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[F10 | PP] The Katana Master | <<Katana Skill Acquisition>>

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There was nothing better than an early morning start to the day. At least, that’s what Yume had always thought, as she stared out over the horizon and watched the sun rise from the edge of the field. She’d been one of the few players heading out into the wilds of the grasslands on the first floor that morning, a smile on her face as she considered everything that she was about to do with her day – a routine that had carried her through everything that had occurred since the announcement. It was one of the few reasons that she was able to do everything that she did – considering how it all played out for her.

I mean it’s not like everyone has success every time they do something. I just need to keep practicing. Like sensei always said. If it doesn’t work the first time, try again. If it works the thousandth time, try harder. I can do this! She beamed a smile towards the ceiling as she considered her plan. She was going to make her way towards the frontlines, to become one of the individuals who would bring them all to success and freedom. That was all that mattered. She’d get there, and then she’d look back on all these days passed, and realise how silly it would’ve been to worry about anything at all. She was destined, in a way, to be there – nothing could stop her if she willed herself to push forward and continue higher. Nothing could inhibit her from succeeding, so long as she believed in herself and put in the effort. Nothing will get me closer to that goal if I stand here all day staring at the sky!

She laughed aloud to herself as she realised the folly that she had fallen into within the moment. Shaking her head at the silliness, she collected her things and turned back to the walls of the Town of Beginning. She’d barely made headway – unlike some other players – as she’d struggled to level. In fact, she was still at the very first level, only having recently begun to get a handle on her weapon, let alone the various other aspects of the game. ”It really is amazing, all of this…it’s so real…truly wonderful!”

She hadn’t realised that she’d been speaking aloud as she’d wandered through the streets, looking over the various individuals and items, the shops and horses, even the buildings themselves – everything was so realistic in a non-realistic way. It was obviously a game, and yet if she didn’t look too hard, she would’ve sworn that it was something more. She gave a quick, shallow bow towards the nearest people, smiling in delight even as she apologised like she’d been taught. ”Sorry about that! I didn’t mean to disturb your day!”

Yume paused as she waited for a collection of individuals to pass by and go along their way. She realised – not for the first time – how out of place she looked compared to the NPCs. Her sleeveless white top, brown shorts and braided red hair standing out against otherwise plain dressed individuals. The longbow at her back another sign that she was clearly not of this world, or at least not a pliable member of whatever civilised source lived within the Town of Beginnings. ”I stand out, basically.”



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Yume | Lv. 1 | P. 0 | HP [20/20] | EN [20/20] | ACC [1] | DMG [4] | EVA [0] | LD [+1]
Tier 1 | Tier 1


  • Longbow [Projectile Weapon | Tier 1]
    Enhancement: Accuracy [1 Slot]
  • Cloak
    [Clothing | Tier 1]
    Enhancement: Loot Die [1 Slot] 
  • TBD
    [TBD | Tier 0]
    Enhancement: TBD [0 Slots]

Battle-Ready Inventory

  • Starter Healer Potions {5} [Potion | Tierless | Heals 50 HP]
  • TBD {0} [TBD | Tier 0 | TBD]


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Utility Skills

Combat Skills
Projectile Weapon [Rank: 1. 
Active: Passive. Effect: +3 DMG]

Armour Skills

Active Extra Skills

Inactive Extra Skills 

Combat Mastery

Familiar Skills

Estate Buffs

Sword Arts

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[x4] ST-I (4 EN) | A single-target sword art.
[x3] AOE-I (1 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
[x4] TECH-A (5 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.

Housing Buffs

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TBD [Home]




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It was a breezy day in The Town of Beginnings. It was early in the morning. Almost to the point that people are slowly getting situated to get there day started. Miyukii was not one of them. She was a morning person she was wide awake and fully energize. With her long white hair and pure blue eyes she was what some people say the odd one out. With her hand on her hip holding onto the curve sword she selected from the beginning of the game she knew that the first thing she wanted to do is to get an upgrade which was to get a Katana if they had it in the game.

From the start of the game she was never a big gamer. Her brother was big into it and even her friends was. The only thing is when she found out about this game she decided to give it a try but what she didn't know is that this game was soon to be called "The Death Game" for a reason. Unlike any other game this game was the first VMMORPG of it's kind. And as she figured out the hard way it was a game she wasn't able to log out until either she died or beat the game.

"Well I certinly not going to die so I guess I'm going to be beating the game."

She said it with clear motivation but also loud enough that other's heard her. But the funny thing about it is there was a young lady with red hair was talking little loud as well so it almost sounded like a little rally in the area. She looked over at the red haired girl. She looked different than anyone else in the area. She seemed to be very energetic and talkative even towards the NPCs.

"Hey you." Miyukii shouted as she tried to get her attention.


Miyukii | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 3 |

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Yume spun around at the sound of another voice shouting in the street, trying to pinpoint the commotion in the hopes of seeing whatever chaos or event was about to unfold. She couldn’t help, in the split second it took, wondering if there had been someone caught trying to steal something, or a fight about to break out. Which was why, when she spotted the white haired, blue eyed individual staring at her, she found herself entirely confused and without words. Not that it lasted long, a smile naturally forming on her face as she tilted her head and pointed towards herself, hesitantly trying to confirm if the player was trying to get her attention.

”Oh, were you calling for me? Was there something that you needed help with?” She found herself bouncing on the toes of her feet, trying to bring herself up and level with the height of the other player, cursing once again the ever so slight shortness that she seemed to be cursed with. What she wouldn’t give in order to have gained some more height during her younger years, to bring her up to – at the very least – a level playing field with most adult females she had met. ”Say, you look kinda…different, compared to everyone else. Did you have some sort of custom…no, we were reverted back to how we look in the real world, so you must look like this in real life, right? I mean it’s kind of an od-…er, a different look, but it totally suits you, right? I’m Yume, by the way. It’s very nice to meet you!”

Her words had begun hesitantly, only to flow out almost naturally. Too naturally, at one point, as she’d stopped herself from insulting the other player. There was definitely a different look to the person before her, but Yume knew that it was probably all unnatural, dyes and other changes done for whatever reason the individual had chosen to do them. Deciding it was best not to pry into their appearance too much, she changed the subject in the hopes of diverting away from the social disaster she had almost walked into, hoping that she could mend whatever acquaintanceship this person may have been looking for. It never crossed her mind that she may have been the target of a negative approach, assuming suddenly that they had wanted to ask for her help with something.

”Was there something I could help you out with, though? Maybe you wanted to do a quest together? I haven’t done a quest in…well, forever! But I would totally be willing to do one, if you wanted! I mean, I’m great at doing quests! I think. At least, I assume I’d be great at doing quests. I’m kind of great at doing everything. Okay maybe not everything, but a lot of things. Like my parents always said, if you want to do something, do it the best you can. There is no success in failure! She grinned at the end of her declaration, as if she’d shared some sort of innate, lost knowledge with the other player. She waited patiently, curious to hear what they would say – and partially hoping that they didn’t suddenly turn and walk away from her.

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