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[OP-F15] King of Crows

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"Sadly no," KnightinGale sighed. "I had to find someone to do them. Well rather show me how to apply them. I've never been that great with games. They were always my sister's thing."

KnightinGale pointed towards the other white haired player that, aside from the hair, eyes, and face shape, looked almost nothing like her. KnightinGale looked like she ran with the less than pleasant crowds in the real world, a not very far off assumptio. Her sister on the other hand looked practically like royalty. KnightinGale watched as her sister approached yet another newcomer to the bar. Seeing the friendly, and obviously flirtatious, behavior between them, KnightinGale turned her attention back to her current drinking buddy.

"At least she seems happy with that one," KnightinGale said as she sipped on her whiskey. "Oh. Name's Ev-. I mean KnightinGale. God that feels still so weird. Back to the tattoos though. I found a merchant in Taft that sells them as something called a vanity item. The good thing about them is unlike the real thing, I can change these at will, provided I can work the damn menu, which I suck at. So how 'bout you stranger? What do they call you?"

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Sometimes you can be so shocked, so absolutely enraptured and terrified at the same time, that you can watch something happen, and not even realize that anything is occurring at all.

It's a strange sensation, let me tell you.

For Heimdall, it was even stranger because the woman he was staring at, eyes affixed to and following, turned and bumped into him.  And it didn't even register until about three seconds when she leapt and threw her arms around his neck (somehow not spilling her drink in the process, an impressive feat).

She pulled his face down to her level, face between her hands and squished, making him look like a fish. "Y-yeah, its me," the man said through puckered lips. "I tried to add you too, but I kept getting it wrong, I think," the man added, a hint of embarrassment at his inability to spell 'nightmare' (he spelled it correctly but did not realize there was a 'k' at the start). "I'm glad to see you too, but would you mind letting go of my face now?" Heimdall finally said.

Finally able to stand up straight, the man stretched his back slightly with a groan. "I can't believe we ran into each other again!" he said, with a broad grin. "I feel like an idiot for not adding you before we split up..."

Among all the other things that had happened between them, that one little detail had slipped by.

"So uhm...do you mind if I get you a drink? So we can catch up?" Heimdall asked, a might sheepishly before noticing the glass in her hand. "Oh! Uhm, you have a drink, sorry, I, uh- nevermind-" [Insert unintelligible babbling here.]


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  • 2 weeks later...

"Just slap them on at the start of the day, mix and match when you feel like it." A slow nod of her head accompanied smirk. She admired the dedication to her real world skin art. "Neat. I will definitely be checking out that shop when I get the chance. Was considering one in the outside the game, before this shit hit the fan." The reminder that constantly slapped them in the face, she needed a drink just thinking about it. Which made it even worse when she was reminded the alcohol won't do anything. Definitely one of the worst parts about this place. "Dunno what I want yet, but if they look half as good as yours, I'd be happy." A golden gaze traveled up her arm before stopping and meeting hers. "Jevi, nice to meet ya. If you're still getting used to using your username, then you probably don't get out much."  The smile that accompanied a small chuckle peeked over the rim of her glass, before hiding it with another sip. "I wouldn't worry about that though. I was a late bloomer too, hell, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone here was." Shifting the weight on her chair, she placed herself with her back to the bar, elbows propped up. "Stories are always hyping up the frontliners as players who started grinding on day one to fight the boss. I call bullshit, they probably sat on their asses for a month, not sure what to do like the rest of us." 

That was a lot of words. A lot of words that usually don't come out of her mouth. Was she actually starting to get sociable? Was this drink actually working? Either way it felt new, fresh. It felt good.

"That one looks a big teddy bear of a man. Suits the vibe your sister gives off better." her head tilted to the side, gentle wrist motions swirled the she held by her fingertips. "Well, either she's super friendly to every guy she meets in a seedy bar, or she already knew him. No one's that friendly and bright eyed talking to a complete stranger." Jevi would lean forward to look down the other end of the bar, to where the original red-eyed man was sitting after being denied by both girls. "Honestly, was kind of expecting a bigger reaction from the hot-head over there. Maybe that's a good thing." she would let herself lean against the bar once more. Didn't want to get caught looking across at him. "Guess it's a good thing, having your sister here with you. Not many people are lucky to have family in game with them, let alone friends. Some days I'd kill to have that connection.."

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