16] Tech-D vs Uso-Tsuki (16 En) - 2 Stamina - 1 Rested (1/2) = 13 EN Miss 2 En - 2 Stamina -1 Rested (1/2) = 1 EN
Free Action | Rending Familiar -> Uso-Tsuki

ID: 229923 | BD 1 Crit Miss | Uso-Tsuki negates ACC Bonus.

Wulfrin | HP: 748/784 | EN: 102/104 (91+12-1) | DMG: 28 | MIT:98 | ACC:7 | AA | EVA:3 | BH:17 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:6
Uso-Tsuki HP: 1011/1400 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | P. Stun Imm (1/3) Rend 28 (0/2)


  • Master's Eye | <<Uso-Tsuki>> knows that you are coming, and is already prepared. His precognitive vision allows him to predict your motions and negate ACC and auto-hit bonuses.
  • Fleet Feet | On his first roll, if <<Uso-Tsuki>> misses, he will attack a second time in the same turn.
  • Ultimate Assassin | Starting on his second turn, Uso-Tsuki will gain a DMG boost of 75 for that attack only. This ability has a 3 turn cooldown, and <<Uso-Tsuki>> will always use it again as soon as it is available.


Edited by Wulfrin
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Uso-Tsuki growled. “Hogo-Sha has been disciplined for his failure to keep the plans safe. If he is lucky, he will have another chance to serve me when I assume my rightful place.” He parries your attacks with contempt. “And your attempt to get under my skin is noted. Failed, but noted.” You noticed the veins in his temple bulge for a moment before he collects himself. “If anything, it’s a good thing you’ve shown your face now rather than later. I’d rather go ahead and finish off any dissenters now, it saves me the trouble of finding you.”

Uso-Tsuki appears to blend into the background for just a moment. The process is disconcerting; before you have a moment to prepare yourself, he launches at you, eyes filled with strange delight. Another dizzying series of slashes leaves your pain indicators buzzing yet again. “Did you enjoy that? You’re not the only one with tricks up his sleeve. I made short work of the entire honor guard. What makes you think one person is a threat to my plans?”


Uso-Tsuki : bleeds for 28 damage.

Post Action: Ultimate Assassin-> Wulfrin
ID: 230118 | BD 9 + 3 - 3 = 9 Minor Critical! 226 (150 + 75 + 1) - 98= 128 damage.

Wulfrin | HP620/784 | EN: 104/104 | DMG: 28 | MIT:98 | ACC:7 | AA | EVA:3 | BH:17 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:6
Uso-Tsuki HP: 1356/1400 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 (Ultimate Assassin 1/3) (Rend 1/2)


  • Master's Eye | <<Uso-Tsuki>> knows that you are coming, and is already prepared. His precognitive vision allows him to predict your motions and negate ACC and auto-hit bonuses.
  • Fleet Feet | On his first roll, if <<Uso-Tsuki>> misses, he will attack a second time in the same turn.
  • Ultimate Assassin | Starting on his second turn, Uso-Tsuki will gain a DMG boost of 75 for that attack only. This ability has a 3 turn cooldown, and <<Uso-Tsuki>> will always use it again as soon as it is available.


Edited by Acanthus
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"Well that's good," Wulfrin smirked. He was getting under Uso-Tsuki's skin whether he wanted to admit it or not. "Though I'm surprised you're letting him live. Given your track record I would have thought you would have killed him. Maybe at best kicked him to the curb."

Wulfrin stood up from the attack with a smile. He was not going to give this mob the satisfaction of seeing him in pain. Worst case scenario, burn a crystal. You can stay in this fight. If that was his best, you have little to fear. Wulfrin centered himself. He took a deep breath before every muscle in his virtual body tensed. With brutal force comparable to a giant ape, Wulfrin leapt forward, his blade a vibrant emerald. His blade slammed into Uso-Tsuki causing the ground around them to shake. Uso-Tsuki's armor began to crack. Finally! Something to aim at!

"I've got plenty of tricks," Wulfrin smirked. "I've felled dragons. You? You're just a dude on a power trip."

