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[PP-F4] The Battle of Snowfrost

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This thread directly follows "Another Repetition of History"
Quest: The Night's Shadow

When they returned, Snowfrost was in chaos. Floats had been abandoned in the courtyard, and merchant carts and stalls had toppled over. Villagers, along with the town's guard, were in the process of barricading entrances and fortifying whatever defenses they had in place. Morningstar had never seen anything like it. They were stopped at the front gate, and identified by the captain of the guard. Thankfully, Levi was there to vouch for them. Even Pinball was permitted entry, despite his hovering orange cursor. The guards had too much to worry about, it appeared; a criminal was the least of their problems.

They were directed straight to the town's elder, Mark, at the request of Levi. The boy had changed significantly since their encounter with the soldier. It wasn't quite confidence, but there was purpose in his walk, as if he knew what steps needed taking. His hesitation had disappeared. Maybe it was worry, or fear. Maybe he was simply stronger than he looked.

They found the elder and his advisors in a building at the heart of Snowfrost. Mark stood with his back facing the crowd, listening to the military advisor summarize the situation.

"Scouts report the army is within a day's march of our position."

Elder Mark turned, noticing the party before he could respond. His eyes grew wide, surprised to see the white-haired boy alongside them. "Levi," he acknowledged with a nod. "We'd heard that you'd left town earlier today. I'm glad to see that you have returned safely."

"Darian is dead," he interrupted. Quickly, and concisely, he explained what the party had encountered.


"A soldier?"

"He said something strange—it was quiet, right before he died," the boy tried to recall the soldier's last words. "Something about a prophecy... and a king. He said that he was a herald, I think."

Pale-faced, and with lifeless eyes, he stared at the group. "King Modgul Frostblade," he muttered.

"Who?" Morningstar asked.

The advisors had gone eerily silent. The elder rushed to the back of a room, mumbling to himself as he scavenged a wide bookshelf. He hummed, pulling from it a thick, old brown tome. He blew dust from the cover and placed it down on his desk, flipping through pages erratically. "A plague on Snowfrost's history. King Modgul Frostblade. Here," he arrived at the passage and read to them an old folktale.

"Two hundred years ago, there was a tyrant king. He ruled with absolute authority and dominance, executing anyone who dared oppose him. Through the cruelty of forced labor, bordering on the people's slavery, he built a magnificent castle on a nearby mountainside. He intended to storm the labyrinth and slay the Snowmaw with an entire army of soldiers, and an equally large force of sacrificial slaves at his command."

"Eventually, one man rose up and rallied the people, encouraging them to revolt against the tyrant king. United behind his leadership, they challenged the king's forces, inciting a multi-day battle that would end in the people's victory. In the end, the tyrant king was forced to retreat. He and his army hid behind his castle walls, defeated. For months after, a blizzard grew over the fortress, gradually overtaking it until the king and his army were frozen forever in time. The people rejoiced and began a new, peaceful life without a tyrant king, chief or ruler. It has been said that the king and his forces live on today—forever trapped in their castle, buried beneath ice and snow."

Huffing and puffing, a guard swung open the office door. "Our scouts have returned! Their reports confirm the identity of the approaching army! The soldiers are chanting, 'for King Frostblade!'"


 | Lv. 68 >> P. 35, Lv. 33
 | Status: [ // ]


  Hide contents

Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 118/118 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V


  • Dying Sun
  • Inner Focus
  • Sapphire

battle-ready inventory

  • Magdalyn's Cuckoo


  Hide contents

mod count: 4/5

    • precision, stamina, ferocity
    • shift: aoe
    • precision
  • SEARCHING | RANK 4/5 (5)
    • night vision, detect, tracking, reveal

extra (active)



  Hide contents


  • | #


  1. #
  2. #


  • Lv. 5 | Gain additional col equivalent to 15% of EXP earned in that thread.
  • Lv. 10 | +1 LD to looting.

sword arts

  Hide contents

en cost matches multiplier unless stated otherwise. shift underlined.

  • ST | x12 -> x15 | x20
  • AOE | x15 -> x18
  • TECH-A | x12 | STUN | 13EN
  • TECH-B | x12 | DELAY
  • TECH-D | x12 | SHATTER
  • TECH-F | x8 | AOE STUN
  • TECH-G | x12 | BURN

misc/housing buffs

  Hide contents
  • Dimensional Backpack | +2 Battle-Ready Inventory Slots.
  • Well Rested | -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat.
  • Squeaky Clean | The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down).
  • Filling | Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  • Tasty | Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
  • Relaxed | Increases out-of-combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  • Multipurpose | Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.
  • Skylight (Searching) | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. 


  • #





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Acanthus hadn’t expected the next part of the quest to be so sudden. The festival was in a state of disarray when they returned. Levi caught the village elder up to date.

When she heard about the impending army, Acanthus’ face paled. “Are we really expected to hold off an entire army on our own? Will the villagers at least be able to help?”

They were no help at all. Acanthus found herself on the outskirts of town, ferrying timber to construct a wooden wall, raging against the weather and the do-nothing people of the town. They’re just NPCs, she thought bitterly. Blame the person that programmed them to not fight.

At least some of them were helping her build the exterior wooden wall. She thought it would be the most prudent defense to construct first, but her attempts were frustrated by the cold. She was ineffective at coordinating the people helping her, and she knew next to nothing about engineering. And on top of all of this, we’re fighting an army. She found it hard to keep her spirits up.




Acanthus | Lvl 39 (33/6) T4 | HP: 700/700 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | REC: 4 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:5
Gathering Stats:

  • Forager Rank 5
  • Greenhouse: +2 EXP/Gathering Attempt. +1 LD & CD to gathering rolls.


Ajisai | T4 Bastard Sword | BLD 1 | PARA 2
Resilient Thistle | T4 Light Armor | MIT 2 | REC 1
Vow of Return | Trinket | ACC 3


  • Straight Sword R5
    • Addon: Focus
    • Addon: Precision
  • Light Armor R5
    • Addon: Resolve
    • Mod: Meticulous
  • Searching R5
    • Mod: Night Vision
  • Hiding R4
  • First Aid R1
  • <<Survival>>
  • <<Assault Mode>>

Combat Mastery: Damage R3
TECH Shift

Battle-Ready Inventory

  1. Locating Charm (LD 3)
  2. Nothing else (if she dies, she dies)

Consumables Used

  • None.



Post Action: Build Wooden Wall
232535 | CD 1. Fail.


