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[OP-F24] Everyone needs a break in the summer! Open for everyone.

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Zandra stood on a field outside of Scalabis, the main settlement on the 24:nd floor of Aincrad. The field was huge, with green fresh grass beeing soft under your feets. It was a sligth slope where at the end the grass turned into white, soft sand and a beach. The beach is a few hundred meters wide and from the grass it turns into a lake after thirty meters with light-blue water. She let out a sigh as she looked over the lake. She didnt remembered when it was she did this the last time. Was probably several years ago. On the field, there was a few tables placed around with many types of different food and drinks. There was a grill with some meat and sausages slowly getting grilled. It also was two piers down at the beach with a ladder at the end, making it a great beach to take a nice swim or two in. With a smirk, the crimson eyed Zandra took an extra look thru the preparations she had for the different games she would arrange. ‘’Hmm, wonder if there will be any coming this time. I have been away for awhile, but hopefully the new players will be willing to join a strangers party following the messages Ive placed on the board. After all, everyone needs a break in the summer.''



''Hello, everyone needs a break in the summer, to enjoy this break, why not join in on the beach at floor twentytwo.
There will be served food, drinks and great company. There will also be held some games with sweet sweet
prizes. Looking forward to meet you there. Best regards, Zandra.''




Scavenger hunt:


To be announced

Mob battle:


To be announced

Swimsuit contest:


To be announced






Edited by Zandra
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Living on a beach meant that Morningstar didn't care much for parties set on or around them. They were an everyday experience for him, minus the crowds (which were hit or miss, depending on his mood). Still, he liked Zandra and wanted to show his support. A visit to the Scalabis market was on his to-do list anyway. Why not show face?

Dragging Willow from her reading was the hard part. Who knew that Ladonia's library had a good selection of romance novels? She was on the third book in a series by some NPC called Davius Sparkfellow. Star wasn't sure he was real, but either way, Willow was obsessed with his work. It took a bit of creative thinking, and he eventually realized that the possibility of the fourth being available at the market was enough to get her out of the house.

Sure enough, they had found a copy. And, a basket of tropical fruits. It took the merchant a lot of pulling and grunting before they were able to get it off of the ground

"Want me to carry that?" Star adjusted his bag so it wouldn't slip off his arm while he lifted the heavy item.

"Nope, I've got it," Willow grinned, raising it up with a single hand.

He stared through tinted sunglasses, his jaw to the floor. "Oh. Okay,"

The beach looked rather empty for a party. "I think we're early," he whispered as they approached Zandra. He waved to the frontliner from afar. "Hey!"

The basket, intended as both a gift for Zandra and her guests, was placed with the rest of the food. They were sure to leave it on the ground, confident that it would crush a table if given the chance. Star introduced his plus one, realizing that they had never attended an event as a couple before.

"It's nice to meet you," Willow said cheerfully.

Leaving Zandra to the rest of her preparations, the pair found a spot in the shade of a palm tree and laid out a massive beach towel for comfort.   

Yk9tuyf.png | MORNINGSTAR
 | Lv. 68 >> P. 35, Lv. 33
 | Status: [ // ]


  Hide contents

Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 118/118 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 5 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V


  • Dying Sun
  • Inner Focus
  • Sapphire

battle-ready inventory

  • Magdalyn's Cuckoo


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mod count: 4/5

    • precision, stamina, ferocity
    • shift: aoe
    • precision
  • SEARCHING | RANK 4/5 (5)
    • night vision, detect, tracking, reveal

extra (active)



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  • | #


  1. #
  2. #


  • Lv. 5 | Gain additional col equivalent to 15% of EXP earned in that thread.
  • Lv. 10 | +1 LD to looting.

sword arts

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en cost matches multiplier unless stated otherwise. shift underlined.

  • ST | x12 -> x15 | x20
  • AOE | x15 -> x18
  • TECH-A | x12 | STUN | 13EN
  • TECH-B | x12 | DELAY
  • TECH-D | x12 | SHATTER
  • TECH-F | x8 | AOE STUN
  • TECH-G | x12 | BURN

misc/housing buffs

  Hide contents
  • Dimensional Backpack | +2 Battle-Ready Inventory Slots.
  • Well Rested | -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat.
  • Squeaky Clean | The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down).
  • Filling | Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  • Tasty | Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
  • Relaxed | Increases out-of-combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  • Multipurpose | Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.
  • Skylight (Searching) | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. 


  • #


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True to form, Acanthus arrived at the beach an hour early. She’d packed a basket full of supplies, including but not limited to: extra towels, sunscreen, two pairs of sunglasses, three bottles of wine (non-alcoholic, as Cardinal demanded), and a shovel. Not just a shovel for digging sandcastles—a full-sized, metal shovel with a sturdy oak handle. She wasn’t exactly sure why she would need it. People dug holes at the beach, right?

She had seen Zandra’s post on the player request board the other day. The thought of games intrigued her, and she was doing her best to leave her comfort zone and meet new people. But parties? She had a hard time with parties for reasons too numerous to list. Think of it like a quest, she kept telling herself. A no-risk quest to put yourself out there and meet new people. You might even see some familiar faces. And so Acanthus sat on the beach, pretending to lounge in the shade of a palm tree. She glanced furtively along the coast, using her wide-brimmed hat and large sunglasses to disguise her nervous attempts to locate the party.

