Cardinal 0 Posted September 13, 2024 #1 Share Posted September 13, 2024 Floor 24 <<To Take the Title>> Party Limit: 1 | 20+ Posts Non-Repeatable Quest Rewards: 1500 Experience Points 2000 col Any Col obtained through pleasing the crowd POTENTIAL REWARD | If <<Auron, Coliseum Champion>>, used Stunning Strike at least once during the quest Unlock <<TECH-F>> collected sword art. Ability to participate in 'Defend the Title' and 'Reclaim the Title' follow up quests. Requirements: Contest 3 Gladiators in 1 on 1 combat, proving your mettle [Please the Crowd] earning 10 * Loot Minimum Mob HP by spending a post action (optional) Spend a round to recover (optional) Participate in a 4 v 1 title match with you and 3 <<Gladiator>> against <<Auron, Coliseum Champion>> Face off in the title match 1 v 1 against a target of your choosing Win or Lose in the title match, The quest is completed Summary: The valiant cries of the arena on floor 24 can be heard for miles, the crowd’s screams cause the Coliseum to chirp with the sounds of horror, sadness, valor and pride. Many come to this place to seek a fortune, performing tests of skill and martial prowess for the masses. Combat here is for sport, not for death so there is no major danger. You are one such individual, either eager to prove yourself against your peers or earn some coin. Perhaps even to make a name for yourself and earn the coveted title of Coliseum Champion. Within the walls of the stockade, you wait filled with inspiration and a lick of fear as the sounds of war continue to beat just outside. Crashing metal, the chants of a mob just overhead cause the ceiling to boom with every decree and cheer. After not too long you will face off against three combatants here for similar reasons you are, with skills of their own. All for the hopes of facing off against the coliseums current title holder: Auron, a mysterious swordsman from somewhere beyond. This man is trained in all manner of swordplay, using no tricks and is a master of simplicity. Best him, and claim the title, or fail and at least earn a paycheck and some respect. Outline: Upon entering the arena, the player will be led into the stockade after registering for a few matches. Each successful match will move them up the bracket and move them closer to challenging the current champion. All combat within this quest is non-lethal, and all combatants within the arena can not be reduced below 1 HP. At any point before you reach the champion if you are reduced to 1 HP, you are removed from the arena and the quest is failed but can be reattempted until you succeed. Within the title fight, if you are reduced to 1 HP the quest is still completed as you’ve earned some clout. During any match, the player can choose to use a post action to [Please the Crowd] in some way such as Goading the other combatant, bowing to the stands, or doing a dance for the masses. This will award a lump sum of 10 * Your Loot Minimum Mob HP col each time it is performed but will allow your opponent to get attacks on you. Once the player has successfully bested 3 <<Gladiator>> they will move up the bracket and be allowed the ability to face off against <<Auron, Coliseum Champion>> in a 4 vs. 1, where the 3 <<Gladiator>> you beat before will act as your party members. Before this match occurs, you may take 1 post to fully recover your HP/EN as if you took 2-3 posts to regain these stats, during this period you will be free to change gear and prepare yourself for the coming fight. During the title fight with Auron, if he uses Stunning Strike on your party at least once you will learn his technique and once the quest is completed you will unlock this sword art. Enemies: <<Gladiator>> A contestant within the arena, filled and fueled by tenacity and the promise of riches for blood. HP: 1000/1000 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 This monster uses its own BD roll when attacking. Abilities: Achilles Heel | If stunned by Stunning Strike, the status never decreases in duration, instead removing the <<Gladiator>> from combat entirely <<Auron, Coliseum Champion>> The practiced champion with skills from a faraway land, matched with an unusable left arm and a sharp sense of humor. HP: 1500/1500 | DMG: 320 | MIT: 100 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 This monster uses its own BD roll when attacking. Abilities: Goad | This ability can only trigger when facing a single target, on a CD: 1-2 Auron taunts the player with a gesture (takes a swig of his drink, waves his hand to beckon them toward him, etc.) instead of attacking. Stunning Strike | When attacking, if <<Auron, Coliseum Champion>> rolls a CD: 7+ on his attack it becomes an AOE and applies [Stunned] Crowd Favorite | This ability can only trigger when facing a single target, on a BD: 9+ <<Auron, Coliseum Champion>> gains the <<Crowd's Favor>> with a ‘flashy move’ Crowd’s Favor | +50 Damage, +1 Accuracy which fades after a successful attack is made. Link to post Share on other sites