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He'd tagged along for the rest of the quests, too. They returned to find the town of Snowfrost in a state of disarray. It was interesting to see how quickly the atmosphere could change -- change the set piece, set the tone. Pinball wasn't interested in the exposition. What was the goal? It seemed like they were meant to defend the town. Building fortifications wasn't something he'd ever had to do in SAO -- so when the group dispersed, setting themselves to the task, Pinball lingered behind and watched. The guards didn't seem to care about his presence. More pressing matters at hand, he supposed.

Acanthus seemed to immediately go for the wall. That was probably their best bet. There were no defenses without a wall. She seemed to struggle gathering workers, and found herself ferrying timber to the wall on her own. That wouldn't do. Pinball grabbed one of the workers by the shirt collar and pulled them in. He whispered a few words to him. 

Within moments, the workers were riled up and helping Acanthus get that timber to the outskirts of town. Citizens shouted orders, plans were established and put into motion, and in just a few minutes, there were men and women working on getting that wall put up as soon as possible. 



Post Action: Build Wooden Wall
ID#233265 CD: 10 (Success) 

Wooden Wall: 500 HP * (Players participating) that must
be reduced to 0 before the Town can
be targeted.


Pinball: 860/860 HP | 122/122 EN | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BH: 37 | LD: 6 

Level: 33 (Paragon Level 43)
Health: 840 | Energy: 120
DMG: 20  | ACC: 5  | EVA: 4  | BH: 37 | LD: 6 
Shift: Tech


Combat Skills:
► Battle Healing [22/30]
► Energist [8/8]
► Combat Mastery: Damage [13/13]

Weapon Skills:
► Thrown Weapons [30/30] 
    Add Ons: 

Utility Skills:
► Quick Change [8/8] 
► Searching: [22/30] -> (Skylight: R5) 

Extra Skills:
► Disguise
► Survival
► Forgotten King’s Authority 
► Hiding [30/30]

Familiar Skill: 
► Rending Familiar [10/10]

Armor Skills:
► Unhindered 

► Sneak Attack: Trickster 
► Vanish 
► Tracking
► Untraceable

► +1 LD to Looting, Searching for/Opening Treasure Chests (Paragon) 
► Earn Col Equivalent to 15% of player’s EXP earned in a thread (Paragon) 

»[Equipped] [Demonic] Cold Fervor: +2 Freeze, Phase, Cursed 
»[Equipped] [Perfect] Warrior’s Focus: +3 ACC
»[Equipped] [Perfect] Black Cloak: +3 EVA 

Battle Ready: 
» [Soundtrack] Sound of the Wild {Instant Incarcerate} 
» [2x] Teleportation Crystal 
» [2x] Lacrimosa - HP Recovery III Crystal {Instant}
» [Demonic TW] Hellfire: Burn, Bleed, Blight, Static
» [Demonic TW] Astral Blade: Holy, Fallen, Phase, Damage
» [Uncommon TW] Tyrfing: Absolute Accuracy 
» [Perfect Cloth] Cloak of the Harbingers: +3 LD 

Housing Buffs: 
Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
Relaxed: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Item Stash: +1 BR Slot 
Skylight (Searching): +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cannot boost a skill without ranks, or increase a skill past its maximum rank. Cannot boost a skill the user has not learned yet. Ranks obtained using this buff will make the mods of that rank available for purchase. Mods obtained this way are unusable if this buff is removed until the skill is returned to the appropriate rank by way of SP purchase.
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt 


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As they left, the elder called to them. Morningstar turned, last in earshot of the man. His message was succinct, and from the heart. "Thank you."

Star gave a nod before rejoining his party. They had already gotten to work on fortifying defenses, beginning with building wooden walls. Somehow, Pinball had rallied dozens of workers to help with their efforts. It would have taken them all day had they done it alone. Star was grateful.

He got to work. Tools had been supplied by the town, helpful for a player like Morningstar who wasn't prone to carrying around hammers in his inventory. A villager lent him a handsaw, and he burned through planks of wood like they were nothing. From one villager to another, they were passed along like one big assembly line. Walls were going up quickly, and Morningstar could only hope they would hold long enough for them to wipe out the army.


Post Action: Build Wooden Wall
ID#233746 CD: 10 (Success) 

Total Wall HP: 3000


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When she saw Pinball wrangling the villagers to help, she nearly slapped herself. Of course she should have been using them. She flagged down a group of workers as they raised lumber and logs into place. She didn’t have much experience directing people—mostly just interns from work. And interns were a lot more pliable than rough villagers.

“This lumber isn’t going to work for walls,” Acanthus told them. “See the warp in the grain? It’ll split quickly if too much pressure gets applied. One push from the Night King’s army and there’s a breach in our defenses.” She tried to sound confident, but everything she knew about lumber came from old carpentry stories her grandfather had shared. Hopefully the game could course correct any glaring issues.

“So then what should we do with all these bits of wood?" A vaguely devilish grin flashed across her face. “Simple, if the wood wants to break, let it. Take these pieces around to the front of the wall. Sharpen them.”


Post Action: Build Wall Me so silly, let's build some sharpened stakes
233570 | CD 10. Success!


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The villagers were hard at work. Morningstar seemed to follow suit, directing the villagers on their tasks and pitching in himself. They'd formed what looked like a giant assembly line, with the sole task of erecting a wall around Snowfrost. Good. A wall was the most important part. Pinball walked through the town like a shade. His attention finally fell on Acanthus, who was directing a second group of villagers on something new. Wooden stakes... interesting. The villagers seemed confused, but having been whipped into shape, they began putting their best efforts towards following Acanthus's directions to the letter. 

Still, though, some lingered, looking like lost puppies. They'd been within earshot of Acanthus's instructions. Had they just been out of range, or were they just a particularly lazy bunch? Pinball whistled at them, and their heads shot up, suddenly alert. "You heard her. Go." 

Almost immediately, their expressions soured. The leader, a big man wearing no shirt despite the freezing temperatures, sneered at him. The others began to laugh. They were laughing? At what? Him? 

Pinball tilted his head, his expression unreadable. 

He had the sudden, disturbing thought that they'd look a lot better eyeless.


Post Action: Build STAKES
233755 | CD 6 (Fail) 

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Morningstar eyed the group of laughing villagers. "Whatever. It's their village, not ours. Ignore 'em, if you can."

He moved on from wall duty to stake duty on Acanthus' order, but the bits of wood he was left with were basically worthless. They were thin, one step up from twigs, and he was pretty sure they would snap if someone were to step on them. Still, he worked diligently at his task, and contributed what he could to the stake stash.

