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[PP-02] Rock beats Scissors! Breaking the Unbreakable Ft. Kil, Siren, Nadeo

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Red hues lingered along the mountain as he stared up at the peak. It was a long way up and he had wondered how long it make take to reach the summit. There was a quest for a boulder breaking and he would like to at least learn how to do something in case he would need to switch. Red hair fell to the side a bit as he had waited for the summons of post he had placed at the town of beginnings. Of course, he had sent a message to Angel since he wanted to make sure she would have the same amount of experience with him. 

The sun was high, and it wasn't as hot as he had thought it would be. There was, after all, a desert he had learned. But this place was relatively lax with this calm atmosphere. It was quite nice, but he also wanted to learn how dangerous the rest of the floors would be. Perhaps he would ask an escort one day to explore. Fingers opened up a menu and made sure that his beloved would get a message. 



To: @Siren
From: Escudo de Protection

Hola mi amor,

Te estoy esperando, mi amor. Ya estoy en el punto de encuentro. Meet me at the base of the mountain on the second floor. 

Te amo, 

*Ding* Message sent

He had gotten a response from the other person who wanted to. When he posted his stats, Reese was shocked that someone strong wanted to assist them. He wasn't sure how to respond but a simple yes at the time for it. Perhaps it was their lucky day, and it wouldn't take long. It seemed that they were being assisted by many good strangers here on this death game. He would like to understand the mechanics of guilds and perhaps join a strong on or make one. He hadn't figured out what he wanted to do but there would be plenty of time. 

Escudo De Protection | HP: 60/60 | EN: 24/24 | DMG: 4 | MIT:18 | ACC:3                                                                                                                            


"Name: Escudo De Protection
True Tier: 1
Level: 3
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 60/60
EN: 24/24

Damage: 4
Mitigation: 18
Accuracy: 3

Equipped Gear:
  - Spear of Strength 229232
  - Odins Chest Piece 229233
  - Wolf Pendant 220941-3 

Combat Mastery:

Combat Shift:

Familiar Skill:

Custom Skill:


Extra Skills:

Inactive Extra Skills:



Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:

Housing Buffs:

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:

Gathering Profession:


Edited by Escudo de Protection
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Siren woke up to the sound of a message ping. Early mornings weren’t her thing, she was all about her beauty sleep. Face down in the pillow, she let out a loud grumble and raised her head and opened the message. She squinted at it at first and then put her glasses on.
She immediately perked up when seeing the message from Reese, "Oh!" She just realized he wasn't in the room. When in the sam hell did he head out? They talked all night and at some point, she fell asleep. She didn't even remember laying on the bed. They were sitting in the chairs at the table. He must've moved her over to the bed. She definitely planned to ask him. 
She read the message he sent. He wants me to go to the base of a mountain? The hell is my spaniard up to now? Shrugging it off, she got out of bed and got ready. Donning her armor and weapon, she left the inn. She had met a player the other day that dared escape the walls of the Town of Beginnings and assumed she'd want to come along.

To: Nadeo
From: Siren

Hey Nadeo, I figured you'd wanna join us on a quest. This one should be a cake walk and allow you to get your feet wet with little to no danger. Meet me at the base of the mountain on Floor 2. It'll be myself and a tall smoking hot redhead. See you then. xoxo

With the message sent, she headed to the teleport gate and traveled to Floor 2. She arrived in Urbus and began traveling toward the mountain. She wasn't wearing her heeled boots today, knowing she was gonna be climbing. She saw her red haired lover and waved toward him. "Hey there darlin!" She walked toward him and ran into his arms, hugging and holding him tightly. 

She looked up at him, now being much shorter in flat boots. "You've got some explaining to do darling." She gave him a look, almost like a mother that was about to scold her son. "So when did you leave this morning and why didn't you wake me? Also, how in the hell did I get in the bed? Last thing I remember was us talking at the table." She looked at him, waiting for his response.
* * *

Character Sheet:


Siren | Level 1 | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | MIT:18 | EVA:1


  • Duelist's Rapier | T1 Perfect Rapier | DMG 3| ID [221552]
    [Desc.] This elegant rapier is designed for speed and precision, capable of dealing devastating strikes. The guard around the hand is an intricate weave of thin metal bands that takes the form of a phoenix.

