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[F24-OP] Something rotten, must be Denmark <<Floor 28 Pre-Raid Meeting>>>

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Acanthus felt nearly numb as the frontliners talked shop. They pored over the description, referring to previous boss fights, labyrinths. Acanthus wasn’t even sure what the labyrinths were. She knew each floor had one, but…

I’m not supposed to be here. The conversation flowed as each person chimed in, offering suggestions and competent theories. She knew she was a part of the meeting, and she should contribute. A kind player had already waved at her, inviting her over. She was ashamed that she hadn’t responded, opting to melt into her chair instead. She would have to apologize after the meeting.

“I think…” She did her best to swallow her fear. “I mean, I wonder if we should be prepared with sources of fire damage. Based on the information you provided on the labyrinth boss, fire slowed its battle healing, right? And I’m leaning towards… Bahr, I think—his interpretation of the fight. If the rest of the floor doesn’t have reanimated corpses, then it’s unlikely these will reanimate. We will still want to be prepared to eliminate them quickly. Burning corpses is effective in real life, and I wonder if there will be some similarities here.” As silence descended on the group, her face turned bright red. “I, ah, um. My name is Acanthus. Sorry, I’m new here. Please ignore me if anything I said was ridiculous. I’m new here… I already said that.” She turned beet red as she shut her mouth, desperate to keep herself from digging a deeper hole.

Public speaking and new people. In that moment, she would have preferred to solo the floor boss.

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More valid points were brought up, with even some of the new players chipping in. Bahr, quite accurately, pointed out that undead were not seen on the 28th floor. But bringing up mutated animals: "So mobs are still a possibility?" the swordsman chimed in at an appropriate pause. The unknowns would remain unknown, such as it was. Answers never came until they were in the thick of it, and it was too late.

The flap to their makeshift room fluttered slightly, drawing Koga's eyes. And in walked none other than Alkor. Koga's eyes went wide in surprise. When was the last time he'd seen the blonde? Too long. And it seemed time had not been kind to him either. He looked haggard. Worn. Nonetheless, Koga nodded towards the man in greeting when he introduced himself.

It was a little after then that Freyd suggested parties be comprised of players who were absolutely not acquainted with each other. Koga could not keep his brows from furrowing, balking at the suggestion. "I think I'd be remiss in not objecting to that idea," Koga said, fingers interlacing before him, thumbs steepling as he set his hands on the table. "Although I will always advocate for players, especially Frontliners, get out there and quest together, acquaint themselves with each other and learn how the others works in a team, a raid boss is not the time or place to do that.

"There's too much at stake to risk people stepping on their dance partners' toes because they're not familiar with how the others move, fight and think."

Koga looked to Alkor again, a silent exchange occurring between them. "Everyone should still do what they think will work best for them," he said. "But I'd strongly discourage partying up with people you haven't fought with before. So Alk and I will be tanking for party three, if there are no objections."



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He locked gazes with Koga for a moment, though neither of them had to say a word. It was understood implicitly between both parties. The planning portion of the raid was important, mind; but many of them had been there for a time already, and things on that front were already well in hand. The best that Koga or Alkor could do was place themselves, and Koga spoke so Alkor didn't have to. The two of them would be in the third party, acting as the bulwark between their teammates and certain death. It wasn't like his old role as DPS, and after his own brush with mortality, Alkor understood the need for someone to take on the position. In fact, his intimacy with the reaper, and how the sensation had traumatized him only served to better prepare him specifically for his new role. 

Koga made another important distinction. While it was important for the players to learn and familiarize themselves with how others played the game, the frontlines were not the right place for it. Granted, after much practice, implementing new strategies for the first time was a different story. What was being discussed wasn't that, though. Alkor for a moment felt inclined to chime in, if only to add that them placing their peers in unnecessary danger was basically assisting the boss, he deemed it unnecessary. An accusatory tone in this venue would only serve to sow dissension and tear a deep rift between people, especially the ones who did not know each other.

That would be even worse than the previous suggestion- and Koga had said enough already for the both of them.

