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tallulah magellan.

age: [young adult.]
gender: f
height: 157cm
birthday: 10/22

[-> asura.]
[-> directory.]




"demon child this, demon child that... honestly, it's better that i take most of the attention off of her, before anyone finds out who she is. when you're in a virtual world surrounded by kids who might've grown up watching games, things can get tricky for you real fast if that's the audience you used to target. luckily, it's been a few years since that incident, and hopefully everyone's grown up by now. i know we certainly have.

i think she had a relatively normal childhood growing up. californian girl who but moved elsewhere and back, and now she's a stranger to most people. we met up over the summer on accident, and she started talking to me like we were friends. never occurred to me it was a pick-up line, but it never occurred to me i was... y'know, until later in life.

yeah, she got me into video games just to show me up. imagine how i must've felt almost walking onto her set for the first time. not that it would be a problem for her; just me, mostly, but i don't think i could stand the sudden fame either. at least, not before i was warned about it.

this girl's full of surprises. i can't figure her out. and she calls me the unusual, impulsive one. whatever. can't help being bad influences to each other then. let's make a toast to that — to friends forever, and something more!"

 | interview with <Asura>, on the subject of <Iruma>.




seiche: sorry, who?
k9: the one who stood in for her. haven't you seen her around before? you even talked to her the most out of all of us!
seiche: huh. can't say i remember. anyone who's enroute often enough would've shown up at the tiki hut. did you see her there, then?
k9: no, that's why i'm asking you.



asura: it's a contract between you and me.

fleur: what about your friend?
asura: what about her?
fleur: it's less complicated when each person has their own deal to negotiate over.
asura: she's allergic to that kind of stuff. don't worry about it. and trust me, i would know. we wouldn't be off-roading it for so long if we'd had the mind to stay on track, now would we?


 + [inquisitive]

demian: okay, who exactly were you trying to get me to meet again?
bistro: i thought i was clear about it. isn't it iruma?
demian: that felt less like an interview for her than it was for me. are you sure this isn't some underhanded way of trying to breach our contract?
bistro: i would never. but, if you'd like to tell me out of your own volition what you offered her in confidence...
demian: sorry to break your hopes and dreams like this, but i didn't. on the other hand, why not send basuke over to her next time? i'm sure he's got nothing personal to lose.
bistro: hmm... no, i think i should be able to handle her just fine.
demian: only if you're prepared to lose your trade secrets, i suppose.

bistro: so you did spill.
demian: no.


 + [light-hearted]

grimm: she seemed like a nice person though.
aesop: yeah. even after all those years of hiding away. i didn't think something along the lines of doxxing was going to occur in aincrad, but...
grimm: well, i suppose some things like that just happens sometimes. now, what'd she say again? 'that's just life'?
aesop: it's almost practiced, in my opinion. she's just like you, in a way.
grimm: oh... my act can't be that poor now, can it?


 + [free-spirited]

weaver: what about the replacement? it's not like i expected the work ethics of the demon at play for her. rather, i couldn't expect anything out of that liar in the first place.
weaver: on the other hand, as efficient as she was, i would never agree to her methods in the first place. that's not how we do things around here.
night: what did she do?
weaver: pull aggro and dipped off the side of the boat. yeah, the deck was cleared in no time, which was what we wanted, but we never got the spoils from such a feat happening either.
???: wow... hey night, i think that kind of sounds like you.

night: shut— shut up.



iruma: so what should my moniker be?
asura: you don't need one. you're charming enough as it is.
iruma: okay, but i want one. it's no fun when people call you by 'the demon kid' and meanwhile there's just little ol' me!
asura: i think that might be for the best, really.
iruma: boo. boo! how about the 'saint of gold'?
asura: too lame. and historical. you're going to out yourself faster than someone could do it to you.
iruma: 'the bright danube?'
asura: you're not even blue — hey, if you're taking suggestions, what about 'tally from arknights?'
iruma: hahaha! jay — you're awful!






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