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[PP-PT-F01] [ASSIST] Debt Collecting...Again <<The First Few Lessons>>

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Wulfrin found himself on Floor 1 of Aincrad for yet another small fishing trip. His attire was his standard charcoal black leather armor and frayed coat with it's hood pulled back reveling his short unkept brown hair. At his side, a finely crafted one-handed longsword that shimmered in the mid day sun. His crimson eyes cautiously observed the lower leveled players as they went about their daily tasks. It was a nice departure from his current routine of prepping for the Floor 28 raid and a welcome distraction.

"More drink sir?" An NPC attendant asked him.

"Yes please," Wulfrin responded offering up his emptied flagon. A small red and gold plummed bird no bigger than a hawk came to rest on the table he was at. "Any luck Solaris?"

His familiar gave a brief response in the form of a small head shake. Wulfrin could only assume it meant no.

"Another trail gone cold it seems," Wulfrin sighed.

Wulfrin's eyes drifted to the nearby Request Board. He had placed an advertisement offering his services to any players wanting to try their luck at traversing the wilds. So far there were no takers. I just hope they find me before Dorain finds them. Lord knows that man can't keep track of his coin. He thought to himself as he sipped on the freshly filled beverage brought to him by the NPC attendant.

Looking for a quick tutorial on the skills needed to leave the safe zone? Seek out the colorful bird at the cafe nearby. It's master is currently accepting traveling companions.

PS. Entry into the Sharkbait Training Program included.

* * *

Note: CS Shades of the Gemini is active. If any player objects, they should note it in their first post and this skill will be considered inactive.

Wulfrin is [Assisting]
Level: 33 -> 1
P. Level: 13 -> 0
Tier: 5 -> 1

+5 % additional exp to all participants

Wulfrin | HP: 30/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:5 | AA  | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

* * *


"Name: Wulfrin
True Tier: 5
Level: 1
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 30/30
EN: 25/25

Damage: 12
Mitigation: 42
Accuracy: 5
Battle Healing: 1
Loot Die: 3
Stealth Rating: -2
FRB: 10 FRZ: 16
Equipped Gear:
  - Platinum Longsword | T3 Demonic Straight Sword | AA | ACC 3
  - Fallen Angel Garb | T4 Demonic LA | MIT 2 | REC 2
  - Looting Charm | T4 Perfect Trinket | LD 3

Combat Mastery:
  - Combat Mastery: Damage R3

Combat Shift:
  - TECH Shift

Familiar Skill:
  - Rending Familiar

Custom Skill:
  - Shades of the Gemini

  - Battle Healing R3
  - Charge
  - Energist
  - Light Armor R5
  - Searching R3
  - Straight Sword R5

Extra Skills:
  - Disguise

Inactive Extra Skills:
  - Forgotten King's Authority
  - Frozen Hide
  - Survival
  - Meditation
  - Brawler

  - Focus
  - Precision
  - Resolve
  - Stamina

  - Meticulous
  - Night Vision

Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:
  - Dioscuri | T1 PErfect Trinket | ACC 3 x5
  - Icingdeath | T4 Demonic Straight Sword | Freeze 2 | Frostbite | AA x5
  - Imugi's Inspiration | Mass Healing x5
  - Popcorn | T4 Vitality 2 x
  - TP Crystals x

Housing Buffs:
  - Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  - Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
  - Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  - Attic (Storage): +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
  - Basement: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
  - Master Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
  - Master Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
  - Extended Workshop: +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
  - Ornate Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to fishing attempts.
  - Dining Hall: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
  - Mega Slime Farm: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

Guild Hall Buffs:
  - Treasury: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:
 - Blacksmith[1189exp] R7
Gathering Profession:
 - Fishing[509exp] R5"                                                                                                                            


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It was another day on Floor 1 of Aincrad, where players mostly went about their business and NPCs went about their daily routines. No matter how much time he spent here, especially in this safe zone, Astra couldn't help but feel like he was missing something. Players were out there clearing floors, risking their lives fighting mobs and others to make some headway in this unfamiliar world. Where did he fit into that? He couldn't idle around any longer while everyone else put in the work. It was time to put his sword to use and get stronger. 