There'd been some talk of reanimation... but with what they'd seen so far, that kind of thing had no precedent. It couldn't be ruled out, but the best they could do was adjust accordingly, not prepare outright for something with no consistency to back it up. Rather, the prospect of boss healing seemed much more realistic. They had seen that before on numerous occasions, from the many accounts he'd received from frontliners and info brokers. Worse yet, with the corruption that existed in certain parts of the floor, he didn't doubt that the affliction was slowly spreading. To that end- he mentally prepared for debuffs and myriad status effects. They needed trustworthy support- but that didn't seem to be readily available in this composition of players.

...in fact, he hadn't heard any at all speak up yet.

"So... are we going to address the disturbing lack of support players, or were we planning on charging in and relying on items?"



  Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Tank Yuki Freyd Alkor
Off Tank   Bahr Koga
DPS NIGHT   Morningstar


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When Cordelia showed up to the supposed pre-raid meeting, she was almost sure that she had the wrong place. The setting felt a little too… festive to be considered an important meeting that was meant to determine their way out of here. Aside from a few outliers, most people were dressed casually– and while she’s seen her fair share of people in skimpy armor, this felt a step beyond that. No functionality whatsoever! That’s what I get for trusting some random people on the street, she thought, ready to turn on her heel and leave– until she caught a few glimpses of some familiar faces. 

NIGHT, Macradon, Bahr… and a few others she couldn’t discern at first glance. 

Well, shit. Cordelia made a face. I really must be at the right place. She sighed, looking down at her attire. Was she overdressed..? Underdressed? Does armor aesthetic even have a purpose anymore? Looking back up at the raid group, she figured not. Well, it was too late to back out now. Of course, that’s what she told herself because she was simply too lazy to change into another outfit in her inventory. 

Quietly, she slinked into the group. Noticing that they were already immersed in what was probably an important discussion (but not too important because some of them were in khaki shorts), Cordelia settled towards the back. However, after noticing a familiar mop of brown hair, her face lit up, and she shuffled towards Acanthus not-too-inconspicuously.

“Hey!” she whispered, poking Acanthus on the shoulder as she leaned forward. “You made it to the big leagues.” Cordelia recounted their first interaction not too long ago. “Glad you could make it!”

Her gaze drifted back to the center of their discussion. "So uh... what are we talkin' about?"




LVL: 33 | PGN: 28
Cordelia | HP: 800/800 | EN: 114/114 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 5 | BH: 44 | AA | HLY BLS: 17 | HLY: 16 | PHASE



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Making the realization that she hadn't really introduced herself, the samurai nearly shouted over the people as they spoke in turn, "Ah! Um, I'm Katoka by the way, Kat to most people. I'm a single target DPS!" she looked around nervously before clenching the handkerchief once more, "If this thing gets a huge mitigation boost then should we be adding Phase damage on top of stun related attacks?"

Though her knowledge was fairly limited when it came to aspects of the game, Kat had picked up a thing or two in passing. Even though she recommended phase, it wouldn't surprise her if the thing had some sort of immunity towards it. She was no veteran, but she didn't want to remain silent the entire meeting like she had last time. Her eyes jumped to Freyd just for a moment before she looked away, it was time for her to spread her wings a bit more. "Put me down for group three," her gaze drifting to Morningstar, "I look forward to working with you again."


  Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Tank Yuki Freyd Alkor
Off Tank   Bahr Koga
DPS NIGHT   Morningstar
DPS     Katoka
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So many voices; so many faces.  Too much to focus on, and too little to give.  The information that Freyd, Morningstar, Mina, and himself took from the labyrinth was few and far between.  Was there not a need to further their information gain?  Wasn't there other ways of gaining more information?  His thoughts would be drowned by the sound of voices and waves..

Hirru could only close his eyes and try to focus on the voices as they came up.  There were quite a few that he recognized but a couple here and there that were unknown or not as apparent.  From the information given, everyone was already throwing speculation.  Believing the boss will have anything that the guardian had was something they should all know, will probably not be as evident.  Not once had he really seen any correlating effects or skills that felt the same between the floor boss and it's guardian.  Though, he really wasn't there for the last guardian.  NIGHT supposedly killed that one, or.. made it dormant.  Speaking of, what was being talked about now?

