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[PP|F1]<<First Lessons>>Firefly in the Field

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Now that Firefly had met other players and joined a guild she was beginning to understand the beauty of what video games had to offer. Being able to socialize and meet friends she probably would have never had the chance to, seeing the wonders of a world that could not be seen in the real world not just because of her condition. Needless to say, she was hooked to Aincrad despite the problem the people of this world faced.

The Town of Beginnings was her eye-pleasing scenery for the day. She’d seen plenty of the town and not the floor itself. People had told her that Aincrad was something of a large floating cone, though, which meant that the first floor was the largest of all. This meant plenty of touring spots. Those would have to wait until she got done ‘leveling up’. Defeating monsters and completing quests would net her experience points that would make her unnaturally stronger.

To this end, she would be meeting with a man named Zachariah who possibly owed a debt to the mayor of the town. If she could return that debt for the mayor, it would net her with a huge boost in experience while teaching her how to play the game.


Name: Scarlet Firefly, The Blinded Light True Tier: 1

Level: 1

Paragon Level: 0

HP: 20/20

EN: 20/20



Damage: 7

Mitigation: 6

Evasion: 2

Loot Die: 3


Equipped Gear:


- Butterfly Cross-Blade - T1 Str. Sword | DMG III


- Emerald Cape - Tier 1 Light Armor Perfect | EVA II; MIT


- Firefly Witch Light - Tier-Less Perfect Trinket | LD III


Combat Mastery:



Combat Shift:



Familiar Skill:



Custom Skill:




- Straight Sword R1


Extra Skills:


Inactive Extra Skills:






Inactive Mods:


Battle Ready Inventory:


Housing Buffs:


Guild Hall Buffs:


Scents of the Wild Totem:


Wedding Ring:


Crafting Profession:


Gathering Profession:

Scarlet Firefly | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT:6 | EVA:2 | LD:3

Edited by Scarlet Firefly
Opened the thread for a newbie to join along.
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  • Scarlet Firefly changed the title to [PP|F1]<<First Lessons>>Firefly in the Field

Izumi Nanami, or rather Rixu, had entered the world of Aincrad. He was a complete newbie and was like an infant who didn't know what left and right was in this world. He was thrust into this information rich world, but to a perfectionist like him, all of the information overloaded his thinking and muddled it. There were too much information for him to parse. The incompleteness of his knowledge base bothers him. He couldn't think clearly. His mind was like slogging through mud and reaching out towards a haze. He was confused at every point. What should he do? What did each of those terms in the interface meant? It overloaded him until it blew a fuse in his box. He abandons a deliberate strategy in favor of just following the flow. Something he rarely does unless he was really lost. He was in a zen-like state. Calm and flexible he follows the fate laid out for him.

He wanders around town until a quest approached him on its own. He accepts the quest. Now he must meet this character known as Zackariah, the alchemist. How is he to find him? Is there a quest indicator on his map? He hopes so or else he feels like he would be eternally wandering this town like a ghost just to meet this hidden character. Maybe he should ask around first? The other players might know something that would help him. If the other players would kindly guide him, even better!

He approaches the first player he sees. "Hello, I'm looking for this character named Zackariah. Do you happen to know where I can find them?" He asks with a sheepish smile while he holds the back of his head with a hand.

'This is a bit embarrassing. I'm out of my element. I feel lost. But it can't be helped. I'm just starting out. I'll do my best to learn the systems of this world and solve it one day.' He resolves upon himself.


Rixu | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 1


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Firefly would be studying her ring-bound notebook as the other player approached her. To mind her manners, she would retreat the item back to her typical hammer-space. Being able to notice someone before they approached her was a boon here in Aincrad. "Oh, hello!" She'll offer a soft smile to them. "I'm looking for Zackariah as well! The guild I joined gave me a lot of information about these early quests so I know where we can find him." She opens her menu and takes note of their username. Not much sooner, after a small bit of struggling with the technology, he would receive a notice that she had invited him to join her party.