The white haired young man walked through the Town of Beginnings, fingers gliding through the menus the game offered. "Where do I start," he asked, running his fingers through his bangs until they fell back into place. This floor was large, and starter mobs were pretty plentiful. He could try his luck at going out into the wilds and fighting some mobs to level up, but that could be pretty dangerous. Especially on his own. 

Suddenly the smell of baked goods and fresh drinks hit his nose, and his silver-toned blue eyes wandered in that direction. Astra decided to head towards the scents and people walking by, making sure not to drag his boots on the cobblestone. As he got closer to the scents, his eyes met the Request Board. This could be the perfect start, if anyone had reasonable requests for his skill level. 

"Tutorial on skills needed to leave the safe zone? Right, that's perfect." 

Astra scanned the area for the colorful bird mentioned in the posting. Suddenly his eyes caught someone sitting at a nearby spot, sipping on a beverage, with a red and gold bird nearby. 

"Hm, yeah, this must be them."

Astra approached carefully, as he wasn't the best at approaching people first. Especially not here. He didn't want to alarm anyone, and wanted to make sure he seemed capable enough for the request. 

He cleared his throat. "Hi, uh...Hi! I read your request, and I think I'd be a good fit as a traveling companion. If that's okay, of course."

The words spilled out of his mouth, and they seemed so foolish, but this was his chance to finally start making a dent in this world, and making an impact. 


Astra | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0| ACC: 1 |



Level: 1

Paragon Level: 0

Experience: 0

To next level: 500

Paragon Rewards:



Total Skill Points: 5

Available Skill Points: 5

Spent Skill Points: 0


Battle Stats:

HP: 20

Energy: 20

Base Damage: 2

Mitigation: 0

Accuracy: 1

Evasion: 0

LD: 0



None yet.

Extra Skills: 

None yet.


Legacy Blade | ID: 235990 | T1 Perfect Weapon (Straight Sword) | Enhancements: DMG 1 | ACC 1



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"Cool," Wulfrin said as he finished taking a drink form his glass and gestured to one of the empty chairs. "Have a seat. Name's Wulfrin and I'll be your tour guide this fine afternoon."

With a few simple hand gestures he summoned his menu and began to thumb through his inventory. A few seconds later a beautifully preserved board of assorted meats and cheeses was spread out between the two players.

"I'll start off the proper introductions. I'm a frontliner desperately looking for some downtime at the moment since the raid to take on the floor boss of 28 is quite literally around the corner. I specialize in DPS and one handed straight swords." He gestured to the bird. "This is my familiar, Solaris. He's a bit of a stick in the mud sometimes, but he's gotten me out of some pretty sticky situations."

Wulfrin folded his hands and watched as Solaris darted off into the sky above, each wing beat letting off a small plume of fire like the chemtrails of an airliner.

"So how bout you new guy?" Wulfrin turned his attention back to the newcomer. "What can you tell me about yourself? Any experience with games like SAO or are we starting from the bottom?"

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Astra took the player up on his offer and sat down at the seat across. The moment an assortment of meats and cheeses appeared on the table he reached out and took a bite of some cheese and meat together. Astra had a slim frame, but he could eat any time. Thankfully it seems like that appetite made no difference in SAO. As Wulfrin provided his introduction and modus operandi for being there, Astra nodded along. 

"Wulfrin and Solaris, it's a pleasure to meet you." A warm smile spread on his face. A frontliner DPS who specialized in one-handed straight swords, pretty much everything he wanted to be in a player. This could be the perfect start of getting the hang of things and making his own way to the frontlines eventually. 

Astra's eyes followed the plumes of fire left by Solaris as he beat his wings.

"My name's Astra. I'm looking to be a frontliner DPS myself, and get more familiar with this thing", he said as he motioned to the sword on his back. "I've played MMOs in the past, but I've gotta admit that this has been a whole different beast. Never imagined we'd be in this sort of situation, but..." He trailed off and looked down at his boots. Even with his minimal experience in the death game so far he'd found himself becoming attached to this world. 