Cardinal 0 Posted September 13, 2024 Author #2 Share Posted September 13, 2024 Floor 24 <<Defend the Title>> Party Limit: 1 | 20+ Posts Repeatable if you currently hold the title Quest Rewards: 2000 col Any Col obtained through pleasing the crowd POTENTIAL REWARD | If <<Auron, Former Champion>> is faced as a 'Repeat Combatant' and has used Stunning Strike at least once during the quest Unlock <<TECH-F>> collected sword art. Requirements: Contest 3 Gladiators in 1 on 1 combat, proving your mettle [Please the Crowd] earning 10 * Loot Minimum Mob HP by spending a post action (optional) Spend a round to recover (optional) Participate in a 1 v 4 title match with you against any 1 'Repeat Combatant' of your choosing and 3 <<Gladiator>> Win or Lose in the title match, The quest is completed Summary: The valiant cries of the arena on floor 24 can be heard for miles, the crowd’s screams cause the Coliseum to chirp with the sounds of horror, sadness, valor and pride. Many come to this place to seek a fortune, performing tests of skill and martial prowess for the masses. Combat here is for sport, not for death so there is no major danger. You are one such individual, either eager to prove yourself against your peers or earn some coin. Perhaps even to make a name for yourself and earn the coveted title of Coliseum Champion. Within the walls of the stockade, you wait filled with inspiration and a lick of fear as the sounds of war continue to beat just outside. Crashing metal, the chants of a mob just overhead cause the ceiling to boom with every decree and cheer. After not too long you will face off against three combatants here for similar reasons you are, with skills of their own. All for the hopes of facing off against the coliseums current title holder: Auron, a mysterious swordsman from somewhere beyond. This man is trained in all manner of swordplay, using no tricks and is a master of simplicity. Best him, and claim the title, or fail and at least earn a paycheck and some respect. Outline: Upon entering the arena, the player will be led into the stockade after registering for a few matches. Each successful match will move them up the bracket and move them closer to challenging the current champion. All combat within this quest is non-lethal, and all combatants within the arena can not be reduced below 1 HP. At any point before you reach the champion if you are reduced to 1 HP, you are removed from the arena and the quest is completed but can be reattempted until you succeed. Within the title fight, if you are reduced to 1 HP the quest is still completed as you’ve earned some clout but your title is forfeit. During any match, the player can choose to use a post action to [Please the Crowd] in some way such as Goading the other combatant, bowing to the stands, or doing a dance for the masses. This will award a lump sum of 10 * Your Loot Minimum Mob HP col each time it is performed but will allow your opponents to get attacks on you. Once the player has successfully bested 3 <<Gladiator>> they will move up the bracket and be allowed the ability to face off against any 1 'Repeat Combatant' in a 1 vs. 4, where the 3 <<Gladiator>> you beat before will act as party members for your chosen combatant. Before this match occurs, you may take 1 post to fully recover your HP/EN as if you took 2-3 posts to regain these stats, during this period you will be free to change gear and prepare yourself for the coming fight. If Auron is the chosen repeat combatant, if he uses Stunning Strike on you at least once you will learn his technique and once the quest is completed you will unlock this sword art. Enemies: <<Gladiator>> A contestant within the arena, filled and fueled by tenacity and the promise of riches for blood. HP: 1000/1000 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 This monster uses its own BD roll when attacking. Abilities: Achilles