"Hey!" The familiar voice caused her to jump. In the distance, Morningstar was approaching a red-eyed girl Acanthus recognized from the floor boss meeting. Putting together the context clues, she realized it was Zandra, the hostess. Accompanying Morningstar was another woman that Acanthus didn’t recognize.  Deciding whether to approach, Acanthus assessed the situation. Three people. One person you’ve met, another from the meeting, so at least there’s something to talk about there. The third woman is an unknown, but is accompanying Morningstar, so he will provide introductions…

…Maybe I shouldn’t think of this like a quest. With a steadying breath, she picked up her basket, dusted the sand off her blue swimsuit cover-up, and walked over to Morningstar. She reminded herself one last time: normal conversation.

“Hi, Morningstar. May I sit with you until the party starts?”

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"So," Wulfrin said as he strolled up to the supposed event location. "I wonder who else got the invite?"

It didn't take long to get his answer as he spotted Morningstar, and a plus one from the looks of it, sitting down under the shade of a palm tree. When in the hell did that happen? Wulfrin asked himself. Had he known about them, Wulfrin would have extended the wedding invite to her as well. Lord knows his friends list was a short one. Accompanying them was a less familiar face. Wulfrin could have sworn he had seen the face before. It was the meeting dumbass. His shadow's voice echoed through his head. You also briefly passed them outside of the Town of Beginnings. Geez am I your record keeper now? Wulfrin facepalmed as he walked up to the now trio.

"Anybody know where I should be dropping this off?" Wulfrin made his presence known in a relatively jarring way. "Ciela sent me with a cake. She said she may come by, but she wasn't sure. Good to see you though Star. Who's the plus one?"

"Name's Wulfrin," Wulfrin said to the unfamiliar player sitting near Morningstar and his plus one. "I think I remember seeing you at the raid meeting, but I never got the chance to introduce myself."

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An had brought the most important asset any anxious person could have at a social gathering: a friend to cower behind at every opportunity. In fact, she was doing so right now -- barely a few steps from the changing room. She had her hands firmly atop her friend's shoulders, parading the other in front of her.

"Mishiro. I can't do this. Please don't move away from me."

"Just change into something else." Mishiro was putting up half a resistance. She hadn't shaken her off just yet, but for every two steps An urged her on, she took one. They made an awkward fumbling pair in the shadows of the palm trees. "Do you still have that one-piece? The blue one. You didn't mind it back then."

An squawked, "I-I-I-I bought this ages ago...! If I don't wear it now, I'll never ever wear it at all!"

Mishiro, vexed, dug her feet in entirely. An, still pushing, bumped against her back. She looked down; Mishiro looked up. Then An's hands snapped away from her shoulders and she skittered a few steps backwards, suddenly put off. Why didn't she do that earlier?

"An. You're too tall for this. I'm not actually covering anything. I think we'll draw less attention walking normally."


She wasn't so much of a shut-in that she had never been to the beach before, or worn a swimsuit (do outings back in the real world even count at this point?). But she had worn one-pieces, not the bikini set she had equipped now. Even with the long skirt wrap that dropped almost to her ankles, she felt far too exposed, far too daring, that she was giving off an impression that was so utterly disjointed from what she really was that she just looked silly. She'd just wanted to try. Red-faced, she started to trudge to her friend's side as instructed, but not before Mishiro unfolded a beach towel and tossed it over her shoulders.



"If anyone asks, you're just cold." Mishiro explained. She eyed the small group of people gathering in the distance, but it was the empty stretch of sand that she invited An to with a tilt of her head. "Let's just sit by ourselves for now."



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HP 430 | EN 58 | DMG 8 | MIT 55 | ACC 1



| skills

mod count: 0/5

    • [BASE: Proficiency] +7 DMG
    • [ADDON: Focus] -1 minor critical and DoT threshold.
    • [ADDON: Precision] +1 ACC
    • [ADDON: Stamina] Reduce EN of all attacks by 2.
    • [BASE: Proficiency] +40 MIT, -5 Stealth Rating
    • [ADDON: Iron Skin] +15 MIT, +30 HP
  • FIGHTING SPIRIT | Passive | +1 Hate
  • HOWL | Post Action (2 EN / 2 CD) | +2 Hate vs. up to 4 targets

| expenditure


Total SP: 100 | Spent: 96 | Unspent : 4

  1. SKILL: Thrown Weaponry (30)
    1. ADDON: Stamina (4)
    2. ADDON: Precision (2)
    3. ADDON: Focus (4)
  2. SKILL: Heavy Armor (30)
    1. ADDON: Iron Skin (6)
  3. SKILL: Fighting Spirit (10)
  4. SKILL: Howl (10)



Edited by Andromeda
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Hanzoku was bemused by the open invitation that he received. Coming off of a stint or recovering with his fight against the so-called Angel that had inflicted bleeding wounds that he persisted long past the fight, he was feeling remarkably fit with just a few weeks of loafing around the guest suite he had been gifted in a castle on Floor 8. He was even more bemused to discover that he had a default 'swim wear' set in his inventory. Switching into it, he glanced over himself in the mirror critically. Loud Hawaiian t-shirt hanging open - check. Flower patterned swimming trunks - check. Flipflops, towel and sunglasses - triple check.

Unexplainable pale white scars - also check. Ah well, it'd be something to talk about if anyone asks.

He took the teleporter to Floor 24 and made his way to the beach safe zone and waved casually to the players already assembling. "Aloha!' he said cheerfully.