"Hey, we have any shovels? Maybe we can dig trenches around the walls and put the stakes behind them to stop people from jumping over."

A villager nodded, pulled a long shovel from a bin and tossed it Star's way. "Nice," he grinned, jogging lightly over to the town's gate. They guards opened it briefly to allow for a small number of them to leave, before sealing up again.


Post Action: Build Sharpened Stakes
ID#233802 CD: 4 (Failed) 

+30 Thorns added to the Town. This will apply on non-critical attacks made by the Soldiers toward the Town, even if attacking the Wooden Wall.


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The villagers were strangely lazy in preparing their own town. Were they simply programmed not to care that they were about to die? Their shirtless leader seemed to be that way. For Pinball and Morningstar's helpful suggestions, all they received from the villagers was scorn. And it all seemed in part because of the shirtless man. He exuded some kind of devil-may-care aura that inspired the workers to slack off.  It reminded her of one of the foreign exchange interns they had. Tyler Chadwassel. Just the thought of his obnoxious laugh made her blood boil. He was a good-for-nothing idiot that had the misfortune of dragging the other interns down with him, convincing them to skip work, or half-ass their assignments. This shirtless bastard was just another Tyler. Well, she would deal with him just like Tyler.

She stormed up to the buffoon. "You there. I don't suppose you can do anything better to do than to stand around shirtless in some facsimile of productivity?” The man blinked, uncertain what to make of the comment. “Pinball is trying to help you fight back and you—what, you’re laughing at him?” The man’s sneer turned into a smirk, staring down his nose at the scrawny girl trying to berate him. He began to laugh.

“That’s fine.” She began to walk away, but stopped.

“It’s your lives on the line, not mine,” she said coldly. You think that this matters to me? I’m here with two people that could probably wipe out the army on their own. We’re not in any danger. You know who is? You are. And your wives, and your children. You *villagers* are the ones without swords in your hands. Every wall that isn’t built, every trap that isn’t dug, WE aren’t the ones suffering. You are.” The man’s smirk was gone. There was anger, maybe some reluctance; but the disregard was gone. Acanthus bent over to grab a shovel, and she tossed it roughly to the man. “So go and dig. If the trench isn’t big enough, then it will serve as a grave.”

Take that, Tyler.


Post Action: Build Trench
233824 | CD 12. Success! Trench partially constructed.


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Acanthus jumped in, seemingly saving the villagers from themselves. Pinball didn't move much, or even react when Acanthus hopped into the conversation and started giving them an earful. He just stood there. When the shame seemed to finally set in, and they all started making their way over to the village's outskirts to help the efforts in its defense, Pinball watched them go. Only then did he finally take his eyes off of them. He glanced at Acanthus and shrugged. What are you gonna do? Pinball went back to work. 

The villagers seemed easier to convince going forward. Whatever able-bodied villagers that weren't working already were easily convinced to join their fellows in the village's fortification. Pinball didn't even have to speak much, thankfully. He wandered through the village, gathering whatever NPCs seemed capable or willing, and directed them to the outskirts where they were to continue building the trench. 


Building Trench -> 
234233 | CD: 9 (Success) 

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Woah. This was Star's first time seeing Acanthus take control like that. She was kind of cool. He went back to work after she finished up berating the villagers. Now, he was working on digging trenches. Thanks to a random worker, he had a shovel to make the work a little easier. He was very much opposed to digging with his hands. The town, surrounded by spike-filled trenches, was ready for battle. Their time was perfect, too. The army approached.

Villagers joined the guards, brandishing old swords, pitchforks, and whatever else they could get their hands on. Star climbed atop the gate to look out at the soldiers that marched towards them. Perched upon any icy cliffside, he spotted their general, watching and commanding from afar. "Never fought an army before," he shouted down to his party.

The gates opened, and the underprepared forces of Snowfrost spilled out. The assault began.


Building Trench -> 
234514 | CD: 9 (Success) 

+3 EVA to Town on first attack.

Snowfrost | HP: 15,000/15,000 | Wooden Wall: 3,000/3,000


  • Wooden Wall | Snowfrost has a 3,000 HP shield. Wooden Wall must be reduced to 0 before Snowfall can be targeted.
  • Trench | Snowfrost gains +3 EVA the first time it is attacked.
  • Sharpened Stakes | Snowfrost gains +30 Thorns. This will apply on non-critical attacks made by the Soldiers toward the Town, even if attacking the Wooden Wall.
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Acanthus stopped mid-scoop. Shouldn’t they have more time? There should have been more time! Throwing the shovel over her shoulder, she ran up the makeshift battlement to view the army.

A legion of frostbitten warriors marched toward the gate in unison. Throwing themselves up against the wooden walls, they threatened to break in almost immediately.

She processed what Morningstar said. “Wait. We’re fighting the whole army? I really thought it was a ‘defeat the champion and they retreat’ situation.” She paled. “We’re fighting the whole army?” The mass of bodies railed against the walls of Snowfrost. “... All of them?”

They were going to be here for a while.

Moving down to the frontlines, she drew Meteor and met the vanguard head on. She did her best to appear brave for the NPCs at the front. But as the bodies spilled through the gate, she had to fight herself to avoid the surprised squeak. The army seemed much bigger without the bird’s eye view.



Acanthus | Lvl 39 (33/6) T4 | HP: 700/700 | EN: 65/84 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | REC: 4 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:5
Pinball | 860/860 HP | 122/122 EN | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BH: 37 | LD: 6 
Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 118/118 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V

<<Snowfrost>> | HP: 15,000/15,000 | Wooden Wall: 3,000/3,000

Wooden Wall | Snowfrost has a 3,000 HP shield. Wooden Wall must be reduced to 0 before Snowfall can be targeted.
Trench | Snowfrost gains +3 EVA the first time it is attacked.
Sharpened Stakes | Snowfrost gains +30 Thorns. This will apply on non-critical attacks made by the Soldiers toward the Town, even if attacking the Wooden Wall.

Combat Begins!

Mounted Combat | Blue Snow Captain Strikes first.
Blue Snow Captain -> Town. 235067. MD 5 + 1 - 3 = 3. Miss.

Post Action: TECH-F -> Blue Snow Captain, Blue Snow Soldiers 1–3 (-19 EN)
234758 | BD 10. Major Critical! 23 * 12 = 276 - 50 = 226 damage. Bleed Applied! Paralyzed.
234759 | BD 10. Major Critical! 23 * 12 =  276 damage. Bleed Applied! Paralyzed.
234760 | BD 10. Major Critical! 23 * 12 = 276 damage. Bleed Applied! Paralyzed.
234761 | BD 1. Critical Miss.

