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[SP]-[F-01] Hard and Heavy <<Earning a Living: Performer>>

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In real life, she used to fantasize about being on stage once upon a time, screaming her lungs out with a crowd going wild. But now, here in this game, maybe she could actually make that a reality, even if it was just digital.

The performer profession had caught her eye almost immediately. The idea of crafting buffs and debuffs with music felt right, but the standard bard stuff didn’t excite her. Lutes and flutes weren’t her style. She wanted something heavier, louder—something that would bring that same wild energy to her gameplay. Metal felt like the perfect fit, and if she could find a way to translate that into her performer style, she’d be happy. Buffing allies with power chords? Debuffing enemies with guttural screams? It just seemed perfect for her.

Stopping in front of a small hole-in-the-wall style shop, she pulled up her map on her UI double checking the quest location, "This should be it."


Circe | HP: 340/340 | EN: 62/62 | DMG: 11 | MIT:6 | ACC:4 | EVA:2


  • [T1 Perfect Light Armor] Initiate’s Draw: +2 EVA, +1 MIT
  • [T1 Perfect Throwing Knives] Initiate’s Draw: +3 DMG
  • Wolf Pendant. | TIER 1 JEWELRY | +3 ACC
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As Circe steps into the hole-in-the-wall music shop, she's greeted by the frantic roll of a rock song.  The musician soon steps into view—an enormous man with pointed white hair, who finishes the chorus before running a hand through his hair and grinning widely at her. "I take requests!" he calls out confidently.

Circe smirks, approaching him. "Not here for a song," she says, "but I am looking to become a performer."

The man lets out a hearty laugh, shaking his head. "Not the kind of request I was expecting, but yeah, I'll help." he says. " Problem is, I've got a few more orders to fill, and I'm getting low on recording crystals. If you go pick up the mats I need, I'll finish up my work, and we can meet in the middle. Deal?""

"Deal".  With that, a new quest appeared.  Looked like she just needed to collect a few materials, seemed easy enough.


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With a quick nod, Circe accepts the quest, and the notification pops up in her UI, marking the plains outside the town as her destination. As she steps back out into the street, she glances at the glowing markers on her map. "Simple enough," she mutters, adjusting the straps of her gear before heading off in the direction of the low-level plains.

The air feels lighter as she leaves the town behind, the hum of the bustling streets fading into the calm, open fields ahead. She scans the area, noting the familiar sight of low-level creatures—boars and small critters roaming aimlessly. "I could clear a few of those, but…" she muses, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Nah, no point wasting time on weaklings. The materials should be easy enough to gather without getting too distracted."

As she walks, Circe lets her mind drift. In real life, she’d once dreamed of performing on stage, screaming her lungs out to the roar of a crowd. The fantasy had faded as she got older, replaced by survival and pragmatism. But here, in this digital world, maybe she could bring that dream back to life. "Even if it’s just in-game," she murmurs to herself, "it’d still be something."

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Circe crouches down beside a thick, thorny bush, her HUD highlighting it as the next potential spot to loot materials. She brushes aside a few leaves, careful not to prick her fingers on the sharp edges, and peers into the undergrowth. For a moment, she expects to see the faint glow of the materials she needs, but there’s nothing. Just dirt and a few scraggly roots twisting through the ground.

She frowns, pushing deeper into the bush, rustling the branches. "Come on, it said there’d be some here," she mutters, her fingers scraping through the soil. But after a few more moments of searching, it becomes clear—this spot’s a dud. She sits back on her heels, glancing around the empty plains.

"Great," she sighs, shaking her head. "The spawn are being stingy today it seems."

Circe scanned the area looking for the next spot to look through, hopefully there will be some in the next spot.


ACTION TAKEN:  Gathering Attempt ID#232271 LD: 9 Fail

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Circe trudges through the dry grass, her boots crunching with each step as she approaches a rocky outcrop. This one looks more promising than the last, and as she kneels beside it, her eyes catch the faint shimmer of something embedded in the stone. She brushes her fingers over the surface, feeling the smooth edge of a crystal hidden beneath the dirt.

"Finally," she mutters with a small smirk, digging into the earth. After a bit of effort, she pries the crystal loose, holding it up to the light. The faint blue glow pulses in her hand, casting soft shadows on her face. "One down," she says, her voice tinged with satisfaction.

