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name Kenzou Katashi
age overrated
gender m
origin mom

height tall
weight lift when told

hair black
eyes morally grey
birthday cake
orientation up


  ThInGs N' sTuFfS                      

ACTIVE FILE #1 | history

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Born and raised in the Tokyo area, Kenzou was always the slowest one in the class. Everywhere and for everything. Always. It didn't matter where he went or what he did, things just never computed at the same speed for him as they did for others, and it made him lonely. But it felt good when people asked him for help.  Lift this.  Move that.  Shove that kid's head into a toilet bowl for me.  Sure!  Why not?  Everyone laughed, didn't they?  Even when he ended up in the principal's office, and his parents got mad, they just did the despondent headshaking thing and scolded him, and then sent him to his room for awhile. 

Which was fine, really, because they'd bought him this new toy to try out, even though he didn't know what half the words meant and his fingers didn't quite fit right on the keys without mashing three at a time or accidentally toggling all caps.  The funky helmet thing would do the thinking for him, which sounded nice, even if it was a tight squeeze.  A really, really tight squeeze.  But he jammed it on there real good, like it wasn't coming off for a good long while.  How bad could a little brain squeeze actually be?

It was fun at first, womping things without consequences.  Who wouldn't like that?  And the fact that his parents let him do it while he was grounded was even better.  It was kinda weird that they hadn't come to check on him in a while.  How long had it been, anyway?  A coupla sleeps, probably?  Not like that hadn't happened before.  Someone would come poke him and take that silly hat off his head when it was time to eat.  Speaking of which...

ACTIVE FILE #2 | personality

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Fearless - "Moog ain't 'fraid of nuthin.  Cuz nothing in here is rea. People said, but then some of them went and jumped off into the sky, which was kinda weird.  Maybe they were chasing something shiny?  Moog woulda just punched them and taken their shinies."  

Helpful - "Moog'll do that for ya.  Just tell old Moogy how and where - like, every step, in detail, twice.  Makes Moog feel good to help.  Wassat?  Other peeps gonna get hurt?" [pregnant pause] "That sounds like more of a 'them' problem."

Tenacious - "Moog ain't no quitter.  Boss says that mountain's gotta move, so Moog'll move it.  No matter how long it takes."


Gullible - "Ideas are for other people.  Moog just carries stuff... and does things to make bosses smile, especially when they pat Moog on the back afterwards.  They'll just tell Moog how and when to do things, so Moog doesn't have to figure them out."

Follower - "Why think when someone else will do it for you? Thinking hurts, and Moog always gets it wrong.  It's just easier when Moog does what Moog is told."

Oblivious - "Moog... uh... was supposed to put something here.  Somebody said it was important.  Where even are we?  Do they have food here, cuz Moog's getting hungry again."

ACTIVE FILE #3 | appearance

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Moog's ambivalent, glossy grey eyes only tend to light up when food is present or someone is praising him for something; or he thinks they are.  Wispy strands of grey-black hair adorns his balding head, matching his permanent five o'clock shadow and scraggly unkempt beard, giving his a scruffy nerf-herder kind of feel.

Roughly six foot four with broad shoulders, barrel chest and hefty paunch, Moog takes up a lot of space and is often clumsy in his movements, knocking things over through inattention or due to his sheer size.  He also doesn't really care.  Face stuck in a forever grimace, it only fluctuates to sneer or grin in a decidedly unpleasant manner, the way a particularly nasty undertaker might.

ACTIVE FILE #4 | alt. characters

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There is only Moog.  At least as far as Moog knows.  Don't spoil it for him.

[The House of Moog] [Moog's Bestest Shinies]



Edited by Moog
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