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Sphix the Enigma (alt)

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Name: Dexter Livingston
Gender: Male
Build: Slim/Muscular 
Nationality: American
Weight: 180 lbs
Height: 6'4
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: White




Tick Tock Tick Tock . There go the melody bells. Tick Tock Tick Tock. Everyone goes to hell... 
A melody song sung by a killer. Singing while swinging the giant ax, destroyed his parents with every whack. Poor little Dexter hiding in a corner mouth covered in fear too scared to scream. What a vicious scene to be at, the police couldn't even piece together with all the blood. Poor little Dexter at the age of 6 only knew horror and a small place in a corner. 

Paramedics drew close wailing on the way, placing poor Dexter in a white room, where the poor boy would stay. Even with guidance, he suffered a lot. This young boy would have no plot. No friends, no family, nothing a new, he drew closer to insanity, while no one had a clue. But with medicine and time, he began to see, what life could over what could it be? Was he twisted? Was he sane? Would it be okay with no one to blame? The killer was never caught, so he believed the police never fought. He struggled every single day, trying to form words to keep the demons at bay. He worked his body, his mind, and soul... to atone for darkness that tried to take hold. 

The doctors continued to believe; he would lead a normal life soon he would leave! The little boy, turned into a man, the doctors believed he'd be able to stand, on his two feet, without suffering defeat, they gave him a gift, hoping to give him some social grit. A game? A game! The young man proclaimed; he sang and danced setting up to play. But to everyone's dismay, the young man would stay, asleep asleep.

Dexter was raised like a normal child. He was bright and smart until the world shattered. He adopted a fear of blood and a world that came to prey on him. This lead him down a strange path as he was taught to behave in the world of man. However, he was still haunted by the memories causing him to switch from being warm to being cold in an instant. While in the hospital, he is continued being monitored and being placed on medication to keep him alive as he has the wealth of his parents to rely on. As the medicine continues, it regulates his personality from becoming completely absorbed into darkness. Occasionally, the mind builds a tolerance to the medication causing him to spike in brain waves as well which notifies the doctors to up the dosage lest he become a murder.

He tried desperately to remember his mother's kindness and his father's courage as his fragile heart contains these memories. These continue to make him stable until recent when he realized this is a death game. This is a test of his grip on sanity and darkness. A tug of war between light and black against his very soul.

Courage- He demonstrates courage because he witnesses his father trying to protect his mother and himself. He uses this sentiment to push forward in this twisted world with the boost of stabilizers. With the face of no return, he endures to push on trying to fulfill his parents wish. Live. 

Truthful-He does not mince words. He tells it how it is despite the way he may say it. Straightforward. He was taught by the hospital staff and was told never to lie about what he was feeling. He holds this belief to be a true person as they preached if he lied about how he was feeling, he would never know his true self.

Witty-He has quick comebacks. He found this from a doctor within the hospital who used his quick wits to get out of certain situations. He mimicked this and listened to words of people discussing. He has quips that are fast and are funny to most others unless you are the target yourself.


Chaotic-While he remains close to being level minded, the keyword his close. He can turn off his senses like a switch and another personality may take over that makes him undeniably unpredictable. This creates the chaos to those around him who try to decipher the enigma.

Envious- It's obvious that the young man has a green streak. He hasn't had the opportunity to create bonds before except for the nursing staff. When there is someone who has something and he wants it, his jealousy may be seen a bit as he was never taught how to control that portion well. He has some control, but hopefully someone can assist him.

Dependency- He has been dependent on people bringing him items. He knows nothing about this game or any game for that matter. His unusual upbringing has him using these people as lifelines. He has been taught only the small things like changing his clothing, showering, reading and writing. These were to prepare him for life outside as they were adjusting his therapy by using the game to help him cope with people.  




Weapon: Chained Whip with Small blade (Vanity Weapon)

New Character Bundle:
Set D | Support Package
3 starter healing potions (heals 50 HP)
2000 col and (25) Materials



Whips: Rank 1






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