  • Crimson Raiment | T1 Perfect Light Armor | MIT II | EVA I | ID: 229133
    [desc.] Don't let them see you bleed. It will only embolden them. If you can't prevent it, make sure they at least won't see it.




  • R1 Light Armor
    • 6 MIT

Combat Mastery:

  • None Yet

Battle Skills:

  • None Yet


  • None Yet


  • None Yet


  • None Yet


  • None Yet


Battle Ready Inventory:

  • 3 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
  • Warpstone | Tierless Teleport Crystal | ID 229185
    Use a post action to activate a teleport crystal. Teleports user to the town of designated teleportation area they specify. 
    [desc.] Sure, you could get one from the General Merchant. But this one looks cooler.

  • Rumbling Rum Party Favor | Tierless Mass HP Recovery Crystal. | ID (found later)
    Heals user and each member of their party for 10% of maximum HP.    
    [desc.] Crush this in your palm and everyone will get a taste. Part of a new, more expedient alcohol delivery system. Popular with pirates.


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Lets see, the white haired wonder looked at the message board in thought. Eyes surveyed each post trying to determine whether or not he could be of use. There was a quest he noticed. Something about a boulder but was that Spanish? He knew German but Spanish was a different thing to him. Perhaps he would gander and find out. Kil accepted the quest and posted his stats for the person to see. He had done the boulder challenge before and if someone needed help, he was all for it.

With an elegant grace, he was gone from where he was standing. The penguin, now spooked, ran after her master squealing to stop. He slowed down to wait for her and realized he couldn't go top speed with her around.  But what journey would be fun if had no penguin? He ran his hand through his hair and shook it slightly. “Come on, slow poke.” He laughed as they headed out to the crystal.

The quest mentioned a group and a boulder. Perhaps it was the same one he did many years ago. Or was there a new quest? He would decide when he got there. He had taken notice of the level of the initial player and would conclude it had to be that damn boulder. He stretched a bit as he appeared on the rocky terrain.

Wind blew his hair immediately out of place, and he shuffled it back after it died down. With his cloth armor, he adorned a new look exposing his biceps as they were often restricted in such fashion. He would have to thank the tailor for the adjustments later and maybe send some desserts her way. Footsteps kicked the gravel upon reaching the stone laid path. “Things never change, do they?” He spoke under his breath. 

The penguin shuffled behind him kicking up a little dust storm. She was in her own little world dancing and kicking the stones as if they were Godzilla and the stones were peasants. She hurried behind and nuzzled his hand wanting a treat before landing a baked fish sweet from his pouch without him reaching. Her own personal pocket on her master. 

Kil met the group and waved. He was as he described, and he assumed it was them. “Someone ask for a boulder to be smashed?” He was young, but he was lean and muscular. To be fair, he still looked the same when the mirror came and exposed what he looked like. His complexion was pale, but his face was charming like his mothers. Hair as snow white with red piercing orbs. He could give many men a run for their money at his young age.


Kiluia | HP: 780/780 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:4 | AA  | PHASE | EVA:1 | BH:43 | REC: 4 | HLY: 8 | ENV-O: 32 | LD:3                                                                                                                            


"Name: Kiluia True Tier: 6
Level: 33
Paragon Level: 24
HP: 780/780
EN: 112/112

Damage: 21
Mitigation: 78
Accuracy: 4
Evasion: 1
Battle Healing: 
Loot Die: 3
Stealth Rating: -2
HLY: 8 ENV-O: 32
Equipped Gear:
  - Sanctified Wraps of Righteous Punishment +5 (T4 Demonic Weapon (MA) - AA, Holy I, Phase, Envenom (Off) I
  - Osiris's Shade (T4 Perfect LA | MIT 2 | EVA 1)
  - Eye of Rain - Rose (T4 Perfect | ACC 2 | REC 1)

Combat Mastery:
  - Combat Mastery: Damage R3

Combat Shift:
  - TECH Shift

Familiar Skill:

Custom Skill:

  - Battle Healing R5
  - Charge
  - Energist
  - Light Armor R5
  - Martial Arts R5
  - Searching R3

Extra Skills:
  - Lady Luck
  - Photosynthesize
  - Survival

Inactive Extra Skills:

  - Focus
  - Precision
  - Resolve
  - Stamina

  - Meticulous

Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:
  - Blank Treasure Map Tier 4 x
  - Gold Key x

Housing Buffs:
  - Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
  - Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  - Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  - Slime Farm: +5% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.
  - Dining Hall: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.

