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[F27-EVENT-2024] Diwali

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Reading the final inscription reminded him of the countless others he'd journeyed with over time.  Those first trailblazers had forged a path forward, paid for in blood and anguish none of them could ever repay.  Part of him hoped it was just another of Kayaba's lies: that death in game meant death in the real world.  They had only his word it was true, yet people were terrified by the prospect alone.  They lived their lives, and even ended them, according to its  merest possibility.  Watching those willing to stand in the front ranks of the raid teams' vanguard, he'd always wondered how they reconciled the risk, until he joined them in a fit of responsibility.

"In my friggin' pajama's no less..."

Something poked him in the ribs with eerily familiar manner, drawing a sideways glance and hidden hand on sword hilt.  Blue-eyed mischief eased professionally mandated tension, earning a tussling of her blonde hair to remind her she was still shorter than him.  

"Sensei-chan."  Tease and acknowledgement all in one, he'd watched Katoka go from frightened newbie to full-fledged front liner. She and so many others.  Words flowed easily between them, but he was first and foremost pleased to see her spark and twinkle rekindled.  She'd been through a lot recently and it had taken a predictable toll.  Smiling warmth and gratitude marked their common parting, the formidable samurai wading her way towards the thickest cluster of tasty treats, none around her any the wiser of her formidable power.

That's really the point, isn't it?  The measure of any tank's merit and conviction being their willingness to hold unto their breaking point, and then a step beyond.  It means accepting all consequences so that others could keep marching forward.  

Not generally the selfless type, Freyd's new armor suddenly weighed more than it had moments ago, like he was walking around with his own coffin conveniently strapped to his chest.  Morbid, but not entirely wrong. At least the moment came with free cremation.  No wonder medical staff always had the darkest humor.

"Pardon me," he asked, approaching his final lantern.  "Dead man walking. Please stand aside."



‘To our parents who guide our journey, we grant of you this blessing.’
‘To our friends who walk alongside us, we grant of you this blessing.’

‘To our siblings who stand with us, we grant of you this blessing.’
‘To our partners who stay with us, we grant of you this blessing.’
‘To those who will come after us, we will owe to you this blessing.’

Edited by Freyd
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Eyes wide, still stunned by the contents of the inexplicable message sent by his crazy captain, young Jeeves wandered through the festival in a daze.

"Why would they... this just doesn't make sense."

Ignored by default, as he so often was due to both size and demeanor, Jeeves passed through the crowd unopposed and essentially unseen.  No one ever paid him any mind - a fact he'd come to rely on and use to his advantage.  Fingers traced the outline of the worn brown satchel slung over his shoulder, its saggy bulk hanging slightly off-center and resting against his hip.  His fingers trembled as they reached for the ties, pausing long enough to reach up and lower his goggles into position. This was going to get messy, and he'd be at its epicenter - ground zero, so to speak.

Here we go...

Hiten was still giving the same speech he had been hours earlier, kneeling to plead with passersby's on the regular.  Fewer were even entertaining his requests as the festival drew closer to its close.  Time's flight had stolen the last of their opportunities and left those engaged with few alternatives but to turn in whatever they had scrounged or fabricated.  Disappointment was well-concealed, but submissions to date had been limited against the balance of their needs.

"Umm.  Excuse me.  Pardon me."  Still no one listened, lighting the ever-present fuse that gnawed at his frustrations.

"HEY!  JERKS!" Probably not the best tone, he admitted, regretting his words instantly.

"Oh, uh..." Hiten struggled to connect foul mouth with appearances.  "What's up kid?"

That did it.

"Kid?  KID?!  What is it with you motherf-"

Finger reflexes stopped what his lips were failing to do, yanking loose the ties on his satchel to unleash the contents within.  To say they were under pressure might have been the understatement of the festival.  The blowback sent Jeeves flying like he'd just tried drinking from a firehose at full pressure, unleashing an explosive spray of flower petals so massive you could see the multicolour mushroom cloud rising from every corner of Ronbaru.

When the initial burst and storm finally subsided, a completely self-satisfied chuckle could be heard beneath an especially thick pile of petals, the edges of two foggy lenses hinting at the buried bearer who seemed completely satisfied with himself.  He owed the gang big-time for letting him have this moment.

"Hehehe... that was awesome."


