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[F01]-[PP] In search of a companion <<Feeding your Enemy>>

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Circe hadn’t expected much from her trip to Floor One. After the fight with the King of Lakes and a few other minor quests, she and Omen decided to part ways for a bit. It wasn’t strange—he had his own business to take care of, and she… well, she didn’t mind some quiet time to focus on her own things.

Floor One was always nostalgic, but today it felt like just another place for errands. She was picking up supplies for the next big quest, grabbing ingredients for Omen’s usual food buffs and maybe something extra for herself. But as she walked across the familiar plains, her gaze caught something strange—a lone figure, standing just off the beaten path, cloaked in a swirling mass of fabric and smoke.

She stopped. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Circe wasn’t one for superstition, but this... this felt like something she shouldn’t ignore.

The figure was unmistakably different from the other NPCs wandering the area. While most were clearly set in place by Cardinal, following their simple scripts, this one—this gypsy, with her flowing dark robes and a strange, crooked smile—seemed out of place. Circe hesitated for a moment before curiosity got the better of her. She veered off course and approached the mysterious NPC.

As Circe drew closer, the air around the gypsy grew heavier, charged with an eerie energy that made her instincts scream caution. Still, Circe pressed on, her hand instinctively resting on the hilt of her dagger.

The gypsy's eyes met hers, dark and unreadable. "Looking for something, child?" the woman asked, her voice carrying a weight far older than the land they stood on.

Circe shifted her weight, suddenly feeling like she’d walked into something much larger than herself. "Are you the traveling beast tamer by chance?," she said, her tone steady but curious.

The gypsy’s smile widened, revealing teeth that were almost too sharp. "Ahh, so you’ve heard of me, then. Legends have a way of finding the right ears." She reached into the folds of her robe and produced a small pouch, holding it out toward Circe. "Take this, child. <<Familiar Food>>. Use it wisely. If you're lucky, a creature may bond with you."

Circe narrowed her eyes. A quest like this wasn’t exactly her style but the chance to tame a familiar, to have something by her side with skills that could benefit her and Omen? It was tempting. Too tempting.

The quest appeared in her menu, confirming what she had just signed up for.

"Thanks," Circe said, her voice quieter now, more thoughtful. "I’ll find something worthy of this."

The gypsy's smile never faltered. "You’ll find more than you bargain for, I think. Good luck, child."

Circe turned away, the eerie feeling lingering as she made her way back toward the city. She glanced down at the pouch in her hand, already contemplating what kind of creature would make the perfect familiar.

Circe | HP: 620/620 | EN: 100/100 | DMG: 20 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLD: 48 | PARA

Stats (unbuffed)

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Circe | HP: 620/620 | EN: 100/100 | DMG: 20 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLD: 48 | PARA


[T3 Perfect Throwing Knives] ID 232026  Paralyze 2 | Bleed 1

Wolf Pendant. | TIER 1 JEWELRY | +3 ACC

battle-ready inventory

// Starter Healing Potions x3

// Call of the Hounds, 233139, 233140, Familiar's Favor





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    • <<Throwing Knives>> Skill
      • Rank 5
      • Cost: 30 SP
        • Stamina
          • Cost: 4 SP
          • Passive
          • Effect: Reduces EN of all attacks by 2.
        •  Precision
          • Cost: 2 SP
          • Passive
          • Effect: Gain +1 ACC.
        • <<Throwing Knives>> Focus
          • Cost: 4 SP
          • Passive
          • Effect: Decreases minor critical threshold by 1. Also reduces DoT thresholds by 1. Players cannot use Focus and Ferocity at the same time for the same Weapon Type.
    • Energist
      • Cost: 8 SP
    • Barrier
      • Cost: 6 SP
      • Active: Post Action
      • Energy Cost: 15 EN
      • Cooldown: 2 turns
    • ► Combat Mastery: Damage [R3]
      • Cost: 8 SP
    • ►Searching [R3]
      • Cost: 14 SP
    • Unhindered
      Cost: 15 SP
      Restriction: Cannot benefit from Armor Skills, Mods, Addons. Must be wearing at least a single accessory (Trinket or Jewelry).
      Effect: +1 Accuracy, +1 Loot Dice, +1 Evasion, +5*Tier HP. Your mitigation is capped at 0 equipment slots.

