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Knightmare's Journal

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Username: Knightmare
Real Name: Odette "Goose" Nightingale
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"

Eye Color: Emerald Green
Hair color: Silver

Origin Country: America

Birthday: July 18th


Family Life and Friends

Odette has had a very easy life. She and her sister have been the best of friends since the womb. Literally. Eve was born literally 30 seconds before she was and she held it over her head for her entire life. Odette managed to somehow become what her parents thought to be the perfect daughter. Although she loved her sister dearly. Probably even more than her parents did. Odette knew that Eve didn't want to take on their family business, so her father began guiding her in the ways of the business. Her days consisted of the occasional relaxation time, spa days, making sure she was constantly prim and proper, and talking the part. She would beg her father to buy her the latest consoles and games, and because she was daddy's favorite. He would.

Odette and Eve were almost complete opposites, Odette was innocent and followed every rule set in place. While Eve broke every rule. Every time that Eve would get in trouble, Odette would bail her out using daddy's checkbook. To this day it's a secret she kept. After a while, their father caught on and shunned Eve from the family. But Odette couldn't do that to her beloved sister. She called her almost every day, and when she didn't, it became a problem.


Gaming Experience

Odette loved gaming, it was a passion. Of course the family business came first, but when she had down time late at night she would play games for a few hours when she knew everyone was asleep. Her dad was so powerful that there wasn't any waiting in line for the new Nervegear and SAO, when it was released it came to them at their home. She loved MMOs. No matter what kind. She always thought that MMOs were the doorways to new friendships and opportunities. "You never know who you're gonna meet!" That was a phrase that often escaped her lips.

Leading up to SAO

Odette didn't have any issues getting SAO, she wanted to get the game the second it came out which she did. Since her father had so much power. The second that the Nervegear and SAO was released she had them in her hands. Once she was able, she logged in and calibrated the gear. After that, she was in her own little world of SAO.


Edited by Knightmare
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Virtues: Flaws:



Despite having wealth and privilege, she is fiercely loyal to her sister. She will put her sisters well being before her own. She will go to great lengths to shield her sister from harm, taking on most of the burdens herself. Due to this, the strong bond between them cannot be broken. No matter how hard someone tries.




Her sheltered upbringing means that she is unfamiliar with the harsh realities of life. Which makes her gullible at times. She often trusts people too easily, assuming everyone has good intentions. This usually leads her to be taken advantage of, despite her best efforts to stay aware.




She has always had a giving heart. Using her large well of resources to help others. Most of the time being unaware of the actual wealth that she's spreading around without thinking. Her genuine desire to make others happy drives her generosity. She doesn't always see the impact but she hopes she's made her mark on the world.




She has gotten what she wants all her life. This has made her a little demanding and very impatient when things don't go her way. With her used to living in luxury, she sometimes doesn't realize that she will complain or overreact over minor inconveniences. This also makes her seem out of touch with the struggles of others.




Growing up in a sheltered environment, she tends to view the world through a glass half full type of view. She will view situations with optimism and purity. She will always assume the best in people and in situations. Which keeps her outlook on life positive even in the most dire of situations. To most people her innocence is refreshing, though it leaves her vulnerable to being deceived




Her love for her sister is something fierce. Sometimes it crosses the line into being smothering. She constantly will interfere in her sisters life and decisions. She feels as if she knows what her sister needs and must shield her sister from harm, any harm big or small. She has an inability to let go and trust her sister's judgement which creates tension between the two of them. Which makes her seem a bit controlling despite her intensions being good.


Edited by Knightmare
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