"I'd say we're starting from the bottom, but I'd really like to make my way to the top and help out the best I can!" A resolute determination now showed on his face. Wulfrin was clearly someone with experience and Astra could learn a lot from him. 

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A long black hair flowing back n' forth around her shoulders as Oats looking around frantically with her bright red eyes before running up to a white-haired boy and the guy with unexpected but interesting red goldish bird just as it flew away from them. Stopped in front of them with hands on her knees and panting. Geez, that was close. If that bird took off earlier, then she'd have no hope in finding the guy with the quest.

Stood up and composure herself, "I'm Oats and I'm done lingering around in the Town of Beginnings. I mean, I helped many players around here arming themselves, getting them up on their feet, BUT the real way to help them is by clearing a floor after floor."

She unsheathes her sword, holds it straight and true in front of them. "I'm Corporal of the United State Marine Corp. I cannot stand by as everyone else fight and dying. I want to hone my DPS skill so I can join the frontline and help whatever I can." She finalized her words with her determined eyes.

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"Another eager combatant," Wulfrin chuckled as he gestured to an open seat next to Astra. "Please sit down and snack a bit. I was just about to go over the plan."

Wulfrin's fingers flew across his summoned menu once again. This time an info panel would appear before both players. It was an invite to join a party. Upon accepting the players would notice his name as well as the other new player appear bellow their own.

"Let's start with the basics," Wulfrin folded his hands once more as Solaris came back to rest on the table. "Full disclaimer. Our first quest is going to be EXCEPTIONALLY boring, but it will serve as a nice intro to the mechanics. Here in a few minutes the mayor of the nearby town of Tolbana will approach you asking about a debt. Just agree to do it and the quest panel will appear before you then we can begin. For now though familiarize yourselves with your inventory menus. Also be thinking about gear upgrades. I'm a blacksmith by trade, so a shiny new suit of armor and a weapon come with enrollment."

"Pardon me," An older man dressed in a finely tailored suit approached the now trio. "I am in need of some assistance and you look quite capable."

Wulfrin gave a silent nod to the duo as he was being completely ignored my the new arrival.

"My name is Dorian," The older man sighed as he adjusted his monocle. "My name is Dorian, and I'm the mayor of Tolbana. As part of those mayoral duties, I issued a small loan to a member of this community. Well the time had come to collect and I-" Flustered, Dorian systematically ran his fingers across his perfect moustache. "You see, I've forgotten who it was I loaned the money to. Terribly embarrassing, I know, but I am a very busy man, and I cannot keep track of everything that happens. I'm sure you understand." With a wave of his hand, Dorian continues, "Should you be willing to track down the loan recipient for me, and collect the col, I would be eternally grateful. Just, maybe don't let anyone else know I forgot who the loan went to?"

Wulfrin had heard this spill before. At least these two wouldn't be put through the same torture he had when he was approached by the unorganized mayor. Wulfrin carefully observed the duo's response. From this point on his interference would be expressly forbidden by the system. Casually Wulfrin thumbed through his menu once more and drug his finger along a slider. In a moment the visible level, HP, and EN values of Wulfrin became astonishingly similar to the other two players.

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Holding the sword right there and thinking for a moment to herself how awkward it’d be having to sheathe her sword again. Once she did it, she gave out a silent “Ahem.” before patting down her short black skirt and sits down next to the white boy.

Ah. The party menu prompt of hers was opened and the notification of the party invitation has a name next to it. Wulfrin. Upon accepting the invitation, she saw the white boy is Astra. Guess she wouldn’t need introduction from them.

While listening to both leading player and the approached NPC, she couldn’t help but notices with a corner of her eyes that before leader’s HP/EN values on his screen dropped, the guy with same hair and eyes color was quite powerful. She’d be more careful with her moves. Her thought was proved to be correct as she feels like she was being studied by him.

Shakes that thought off, she turns to the NPC, Dorian by his name, and said, “Sure, no problem. May I ask if you know any good places for us to start? Would be helpful.” In effect, the first quest of hers was being by accepted.

