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Rhys' "Boyfailure" Journal

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GENDER :: Male


ORIENTATION :: Unlabeled

STATUS :: Single [Active]


Kamakura, Japan

6'2" [188 cm]




NAME :: Kazuki Murakami


AGE :: 25 > 27

DOB :: October 31st



Rhys’ appearance is equally as striking as it is ethereal, exuding both his graceful nonchalance and a small pinch of intimidation.
Standing at 6’2” (188 cm), his physique is well-proportioned and athletic, emphasizing the curvature of his muscled chest and shoulders.
His tanned skin aligns the darkness in his hair, layered slightly longer toward his neck with peppered strands of black and white. His gaze is
that of a seasoned leader, his irises a shade of crimson and his brows thick with a slight slit on his left brow. Cloaked in the scent of smoke, his
silky layers are rather regal, tied at the hems with a thick brown belt;a high-collared outfit blending gothic and his own culture. This includes
his many piercings, rings, and necklaces. Revealing the skin of his chest and arm, the final touch of Rhys’ feigned nobility is his tattoo, in its
swirling shade of jade green that compliments the rest of him.

[Horns not included in his appearance, ears are human].




No one is as gentle as Kazuki.
No one is as kind as Kazuki.
No one is as strong as Kazuki.

But even Atlas, who holds the world, may need help in carrying the burden.

Kazuki grew up in the quiet, semi-coastal town of Kamakura, surrounded by the hum of cicadas in the summer and the constant chatter of townsfolk in the winter. His childhood was a tapestry of responsibilities, laughter, and the unspoken weight of expectation. As the eldest of three in a single-parent household, the lines between child and adult often blurred. His mother, a quiet but unwavering woman, worked long hours at a local restaurant, her hands rough from endless shifts but her heart soft in the way she tended to her children. She was both nurturing and stern, especially when it came to young Kazuki, on whom so much of the family's future seemed to rest. The eldest son was born to take care of the household, and he was told those very words from the beginning. But to his little sisters, Kazuki wasn’t just their brother – he was their hero. 

For Kazuki, this role wasn’t without its struggles. His notebooks were filled with failed attempts at math problems, and his textbooks remained as pristine as the day he’d received them. No matter how hard he tried, academics felt like a foreign language, one that he couldn't quite grasp. Exams came and went, each one marking another reminder of his failure.

His mother, though endlessly patient, couldn’t hide her disappointment. She wanted the best for him, to see him thrive in a world that wasn’t kind to those who stumbled. But Kazuki’s heart wasn’t in the pages of textbooks or equations. He lacked direction, floating through his necessary education as if waiting for something more - something that made him feel alive.

His purpose eventually came on a vernal evening. Walking home from school with a group of friends, one had suggested he listen to music from the Western part of the world. The raw, pulsing sound of electric guitars filled his earbuds, and Kazuki stopped in his tracks. It was as if time slowed, and for the first time in his life, something inside him clicked into place. The music spoke to him in a language he understood perfectly. The rhythm, the power, the emotion – it was like discovering a new season of life. From that moment on, music consumed him. He spent hours listening to whatever rock and alternative music he could find. In the classroom, his mind would drift, lyrics and melodies swirling in his head while the teacher’s voice faded into the background. He scribbled song ideas in the margins of his notes, imagining himself on stage, feeling the weight of a guitar in his hands and the roar of the crowd in his ears.

By the time Kazuki was in his early twenties, he had joined a local band with friends, playing small gigs at underground venues in nearby cities and towns. What began as a way to escape the pressures of home and the weight of family responsibilities quickly became his entire world. Music was no longer just a passion – it was his identity, a lifeline to a version of himself that felt free, unburdened by the expectations that had once suffocated him. It wasn’t glamorous, but it was real. Without a second glance, Kazuki left his family behind, the weight of their needs fading into the background as the stage lights finally lifted. His family had grown distant, unable to recognize the person who visited their home every once in a while, scraggly and untamed. Within underground venues came the platter of temptations, succumbing to his very being. One by one, those who once looked up to Kazuki left his life in pursuit of healthier avenues, leaving Kazuki to wonder where he went wrong. His reflection in the mirror was ultimately someone he barely recognized; a ghost of a brother, a son, and the musician he had once been. 