* * *


Recovery: ID: 230139 | CD: 11 | +8 En.
Wulfrin regains 12 Energy and 17 HP
Cooldowns: Frozen Hide (4/4), Concentration (3/5), Rending Familiar (2/5), Charge (1/3)

Post Action | Charge: [x16] Tech-D vs Uso-Tsuki (16 En +8 EN) = 24 EN - 2 Stamina  = 22 EN
Free Action | None

ID: 230140 | BD 6-1+1 (AA) = 6 hit | CD: 1 | (28+3) = 31 * 16 = 496 - 75 = 421 Damage To Uso-Tsuki. Target gains 1 Stack of Shatter. Uso-Tsuki negates ACC Bonus. ST-B locked

Wulfrin | HP637/784 (620+17) | EN: 81/104 (102 +12 - 22) | DMG: 28 | MIT:98 | ACC:7 | AA | EVA:3 | BH:17 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:6
Uso-Tsuki HP: 935/1400 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 55 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1  | P.Stun Imm. (2/3) | (Ultimate Assassin 1/3) | Rend 28 (1/2) | Shatter 1 (0/2)


  • Master's Eye | <<Uso-Tsuki>> knows that you are coming, and is already prepared. His precognitive vision allows him to predict your motions and negate ACC and auto-hit bonuses.
  • Fleet Feet | On his first roll, if <<Uso-Tsuki>> misses, he will attack a second time in the same turn.
  • Ultimate Assassin | Starting on his second turn, Uso-Tsuki will gain a DMG boost of 75 for that attack only. This ability has a 3 turn cooldown, and <<Uso-Tsuki>> will always use it again as soon as it is available.


Edited by Wulfrin
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Uso-Tsuki grunted with exertion. “Lucky hit,” he spat, as the green cracks continued to spread in his armor. It is clear that he was thrown off—you just shrugged off his best technique, after all. Leaping back into combat, he slashed with the first knife, aiming for your shoulder. The knife digs deep, exploiting the gaps in your armor. Snarling, he brings his second knife up, and plunges it into your side. You manage to shake him off, but your health bar has dropped once more.

“You talk a big game hero, but you bleed just the same. Dragons, titans, gods—it doesn’t matter. You are just another stepping stone in my path to becoming Chief.” He begins to circle you in the clearing, knives raised. “How long do you think it will take for me to finish you off? I was hoping to be able to slay the Chief in the middle of the ceremony. I suppose I’ll just have to settle for a less public venue.”




Uso-Tsuki : bleeds for 28 damage.

Post Action: Ultimate Assassin-> Wulfrin
ID: 230118 | BD 10 + 3 - 3 = 10 Major Critical! 152 - 98= 54 damage.

Wulfrin | HP566/784 | EN: 104/104 | DMG: 28 | MIT:98 | ACC:7 | AA | EVA:3 | BH:17 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:6
Uso-Tsuki HP: 907/1400 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 (Ultimate Assassin 2/3) (Rend 2/2)


  • Master's Eye | <<Uso-Tsuki>> knows that you are coming, and is already prepared. His precognitive vision allows him to predict your motions and negate ACC and auto-hit bonuses.
  • Fleet Feet | On his first roll, if <<Uso-Tsuki>> misses, he will attack a second time in the same turn.
  • Ultimate Assassin | Starting on his second turn, Uso-Tsuki will gain a DMG boost of 75 for that attack only. This ability has a 3 turn cooldown, and <<Uso-Tsuki>> will always use it again as soon as it is available.


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Icy mist began to pour from Icingdeath's blade. Could it be sensing the gravity of the situation, or was it just trying to remind him that Frozen Hide had recharged? It was hard to tell. Wulfrin began to move in pace with Uso-Tsuki. His battle healing was helping a bit, but he knew the fight couldn't go on forever. Instead he focused on matching the stride and gate of Uso-Tsuki. The Usurper vs The Passing Hero, a tense stare down between two deadly opponents.

"I could ask you the same thing," Wulfrin scowled as he continued to eye Uso-Tsuki. "Tell me. Have you ever heard of Icingdeath?"