Wave One - Blue Squadron
Blue Snow Captain | HP: 274/500 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 | Paralyzed, BLD 48 [0/2]
Blue Snow Soldier 1 | HP: 74/350 | DMG: 125 | Paralyzed, BLD 48 [0/2]
Blue Snow Soldier 2 | HP: 74/350 | DMG: 125 | Paralyzed, BLD 48 [0/2]
Blue Snow Soldier 3 | HP: 350/350 | DMG: 125
Blue Snow Soldier 4 | HP: 350/350 | DMG: 125
Blue Snow Soldier 5 | HP: 350/350 | DMG: 125

Snow Soldier Abilities
| Even if Howl is used, if there are squadrons not engaged in combat with the players, they will attempt to attack the town itself whenever possible. Aiming to break building supports, throw torches into the structures to burn them down, etc. Players can use the block mod <<Mark>> to protect the town from a squadron's assault, but only 1 squad can be affected per use of <<Mark>>.

Snow Captain Abilities
Mounted Combat
| While riding their steed, Frost Captains will have +1 ACC. Additionally, the Frost Captain's first attack is always rolled first before the players, before reverting to normal battle rotation rules. The Horse has 250 HP and if killed this ability is negated.
Rallying Leader | Frost Captains will always give a +1 bonus to ACC to their squadron. Should the Frost Captain die this ability is negated for that Captain's specified squadron. (Bonus applies to attacks on the town.)
Priorities | If their squadron drops below 3 soldiers, or if their squadron is not engaged in combat with any players, the Frost Captain will attack the town. Instead of throwing regular torches however, they will open a lantern on their belt and light it with the blue flame inside. This flame freezes everything it touches rather than burning it up. They will use these torches on the town when attacking.



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The horns sounded, tools were dropped, and villagers ran for cover. It looks like they'd run out of time -- the attack was starting sooner than they'd thought. Pinball watched as on the horizon, a veritable army of frostbitten soldiers marched on Snowfrost, each led by a mounted captain. Despite himself, Pinball whistled. That was a lot of mobs. He flicked a pair of blades into his palms and vanished. 

He wasn't sure what the best way to handle these waves was going to be. Should they split up? He wasn't sure. He wanted to protect Snowfrost. He knew that if you were able to, you'd get extra experience for it. He didn't care about the virtual village; if it was destroyed, it'd be repaired tomorrow, and the villagers would be none the wiser for it. He appeared from the shadows and unleashed a hailstorm of blades on the soldiers below him. The ones Acanthus hadn't touched. One by one, they were frozen in place. He called out to Morningstar. 

"Split up?" 



Acanthus | Lvl 39 (33/6) T4 | HP: 700/700 | EN: 65/84 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | REC: 4 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:5
Pinball | 860/860 HP | 93/122 EN | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BH: 37 | LD: 6 | 8-10/64 FRZ | PHASE 
Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 118/118 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V

<<Snowfrost>> | HP: 15,000/15,000 | Wooden Wall: 3,000/3,000

Wooden Wall | Snowfrost has a 3,000 HP shield. Wooden Wall must be reduced to 0 before Snowfall can be targeted.
Trench | Snowfrost gains +3 EVA the first time it is attacked.
Sharpened Stakes | Snowfrost gains +30 Thorns. This will apply on non-critical attacks made by the Soldiers toward the Town, even if attacking the Wooden Wall.

Free Action: Vanish (-5 EN) | 235496 | LD: 3+6+1 (Multipurpose) = 10 Stealth Rating 
Post Action: TECH-F -> Blue Snow Captain, Blue Snow Soldiers 3-5 (-16 EN) {Well Rested} 
Surprise Attack, Trickster (-8 EN) 
Blue Snow Captain | 235492 | BD: 5 (Hit) -->  20*12= 240/2= 120-50= 70 DMG, Status Effects Applied
Blue Snow Soldier 3 | 235493 | BD: 2 (Hit) -> 20*12= 240/2= 120 DMG, Status Effects Applied
Blue Snow Soldier 4 | 235494 | BD: 5 (Hit) -> 20*12= 240/2= 120 DMG, Status Effects Applied
Blue Snow Soldier 5 | 235495 | BD: 6 (Hit) -> 20*12= 240/2= 120 DMG, Status Effects Applied

Wave One - Blue Squadron
Blue Snow Captain | HP: 204/500 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 | Paralyzed, BLD 48 [0/2] [FRZN: 64]
Blue Snow Soldier 1 | HP: 74/350 | DMG: 125 | Paralyzed, BLD 48 [0/2] 
Blue Snow Soldier 2 | HP: 74/350 | DMG: 125 | Paralyzed, BLD 48 [0/2]
Blue Snow Soldier 3 | HP: 230/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64]
Blue Snow Soldier 4 | HP: 230/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64]
Blue Snow Soldier 5 | HP: 230/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64]

Snow Soldier Abilities
| Even if Howl is used, if there are squadrons not engaged in combat with the players, they will attempt to attack the town itself whenever possible. Aiming to break building supports, throw torches into the structures to burn them down, etc. Players can use the block mod <<Mark>> to protect the town from a squadron's assault, but only 1 squad can be affected per use of <<Mark>>.

Snow Captain Abilities
Mounted Combat 
| While riding their steed, Frost Captains will have +1 ACC. Additionally, the Frost Captain's first attack is always rolled first before the players, before reverting to normal battle rotation rules. The Horse has 250 HP and if killed this ability is negated.
Rallying Leader | Frost Captains will always give a +1 bonus to ACC to their squadron. Should the Frost Captain die this ability is negated for that Captain's specified squadron. (Bonus applies to attacks on the town.)
Priorities | If their squadron drops below 3 soldiers, or if their squadron is not engaged in combat with any players, the Frost Captain will attack the town. Instead of throwing regular torches however, they will open a lantern on their belt and light it with the blue flame inside. This flame freezes everything it touches rather than burning it up. They will use these torches on the town when attacking.


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Star ripped through the body of a snow soldier, but when it crumpled to the ground, mangled, his attention was elsewhere. Acanthus was surprisingly agile, moving in and stunning a handful of the closest wave. "Yeah, split up. Keep them away from the walls as much as you can. The villagers probably won't be able to help much. We're sort of on our own."