He perked up at a voice he thought he heard before.  Opening his eyes, it was Bahr.  The man went missing during their search through the Fire Forest itself.  Though the hunter would like to question him about what happened, he more listened to his words.  Out of those that talked so for, he was using the most out of the information.  The forest was smelling of decay, because the forest itself was dying.  They could barely get any closer than they could then without the lose of their own senses.  The falling of leaves and odd mutations of the beasts within.  Going into that, the wounds on the bodies were large and seemed like the rending of some heavier familiars.  The boss was sounding large from resounding footsteps, with the cries of battle raging before them.  Could it be the other way around?  Could they finally be getting..?  No, his thoughts were turning to speculation too.  He needed to focus.  Whom was next in the speculation front?

A familiar voice: NIGHT.  She began speaking of the voices that they could hear from the battlefield.  Not the beastial screams  There were something more akin to whispers of sorts, but they were more noticeable than what was going on there.  Though, the way she said it was rather mean.  "..hearing of odd voices being a factor to become aware of... unless it's something most of you have somehow become accustomed to, in which you might have some explaining to do.."  That's quite funny to the person that sees the speaker as someone else.  The hunter was willing to open his eyes to look in their direction, but the blur of blue and splashing of water made him shut them again.  He doesn't need to let it get to him.  They aren't real, and can't hurt him.

..so why do they hurt.. in a world that can't hurt you....what is it....that keeps me here....like the waveswe..

He took a sharp inhale and stopped the thoughts once more.  He was slipping back into them.  Just need to focus.

Freyd once more to explain things, and to bring some radical thoughts to bear.  Splitting up people that knew each other to form more cooperation between the front as a whole?  The man was full of interesting ideas, but that may cause slight friction.  Though, probably not.  Nearly everyone here was someone that the hunter has particularly fought with at one point or another.  Maybe not Bahr or.. 

..footsteps that didn't belong?  Was he sensing things wrong?  Search and Detect would pick up anyone that was trying to do something, but he really wasn't trying to have them always on.  It was probably Hidden.  The lass really loved to make entrances when they least needed to, and the hunter had decided to not care about their opinion, unless it was positively for the front.

Unfamiliar voice.. or.. familiar?  He can't quite remember.  They seemed to actually start their team building now.  Which was good from what he was hearing.  Several tanks to choose from, including Jomei himself.  Wait, when did General Jomei become punchier?  Hirru didn't open his eyes, but figured that the man was becoming more like Raidou and Freyd:  Evasion Tanking, or not letting the fuck hit them.  He already knew that there would be a decent amount of DPS to fill the ranks, but the issue was something else.  It was the first time he had fully opened his eyes, but only to quickly scan the crowd.  He felt some relief when he saw his great support herself, Z, in the crowd.  That would take care of two groups, but.. they needed more.  Maybe Mina, if she fixed her energy crisis, as she was also a First Aid user.  Though, with as many tanks as they had.  They may be able to field a fourth team, but they definitely did not have the supports needed here.  If Firm Anima would deploy in full, they could probably get the two supports from them, but he hasn't seen them since Gabrandr.

New voices come up, but Hirru would look at them with piercing emerald eyes.  He guessed it was time to speak up, or leave.  The hunter would speak up loud and clear, like the Vice Commander he was supposed to be.

"Far too much speculation in the air, but what we can put into practice what we already know."

  • The arena is as large as is the floor boss possibly is, due to the immense movements felt.  Another large boss fight.
  • The decay in the area does something to our senses to the point of sensory blindness.  We will be debuffed by the boss, so prepare your buffs accordingly.
  • The boss' screams are aggressive and harsh.  It could attack anyone or anything.
  • The bodies and blood are not just human, but creatures as well.  This creature has been hunting and hunted recently.  We can say that it can easily rip through our armor.  
  • Whispers that take your concentration away from the screams of the creature.  Something hidden, I can't rightly say what that is.

He would let that sit before continuing.

"If we wanted to speculate about abilities, then I would be more worried about the guardian healing its wounds.  If the floor boss was doing the same while mitigating our damage, then our efforts may become more wasted than before.  That and we haven't had a boss with additional mobs in some time, so it would be good to plan around.  Though I don't think that's going to happen.  The creature would tear apart anything that gets near it, evident from the amount of bodies of numerous different creatures and people.  As for the decaying senses, over buff yourselves as much as possible.  Do what we always have to take things into our own advantage."

He would then sigh before letting the frustration of having to explain things that don't need to be explained come through.  He had fought beside Alkor several times, did the man really forget?

"We have two in the room, though I would have hoped that I didn't need to be introduced over it."