For those who had never seen him before (much less out of armor), the beach swimwear revealed that despite the tropes about programmers being pasty shut-ins, the older man definitely didn't miss hitting the gym, and he's confident enough as he pads over the sand to meet the other players, noting how so many of them are so much younger for the trials they are facing in this virtual world.


Stat Line:

Hanzoku | LV 13 | HP: 260/260 | EN: 44/44 | DMG: 12 | MIT:52 | ACC:3 | TAUNT | THORNS:36 | LD:2

Equipped Items:

  • Edge of Focus | T2 Perfect Weapon (Straight Sword) | ACC III
  • Knight's Determination | T2 Perfect Armor (Heavy) | MIT III
  • Spiteful Bulwark | T2 Perfect Shield | Thorns II, Taunt

Battle-Ready Inventory:

  • Starter Healing Potion (2/5) | Tier 1 Potion | +60 HP
  • laurel earcuffs. | [#221709-1] | TIER 1 JEWELRY | LD III

Consumed Items:


  • Straight Swords | RANK 5/5
    • Combat Mastery: DMG | RANK 2/3
    • Combat Shift: AoE | RANK 1/1
  • Curved Swords | RANK 1/5
  • Heavy Armor | RANK 2/5
  • Searching | RANK 2/5


  • Rested - -1 energy cost for the first two energy expenders of each combat
  • Filling - Increases the effectiveness of a single food item by +1 T1 slot
  • Relaxed - Increases out of combat HP Regen by (5 * Tier = 10) HP and decreases full energy regen to 2 posts
  • Green Thumb - +2 Gathering EXP per attempt, +1 LD & CD to gathering attempts

Sword Arts:

  • [x12] ST-I (12 EN) | <<The Boar Rushes Down the Mountain>> | A single-target sword art.
  • [x15] ST-II (15 EN) | << Stones Falling Down the Mountain>> | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
  • [x20] ST-B (20 EN) | <<Black Lance's Last Strike>> | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.
  • [x15] AOE-I (13 + [2 * targets] EN) | <<The Cyclone Rages>> | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
  • [x18] AOE-II (16 + [2 * targets] EN) | << Whirlwind on the Mountain>> | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed all intended targets the previous turn.
  • [x12] TECH-A (13 EN) | <<The Courtier Taps His Fan>> | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
  • [x12] TECH-B (12 EN) | <<Lizard in the Thornbush>> | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a debuff that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.

Misc. Buffs:


Edited by Hanzoku
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these days, she and an don't talk.

these days, she drops by the old shop on the date she marks every year on her calendar for an's birthday to greet her in person and inform her of an incoming delivery of books -- her favorite genres of course, she'll never forget that, hopefully the courier arrives on time -- and her merchant girl hugs her, delighted, then an picks out her favorites once she's read through them all twice and sends her copies with her personal reviews attached. she falls to the back of her mind until she reads the next written reminder. she passes through the town of beginnings without a thought of knocking at an's door and an similarly keeps to herself. their private messages drop to the bottoms of their inboxes.

she's strangely not lacking in things to say.

she's brought extras for everything, partly because of an's typical brand of clumsiness, partly because she simply likes being prepared. they lay their beach towels side by side, leaving space in the middle for a folding table. they take their seats and watch the waves in silence for a moment. then an, cheeks rosened by a faint blush, eventually lets mishiro's towel drift from her shoulders, folding it up neatly before she gives it back. in its place, she buries her face in her hands.


this girl--

mishiro has to resist a laugh. "it looks good on you," she says again. it was the first assurance she'd used to bait an out of the changing room, to which the other had squeaked out a hasty compliment towards mishiro's attire. she's certain that an has still yet to actually glance at her, too caught up in her self-consciousness. all the better that she didn't direct her to the party immediately.

one red eye peeks out from beneath an's fingers. "stop."

insistence is on the tip of her tongue. she bites it back.

"want to tell me why you're suddenly interested in parties?"



a corpse is talking.


HP: 480/480 | EN: 66/66 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 36 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 1 | FLN: 6 (6-8) | BH: 3% | VO: 10%



| skills

mod count: 0/5

  • RAPIER | RANK 5/5
    • [BASE: Proficiency] +7 DMG
    • [ADDON: Ferocity] +2 DMG
    • [ADDON: Precision] +1 ACC
    • [ADDON: Stamina] Reduce EN of all attacks by 2.
    • [SHIFT: ST Specialist] +3 to multipliers and +2 to EN cost; ST-I, ST-II, ST-B.
    • [BASE: Proficiency] +9 DMG
    • [BASE: Proficiency] Regenerate +3% of max HP at the start of a turn.

| extra skills

  1. [2] FIRST AID | RANK 5/5
    • [BASE: Proficiency] [PA, 15 EN] Single target heal: 20% of target max HP.
    • [ADDON: Field Medic] [PA, 15 EN, 3 CD] AoE heal (including self): 25% of target(s) max HP.
  2. SURVIVAL | +10% received healing. Immunity to all damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.

| expenditure


Total SP: 120 | Spent: 113 | Unspent: 7

  1. SKILL: Rapier (30)
    1. ADDON: Stamina (4)
    2. ADDON: Precision (2)
    3. ADDON: Ferocity (4)
    4. SHIFT: ST Specialist (10)
  2. SKILL: Combat Mastery (13)
  3. EXTRA SKILL: First Aid (30)
    1. ADDON: Field Medic (6)
  4. SKILL: Battle Healing (14) 




TIER 3 DEMONIC RAPIER | [state]: crafted
[ref] it is a talisman. your victory lies not in bloodshed, but in your own survival. do you understand? even if the skies are never rent open, roslyn, lyudochka, you will live another day to watch the falling snow gather on your hands. 'til the end of this holy night.

white cloak

TIER 3 PERFECT LIGHT ARMOR | [state]: crafted
a white hooded cloak made for comfort.