Item Name: Flower Petals
Quantity: 1,744
Thread Link: 
[75] - https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/41439-ev-pp-27-making-the-rounds-for-ronbaru/?do=findComment&comment=691060
[1669] - https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/41440-ev-sp-27-ronbaru-blues/?do=findComment&comment=691091

Edited by Jeeves
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It was more of a puff than a shockwave, like the entirety of the participants in Ronbaru had loosed a collective gasp.  They also had, but it was merely a reaction to the giant crafting-based ordnance unleashed by a certain clever youth with a penchant for rebellious mischief few recognized, and he hoped to steer away from the darker trajectory seeking to bind its fate.  

Content to have made himself scarce from the scene, Freyd had instead returned to Dayanita's station by the Diya Lighting staging grounds.  Most of her trays and lanterns were long gone, players having taken the task in stride.  Adding his own empty to the discard pile, he offered the NPC a friendly smile.

"Thank you for the opportunity.  I treasured each lamp's kindling enlightenment.  Please pass on our appreciation to all who helped organize and make the event possible."

The young lady blushed, unaccustomed to such feedback, smiling and nodding in turn.


Diya Lighting - Bookend Post 

‘To our parents who guide our journey, we grant of you this blessing.’
‘To our friends who walk alongside us, we grant of you this blessing.’

‘To our siblings who stand with us, we grant of you this blessing.’
‘To our partners who stay with us, we grant of you this blessing.’
‘To those who will come after us, we will owe to you this blessing.’

Edited by Freyd
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"You're a total nutjob.  You know that right?"  Fishing around in a morass of softest flower shrapnel, Ren fished up his smaller companion, who was still laughing his ass off.

"Makes this batch seem a bit redundant, I suppose, but it's the sentiment that counts.  Right?"  Summoning his meager comparative donation to hand, he turned to hand them to Hiten only to spot the NPC's legs sticking up in the air, a spray of potpourri-blasted purple hair fanned out in full radial glory in all directions pointing away from Jeeves.

"Umm... are you alright?"

A hand shot up from the pile, thumb fiercely held high with an affirmative.  

"Oh, good.  I'll just... ummm..."  Every crate and piece of furniture in the area had been upturned or tossed at least a dozen yards away. Seeing as how some lengthy cleanup was already inevitable, he just dumped his in with the rest and called it a day.


Item Name: Flower Petals
Quantity: 100
Thread Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/41439-ev-pp-27-making-the-rounds-for-ronbaru/?do=findComment&comment=691060

Edited by Rencesvals
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Walking into the hellish dreamscape kaleidoscope that remained of the flower-strewn central grounds of Ronbaru, Freyd was glad to have passed that particular experience to another.  That much raw colour might have killed him, or at least his monochromatic ensemble, had he been too close to the initial blast wave.

All around, people were picking themselves off the ground and frolicking about like kids playing in an endless sea of autumn leaves infused with distilled Crayola essence.  The whole area also smelled sickly sweet, but not quite to the extent of becoming nauseating.  Smiling as he added a less explosive contribution of his own, he'd wanted this moment to belong to Jeeves, who'd struggled too long with his role as an outsider.  His nature only craved it because it had become his default - something he could relate to.

"Hopefully, we haven't made too much of a mess," he offered to a still-cackling Hiten, wondering how long it would take for the colour print across the front half of his body to finally fade.


Item Name: Flower Petals
Quantity: 250
Thread Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/41439-ev-pp-27-making-the-rounds-for-ronbaru/?do=findComment&comment=691060

Edited by Freyd
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Finding some of the event crates scattered near the edge of the square, Foyle set them right before adding his own modest contribution to the pile.  Not dramatically substantial, he was still proud to have contributed in some way.  Grabbing a nearby broom he set to sweeping up the floral deluge, righting the mess his friends had setup, more out of habit than any sense of guilt.  It was his nature to do so.

"Freyd.  Ren.  Let's give them a hand, yes?" Nothing more was said as the others collected tools and crates of their own, setting to work beside him.  If they were contributors to the chaos, they might as well also set it straight.  Jeeves and Hiten were still too busy regaling each other with stories of the looks on each others' faces when the blast hit.

Working silently, the three men merely smiled for having given their younger a blessing of their own, hopefully rekindling his own flame in the process.