extra skills 4/4

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►First Aid [Requires two Extra Skill slots]
        Rank 5
        Active: Post Action
        Energy cost: (3 * Rank in skill) EN
        Effect: Heal 4% per rank of a target party member’s maximum HP (rounded down). Cannot target the user.
            Field Medic
                Cost: 6 SP
                Active: Post Action
                Energy Cost: 15 EN
                Cooldown: 3 Turns
                Effect: Heal your entire party (including yourself) for 25% of each party member’s maximum HP (rounded down).
        Effect: Improve the effects of any healing (not including passive HP regeneration) you do until the start of the next turn by 20%.  Cooldown: 5 turns, Active: Free Action, EN Cost: 5

Forgotten King's Authority

  • Effect: Dispel any disabling effects on yourself. This can be done while disabled. Cooldown: 7 turns,
    Active: Free Action, EN Cost: 5
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Tiye’s legs dangled from where she was perched. The Town of Beginning’s walls stretched high, resembling that of a castle or fortress from the Middle Ages with its weathered stone battlements. Despite that, there were never any guards or archers (she didn’t even know if archers existed in Sword Art Online), which made it a perfect spot to lounge around as she watched the sun come and go. Much like the sun and the moon, people too came and went. Some returned, some didn’t. During the first few months of the game, she was sure that most of the faces that she witnessed leaving the town gates were the first and last time she ever saw them again. C’est la vie, Tiye would muse, and she’d go back to the rest of her day.  

With all she’s seen, it’s no surprise she’s spotted the telltale signs of the <<Feeding the Enemy>> NPC before. Dark cloak with an eerie shroud lingering around her silhouette; it’s hard not to miss her amongst the rolling fields of green– with this area being a hotspot for travel and all. 

As Circe approached the city, Tiye leaned forward just slightly, having just watched the entire interaction go down from where she sat. She had to admit, seeing a clearly capable player still strolling around the fields of Floor One sparked her interest, and if her years as a scholar had ever meant anything, then she’d know when to pursue her curiosities. “You know,” she began, calling attention to her place on the high walls, “most go to the higher floors looking for a strong familiar.” The woman would gesture to the pouch in Circe’s hand with a lazy smile. “Terrible idea, by the way. They either die trying or come back crying.”




Tiye | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 1 | +1 LD




> R1 Searching









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Circe paused, glancing up toward the voice with a raised brow. Perched on the high walls of the Town of Beginnings was a woman, legs dangling casually as if the world below her was nothing more than a passing spectacle. The woman’s tone was laid-back, but her words carried a weight that didn’t escape Circe’s notice.

“Is that so?” Circe replied coolly, her gaze flicking to the pouch in her hand. The <<Familiar Food>> was still warm in her grip, and the weight of the gypsy’s warning lingered in her mind. She wasn’t exactly thrilled about being in debt to some eerie NPC, but the opportunity was too good to pass up.

She looked back up at the woman on the wall, her eyes narrowing slightly. “And what do you suggest? Cower on Floor One, hoping for a pet bunny?” Her tone was sharp, but there was a glint of curiosity in her eyes. Whoever this woman was, she clearly knew something. And Circe wasn’t the type to ignore potential useful information, even if it came wrapped in cryptic comments.

Circe shifted her stance, crossing her arms. "But I’m guessing you’re not just up there to offer casual advice. What’s your angle?”

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Tiye lifted her hands up beside her head as if to prove she was harmless, already noting the air of apprehension from the stranger. “I’m just relaying the information I’ve gathered from watching.” That was typically more generous than what she usually offered– which was more often than not complete silence or a disinterested scoff. “Bunny… Jaguar… what difference does it make?” she continued with drawled, shrugging her shoulders. “The stats stay the same regardless of what kind of creature you decide to tame.” 

Her elbow came to lean on one of the many battlements on the wall, and she’d prop up her chin on a palm. “Can’t a gal just help another gal out?” Tiye mused, tilting her head. “Believe it or not, I’m not some kind of info broker lookin’ for an easy buck.” Yet. “But you look interesting. Strong.”