TIER 1 PERFECT JEWELRY | [state]: crafted
a pair of earcuffs fashioned from precious stone.



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To: @Kiluia Seiko
From: @Bliss
Hey goober. There's a beach event happening and I figured you'd wanna come and maybe hang out again. Should be pretty fun! See you soon! <3

Bliss wasn't one for outings. But Kil was meeting her out here and that made her a little less nervous about meeting people. She knew he wouldn't let any harm befall her. She always attempted to be conservative when it came to dressing up, unless she was swimming. She knew she had assets, and that was the one way she would flaunt it. "Hmm. Where is he?" She looked around. As she did she realized that people had already begun showing up.  She recognized a few frontliners, figuring out they were taking a break from all the stress that being in the heat of battle brings on a person. She admired them, but knew she wouldn't ever be able to be on the frontlines.

She cautiously approached the group of players that was forming. "Hi everyone." Her long blonde hair flowed in the wind. She looked up and waved at the man who said Aloha, responding in kind. "Aloha." She recognized someone else. It was the blacksmith who made her weapons and armor for her. "Hi Mr. Blacksmith! Thanks again for making my armor and wrenches. I also appreciated the 10mm socket detail." She smiled. Which she didn't do all that often.

"Well, do we have a head count on who's showing up?" She wondered, continuing to think about how this was a good opportunity to make new friends and branch out. While she waited for Kil to show up, she set up a large towel and swapped out of her button up and skirt. She swapped to a black bikini with red straps, tossed a floppy sunhat on her head, slid some sunglasses on. She laid on the towel and just soaked up the sun as she waited.

* * *

Bliss' Outfit Bliss' Swimsuit






* * *


"Name: Bliss
True Tier: 1
Level: 1
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 20/20
EN: 20/20

Damage: 3
Mitigation: 18
Accuracy: 1
REC: 1

Equipped Gear:
  - Mechanic's Tool Set | T1 Perfect Thrown Weapon |  ACC I | DMG II
  - Variable Half-Plate | T1 Perfect Light Armor | MIT II | REC I

Combat Mastery:

Combat Shift:

Familiar Skill:

Custom Skill:

  - Light Armor R1

Extra Skills:

Inactive Extra Skills:



Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:

Housing Buffs:

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:

Gathering Profession:


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He had heard that there was a special event at the beach. Not being keen on the idea, he accepted fate to be this way since he was invited to go out. He had met plenty on adventures, but events were not on his to do list. Snow white tresses fell over his rose hues as the man looked at the message. A slight faint smile graced his features as he was called a goober. No one had called him that since elementary school, so it was quite funny to experience this currently. 


To: @Bliss
From: @Kiluia Seiko

Sure. I have to talk to you anyway.

With a wave his hand, the window message closed, and the man was off with his familiar in tow. Pingu would be enjoying the free seafood she would get from swimming in the ocean freely. He was sure that the penguin could handle herself so long as she wasn't being chased by a shark. He pulled on his outing gear and tucked his swimsuit in his inventory before heading out the door. He wanted to bring up the fact that he was considering rejoining the frontlines. With a message of needing fighters from previous participants of the frontlines, there was that commitment he had to do for everyone. 

A flash at a teleport crystal, and he arrived with his penguin. With a glance around the surveying area, Kil had noticed a lot of vendors selling all types of items along the beach side. Various trinkets and odds and ends were being sold. He was more interested in the food that he would smell as he approached the sandy seaside. He wasn't here for those, no, he was here for something else. An invitation he couldn't turn down and a certain golden-haired beauty would wait for him. "Best beha..." He didn't even finish his sentence before the penguin bolted into the ocean. It was quite some time since the critter had seen sea water. Perhaps he would take her here more often so she could get used to the wet waters once again.

Shaking his head, the martial artist would make way toward the smaller crowds. There stood goldie. Her wild look gracing everyone with a look of beauty would overwhelm anyone who looked her way. When he last saw her, she was nothing like this. With a surprised look, a tinge of blush crept upon his upper cheek. One hand was shoved into his pocket while the other one waved in the air. 
"Hey!" He shouted. A glance was given to those around him, and his eyes landed on Wulfrin. He was the poor sod that wasn't able to land that fish. Freyd had showed him up. Perhaps the two would get along better now since he could spite Freyd in a friendly manner. 

Just kidding. No fire today, kids. 

He would look at a server and snatch two glasses of bubbly champagne from them and offered col in exchange. One would hand a glass to her, while he maintained the other one in his free hand. 
"Thanks for the invite." Smile graced his features despite the blush still stinging and heat exuded from it. It wasn't as bad but still noticeable. 