Heel | If stunned by Stunning Strike, the status never decreases in duration, instead removing the <<Gladiator>> from combat entirely Repeat Combatants: Spoiler <<Auron, Former Champion>> The practiced champion with skills from a faraway land, matched with an unusable left arm and a sharp sense of humor. HP: 1500/1500 | DMG: 320 | MIT: 100 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 This monster uses its own BD roll when attacking. Abilities: Goad | This ability can only trigger when facing a single target, on a CD: 1-2 Auron taunts the player with a gesture (takes a swig of his drink, waves his hand to beckon them toward him, etc.) instead of attacking. Stunning Strike | When attacking, if <<Auron, Coliseum Champion>> rolls a CD: 7+ on his attack it becomes an AOE and applies [Stunned] <<Cloud, The Flare>> A strange and calm fighter who doesn’t speak much, wields a massive slab of steel that would challenge even the sturdiest of shields HP: 1000/1000 | DMG: 370 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 Abilities: Fix His Hair | On a CD: 1-2 Cloud will get distracted by his bangs and take no action Surge of Advent | When attacking, if <<Cloud, The Flare>> rolls a CD: 7+ on his attack it also applies T4 Static <<Zack, The Elite>> A wise cracking but utterly crazy clown, is quick to either drop a joke or drop the hammer. Wielding an oddly familiar giant greatsword. HP: 1150/1150 | DMG: 310 | MIT: 150 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 Abilities: Squat Routine | On a CD: 1-2 Zack will make some sort of joke and start doing squats in place Featherfall | When attacking, if <<Zack, The Elite>> rolls a CD: 7+ on his attack he gains +40 damage on the attack as he jumps wildly upward and drops on his target. <<Leon, Lion’s Roar>> This boy is dismissive and seems entirely uninterested in anything, using a strange one handed straight sword. Voted most likely to say ‘Whatever’ HP: 1150/1150 | DMG: 310 | MIT: 150 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 Abilities: Aloof Distraction | On a CD: 1-2 <<Leon, Lion’s Roar>> loses interest and stares off into the distance, this will continue until he receives damage or [Please the Crowd] is used. Until this ability is removed, all of his post actions will be spent staring at some nearby object. Featherfall | When attacking, if <<Leon, Lion’s Roar>> rolls a CD: 7+ on his attack he gains T4 Burn as he pulls some trigger on his weapon. <<Yuffie, Coinpurse Cutter>> A chipper and excitable girl who hops around after every attack, doing cartwheels and handstands to avoid them. Wields a large throwing star that will return to her after it is thrown. HP: 900/900 | DMG: 370 | MIT: 95 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 Abilities: LOOK MONEY | On a CD: 1-2 <<Yuffie, Coinpurse Cutter>> starts to collect col off the floor, when this occurs the player loses one use of [Please the Crowd] Pilfer | When attacking, if <<Yuffie, Coinpurse Cutter>> rolls a CD: 7+ on her attack she reduces the targets EN by -10. <<Sephiroth>> A callous and egotistical man hellbent on proving his superiority. Each attack is a maelstrom that can consume all in its path. Wields the Masamune, a massive katana with an extremely long reach. Should be two handed, yet he wields it in one. HP: 3000/3000 | DMG: 400 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 0 Abilities: Challenge | On a CD: 1, <<Sephiroth>> will offer you a snide remark or a veiled threat instead of attacking. Overflowing Ego | Vengeful Riposte returns full damage instead of half. Shadow Flare | On a BD: 9, <<Sephiroth>> will deal +200 damage on his attack as he leaves a black hole in his wake. Heartless Angel | On a BD: 10, <<Sephiroth>> will begin to channel [Hearthless Angel] instead of attacking. If he is not disabled (Freeze, Stun, Paralyze) before his next turn, the player is immediately set to 1 HP Link to post Share on other sites
