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{In Progress} Rigelius Osmund Evankar (ROE)

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Username:        ROE                                       
Player Name:    Rigelius Osmund Evankar   
Gender:             Male                                      
Player Age:       33                                          
Player Height:   5' 11"                                     
Player Weight:  225 lbs                                  


(Character credit: Reiji Arisu)


Rigelius never knew his parents... Only the multiple faces of those who pretended to be his parents over the years... At birth, he was abandoned and left on the doorstep of an orphanage and has lived there ever since. Despite never getting the opportunity to know his real parents, or even learn who they even are, he had become a kind and caring individual and has even taken a job at the orphanage he grew up in to help others like him. His kind and gentle demeanor makes him approachable to the other kids and they often confide in him as an older brother figure. Should any bullying begin to show, however, that gentleness is cast aside as he remedies the situation. Despite his job being something he cherishes, he oftentimes finds it taxing as well. It's hard keeping up with so many children and making sure they were well taken care of and happy. One day he heard about the nerve gear and how it and a game called Sword Art Online were in development and right then and there he decided that he would pick them up when they released. 

He would tell the kids about the game as he continued to read articles and watch videos on it, which typically caught their interest all around. Rigelius would find that he would talk about this game and what he would do in it for hours at a time. He was infatuated with Sword Art Online and even started learning how to use a variety of weaponry to use once he got the game. Seeing this, wanted to help their big brother get the game. One day, Rigelius learned that a select few lucky gamers would be able to get a nerve gear and a copy of Sword Art Online for free in a raffle contest. Pooling his money together he bought a few tickets. Secretly, the other children asked the other orphanage staff to help them get some of the tickets themselves using their allowances and doing extra chores around the orphanage to help towards the goal. 
The day of the raffle lottery came... and Rigelius didn't win. His hope diminished, he laid in bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Oh well... it was a long shot, I suppose... would have been cool to get early access to the game though... Man... what I would give to be one of those lucky ten thousand players..." A few hours later, there were multiple excited knocks on the door to his room. Curious at the commotion, he opened the door to find the other kids excited and pushing their way into his room. Once he got everyone calmed down, one of the caretakers came up to him and placed a box in his arms. 

"The kids heard about the raffle... and they all came together and pooled their allowances together to help your odds at winning, so I went down to the game shop and put the raffles in for them, as well as myself and the other staff pitching in too. We were so happy to learn we won one of the sets!" Eyes wide with excitement, Rigelius opened the box to find the brand new Nerve Gear and a sealed copy of Sword Art Online inside. picking up the helmet, his eyes started to fill with tears. He couldn't believe that he made such an impact on these children to the point that they would help him with something like this. 

"Thank you all so much! I'm the luckiest big brother in the world, you know that? Even if nobody won, the idea that you guys tried to help was more than enough! I promise I will tell you all stories about my adventures any time I play, and I might even let you guys try it out if you keep up on your studies, okay?" Everyone cheered. 

After everyone had left the room, Rigelius finished setting up his Nerve Gear and prepared to dive into the world of Sword Art online for the first time.

Little did he or anyone else know, however... this would be the first and only time... 

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Edited by ROE
Adding character information (In Progress)
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