He tore left, darting around an impaled villager and crashing into the soldier that dealt the blow. He twirled his blade, slicing through the soldier's forearm and then again across his chest. Another tried creeping up from behind, but the crunching of snow betrayed him. Star spun, smacking the mob square in the face, followed by a few quick swings of his longsword. 

The wave's captain caught his eye. Upon an armored steed, the axe-wielding warrior shouted orders at his dwindling platoon. Morningstar sped towards him, lunging and cutting his head clean from his shoulders. With their leader dead, the wave would fall.

American Snowfrost sniper Levi loaded his slingshot. He drew it back as far as he could, and launched a rock into the face of a snow soldier.



the all black threw me off but i'm keeping it :sob:

Acanthus | Lvl 39 (33/6) T4 | HP: 700/700 | EN: 65/84 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | REC: 4 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:5
Pinball | 860/860 HP | 93/122 EN | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BH: 37 | LD: 6 | 8-10/64 FRZ | PHASE 
Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 118/118 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V
Levi | this guy doesn't have stats but he does have a slingshot!


  • Sling Shot | Once again Levi uses a slingshot in the fight, choosing to target the Snow Soldiers first, Captains second, and the General last. He will always attack soldiers assaulting the town before all else. His attacks reduce his target's ACC by -1 and can only target one enemy at a time. Requires 1 post to reload.

<<Snowfrost>> | HP: 15,000/15,000 | Wooden Wall: 3,000/3,000

Wooden Wall | Snowfrost has a 3,000 HP shield. Wooden Wall must be reduced to 0 before Snowfall can be targeted.
Trench | Snowfrost gains +3 EVA the first time it is attacked.
Sharpened Stakes | Snowfrost gains +30 Thorns. This will apply on non-critical attacks made by the Soldiers toward the Town, even if attacking the Wooden Wall.

Post Action: AOE-I -> Blue Snow Captain, Blue Snow Soldiers 3-5 (-18 EN) {Stamina; Well Rested} 
Blue Snow Captain | 235563 | BD: 10 (Crit +2)-->  24*15= 360-50= 310 DMG
Blue Snow Soldier 3 | 235493 | BD: 7+5 (Hit) -> 22+16*15= 570 DMG
Blue Snow Soldier 4 | 235494 | BD: 7+5 (Hit) -> 22+16*15= 570 DMG
Blue Snow Soldier 5 | 235495 | BD: 5+5 (Hit) -> 22*15= 330 DMG

Levi attacks Blue Snow Soldier 1 | 235882 | BD: 10 | -1 ACC -> Blue Snow Soldier 1

Blue Snow Soldier 1-2 take 48 BLD DMG

Wave One - Blue Squadron
Blue Snow Captain | HP: 0/500 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 | Paralyzed, BLD 48 [0/2] [FRZN: 64]
Blue Snow Soldier 1 | HP: 26/350 | DMG: 125 | ACC: -1 | Paralyzed, BLD 48 [0/2] 
Blue Snow Soldier 2 | HP: 26/350 | DMG: 125 | Paralyzed, BLD 48 [0/2]
Blue Snow Soldier 3 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64]
Blue Snow Soldier 4 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64]
Blue Snow Soldier 5 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64]

Snow Soldier Abilities
| Even if Howl is used, if there are squadrons not engaged in combat with the players, they will attempt to attack the town itself whenever possible. Aiming to break building supports, throw torches into the structures to burn them down, etc. Players can use the block mod <<Mark>> to protect the town from a squadron's assault, but only 1 squad can be affected per use of <<Mark>>.

Snow Captain Abilities
Mounted Combat 
| While riding their steed, Frost Captains will have +1 ACC. Additionally, the Frost Captain's first attack is always rolled first before the players, before reverting to normal battle rotation rules. The Horse has 250 HP and if killed this ability is negated.
Rallying Leader | Frost Captains will always give a +1 bonus to ACC to their squadron. Should the Frost Captain die this ability is negated for that Captain's specified squadron. (Bonus applies to attacks on the town.)
Priorities | If their squadron drops below 3 soldiers, or if their squadron is not engaged in combat with any players, the Frost Captain will attack the town. Instead of throwing regular torches however, they will open a lantern on their belt and light it with the blue flame inside. This flame freezes everything it touches rather than burning it up. They will use these torches on the town when attacking.

Looting Blue Snow Captain:

ID: 235567 LD: 7+6=13 CD: 3
1,500 col | 500*3
4 materials
T4 Rare Trinket 235567

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"We're sort of on our own." A stone whizzed by, denting the helmet of a soldier. Levi stood behind them, knees nearly knocking from a mixture of cold, fear, and adrenaline. “Sort of,” Acanthus responded. She considered saying something dismissive of the boy, but the strike was solid. And at least he was trying. Following up on his momentum, she fought through the melee to reach the affected soldier and struck him down quickly. She looked back to finish off the group, and was surprised to find that none were left standing. The three of them had made fairly short work of the enemies. “That actually wasn’t so bad,” said Acanthus. And then the second wave appeared on the horizon. And a third. And fourth.

Acanthus took a moment to catch her breath. “Morningstar, you’ve done this quest before. How much of this infinite army do we have to fight again? We’re about halfway through, right?... Right?”



the all black threw me off but i'm keeping it :sob: (hell yea dark mode I'm keeping it too)

Acanthus | Lvl 39 (33/6) T4 | HP: 700/700 | EN: 50/84 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | REC: 4 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:5
Pinball | 860/860 HP | 93/122 EN | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BH: 37 | LD: 6 | 8-10/64 FRZ | PHASE 
Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 118/118 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V
Levi | this guy doesn't have stats but he does have a slingshot!


  • Sling Shot | Once again Levi uses a slingshot in the fight, choosing to target the Snow Soldiers first, Captains second, and the General last. He will always attack soldiers assaulting the town before all else. His attacks reduce his target's ACC by -1 and can only target one enemy at a time. Requires 1 post to reload.

<<Snowfrost>> | HP: 15,000/15,000 | Wooden Wall: 3,000/3,000

Wooden Wall | Snowfrost has a 3,000 HP shield. Wooden Wall must be reduced to 0 before Snowfall can be targeted.
Trench | Snowfrost gains +3 EVA the first time it is attacked.
Sharpened Stakes | Snowfrost gains +30 Thorns. This will apply on non-critical attacks made by the Soldiers toward the Town, even if attacking the Wooden Wall.

Snow Captain Attacks first. 235921 | MD 2 + 1 | Miss.

