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[PP-PT-F01] Echoes of the Void

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It had been a few days since Wulfrin's last dance with his Gemini. The experience had left him shaken to the core. Wulfrin's intention that day was to be a constructive one, yet he had ended up doing more harm to his psyche than good. Every night since he had driven Icingdeath into his own heart. It was almost routine to stare at his cursor as if waiting for it to suddenly shift, after all he had basically committed murder. In his defense the mob was meant to die or be spared so realistically he had no reason to worry. Regardless of circumstances the echoes of voices around him screamed. Monster! How could you?! Murderer!

Wulfrin rolled out of bed with a groan. He still wore his Fallen Angel Garb, as for the past several days he hadn't had the energy to even manipulate the menus. Icingdeath, his primary weapon, lay propped up against his night stand. Some time in the evening after the duel, the blade had returned to emitting its constant icy mist. Wulfrin had yet to figure out why it had stopped, but his best guess was his lack of confidence in his choice. He made his way towards the mirror in his bathroom and splashed his face in a desperate attempt to wake from his almost zombie like trance. As he opened his eyes, the sink's basin was coated in red blood that was flowing from the faucet. The blood covered his hands and as he looked in the mirror, he shrieked. The face that stared back was his own, but it was lifeless and drenched with blood.

Wulfrin blinked and the vision vanished. The bedroom door slammed open, as his wife to be, Ciela marched in and pulled him close. The night terrors were taking a toll on her as well. Wulfrin could see it in her eyes, they were starting to sag and develop circles. Though he assumed his looked much worse. She held him for a good bit of time as he calmed down. Eventually Wulfrin pulled away, wiping away the start of tears as he looked into her concerned eyes.

"Thanks honey," Wulfrin said in a somber tone as he collected his blade. "I'll be headed out for the day. I have an idea of who to talk to about this whole mess. I'm just going down to the river on Floor 1. If you need me to pick anything up on my way back just let me know."

Wulfrin pulled the cowl of his armor over his head and shoved his hands into the deep pockets. In a few short minutes, he was at the teleport gate in Coral. Shortly after speaking the command phrase, he was in the Town of Beginnings. Solaris fluttered above his head, though Wulfrin had yet to take proper notice. The phoenix had been clinging to its master more and more since the fated encounter. The NPC guard, Marv, went through his usual idle animations of yawning and leaning on his weapon. Typically Wulfrin would extend a greeting to this NPC, usually to no response, but today, he simply waltzed on by without a word.

Once he had arrived at the familiar river where he had been introduced to the mechanics of SAO by Freyd, Wulfrin made his way to the bank of the river and simply began to stare into its lazy waters. His right hand emerged from its hiding place and began to fly across the keyboard of his messaging system. Hesitantly he drafted an invitation to join him to an old mentor and hit send, his hand returning to its hidden place.

To: @Freyd
From: Wulfrin
Subject: Brain Picking

Hey Freyd. I was wondering if you could spare a bit of time and meet me at that river on Floor 1. You know the one where I did my gathering and hunting lessons with you. I'd like to pick your brain about a few things.

* * *

Wulfrin | HP: 720/720 | EN: 106/106 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:5 | AA | BH:24 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3


Name: Wulfrin
True Tier: 4
Level: 33
Paragon Level: 6
HP: 720/720
EN: 106/106

Damage: 21
Mitigation: 78
Accuracy: 5
Battle Healing: 24
Loot Die: 3
Stealth Rating: -2
FRB: 40 FRZ: 64
Equipped Gear:
- Icingdeath | T4 Demonic Straight Sword | Freeze 2 | Frostbite | AA
- Fallen Angel Garb | T4 Demonic LA | MIT 2 | REC 2
- Dioscuri | Perfect T1 Trinket | ACC 3

Combat Mastery:
- Combat Mastery: Damage R3

Combat Shift:
- TECH Shift

Familiar Skill:
- Rending Familiar

Custom Skill:

- Battle Healing R3
- Charge
- Energist
- Light Armor R5
- Searching R3
- Straight Sword R5

Extra Skills:
- Disguise
- Forgotten King's Authority
- Frozen Hide
- Survival

Inactive Extra Skills:

- Focus
- Precision
- Resolve
- Stamina

- Meticulous

Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:
- Imugi's Inspiration | Mass Healing x5
- Popcorn | T4 Vitality 2 x5
- TP Crystals x5

Housing Buffs:
- Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
- Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
- Basic Workshop: +2 EXP per crafting attempt
- Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
- Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
- Dining Room: Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
- Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
- Attic (Storage): +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
- Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per fishing attempt
- Basement: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:
- Blacksmith[1073exp] R7
Gathering Profession:
- Fishing[378exp] R4


Edited by Wulfrin
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Setting aside a dozen other crowded scrolling screens from his user interface, shoving them into the background to better read Wulfrin's message, something about it had caught Freyd's attention.  This either meant very good news, or very bad.  People didn't retrace their steps in this way without a need for nostalgic connection, often including a time when the world made more sense.  

"How many times have I found myself searching for the same."  Azure eyes drifted to the rack in the corner of the room, new armor waiting to be donned - a new life to begin.  

"I set him on his current path.  Can I even consider any other option?"  Freyd already knew the answer, its brand writ hard into two freshly minted blades hanging in positions of honour at the far side of the room.  Honour.  When did that concept ever apply to me?