Wulfrin didn't give Uso-Tsuki the chance to respond. Without skipping a beat, Wulfrin was face to face with the assassin. The air around him began to crystalize as he brough his blade to bear upon the assassin's form. With the blade plunged deep in the chest of Uso-Tsuki, Wulfrin looked him dead in the eyes.

"Let me show you how this sword got it's name," Wulfrin began to twist the blade, its icy aura beginning to creep out throughout Uso-Tsuki's body. "Freeze!"

With one final tug, Wulfrin withdrew the blade. The ice gathering at Uso-Tsuki's midsection began to spread rapidly across his form until there was nothing more than a statue. Wulfrin could see the Toxic Venom beginning to pulse inside his foe. This was him at his peak. All that was left was to finish the job.

* * *


Recovery: ID: 230145 | CD: 10 | +8 En.
Wulfrin regains 12 Energy and 17 HP
Cooldowns: Concentration (4/5), Rending Familiar (3/5), Charge (2/3)

Post Action | [x16] Tech-A vs Uso-Tsuki (16 En) - 2 Stamina  = 14 EN
Free Action | None

ID: 230140 | BD 9 Minor Crit +1 DMG | CD: 7 | 29 * 16 = 464 - 55 = 409 Damage To Uso-Tsuki. Target is stunned. Target is Frozen (EVA set to -1 and removes action) for 2 turns. Frostbite applied to target. Toxic Venom is applied to target.

Wulfrin | HP583/784 | EN: 79/104 (81+12-14) | DMG: 28 | MIT:98 | ACC:7 | AA | EVA:3 | BH:17 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:6
Uso-Tsuki HP: 498/1400 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 55 | ACC: 3 2 | EVA: 1  -1 | (Ultimate Assassin 2/3) | Shatter 1 (1/2) | FROZEN (0/2) | Frostbite 40 (0/2) | TXCVNM 32 (0/3)


  • Master's Eye | <<Uso-Tsuki>> knows that you are coming, and is already prepared. His precognitive vision allows him to predict your motions and negate ACC and auto-hit bonuses.
  • Fleet Feet | On his first roll, if <<Uso-Tsuki>> misses, he will attack a second time in the same turn.
  • Ultimate Assassin | Starting on his second turn, Uso-Tsuki will gain a DMG boost of 75 for that attack only. This ability has a 3 turn cooldown, and <<Uso-Tsuki>> will always use it again as soon as it is available.


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Frost creeps up Uso-Tsuki’s immobile frame. His eyes become wide with panic. “You’re making a mistake! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain here. Release me at once. I can offer you so much more than the Chief. You can take Hogo-Sha’s place. He is disposable after his debacle with the map. We would be unstppbl—”

His jaw sets, and he becomes unable to speak. His skin becomes pale and green as the venom starts to course through his body. He stares at you wordlessly in equal parts hate and abject fear. His frozen body appears to struggle against the inevitable.



Post Action: Stunned
No action taken.


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Wulfrin continued to circle Uso-Tsuki, contemplating his next move. Judging by the HP bar, Wulfrin had one, maybe two hits left in order to fell him. Each second he continued to watch the bar, it continued to drop lower and lower. The effects were setting in and Icingdeath was living up to its name. Wulfrin pressed up closer to the ice sculpture that was once Uso-Tsuki, his breath a fine mist that slowly rolled from his mouth.

"How does it feel?" Wulfrin asked his frozen prey. "The icy prison you find yourself in represents the future before you."

Wulfrin swung his blade towards the frozen statue. At that same moment a gust of wind kicked up and moved the statue just out of the path of his shatter art.

Damnit Kayaba! Are you just doing this to taunt me now?

That was all Wulfrin could think of to explain the comedy of errors before him.