Kiluia | HP: 780/780 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 21 | MIT:78 | ACC:4 | AA  | PHASE | EVA:1 | BH:43 | REC: 4 | HLY: 8 | ENV-O: 32 | LD:3                                                                                                                            


First Post Character Information [Signature]                                                                                                                            
"Name: Kiluia True Tier: 6
Level: 33
Paragon Level: 24
HP: 780/780
EN: 112/112

Damage: 21
Mitigation: 78
Accuracy: 4
Evasion: 1
Battle Healing: 
Loot Die: 3
Stealth Rating: -2
HLY: 8 ENV-O: 32
Equipped Gear:
  - Sanctified Wraps of Righteous Punishment +5 (T4 Demonic Weapon (MA) - AA, Holy I, Phase, Envenom (Off) I
  - Osiris's Shade (T4 Perfect LA | MIT 2 | EVA 1)
  - Eye of Rain - Rose (T4 Perfect | ACC 2 | REC 1)

Combat Mastery:
  - Combat Mastery: Damage R3

Combat Shift:
  - TECH Shift

Familiar Skill:

Custom Skill:

  - Battle Healing R5
  - Charge
  - Energist
  - Light Armor R5
  - Martial Arts R5
  - Searching R3

Extra Skills:
  - Lady Luck
  - Photosynthesize
  - Survival

Inactive Extra Skills:

  - Focus
  - Precision
  - Resolve
  - Stamina

  - Meticulous

Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:
  - Blank Treasure Map Tier 4 x
  - Gold Key x

Housing Buffs:
  - Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
  - Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  - Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  - Slime Farm: +5% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.
  - Dining Hall: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.

Guild Hall Buffs:
  - Trading Hall: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters and Rank 4 merchants/performers receive +1 crafting/identification attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters and Rank 5 merchants/performers receive +2 crafting/identification attempts per day.
  - Treasury: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:
 - Cooking[exp] R1
Gathering Profession:


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                                             Eliseris was never much of a swimmer.
                                      And yet, with a bathing suit purchased, she was making her way over to the Twenty Fourth Floor. This was an MMO, she couldn't realistically get anywhere without some allies. Therefore, she needed to meet people and make some friends, get some connections, find allies who can assist her, maybe get some solace in this strange world that everyone had to fight their way out of.


                       Step by step, she nervously made her way across the coastal landscape of the floor to reach the location. There were people there already, but not very many, so maybe she was on time. There were more women than men here, now slightly more so due to Eliseris's arrival. She didn't know which of these players was Zandra, but perhaps she'd figure that out later. For now, she needed to look for someone who looked approachable. There was a group forming over in one spot, a lone passerby in the midst of everything, two girls who looked a bit reserved, then there was the other pair, a golden haired woman, and a white haired man who was blushing and seemed enamored by her. Best stay away from this man for now, it was too soon to tell if he was the blonde's boyfriend or if he was just the usual kind of person who goes after anyone remotely pretty. Eliseris didn't know enough about the lone man in the loud hawaiian print shirt to be willing to approach him, and the reserved girls might not be approachable for a bit. This left the group or nothing. Proces of elimination didn't do well for Eliseris, but with a group, one could either screw with their dynamic or get multiple chances to make a friend or ally.

                               Eliseris slowly made her way to the larger gathering. "Greetings," She began, with a mild wave of her hand. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." She noted. "I'm Eliseris. I may be new to adventuring, but this event seemed like a good opportunity to get to know some people. You can't win an MMO alone, after all."

    Was this working? Only time will tell.

@Morningstar @Acanthus @Wulfrin














Stats and equipment:


Level: 1

Paragon Level: 0

HP: 20

Energy: 20

Base Damage: 4(PA Rank 1[3])

Mitigation: 0

Accuracy: 0

Evasion: 0

LD: 3(Laurel Earcuffs)


Additional conditions:

[None Yet]



Polearm Rank 1(4 SP)


Extra Skills:

[None Yet]



[None yet]



[None yet]



Simple Halberd(Polearm, Vanity)[Equipped]

Nobility Uniform(Clothing, Vanity)

[T1]Laurel Earcuffs(Jewelry, LD 3)[Equipped]

[T1]Basalt(ACC 3)


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Ohmygod people are coming over here.

He expected some waves, perhaps even a few hellos. He didn't expect visitors. He gave Willow a short glance before replying to Acanthus.

"Oh, sure. No problem."

They scooted over, making room for her on the towel. Three rapidly became four when Wulfrin materialized out of no where. "Cake? Probably over there," Star pointed. "This is Willow, my—"

"Aloha!" Came the voice of a stranger. That made five. Who was the shredded new arrival and why didn't Star recognize him? He waved back regardless, completely losing his train of thought. What were they talking about again?

Number six: a blonde girl who addressed Wulfrin specifically. She set up a towel nearby and immediately changed into swimwear. Did she say wrenches? She was followed by another player and a penguin (Star knew better than to question familiars; besides, it was cute).

That made seven.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

Fuck. Scratch that—eight.

"Nope. Not at all," Star smiled, reaching out to shake Eliseris' hand. "Morningstar."

"I'm Willow," his partner waved.

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the emerald duelist 
Archer (Fate/EXTRA), Fate/Grand Order | page 6 - Zerochan Anime Image Board


  • Level: 33 | Paragon: 74 | Tier: 4(11) 

Jomei HP: 940/940 | EN: 132/132 | DMG: 23 | MIT:44 | ACC:3 | TAUNT | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | BH:52 | HB: 41 | VAMP-D: 103 | BLI: 32/-20  | LD:1    


  • Vicious Mockery
  • Fencer's Regalia - Trepidation
  • Token of Serenity

battle-ready inventory

  • Antidote (3/3) 



Rapier R5 | TECH Spec.
Combat Mastery DMG R3
Cloth Armor R5
B Healing R5
Fighting Spirit
Quick Change

(x) Concentration
Survival  (x)
Meditation (x)
Parry (x)
Forgotten King's Authority
Assault Mode (x)
Lady Luck

Athletics (x)
Emergency Recovery (x)
Vengeful Riposte (x)

Justified Riposte (x)

Focused Howl




Housing Buffs: 
Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat    
Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)    
Dining Room: Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast.
Living Room: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.