Lines of tension bled from his features, the balance of windows shuttering themselves with a single swipe of hands unaccustomed to being bare.  The same gesture summoned both blades to their scabbards, relegating them to their resting places within his inventory.  Stepping into a darkened wardrobe, he passed through it emerging on the outskirts of the Town of Beginning, clad in ornate heavy plate armor that still chafed more from its unfamiliar fit than anything else.  Stepping through shadows felt strange with all that was happening, but without all of the usual emotional baggage. It was as though he'd finally made peace with whatever part of him connected to the darkness within.  All that remained was to live up to the aspirations that had led him to this point.

Passing through the gate, Freyd paused at Marv's side, the two looking surprisingly alike now that he'd donned his new duds, though the guardian's stature and resplendent golden gear made the player seem like the shadow.  A small smile was earned for that one.  Stepping in front of the giant NPC, Freyd ignored the odd glances from other passerbies, particularly less experienced players wondering what the heck a veteran like himself was doing.

"Thanks, Marv.  For everything."  Standing at attention, the Whisper bowed deeply, offering respect to something  - someone - everyone else ignored.  Most just thought him a kook, probably ready to toss himself off the edge, or having sampled too much of Zackariah's fondue.  He didn't care.  This mattered, at least to him, and possibly, perhaps, to the mob he'd befriended so long ago in the absence of other options.

Spotting Wulfrin sitting on a stone, the set of his shoulders told Freyd everything he needed to know.  The man wore his old armor.  He knew every tuck, fold and tell of that fabric, and how it conveyed what was simmering beneath.  Approaching with a disconcerting amount of noise, a smirk perched itself on his lips, wondering if Wulfrin would think him some stranger for it. He cleared his throat, reaching the periphery of his companion's vision, then quietly kneeled in the lush grass near the creek's edge.  A small table appeared, summoned from his inventory, complete with two cups of vanilla scented coffee and the required assortment of accompaniments for any and all occasions.

"You called, Wulfrin," he began, calmly and quietly, a hint of concern in his tone as he invited his friend to sit.  "Please.  Tell me what's on your mind."



Note: CS (Shades of the Gemini) and CSA (Beckon the Void) are in use.  If any other player objects to these, please state in first post and it will be considered inactive.

Freyd consumes and shares (because why not):

Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (6/6) - 1 portion [filled]

Freyd | HP: 1240/1240 | EN: 156/156 | DMG: 21 | MIT:152 | ACC:7 | AA  | TAUNT | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | BH:68 | VAMP-D: 68 | VAMP-O: 136 | REC: 4 | PARA-V | LD:5


Name: Freyd, The Whisper in Shadows
True Tier: 17
Level: 33
Paragon Level: 134
HP: 1240/1240
EN: 156/156

Damage: 21
Mitigation: 152
Accuracy: 4+2+1
Evasion: 2
Battle Healing: 68
Loot Die: 5
Stealth Rating: -5
VAMP-D: 68
VAMP-O: 136
REC: 4

Equipped Gear:
  - Veritas | T4 Katana) | AA, PVO I, VO I, Taunt
  - Negare Omnia | T4 HA | MIT III | VD I
  - Night Shades | T3 Trinket | ACC III | EVA I

Combat Mastery:
  - Combat Mastery: Damage R3

Combat Shift:
  - AOE Shift

Familiar Skill:
  - Grappling Familiar

Custom Skill:
  - Shades of the Gemini
  - Beckon the Void CSA

  - Battle Healing R5
  - Charge
  - Energist
  - Extended Mod Limit
  - Extended Weight Limit
  - Fighting Spirit
  - Heavy Armor R5
  - Howl
  - Katana R5
  - Quick Change
  - Searching R4

Extra Skills:
  - Disguise
  - Survival
  - Parry
  - Forgotten King's Authority

Inactive Extra Skills:
  - Meditation
  - Lady Luck
  - Photosynthesize
  - Brawler
  - Assault Mode
  - Frozen Hide
  - Hiding R2

  - Focus
  - Focused Howl
  - Iron Skin
  - Precision
  - Reveal
  - Stamina

  - Detect
  - Emergency Recovery
  - Impetus
  - Justified Riposte
  - Night Vision
  - Tracking
  - Untraceable

Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:
  - Crystal of Divine Light (Reusable 1/thread) x1
  - Mass HP Rec [Inst] (+10% HP) x7
  - Meathook (Reusable 1/combat) x1
  - Ordsea Crystal-B (Reusable 1/combat) x1
  - Rhino's Horn (Reusable 1/combat) x1
  - Samael's Pride | T4 Katana | FLN II | HLY II x1
  - Teleport Crystals x7

Housing Buffs:
  - Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
  - Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
  - Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  - Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
  - Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  - Attic (Bedroom): +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cannot boost a skill without ranks, or increase a skill past its maximum rank. Cannot boost a skill the user has not learned yet. Ranks obtained using this buff will make the mods of that rank available for purchase. Mods obtained this way are unusable if this buff is removed until the skill is returned to the appropriate rank by way of SP purchase.
  - Basement: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
  - Guest Room: Players can have one «Amenity» in a «Guest Room» and the «Amenity» cannot be recovered. Players are allowed to change which «Amenity» is in the «Guest Room». Multiple instances of the same «Amenity» do not stack. This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.
  - Extended Workshop: +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
  - Ornate Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to fishing attempts.
  - Dining Hall: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
  - Mega Slime Farm: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

Guild Hall Buffs:
  - Trading Hall: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters and Rank 4 merchants/performers receive +1 crafting/identification attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters and Rank 5 merchants/performers receive +2 crafting/identification attempts per day.
  - Treasury: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild Totem:
  - Tanos
Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:
 - Appraising[3478exp] R5
Gathering Profession:
 - Fishing[576exp] R5"                                                                                                                            



Edited by Freyd
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“You know,” Wulfrin said with a sigh. “It feels weird to hear you coming.”

