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Scarlet Firefly「The Blinded Light」

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Scarlet Firefly, the Blinded Light
Samantha Scarlet
Age: 22 | Gender: Female | Height: 1.55m | Hair: Silver

Samantha was born to a small family as an only child to a pair of wealthy parents. Her father was the owner of several businesses allowing them to live extremely comfortably. She was pampered by parents through her childhood, not because of their wealth but for her condition. From birth, Sam has been completely blind which lead to her being  home schooled by her professor mother all her life. Because of this, she's had a difficult time finding interests and gaming definitely was not something she expected to find an interest in.

With the release of the NerveGear, she and her parents were immediately interested in testing it's capabilities to allow her the opportunity to see something for the first time in her life. This would land her one of the 'lucky' owners of the NerveGear and a copy of Sword Art Online. This, of course, would allow her the experience of seeing but see her trapped in the game. Since the release of the game and the start of the race to the end, she has gotten acclimated to her new sight but it's been difficult for her. Now she would like to attempt leveling and has begun doing quests in hopes of seeing even more things!

Compassionate - Scarlet has appreciated the life she can live despite her inability to see. Thankfully her family pampers her in that regard. She does her best to be thankful for the small things in life.

Wanting to Learn - Samantha hasn't had a chance to learn much in her life beyond her studies with her mother so she is ready to learn on her own. Everything from the game mechanics to just learning how to read is on her list. She's probably going to annoy everyone with her questions!

Wants to be Helpful - All her life, she's felt rather useless thanks to her blindness. Now that she has her sight and she understands that anyone can be helpful in Aincrad she's ready to try and level! Partying and meeting new friends for the first time!

Illiterate - Scarlet was born completely blind in the real-world so she's never dealt with a written language beyond braille. This makes it difficult for her to read practically everything from the character menu to the party list. She's going to need help in that department, of course.

No Understanding of Video Games - She's never played a video game before, shocker! SAO wasn't supposed to be an experience beyond the chance to see and now she was stuck in it. So, she is left with the option of playing or not, to which she will say... Play!

Easily Stimulated - All her life she's seen black... and now she can see color! Unfortunately that has made her very sensitive to colors and lights. Flashing lights and colorful effects don't give her seizures or anything but make her head spin and easily nauseated.

Edited by Scarlet Firefly
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