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Ciela had mentioned earlier that Wulfrin was spending some time fishing on the first floor. Typical of him, Siren thought with a smile, he'd probably end up escorting a few newbies through their early quests while he was at it. She leaned down and kissed Reese softly on the forehead, careful not to disturb him too much. Grabbing her gear, she made her way toward the door. "Te amo, darlin'. I'll be back later!" she called out as she slipped outside.

As she walked in the direction Ciela had told her, Siren switched to her armor mid-step. You could never be too careful, even on the early floors. Ciela, of course, had given her the full scoop on Wulfrin’s location, Ciela always divulged more than needed. After wandering through the streets for a bit, Siren finally spotted the café and made her way inside. Ordering a drink to go, she tied up her long pink hair into a ponytail and scanned the patio. There, sitting at a table, was Wulfrin.

With a grin, she sauntered over and laid a casual arm on his shoulder. "Well hey there, Wulfrin. How you doin’, sweetheart?" she said warmly, leaning over him slightly. Her heels gave her an extra bit of height, making her tower over him just a bit more than usual. Her gaze shifted to the two players seated with him, a boy about her height (without the heels) with striking white hair and blue eyes, and a woman much shorter, with long black hair and piercing red eyes. Both looked much younger, though she couldn’t tell by how much.

"Well, hi there, y'all," Siren said, her southern drawl flowing as smoothly as ever. "Figured Wulfrin here would be showing some folks the ropes. His wife let me know where to find him. This one here is a trouble maker." She playfully tousled Wulfrin’s hair, her affection for him showing in the gesture, much like an older sibling teasing their younger brother. Pulling her ponytail to the front, Siren held out her hand toward the two players. "I am so sorry! How rude of me to not introduce myself, I'm Siren."

Just as the introductions wrapped up, Dorian arrived, right on cue. Siren waved, chuckling softly. "Yep, right on schedule. Wulfrin, how far away from his usual spawn is he this time?" she teased, throwing a wink at Wulfrin, her smile easy and full of warmth.

* * *


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | LD:3

"Name: Siren
True Tier: 1
Level: 1
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 20/20
EN: 20/20

Damage: 4
Mitigation: 18
Evasion: 1
Loot Die: 3

Equipped Gear:
  - Duelist's Rapier | T1 Perfect Rapier | DMG 3
  - Crimson Raiment | T1 Perfect Light Armor | MIT II | EVA I 
  - Vermillion Chastity Belt | Tierless Trinket | LD III

Combat Mastery:

Combat Shift:

Familiar Skill:

Custom Skill:

  - Light Armor R1

Extra Skills:

Inactive Extra Skills:



Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:

Housing Buffs:

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:

Gathering Profession:

* * *

Siren Outfit Siren in Armor
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Blinking and staring at the newcomer. Took aback a bit by how very friendly she is and their friendship. Suddenly realizes she doesn’t have friends like that yet. Not even one.

She was just damn busy exploring the Town of Beginnings then before she knew she was focusing on shake new players out of their shock. Helped them get on their feet. Once they get the ball rolling she was just… hang around.

Would find herself just lying under a tree or ontop a roof staring at clouds all day long. If not clouds it’d be stars. She felt like not doing anything. It was nice as she needed it after the stupid letter.

Slowly blinking to get herself out of her head and takes Siren’s hand when she offered it. Shook it. “I’m Oats. Good to meet ya.”

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As Oats sat down next to him Astra offered a smile, and raised a hand in a wave. "A corporal, huh? That experience will probably take her far," he thought. 

He turned his attention back to Wulfrin, and nodded along as instruction for the quest was provided. The mayor of Tolbana, check. The prospect of new gear from a blacksmith sounded like music to his ears. He's barely swung the sword on his back, but a better sword could be great for moving up the floors. New armor? That would be great. The idea of wearing heavy plate armor, or anything heavier than light or some medium armor, would not be for him. If it's light and quick enough though, it would certainly suit him better than the blue long-sleeved tunic he was wearing. 

Lo and behold, almost as if Wulfrin summoned him, the mayor of Tolbana arrived. He stated his query, asking the group if they could collect some debts, and Astra was poised to say yes. 

“Sure, no problem. May I ask if you know any good places for us to start? Would be helpful," Oats asked the mayor. Astra nodded in agreement. "Right. Any information would go a long way." With that, he accepted the quest when the prompt appeared in front of him. 