"If you want to come along with me, I don't mind at all." She would gesture to follow along as they began the small trek to the potion maker's shop. "My name is Samanatha. Nice to meet you, Mr...?" She would ask, clearly giving her real name much to the taboo of other's perspectives but she had no understanding of video gaming culture. 

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"Oh lucky me! I found someone who has the same quest as me."
He soon receives an invitation request to join her party. A "party"? It feels like he's heard of that term before but his mind is still a haze and won't give its clear definition. He doesn't know much what a party means at the moment but if he was invited by someone, he might as well accept it right? He accepts the party invitation and taps on the screen in front of him. His and her usernames appear on a corner with their respective HP and EN bars.
'Scarlet Butterfly? Is that her name?'

Furthermore she walks ahead of him, gesturing him to follow her. He follows closely behind her like a newly born chick that imprinted on someone as their caretaker. Where was she taking him? Hopefully towards this character known as Zackariah. He trusted her mainly because he was lost and directionless. If he someone was guiding him, wouldn't it be natural for him to follow them?

When she introduced herself differently from the username seen on his interface, he becomes confused. Where'd that name come from? Was it her real name? Is that a thing here? Exchanging real names. Well he remembered a saying that goes "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". If she revealed her name then maybe he should follow suit and reveal his name too as part of the etiquette.
"My name is Izumi. Nice to meet you Samantha."

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The girl smiled at the exchanging of names. Their’s sounded very eastern, though many of the people she’d met who had shared their names, or just their game handles in general, had sounded eastern asian. “Great to meet you Izumi.

With a short walk ahead of them, Firefly would exchange some small talk. “The guild I mentioned let me know that this was a very beginner friendly quest. It’s supposed to teach you the simple make up of the game.” She’ll explain. Not too soon after, the duo would find themselves in Zachariah’s shop. He would be rather busy, but let them know that if they brought back some materials to fulfill orders he would be more complacent to a chat. He offers them fondue as an apology which Samantha is keen on giving a try. She takes a sample and enjoys it heartily.

With that whiplash of information finished, a quest marker would appear on their maps with a large indicator of an area. “Go find Materials for Zachariah.” The girl would read their objective aloud. “Well, should be simple enough, let’s go!

Firefly partakes in the fondue - +3 LD

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`Guild? Ah, I remember those. It's a group of players. I should join one soon. Maybe the senior guild members could help me out.`

They soon reach Zachariah's shop. It's only then that he realizes that the person they were looking for was an NPC. He seems to be preoccupied as he gives out his request in succession. Gather materials? Outside the city walls? This fetch quest begets more fetch quests. Was this not supposed to be a simple quest? As long as he wasn't forced into combat with enemies, it should be fine right? He accepts the next fetch quest and his interface updates with the new quest and marks the map. He wasn't one to refuse any freebies so he tries out the fondue that was offered to him by Zachariah. The fondue was unexpectedly packed with taste. It was delicious! The fondue spreads inside his mouth, pleasing him with its sweetness.

"Okay! Let's do it!"
They leave Zachariah's shop they walk towards the outside fields.

Fondue = +3 Loot Die

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Firefly was happy to see enthusiasm from a fellow low ranked player. With a smile, she would gesture for them to follow her outside the city. The walk was relatively easy but a bit long before they hit the edge of the safe zone. Her HUD would update to show she was no longer in a safe area. This didn’t necessarily mean they were in trouble though. Enemies could be easily evaded if one didn’t feel the desire to fight.

If you don’t wanna get caught out by a monster just keep a good distance from them while we search around.” They probably already knew that but better safe than sorry. “If anything tries to attack us, I’ll show them their mistake.” Her confidence had been through the roof the more she’d talked with Morningstar. He was a very caring and collected person that Firefly aspired to imitate to an extent.

Alas, some time passed by and her Witch Light didn’t glow even faintly. “Nothing around here, let’s move on.

ID#236091 | LD: 5+6

No materials found

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