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Arthur Crane

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"The suspect is described as a Caucasian male, approximately 6'2", early to mid-30s, with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Witnesses noted that he left the scene calmly, showing no signs of distress. The suspect was last seen heading east on foot near the intersection of Tremont and Boylston. Authorities are urging anyone with additional information to come forward. If you have seen someone matching this description, please contact the Boston Police Department. The suspect is considered dangerous, and the public is advised not to approach."




Loving son. Honors student. Golf extraordinaire. They are all apt descriptions of Arthur Crane, but overshadow his true nature.

At his core, Arthur is a monster.

A freelance photographer by trade, he never stays in one place for too long. That being said, Massachusetts is where he calls home. His parents were respected lawyers who worked out of Boston, and after they passed away, he inherited his childhood home. He never could bring himself to leave it. Besides, a heavily populated city is the perfect place for someone like him to hide.

Arthur travels a handful of times each year, on no particular dates, to whichever state he feels. He avoids visiting the same place twice in a row, usually leaving a gap of four or five states before returning. Since starting his job, he has taken forty-two trips across the country. Each time, he has left with a kill.

He is an artist who hates to repeat his work, but finds pleasure in the improvement of others. He does more than mimic the kills of others, taking the time to identify the faults in their processes and refines them until he deems them satisfactory. He looks down on sloppy work, and sees mistakes as amateurish. The careful execution of necessary precautions while maintaining style is key, in his professional opinion.

Above all else, he has one rule: don't let them catch you.



[v] Meticulous | Arthur is a clean killer, who does not leave evidence behind. His plans are thorough and account for risks and factors outside of his control. He keeps a tidy living space and hates clutter.

[v] Put-together | On the surface, Arthur is a skilled and well-liked photographer. He enjoys sports, cooking, and literature. He has an acute sense of style which includes a love for suits and overcoats. He is personable and easy to talk to.

[v] Disciplined | There is no room in Arthur's life for inconsistency. He has a rigorous lifestyle that includes exercise, healthy habits, and a regular work schedule. He allows himself two days off each week.

[f] Restrained | Sword Art Online is, in theory, the perfect place for murder. Few investigate missing persons, and those that do rarely find any clues. Evidence is never left behind, authorities are generally incapable, and he can travel without worrying about unwanted questioning. A cog in his wheel, however, is the orange cursor. It severely limits what he can and can't do. In lieu of a judicial system, the game brands murderers with a permanent mark, labeling them as such for the rest of society to see. This limits what he can and can't do to his victims. It is difficult for him to avoid turning orange.

[f] Uninspired | The absence of broadcasted media has left Arthur with no effective way to discover other killers. A lack of killers, for him, means a lack of inspiration. There is nothing to improve, nothing to perfect, and it forces creativity on his end. He is becoming antsy.

[f] Obsessive | Arthur has an innate need to complete one project before moving on to the next. Interruptions or anything getting in the way of his work frustrates him. If a victim were to escape him, he would not rest until they were back on his canvas.



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> Daggers | Rank 1






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