Astra noticed as a pink-haired woman approached, greeting Wulfrin casually and playfully. They clearly know each other, and seem like they could be good friends. Friends. That word repeated in Astra's head. Now that would be great, something to fight for here. 

As she introduced herself and extended her hand, Astra stood up and offered his in exchange, meeting the eyes of the new acquaintance. 

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Astra," he said as he closed his eyes and smiled warmly. Her southern accent felt oddly comforting, especially in a world full of discomfort. 

He turned his attention to Dorian, who had just made his request. "Right, let's kick things off. Where do we start?" After his question was posed, he grabbed one more sandwich of meat and cheese, and looked to the group before him. Things were kicking off, and it was time to get into motion and shake the rust off. 

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Upon hearing the players' acceptance, Dorain nods with approval. "Excellent, I knew I could count on you! You might start with Zackariah, the alchemist. He's often doing projects for the town, so it may have been him that borrowed the money." He said nothing else and simply turned on his heels and left left the now party of four to their own devices.

The sudden arrival of Siren caught Wulfrin off guard. As a fellow member of The Tracker's Alliance and a close friend of his wife, you'd think the two would have been on more adventures, but last Wulfrin had heard, she was adventuring with a player named Escudo. There were many nights when Ciela would be up late messaging Siren about the man.

"Good you see you too Siren," Wulfrin responded with a smile. "He actually spawns right around the corner now. The quest update was likely the cause of his odd spawning habits." Wulfrin turned his attention to the full party of three players after sending Siren a party invite. "Now as for the current objective. You all heard Dorian's problem, he needs is debt collected. Your first lead is a local alchemist Zackariah. His shop isn't far. If there are no more last minute questions, we can start making our way toward the first suspect."

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Siren looked to Wulfrin with a playful grin and a hint of sarcasm, "I know you've missed me." She cleared her throat, swapping her sarcasm for a more serious tone. "Sorry to drop by unannounced, sugar. I told Ciela to let you know, but you know how she is, she probably forgot. Silly girl." She shot him a teasing look before glancing over at the two newer players, smiling warmly at them and quickly swiping through her menus. "Here. I’ve added you both," she said, her tone warm and inviting. "Feel free to accept or not. That way, if you ever wanna hang out, you can reach me easily." 

Her attention shifted to Dorian. "Hey, sugar. You really need to get better at managing that pocketbook of yours," she said, her bluntness softened by the honeyed cadence of her voice. "We’ll help you out this time, but seriously, you need to keep better track of your money. Maybe hire an accountant?" She gave him a teasing smile, watching as Dorian started to protest, holding up a finger like he was about to defend himself. But, with a sheepish smile, he let his hand drop. "Well, at least his spawn location is fixed now," she added, with a slight giggle.

Siren had been meaning to hang around the guild more often, but she and Reese had been preoccupied with questing, and getting to know each other. Not that she minded. Time with him always felt too short, no matter how long they spent together.

"Anyway!" Siren announced, clapping her hands together to regain the group's attention. "Let’s go visit our dear old friend Zackariah." With a pep in her step, she took the lead, her long pink hair bouncing behind her as she led them toward the alchemist’s shop. Upon entering, they were immediately met with a mix of pungent aromas. Siren wrinkled her nose slightly, then squinted, noticing the haze in the air. Is it foggy in here, or are my glasses just smudged? She pulled off her glasses and wiped them down with a cloth from her inventory. Nope, still foggy.

"Hey, Zacky," she called out to the absent-minded alchemist, her voice lilting. "You wouldn’t happen to have some of Dorian’s money lying around, would you? Poor dear doesn’t remember who he lent it to, bless his heart." Zackariah turned slowly, blinking as if pulling himself out of a trance. "Oh, uh... Would you mind fetching some supplies for me? I’m swamped, and I’m running low. Help yourself to some fondue while you're at it. Hurry back!" he added, pointing toward a pot of bubbling fondue in the back of the shop.

