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[F01-SP] a brief deviation. <<eal:tlr>>

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shikari had mentioned becoming a blacksmith. good for him.

and bistro said that helping her out in specializing in a craft would be part of her payment, too. so marquis simply put two and two together — since it likely wasn’t shikari’s original goal to settle down at a forge for the rest of his days in aincrad, it was probably motivated by the slow-paced, yet steady, method of earning his keep from their captor.

so she let him do so, even if she initially passed her judgment with mild complaint. for her, however, the adventurer had something different planned.

“for private crafts only,” she had brokered. her head had turned towards the direction of the scarlet line through the cintamani’s windows. bistro followed her gaze, but understood.

“that was a collaboration than an arrangement made by me,” bistro corrected her. marquis raised a brow, naivety in negotiations showing. bistro smirked all the same.



Marquis | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

notes: n/a.



  • sun.THORNS II, MIT I
  • shore. | DMG III
  • solitude. | ACC III

battle-ready inventory

  • chamomile tea. (5) | HP RECOVERY III
  • chamomile tea. (5) | HP RECOVERY III


  • katana r1


  • immolation potion (t1) | (1/2) |  >>
  • gelato. | LD III | (1/5) | >>
  • mousse. | PROSP III | (1/5) | >>

sword arts

  • [x4] ST-I (4 EN)
  • [x3] AOE-I (1 + [2 * targets] EN)
  • [x4] TECH-A (5 EN) | STUN






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“alright, we have a deal.” and she nodded. “private crafts only.”

. . .

the cost of unlocking the earning a living questline, it seemed, was so drastically low that it was basically a crime to not have unlocked such an outlet for advancement. bistro had shrugged, and wouldn’t say why, but marquis figured she could guess the answer. aincrad always needed more hands in the effort to get out.

she rolled her eyes. so no one was allowed to judge her for ‘not doing her part any more’, right? at least, with shikari sticking around the scenes publicly, it was likely he wouldn’t receive the same commentary. a different one, perhaps, if he ever returned to show his face around the twenty-first again. something about losing his touch and letting go of his reputation. 


if only her reset didn’t inadvertently clear her friends list, either.

marquis sighed, looking over the blank space where k9’s username used to exist at, before her gaze shifted upwards.

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she was already outside of the quest venue.

marquis let herself in, the warm light from the inside contrasting greatly with the outdoors. harsh whites of a clear sunny sky against the interior’s dark yet homely feel. not a place marquis could be caught hanging out in on any other day. she looked to the shopkeeper. “hello?”

“hello,” he chimed back, his back turned to her. the man name was richard, and his attention was set on a number of clothes on the counter, with one in his hands as he held it up to the light. marquis questioned the rationale to not simply pull up the blinds of his shop. “what do you want?”

“i heard that i could learn how to become a tailor from you,” the woman recited. practiced and perfected — the ideal of what a player should be like. her hand was on her katana’s hilt. “can you teach me?”

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richard folded the dress he held up at her words. “teach you?” he said. now his gaze was on her as he paced about on the spot. “i suppose i could. here to learn from the best, are you now?”

“takes one to know one,” marquis offered. “and become one, as well.”

richard smiled, nodding. “great. i see.” he set aside his garment. “well, do you have the materials to begin with?”

although marquis was informed about the materials, she was just as such tipped off that they could not be gathered beforehand. the ten pieces of scraps in her inventory might’ve proved enough to meet the quest requirements otherwise. so she feigned ignorance and tilted her head. “sorry? what’s this about materials?”

the tailor tutted, walking over to her and pulling open the door. sunlight flooded the room again, but its reach wouldn’t seep into the depths of the shop. 

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he gestured to the streets. “before i teach you,” he emphasized, “maybe you should fetch some of your own materials to train with? besides offering budding apprentices like you the skills of my trade… i don’t do hand outs.”

marquis nodded, smiling back at him. “i see. i understand entirely.” she gave him a deep bow on her way out, maintaining her composure. “thank you for your consideration nonetheless, sir.”