Recovery. 235925 | CD 5. +4 EN

Post Action: TECH-F -> White Snow Captain, Blue Snow Soldiers 1–3 (-19 EN) (I'm about to call bankruptcy on this formatting, it's getting whack)
235921 | BD 9. Minor Critical! 22 * 12 = 264 - 50 = 214 damage. Bleed Applied! Paralyzed.
235922 | BD 1. Critical Miss.
235923 | BD 3 + 7. Hit! 21 * 12 = 252 damage. Stunned.
235924 | BD 4 + 7. Hit! 21 * 12 = 252 damage. Stunned.
Wave One - Blue Squadron (Not the current wave; see below)
Blue Snow Captain | HP: 0/500 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 | Paralyzed, BLD 48 [0/2] [FRZN: 64]
Blue Snow Soldier 1 | HP: 26/350 | DMG: 125 | ACC: -1 | BLD 48 [1/2] 
Blue Snow Soldier 2 | HP: 26/350 | DMG: 125 | BLD 48 [1/2]
Blue Snow Soldier 3 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64]
Blue Snow Soldier 4 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64]
Blue Snow Soldier 5 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64]

Note: I'm going to go ahead and spawn in the next wave. The only two soldiers left will bleed out before they can take any actions, and if we have to wait a full round for that I will reach outside the game unplug my own life support (this is a joke) (also Morningstar said it was ok, I swear I asked first)

Wave Two - White Squadron
White Snow Captain | HP286/500 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 | [BLD 48 0/2] [Paralyzed]
White Snow Soldier 1 | HP: 350/350 | DMG: 125
White Snow Soldier 2 | HP: 98/350 | DMG: 125 [Stunned]
White Snow Soldier 3 | HP: 98/350 | DMG: 125 [Stunned]
White Snow Soldier 4 | HP: 350/350 | DMG: 125
White Snow Soldier 5 | HP: 350/350 | DMG: 125 



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They'd made it through the first attack squad well enough, and they weren't at all in bad shape in terms of health and energy. That was a good thing. The soldiers seemed much more concerned with breaking through the town's defenses and razing it to the ground than actually fighting back against them. That was also a good thing? Regardless, hey were doing a good job of keeping the soldiers incapacitated. Stunned, paralyzed, frozen; whatever worked. He was thankful that the army opted to attack in waves instead of deploying in full force. Another one of reality's reminders, undoubtedly. Had they minds of their own, it wouldn't have taken them long to realize that the town's sole defenders were just three lightly armed goobers. 

Pinball counted up the waves as best he could. "Not even close yet," he sighed. There were quite a few soldiers they were going to have to work through before it was over. 



calling it quits on dark mode, guys. the pretty formatting had to bite the bullet too unfortunately

Acanthus | Lvl 39 (33/6) T4 | HP: 700/700 | EN: 50/84 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | REC: 4 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:5
Pinball | 860/860 HP | 81/122 EN | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BH: 37 | LD: 6 | 8-10/64 FRZ | PHASE 
Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 118/118 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V
Levi | this guy doesn't have stats but he does have a slingshot!

Sling Shot | Once again Levi uses a slingshot in the fight, choosing to target the Snow Soldiers first, Captains second, and the General last. He will always attack soldiers assaulting the town before all else. His attacks reduce his target's ACC by -1 and can only target one enemy at a time. Requires 1 post to reload.
<<Snowfrost>> | HP: 15,000/15,000 | Wooden Wall: 3,000/3,000

Wooden Wall | Snowfrost has a 3,000 HP shield. Wooden Wall must be reduced to 0 before Snowfall can be targeted.
Trench | Snowfrost gains +3 EVA the first time it is attacked.
Sharpened Stakes | Snowfrost gains +30 Thorns. This will apply on non-critical attacks made by the Soldiers toward the Town, even if attacking the Wooden Wall.

POST ACTION: [TECH-F] {Well Rested} [-16 EN]
237143 | WSS 1 | BD: 10 - 23*12= 276 DMG + FREEZE 
237144 | WSS 2 | BD: 2+4 - 20*12= 240 DMG 
237145 | WSS 3 | BD: 9 - 22*12= 264 DMG + FREEZE 
237146 | WSS 4 | BD: 2+4 - 20*12= 240 DMG
Wave One - Blue Squadron (Not the current wave; see below)
Blue Snow Captain | HP: 0/500 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 | Paralyzed, BLD 48 [0/2] [FRZN: 64]
Blue Snow Soldier 1 | HP: 26/350 | DMG: 125 | ACC: -1 | BLD 48 [1/2] 
Blue Snow Soldier 2 | HP: 26/350 | DMG: 125 | BLD 48 [1/2]
Blue Snow Soldier 3 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64]
Blue Snow Soldier 4 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64]
Blue Snow Soldier 5 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64]

Wave Two - White Squadron
White Snow Captain | HP: 286/500 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 | [BLD 48 0/2] [Paralyzed]
White Snow Soldier 1 | HP: 74/350 | DMG: 125 [Stunned] [FRZN: 64] 
White Snow Soldier 2 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [Stunned]
White Snow Soldier 3 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [Stunned]

White Snow Soldier 4 | HP: 110/350 | DMG: 125 [Stunned] 
White Snow Soldier 5 | HP: 350/350 | DMG: 125 


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  • 1 month later...

"I've actually never made it this far," Morningstar admitted. The last time he had attempted the quest, he chose to stop after defeating the soldier in the woods. Between sentences, he scuffled with soldiers. "Just pretend like this is fun," he told Acanthus.

He grimaced as a pitchfork-wielding villager was cut through and quickly moved to shut down the attacker. An onslaught of soldiers charged the town, prepared to lay down their lives for the sake of destruction. Morningstar struck the closest of three before rotating to stop the next. They battled, trading quick and precise blows before finally Morningstar ended the soldier. The last slipped past him and attacked the village.

The flame of a burning torch touched the wooden wall they had built, setting it ablaze.


Morningstar rushed towards the growing fire, knocking down the soldier on the way. He smothered it with snow, the damage negligible in the grand scheme of things.


Acanthus | Lvl 39 (33/6) T4 | HP: 700/700 | EN: 50/84 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | REC: 4 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:5
Pinball | 860/860 HP | 81/122 EN | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BH: 37 | LD: 6 | 8-10/64 FRZ | PHASE 
Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 94/118 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V
Levi | this guy doesn't have stats but he does have a slingshot!