Siren raised an eyebrow, but with a shrug, she made her way to the fondue. Pulling a roll from her inventory, she dunked it into the rich cheese and took a bite, letting out a satisfied hum. "Mmm, it’s been too long since I had some good fondue," she sighed contentedly, savoring every bite. She pulled out a few more rolls from her inventory, offering them to the group in case anyone else wanted to partake.

Leaning against the counter, she took her time, enjoying the small treat as she waited for the others to finish talking to Zack. There was no rush, at least not until they had to gather those supplies.

* * *

Siren consumes Zackariah's Fondue
New Stat Block
Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | LD: 6

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Surely enough she’ve received a ping at corner of her vision. A notification. She brings up the main menu, swiping until she finds the request. Why not? From her experience in the Marines, your likelihood of survival goes up if you’re in a squad. She presses on “Accept”. Immediately a name pops up on her friend list, Siren. With that Siren suddenly took off.

This pink haired girl seems to be quite assertive. Not that she has a problem with that. Like a boat, she’ll just follow Siren’s wakes.

The wakes of hers led her to Zackariah’s shop. She didn’t anticipated how foggy it is inside. Tried to wave it in front of her face but it is futile. As if the fog is stale and sits on its place. Listening to what Siren was doing, "Oh, uh... Would you mind fetching some supplies for me? I’m swamped, and I’m running low. Help yourself to some fondue while you're at it. Hurry back!". Of course, she thoughts. Quest within a quest. Just like irl. There’s always a catch. She shrugs and figured if she does the same, Zackariah would react all the same.

But first thing first. She gratefully accepted Siren’s roll and scoop some of fondue with it. Takes a bite. Her deep red eyes got widened and sparkled, “WOW! This is so good! Thanks for this!” After muffled her mouth with a roll, she turns with her long black hair elegantly swirls to her motion and asks Zackariah about Dorian’s money. It happened just as she predicted.


Oats uses Siren’s roll to consumes Zackariah's Fondue
New Stat Block
Oats | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 10 | EVA: 0| LD: 3

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Astra stood in shock for a moment when Siren sent that friend request. The notification stood in front of his face and his eyes glazed over. He took a breath and pressed his finger on the "accept" button. "Hell yeah, this is good. This is progress."

As Siren took the lead and led the party to the alchemists shop, Astra followed in tow. With a particular pep in his step. He was starting to make some moves, make some friends, start making a dent in the world. As they walked through the town he took in all of the sights and sounds. Players and NPCs alike were going about their business. He would look away from his party and do some people watching, where people were trading or just going about their business. A breeze came through and brushed his white hair from his forehead, and he thought, "Everyone is just living. What a world."

When they made their way to the alchemists shop the first thing he noticed was the smell. He had a particularly strong nose, and that even came through the NerveGear. The aromas filled his nostrils and he could pick out some of them. Patchouli? Grapefruit? Arsenic? Yeah there was some alchemic work going on in here. 

Siren made the first move in addressing Zackariah about Dorian's money, and Astra made sure he stood up straight behind her. It's not like they were mugging him or were going to hassle him, but they did need that payment. Suddenly Zackariah uttered out: "Oh, uh... Would you mind fetching some supplies for me? I’m swamped, and I’m running low. Help yourself to some fondue while you're at it. Hurry back!"

Astra looked from side to side to his colleagues, his blue eyes doing a bit of a shuffle. Fondue? Yeah, he could do that. Still though, they were on a mission. As Siren passed out rolls he took one from her, and dipped it in the fondue. "Thanks Siren!" Of course he had to thank her.

He took a bite from one of the rolls dipped in fondue. The taste dispersed through his mouth, damn this was good. 

"Zackariah, where are the supplies you need? We're happy to help, we just need to know where to go," he said between bites. His brain was trying its hardest to focus on the task at hand, but...This was some pretty decent fondue. 


Astra consumed Zackariah's fondue
New stat block
Astra HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 1 | LD: 3

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Suddenly Wulfrin's training program was ripped directly from his hands. His role as mentor being rendered even more of a simply observation role. For not having done the quest before, she seemed to know exactly where to go without the need for Wulfrin's guidance. This may actually be to the groups benefit though. Wulfrin's was actively forbidden from assisting the new players in the system. To put it simply, he could only show the way to complete the objectives but he couldn't do it for them. Even the offered fondue would have no benefit to the swordsman. He simply observed as Zackariah completely ignored his existence and initiated the first of may side objectives.