The rolling waves of the twenty-fourth floor were becoming a strange constant as of late, and it was beginning to grow on him. Days of his life spent in lands with no warm beaches, or in the heart of a city far from the shore, he had grown accustomed to not being the 'summer-loving' type. Especially when it came to the sun, or the heat, his fair skin did not get along nicely with the sun's rays. 

Archer (Fate/EXTRA), Fate/Grand Order | page 14 - Zerochan Anime Image BoardKayaba was cruel, but apparently not enough to implement sunburn into the list of status effects. 

The heat, on the other hand, that was what Jomei was getting his body used to. When you frequent adventures upon a floor made of volcanos, where the air feels as hot as the concentrated power of the sun, the heat of a nice summer's day seemed much more pleasant. The gentle breeze that flow in from off the water definitely made the walk across the bridge much more enjoyable. Hands shoved into the pockets of a white, lightweight hoodie with an exact pattern that matched his trunks, his eyes watched as a fishing boat loaded for a day's work passed under his feet and out into the open waters. 

A small gasp caught his attention behind him, as he looked over his shoulders and saw a floppy beach hat catching the gust of wind in his direction. A hand outstretched immediately with lightning fast reflexing, snatching the beige hat by the brim, the owner of the hat breaking into a small jog to retrieve her belonging. "I appreciate the gift, but I don't think its my style." the ginger would jest as he hands the hat back to the woman. With a quick thanks through flushed cheeks, she would pull the hat back onto her head as she rush back to meet her group.

Across the other side of the bridge, Jomei took to walking along the shore towards his destination. A party hosted by Zandra, not the first of its kind, not the last, but always needed. Always a nice 'end of summer' party to bring in the autumn and holiday season. Hm, not too many familiar faces.. the Emerald Duelist would say to himself as he bit on the nail of his thumb. Perhaps he was just early. 

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                              The beach. The beach. Oh, this was gonna be fun.

                Colette wasted little time, her entire focus this moment would be getting herself ready. This was one thing she always put effort into, her appearance. Once she considered herself ready, she made a beeline for the teleport gate. She was excited for this chance, she hadn't been to an event of actual substance for what felt like years, now. She could hardly wait to get there!


      The walk from the twenty fourth floor's teleport gate to the location of the beach party was surprisingly much safer than expected. Maybe the path was a secret safe road, or maybe someone came and cleared out everything that would have been in the way? While she'd only thought about potential resistance along the way when she got to this floor, it looked like she had nothing to worry about for now.
                     When she spotted a group of players at the beach in the distance, she walked closer until she noticed the beachwear most of them were wearing. With that, Colette rushed over, then slowed back down to a walk once she was close enough to consider herself within the party's vicinity. There were quite a few faces here, none of which she personally knew. While it would be nice to talk to some fellow girls specifically, a larger group might be more beneficial in this case than the two reserved girls keeping to themselves. There was a lone passerby, two players who were nearly interacting like a couple...or was it just that the white haired guy had a crush on the blonde girl? There was another new arrival to the party not far in front of her, a good looking ginger man. Of course, while she hoped to have a chat with him at some point, for now the more the merrier...and that meant going into the group and joining in the conversation.

        Colette made her way over to the grouping of people, wondering who to talk to first. With a smile and a wave, she was nearly about to introduce herself to the group as a whole, then she noticed someone...oddly familiar? She tilted her head to the side in thought, before she began to walk around a certain blond haired guy, circling around him, trying to see what was getting this thought out of her. "I feel like I've seen you before from somewhere..." She said as she continued to observe. Soon she stopped and shook her head. "Gah, maybe I'll figure it out later." She decided. "Anyway, I'm Colette, nice to meet you all!" She said in introduction to the players present, with a cheerful smile and a confident stance.

@Morningstar @Acanthus @Wulfrin @Eliseris @Bliss @Kiluia Seiko







Stats and Equipment:


Level: 1

Paragon Level: 0

HP: 20

Energy: 20

Base Damage: 4(Axe Rank 1[3])

Mitigation: 0

Accuracy: 0

Evasion: 0

LD: 0


Additional conditions:

[None Yet]



Axe Rank 1(4 SP)


Extra Skills:

[None Yet]



[None yet]



[None yet]



Great Axe(Axe, Vanity)

Stylish Outfit(Clothing, Vanity)


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                   The blond male would assure that Eliseris was not in fact, interrupting anything important. That was a relief, and a good start, too. Eliseris and the Blond would shake hands as he introduced himself as Morningstar. The girl near him would wave, then introduce herself as Willow. "It's nice to meet you both." Eliseris said with a slight smile. "I'm sure that we-"
                                 Eliseris's train of thought was interrupted by a disturbance in her senses. It wasn't a harsh disturbance, just a notice that something was off. "Wait, do you smell that? It smells like...lavender."
                    Eliseris turned to find the apparent source of the scent, a pink haired girl that had arrived in the conversation. The girl's head tilted as her expression changed all of a sudden, and before long she was circling Morningstar for some reason, then claimed that she remembered seeing him before from somewhere. After the circling truly ended with no conclusion, she introduced herself to everyone present in the group, as Colette.
                                        Just who was this Colette, and what kind of reason would she have to seemingly find Morningstar familiar?