“charmed,” he said. and then he shut the door in her face.

marquis sighed and rolled her eyes. there was no need for cardinal to employ such a passive-aggressive tactic, surely? shikari could relate, couldn’t he? even if he didn’t have to withstand a multitude of other people who existed, who she had to put up with beyond their castle walls who did that on a near regular basis —

no, never mind. she was reading too much into things again. with a huff, and a tuck of her hair behind her ear, she walked off. there was no time like the present, it seemed.


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let’s take it from the top.

the starting fields beyond the town of beginnings was an idealized image of verdant, rolling hills and a large number of idle, blue boars. many have died from them, oft in the past, but marquis wasn’t so sure about their success rate as of now.

this wouldn’t be an ideal place to hunt, marquis considered. silks were better off being obtained from the forest just yonder, northwest towards horunka. likely, there were some plant or insect-based creature there that could warrant an ideal material result. but there were no rules against combat on the way there, so that’s what marquis decided to stick to, following the road as she cared not to draw the attention — and the ire — of some particularly hostile swine.

while walking, she felt their gazes upon her form, tracking her movements, waiting for the time to strike. and, if marquis had her searching ability, she would’ve been able to have reacted first.


ignore ID236103 ~ ID236105 please. invalid roll purposes.

ID236102 | bd4+3 = 7 | -> Boar #1
ID236106 | bd1 | md5+5 = 10 | -> Boar #2
ID236107 | bd8+3 = 11 | -> Boar #3
ID236108 | bd9 | -> Boar #4

7 * 3 = 21 DMG

1 + (2*4) = 9 EN

4 - 6 ~= 1 DMG
| thorns: 28 DMG

Marquis | HP: 19/20 | EN: 11/20 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

Boar #1 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Boar #2 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Boar #3 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Boar #4 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4


ID: 236359 | LD: 21 (18, +3) | CD: 11 | 156col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Perfect Trinket (1)
ID: 236358 | LD: 11 (8, +3) | CD: 5 | 096col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Weapon (1), Tier 1 Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID: 236357 | LD: 18 (15, +3) | CD: 2 | 096col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Consumable (1), Tier 1 Rare Weapon (1)
ID: 236356 | LD: 7 (4, +3) | CD: 1 | 096col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Uncommon Consumable (1)"


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but she didn’t. so the bump from the closest enemy was the tell she should strike back. a careful swing — the first falling prey to her thorns — and the crowd that came charging in was eradicated. 

were the boars always this aggressive? she considered this carefully as she turned around, leaving her back vulnerable. her katana returned to its sheathe. and marquis felt as though she couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched even as she looked over her shoulder just to ensure that all immediate threats in her vicinity had been eradicated — because they had. walking off as her gaze swept the land, she found nothing telling and out of the ordinary. so she shrugged it off; chalked it up to some hypothetical and imagined threat, her old senses haunting her, and settled uneasy into a ritual comfort.

she didn’t get too far without pulling aggro, however. more boars. they were just bigger this time.



ID236261 | bd5+3 = 8 | -> Greater Boar #1
ID236262 | bd6+3 = 9 | -> Greater Boar #2
ID236263 | bd5+3 = 8 | -> Greater Boar #3
ID236264 | bd9 | -> Greater Boar #4

7 * 3 = 21 DMG

1 + (2*4) -1 = 9 EN

Marquis | HP: 19/20 | EN: 3/20 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

Greater Boar #1  | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Greater Boar #2 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Greater Boar #3 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Greater Boar #4 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4


ID: 236363 | LD: 9 (6, +3) | CD: 6 | 220col, Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)
ID: 236362 | LD: 5 (2, +3) | CD: 1 | 160col, Materials (2)
ID: 236361 | LD: 9 (6, +3) | CD: 2 | 200col, Tier 1 Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID: 236360 | LD: 18 (15, +3) | CD: 11 | 180col, Materials (4), Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)


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by now, on her walk, marquis would’ve realized that the materials she’d been picking up had contributed to the quest objectives. and, on any other day, that would’ve meant it was time for her to head back and turn in her quest. the sooner she got out of the first, the sooner she could go back to her origins. not that her position, unlike certain others, was in any liability to be claimed or have faltered.

no, her absence had likely gone unnoticed — but it had been months since then. so perhaps…

as marquis was considering this, fidgeting with the guard of her blade, she acknowledged with a sideways glance that the nearby bushes had been agitated. she was merely at the entrance of the woods towards horunka, not even close to the town yet, and hadn’t been expecting to be interrupted by an ambush along the way. aincrad, being this lethal? 