* * *


Recovery: ID: 230167 | CD: 4 | +0 En.
Wulfrin regains 4 Energy and 17 HP
Cooldowns: Concentration (5/5), Rending Familiar (4/5), Charge (3/3)

Post Action | [x16] Tech-D vs Uso-Tsuki (16 En) - 2 Stamina  = 14 EN miss 2 - 2 EN = 1 EN minimum
Free Action | None

ID: 230168 | BD 1 Crit Miss

Wulfrin | HP: 600/784 | EN: 82/104 (79-1+4) | DMG: 28 | MIT:98 | ACC:7 | AA | EVA:3 | BH:17 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:6
Uso-Tsuki HP: 426/1400 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 2 | EVA: 1  -1 | FROZEN (1/2) | Frostbite 40 (1/2) | TXCVNM 32 (1/3)


  • Master's Eye | <<Uso-Tsuki>> knows that you are coming, and is already prepared. His precognitive vision allows him to predict your motions and negate ACC and auto-hit bonuses.
  • Fleet Feet | On his first roll, if <<Uso-Tsuki>> misses, he will attack a second time in the same turn.
  • Ultimate Assassin | Starting on his second turn, Uso-Tsuki will gain a DMG boost of 75 for that attack only. This ability has a 3 turn cooldown, and <<Uso-Tsuki>> will always use it again as soon as it is available.


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"The icy prison you find yourself in represents the future before you."

The will of Kayaba sweeps down as Uso-Tsuki’s statue schooches out of the way. You could swear that his face looks a little more smug than it did before. A face that almost seems to say “By all known laws of physics, I shouldn’t have survived that blow. And I dodged it anyways, because I don’t care about what you think is impossible.”

Cracks begin to form in the ice surrounding his body. Although the venom has run its course, Uso-Tsuki still seems to be ready for the fight. Freeing his mouth, he smirks. “The god of fate has chosen my side, it seems. This battle is already decided.”



Post Action: Stunned
No action taken.

Uso-Tsuki bleeds for 32 damage.
Uso-Tsuki freezes for 40 damage.


Uso-Tsuki HP: 354/1400 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 2 | EVA: 1  -1 | FROZEN (1/2) | Frostbite 40 (2/2) | TXCVNM 32 (2/3)



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Wulfrin cursed to himself as Uso-Tsuki thawed and prepared to retaliate. That ability to increase his damage must have recharged, so the next attack Wulfrin had coming his way was likely to hurt. His battle healing was putting in overtime just to keep him on his feet. The good news was that Toxic Venom had a longer duration, so at least there was still some amount of damage lingering on the quest boss. Wulfrin watched as Uso-Tsuki's HP bar stabilized. At that same moment the icy tomb faded. Wulfrin noticed that Uso-Tsuki's reactions seemed to be slightly delayed, perhaps the mob's luck was finally starting to fade. This was the opening that Wulfrin had been hoping for. Without giving Uso-Tsuki the time to recover, Wulfrin charged forward putting all his momentum into the slash of his sword. Icingdeath reacted to this strike by increasing the frozen aura around itself to the point that the tropical beach they were on began to ice over. Wulfrin immediately felt like he was back in the presence of Absolute Zero. His blade began to cut a deep wound from Uso-Tsuki's right shoulder down to his left hip. Wulfrin watched Uso-Tsuki's HP bar light up with the icons of various debuffs. As the HP bar dropped to zero, Uso-Tsuki's form once again froze over. This time where his eyes held vabrado and arrogance, now only held the lifeless glaze of a fallen mob. Unlike most mobs though, Uso-Tsuki didn't burst into fractal motes. Instead there was simply a notification window displaying the loot Wulfrin gained from felling his foe.

"As I said," Wulfrin said in a somber tone. "A tomb of ice for they cold hearted tyrant."

Wulfrin dropped his blade and fell to his knees. That fight had taken a lot out of him, easily the hardest he's had up until now. He glanced over to the Lieutenant and smiled. At least he survived. Then Wulfrin closed his eyes and fell face first onto the sand.

* * *


Recovery: ID: 230237 | CD: 12 | +8 En.
Wulfrin regains 12 Energy and 17 HP
Cooldowns: Rending Familiar (4/5)

Post Action | Charge: [x16] Tech-D vs Uso-Tsuki (16 + 8 En) = 24 - 2 Stamina  = 22 EN
Free Action | None

ID: 230238 | BD 10 (major crit +2 DMG) | CD: 10 | (28+3+2) = 33 * 16 = 528 - 75 = 453 DMG to Uso-Tsuki. Shatter 1 Applied. Freeze Applied. Frostbite Applied. Toxic Venom refreshed. Target dies. ST-B unlocked.

