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[F01-SP] a brief deviation. <<eal:tlr>>

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“yeah,” he finally said, waving in a circular motion with his hands, a sign that marquis couldn’t derive meaning from. she narrowed her eyes. “okay. if you can work with that, then i can teach you what i know.” richard clasped his hands together as he leaned forward, almost petite. “so what do you say — shall we try this out together?”

it was the most awkward interaction with an npc she’d had in years. and she’d been around most in months. marquis held her tongue, and the almost immediate response that was ready to bloom out of her. instead, she forced a smile, and gave the man a nod, polite and fair.

“it would be my pleasure, richard.”

“oh,” he said. he finally held out his hand to shake hers. “i see we have already been acquainted… uh, miss.”

marquis hesitated, before stowing the material back into her inventory just to return the favor. 

“now,” he said, letting go of her after the brief exchange. “let’s get started, shall we?”


5 materials turn-in. (62 - 5 = 57)

ID236386 | cd5
ID236387 | cd2
ID236388 | cd10 | -> uncommon handwraps made.


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thread summary.


+ 649xp | 349 + 300
+ 5364col | 4964 + 400
+ 62 materials
+ other combat loot.

+profession: tailor.
+shop: tailor.


thread progression.

+400 col

3493 words | 349 sects | x1 factor.

quest rewards.

+5 materials
+profession: tailor.

combat loot.

TOTAL COL: 4,964
MATERIALS: 57 (62-5)

Tier 1 Perfect Armor (3) | [236382] | [236373] | [236367]
Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (7) | [236384] | [236383] | [236382a] | [236382b] | [236372] | [236367a] | [236367b]
Tier 1 Perfect Trinket (2) | [236373] | [236359]
Tier 1 Perfect Weapon (3) | [236380] | [236369] | [236368]
Tier 1 Rare Armor (3) | [236375] | [236370] | [236364]
Tier 1 Rare Consumable (4) | [236375] | [236371] | [236365] | [236357]
Tier 1 Rare Trinket (8) | [236384] | [236383] | [236378] | [236377] | [236374] | [236366] | [236363] | [236360]
Tier 1 Rare Weapon (5) | [236379] | [236371] | [236365] | [236358] | [236357]
Tier 1 Uncommon Consumable (5) | [236381] | [236379] | [236361] | [236358] | [236356]


ID: 236384 | LD: 20 (17, +3) | CD: 3 | 120col, Materials (4), Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (1), Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)
ID: 236383 | LD: 19 (16, +3) | CD: 3 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (1), Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)
ID: 236382 | LD: 21 (18, +3) | CD: 5 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Perfect Armor (1), Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (2)
ID: 236381 | LD: 8 (5, +3) | CD: 2 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID: 236380 | LD: 20 (17, +3) | CD: 9 | 200col, Materials (4), Tier 1 Perfect Weapon (1)
ID: 236379 | LD: 13 (10, +3) | CD: 5 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Weapon (1), Tier 1 Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID: 236378 | LD: 6 (3, +3) | CD: 12 | 180col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)
ID: 236377 | LD: 9 (6, +3) | CD: 6 | 220col, Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)
ID: 236376 | LD: 5 (2, +3) | CD: 7 | 160col, Materials (2)
ID: 236375 | LD: 17 (14, +3) | CD: 5 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Consumable (1), Tier 1 Rare Armor (1)
ID: 236374 | LD: 8 (5, +3) | CD: 10 | 180col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)
ID: 236373 | LD: 20 (17, +3) | CD: 8 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Perfect Armor (1), Tier 1 Perfect Trinket (1)
ID: 236372 | LD: 23 (20, +3) | CD: 9 | 280col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (1)
ID: 236371 | LD: 18 (15, +3) | CD: 2 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Consumable (1), Tier 1 Rare Weapon (1)
ID: 236370 | LD: 14 (11, +3) | CD: 11 | 160col, Materials (4), Tier 1 Rare Armor (1)
ID: 236369 | LD: 19 (16, +3) | CD: 12 | 280col, Tier 1 Perfect Weapon (1)
ID: 236368 | LD: 20 (17, +3) | CD: 11 | 200col, Materials (4), Tier 1 Perfect Weapon (1)
ID: 236367 | LD: 22 (19, +3) | CD: 8 | 160col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Perfect Armor (1), Tier 1 Perfect Consumable (2)
ID: 236366 | LD: 8 (5, +3) | CD: 12 | 180col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)
ID: 236365 | LD: 18 (15, +3) | CD: 1 | 120col, Materials (4), Tier 1 Rare Consumable (1), Tier 1 Rare Weapon (1)
ID: 236364 | LD: 12 (9, +3) | CD: 12 | 200col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Armor (1)
ID: 236363 | LD: 9 (6, +3) | CD: 6 | 220col, Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)
ID: 236362 | LD: 5 (2, +3) | CD: 1 | 160col, Materials (2)
ID: 236361 | LD: 9 (6, +3) | CD: 2 | 200col, Tier 1 Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID: 236360 | LD: 18 (15, +3) | CD: 11 | 180col, Materials (4), Tier 1 Rare Trinket (1)
ID: 236359 | LD: 21 (18, +3) | CD: 11 | 156col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Perfect Trinket (1)
ID: 236358 | LD: 11 (8, +3) | CD: 5 | 096col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Weapon (1), Tier 1 Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID: 236357 | LD: 18 (15, +3) | CD: 2 | 096col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Rare Consumable (1), Tier 1 Rare Weapon (1)
ID: 236356 | LD: 7 (4, +3) | CD: 1 | 096col, Materials (2), Tier 1 Uncommon Consumable (1)



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