ID236266 | md5+4 | -> Marquis
ID236267 | md9 | -> Marquis
ID236268 | md7+4 | -> Marquis
ID236269 | md3+4 | -> Marquis

4 - 6 ~= 1 DMG
| thorns: 28 DMG

Marquis | HP: 15/20 (19-4) | EN: 4/20 (3+1) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

Nepent #1  HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #2 HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #3 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #4 HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4


ID: 236366 | LD: 8 (5, +3) | CD: 12 | 180col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)
ID: 236365 | LD: 18 (15, +3) | CD: 1 | 120col, Materials (4), Tier 1 Rare Consumable (1), Tier 1 Rare Weapon (1)
ID: 236364 | LD: 12 (9, +3) | CD: 12 | 200col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Armor (1)


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maybe it’d been so long since she’d experienced it, but she could hardly believe it herself.

a pack of nepents descended on her from the forest. there had only been one, at first. small, seemingly fragile – of the dark green variant, the kind that needed to be put down fast before one would be inflicted with its status effects. then two; both pink, indicating hard hitters. marquis cut them both down to size, bathing her sword in the fragments that had been left behind. 

then a leader waddled out, swarming with a number of followers behind it. she struck out in sequence — first, the plant in charge, and then its tag along crew. but, the way they’d reacted had been unfamiliar, movements testing her memory. it’d been a while since she’d encountered nepents, let alone nepent-typed creatures that had the same weaknesses as higher-end variants. where she’d expected her combatant to have ducked and swept, marquis tripped, and lashed out pre-emptively as her tempo went off-kilter, the swipe happening earlier than expected.



ID236270 | md6+4 | -> Marquis
ID236271 | md10 | -> Marquis
ID236272 | md2+4 | -> Marquis
ID236273 | md4+4 | -> Marquis

4 - 6 ~= 1 DMG
| thorns: 28 DMG

Marquis | HP: 11/20 (15-4) | EN: 5/20 (4+1) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

Nepent #2 HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #5 HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #6 HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #7 HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4


ID: 236369 | LD: 19 (16, +3) | CD: 12 | 280col, Tier 1 Perfect Weapon (1)
ID: 236368 | LD: 20 (17, +3) | CD: 11 | 200col, Materials (4), Tier 1 Perfect Weapon (1)
ID: 236367 | LD: 22 (19, +3) | CD: 8 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Perfect Armor (1), Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (2)


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two of its followers went down easy. one remained standing, still. it drew out a cut from her — a simple bleed, one that sapped a touch more health than she intended to lose. but risk had always been part of the game, she rationalized. marquis put her blade through it, until she realized how many more had started to appear.

that was strange. her bladework had been top-notch, and she would know if the battle was loud enough to draw certain attention where she hadn’t intended — because she’d made sure she was quiet, and the monsters were usually the ones to alert their companions nearby instead of herself. marquis narrowed her eyes, staring into the darkness, trying to ascertain if there was something else foul at play. 

she couldn’t tell.

she simply tore herself from idleness into the battle again. three cuts. one had missed. whatever might have been working in the shadows was throwing her off her game.