Shifting his position from the stone, Wulfrin sat akimbo across from Freyd at the small tea table before him, setting his blade to the side for comfort. His eyes were nearly lifeless, only briefly revealing the usual glint of excitement as he eyed the new armor of his mentor. He had heard rumors but expected them to be nothing more than that, his home being in the same vicinity of Firm Anima’s guild hall had some perks in that regard. Wulfrin picked up a porcelain cup and sipped on the coffee presented to him. 

“Armor looks good on you,” Wulfrin said, his emotions slightly lifted before slowly returning to the grimmer state of sadness as his inner blacksmith surfaced for the briefest of moments. “Thanks for coming. I heard you were busy, so I wasn't sure you would come. I am very grateful you did though.”

He began to slowly eat at the crème brûlée produced by the familiar object of Freyd’s Gungnir Shard. This was a warming habit that had developed. Its effect was never missed until it wasn’t present. There was a very clear tone shift from the usual upbeat and active swordsman. Sitting in the darkened garb of his armor with the eerie nature of his blade’s passive effect only made the inner turmoil more apparent.

“We’ve discussed this topic before,” Wulfrin said, his solemn tone returning. “Specifically when talking about Abdullah on floor 5, but do you think the NPCs are alive in Aincrad?”

Abdullah, a recurring antagonist for Wulfrin when he would make trips to floor five. The pompous aristocrat tended to talk down to those not within his inner circle and outsourced his ongoing problem of the local quest boss attacking the trade routes to players. This was the first real monster hunting experience Wulfrin went on. A little exercise Freyd had named the Sharkbait Training Program. Abdullah’s actions following the quest’s completion had already made Wulfrin question the ability of NPCs to hold grudges, what with his constant sending of bandits after Wulfrin despite having the green cursor. 

The thought of Wulfrin’s cursor echoed through his mind. Out of a new found nervous tick, he glanced up above his head. It was still green, but then again why shouldn’t it be? With a sigh of relief he returned his attention to their small set up. His fingers traced the sheathed blade with remorse. Whatever was weighing on him was deeper than just the simple question of NPC autonomy.

* * *
Wulfrin consumes:

ACC 2 - Freyd’s Gungnir

Wulfrin | HP: 720/720 | EN: 106/106 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | AA | BH:24 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3

Edited by Wulfrin
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"It feels strange to be heard."  That onion had so many layers on, it could cook itself in open sunlight.  "And thanks.  It's going to take time to become accustomed."  Serving Wulfrin first , Freyd followed the rites with strangely specific formality, like he'd been trained in another life.

"I am always busy, it seems.  Yet, I will always come, if called."  The paradox was so Freyd it hurt.  Their current contrast, Freyd staring at a near-spitting image of himself, without looking or feeling like himself, was hardly lost. When Wulfrin's pensive tone returned, it took an unexpected turn, enough to stall the pouring of the tea.

"That's a rather deep question for such shallow cups.  It's a good thing I keep a dozen spare carafes in my inventory.  Thermal stasis is a wondrous thing." Scooping a spoonful of sugar into the drink, he added three droplets of vanilla extract for flavor.  It was an old, well-worn tradition he rarely parted with, offering the same to his companion, only to find him glancing above his own head.  Taking a sip before continuing, Freyd took advantage of the added seconds to assess the man's state.  As similar as he looked in Freyd's old armor, the Whisper knew better than to project his own experiences upon him like he was some sort of charcoal rubbing.  Wulfrin was his own man, with his own troubles.

"I will answer first, if you prefer."  It was a rare offer from a man who'd made deflection into an art form.  "But, it might help if you could provide a bit more context.  Or, more simply put: why do you ask?"  Marv's hollow stare from moments earlier filled his mind's eye with myriad suppositions, too many to count.  This could go in a lot of different directions.  Never one to shy from diving for rabbit holes, it only seemed courteous to give his a companion the option from the many this subject made available.

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"Yeah about that..." Wulfrin said with a sigh. "Let's just say the topic is a bit of a rough one."

Wulfrin very quickly downed his current cup an took a deep breath and prepared for to open the flood gates. He was hoping to maybe avoid the subject just a hair longer, but it seemed that the band aid could stay on just a bit longer. He placed his cup down on the table and looked up to the air above Freyd's head.

"I recently refaced my Gemini," Wulfrin sighed like he was unloading an immense amount of baggage. "Their demeanor was a sharp 180 from the last time we crossed blades. It taunted me. Toyed with my emotions. It was like it was baiting me to kill it. I ended up driving a blade into my own heart. The other odd thing was it wasn't alone."

Wulfrin became lost in thought, his eyes beginning to mist over as sorrow and remorse started to take over. He attempted to stifle the tears and wipe them away. Wulfrin sighed as he pulled out a small bag of treats from Fondante's Inferno.

"Here," Wulfrin said as he passed the bag over. "Ciela wanted me to give these to you as well the next time we got together. She figured your honey bun stash was running low."

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Freyd's face was inscrutable, until he allowed it to relax.  The mask was too practiced to let slip by accidently and required conscious effort.  Wulfrin had earned that privilege.  What revealed itself was a mixture of knowing serenity, sadness and nostalgia, harshness fading from his normally stern expression.  Someone had once called it resting cowl face.  Apt.  