She pulls up her UI, checking her inventory. "And... four more to go."

Her gaze sweeps the area, but the rocky outcrop remains bare—no more crystals in sight. With a sigh, she pockets the material and straightens up, setting her sights on the next waypoint marked on her map. The grind continues.


ACTION TAKEN:  Gathering Attempt ID#232296 LD: 18 Success

1/5 Materials Gathered

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Circe approaches the next waypoint, a dense brush nestled between some jagged rocks. She narrows her eyes, hoping this spot will yield better results. Kneeling beside the bush, she pushes aside the branches and begins sifting through the leaves and dirt, fingers searching for the telltale glow of another crystal.

Minutes pass, and her hands come up empty. She leans in closer, parting the thick leaves, frustration slowly bubbling up. "Come on, there's gotta be something here," she mutters, her patience thinning.

After another few moments of fruitless searching, she slumps back on her heels, wiping the dirt off her hands. "Nothing... again," she sighs, shaking her head. The bush is completely bare, not even a glimmer of what she needs.

Her eyes flick to the plains around her. "At this rate, it’s gonna take forever," she mutters, standing up and brushing off her knees. She checks her map again, the next marker glowing faintly in the distance. "One more try."

ACTION TAKEN:  Gathering Attempt ID#232297 LD: 8 FAIL

1/5 Materials Gathered

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Circe trudges to the next waypoint, the rocky terrain slowly wearing on her nerves. She kneels beside another patch of thick brush, her fingers moving through the leaves, searching for the familiar glow of a material. But after several minutes of rummaging, her hands come up empty once again. A frustrated sigh escapes her lips. "Seriously? Nothing again?"

She stands, brushing dirt off her hands and pants, her gaze drifting across the open plains. In the distance, a group of low-level boars snuffle through the grass, oblivious to her presence. She crosses her arms, narrowing her eyes at them. “I could clear them out,” she mutters to herself. “It’d be faster than running around looking for these stupid crystals.”

Her hand drifts toward the hilt of her weapon, her mind weighing the options. On one hand, she could keep scouring the land, hoping to stumble across more materials. On the other, wiping out a few of those boars might yield the materials she needs—and save her some time.


ACTION TAKEN:  Gathering Attempt ID#232298 LD: 11 FAIL

1/5 Materials Gathered

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Circe crouched low, moving silently through the tall grass as she crept closer to the boars. Her eyes stayed locked on the biggest one, its tusks gleaming in the afternoon sun. 

But before she could make her move, a rustling sound came from the nearby brush. Circe froze, her muscles tensing as a bulky wolf emerged from the shadows. Its fur was matted, its eyes focused on the same group of boars she’d been stalking. Circe watched in surprise as the wolf darted forward, pouncing on the smallest boar with brutal efficiency. The boar squealed in panic, but it was no match for the wolf, which tore into its flesh with a savage bite.

Circe’s stomach sank as she realized the other boars had scattered, their snorts and squeals fading into the distance. "Well, there goes that plan," she muttered under her breath, her eyes now fixed on the wolf, who stood over the dead boar, blood staining its muzzle.

With the boars gone, Circe settled on the next best thing. Her hand gripped her throwing knife tighter. “Guess you’ll have to do,” she whispered. Without hesitation, she hurled the knife, watching as it sailed through the air and embedded itself into the wolf’s chest.

The beast let out a sharp yelp, stumbling backward as it turned to face her. Its eyes narrowed, and it let out a deep, guttural snarl, baring its bloodied teeth.


Action Taken: ST-I (-12 EN)
Wolf: ID#232304 BD:4+6=10   DMG: 11*12=120

Circe | HP: 340/340 | EN: 50/62 | DMG: 11 | MIT:6 | ACC:4 | EVA:2

Wolf: 84/204 HP | 68 DMG

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The wolf lunged at Circe, jaws snapping dangerously close, but she sidestepped at the last moment.  The beast's teeth grazed the air where she had just stood, and Circe quickly regained her footing.

“Not today, furball,” she growled, her hand already reaching for another knife. With a quick flick of her wrist, she launched it at the wolf. The blade found its mark, sinking deep into the wolf’s side. The creature let out a pained howl, staggering as it struggled to remain upright.

