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<<Mon Exchange>>

These specialized NPC merchants deal in Mon, allowing this special event currency to be exchanged for past event rewards at all times.

Purchasing Guide

  • Players should post their shopping list and price breakdowns in this thread.
  • Once a post has been made, send the appropriate amount of Mon to the @Banker
  • All purchases are automatic. Players do not need to wait for an approval to receive the items purchased.
  • This exception is made for a Bottled Vigor purchase, with which needs to be delivered to the player from the Banker.
  • Items collected must include an ID by rolling for it when purchased 'Mon Exchange [DATE]' is the roll reason (I.E. Mon Exchange 9/10). All purchases are incremented using a letter. (I.E. Roll #123456 will yield a Gungir Shard with ID [123456a] and a Dimensional Backpack with ID [123456b]
  • For accidental purchases and refunds, please contact a member of staff through site messages or on Discord.
  • Please ensure that your receipts are kept tidy.
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  • Cluster of Stars | [3 Mon]
    Changes the type of an item as long as its enhancements are applicable to its new type.
  • Gungir's Shard | [10 Mon] | UNIQUE
    Caches and expends a craftable consumable. The item to be cached must be submitted to a player's evaluation thread. Once confirmed, players may use the item to provide a buff to their characters once per thread. Other players can be affected by this item’s effects (eg. feasts, mass healing crystals), but the item cannot be used in combat. This item is tradable until an item has been evaluated on it, and a character can never own more then 1 evaluated Gungir's Shard at a given time. This item can be reset by paying 100,000 col to have it reset which will allow a new item to be cached in it but it will remain character bound.
  • True Light Lantern | [10 Mon]
    When lit this simple brass lantern burns away shadows and deception, aiding in the connection of blows in the darkness. Negates the effects of low-light. Grants its user's party +1 ACC and +1 LD. A party may only benefit from one True-light Lantern at any given time.
  • Hammerspace Backpack | [10 Mon]
    Adds +1 to the player's Battle Ready Inventory. In addition to this effect, all Battle Ready Inventory slots extend their item capacity by 2. A player may only benefit from one Dimensional Backpack or Hammerspace Backpack at once, the latter taking precedence over the former.
  • Dimensional Pouch | [15 Mon]
    Adds +1 to the player's Battle Ready Inventory. A player may only benefit from one Dimensional Pouch at a time, but can be worn in addition to a Dimensional Backpack or Hammerspace Backpack.
  • Delta Rune | [20 Mon]
    Removes an existing enhancement on any piece of equipment and replaces it with [Cursed]. Compatible only with Demonic items. One-time use.
  • Bottled Vigor | [3 Mon]
    Gain +(200 * Tier) EXP. Untradable; applied upon purchase.
  • Celestial Favour | [5 Mon]
    Allows a re-identification attempt on a single enhancement slot from a single piece of gear at a Merchant using only their Unique Enhancement table. If an enhancement is rolled that matches a pre-existing enhancement on the equipment piece at capacity, the player is allowed an additional reroll attempt. (eg. If a player rolls [FALLEN/HOLY] on a perfect sword that has [FALLEN II/???], the player may choose either [HOLY] on their roll or opt for the reroll attempt.)
  • Candy Corn | [3 Mon]
    Increase the effectiveness of a single crafted potion consumed in a thread by +1 (Player’s Tier) slot. Cannot be applied to an enhancement that has already benefited from [Candy Corn].
  • Fragment of Meissa | [15 Mon]
    Removes an existing enhancement on any piece of equipment and replaces it with [HOLY]. Compatible only with Demonic items. One-time use.
  • Pocket of Dark Matter | [15 Mon]
    Removes an existing enhancement on any piece of equipment and replaces it with [FALLEN]. Compatible only with Demonic items. One-time use.


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Dimensional Pouch | [15 Mon] | ID 239552
Adds +1 to the player's Battle Ready Inventory. A player may only benefit from one Dimensional Pouch at a time, but can be worn in addition to a Dimensional Backpack or Hammerspace Backpack.

Edited by Freyd
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