"They can be quite convincing, can't they?"  In the background, Freyd's shadow shifted against the direction of the sun, as if leaning closer to snoop, like the local neighborhood busybody might on a park bench, pretending to feed pigeons.  If its caster noticed, he gave no indication.  "The gemini are fascinating mobs, unique in many ways.  I've... confronted... many of them."  Clearly a euphemism, the statement itself was certainly odd.  Most players faced their gemini only once.  Wulfrin was an oddity for having faced his own a second time.  The mere mention that others had been present was enough to glean the Whisper's added attention. 

"What do you mean by 'not alone'?"  About to press further, Wulfrin's sudden delivery of delectables was oddly timed and disjointing to the conversation - another avoidance.  Suspicion compelled him.  

"Please thank for me," he replied politely, glancing at the contents and smiling at Ciela's thoughtful gesture.  "But, perhaps we should focus on what compelled you to ask me here.  Did something happen during your duel?"  An assortment of possibilities flew about Freyd's mind like gadflies, too numerous to have him settle on any one and dismissing them all as little more than distractions, resolving instead to let Wulfrin tell his tale.


Freyd uses Tracking on Wulfrin to determine whether he is really Wulfrin.


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"Exactly what it sounds like," Wulfrin said still trying to process the event. "It wasn't just my Gemini present. The duel was still one on one, but there was an audience."

Wulfrin could see the concern starting to well up from The Whisper across from him, their eyes narrowing as if attempting to pierce an illusion. Wulfrin sighed as he went and topped off the tea cups. He took a sip from his before continuing. The more he talked the better he started to feel. There were so many questions that needed to be answered and right now he only knew one person who could possibly answer them.

"There was a Ciela Gemini," Wulfrin said. The words word starting to choke him up to the point it was near impossible to speak. "The two were lovers. That much was obvious. Not only did I stab myself in the heart, but I robbed someone of their partner."

A burden was lifted. Having finally gotten the words out, Wulfrin's posture became less tense as he continued to sip on the tea. Freyd was right to be suspicious. From what Wulfrin could tell, Freyd had studied the Gemini to the point of moving and acting like one, just with a bit more life. Then again his Gemini acted the same way. Everything you know is a lie... His Gemini's voice echoed in his mind with a chilling cadence as if a ghost was whispering from beyond the grave.

"That's why I've come to you," Wulfrin sighed as he looked behind him as if expecting someone to be there. In the distance he saw himself clutching his chest, crimson polygons dripping from what should be a fatal stab wound. He quickly snapped his attention back to the table and shook the halucination away. "You have capabilities similar to the Gemini. I was hoping maybe you could shed some light on their behaviors. I hoped it could maybe get me out of my... let's just call it a slight case of the looney."

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That last part brought a gentle, wistful smile to Freyd's lips.  How long had he thought himself mad?  Maybe he'd actually finally gone over the edge and just learned to adjust better.  That was the real catch, wasn't it?  You could never be sure of anything in this world, save one immutable truth.  Sighing and sipping his tea, the pause between then seemed to drag on while the Whisper's gaze locked onto the water's surface like he was clinging to some elusive memory.  Refractions on a disturbed mirror casting false doubts shading layers of depth and mystery beyond.  When the world rode on such turbulent tides, how should he answer his friend?

"There is no easy answer to your questions.  In truth, there are no easy answers whatsoever, to anything.  We just like to fool ourselves into believing the opposite.  This is what I like to call The Thing Behind All Lies.  Truth is a construct: an illusion as simultaneously real and false as we believe it to be."  Something sounded hollow in his soul as Freyd spoke, a consumptive void reminding him of every lie he'd ever told and accepting them as the burden of life.

"I should apologize in advance.  What you've asked for leads more to philosophy than fact, which tends to wax more poetic than the logicians would have you believe."  Pausing to struggle for the proper vector, he was worried his answer would sound too heady.  Wulfrin's stress didn't need the added headache, so maybe a simpler version would avoid adding to his plight.

"Maybe I can try this another way: have you ever heard the expression 'I think therefore I am?'  It's especially poignant here in Aincrad, isn't it?  At heart, we are because we think.  That's really what that expression actually means.  Our senses can be fooled, especially in this cruel fiction labeled as our reality.  This being the case, we cannot rely on the data our senses provide as truth - they can be readily fooled.  And if they told us truth, truth would become fallible.  So the only thing we know for sure is that we are a thing able to ask itself questions.  We are thing able to doubt.  Everything beyond that is a belief."

Shifting his hands to rest them on his folded knees, Freyd pursed his lips before proceeding.  Perhaps a demonstration was in order.

"Montjoy. Attend us, and bring the others."

Freyd's shadow detached itself, which was already unsettling until it then stood at his side, tall and proudly marshalled at attention.  Wulfrin would notice that the silhouette still wore the profile of the fallen angel garb instead of the Whisper's new heavy armor, like it clung to an older version of itself.  Gesturing without a sound, it called to Wulfrin's umbral profile by raising a single lightless hand.  It felt like it should have felt like something when the second shade rose to stand next to Freyd's wayward silhouette, except it didn't.  It was just really, really odd, but there was no physical sensation.  The absence was just jarring.  Just to make things even stranger, the shadows cast by the nearby maple, fence post and boulder did the same, assuming similarly sized humanoid forms to join their bizarre black brethren.  As the five formed ranks behind the kneeling warrior, devoid of any defining features save their contrasting outlines against everything else. Wulfrin could scarcely ignore the eerie similarity to the throng of gemini who'd born witness to his confrontation on the outskirts of Krycim.  

"Do they seem familiar?"  A genuine question. 