Item Name: Flower Petals
Quantity: 100
Thread Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/41439-ev-pp-27-making-the-rounds-for-ronbaru/?do=findComment&comment=691060

Edited by Foyle
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[Ever since your cohorts drank the event dry of its novelties, your leader had reined them all back in and redistributed their regular tasks, albeit with double the off-hours so nobody could in good conscience make fun of him for showing favoritism toward his wife. You made yourself scarce to escape any straying ire and between your own work you made a lazy routine of checking the cumulative progress on the only goal you could not accomplish by yourself.

You forgot to knock on wood, as the superstitious type would say. Forty-eight hours before closing, the lines on the tally had not moved in weeks. The theoreticals you had idly run through your head to test your impression went from a comfort to a misplaced obligation. Vexed, you picked up your violin.

And you put yourself through hell on the second to the last day. But the citysides you had rid of all living (lootable) things might protest the assertion.]

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[You retraced a familiar path.

From sound and pressures of air, you carefully gauged the distances between yourself and the bodies of the surrounding crowd, giving all moving figures a wide berth. You thought you were actively hallucinating on top of your weariness and the fine radioactive slurry your senses had melted into -- but in front of you, approximately three steps to the right, had been a genuine flower bomber.

You considered terrorism a passing disinterest, and much more amiably, you offered your contribution to the station.

Hiten's booming voice came half a person's height below his podium, possessing a strangely muffled quality like he was buried under layers of weighted blankets. He was grateful, you were a friend to his company now, would you like to attach a name to your contribution?

You thought for a moment. "Put it under 'Pollux.'"

You could not see the visual fanfare of a completed objective, but you felt a thrumming at your fingertips where you held a bubble of menu options open. You swiftly detached yourself from the noise.

The light stung your irises.]

-> CONTRIBUTING: 1,350 TOTAL | 1,318 Flower Petals; 32 Aarti | [link.]

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what was about those flower petals she'd somehow obtained on that floor tour earlier?

bistro had said something about handing them into the attendants. night was mostly confused. the instructions towards locating them had been inaccurate, to say the least, or maybe night was just worse at following instructions with something else at the top of her mind. what was it that bothered her?

they chanced upon the same game that they'd played back in lichten. night grabbed day's cloak and pointed at the stall. "i want another round at it."

and this time, she found out that they were playing for keeps.

they rolled dice. day glided her piece around the board. and just as night watched her own results show intently, holding her breath as she'd managed to keep up for once, the die shifted on the last, and her piece skid towards the tiles on the lower two rows of the board.

"... oh."


ID238354 | cd7
ID238355 | cd9
ID238356 | cd1

Bloodcrystal of War | Tier 2 Crystal | +4 DMG, -(20 * Player’s Tier) MIT. This item does not stack with other Protein consumables.

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demian was the one who found them first.

"day," he regarded. and her player stilled in anger ahead of him, but demian wasn't really into paying attention to her. he gestured to the road behind him after day had turned to face him.


"the attendant you're seeking is that way."

a clenched fist, down on the table with a completed game of gyan chauper. it was a miracle the table hadn't shuddered as much as it should've, what with the apparent rage boiling behind night's eyes. what vitriol became apparent quickly in her words, however. "i'm right here, you know."

demian but closed his eyes.

"well," day had announced in the dark. he could hear movements, the shuffles of uncertainty. "i suppose i'll go have another look around the festival grounds first. let me know when you two are done, okay?"

night scoffed, and demian felt a tap on his shoulder. more like a shove. he opened his eyes.

day was gone.

"c'mon," night said, glaring at him from over her shoulder as she started down the path he'd highlighted earlier. "bistro's waiting for us, isn't she?"

-> CONTRIBUTING: 100 flower petals. | [link.] 

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so she had been. night was glad that the walk over to the library had been short, no thanks to demian's navigational skills (he knew where all the shortcuts were, apparently). and, to her surprise, there had been a queue of players present.

she folded her arms, and joined bistro at the back of the line. might've uttered a small prayer at demian's curt leave, watching him join iris and basuke in the corner, but she regarded bistro afterwards, attention unwavering. "how quickly is this moving?"

"i might've been waiting here for 15 minutes."

there must've been five to six players ahead of them. was each hand-in supposed to take this long? night huffed. "i don't have all day."

then, the person ahead of them shifted forward, and the duo shuffled to close up the gap. bistro gave her a warm smile. "well, i might've lied about the waiting time."