Guild Hall Buffs:
  - Trading Hall: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters and Rank 4 merchants/performers receive +1 crafting/identification attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters and Rank 5 merchants/performers receive +2 crafting/identification attempts per day.
  - Treasury: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:
 - Cooking[exp] R1
Gathering Profession:


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Coincidentally Nadeo received a message right as she woke. As she reads, the fear and fire for real progress battle in her mind. Fear of dying. Pretty simple; Pretty strong. But this should be safe, right? It is only the second floor and you will gain something truly meaningful: friendship capacity. The message was not very clear on the specific capacity to be gained, but it should be fun. What's the worst that could happen after all. If Angel is inviting you, it can't be that dangerous, right? With an audible "eep" of excess psychic energy escaping her, she builds the courage to accept the offer.

In spite of this development, she started her day as usual, appreciating the lack of getting ready that needs to be done. There was a time when several issue of maintenance would require her attention every single day, but now she simple opens her eyes and basks in her capacity to jump out of bed and walk straight out the door.

On her way out, she bids the inn keep fair well precisely as usual. He has a slight giggle at her characteristic consistency and asks the standard question.

"Are you gonna leave the walls today?"

She shakes nervously and shouts, "Yes!" shocking the inn keeper as she has never responded with anything beyond a hope to do so at some vague time in the future. It seems that day has finally come.

With a pep in her step, Nadeo races to meet Angel and get this adventure started.

I can't wait to meet that hot redhead she was talking about. I hope she likes me.


Nadeo | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4


Name: Nadeo
True Tier: 1
Level: 1
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 20/20
EN: 20/20

Damage: 4
Mitigation: 0
Accuracy: 0
Evasion: 0
Battle Healing: 
Loot Die: 2
Stealth Rating: 

Equipped Gear:
  - Sanctified Wraps of Righteous Punishment +5 (T4 Demonic Weapon (MA) - AA, Holy I, Phase, Envenom (Off) I

Combat Mastery:

Combat Shift:

Familiar Skill:

Custom Skill:

  - Polearm R1

Extra Skills:

Inactive Extra Skills:



Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:

Housing Buffs:

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:
Gathering Profession:


Edited by Nadeo
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He was still surveying the area until he felt someone snatch his arm up and then wrapped her body around him. He looked down and kissed her head as he smiled placing a hand on her head. Her bombarding questions seemed to go like a six-shooter firing all six shots quickly. Before he knew it, he didn't even know where to start. He took a breath and started talking trying to gather his thoughts. "Hola, mi amor. I left early this morning to stop and post a quest on the board. There were rumors about a boulder, and it seemed facil." He gave a slight shrug and a smile. "After you drank a fair amount, I picked you up and brought you to bed. I wasn't going to let you sit there passed out, amor." 

He stared at her before he saw a white-haired man. He blinked several times as he thought it was a woman at first since the hair was tucked in a different way but allowing a little length. That man could pull off looking like a woman easily if it wasn't for his muscular arms. His eye twitched a bit staring at the man. This kid seemed more built than he. That seemed like a lot as he offered his hand to him. "Hola, Amigo! Si, I asked for help fighting a boulder. Wanted to see if it was true that something this easy was real." 

He smiled as he flashed a warm smile. However, looking at the younger man, he seemed more battle worn than his own self. For that, he felt a little sorry for the kid. It almost seemed like he was just tired. Just as he finished shaking the man's hand, he looked down at the woman. "You mentioned last night that there would be someone else? I figured we could use someone stronger to help assist us." 

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