Circe took a step back, watching as the wolf's snarls faded into desperate whimpers. The ferocity in its eyes dimmed, and with one final shudder, the wolf collapsed to the ground, defeated.

A moment later, the wolf disintegrated into shimmering particles, scattering like dust in the wind. 

In the air, a notification appeared, highlighting the currency and two materials left behind.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, scooping up the glimmering items with a triumphant smile. "Two more to go—perfect!" With renewed energy, she tucked the materials into her inventory, feeling a wave of relief wash over her.  Progress was finally picking up.

Action Taken: ST-I (-12 EN)
Wolf: ID# BD: 10 (CRIT)   DMG: 11*12=120+2=122  MD: 6-2=4 (MISS)

Circe | HP: 340/340 | EN: 40/62 | DMG: 11 | MIT:6 | ACC:4 | EVA:2

Wolf: 0/204 HP | 68 DMG

Wolf#232306 LD:2  Nothing
612 Col +408 Bonus= 1020 col
2 Materials

3/5 Materials Collected

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Circe took a moment to catch her breath, glancing around the now-quiet plains. The boars had long since scattered.  However, the absence of any other creatures made her realize it was a good time to gather while she waited for her energy bar to recharge.

She turned her attention to the nearby foliage, hoping to find more materials or at least something useful. She approached a patch of wildflowers, crouching down to sift through the dense grass and underbrush.

“Let’s see what you’ve got for me,” she murmured, fingers probing the ground. She pushed aside some leaves, searching for any glimmering signs of crystals. But after a few moments of digging, her hands came up empty once again. Circe let out a frustrated huff, shaking her head. “Great, just what I need—another dud.”

Standing back up, she brushed her hands off and scanned the area again, feeling the familiar twinge of impatience.  Maybe she was better off just hunting wolves at this point.

ACTION TAKEN:  Gathering Attempt ID#232307 LD: 11 FAIL

1/3 EN Regen
3/5 Materials Collected

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After a few moments of waiting, Circe felt her energy bar beginning to replenish.  Kneeling beside the same patch of foliage, she took a deep breath and focused, her fingers moving deftly through the grass and leaves. As she sifted through the underbrush, she felt a familiar shimmer beneath the dirt—a soft glow that sent a rush of excitement through her.

“There you are!” she exclaimed, digging deeper with eager hands. After a bit of careful tugging, she finally freed a small, radiant crystal from the ground. It pulsed with a vibrant light, the blue hue matching the one she’d found earlier.

“Yes! One more material!” Circe held it up to the light, her heart racing with triumph.  “Just one more to go, and then I can finally be done with this part."  It wasn't really difficult, but it was a bit more tedious than she had initially thought.  They were really making sure players worked for their professions in this game.


ACTION TAKEN:  Gathering Attempt ID#232313 LD:15 SUCCESS

2/3 EN Regen
4/5 Materials Collected

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Circe moved to another patch of foliage, still riding the high from her last successful find. Kneeling down, she began her search again, her fingers brushing through the dirt, but this time, there was no familiar shimmer, no hint of a crystal hidden beneath the leaves. She sighed in frustration as her hands came up empty once more.

"Of course," she muttered, standing up and brushing the dirt off her knees. She glanced around at the barren plains. The last spot hadn’t yielded anything, and the grind was starting to wear on her.

Her eyes drifted to the corner of her UI, where her energy bar was now fully replenished. "I could just hunt another boar or wolf," she mused, her hand absentmindedly drifting toward the hilt of her weapon. It would be quicker, and she’d already had luck with the wolf earlier.

Circe’s gaze swept across the horizon, but the plains were eerily quiet. "Might as well go for it," she thought, tightening her grip on her blade. Hunting would be faster, and she was done wasting time on these bushes.

ACTION TAKEN:  Gathering Attempt ID#232480 LD:5 FAIL

3/3 EN Regen
4/5 Materials Collected

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Circe prowled through the plains, her senses sharp, eyes scanning for movement. The quiet stretched around her until she finally spotted a lone wolf patrolling the edge of a nearby rocky hill. Its fur was scruffy, and its ears twitched as it moved cautiously, clearly unaware of her presence.

A grin tugged at Circe’s lips. “Perfect,” she whispered, reaching for her throwing knife.