The hunter would sigh before remembering that there are some unfamiliar players with them.

"Hirru.  Support for group 1, if we're being separated by groups unknown to each other.  I don't know this Yuki, but I'll trust NIGHT's judgement.  What about you @Zandra?  Joining Freyd or Alkor?  Maybe Jomei can field another group too, but we'll need two more supports."

  Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Tank Yuki Freyd Alkor
Off Tank   Bahr Koga
Support Hirru    
DPS NIGHT   Morningstar
DPS     Katoka
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Zandras crimson eyes walk past the different players that is present at the meeting at the moment. There was both players she had met before, both thru fighting and casually. She did thought to herself if they had been lazy like her too or if they have been a bit more responsible and actually done something for the players that was struck here in in this deathworld. Not like herself that have just been at home, doing nothing. Still, it was happy to see so many of them was present. As her eyes walked across them she listened to the players that was speaking up. Seemed they had already started planning how to split up the teams. So she had probably missed the introduction with info about the coming fight. Thou just after her another player arrived and introduced herself. At least Zandra wasnt the only one arriving late. A mention about lack of supports appeared just before she herd a voice she recognized and her focus went to Hirru as it sounded like he was organizing the decision and information they had.

As he have went thru what they know, Zandra had taken a step back and froze on the place, her eyes went wider and glanced at Macradon when it was mentioned the boss may effect their mind. Hirru seemed to take a pause before starting to talk about speculation of abilities. Thou she didnt herd him, she was thinking of leaving the meeting and get away from there, hopefully noone had seen her yet. But no, now she had got here, she couldnt keep abandoning the front and lazy around at home. Closed her eyes and took a deep breath before relaxing and getting back her focus on Hirru.

Unprepared she also got mentioned by him at the end, saying he would be in group 1 and asking her what group she would be in. With a smile on her lips and a casual tone she replied. “Heya, sorry beeing late.” then her expression and voice went a bit confused. ”To judge from the little I have herd so far, we have three groups so far, and it seems the amount of players here would fill them up. Have not everyone introduced themself or is some just here to listen?” she once again threw a look across the players. Got a bit worried how their planning went. But she should probably hold back a bit longer to see how it is going. “Never mind. Forget what I just said. But yeah, you having a support here.” Turned her look and a smile towards Hirru. “If you taking care of group 1 and rest is free, guess I take group 2."

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The ginger's fingers thrummed on his knee, from pinky to forefinger, over and over and over. His other hand rest in front of his face, a hooked finger resting against his lower lip. He had said his piece, and did not have much more to add, even with the additional information provided by the other players. Many good points were brought up, many contradicting points, but that was always expected during these meetings. Especially with the vague information given.  A couple of comments regarding the corpses on the floor dismissed his own claims that they could reanimate and become additional foes, but he ultimately agreed with them. "While I don't necessarily think we should count out the possibility of minions just yet, I do have to agree that Bahr's point sounds more sound. If this is some savage beast, and not some necromancer, then its possible that they may be more of a healing possibility for the boss, rather than some zombies we'd have to worry about." He casually points in the direction of the quiet newcomer (@Acanthus), "Being prepared to destroy them might be a good idea. While we shouldn't feel the need to go out of the way to change out builds to include burning.. its just another possibility we should keep in mind." 

On to the more important matter at hand; which players would he be fighting along side. He looked over the list for a moment, tapping on his chin. "If it would be alright, I would like to offer myself up as a tank for a possible fourth squad. I know there are still a number of players who haven't put their names down, even more so that haven't shown up to the meeting." he entered a fourth column, placing himself onto the list. "However, if we do not wrangle enough to fill all the teams, I can back up Yuki on team 1." 

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"I see Wulfrin, Arabelle and Acanthus have joined us," Freyd added, pointing to each with his gaze.  Two he knew personally, the third having only just been introduced, though he'd crossed paths with her name once or twice before.  At least a face could now be paired. 

"Hopefully, I haven't missed any other newcomers. If so, please step forward to introduce yourselves. It's important that we take a brief moment to welcome those who are joining us for the first time. Volunteering for the Frontlines is no small feat, and demonstrates both courage and a willingness to fight for others.  Both are very much appreciated."