"Have you ever caught a shadow moving out of the corner of your eye, Wulfrin, and ever wondered if it what you saw was real?  The lesson taught by the gemini is an especially painful one.  It causes us to question everything we think we know, most especially about ourselves.  And, they do tend to like piling on.  Sounds to me like your gemini might have prodded you with a similar string of queries.  Peeling back the underpinnings of your own worldview is already hard.  Having your mirror self do it while you stab yourself in the heart like some sort of out of body experience... well, it doesn't exactly make it any easier."

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"Mind over matter huh," Wulfrin spoke, latching on to Freyd's advice like it was the only life preserver in a rough sea. "I guess that makes sense."

The shadows around them dethatched from pretty much every object, and person, in their immediate area. Soon there were several extremely familiar figures standing behind Freyd. Wulfrin's hand instinctually reached for Icingdeath. He had to force himself to release the hilt. He was already on edge, and it was better to just let it ride. He took a deep breath to recenter himself before looking the figure that came from his own shadow in the eyes. As he suspected, the eyes were lifeless. The shadow was practically a zombie, a deep wound right where the heart would have been. The other figures all wore a similar tattered coat and cowl, their features obscured even in the bright of the noon day sun.

"Sadly," Wulfrin spoke softly. "Yes. These are nearly identical to the figures I saw at the edge of that arena."

Wulfrin watched as Freyd's shadow began to manipulate the objects on the table, refiling cups, fetching sugar, etc. This was an aspect of Freyd's abilities Wulfrin hadn't seen before. Freyd's words began to hit Wulfrin's ears as they continued their little conversation, each sentence feeling like that one missing piece to an unfinishable puzzle. As they continued their dialogue, Wulfrin started to grow less tense in the presence of the shades.

"No," Wulfrin agreed as he look back towards his shadow. "It definitely doesn't make it easier. I guess it was just odd to have an NPC be that self aware. It literally felt like I was arguing philosophy with myself. It felt remorse that I was taking it's life. My Gemini looked to those around the arena like I do you and Morningstar, close friends that I was letting down by falling in combat. How did you manage to compartmentalize it? I don't mean to assume of course. It just seems like you're speaking form experience with this one."

Wulfrin's gaze fell back to his own shadow's eyes. He half expected them to be filled with anger, instead they just stared back lifelessly as the shadow stood at attention waiting for orders.

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Freyd's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when Montjoy lifted the the cup and make him another drink, and just as he preferred it too.  The Whisper was pale at the best of times, and not easily caught off guard, but it took every nugget of willpower to keep from leaping to his feet and scrambling backwards at the unexpected twist.  How long have you been able to do that?!

The featureless shadow 'stared' back in his direction.  The shades lacked all detail and were merely voids in the light, or a balloon filled with absence.  Without substance, they'd never been able to interact with anything, until now.  Checking his reaction as fast as he could, Freyd forcefully filed the occurrence away for later investigation, wondering whether linking his new sword art to his talent with shadows might somehow have caused this change   Cross-pollination between mechanics?  There was a terrifying prospect, and perhaps an opportunity.  Releasing his white-knuckled grip on his knees, he could only hope Wulfrin would dismiss it as tension in response to the other's drawn weapon, itself promptly returned to its scabbard. 

Perhaps it might be best just to continue.

"I've been struggling with it a long time."  An admission made to himself as much as to Wulfrin.  "Ultimately, you're left with a simple choice and realization: you can keep agonizing over it, twisting yourself into ever-tighter knots until something vital gives, or you can accept that things are what they are and move on.  Our reality has few actually knowable truths.  Belief matters more than most realize, and so do our choices.  Many players accepted what Kayaba told them when he sprung his supposed trap, but we don't really know if it some, none or all of it was pure bullshit.  Do players actually die when disconnected from the nerve gear, or killed in the game?  All we really know is that they don't respawn and their name shows up on a wall.  Them dying in the real world is no more or less real than the idea that souls end up in heaven or hell."

Freyd sighed again.  This next part was always the hardest.

"We don't even know if we're actually people, do we?  Are we even 'ourselves', whatever that's supposed to mean?  Sure, we have memories, but given everything tech can do these days, what if we're all just AIs in a simulation, playing out some nerdy, sadistic grad student's pet scenario?  It's less far fetched than it might have once been.  Think about it.  We can directly link the human mind to a machine and download such detailed aspects of its personality.  Is it really that hard to think we could eventually copy it wholesale?  That's really mind-blowing.  Because if that's true, when do mobs and NPCs count as being just as alive?  It would be a different form of life than we understand, but is it any less living, or eventually sentient?"

Taking the cup and saucer from Montjoy, Freyd looked up at his hollow with a humble smile.

"Thank you," he offered, the shade nodding once then setting back into its presumably proper place at his side.  The others arrayed around them did the same.

"People think I control them, but that's not really it at all.  I just see myself in them.  Perhaps they see the same in me?  And, if so, maybe also in you."

He'd always struggled to give it voice before, or at least manage to come this close.  How could a shadow bring itself to speak, save perhaps by beginning with a Whisper?

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"Yeah I guess," Wulfrin contemplated. Freyd was now speaking the same riddles and fallacies that his Gemini had. "Spend well over two years in some other world being digitally inserted into your grey matter and those questions do start to rise. Who's to say we aren't just some random bits of data floating around on the internet just playing human?"

Wulfrin sipped on the tea as he mulled over the queries placed before him by Freyd. Sure they were pretty much the same ones being presented by his Gemini, but they were being presented in a different context, one without a duel to the death present. Solaris fluttered up to his masters side and looked up with a longing. Wulfrin broke off a bit of tea cake and offered it to his familiar. Solaris, happy with the offering flew off into the tree line. Wulfrin looked back at at his shadow. There was the faintest smile and nod of approval as Wulfrin began to contemplate the words being spoken.

