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Username: Cobean(Pronounced Co-bay-en, but he won't judge, correct or stop you from pronouncing it wrong)
Real name: Dylan Caspian
Gender: Male
Starting Age: 18
Height: Approx. 5'3"(160cm)
Birthday: February 23






                                Dylan was born to a simple family as the middle child. He had an older brother named Rodrick, and a younger sister named Ashlyn. The two siblings did not always get along with one another, so young Dylan would often be the bridge between them. Aside from his parents, Dylan had no other family or kin in his life. He had a fairly happy and simple childhood for several years.
             At the tender young age of eight, Dylan would find his world shaken violently. His father was killed in a car accident along the way to work, and two months after the incident, his mother was lost to illness. Dylan himself and his two siblings survived, but they were without family to take them in. No kin or blood relatives they knew of, let alone close enough to find them and take them in. They lived off of what they could for about two weeks, but then their supplies ran short and they were unsure of what to do. Rodrick took the lead and suggested scavenging the nearby forest for food. Once they had a plan of action, Ashlyn would stay back while Dylan and Rodrick scavenged the wilds, gathering herbs, mushrooms, and wild berries, while also setting traps for some wild game, though they would occasionally stage hunts, not many of which were successful. They lasted off of this for about a year and four months, before they began to find evidence that their actions were not going unnoticed. The two boys began finding more advanced traps, suggesting that other individuals have been hunting on these grounds. At first, they tread with caution. They then started to get nervous when they found that their own traps had been raided. Finally, they started to panic when Dylan got caught in one of the hidden advanced traps. Rodrick struggled to get Dylan out, and the two were sighted by the other hunters just before they got away. The next day, they reached the forest to find a perimeter had been set, along with a sign, it's words revealing that the two were no longer allowed access. The two then returned home to go back to the drawing board, as trying to continue anyway would most likely result in a nasty fight they wouldn't win.

                               Desperate times call for desperate measures, so the saying goes. Ashlyn and Dylan were unsure what to do to survive, but Rodrick had an idea, one that could potentially be effective, but Dylan wasn't entertained by the thought of it. Criminal activity. "We need it more than they ever will. Don't worry about it." Rodrick assured, but it still didn't sit right with Dylan that this was necessary for survival. It started with simple, petty thievery with the typical distract and grab strategy. They'd move from area to area with this as to avoid people catching on to the truth. Dylan was hesitant with nearly every heist, and Rodrick would always keep talking him into it. Ashlyn mainly followed Dylan's lead, but was willing to follow Rodrick if it meant she got to see another day. As time went by, their operations became more elaborate, with different, varying objectives and higher value areas to hit. Rodrick was pretty much the mastermind, Ashlyn became highly effective in causing the distractions most of the time, and Dylan was usually left with a portion of the deed itself, though he would carry out the whole task if Rodrick had a different part to play.

                Several months of this passed. Dylan was still having a hard time with this, it wasn't right. He was surviving, and so were his siblings...but the guilt of all he'd done weighed heavy on him. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep doing this. One day, Rodrick explained his latest plot involving a high value target. A man whose wealth should be bountiful enough to have the three set for months if they could manage to grab at least a handful. Both Ashlyn and Rodrick would need to distract for the start of the operation, but Rodrick had a plan to make the operation a little easier before putting it into action. On the day the operation was to happen, Dylan took position, disgruntled as usual, and waited for the signal. Once the opportunity was signaled, he made swiftly for the opening. Getting in unseen was the hardest part, but the next goal wasn't easy either. He needed to find anything of good enough value, and began cautiously exploring the building he'd just infiltrated. He soon happened across a bookshelf, and a cover caught his eye. He pulled the book out and started reading it, then got lost within its story. as he finished the fourth chapter, he was greeted by someone from behind, asking if he was enjoying the book. Dylan realized he'd just let himself get caught, and panicked, nearly falling apart. The person who'd caught him was none other than the man he was sent here to steal from. The man calmly asked Dylan to explain himself, which he did. He omitted no detail of his situation, didn't even leave out Rodrick and Ashlyn. The man then decided to...forgive Dylan? He then asked to see the siblings and where the three were living. Dylan agreed to show him.

                         Being brought home by the man he was sent to steal from was a situation Dylan had never anticipated. Dylan had failed from time to time, but hadn't had an experience like this. The man and the person he brought with him would look over the place Dylan and his siblings were living in, and once their little "investigation" was finished, he revealed that he now sees Dylan's story as truth. He then expressed his newfound disappointment and dismay at how the system had ignored the three children entirely, and offered to take the three in. Dylan and Ashlyn at once agreed. Rodrick, on the other hand, who had been sculking in the shadows this whole time, felt betrayed. He rejected the offer and berated his two younger siblings, before taking off into the horizon with as much as he could carry with him. It would seem that only two of the siblings would be adopted then. That was the last day Dylan ever saw Rodrick thus far.
       When Dylan and Ashlyn had completed their move into their new home, they would begin to slowly meet and become acquainted with their new family. Their new father was indeed a wealthy man, having started from a fair position due to his own father's efforts, but rose higher from hard work, though he didn't rise as quickly as some others due to the quality of his heart, not to mention the fact that his wife, the two siblings' new mother, had turned out to be a further good influence on the man. The two siblings had a new brother, too. This new brother, Clark, was unsure of his two new siblings at first, especially due to their recent pasts and how Dylan met their now shared father in the first place. As the time went on, Clark slowly warmed up to the two siblings, and got along with Ashlyn much better than Rodrick did. Once again, Dylan's world had been shaken, but this time in a (mostly)positive manner.