Cardinal 0 Posted September 13, 2024 Author #3 Share Posted September 13, 2024 Floor 24 <<Reclaim the Title>> Party Limit: 1 | 20+ Posts Repeatable if you do not hold the title Quest Rewards: 2000 col Any Col obtained through pleasing the crowd POTENTIAL REWARD | If <<Auron, Coliseum Champion>> is the current title holder and has used Stunning Strike at least once during the quest. Unlock <<TECH-F>> collected sword art. Requirements: Contest 3 Gladiators in 1 on 1 combat, proving your mettle [Please the Crowd] earning 10 * Loot Minimum Mob HP by spending a post action (optional) Spend a round to recover (optional) Participate in a 4 v 1 title match with you and 3 <<Gladiator>> against the current 'Title Holder' (whoever bested you) Win or Lose in the title match, The quest is completed Summary: The valiant cries of the arena on floor 24 can be heard for miles, the crowd’s screams cause the Coliseum to chirp with the sounds of horror, sadness, valor and pride. Many come to this place to seek a fortune, performing tests of skill and martial prowess for the masses. Combat here is for sport, not for death so there is no major danger. You are one such individual, either eager to prove yourself against your peers or earn some coin. Perhaps even to make a name for yourself and earn the coveted title of Coliseum Champion. Within the walls of the stockade, you wait filled with inspiration and a lick of fear as the sounds of war continue to beat just outside. Crashing metal, the chants of a mob just overhead cause the ceiling to boom with every decree and cheer. After not too long you will face off against three combatants here for similar reasons you are, with skills of their own. All for the hopes of facing off against the coliseums current title holder: Auron, a mysterious swordsman from somewhere beyond. This man is trained in all manner of swordplay, using no tricks and is a master of simplicity. Best him, and claim the title, or fail and at least earn a paycheck and some respect. Outline: Upon entering the arena, the player will be led into the stockade after registering for a few matches. Each successful match will move them up the bracket and move them closer to challenging the current champion. All combat within this quest is non-lethal, and all combatants within the arena can not be reduced below 1 HP. At any point before you reach the champion if you are reduced to 1 HP, you are removed from the arena and the quest is failed but can be reattempted until you succeed. Within the title fight, if you are reduced to 1 HP the quest is still completed as you’ve earned some clout but you will not claim the title. During any match, the player can choose to use a post action to [Please the Crowd] in some way such as Goading the other combatant, bowing to the stands, or doing a dance for the masses. This will award a lump sum of 10 * Your Loot Minimum Mob HP col each time it is performed but will allow your opponents to get attacks on you. Once the player has successfully bested 3 <<Gladiator>> they will move up the bracket and be allowed the ability to face off against whoever beat them before in a 4 vs. 1, where the 3 <<Gladiator>> you beat before will act as party members. Before this match occurs, you may take 1 post to fully recover your HP/EN as if you took 2-3 posts to regain these stats, during this period you will be free to change gear and prepare yourself for the coming fight. If Auron is the current 'Title Holder', if he uses Stunning Strike on you at least once you will learn his technique and once the quest is completed you will unlock this sword art. Enemies: <<Gladiator>> A contestant within the arena, filled and fueled by tenacity and the promise of riches for blood. HP: 1000/1000 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 This monster uses its own BD roll when attacking. Abilities: Achilles Heel | If stunned by Stunning Strike, the status never decreases in duration, instead removing the <<Gladiator>> from combat entirely Title Holder: Spoiler <<Auron, Coliseum Champion>> The practiced champion with skills from a faraway land, matched with an unusable left arm and a sharp sense of humor. HP: 1500/1500 | DMG: 320 | MIT: 100 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 This monster uses its own BD roll when attacking. Abilities: Goad | This ability can only trigger when facing a single target, on a CD: 1-2 Auron taunts the player with a gesture (takes a swig of his drink, waves his hand to beckon them toward him, etc.) instead of attacking. Stunning Strike | When attacking, if <<Auron, Coliseum Champion>> rolls a CD: 7+ on his attack it becomes an AOE and applies [Stunned] Crowd Favorite | This ability can only trigger when facing a single target, on a BD: 9+ <<Auron, Coliseum Champion>> gains the <<Crowd's Favor>> with a ‘flashy move’ Crowd’s Favor | +50 Damage, +1 Accuracy which fades after a successful attack is made. <<Cloud, Coliseum Champion>> A strange