Her ankles kicked back against the stone brick. Tiye drummed her fingers against the battlement with a thoughtful hum. “I’d hate to see another player– a capable one at that– march to their doom, so do me a favor and stay alive, yeah?”

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Circe’s gaze lingered on Tiye for a moment longer than necessary, eyes narrowing slightly in playful scrutiny. The woman’s relaxed posture and cryptic words didn’t match, but something about her felt different—disarming, in a way Circe wasn’t used to.

“Stay alive, huh?” Circe smirked, tossing the <<Familiar Food>> pouch lightly in her hand. “That is the plan." There was a hint of defiance in her voice, but it wasn’t directed at Tiye.

"I’m not used to random concern from strangers," she admitted, her smirk softening into something more genuine. "But I guess I appreciate it."

Truth be told she was still a bit unsure about the stranger, but she didn't seem to be someone to really worry about- not a pker at the very least.

Circe’s gaze lingered on the woman, the playful edge in her voice giving way to something more thoughtful. "So," she said, tilting her head slightly, "you sit up here all day, watching people, handing out advice to whoever happens to pass by? I'd imagine there are more interesting things to do." She tucked the <<Familiar Food>> into her inventory with a flick of her wrist, her curiosity piqued by Tiye’s approach.

By the looks of it, she seemed like a newbie, too.  Was she one of the few who did not partake in the 'game' and preferred to stay in safe zones waiting for the gates home to finally open?  Interesting.

"I guess the interest is mutual," Circe added with a hint of a smile.

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“And I’m not used to being concerned for strangers… Usually, the advice would come at a price. You’re a special case,” she admitted, shrugging her shoulders. Not too many people would venture to Floor One for information, so her typical client was usually the typical newbie that either got bored or tired of being cooped up in the first city. In short, they are few and far between. Even then, most of them didn’t even look half as capable as Circe. Tiye considered their interaction an investment– what she missed out on Col might be repaid back tenfold in other means. “I’m not one for combat so there isn’t much else to do but people watch and gather information for coin.” Tiye hummed thoughtfully, staring up at the sky as she pondered Circe’s words for a few seconds. “But it does get pretty boring, I do admit.”

She looked back down at Circe, green eyes sweeping over the stranger like she was analyzing her worth. After a moment of reluctance, a smile pulled the corners of her lips up. “Tell you what,” she began, leaning down casually. “I join you on your quest; offer a little company to pass the time, maybe even spill some juicy gossip that goes around these parts.” Tiye gestures her head back towards the Town of Beginnings. “In return, you join me on mine; to also pass the time of course, but I wouldn’t say no to details of what goes on on the upper floors.” 

Tiye drummed her fingers against the stone wall again, contemplative. “And who knows,” she added with a narrowed eye smile, “maybe when I get in on some more information– the one that would actually be useful– I could relay it back to you.” As much of a schemer she seemed, Tiye was all for equivalent exchange… at least in her own terms. 

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Circe raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Tiye’s offer. The way the woman spoke—half business, half casual—had her curious, and though her instincts told her to be wary, there was something about Tiye that felt like a gamble worth taking.

"Special case, huh?" Circe echoed, a faint grin tugging at her lips. "Not sure if I should feel flattered or suspicious." She crossed her arms, tilting her head slightly as she considered the proposition. The idea of company wasn’t unwelcome. Circe spent most of her time with Omen, and while he was a solid partner, there was something refreshing about someone new—someone who seemed to know a lot about the world without throwing themselves into the fray.

"Company might not be such a bad thing," Circe finally said, the playful edge in her voice returning. "You’ve got a deal. I’ll take you along for this little adventure, and in exchange, I’ll fill you in on the chaos going on upstairs." She nodded toward the higher floors.

"And if you’ve got gossip to spill," Circe added with a smirk, "I’m all ears. I could use a good story while I hunt for this familiar." Her eyes narrowed playfully, gauging Tiye’s reaction. There was still a level of caution—Circe never fully let her guard down.

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