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ALT | jay-chen.

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chen jie en

age: [young adult.]
gender: f
height: 160cm
birthday: 04/17.

[-> iruma.]
[-> directory.]



grimm: whose file are you looking over?
shikari: the demon child herself.
marquis: no way.
aesop: the first player to go offroad?
grimm: that's the one.
shikari: looks like it was freshly added. no idea where bistro gets the scoop on this stuff.
marquis: okay, so where'd they find her?

shikari: that's the thing...
shikari: it says right here that 'fleur won't say.'



| interview with <Fleur>, on the subject of <Asura>.


jean: let's start with the basics.
fleur: codename, jay. real name, taibai.

iris: jean, i get the feeling that half of this information isn't real.
jean: let's just jot it down first. fleur, please continue.

fleur: jay's told me she lives in america. her parents migrated from mainland china.
jean: where from?
fleur: hainan.

iris: no... that doesn't sound right either.
jean: iris, relax. and where at, in america?
fleur: rhode island.
iris: why there, out of all places?
fleur: she used to travel a lot. said her dad was working her way up the corporate ladder. then she finally settled down with her mom until they split ways.

iris: oh dear...

fleur: her dad still stayed in contact with her though. her mom found a new boyfriend. she used to fly out to la and california during the summer just to see her dad.
fleur: but that's all the information i have on her. not a particularly remarkable backstory.
jean: it's unusual for someone her caliber... are you sure you don't have anything else on file?
iris: what got her in here, perhaps?

fleur: jay's not so open to that kind of thing. she said it took her a while to get used to this place. kind of like someone else got her in here...
fleur: but it's not like she's seen with others a lot. that's kind of personal, it reads to me, so why don't you give her time for that?
jean: it's the least we could do.

iris: would i know this person?

iris: ... fleur. do you have something else to tell us about jay?
fleur: any more and my client won't be satisfied.
fleur: so just a tidbit, since you've let me skimmed off the top of your own files.
fleur: —no. you're in two different genres completely. how much of a difference? i shan't say.

iris: ... and is that something we can actually be certain about?

fleur: if you want to get certain about anything, why not start sharing about yourself first? you've got the most secrets out of all of us —
jean: fleur, that's enough. iris. stop the recording.


 | [the recording ends here.]



 + [self-driven]

demian: i wouldn't know her.
bistro: she hasn't visited?
demian: has she been here, then?
bistro: surely, you must have your connections...
demian: i'm the least connected out of everyone you know.
demian: that being said, she had a falling out with one of the more established guilds at the time. one of the medium-sized ones, before you ask, and no, you don't get an answer as to how i know.

bistro: then, about the nature of it...
demian: who's to say? i wasn't there. but it's not like i heard poor things about that scenario, either. more like a mourned loss.
demian: why the sudden interest, anyway? wouldn't your gopher who's visited that place know more?



weaver: even if it's not my place to ask, i'm still going to judge.
seiche: that's big talk from the one who's the most formidable out of all of us. and the most questionable in taste, too. how's that arm of yours looking?
weaver: i don't want to hear it. what peace do you need me to say for your interview?
seiche: it's about the demon kid. they say she's reappeared?

(muffled sounds.)


(the screech of a metal wall being dented.)

seiche: woah woah woah, calm down—
weaver: it's never anything easy with you, is it seiche?!
weaver: you can tell her, that if i ever see her sorry face again, she's going to fucking pay!


 + [affable]

fleur: she was a nice person, as far as i could tell. the warmest in a while. people are hard to talk to sometimes.
fleur: we brokers should be used to such things. it's a social contract we forge, over and over. but she just made it so easy.
jean: yes... i too am familiar with the similar charms of someone like that.

fleur: you don't get it. you haven't seen her in action.


 + [heroic]

iris: in action?

fleur: you think she's meant to get this reputable without having a reason behind it? only an idol could pay off that kind of lip service!
fleur: ask anyone that comes by on that damned route of yours. if they've heard of her — seen of her — then they must know of her acts.
fleur: first scouting party, first dungeon clearance... part of the saints that went around fishing up wrecked players and responding to sos called. if her name's not in the history books, she's one of the few that made it clear: it's self-interest.

jean: you said 'self-interest'. that doesn't sound like a hero to me.

fleur: yeah? why don't you tell your dragon-dreaming affiliate to go find her sister then?
fleur: as far as i'm concerned — jay's already met her.



night: and just so we're clear, this is the jay-chen we're talking about here, right?
k9: no other, yes ma'am!

k9: between seiche and weaver? i like to keep what i know about her on the downlow.
k9: you've heard the updates. she did weaver wrong somehow. he's not fond of betrayal.

night: what'd she do?
k9: nothing neither you or i would get angry about. still, only half of the things people say about her were actually accomplished. even then, she might've had a temper over them, too.
k9: other half? i think they were filled in.

???: who was it by?
k9: huh. come to think of it, she might've been someone who looks a little bit like—



asura: you know, they don't call me the demon kid for nothing.
asura: so you should've expected this kind of treatment the moment you met me.

iruma: i seriously cannot take you at face value when you're monologuing.
iruma: what's it for? to seem cool? and who exactly are you trying to impress?
asura: well, who else is here right now?
iruma: jay, you don't need to impress me. i'm already sold on how cool you are.

asura: hmm. i could stand to be cooler.

iruma: 'oh, look at that girl! it's jay-chen, she's so cool!'
asura: haha, stop it!
iruma: imagine the great jay-chen trying to impress you. what an honour that must feel like. 'oh, you like me—?'
asura: yeah, i do! you know i'd go anywhere with you.


iruma: jie jie, are you blushing~?
asura: i am not!
iruma: haha, you definitely are!
iruma: well, what do you say then? how about slotting another bout around the castle into our schedules before we eventually make it out of here?
asura: if that is your wish, your majesty, i would be more than happy to oblige.

iruma: shut up–! i can't even—






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