"i guess it's just hard to come to terms with," Wulfrin sighed as he placed his cup back on the table. "I vividly remember my life outside of Aincrad. I want to see my family again. At the same time though, I don't want this to end either. If this truly was a giant scandal, you'd think the government would have intervened by know. Surely they could just knock down the doors of Argus and shut down the servers. The fact they haven't either means they can't or... there are no servers to shut down."

Wulfrin watched his shadow begin to pace around them. It moved slow, like it was moving through a viscous liquid. It's chest wound seemed to be healing ever so slightly until it stood opposite of Freyd's shadow. In tandem both worked diligently to maintain drinks and refreshments. Wulfrin watched as life began to return to his shadow's eyes.

"Perhaps they do," Wulfrin said as he felt the beginnings of a smile creep its way to the surface. His shadow, wrapped in the same Fallen Angel Garb as Montjoy, began to move with a bit more life. It handed Wulfrin a refilled cup and continued it's walk to stand behind Wulfrin. "You are right though. It's definitely easier to digest when you aren't driving a blade into yourself."

"Thanks for providing a more pragmatic look on it." Wulfrin smiled at the Whisper. "Allow me to open yet another discussion then. I can tell you're shifting from the absolute nuke you used to be. Ever think about passing on the torch? I won't lie part of why I've been grinding as hard as I did was to help pay it forward to players in the future." Wulfrin looked to Freyd's shadow standing at attention behind its player. "Also I do plan to eventually pay you back as well. I still owe you for the sword and you'll probably want this armor back at some point."


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Freyd smiled, listening to Wulfin work it out for himself.  That was the ultimate point.  He had to choose what he believed and who he wanted to be within those sets of beliefs.  It was all anyone in here could aspire to.

"We don't know anything beyond ourselves in here, so why bother stressing over the unknown.  Either the world outside will help us, or it won't, or can't. Nothing we do will change that.  So, let's focus on what falls within our purview."  Grinning solemnly, Wulfrin's observations were keen.

"Yes.  I think it's fair to say that there's some torch passing happening here, though it wasn't by design.  We seem to be kindred spirits in a way, with similar goals and approaches to this place.  I've been beating my way through the system for so long."  Folding his hands in his lap, Freyd took a turn, rather than dwelling. "When the frontlines gathered for the last raid, there was no one else left to step up as a tank.  I nearly walked out of the meeting, the ranks were in such disarray, but ultimately chose to keep a vow I made to a friend.  I volunteered to tank.  It was crazy, but it worked, in that we survived.  But, I've not really been more than a poorly skinned substitute.  We can't take that kind of chance again."

Freyd glanced at Wulfrin's shadow, as it danced around them with Montjoy like some sort of choreographed routine."

"You should give it a name.  Montjoy, here, served as a conscience I was sorely lacking, and offered perspective I didn't know I needed, and certainly didn't want.  I'm glad he was so persistent about it.  Ass."  They both felt, rather than saw the shade's smile.

"I can teach you what they taught me, Wulfrin.  But it comes with a personal price.  All of the gemini's doubts are a test.  If you do not know who you are before learning this skill, there is a very good chance you might simply become one of their more mindless kin, and be little more than a randomly killing mob.  Think on that, before you make your choice."  He left out the part where he'd nearly lost himself to the very same fate.  As annoying as they could be, the gemini's questions were not threats: they were warnings, provided in good faith.  You just needed to be able to know yourself enough, and be willing to trust them enough, to accept them.

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"I have no way of knowing what my future holds," Wulfrin responded his tone becoming more and more like his old self. "What I do know is that I want to be to others what you are to me. That is a reliable teammate and friend. I also want to pass on the knowledge you've showed me. I want to be my best self."

Saying the words, Wulfrin felt like he was swearing an oath to not just himself, but his Gemini all over again. He wasn't about to let his name appear on the monument, and he wasn't about to let others meet that fate either, not if he could help it anyway. Freyd had guided him this far, now it was time to take off the training wheels and stand on his own. He looked back to his shadow, which had all but completely recovered from it's stab wound. A name? Wulfrin thought to himself. Freyd's words of how much of a confidant his shadow had been made Wulfrin think about what other teachings he could learn through the ways of the Gemini. A voice crept into his mind, its origin unknown, and simply whispered "Konteris." Wulfrin looked back at his shadow which moved to execute a deep bow, as if the two had just met for the first time.

"Guess that settles that," Wulfrin shrugged clearly having finished some internal dialogue. "There are still plenty of questions I have. Most of which are philosophy, and mostly born from uncertainty concerning our supposed digital prison. I may have to pay a trip to that waterfall I've heard so much about on Floor 6. Guess it makes sense why it supposedly helps you find your inner peace. The other major encounter there is a shadow version of yourself that makes you question your own morality and sanity. I guess prodding Abdullah a bit wouldn't hurt either."

"As for who I am?" Wulfrin continued after slowly returning his tea cup and saucer to their original positions on the table. "Titles will come in time. For now, I'm just a swordsman looking to help his fellow players. Titles should be earned."

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Tension bled from Freyd's features as Wulfrin poured forth his vision and conviction.  Years of wear lightened as the load on his shoulder lifted at hearing another answer the call.  Wulfrin was a good man, and ready to take on the mantle he'd stumbled into assuming; one no longer suited to ambitions faded with time.  Unaccustomed to even thinking of such things, Freyd felt old, yet rejuvenated in the same breath.