Wulfrin | HP: 617/784 | EN: 72/104 (82+12-22) | DMG: 28 | MIT:98 | ACC:7 | AA | EVA:3 | BH:17 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:6
Uso-Tsuki HP: 354/1400 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1  | TXCVNM 32 (2/3)


  • Master's Eye | <<Uso-Tsuki>> knows that you are coming, and is already prepared. His precognitive vision allows him to predict your motions and negate ACC and auto-hit bonuses.
  • Fleet Feet | On his first roll, if <<Uso-Tsuki>> misses, he will attack a second time in the same turn.
  • Ultimate Assassin | Starting on his second turn, Uso-Tsuki will gain a DMG boost of 75 for that attack only. This ability has a 3 turn cooldown, and <<Uso-Tsuki>> will always use it again as soon as it is available.

* * *

Looting Uso-Tsuki
ID 230341 | CD 8 | LD 8+6=14
CD Even: HP*2 col
LD Even: HP*2 col
Roll: Rare Weapon Uncommon Consumable

10,290 Col: (1400*7 -incl. +4 from CD/LD even) + (5% col stash)
T4 Rare Unidentified Weapon 230341a
T4 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable 230341b

Edited by Wulfrin
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You wake up in a soft bed in what appears to be a makeshift hospital. Judging from the view out your window, you appear to be back in the Palace at Marsonia. Judging by the sun (or your in-game clock), you haven’t been out for long.

A nurse notices you stir as you wake and gives you a soft smile. “Wait right here. I’ll let the Chief know you’re awake.” She vanishes into the hallway.

While you wait for his return, you have some time to yourself. Solaris swoops in and perches on the window, happy to see you awake. The Chief returns soon in a hurry. While he appears grateful for your recovery, you can tell by the lines etched in his face that this whole ordeal has left him upset beyond words. “Thank you for saving my life, and for saving our Kingdom. I regret that my son’s death was the only solution, but I fear the alternative would have only been worse. As a token of my thanks, I present this blade to you, on behalf of all Marsonians.”

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Wulfrin slowly rose to meet the captain's gaze. He had been put through the ringer the past few days, it really put into perspective how much he had grown and how much farther he could possibly grow. Wulfrin tooked the blade and examined it with scrutiny only a blacksmith could bring. It's info panel named it The Blade of the Warrior. It's enhancements though, that's what caught Wulfrin's eye. The blade was only missing a few things that he was looking for in a secondary weapon. That weapon would be the backbone of his quest to gather up a set of equipment to use when grinding up some shards and scales for his own projects in the future. Sure he had Riardon to help a bit in locating some of the more elusive uniques, but this one was easy to get on his own.

"I'm honored chief," Wulfrin said as he finally stood from his infirmary bed. He felt great. Then again that was mostly due to the system fully restoring him over time. "Don't lose sight of your ideals. They are what gives you strength and resolve to keep going."

Final words exchanged, Wulfrin gathered his things, shook the chief's hand and made his way back to his home on floor 22.

* * *

Thread Closing

Acanthus receives:
[Word Count: 7421/10 = 742.1] * [True Tier: 3] * [Group Factor: 0.7] = 1558 * 2 [recruitment drive] = 3,116 EXP

no other rewards as they are storyteller

Wulfrin receives:
[Word Count: 7421/10 = 742.1] * [True Tier: 4] * [Group Factor: 0.7] = 2078 + 4,000[quest] = 6,078 * 2 [recruitment drive] = 12,156 EXP

15,540 [loot] + 10,000 [quest] = 25,540 Col

1 Material

T4 Rare Unidentified Weapon 230341a
T4 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable 230341b
T4 Rare Consumable 229724a
T4 Rare Armor/Shield 229724b

Blade of the Warrior | T3 Straight Sword | AA | ACC 2

Edited by Wulfrin
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