                It took a fair few years for Dylan to fully adjust to his new life, but at least he managed to get along well enough with Clark for said new brother to help him through the process. Dylan's new father decided to have him attend the same school as Clark was attending, and trusted that Clark would help him to catch up on anything he ended up lacking from the gap in his years where he was without anyone to properly teach him. Dylan showed the same kindness and the same smile that he normally would to anyone else, but due to his background, it took a considerable amount of time for his new peers to begin accepting him. It took two and a half years for him to make a single friend among his new peers. One day, Dylan was suddenly jumped by a few of his new peers, particularly those who still did not accept him throughout the four years he'd been around thus far. His new friend, as well as Clark, showed up to defend Dylan, and there was not a single hit landed against either side. Perhaps it might take more time for the remaining individuals who weren't tolerant of Dylan to accept that he was "one of them"...

       Dylan proceeded to grow and learn. He turned out to be a real bookworm, and loved reading fictional tales of adventure and heroism, of protagonists who were shining beacons of hope for those around them, who fought selflessly with blade and tongue for the betterment of everyone. While he read plenty of other books of varying genres, the former happened to be his favorites. He managed to get his hands on some other hobbies too, and was able to share some with his siblings. At the age of eighteen, he began to hear of Sword Art Online, said to be a full-dive VRMMORPG where one could fully immerse themselves in a virtual world. Dylan was excited to get the game, but what he didn't expect was for the NerveGear to literally exchange one world for another, in terms of his life...






Cobean has a kind heart, and he enjoys helping other people. He's always willing to offer a smile or lend a hand. While enemies would almost never get such treatment, and he's no pacifist, it doesn't change the fact that he prefers to see the good in others. He can often be a bit of a peacemaker between allies if any disputes rise, as he has had similar experiences by playing the role of bridge in the sibling relationship between his older and younger siblings.

Hard times can test people, it can break or destroy them too, but what doesn't kill you can make you stronger. Having survived on hard times has resulted in Cobean becoming a young man who can make it past difficult survival scenarios, and he's developed the tricks and talents that he's even willing to share so that he and his allies can make it out of tough situations alive. Try to knock him down and you'll realize he doesn't stay down easily, let alone for long.

Cobean is a loyal friend. He will stick by you through thick and thin, even if your journey would take you to the gates of hell itself. There are very few scenarios that could possibly sway him, and even then it would be difficult for him to not leave behind someone he cares about. All he needs is a personal connection, or a good reason to stick around, and he'll stay right where he is, with those he's around.





Cobean hated committing the deeds done under Rodrick for survival, and they weigh heavily on him. While he is willing to take necessary action, he will likely be disgruntled over said actions should they be considered wrong or questionable. His guilt may drive him to try and be a better person to others, but he still feels awful about a number of things he had done and hopes to set things right again someday.

Fear of Abandonment:
The loss of Cobean's birth parents shook his life for the worse, and his brother's flight left a wound on his heart. Because of this, he doesn't take loss very well, and will go to varying lengths to try and prevent it. Feeling pain is an inevitability in life, but this is a pain he's unwilling to go through any further.

Fear of Failure:
Cobean's difficult survival life period, as well as many of the required actions he took to make it through, have slowly progressed into this flaw. When scavenging, he hoped he wouldn't go home with too little. When said scavenging was discovered, he hoped he wouldn't be caught, driven off, or worse, and indeed, he got caught. When having to commit criminal activity, mainly theft, he was worried he might get caught at any moment, and indeed, one day he was caught(despite the results of this failure turning out to be positive, the progression of this flaw remains). In a survival scenario such as Sword Art Online, what kinds of failure would he hope to avoid next?


Edited by Cobean
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Stats and Skills:


Main Stats:


Level: 1

Paragon Level: 0

Experience: 0

To next level: 500

Paragon Rewards:




Total Skill Points: 5

Available Skill Points: 1

Spent Skill Points: 4


Battle Stats:

HP: 20

Energy: 20

Base Damage: 4(PW Rank 1[3])

Mitigation: 0

Accuracy: 0

Evasion: 0

LD: 0




Additional conditions:

[None Yet]




Projectile Weapons Rank 1(4 SP)


Extra Skills:





[None yet]



[None yet]



Profession(Crafting): TBD

Profession(Gathering): TBD





Selected Starter Package: Set D(Support Package)



Simple Bow(Projectile, Vanity)

Traveler's Tunic and Cloak



Starter Healing Potions(Restores 50 HP) x3


Special Items:



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Friends and Relationships:


[Side note: Relationships listed here will be marked with a class level describing the type of relationship]
[Side note reference guide: C- Lesser Friend. B- Friend. B+-Good Friend. A- Loyal Friend. A+-Best Friend. S- Lover/Spouse]














Story Thus Far:


The story has only just begun...


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