Sling Shot | Once again Levi uses a slingshot in the fight, choosing to target the Snow Soldiers first, Captains second, and the General last. He will always attack soldiers assaulting the town before all else. His attacks reduce his target's ACC by -1 and can only target one enemy at a time. Requires 1 post to reload.
<<Snowfrost>> | HP: 15,000/15,000 | Wooden Wall: 2,875/3,000

Wooden Wall | Snowfrost has a 3,000 HP shield. Wooden Wall must be reduced to 0 before Snowfall can be targeted.
Trench | Snowfrost gains +3 EVA the first time it is attacked.
Sharpened Stakes | Snowfrost gains +30 Thorns. This will apply on non-critical attacks made by the Soldiers toward the Town, even if attacking the Wooden Wall.

Blue Snow Soldier 1-2 die to bleed.

Morningstar gains +4 EN
Recovery: ID238657 CD12 | +8 EN

POST ACTION:  AOE-I -> White Snow Captain, White Snow Soldiers 1,4,5 (-18 EN) {Stamina; Well Rested} 
238658 | WSC | BD: 6 - 22+16*15= 570 DMG
238659 | WSS 1 | BD: 3 - 22*15= 330 DMG 
238661 | WSS 4| BD: 5 - 22*15= 330 DMG  
238662 | WSS 5 | BD: 4 - 22*15= 330 DMG 

White Snow Soldier 5 attacks Snowfrost
238662 | MD10 | 125 DMG

Wave One - Blue Squadron (Not the current wave; see below)
Blue Snow Soldier 1 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 | ACC: -1 | BLD 48 [1/2] 
Blue Snow Soldier 2 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 | BLD 48 [1/2]

Wave Two - White Squadron
White Snow Captain | HP: 0/500 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 | [BLD 48 0/2] [Paralyzed]
White Snow Soldier 1 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [Stunned] [FRZN: 64] 
White Snow Soldier 4 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [Stunned] 

White Snow Soldier 5 | HP: 20/350 | DMG: 125 


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“Hold on, did you—I thought you—” She impaled the last White Snow Soldier with a little more strength than she meant to and ended up wrist deep in frozen entrails. “Hm,” was the most constructive response she could manage at this point. “That does change things a little.”

With an awful squelch, she retrieved her blade from the soldier’s belly. Wiping her hands on the edges of her tunic, she merely succeeded at spreading foul-smelling liquid all over herself. Morningstar suggested pretending that she was having a good time, so she put on her best efforts. “This is fun,” she said in a flat tone. “I am manifesting the fun right now.”

To tell the truth, she could have imagined worse places to be and worse things to be doing. They were cutting through the hordes easily, and the walls of Snowfrost stood strong. Acanthus would take monotony as an enemy over uncertainty any day. “Maybe we could make a game out of it?” Acanthus suggested. “We could wager col on who kills the most soldiers. Or maybe just the last soldier,” she quickly said, looking at the piles around Pinball and Morningstar. “Losers also have to drink the worst thing Oz has on tap.”


Acanthus | Lvl 39 (33/6) T4 | HP: 700/700 | EN: 46/84 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | REC: 4 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:5
Pinball | 860/860 HP | 81/122 EN | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BH: 37 | LD: 6 | 8-10/64 FRZ | PHASE 
Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 94/118 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V
Levi | No stats, just mascot-coded

Sling Shot | Once again Levi uses a slingshot in the fight, choosing to target the Snow Soldiers first, Captains second, and the General last. He will always attack soldiers assaulting the town before all else. His attacks reduce his target's ACC by -1 and can only target one enemy at a time. Requires 1 post to reload.
<<Snowfrost>> | HP: 15,000/15,000 | Wooden Wall: 2,875/3,000

White Snow Soldier 5 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 

Recovery Roll. 238663 | CD 10. 8 EN recovered.

Post Action: ST-I -> White Snow Soldier (-12 EN)
238664 | BD 6 + 7 | Hit! 21 * 12 = 252 damage.



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  • 4 weeks later...

It didn't matter to him if it was Morningstar's first time doing the questline or not. He hadn't expected to find the two of them doing it in the first place; if they hadn't been around, Pinball would have very likely started the quests by himself. It wouldn't have been the first time. But there certainly were a lot of soldiers marching on Snowfrost. He wasn't sure he would have been able to handle so many on his own... at least not while defending the townsfolk, anyway. There seemed to be no real end in sight. Acanthus proposed a game. 

"Absolutely not," Pinball replied. He'd just fallen back in line with the two of them, having drawn the attention of a fresh squadron with a few well placed blades. He was not going to try out whatever "the worst thing" was in that dingy ass bar. No disrespect to Oz. The guy was a slimeball, but not a horrible person. Maybe just a little annoying, really. "You guys can do that. I'm good." 



Acanthus | Lvl 39 (33/6) T4 | HP: 700/700 | EN: 50/84 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | REC: 4 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:5
Pinball | 860/860 HP | 69/122 EN | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BH: 37 | LD: 6 | 8-10/64 FRZ | PHASE 
Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 118/118 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V
Levi | this guy doesn't have stats but he does have a slingshot!

Sling Shot | Once again Levi uses a slingshot in the fight, choosing to target the Snow Soldiers first, Captains second, and the General last. He will always attack soldiers assaulting the town before all else. His attacks reduce his target's ACC by -1 and can only target one enemy at a time. Requires 1 post to reload.
<<Snowfrost>> | HP: 15,000/15,000 | Wooden Wall: 3,000/3,000

Wooden Wall | Snowfrost has a 3,000 HP shield. Wooden Wall must be reduced to 0 before Snowfall can be targeted.
Trench | Snowfrost gains +3 EVA the first time it is attacked.
Sharpened Stakes | Snowfrost gains +30 Thorns. This will apply on non-critical attacks made by the Soldiers toward the Town, even if attacking the Wooden Wall.

POST ACTION: [TECH-F] {Well Rested} [-16 EN]
ID# | RSC | BD: 9 - 22*12= 264-50/2= 239 DMG, FREEZE 
ID# | RSS 1 | BD: 9 - 22*12= 264 DMG, FREEZE
ID# | RSS 2 | BD: 5 - 20*12= 240 DMG 
ID# | RSS 3 | BD: 2 - 20*12= 240 DMG 

Wave Three - Red Squadron 
Red Snow Captain | HP: 261/500 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 [FRZN: 64] [STUNNED] 
Red Snow Soldier 1 | HP: 86/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64] [STUNNED] 
Red Snow Soldier 2 | HP: 86/350 | DMG: 125 [STUNNED] 
Red Snow Soldier 3 | HP: 86/350 | DMG: 125 [STUNNED] 
Red Snow Soldier 4 | HP: 350/350 | DMG: 125
Red Snow Soldier 5 | HP: 350/350 | DMG: 125


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Star snaked around the Night King's soldiers, finishing off the ones that Pinball had already weakened. He stuck his sword in the gut of the nearest captain, inflicting him with paralysis and cutting him down before it had the chance to wear off. "Listen, I'm all for games, but bringing Oz into it is a little much for me. I'll play, though, if winning means that I don't have to see his face."