Whatever further thoughts Freyd might have had about the boss and battle remained unsaid, sensing little benefit in further speculation. Fate or fortune would determine who was correct, hopefully without regrets. And, though he disagreed with Koga's assertions about limiting groups to the familiar, he bet no more breath upon the topic.  Either his suggested seed would germinate, or not. Koga also wasn't wrong. There was merit in fighting with those with whom you were most familiar, but it could also be a weakness.  Every raid saw different players in its ranks, and carried the risk that some of them might fall. Tales of entire families fallen in war floated about the back of his mind, along with egg and basket metaphors. He'd said his peace, and left it there, praying he would never need to reiterate it with proof.

"Thank you, Hirru and Zandra.  Your steady hands will keep us on even keel.  There will likely also be others joining us who are not in attendance today.  Last minute arrivals are commonplace for these events, and more supports may be among them.  Though, please, everyone come as prepared as you can."  A redundant statement, but worth repeating.  No one should ever show up at these things with empty pockets.

"Team rosters will likely be finalized once we gather at the hellmouth.  Let's plan to meet at there at noon, one week from today.  Spread the word, if you know of others interested in joining.  Gaps still need to be filled."  

Having already spoken more than his comfort zone normally allowed, Freyd strayed away from any grandiose speeches.  Those were more Baldur's style, though part of him wished the able swordsman were among those present. Enough veterans had already shown to bolster his hopes and assuage concerns about forming enough groups for the fight. All that truly remained was to face it.

"If there are any final thoughts or comments for the group, now would be the time.  I'm not really one to drag these types of things out for the sake of formality.  Otherwise, please feel free to linger and mingle at your discretion, and eat your fill.  And thank you all, again, for your bravery." 

Mentioning potential sacrifice didn't seem like a great motivator, and thus best left unspoken.

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                                   Arabelle was intrigued by Astralin's decision to stick to magic, and mentioned that she was a scythe wielder herself, how that was also unlike the norm. She stated that she'd like to know more about Astralin's magic later on, but for now, there was a meeting to attend, and she brought sweets. Astralin happily accepted a honey glazed donut. "Wow, thanks!"

    It wasn't long before the actual meeting started. Astralin made her way to some seating. She would listen to the various players and their points. Mentions of rot and decay, potential for necromancy on the enemy's side, One player's mention of possibly fighting in the dark... "Maybe I should add different utility skills to my magic...? Hopefully I can do so without hurting my build overall as a whole..." Astralin thought.
             Koga mentioned the usage of Area of Effect Stun arts. 
"Hey...That's what Surging Strikes can do!" Astralin thought.

     A player named Bahr mentioned how undead were nowhere to be seen on the floor, but animals that were mutated into monsters existed. Was this floor boss going to be an alchemical beast, or a dark magic monster? Both, perhaps?

        Freyd had a lot to say, and while there were a good few points and obvious tips in his words, it was a bit hard to keep up with everything. 


                       The conversations continued. Astralin decided to stand up. "Hi, for those who don't know me, I'm Astralin, Magic User by personal preference and soon to be TECH specialist." She equipped one of her current sets of handwraps, Zero Degree Chill. "Currently, my magic is able to fill in both DPS and Support Roles, using unique powers and elements to lay waste to enemies, and using some more restorative abilities to heal and assist allies." She explained. "And with Quick Change, I can easily swap elements as necessary for the situation." She added. To prove this, she switched her handwraps from Zero Degree Chill to Glowing Embers in the blink of an eye.
"As for certain things you've been mentioning, the acidic most likely means not only mitigation reduction, but damage over time as well; an acid-flavored Blight, so to speak. On top of this, the possibility of the boss monster being a savage beast that will consume the slain corpses to heal or buff itself should not be taken lightly, especially if it can debuff us. This suggests to me that its strength is survivability, that it's designed to try and outlast us, rather than simply overpower us." She noted. "Coming in with counters and defensive buffs and preparations will most likely be essential for this battle, as Freyd pointed out. To further assist, I can cast Barrier for my team in case it tries to throw any huge fancy attacks against us right off the bat."
            Astralin then looked to the armored shy player. "I found your words very helpful though. Burn may be a good enhancement to bring into the battle, so we may need to keep that in mind." She remarked with a warm smile. Koga's words were an important point in terms of teamwork. "I'll be joining your team then, Koga. I'm sure that having fought alongside you before will help us in better performing as a cohesive unit!" She replied.
                    For Hirru's words, Astralin had a thought. 
"It might play aggro differently from other mobs, you do have a point. We can't rule out the possibility that it's survivability tactics include disrupting the purpose of tanks. In light of that, if those who are supporting can make use of healing to keep the tanks alive, we should be fine...so long as the boss doesn't have Area of Effect, that would be devastating for those personally lacking in defenses..." She noted. "...such as myself..." She said, more softly, as she remembered that she hardly had any real defenses to her name. "I think if anyone else has anything to comment, remark, point out or speak out, the time to do so may as well be now." She finished. She saw @NIGHT amongst the gathered players, and waved at her with a bright smile before sitting back down.