She crouched low, creeping closer for a better angle. With her energy bar full and her frustration bubbling beneath the surface, she didn’t waste time hesitating. Taking a deep breath, she aimed for the wolf’s flank and, with a swift flick of her wrist, hurled the knife.

The blade sliced through the air and struck true, embedding itself in the wolf’s side with a solid thunk. The creature let out a sharp yelp of pain, staggering forward before whipping around to face her, baring its teeth in a snarl.

Circe smirked, standing tall. "Gotcha."


Action Taken: ST-I (-12 EN)
Wolf: ID#232483 BD:5+4=9    DMG:   11*12=120

Circe | HP: 340/340 | EN: 50/62 | DMG: 11 | MIT:6 | ACC:4 | EVA:2

Wolf: 84/204 HP | 68 DMG

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The wolf lunged at Circe, its jaws snapping toward her with feral intent. But she was ready. With a quick sidestep, she dodged the bite, feeling the rush of air as the wolf's teeth barely missed her. Its claws scraped against the dirt as it landed, growling in frustration.

Circe didn’t waste a second. She drew another throwing knife from her belt, her hand moving swiftly as she aimed at the already-wounded wolf.

The knife struck true, embedding deep into the wolf's chest. It let out a final, pitiful whine before collapsing to the ground, dissolving into shimmering particles just like the last. As the dust cleared, Circe spotted the familiar glint of loot materializing in its place.

She knelt down, grinning as she picked up two more materials. "Finally, that’s all of them," she said, checking her inventory to confirm. With everything she needed in hand, it was time to return to Landon and get on with her next step in becoming a performer.


Action Taken: ST-I (-12 EN)
Wolf: ID#232484 BD:2+4=6    DMG:   11*12=120  MD: 6-2=4

Circe | HP: 340/340 | EN: 38/62 | DMG: 11 | MIT:6 | ACC:4 | EVA:2

Wolf: 0/204 HP | 68 DMG


Wolf ID#232485 LD: 1 CD: 10
612 Col, 2 Materials

6/5 Materials Collected

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When she finally pushed open the creaky door to the hole-in-the-wall shop, the sound of rock music greeted her once again. Landon looked up from his workbench, a grin spreading across his face as soon as he saw her. “Back already? I didn’t think you’d get it done so fast!” he said, wiping his hands on a rag. “Well, let’s see ‘em!”

Circe opened her inventory, pulling out the shimmering crystals and placing them on the counter. “All five, just like you asked,” she said with a smirk.

Landon examined the crystals, nodding approvingly. “Nicely done, kid. Looks like you’ve got a knack for this.”

He straightened up and beckoned her toward a side of the shop she hadn’t noticed before—a wall lined with instruments of all shapes and sizes. There were lutes, flutes, drums, and a few guitars, each crafted with intricate detail. “Now comes the fun part. Pick your instrument,” Landon said, his voice full of encouragement. “This is what you’ll use to craft your first performer item. Make sure it feels right.”

Circe’s eyes widened as she scanned the assortment. Her gaze lingered on the guitars, their sleek designs calling to her. She stepped forward, fingers brushing over the strings of one. “This one,” she said, gripping the neck of a dark, electric-looking guitar. The weight in her hands felt perfect.

Landon chuckled. “Good choice. You’ve got an eye for power.”

With a nod, he set up a crafting station nearby. “Alright, let’s get started. Time to make your first performer item, and trust me, this is where the real fun begins.”
1/3 EN

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Circe stood before the crafting station, her fingers still resting on the neck of the electric guitar she’d chosen. Landon had set up the interface, and now it was up to her to navigate the crafting UI. She brought it up in her display, and a list of potential songs appeared before her, each one offering different support songs.

“Huh, looks like a decent starting point,” she murmured. It wasn’t the most powerful song, but it provided a nice buff to looting, and it seemed easier to craft than some of the more complex songs she’d seen.

“Monster's Fortune it is,” Circe decided, tapping the selection. The UI shifted, showing her the materials she’d gathered, and prompting her to begin the crafting process.

Taking a deep breath, she positioned the guitar in her hands and struck her first chord. The electric guitar roared to life, its sound filling the shop as her fingers danced across the strings. But as she reached the song’s midpoint, the notes faltered, the rhythm off, and the UI blinked red with a sharp “Failure” message. The attempt fizzled out, the materials disappearing in a puff of virtual smoke.