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There were two answers. There was no chance in Aincrad that she was going to say the second out loud.

An fumbled about the pillow fluff lining her mind for the correct words. She drew her hands away from her face, twining her fingers in front of her long legs instead to pull them up to her front. Chin tucked behind her knees, she resisted the urge to fidget. She kind of looked like an armadillo curled up in defense. She even had the armor to match, usually. "Um. I. Went out with someone recently... super recently. As friends," An raced to clarify. They continued to watch the waves. "I think we had a heart-to-heart. I got something troubling out of my head. And I kind of realized how before her-- oops, before them, I might have had zero friends. Because I dumped that stuff on an almost-stranger... the 'friends' part came after... I think. I hope?"

At some point, she had to realize how weirdly offensive that might have sounded to someone she was speaking to also as a friend. But what she used to like about Mishiro was that she never followed the spirals An's mind went on -- even if she didn't always believe her. "Of course, I'm not expecting a lot from a party, ahahaha. But better here than my shop."

Other than a couple and a new arrival who'd brought his own floatie (!!), everyone else had clumped together in a big group near the refreshments. An had been to parties. College parties. Didn't people used to spread out more in these events? Was it better or was it worse that they weren't? At least they didn't look so tightly-knit that it seemed impossible to insert herself among them, but then who to approach first? Did one simply say 'hello' to the entire group and grapple with the embarrassment of possibly not being noticed by everyone? What if the entire group chose the option to ignore the newcomer because they were simply a bunch of the smaller groups just geographically adjacent? An would simply let the ground swallow her whole.

Given one of the exceptions, she also had to wonder how they looked to the outside eye.

She felt, for a moment, that Mishiro had stopped looking at the sea, too. She didn't look back to check. "I think I have someone I can introduce you to, then."

Meeting through a mutual acquaintance. And if it was one of her friend's, then by way of association, she was sure they weren't a terrible person. Yes. A masterful play. An was grateful for Mishiro's connections and her beautiful brain.


"The one being swarmed."



An swore she wasn't making excuses. "...Let's not pile on him for now."

Edited by Andromeda
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Zandra closed her screen and took a look across the field and beach. As she was looking up to see and greet who the new players was that had joined the party. She gave all of them a smile, a nod and a ‘’Welcome, nice to see you here. Feel free to take some drinks and snacks and talk to the other players here. Only thing Im asking of you is that you dosent think about battles, gears, skills and build optimizing. Just chill, relax and take it easy.’’ she said with a calm and friendly tone. ‘’I hope you will enjoy and feel happy after today.’’

But then someone arrived where she only let out ‘’Welcome, nice too see…’’ before she stopped. She looked at the orange haired man in silence with a surprised face for a few seconds before she blinked a few times and threw back her smile. ‘’Hi Jomei, nice to see you here. You free to take some snacks or drinks and enjoy the company here.’’ she said with a forced friendly voice.

More players arrived and she kept welcoming them all. Then she took another look over the present players. She was just standing there in silence for a minute, while listening to the splashing of the wave, the smooth wind across her skin and the soft salty smell in the air. It made her actually feeling quite relaxed herself. So at least she had succeeded with making someone to feel relaxed. She took a deep breath as she was preparing herself to announce start of the first game. But as she saw how the guests interacted with each other, she decided to not interrupt them just yet. Instead she walked up to one of the tables with drinks. There she poured up a glass with some sweet, ice-cold elderberry lemonade. She took a deep gulp of it as she leaned on the table. It also did made her happy to see people socialising with eachother in ways like this. Normally it is almost only during boss raids there is more then four players spending time with eachother at the same time. And since they was fighting together to get out of this deathgame, it was important that they new eachother at least a bit. The more the better. She closed her eyes and with a calm smile on her face she looked at the sun and felt the warmth of the sunbeams. Or was it just her imagination.

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but she doesn't stop sneaking glances.

"oh, gosh, that girl is circling him like a cougar."

"you would like that."

mishiro, having since turned her eyes back to the sea, sees an in her periphery, flushing a deep, deep red. "huh?" the exhalation escapes her like a wheeze and she reaches over the space between their beach towels to lightly smack mishiro on the shoulder. again and again. she endures the harmless barrage; better that than being labeled voyeurs or having to deal with an impossibly more timid an. "says you?! i'm the one doing the circling--"

"as if that's any less embarrassing to admit to."

"--and not on a guy, and not on you either, just to be clear...!"

mishiro risks a subtle glance. "she's stopped." and it doesn't take an long to realize the implications. bare knees on the sand, she darts forward to grab mishiro's sleeve and shake her, but mishiro is already moving to stand up.

"i-i-i-i-i don't want to be near that--"

"she'll not be leaving anytime soon, an."

she doesn't know the circles her merchant girl's mind goes on sometimes. an follows, anxious but with less of her earlier reluctance, and she starts to wildly misunderstand the situation. "mishiro. mishiro," she babbles, desperate. "i thought you were above picking up girls at the beach. mishiro, come on, i'm one hundred percent sure she's straight. i'm good at telling," but an quiets as they reach hearing distance of the group and mishiro approaches the only face she recognizes among the circle.