-> CONTRIBUTING: 1756 flower petals. | [link.] 

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"i'm back."

"oh, hey!" basuke piped up, chipper as always. in his hands were a mess of refreshments --- partway through walking, he'd given up on snacks and handed them off to iris for safekeeping. iris accepted them, still uncertain about why he hadn't just saved the items to his inventory. "so did you see that crystal game on the way back?"

"the crystal game?"

iris looked away.

"yeah, iris was telling me about it while you were gone," basuke spilled. the woman felt demian's gaze bear down on her, to which iris had to pretend to clear her throat at. "the crystals were really pretty! and she was wondering if it was possible to collect some of them after the festival's over."

iris snuck a peek towards demian, who simply looked at her, expression unreadable, his form draped in darkness, backlit. "you hadn't brought this up earlier?"

iris laughed nervously. "well, i figured it was no big deal. no need to cast the group aside just for a small detour."

-> CONTRIBUTING: 100 flower petals. | [link.] 

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basuke watched demian shake his head. "it's not like this is the end of the festivities," he said. "we still have time to look around. i'm sure bistro won't mind."

iris shot a glance to basuke. "i don't know," she returned, "basuke, aren't you tired?"

"no," basuke said, plain. the boy sipped on his drink through a straw as he watched iris stutter and fumble for an answer in response. "are you tired, iris?"

"u--uh, well..."

demian shrugged, and looked to basuke. "well, if that's the case, we could just call it quits here. i can take a look at the crystals on iris' behalf instead."

"oh." and basuke thought about it a little. the statement made to him sounded more like an invitation to join him at the booth rather than a debriefing and disbandment of their group. so he looked to iris, eyes wide open. "i want to go too!"

-> CONTRIBUTING: 100 flower petals. | [link.] 

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they got to the front of the line in no time.

night had swung her head sideways hunched over, letting out a gasp of frustration that encroached upon a snarl. "now," she started, "why would you even decide to lie about the waiting time?"

bistro submitted her items. she watched as night did too. and she gave the player a grin, watching the petals be received by the attendant. "because i thought it would be funny."

"really now?" and night threw her head back. "because, if it really was that funny, i hadn't seen you laughing about it, either. did your little joke pay off?"

bistro laughed. it must've read like an insult from night's perspective, because night took a light swing at her, only to find herself missing as bistro left the line in a couple of steps backwards. "well, i think it did now," she returned to night, shrugging. no malice, no ill intent. "that must count for something, right?"

-> CONTRIBUTING: 100 flower petals. | [link.] 

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twinfang. | [#234841] | TIER 1 DAGGER | DMG III
[desc.]: a large edged disc that acts as a double-bladed dagger.

maneater. | [234845] | TIER 1 PERFECT HEAVY ARMOR | THORNS II MIT I
[desc.]: a pair of spiked metal gauntlets.

Shikari | Lv. 1 | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | THORNS: 18 | MIT: 6

"what even is that, anyway?"

"not something you'd actually want inflicted on you as a real person."

the two strode in, unaware of their carelessness. there were only a few days left before the festival ended, and they hadn't even wanted to look through the event. "it's not like we've done so before," marquis had stated nonchalantly with a shrug. bistro's message had hung in between them like a loaded gun. "why find the need to now?"

"it sounds like fun," shikari returned with a nod, after a brief hum. "besides, we're not venturing out into the wilderness of the city or anything. just a couple of stores to sightsee. maybe not even that if you're adamant about getting back to your grind so much."

"i am," marquis decided, turning to the door with her hand on her katana's sheathe. "so let's go, hand the flowers in, and head back."

shikari lazily shrugged, dragging his feet towards the door. "everyday a killjoy," he joked to himself.

-> CONTRIBUTING: 100 flower petals. | [link.] 

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Marquis | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 1 | THORNS: 18 | MIT: 6

notes: n/a.



  • sun. | THORNS II, MIT I
  • scabbard. | vanity weapon.

battle-ready inventory

  • //


  • searching r1


  • immolation potion (t1)

sword arts







in the clad of night and lamp lights they went, taking the petals they were tasked to submit along. and there was hardly anyone present in the hour they arrived.

shikari had handed in his share first, on account of getting there first -- height advantages. marquis simply did so after, and then took a look at the stalls.

now that shikari had mentioned it moments ago, the stalls did seem like fun. it had been so long since marquis had attended a proper festival, it seemed like a nice change of pace to simply walk through and look at everything, not even considering her own participation. her partner simply looked over her gaze sympathetic, and gestured to them with a hand yet again. "there's always time to change your mind, y'know."

but marquis shook her head, and her hand found purchase on her sword once again. "i'll just come by next year," she decided, and left.