"All of those are noble ambitions, my friend."  A hand on his fellow's should signified the magnitude of the sentiment.  Freyd wasn't the touchy feely type.  He could have warned him about this, that or the other, but this was Wulfrin's journey and it would play out differently than his own.  "Give yourself time to discover your place in this world and what it means to you.  Treasure its beauty and the joy you bring others alongside that you offer in return."

A heartfelt laugh shook his shimmering black armor, contrasting the dour seriousness of the look, but Freyd had always been a paradox of contrasts in almost every regard.

"Ahhh... this is refreshing.  And I do admire that kind of passion."  Seeing his hands - his actual hands and not some void-wrapped weapons of mass mob destruction - Freyd ran them gently through the verdant emerald grass running along the brook's edge, as if savoring the sensation for the first time.  It tickled, a stray ladybug landing atop his knuckles, the flesh still discoloured and healing from the last of Samael's Pride's gnawing.  Clenching the hand, he relaxed it with slow, practiced control, keeping his nerves steady and immovable as the rock of Aincrad itself.  The Boulder might disagree.  *Snort*

"You're not wrong, and you have a good heart, Wulfrin.  Ask your questions.  We will make whatever time may be required.  Let the world spin without our hands on its tiller for a few waves.  We're not the only ones keeping things upright."

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"Unfortunately," Wulfrin said with a sigh as he stood up and stared into the meandering creek. "The answers to my questions can only come with time and experience. I can't always rely on others to tell me what ideals and truths are skewed or lies."

 Wulfrin's shadowy clone dissolved back into its proper place. Wulfrin stared into the eyes of his reflection in the water, for the first time in the last several days, he didn't see some horrific visage staring back, but his own eyes filled with the burning light of life and determination. 

"There is truth in all lies," Wulfrin spoke once more. "Just as there are lies in every truth. Take history books for example. History is written by the victors; no one shares the view of the loser and they are usually labeled as 'the bad guy'. You've got a good heart too Freyd. You may exude a dark and shadowy persona, but deep down you do care. I also know the chances of you being just a simple mob are very slim. Purely from a technical standpoint here in SAO, most of the AI here seems minimalistic. You and I are complex just like every player here."

Wulfrin made his way over to his mentor that had guided him through so much of this surreal experience that was their virtual hell. He extended a hand to Freyd offering to help him stand from their seated position. Then with a solidified resolve spoke once more.

"Teach me. Show me this skill you spoke of. Because despite how much you've clung to the shadows and wrapped yourself in the void, you've proven time and time again to be a beacon of light for many players, myself included. Who knows? Maybe I can show you a thing or two as well."

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"Welcome to the world of grey shades, my friend.  Truth is the Thing Behind All Lies - a phrase enshrined in the branding of a weapon I no longer wield."  Slipping his new blade from its sheath revealed a katana of black steel sharp and as yet unused.  Virgin, so to speak, and appropriately so. 

"Veritas.  Quite the contrast."  He neglected to point out the paradox called out by his armor's moniker, trusting to Wulfrin's curiosity.  Flinching slightly at the compliment paid, Freyd was unaccustomed to receiving praise, and generally thought himself to be undeserving.  Tough choices required a certain callous quality that did not blend well with a considerate nature.  For all his efforts to change, that part of his past was undeniable and hardly in absentia.  It was just another challenge to be overcome, or else another paradox to sustain.  Had his peer not done the same?  A certain black book lingering in his inventory burned a tainted stain upon his ambitions, and could not be ignored.

"Who or what we are matters less than who or what we choose to be.  Kill them all and let god sort them out?  Isn't that the saying?  We are those who refuse to be sorted.  And... thank you for your kind words.  They mean a lot, especially from someone I respect.  You've proven yourself true time and again, Wulfrin.  It would be my pleasure to teach you this skill, now that you know its meaning.  I just pray you find your answers without to high a price."  Part of him wanted to say 'sacrifice', but he couldn't quite manage to force his lips to speak.


Vanity Tag: @Raidou

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"It's an honor to hold the mantle," Wulfrin smiled back as his companion. "I also plan to keep the price low. Showing up on that monument isn't really high on my To-Do list."

Speaking with someone who understood his predicament had certainly helped. Wulfrin was already starting to feel more like his old self. His reflection in the river even looked to be in higher spirits. If walking the path of the Gemini for a while would help him figure out more of the ins and outs of Aincrad's functions, then he would face the void in stride. Freyd's blade was looking like it was particularly unused. His blacksmithing was working overtime to examine the blade. Wulfrin's mind began to race with possibilities. This was a similar situation to when Wulfrin had first set out from the safety of the Town of Beginnings safe zone. Only this time there were two players looking to grow. Wulfrin looked around at the small clearing they were in. Sure enough nostalgia crept in. Could you even call it nostalgia if it hadn't been that long? Wulfrin didn't care, as that was the best way to describe it. He began to flash back to the two times Freyd had brought him here. The first was the dreaded material gathering, less impactful but helped to ease him into traversing the wilds. The second was his first taste of combat. Freyd had to bail him out at the end, but ultimately the lessons were set in stone. 

"You know if you're itching to let that blade have a little dance," Wulfrin smiled at his friend joined in his sentiments. "We could always go on a little hunting mission when we're finished. Since we're both shifting gears a bit, it could be a nice little practice run. Our own little training program if you will, a little light skill training then using it in the field. But we can figure that out later. What's the first step to this skill?"


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Drawing the blade fully, aware of his companion's professional interest, it only seemed courteous to indulge him.    Resting its black blade against a matte charcoal vambrace, the blade hovered fractions of an inch above the actual material, as if the two refused each other contact and coexistence.  Yet another way in which Freyd bore our the paradox theme of his existence. 