           Well, there wasn't really much to say, this was Astralin's first raid meeting, after all!

@Arabelle @Koga @Hirru @Freyd @Acanthus 

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A silent sigh let out of Zandra as she even once again looked over the present players. Her eyes went to a man she knows, or have known, very well. She listened to what he had to say. He was mentioning starting yet another party. What was they thinking? Beating the boss with evasion and mitigation? Was followed up by Freyd sounding like finishing the meeting. The berserk healer didnt got very much information out of this, but that is a downside if you cant get your butt up and get in time. Then another thougth hit her, actually one of the more important reasons why she was here. She opened her inventory and her fingers flew back and forth across the screen. She wasnt only there to listen to the planning and discussion. She also had five deliveries to make. She looked around and saw the ones she was supposed to deliver to. It didnt took long for her to send the orders away to all of them. She had done this more then a few times before after all. “Well, I did had a few deliveries here.” she said and nodded at her customers. “Also, dont worry, I will support everyone in my party, no matter if its a first time figthing together or someone I have known for long time.” she pulled up her hood. “Since it seems we having low on supports, so if anyone is in need of health crystals or potions just drop by Exellance elexirium. There is a few there reserved for boss fighting frontliners. Seems like we coming to an end so I will go and make some more. See ya at fight if not before.” she said as she started walking away from the meeting. She was totally going to make sure she get in time for next meeting. At the moment thou, she was hoping that her and Hirru would be able to keep two groups alive as well as more supports to come arriving when it gonna be time for battle. But she wasnt as comfortable as she have been in the past.

Orders sent:





Potion of armoured dragon-scale(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Potion
Tier: t4
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation +60


Salve of Poison Resistance(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Salve
Tier: t1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Antidote 3




Potion of vicious Dragoon-Fang(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandm
Item Type: Potion
Tier: t1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Damage +3


Salve of the Poisonous Dragon(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Salve
Tier: t4
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Toxic venom 32


Potion of armoured dragon-scale(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Potion
Tier: t4
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation +60


Salve of Poison Resistance(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Salve
Tier: t1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Antidote 3


@Ariel - The Crowned Lion


Potion of vicious Dragoon-Fang(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandm
Item Type: Potion
Tier: t1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Damage +3


Salve of the Poisonous Dragon(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Salve
Tier: t4
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Toxic venom 32


Potion of armoured dragon-scale(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Potion
Tier: t4
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation +60


Salve of Poison Resistance(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Salve
Tier: t1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Antidote 3


Crystal of the Blood Dragon Horde(5):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Crystal
Tier: t1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mass HP recovery 10%




Potion of vicious Dragoon-Fang(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandm
Item Type: Potion
Tier: t1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Damage +3


Salve of the Poisonous Dragon(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Salve
Tier: t4
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Toxic venom 32


Potion of armoured dragon-scale(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Potion
Tier: t4
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation +60


Salve of Poison Resistance(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Salve
Tier: t1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Antidote 3




Potion of vicious Dragoon-Fang(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandm
Item Type: Potion
Tier: t1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Damage +3


Salve of the Poisonous Dragon(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Salve
Tier: t4
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Toxic venom 32


Potion of armoured dragon-scale(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Potion
Tier: t4
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation +60


Salve of Poison Resistance(1):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Salve
Tier: t1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Antidote 3




Edited by Zandra
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When Freyd said her name out loud, she jumped. There went any hope of anonymity. Although Cordelia’s entrance (in armor, thank goodness) strengthened her resolve. Maybe the usual meetings involved a little more battle-ready dress code.