and calm fighter who doesn’t speak much, wields a massive slab of steel that would challenge even the sturdiest of shields HP: 1000/1000 | DMG: 370 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 Abilities: Fix His Hair | On a CD: 1-2 Cloud will get distracted by his bangs and take no action Surge of Advent | When attacking, if <<Cloud, The Flare>> rolls a CD: 7+ on his attack it also applies T4 Static Crowd Favorite | This ability can only trigger when facing a single target, on a BD: 9+ <<Cloud, Coliseum Champion>> gains the <<Crowd's Favor>> with a ‘flashy move’ Crowd’s Favor | +50 Damage, +1 Accuracy which fades after a successful attack is made. <<Zack, Coliseum Champion>> A wise cracking but utterly crazy clown, is quick to either drop a joke or drop the hammer. Wielding an oddly familiar giant greatsword. HP: 1150/1150 | DMG: 310 | MIT: 150 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 Abilities: Squat Routine | On a CD: 1-2 Zack will make some sort of joke and start doing squats in place Featherfall | When attacking, if <<Zack, The Elite>> rolls a CD: 7+ on his attack he gains +40 damage on the attack as he jumps wildly upward and drops on his target. Crowd Favorite | This ability can only trigger when facing a single target, on a BD: 9+ <<Zack, Coliseum Champion>> gains the <<Crowd's Favor>> with a ‘flashy move’ Crowd’s Favor | +50 Damage, +1 Accuracy which fades after a successful attack is made. <<Leon, Coliseum Champion>> This boy is dismissive and seems entirely uninterested in anything, using a strange one handed straight sword. Voted most likely to say ‘Whatever’ HP: 1150/1150 | DMG: 310 | MIT: 150 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 Abilities: Aloof Distraction | On a CD: 1-2 <<Leon, Lion’s Roar>> loses interest and stares off into the distance, this will continue until he receives damage or [Please the Crowd] is used. Until this ability is removed, all of his post actions will be spent staring at some nearby object. Featherfall | When attacking, if <<Leon, Lion’s Roar>> rolls a CD: 7+ on his attack he gains T4 Burn as he pulls some trigger on his weapon. Crowd Favorite | This ability can only trigger when facing a single target, on a BD: 9+ <<Leon, Coliseum Champion>> gains the <<Crowd's Favor>> with a ‘flashy move’ Crowd’s Favor | +50 Damage, +1 Accuracy which fades after a successful attack is made. <<Yuffie, Coliseum Champion>> A chipper and excitable girl who hops around after every attack, doing cartwheels and handstands to avoid them. Wields a large throwing star that will return to her after it is thrown. HP: 900/900 | DMG: 370 | MIT: 95 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 Abilities: LOOK MONEY | On a CD: 1-2 <<Yuffie, Coinpurse Cutter>> starts to collect col off the floor, when this occurs the player loses one use of [Please the Crowd] Pilfer | When attacking, if <<Yuffie, Coinpurse Cutter>> rolls a CD: 7+ on her attack she reduces the targets EN by -10. Crowd Favorite | This ability can only trigger when facing a single target, on a BD: 9+ <<Yuffie, Coliseum Champion>> gains the <<Crowd's Favor>> with a ‘flashy move’ Crowd’s Favor | +50 Damage, +1 Accuracy which fades after a successful attack is made. <<Sephiroth, Coliseum Champion>> A callous and egotistical man hellbent on proving his superiority. Each attack is a maelstrom that can consume all in its path. Wields the Masamune, a massive katana with an extremely long reach. Should be two handed, yet he wields it in one. HP: 3000/3000 | DMG: 400 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 0 Abilities: Challenge | On a CD: 1, <<Sephiroth>> will offer you a snide remark or a veiled threat instead of attacking. Overflowing Ego | Vengeful Riposte returns full damage instead of half. Crowd Favorite | This ability can only trigger when facing a single target, on a BD: 9+ <<Sephiroth, Coliseum Champion>> gains the <<Crowd's Favor>> with a ‘flashy move’ Crowd’s Favor | +50 Damage, +1 Accuracy which fades after a successful attack is made. Shadow Flare | On a BD: 9, <<Sephiroth>> will deal +200 damage on his attack as he leaves a black hole in his wake. Heartless Angel | On a BD: 10, <<Sephiroth>> will begin to channel [Hearthless Angel] instead of attacking. If he is not disabled (Freeze, Stun, Paralyze) before his next turn, the player is immediately set to 1 HP Link to post Share on other sites
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