With a few quick slices, he chopped through a soldier on their way to the town's walls. "For the record, I'm at 10."

At a distance to great for Morningstar to cross, a pair of soldiers found their way into Snowfall. Star was ready to take the blame. With charge on cooldown, he wasn't sure he could make it in time to stop them from dealing serious damage to the town's interior. Luckily, a hero of a villager did Star's job for him.

Wielding a pitchfork in one hand and a torch in the other, he fought off the two soldiers, forcing them to fall back to the snowy battlefield.


Acanthus | Lvl 39 (33/6) T4 | HP: 700/700 | EN: 50/84 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | REC: 4 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:5
Pinball | 860/860 HP | 69/122 EN | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BH: 37 | LD: 6 | 8-10/64 FRZ | PHASE 
Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 90/118 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V
Levi | this guy doesn't have stats but he does have a slingshot!

Sling Shot | Once again Levi uses a slingshot in the fight, choosing to target the Snow Soldiers first, Captains second, and the General last. He will always attack soldiers assaulting the town before all else. His attacks reduce his target's ACC by -1 and can only target one enemy at a time. Requires 1 post to reload.
<<Snowfrost>> | HP: 15,000/15,000 | Wooden Wall: 2,875/3,000

Wooden Wall | Snowfrost has a 3,000 HP shield. Wooden Wall must be reduced to 0 before Snowfall can be targeted.
Trench | Snowfrost gains +3 EVA the first time it is attacked.
Sharpened Stakes | Snowfrost gains +30 Thorns. This will apply on non-critical attacks made by the Soldiers toward the Town, even if attacking the Wooden Wall.

RECOVERY | ID240283 | CD7 | +8 EN
POST ACTION: [TECH-F] {Well Rested} [-16 EN]
ID240284 | RSC | BD: 10 - 24*12= 288-50+64= 238 DMG, PARA-V
ID240285 | RSS 1 | BD: 1 - 22*12= 264 DMG
ID240286 | RSS 2 | BD: 4 - 22*12= 264 DMG 
ID240287 | RSS 3 | BD: 1 - 22*12= 264 DMG 

ID240288 | MD1 | RSS 4 misses Snowfrost
ID240289 | MD3 | RSS 5 misses Snowfrost

Wave Three - Red Squadron 
Red Snow Captain | HP: 0/500 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 [FRZN: 64] [STUNNED] 
Red Snow Soldier 1 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64] [STUNNED] 
Red Snow Soldier 2 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [STUNNED] 
Red Snow Soldier 3 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [STUNNED] 

Red Snow Soldier 4 | HP: 350/350 | DMG: 125
Red Snow Soldier 5 | HP: 350/350 | DMG: 125


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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe it was all the manifesting she was doing. But something about the fight *was* fun. The more she fought, the less she thought. The less she thought, the more relaxed she became.

“I get it,” she said. “Oz is the king of the weirdos.” She didn’t actually believe that. Why was she saying that? “That’s what gives the competition some stakes. But if you’re not up for it, then I suppose we can make a loss more palatable for you.” Acanthus actually found Oz endearing the few times they had met. I mean, she wouldn’t trust him in a locked room with her shop’s inventory. And he was the kind of customer she’d probably follow around the store just to make sure nothing funny started happening. But dammit, he’d let her bum a cigarette. He couldn’t be that terrible.

Morningstar would probably just laugh at her for disagreeing with him. So she turned around and laughed at Oz instead. “I think he makes the whiskey memory-erasing because it’s the only way he can get repeat customers.”

As Acanthus started trying to stir up more insults towards her vaguely acquaintance-shaped friend, the last two soldiers in Red Squadron cornered her. “Oh thank god,” she sighed. Acanthus had never been so happy to see something trying to kill her—now she could move on from this conversation. With a series of quick strikes, she knocked the wind out of both soldiers, picking one up and slamming him into the ground. She backed up, giving Pinball the space he needed to finish the job.


(I no longer fw the cursed dark mode)

Acanthus | Lvl 39 (33/6) T4 | HP: 700/700 | EN: 43/84 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:7 | REC: 4 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:5
Pinball | 860/860 HP | 69/122 EN | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BH: 37 | LD: 6 | 8-10/64 FRZ | PHASE 
Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 90/118 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V
Levi | this guy doesn't have stats but he does have a slingshot!

Sling Shot | Once again Levi uses a slingshot in the fight, choosing to target the Snow Soldiers first, Captains second, and the General last. He will always attack soldiers assaulting the town before all else. His attacks reduce his target's ACC by -1 and can only target one enemy at a time. Requires 1 post to reload.
<<Snowfrost>> | HP: 15,000/15,000 | Wooden Wall: 2,875/3,000

Wooden Wall | Snowfrost has a 3,000 HP shield. Wooden Wall must be reduced to 0 before Snowfall can be targeted.
Trench | Snowfrost gains +3 EVA the first time it is attacked.
Sharpened Stakes | Snowfrost gains +30 Thorns. This will apply on non-critical attacks made by the Soldiers toward the Town, even if attacking the Wooden Wall.

Recovery. 240290 | CD 3. +4 EN

Post Action: TECH-F -> Red Snow Soldier 4–5 (-15 EN)
240291 | BD 8 | Focus Critical! 21 * 12 = 252 damage. Paralyzed. Bleed applied.
240292 | BD 9 | Minor Critical! 22 * 12 = 264 damage.  Paralyzed. Bleed applied.

Wave Three - Red Squadron 
Red Snow Captain | HP: 0/500 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 [FRZN: 64] [STUNNED] 
Red Snow Soldier 1 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [FRZN: 64] [STUNNED] 
Red Snow Soldier 2 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [STUNNED] 
Red Snow Soldier 3 | HP: 0/350 | DMG: 125 [STUNNED] 

Red Snow Soldier 4 | HP: 98/350 | DMG: 125
Red Snow Soldier 5 | HP: 86/350 | DMG: 125



Edited by Acanthus
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