As the meeting began to wind down, Acanthus did her best to sneak over to the sign-up sheet. She tried to scan the groups, checking for names she recognized. And preferably people that knew what they were doing. She thought back to Koga’s comment. "There's too much at stake to risk people stepping on their dance partners' toes because they're not familiar with how the others move, fight and think." Her ears burned. She wasn’t going to be a liability. But her hand hovered over the sign-up sheet anyways. There’s always next fight. You’ll be ready by the next boss. And maybe you can meet more frontliners, learn how to fight with them like Koga said…

Acanthus blinked, looking down at the sheet. She had already put her name down. Lost in thought, her hand had moved while she was still worrying. Maybe that head-empty, move-forward attitude would carry over to the fight itself. She prepared to make a few surreptitious rounds through the meeting before stepping out. First, an apology to @Astralin. Then a quick hello to @NIGHTand @Cordelia. Then, final preparations for the fight. One more time, she reminded herself: I refuse to be a liability.

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Not long after his reunion with an old pal, the meeting began. As per instructions from Whisper in Shadows, Mcradon would find a seat and try to fit into the crowd and let the meeting flow as intended by whomever were planning everything. The knight made note of the scouting party’s discovery, a twisted stag or elk, some decay and rot emanating from the, what would be, boss arena. He shuddered at the thought of all that rot around him during a fight, it wasn’t to his best interests, but what could be in his best interest in a boss raid … it’s not like the bosses had been extremely difficult the last many floors …

His eyes darted up at a familiar voice, his eyes would lock with the Emerald Duelist @Jomei! Good to see you too. Indeed, it’s been a while … I felt like I needed to support the frontlines some more, I’ve barely done my part!” he said with a snicker on the passing exchange.

The meeting was underway, and exchanges were made. Macradon tried to follow as much as possible, but it all just sounded like a jumbled mess to him … what happened to the good ol’ days of “hitting it until it dies”, now everything’s so complicated, he didn’t really have that much brain power to take in any of the discussion at face value, he just had to experience it to know what he had to do about it, how he had to act, how he had to fight. He just sighed at his own incompetence and raised his hand “Macradon, off-tank and somewhat DPS, throw me wherever needed.” he said and just … let the others figure out all the intricate and optimal party structure.

Last time Macradon was given the lead to a raid, it didn’t really go … too well … so he’d better just sit back and let the rest carry the frontlines to victory, he’ll be their beatstick wherever they would point to. 

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the document bounces from one player to another, names quickly filling up the party and role slots. not everyone announces themselves while jotting their name down, and it is to the relief of the entire meeting that a few support-oriented builds had been lurking among the attendees, they were just waiting to be called on. and the latecomers and no-shows: arabelle is surprised that there are even any at all. isn't this one of the most daunting trials in this world? the only step that cardinal counts as their progress -- and they are unable to take it more than twice in a single year.

so arrogant. she doesn't even need to do anything.

arabelle catches the document as soon as she spots the names of the other three newcomers on the list. lumping them all together might be detrimental. she looks for a place separate. under the newly-formed team four is an empty slot that perfectly lines up with her role, and she curiously notes that one of the boxes is claimed but left blank. typing her name beneath it, she clips a small message along with her attachment and sends it off with a flourish. then the woman settles back in her seat and continues to enjoy her drink, content with the outcomes of her first meeting.

@ team four:
Do any of you have time in the following days? I don't recognize your names and I wish to familiarize myself with fighting alongside you as a teammate. I'm open to any quest/dungeon. Contact is @ARA.


Edited by Arabelle
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The meeting broke up as various groups entered their own separate conversations.  This much social time had been an absolute drain on him, though he dared not let it show, especially in the aftermath of Wulfrin and Ciela's wedding.  He just needed some air and a bit of personal space after everything else.  Offering a few friendly nods given to familiar faces, and welcoming smiles to those he didn't recognize, Freyd gradually made his way to the tent flap closest to the ocean, leaving the gathering behind.  Fates dice were being cast once more, with precious little to act upon, save a gathering of hope and good will.

Trailing him from the tent, a small mongoose-shaped shadow licked one her fore paws in a surprisingly feline manner.  Nothing but a silhouette of inky blackness hosting two blazing azure eyes and the telltale slotted pupils of her species, she looked overly contented.  That likely meant the snack table was being depleted while the rest of them were chatting, again.