-> CONTRIBUTING: 100 flower petals. | [link.] 

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Diwali 2024 has reached its conclusion. Thank you for participating!
Please look to the following for your individual thread rewards. We hope you've enjoyed the festival!

Thread Summary
#please contact @NIGHT for discrepancies in rewards.

notes: issuing guild tokens to firm anima, the tracker's alliance members.
 | tracker's alliance: +1 token to pollux, morningstar, wulfrin, scarlet firefly, asura, iruma, siren, bistro, kingsley, bee. +4 tokens further to bistro as treasurer.
 | firm anima: +1 token to freyd, foyle, rencesvals, jeeves, katoka. +3 tokens to simmone as treasurer.

  EXP Col Tier Post Count Diya Lighting Gyan Chauper Additional Rewards
Total Word Count: 23,786 | Group Factor: x0.5
3ulogy 548 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (2/5) * 1.15   1 6 1.15 Dragon's Jewel (1)
For completing Of Celebrations Near and Far, all players will receive the following:

3 mon

Devaloka Fragment (1) | Consumable
Allows its user to skip the searching portion of the <<Feeding your Enemy>> quest. If the player fails to tame the creature, they will have to find it again by the searching rules in the quest. Can also be used to change a familiar’s appearance to a form of itself based on illusory light. Single-use item.

Swan Feather (3)
Name Tag Consumable

Lotus Stickers (3) | Single-use Consumable
+3 LD to foraging or +2 CD to fishing per thread. Untradable.

Amenity Unlock:
Diwali Diya
Upon thread closing, this player obtains an additional +3 * Loot Minimum Mob HP col for every 5 authored posts.
Andromeda 476 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (1/5)   2 3   Dragon's Jewel (1)
Arabelle 1,095 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (1/5) * 1.15   4 3 1.15 Laddu (5)
Asura 0     1 2   Bloodcrystal of War (1)
Bee 0     1 1   King’s Core (1)
Chameleon 0     1 1   Laddu (5)
Escudo de Protection 0     1 1    
Iruma 0     1 2   Bloodcrystal of War (1)
Katoka 0     6 1   Laddu (5)
Kingsley 0     1 1   Gulab Jamun (1)
Mishiro 1,513 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (2/5) * 1.06   3 7 1.06 Laddu (5)
Morningstar 1,666 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (1/5) 250 7 3   Bloodcrystal of War (1)
Pinball 2,205 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (1/5) * 1.03 321 9 3 1.03  
Scarlet Firefly 238 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (1/5)   1 3   Laddu (5)
Siren 0     1 1   Dragon's Jewel (1)
Acanthus 32,495 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (4/5) * 1.15 4874 6 12 1.15 Death’s Song (1)
In addition to above rewards:

Festive Lassi (1) | Consumable
+1 CD for one thread or a day's worth of crafts/appraisals.

Experience Boon | Untradable. Applied upon thread closure.
 | Total items submittted: 5823
 | Total EXP gained: 23292xp
Basuke 23,292     2 2   Gulab Jamun (1)
Bistro 23,768 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (1/5)   2 3   Laddu (5)
Demian 23,292     2 2   Laddu (5)
Foyle 23,292     2 2   Padma (1)
Freyd 39,631 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (3/5) * 1.15 5945 18 9 1.15 Laddu (5)
Iris 23,292     1 2   Peacock Feather | Tier 1 Trinket | LD I
Jeeves 23,768 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (1/5)   2 3   Blessing of Barkskin (1)
Marquis 23,292     1 1    
NIGHT 30,354 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (1/5) * 1.15 4553 15 5 1.15 Bloodcrystal of War (1)
Pollux 23,768 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (2/5)   1 6   Laddu (5)
Rencesvals 23,292     2 2   Blessing of Barkskin (1)
Shikari 23,292     1 1    
Wulfrin 24,482 (2378.6 * 0.5) * (1/5) 3672 5 4   Dragon's Jewel (1)
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