ID236275 | md6+4 | -> Marquis
ID236276 | md6+4 | -> Marquis
ID236277 | md2+4 | -> Marquis
ID236278 | md9 | -> Marquis

4 - 6 ~= 1 DMG
| thorns: 28 DMG

Marquis | HP: 7/20 (11-4) | EN: 6/20 (5+1) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

Nepent #5 HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #8 HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #9 HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4

Nepent #10 HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4


ID: 236372 | LD: 23 (20, +3) | CD: 9 | 280col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (1)
ID: 236371 | LD: 18 (15, +3) | CD: 2 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Consumable (1), Tier 1 Rare Weapon (1)
ID: 236370 | LD: 14 (11, +3) | CD: 11 | 160col, Materials (4), Tier 1 Rare Armor (1)


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she culled the last, the stray, her own health beeping — in the red. her teeth was clenched. last marquis knew, she hadn’t drawn any unwanted attention from known players, first floor town refugees and those with notoriety alike. all it would take for her to be back at the top of her game would be some time; just a few seconds. yet, her eyes searched wildly through the darkness. 

it wasn’t impatience; it was a hunch. was there an interloper? her grip had remained steadfast on the hilt of her blade in the interim. 

— if there was one, where was it?

she’d expected a field boss to show. one of those new challenges that cardinal had decided to implement, said bistro. and, perhaps in light of this new danger, running around without a teleport crystal wasn’t very smart. she was sure other players would’ve chided her on that. but at the same time, marquis was certain — no, confident — that she could handle her own, at least on running away.



ID236279 | bd8+4 | -> Nepent #10

ID236280 | md2+4 | -> Marquis
ID236281 | md10 | -> Marquis
ID236282 | md2+4 | -> Marquis

7 * 3 = 21 DMG

1 + (2*1) -1 = 2 EN

4 - 6 ~= 1 DMG
| thorns: 28 DMG

Marquis | HP: 4/20 (7-3) | EN: 4/20 (6-2) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

Nepent #10 HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #11 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4

Nepent #12 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #13 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4


ID: 236375 | LD: 17 (14, +3) | CD: 5 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Consumable (1), Tier 1 Rare Armor (1)
ID: 236374 | LD: 8 (5, +3) | CD: 10 | 180col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)
ID: 236373 | LD: 20 (17, +3) | CD: 8 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Perfect Armor (1), Tier 1 Perfect Trinket (1)


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whatever was there, she wasn’t afraid.

marquis counted down the seconds of a possible respawn timer. 

as far as she knew, a minute was all that was needed for the beginner floors. this wasn’t a designated training area, even if cardinal updated it to be so — the lack of players around proved it. so her escape attempt, if it was her fear in the dark, felt solidified. idiot proof.

careful and calculated. then something shot out at her from the branches, and she ducked, tumbling into a roll.

it had been flushed red — a warning sign for danger. like an obvious alert. even if some novice had been in her position, they would’ve made it out, she’d guessed. marquis gambled to take a glance at where she’d been, her back towards the route to horunka. her hands were held out, far apart and empty. a figure? the green crystal had said as thus.



ID236283 | bd10 | -> Nepent #12

7 * 3 = 21 DMG

1 + (2*1) -1 = 2 EN

Marquis | HP: 4/20 | EN: 2/20 (6-2) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

Nepent #12 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4


ID: 236376 | LD: 5 (2, +3) | CD: 7 | 160col, Materials (2)


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but the monster before her was anything but human. a bulky figure, cast in the darkest blacks while fallen into shadows. the red smeared across it like a sharp, deep scar. a blockade, an obstacle; the eye of a colossus.

and then the figure shifted, revealing a lean woman.

like a mirror image. or was it better defined as an internal projection? marquis was familiar with the quest that had such enemies, but not on the first — unless cardinal was breaking its own rules twofold. the first floor would have no such threats without warning, a notion subject to change if bistro were to say as such on her return home. neither was that creature’s crystal yellow, and so it had to be a…

the glare that was shot her way was bright, bloody red. like her health bar, echoed the thought that passed marquis as the figure started to stand. 