"Alright," Wulfrin spoke to the group as they exited Zackariah's shop. "First task: Make 3 attempts to find some generic crafting materials. Unfortunately the ones given to you in your starting kit wont help you here, but good news is I know the perfect place to search. We'll be going out into the wilds for this one, so stay close and try not to draw agro from mobs."

Wulfrin gestured for the group to follow him. As they exited the city gate, Wulfrin would point out packs of mobs and how best to avoid them. Having taken the route countless times, Wulfrin had no problem with arriving at a winding river within a small forest not far from the Town of Beginnings. A few swipes of his menu and a small folding chair and fishing rod materialized before him.

"While not a safe zone like the Town of Beginnings," Wulfrin said as he took his seat and cast his line into the lazily running river. "This place is far enough from any mob spawns to basically be a safe haven for gathering. Take a look around. You're looking for rocks, flowers, herbs, etc. Just try picking up random shit until the system says you've made 3 attempts. In the unlikely event something shows up to eat you, scream real loud., but if you stay within the clearing you should be safe."

* * *

Fishing Attempt | RANK 5 | Success on CD 4+ | Critical on LD 8+
+ 2 EXP Per Attempt | +1 LD and CD on Attempts | +3 LD when opening Fishing Chest

Fishing Attempt
ID 236159 | CD 3+1=4 | LD 6+1=7


+1 Material
+5 Fishing Exp

Fishing Rewards Total:

1 Materials
5 Fishing Exp

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Siren smiled as the two players gratefully took the rolls she'd offered, leaving the last one for Wulfrin just in case he changed his mind. When he didn't, she shrugged, picking it up herself and nibbling on it as she followed him out of the shop.

She had done her research on this quest beforehand. She'd avoided it for as long as possible. Fetch quests were not her thing. Especially after that quest with Reese. The memory sent a shiver down her spine. Never again, she vowed silently. That experience had taught her to be prepared. So, she had spent time talking to info brokers, watching other players complete the quest, and even timed them, all while avoiding it herself. It was basically a lot of people-watching disguised as research.

Her mind wandered as she trailed behind Wulfrin, allowing him to lead the way. They soon arrived at his usual fishing spot. Siren couldn't help but pry, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Isn’t this the place where you met Ciela?" she asked with a teasing lilt, though she held back from poking too much fun. Love had a funny way of sneaking up on people, and she knew all too well how hard it could hit. "Did you catch anything?"

Wulfrin grinned but didn’t say much, focused on the task ahead. Siren, on the other hand, begrudgingly knelt down to search through the grass, picking flowers and hoping for a lucky drop. But as expected, nothing. With an annoyed huff, she muttered under her breath, "Damn it. Not again." She kept her frustration in check, at least this time, they didn’t have to search endlessly until they found enough materials.

She glanced over at the two new players, Astra and Oats, watching them with an encouraging smile. Hopefully, they were having better luck than she was. If not, she'd be ready to offer them some reassurance. Siren had been through these tedious motions before and didn’t want others to feel the same frustration she once had. She sighed, standing up and brushing the dirt from her armor, mentally preparing herself for more of the same.

* * *

Post Action: Searching for Materials
ID: 236260 | LD: 1 (+6 LD) = 7
No materials found. 1/3 attempts.

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Cocked her head as she finds Zackariah amusing for not answering our question about needed materials at all. Thankfully Wulfrin is still here as he'd know the drill. They follow him out of the shop, into the street, and to the outskirt listening close attention to what he's saying.

Paused to take a look around. The clear blue winding river in midst of green surrounding. Birds in trees are busy chirping and singing. Very different than what she used to growing up as she's a city girl. No sound of honking, yelling, sirens, many people buzzing around, etc. Just her and the nature. Even if its artificial, the peace feeling is real. She closed her eyes and take in the wind sensation. Ah... the weather is indeed perfect.