Sitting himself down on a bit of desiccated driftwood, halfway between the tent and water's edge. Freyd simply gazed at the moon's reflection on the open water while Persi nestled herself in his lap with satisfied emanations of chill contentment - the closest she could actually come to a purr.

"So?  What do you think," he asked her, doubt hanging about the question's fringe.

The tiniest blue slivers looked up at him for a moment, then ignored the question and went to sleep.


Thread Closing:

Simmone - Firm Anima Treasurer receives 0 guild tokens (2 members)
n/a - Aincrad Trading Post (ATP) Treasurer receives 0 guild tokens (2 member)
n/a - The Trackers Alliance Treasurer receives 0 guild tokens (2 members)
TBD - The Tarot Treasurer receives 2 guild tokens (4 members) - Sent to Lessa as Tarot Leader

Note: Guild memberships were based on each character's sidebar.  I double-checked them existing existing guild rosters as best I could.  Please let me know if any of these are inaccurate.

Total Word Count: 20856 (2 full pages, requiring minimum 6 posts for 100% EXP, 3 posts for 50% EXP.  No joy, for less than 3 posts.  Sorry.)

Freyd receives:

17,722 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*17*0.5] / 6 posts [100% EXP])
2,679 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [2658])
1 Guild token [Firm Anima]

Morningstar receives:

3,648 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*7*0.5] / 4 posts [50% EXP])
568 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [547])
1 Guild token [The Trackers Alliance]

Wulfrin receives:

0 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*5*0.5] / 2 posts [0% EXP])
21 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [0])
1 Guild token [The Trackers Alliance]

Koga receives:

5,212 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*10*0.5] / 5 posts [50% EXP])
802 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [781])
Solo player (no guild tokens)

Zajcica receives:

0 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*7*0.5] / 2 posts [0% EXP]) - Full stats not posted.  Used current EXP total as reference.
21 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [0])
1 Guild token [Aincrad Trading Post]

Katoka receives:

3,127 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*6*0.5] / 3 posts [50% EXP]) - Full stats not posted.  Used current EXP total as reference.
490 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [469])
1 Guild token [Firm Anima]

Ariel receives:

0 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*10*0.5] / 2 posts [0% EXP]) - Full stats not posted.  Used current EXP total as reference.
21 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [0])
Solo player (no guild tokens)

Arabelle receives:

2,085 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*4*0.5] / 5 posts [50% EXP])
21 col (2 pages [21])
Solo player (no guild tokens)

Macradon receives:

5,212 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*10*0.5] / 3 posts [50% EXP]) - Full stats not posted.  Used current EXP total as reference.
802 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [781])
Solo player (no guild tokens)

Hirru receives:

0 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*10*0.5] / 2 posts [0% EXP]) - Full stats not posted.  Used current EXP total as reference.
21 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [0])
Solo player (no guild tokens)

Astralin receives:

5,212 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*5*0.5] / 3 posts [50% EXP]) 
802 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [781])
Solo player (no guild tokens)

Jomei receives:

5,733 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*11*0.5] / 3 posts [50% EXP]) 
881 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [860])
Solo player (no guild tokens)

Bahr receives:

0 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*9*0.5] / 2 posts [0% EXP])
21 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [0])
1 Guild token [The Tarot]

Acanthus receives:

3,127 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*6*0.5] / 3 posts [50% EXP]) - Full stats not posted.  Used current EXP total as reference.
490 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [469])
Solo player (no guild tokens)

NIGHT receives:

0 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*15*0.5] / 2 posts [0% EXP])
21 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [0])
1 Guild token [The Tarot]

Pinball receives:

0 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*8*0.5] / 2 posts [0% EXP]) 
21 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [0])
Solo player (no guild tokens)

Alkor receives:

0 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*9*0.5] / 2 posts [0% EXP]) 
21 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [0])
Solo player (no guild tokens)

Zandra receives:

5,212 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*10*0.5] / 3 posts [50% EXP]) - Full stats not posted.  Used current EXP total as reference.
802 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [781])
1 Guild token [Aincrad Trading Post]

Cordelia receives:

0 EXP (Word Count [20856/10*7*0.5] / 1 post [0% EXP])
21 col (2 pages [21] + 15% P5 Reward [0])
1 Guild token [The Tarot]

Edited by Wulfrin
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