"hello. morningstar, is it?" she greets politely. armored, the frontliner was flashy. eye-catching red. she still recognizes him from the sunglasses, but she's surprised that he's dressed the exact opposite for a party. "my quest partner back then told me about you, if you don't mind. i'm mishiro."

behind her, an's internal screaming is so loud that she can almost hear it physically.

(so he wasn't your friend after all?!)

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"Damn I could use a break." KnightinGale said to herself as she closed the door of her rather small inn room in the Town of Beginnings. "Also I've never been to a beach. Perhaps this little beach event could be a way to kill two birds with one stone."

Unable to properly navigate her menu, KnightinGale left with only her casual clothes covering up her swimsuit. The beach of Floor 24 was incredibly beautiful, and way beyond anything Eve would be able to travel to outside of this virtual world she was in. Once at the beach, she removed her black crop top and torn jeans to reveal her ink covered body. The one perk of the tattoos being changeable on a whim was they could always compliment her form. Her punky style of dress definitely stood out amongst the crowd. Content to just enjoy the fun, she lay out a blanket and began to bask in the rays of their virtual sun shortly after retrieving a few refreshments from the provided spread.

"I wonder if surfing is a thing," She said under her breath as the announcement was made by their host. "No combat is a nice bonus and I wont feel to bad about not knowing my way around the game." 


KnightinGale | HP: 120/120 | EN: 30/30 | DMG: 4 | MIT:31 | ACC:3 | TAUNT | F-SPIRIT | THORNS:18 | BH:2                                                                                                                            

"Name: KnightinGale
True Tier: 1
Level: 6
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 120/120
EN: 30/30

Damage: 4
Mitigation: 31
Accuracy: 3
Battle Healing: 2
Stealth Rating: -1
Equipped Gear:
  - Vanguard's Hammer | T1 Hammer | ACC 3
  - Vanguard's Shield | T1 Shield | Taunt | Thorns 2
  - Vanguard's Heavy Plate | T1 Heavy Armor | MIT 3

Combat Mastery:

Combat Shift:

Familiar Skill:

Custom Skill:

  - Battle Healing R2
  - Fighting Spirit
  - Hammer R1
  - Heavy Armor R1

Extra Skills:
  - Block R1

Inactive Extra Skills:



Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:

Housing Buffs:

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:

Gathering Profession:


Edited by Wulfrin
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                                              A chance to meet people in a relaxing and fun environment? This is just what Cobean needed! All he needed was the right apparel for the trip. He took a moment to check if there was anything he was missing that he had to bring. So far, everything seemed to be in order. With that, he was off to join the party.


               Walking along the path to the party ended up being simpler than expected, so with a smile and a hope for new friends, it was full speed ahead. In his excitement of course, once he got to the location, he accidentally passed a fellow player or two. He saw a gathering made up by a handful of players. They must be party attendees... He decided to get in closer, drawing near the group. There were quite a few people present in this nearly condensed grouping, mainly centered around a blond haired male. He looked kind of familiar...odd, Cobean could've sworn he'd seen this guy from somewhere...
                          Regardless, he approached the group.
"Is this where the beach event is?" He asked, wanting to make sure he was in the right place. He glanced to the left and to the right, before looking back to all the gathered players. "I'm not too late or early, am I?" He asked with an upbeat grin, scratching the back of his neck.

@Morningstar @Wulfrin @Acanthus @Bliss @Kiluia Seiko @Andromeda @Mishiro @Eliseris @Colette







Stats and Equipment:


Level: 1

Paragon Level: 0

HP: 20

Energy: 20

Base Damage: 4(PW Rank 1[3])

Mitigation: 0

Accuracy: 0

Evasion: 0

LD: 0


Additional conditions:

[None Yet]



Projectile Weaponry Rank 1(4 SP)


Extra Skills:

[None Yet]



[None yet]



[None yet]



Simple Bow(Projectile, Vanity)

Traveler's Tunic and Cloak


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event? what event? she hadn't heard anything of the sort.

in fact, night was simply taking a regular walk on the beach. it was like any other day on the twenty-fourth, she'd presumed, one where not many players were about, and there was nothing that necessarily needed her attention. she'd watched her counterpart's gaze drift out towards the coast on their walk, and her own had followed through, even for a short while.

then her eyes were back on the coast and immediately she noticed that something was awry on their peaceful, merry day.


they stopped walking. night tapped on her mirror's wrist and their head snapped towards the distance, where night was pointing towards. there was a crowd.

"what the hell is going on over there...?"

"err... i don't know? a celebrity... meeting?"

night sighed, and promptly decided to turn around. "i think we can afford to double back, don't you?"

"i really wanted to head back to the teleporter after that dungeon earlier..."

"yeah?" night barked back, giving the scene behind them a glance. day hummed, before shaking her head.

"you can get past this one, i'm sure. i'm headed out. maybe bistro will have a fun time reading the report later."

"no way," night huffed, watching her counterpart shuffle off. "you're just leaving me to figure out what's going on over there?"

"catch you on the flip side!" she heard the blonde call, before the hood was draped over their head, and it was as though night had been talking to no one at all. the player rolled her eyes and shuffled forward.

"rude much."

stats go here later. but for now:

ID235159 | ld18 + 6 = 24 | -> please just let me get through this crowd without being seen.

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