Marquis | HP: 14/20 (+10) | EN: 3/20 (2+1) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

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the cape of black hair that the stranger pushed back with a roll of her shoulders was all marquis needed to know that it was indicating a fight. a player killer? her gaze went up to double check.

no, it couldn’t be. the color she’d taken in had been her slowly regenerating health bar.

but she wouldn’t put it past her threat just yet.

in a quick skip, she’d turned tail. darted down the path she was meant to travel one way and back. her stats weren’t high as they’d been before — marquis knew she wasn’t going to be able to outlast her pursuer in a marathon if it came to that. she had to play tricksy. in an unsanctioned fight, there was no true definition of playing fair.

so marquis wasn’t going to be nice.

three steps in and she’d already felt the player behind her start to gain that lead. a glance to her right — was that a steel claw outstretched? the other one had its teeth piercing the ground. marquis made a dash forward, that risky play, to lean in the direction that player had just lunged towards.


Marquis | HP: 20/20 (+6) | EN: 4/20 (3+1) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

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her timing was fortunate. the seconds after had been the stranger’s recovery — they had missed. she’d dodged it. marquis wasn’t letting the chase up so soon. her gaze was set to the woods darkening, leaves clustering overhead. all was drenched in shade, ground spotted in sunlight. the town’s perimeter was surrounded by trees and brush alike. if she wanted to be safe, she’d just have to fall into the safe zone.

but first, she had to bait her target into losing her interest.

marquis dove straight into the woods; off the beaten path, swerving right. the best she was going to get was a tell that she was meant to head back to the town of beginnings. her feint. a lie. the fatigue of being a novice was catching up to her sooner than she’d expected. marquis felt that energy burnt in her steps.

and the player realized she had to slow. but she couldn’t, knowing there was a hunter on her trail.


Marquis | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 (full.) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

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she had stopped abruptly. pulled out one of the materials she’d collected from hunting the nepents earlier. a miscellaneous item; an ovule. 

all items broke the same way.

she crouched before crushing it, and then remained quiet. in the underbrush, that low light environment, marquis contemplated with her head low if she should simply roll into the dirt. her cursor was going to be a big give away if she hadn’t been in an angle where it would be blocked by a tree in her pursuer’s vision, however, even if her emerald hair was going to offer some modicum of camouflage.

so she stayed, stilled. and the forest stilled with her, save the lumbering beast that came rushing forward.

her hunter was slow. trapped. in that clustered environment, with a large number of trees in her way, she could only go so fast with her weapons out. it was a few seconds of slow pacing before marquis heard the sound of an item returning to its inventory.



ID236338 | bd5+3 | -> Nepent #13
ID236339 | bd5+3 | -> Nepent #14
ID236340 | bd9 | -> Nepent #15
ID236341 | bd10 | -> Nepent #16

7 * 3 = 21 DMG

1 + (2*4) = 9 EN

Marquis | HP: 20/20 | EN: 11/20 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

Nepent #13 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #14 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #15 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #16 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4


ID: 236380 | LD: 20 (17, +3) | CD: 9 | 200col, Materials (4), Tier 1 Perfect Weapon (1)
ID: 236379 | LD: 13 (10, +3) | CD: 5 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Weapon (1), Tier 1 Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID: 236378 | LD: 6 (3, +3) | CD: 12 | 180col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)
ID: 236377 | LD: 9 (6, +3) | CD: 6 | 220col, Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)


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marquis made a guess. she’d ran the estimates off the top of her head. that ground covered was only capable by a monster that large if it had some advantage that boosted its speed. under regular circumstances, its size would’ve gotten in the way. that was a rationale that was only backed up from what she remembered about the marks she did study and hunt on the road. 

so she played back the scene in her head. those hands that bit into the dirt, black jaws into green from that dart forward earlier? it gave her reason enough to drop her caution and take a peek.

(and she was right. another gamble paid off.) 

marquis hadn’t exactly outsmarted the beast, but she did catch it off guard, looking around rather aimlessly, those black locks enveloping streaks of red as it shifted about. no signs of those steeled gloves in sight.

the stranger made no sound, but shuffled forth, red gaze scanning her surroundings carefully. and it was only when she was close enough, when marquis was certain about her own discovery had the stranger taken a second look her way that a realization struck her.

so she bolted. fled.



