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Name: Izumi Nanami

Username: Rixu

Age: 20

Gender: Male      

Personality: Stoic, analytical, but curious. He wears a poker face that remains expressionless. He sees everything as a game to be solved. He likes solving puzzles and moving pieces in his plans. He sees players as puzzles and pieces. He is apathetic to others unless they intrigue him.

Likes: Information, Analysis, Strategies, Chocolate Drinks.

Dislikes: Ignorance, Uncertainty, Noise.

Habits: Reading books. Playing games. Learning. Practicing. Analyzing.

Fears: Being blindsided.

Goals: To understand and conquer whatever game or puzzle they’re playing.

Ideals: Absolute understanding and control of the game and puzzle.

Backstory: Izumi Nanami was born in Hokkaido, Japan. He was a curious child and he loved playing games. One day, his grandfather brought over the board and pieces for the japanese chess known as Shogi. The grandfather taught Nanami how to play it and together they played many games together. He lost many games to his grandfather. Nanami lacked nuance and foresight in his strategies, only making moves that gave him immediate payoffs. He couldn’t see the bigger picture. But with each loss, with each game, it gave him experience and trained him to be more patient. He became analytical and strategic, thinking moves ahead. He developed into a strong player, strong enough to rival his grandfather. Little did Nanami know at that time that his grandfather was a reigning champion in Shogi. Nanami wasn’t interested in winning so he didn’t participate in tournaments. Instead he was only interested in the process of winning. It was fun for him to analyze moves and to strategize the next winning move. This made games, whether that be a board game or a video game, appealing to him.

His parents worked as cybersecurity experts. Nanami was exposed to computers at an early age. His parents would sometimes spend time with him teaching him about computers. He learned about programming from them. Programming was a hard subject to learn. It had many logical building blocks that needed to be understood. He started small in programming, with the simplest of programs of a “Hello, World”. Many errors appeared on his first programs. But he fixed them with joy though he was confused by them on multiple occasions. Because he had an interest in games, he started on developing and designing his own game. He studied how to balance games and their economies. Balancing it was a tightrope. His game often broke with the wrong design. Through many playtesting, he was able to improve his games bit by bit. He was finally able to polish his game into a good one but there was still this fire within him that hungered to learn more about game design.

He also practiced archery as part of his club activities. His arrows used to fall short of their target. He lacked concentration. He used to let his arrows fly before they were ready. His center was skewed. He had bad form. He learned to adjust himself by practicing every afternoon when class finished. Every arrow approached his target only a cm closer, but that was enough. With deliberate practice, he would eventually reach his target without aiming to do so. Archery was a form of meditation. It honed his focus with each steady breath. He would draw his bow, breathe, and let the arrow fly naturally to its target.

He eventually became a university student. As a university student, he studied computer science and neuroscience. He was interested in creating and simulating virtual worlds. One recently developed technology was the FullDive technology. It was a technology that allowed users to connect deeply into a virtual reality. He did research on this technology and hoped to design a world within it someday. One day, he discovered this newly developed game: Sword Art Online. He decides to play this game to experience the world designed by the famous development director, Kayaba Akihiko.

Link Start.




Strategic - He thinks in moves ahead. He is future oriented. He is deliberate. He thinks of reality as a puzzle board to be solved.

Determined - He is patient. He perseveres on his endeavors even if it's hard. He may be discouraged but he eventually rebuilds himself. He is resilient. He has a vision that he wants to fulfill. 

Curious - He is curious about the world's mechanics and the thought process of other people. He is inquisitive and asks many questions. He becomes too focused in pursuing his curiosities.


Cowardly - He is scared of being hurt. He has a tendency to run away. Because of this he assumes the worst and prepares himself accordingly. He can get paralyzed by fear and fall into despair.

Detached - Aside from the few things he cares about, he is detached from everything else. He is detached from his surroundings and he is forgetful and mindless. He is detached from people and this causes misunderstandings with others.

Indecisive - He cannot make decisions easily. He tends to fall into analysis paralysis. He delays his decisions in hopes that new information could help him decide. He considers too many options too deeply when he should be bootstrapping.

Other Traits:

Despair Madness - When he falls into despair, he becomes brave or reckless. He is able to risk anything for his objective. His determination is filled and he becomes sharp. He becomes unfettered from everything.



SP: 5 Points.




Character Bundle:

 Set D | Support Package:

(3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

2,000 Col and (25) Materials


Roleplay Log:

Ready for Evaluation.

Edited by Rixu 2
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