Circe groaned. “Ugh, seriously?” She shook her head, resetting her grip on the guitar. “Alright, focus. One more time.”

Determined, she started again, the guitar’s sound louder, more aggressive this time. Her fingers moved smoothly, each note ringing out clear and strong. As she played through the song, something clicked—her rhythm synced perfectly, and the notes began to glow faintly in the air. The song built in intensity, and by the time she hit the final power chord, the entire shop was reverberating with the energy of the song.

A notification popped up in her UI, and she blinked in surprise. “Monster's Fortune... Perfect!” Not only had she crafted the song successfully, but the description revealed that it would now affect the entire party, not just her.

Circe grinned as she stared at the glowing guitar in her hands. “Hell yeah! This is even better than I thought.”

Action taken:  <<Tier 1 Performer Crafting>>  Support Song:  Monster's Favor

ID: 232494 | CD:  3 | LD:  11 |  Fail
ID: 232495 | CD:  12 | LD:  18 |  PERFECT MASTERPIECE

New Item:
[Perfect Mass] Monster's Favor x1

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Circe couldn’t stop the grin spreading across her face as she turned back to Landon. The guitar still thrummed with residual energy in her hands, and her heart raced with the thrill of success. She approached the counter, ready to turn in the quest.

Landon leaned back, crossing his arms with a satisfied smirk. "Performing's not for the faint of heart, kid. Takes guts, hard work, and talent," he said, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "But from where I'm standing, you've got it all. Knock 'em dead."

Circe nodded, feeling the warmth of his words settle in her chest. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she had found something she was truly good at, something that fit her. The way the music flowed through her, how it felt when she crafted that perfect song—it was like a piece of herself had finally clicked into place.

Her UI chimed softly, and she glanced at it, seeing the update. Her quest was complete, and now the crafting interface had unlocked entirely. She could now freely craft songs, experiment with different buffs, and explore her style as a performer.

She stared at the display for a moment, the possibilities stretching out before her.

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She pulled up her UI to explore the new crafting options further, ready to dive into her newfound abilities. A series of tutorial pop-ups began to appear, each one guiding her through the intricacies of being a performer.

One caught her eye: As a performer, you will have the ability to open a shop to sell your songs to other players. This will allow you to share your creations and build a reputation in the community.

“Where would I even set up a shop?” Circe wondered aloud. She started pacing the nearby path, contemplating potential locations. The bustling market square came to mind—full of players looking for new gear and services. It’d be a prime spot, vibrant and alive with energy.

But then, she thought about the quieter areas, like on the outskirts of town. “I could create a more intimate vibe there,” she mused. “A place where I could be as loud as I want without bothering the locals.”

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After a while, she decided it was time to store her guitar away for now. She reached her UI, tapping a few buttons until the familiar interface appeared. With a flick of her wrist, she placed the electric guitar into her inventory.  It would be waiting for her when she was ready to perform again.

“For now, back to leveling,” she muttered, glancing at her quest log. She still had plenty to do, and she wanted to build her skills further before launching her shop given there is going to be a lot of thought and effort going into setting it up.

Checking the time, it still seemed a bit early to meet back up with Omen.  She wondered if he was done doing his errands as well. Even if he wasn't, she was sure he wouldn't mind the company.  Scrolling through her menu's she brought up Omen on her friend list.

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>>Circe: “Hey, finished up the Performer stuff. Where are you? I’ll head over, got something cool to show you.” She tapped send, closing the UI with a satisfied nod.

A small smile crept onto her face as she started heading toward the western outskirts of town, where she had a hunch Omen might be grinding or scouting new areas. He was always ahead of the game, always pushing their team forward. The thought of telling him about her latest accomplishments made her steps quickened in response.

Circe wasn’t the type to get excited over every little thing, but this? This was different. Crafting her first song, especially nailing it on the second try, had been a rush like no other. And now, the idea of not only being able to perform but also sell her songs to other players? That had ignited something in her, a sense of purpose she hadn’t felt in a long time.

As she moved through the busy town, she imagined Omen’s reaction—maybe a raised brow or a small smirk, his usual cool demeanor, but she knew he’d be impressed. He always pushed her to be better, and she couldn’t wait to show him just how far she’d come.

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