ID236343 | md1 |
ID236344 | md9 |
ID236345 | md10 |
ID236346 | md1 |

(4+1) - 6 ~= 1 DMG
(4+2) - 6 ~= 1 DMG

Marquis | HP: 18/20 (20-2) | EN: 12/20 (11+1) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

Nepent #17 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #18 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #19 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #20 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4


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the monster had turned, snapped its head at the sudden sounds of its prey leaving the vicinity. and, uncharacteristically, unbeknownst to marquis, it hadn’t given chase.

in her flight, marquis was enraptured by the one sole thought that rumbled through her mind like the harsh thunder of her steps as she ran through the forest. she’d cleared the boundary in record time while underestimating her memory of the new and reworked map of the floor. she had a hand held out against the wall of a nearby building had there been the lack of a palisade as a defense against the forest elements nearby.

panting. buzzing. her nerves were set alight again. 

marquis had realized she was looking at the same once-destroyer, that demon shrouded in red, the same being that had fallen through the ceiling and left the same way after shattering their prize to pieces.

a coincidence? marquis thought it unlikely.



ID236347 | md4+4 |
ID236348 | md5+4 |
ID236349 | md9 |
ID236350 | md1 |

(4+1) - 6 ~= 1 DMG

thorns -> 28 dmg

Marquis | HP: 15/20 (18-3) | EN: 13/20 (12+1) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

Nepent #17 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #18 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4

Nepent #19 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #20 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4


ID: 236382 | LD: 21 (18, +3) | CD: 5 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Perfect Armor (1), Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (2)
ID: 236381 | LD: 8 (5, +3) | CD: 2 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Uncommon Consumable (1)


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but then, why add insult to injury after letting them go the first time?

did the player have a name? marquis guessed she would want to have it. at least label the threat that was known — if it even was a figure to place someone like her in danger. 

no, she couldn’t let her guard down too soon, marquis considered. because even given their best intentions, that swipe, an accidental registration of damage from cardinal could’ve cut her out of the game and of reality completely. she had to consider the worst outcome first and foremost.

so she took her breaths. steadied her breathing — the lack of meditation mightn’t have helped. and when the player decided she was once again ready, marquis wandered out the village gates on a stroll.

a very brisk stroll. her hand had been gripping her katana as she left.

out of her own safety, and without complaint, marquis put her fears aside and culled all possible threats in the vicinity on the way back.

she would consider her trip back to the town of beginnings later. in hindsight, the field boss never even showed up at all.



ID236351 | bd1 | md4+4 | -> Nepent #19
ID236352 | bd1 | md1 | -> Nepent #20

(4+1) - 6 ~= 1 DMG

thorns -> 28 dmg

Marquis | HP: 14/20 (15-1) | EN: 12/20 (13+1-2) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

Nepent #19 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4
Nepent #20 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4


ID: 236383 | LD: 19 (16, +3) | CD: 3 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (1), Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)


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she had blown past the boars, asserting herself as the dominant being in comparison to them. comfort draped over her form like a cloak as she stepped past the threshold, and marquis let herself exhale as she started down the streets of the city. once more, she found herself at the tailor’s shop. marquis loosened her grip on her weapon. with a push and a free hand, she made it through the door.

“i found the materials,” she declared. what troubles she had on her adventure had been left at the store’s entrance. richard put a hold to his frivolities, having rummaged through a nearby rack for a decent jacket to pair with an outfit on the wall, and started to make his way over to her. what marquis had in her hands wasn’t silk, nor proper cloth, but richard gave what she’d gathered a scrupulous look and a long, loud hum.

marquis was patient. she could’ve waited all day.



ID236353 | bd5+3 | -> Nepent #20

7 * 3 = 21 DMG

1 + (2*1) = 3 EN

Marquis | HP: 14/20 | EN: 10/20 (12+1-3) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 3 | THORNS: 18+10 | MIT: 6 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

Nepent #20 | HP: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 4


ID: 236384 | LD: 20 (17, +3) | CD: 3 | 120col, Materials (4), Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (1), Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)


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