"I can't claim to have any skill at the forge or to put in the effort in the same way as those who toil at other crafts.  Appraisers' arts are more akin to magic, in a way, trading in secrets and properties bound by others into items or at random by the system.  But, I'm curious.  What are your thoughts on the weapon?  If you've not mastered your talents yet, then I'm sure you will shortly.  Any insights?"  Leaning back to finish and pack up his tea while Wulfrin inspected the blade, the unofficial purpose of their meeting was nearing its conclusion.  Drawing a second sword from literally nowhere, he passed it along for review in turn.

"Icingdeath is no less a blade than either of these, and you wield it well."  Freyd was feeling oddly nostalgic.  Maybe it was just a symptom of their familiar surroundings, but something about all this did feel like a new beginning. "I started my adventuring days as a swordsman, like yourself.  It feels very strange to be returning to my roots, after a fashion."  Reclaiming his blades and returning each to its proper housing, he grinned, eyes smiling in that special Cheshire way.  "Try our hands at a bit of sport?  Yeah.  I think we could manage that.  As to the skill, the main trick is to recall who you are, when the time comes to end the deception.  Just like the gemini offer warning about lies and the importance of will, it is easy to become lost in the unhinged nature of their existence.  They are who others need them to be, having little true sense of self.  You know my doubts.  I've come close to losing my perspective, at times.  Cling to those anchors that give meaning to your existence.  For me, it became Elora, Katoka and my other fellow guild members.  Start with Ciela.  Add layers whenever you can.  They keep you tethered to the world, and to your sense of self.  And those bindings run both ways."

He left out his spiel about where he suspected gemini originated, and why they are so unique among mobs

He'll figure that out on his own, in time.


Freyd shows the following blades to Wulfrin:

Veritas | T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana) | AA, PVO I, VO I, Taunt 

A black blade forged from shards of shadowsteel scraped from the walls of floor twenty-five's labyrinth at great personal cost, then purified by the priests of Ogo'mathas before being annealed in the waters of the Stygian River. Its dark touch is said to bring all secrets to light.

Samael’s Pride (T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana) | Fallen 2, Holy 2

Between all good and evil, light and dark, there is a line drawn by the pride of Samael, the fallen angel. It is a line from which said hubris fervently hungers to stray and yet paradoxically seeks to sustain. The weapon has changed forms many times. Once a bastard blade, it drank of malevolent Shadow and Orgoth the champion, deepening its darkness and resilient light in equal measure. Those events dulled its edge, yet increased its inner turmoil. Reforged by Griswold, it became a blunt object hammering lost fate into new direction.  Over time, it nibbled at the very essence of the Whisper who bore it and fed it so many, many things, to the point that all risked subsuming one another, and themselves.

Purified in the crucible of anguish and introspection, tempered by lessons of empathy and the inner beauty of a Rose, the blade no longer has true substance.  It has become an idea, cast into the void and given shape by the precepts of honor, its merits to be earned and wielded to noble purpose.  Just holding it causes the bearer to feel an unparalleled burden of death and ruthless momentum buoyed by an ineffable and enduring aspect of hope, placing them squarely on pride’s line.  The sword weighs like nothing and everything all at once, awkward to wield without iron-willed discipline.  Yet, the force of its impact is unmatched. Dreams and nightmares follow in its wake.  It is a  penance, accepted with guilt and regret by its bearer, yet claimed because the line must never be permitted to falter.

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"Fine craftsmanship," Wulfrin mulled over the blades presented to him. "The pure black basically shadow motif is laying it on a bit thick, but given your color scheme and style of combat they fulfil their roles swimmingly. Honestly I really want to see your skill with them over anything else. From what I've heard mastering the use of a katana is no small feat."

Wulfrin watched and listened as Freyd gave his speech and packed away their little tea set up. He was soaking up every bit of intel The Whisper was giving him. To him it was all worth while. The mention of Icingdeath being comparable to the two blades Freyd had presented was an interesting thought. The blade had served him well in many battles since he started being able to wield it. For the longest time it was just a pipe dream, now it was reality. The two were partners, and deadly to boot. It's blade had tasted the blood of a dragon, among other things. Wulfrin had accomplished feats he only thought were possible up until now. The mention of roots? Yeah that hit home a bit as well. He had Ciela, as Freyd had so poignantly pointed out, but who else could he root himself to. His mind drifted to an invite resting in his inbox.

"A guild huh," Wulfrin began to trail off. "Guess it's time I answered an invite that's just been chilling in my inbox for a minute. Can't go at this solo forever and Ciela has her hands full at the bakery. I kind of feel bad for her."

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"Katoka was kind enough to give me a few pointers."  An explanation regarding his facility with the weapons.  "Though I will definitely need some practice to develop an appropriate new style.  You know me.  The wheels are always turning."  Tapping his left temple for effect, Freyd offered his protogé a mild smirk. Plans within plans within plans.  Freyd was always layers deep in the chess game of their existence - far deeper than most would ever possibly understand.

"She's another one who's come a long way.  There are so many.  It's...gratifying.  And, don't feel bad for others making their own choices.  That's how it needs to be, or we end up at each others' throats - something we just can't afford.  I nearly saw it happen once: a raid divided over a point of principle.  Thank goodness it didn't come to blows, but it was close."

Shrugging, Freyd stood and extending a hand to his comrade.  "Come on, fellow shadow-bearer - brother.  We both have business to attend, and unruly mobs to smite.  And I'm always game for another adventure."


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