Kazuki – now a shadow of his former self, scrounging for scraps off streets and with barely enough money to live – found himself wandering aimlessly around the neon-lit alleys of Tokyo, night after night. A ghost in a world that had moved on without him to shine bright.

One evening amidst his thoughts, he had eventually crossed paths with a reseller hawking a rather popular VR headpiece. Though not exactly a gamer himself, VR was another avenue to change his identity. This random VRMMORPG
world promised escape, transformation, a place where he could be anything other than who he was now. At least, according to the underground seller. Kazuki was willing to risk it being a dupe headset, but the line between risk and desperation had long since blurred. So, he tossed his remaining yen aside in exchange for something bigger than himself. An escape or rebirth? He was not sure.

Back in his crumbling apartment, the rent long overdue, Kazyki sat in his darkened bedroom. The walls, now filled with music he loved, felt like a prison cell. Even as he slipped the NerveGear
upon himself, he wasn’t exactly angry when he found out that he couldn’t leave.





[+] Disciplined:
There is a quiet rigor in the way Rhys carries himself like a sword tempered by the flames of routine. Disciple is not just a practice, but an immense core of his very being. Rhys rarely rests, often pursuing new heights without looking back. Every second is accounted for, and every decision is shaped by purpose.

[+] Protective:
Rhys’ tenderness for his siblings has resurfaced in this new realm. When it comes to those he forges a close relationship with, he rarely makes grand promises, but his silence is full of assurances – promises made with actions, not words. Every gesture is careful, as though he feared the smallest missteps could make someone in his party vulnerable.

[+] Debonair:
Despite everything he’s been through in both past and present, Rhys knows his worth. His smile is a masterclass of charm, with just a sprinkle of mystery, leaving everyone around him craving more. His suave is practiced, his voice low and coated in honey. Each word that leaves his lips feigns nonchalance and carelessness, but they are precise and rarely rushed, spoken as if the conversation itself was a piece of art. In other words, sometimes he flirts his way out of situations.

[-] Blunt
Rhys’ words tear through skin like stone – heavy, direct, and often with little regard for how they land. Rhys is unaware of such pretense; he doesn’t believe in dressing up the truth with flowers and starlight. He speaks in straight lines across the page, cutting through nonsense precisely. And if it hurts, well, that’s their problem. Not his.

[-] Reactive
No matter how hard Rhys tries to suppress the emotions that creep up behind him, his emotions explode like fireworks whenever he’s in a pinch. A zero to one-hundred kind of man. One moment, Rhys may be calm and collected; the next, a fuse is completely blown. His reactions explode across his face and through his words at times, a storm often brewing in his gaze and waiting to split the skies. Every little thing may set him off, the air crackling lightning with his emotions. It may stretch from his fingers tapping impatiently on the table to the angered way he swings his kunai. There is no in-between.

And, perhaps, this irrational behavior may end in fatality.

[-] Secretive:
Rhys is like a fairytale with half the pages torn out. His story constantly hints at something deeper, but one may never know unless he explicitly wants you to. And oftentimes, it will be never. His movements are smooth and disciplined, but heavily guarded, as though even the way he walks carries secrets he will never be able to share. He speaks in circles, sometimes riddles, never answering questions directly unless he benefits from the trade. He always – always – guides the conversation just far enough from himself.

In turn, the bonds he bridges between himself and others are usually built on sand.



20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4

SP 4/5

Thrown Weaponry R1
Cost: 4 SP
Effect: At Rank 1, gain +3 DMG.
At Ranks 2-5, +1 per rank (max of +7 DMG for R5
Weapon Skill).

At Rank 5, unlock the ability to specialize in a
Combat Shift.

SET D: Support Package

  • (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
  • 2,000 Col and (25) Materials






Face Claim: Ais from TOUCHSTARVED by Red Spring Studio

Bear with me ;; I'm very new :sob:


Edited by Rhys
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