She opened her eyes in time to see where Wulfrin pointed. Mobs over there huh? The mob seems minding their own business. Not that she's complaining. Silently following the group around them to... apparently Wulfrin's fishing spot? Good time as any for him she guessed. Wulfrin explains more about how gathering work. Three attempts? Hope it wouldn't be four for her. It clicked in her head. The fondue. Now she's glad she has 3 LD instead of none. She looked around for a place to start.


ID: 236316| Looking for a material | LD 18 + 3 | Succeed! +1 Mat


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Astra followed his party out of Zackariah's shop and out of the Town of Beginnings, into the wild. He maintained a steady pace with the group that Wulfrin was taking the lead of, but made sure to take in all the sights and information he could. As they passed wild mobs who were grazing the area Astra made sure to study them as best as he could. You never know when you could be fighting them. Best to keep a distance though. 

Eventually they reached a pretty spacious and lush location, where they'd be searching for the materials. Wulfrin began to fish, while Oats and Siren began to search for the needed supplies. Astra took a moment to take in the sights, breathe in the air, and find comfort in the scenery. It wasn't often that he even left the town, so finally being someplace new was both exhilarating and refreshing. There was so much this world had to offer in terms of scenery, and Astra wanted to make sure he took in all that he could. 

Astra crouched down and started sifting through the grass. His eyes scanning between the blades of grass passing through his fingers. "Nothing yet over here, is anyone having any better luck?" Astra ran his hands through the back of his hair and scratched his head. Well, at least it's an attempt. He briefly looked at his party members to see if they were finding anything, and then went back to his search. 


Post Action: Searching for materials
ID: 236385 | LD: 10 (+3 LD) = 13 | Failure

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Despite outward appearances, Wulfrin was keeping tabs on the crew's progress. Strictly forbidden from interfering by the system, Wulfrin kept his head on a swivel. Occasionally, out of their peripheral, the individual members would see a shadowy form, vaguely shaped like Wulfrin moving trough the trees at the edge of the clearing, even though Wulfrin was still nonchalantly lazing in his fishing chair. One of the many perks of his most recently acquired skilled allowed for a decent amount of multitasking. Wulfrin wasn't going to say anything unless they brought it up to him, as he knew they'd get a proper demonstration later in their lessons.

"Alright guys and gals," Wulfrin announced. "How's the searches going on?"

He knew full well how far they were getting. It was part of the reason he was fishing. Once he made his third attempt they would be heading out shortly after.

"How's it going with you?" Wulfrin would whisper under his breath.

"So far," A voice would echo back quietly from beneath him, roughly form the location of his shadow. "Nothing is coming close to the tree line. New players are relatively safe for now."

"Good. Keep scouting. Oh and I'll need your assistance later."

"With what?"

"A demonstration."

* * *

Fishing Attempt | RANK 5 | Success on CD 4+ | Critical on LD 8+
+ 2 EXP Per Attempt | +1 LD and CD on Attempts | +3 LD when opening Fishing Chest

Fishing Attempt
ID 236389 | CD 1+1=2 | LD 1+1=2

+3 Fishing Exp

Fishing Rewards Total:

1 Materials
8 Fishing Exp

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Astra continued searching through the grass, with nothing fruitful turning up. "How am I supposed to get these materials back to Zackariah? I can't find a damn thing." 

Taking a moment to catch his breath, and regain some energy for resuming his search, he noticed a shadow moving quickly through the woods. As his eyes adjusted it seemed upon closer inspection that it was shaped like Wulfrin. Lifting his hands from the patch of shrubbery he was picking through, he turned to the party mentor. 

"Wulfrin, was that...Was that your shadow?" The inflection in his voice lent itself to his incredibility. He had no idea about the full capabilities here, because he's been sheltered in the early towns for so long. It was exciting to see something beyond general belief like that, displaying a visage of the type of PC that he could become. 

After proposing his question to the dark clad fisherman, he turned his attention back to his search spots. He continued to search the grassy ground and shrubs nearby, picking through leaves and grass blades. So far nothing was turning up, but that wasn't going to stop him from trying. 


Post Action: Searching for materials
ID: 236659 | LD: 3(+3 LD) = 6 | Failure

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