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[PP-PT-F01] [ASSIST] Debt Collecting...Again <<The First Few Lessons>>

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Siren steadied herself, eyes locked on the boarlet darting before her. She had missed too many times already, but she refused to let frustration cloud her focus. This time, her strike was true.

Taking a deep breath, she lunged forward, her rapier  gleaming as it sliced cleanly through the air. The boarlet, quick as ever, tried to dodge, but Siren had anticipated its movement. Adjusting at the last second, she twisted her wrist and drove her blade straight through its hide with practiced precision.

The creature let out a final, pixelated squeal before bursting into shards of light, dissolving into nothing. Siren exhaled sharply, finally feeling the sweet taste of victory. “Finally!” she huffed, flicking her wrist to shake off the tension.

Glancing over, she noticed Wulfrin seemingly lost in conversation... with his shadow. She didn’t dwell on it, instead shifting her attention back to Astra. He was still struggling against his opponent, and she wasn’t about to let him face it alone.

Sliding beside him, she gave him an encouraging nudge. “You got this, sugar. I’ll be right here if you need a hand,” she assured, her rapier at the ready, just in case Astra needed backup.

 * * *


Player Action:

Siren regains 1 EN

Post Action: Basic Attack vs. Boarlet 5
Free Action: none

ID: 242364 | BD: 5 (+2 ACC) | DMG: 4


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 15/20 (15+1) (16-1) | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 17/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 25/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[1,0,7,0Boarlet 5 | HP: -3/5 (1-4) | DMG: 3
[0,0,6,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3


 * * *


Current Loot for Siren:

3 Sets of Boarlet Tusks (fucking finally.)


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Astra dug his heels into the ground as he faced the last boar standing amidst the group. Siren had recently struck her target with poise and rationality, and now only one boarlet stood amidst the gang. The novice swordsman had missed a lot of these nimble boarlets recently, and it definitely started to give him some stress; but he wouldn't let that take away his focus and resolve. Siren's nudge gave Astra the push he needed, and he was ready to strike once more. A solid "Thanks!" left his mouth, and he made his moves.

With his left hand gripped tight around the handle of the sword, Astra took stance. It was as if himself and the boar were facing off in a turn based RPG, and Astra hadn't yet taken his turn. Sure, it was a bit of a melodramatic stare down with a pig made of a pile of code, but Astra wouldn't let go that easy. 

In a sudden move he started moving his way towards the boarlet, focusing on his footwork and speed to reach it. As he neared up on the enemy, he raised the sword above his head, and swiftly slashed it down. The boarlet reared on its haunches, and dashed backwards after taking the hit from the player. 

Astra focused up once more, eyes on the boarlet in front of him. Just a few more hits and this would all be over, and he'd never need to hunt a boar again. Until that time came, however, he was focused on the task at hand, and ready to finish it. 





Player Action:

Astra regains 1 EN

Post Action: Basic Attack vs. Boarlet 6
Free Action: none

ID: 242535 | BD: 6 (+3 ACC) = 9 | Hit! +2 dmg to Boarlet 6


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 15/20 (15+1) (16-1) | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 18/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 25/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[1,0,7,0Boarlet 5 | HP: -3/5 (1-4) | DMG: 3
[0,1,6,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 3/5 | DMG: 3



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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

"Now we're starting to make some progress," Wulfrin perked up as only one boarlet remained on the field. "Last push, and this grind can come to an end!"

Astra's attack left the remaining boar with just about half its HP remaining. One critical hit of any kind would likely put the boarlet out of its existence. Wulfrin couldn't help but feel like a Pokemon trainer urging his fighting companions on in a desperate battle. Only this was more akin to the 'hardmode' version called a nuzlocke. With a smile he flicked the ovule once more causing the boar to pivot and retrain on Wulfrin. Its eyes were blood shot from all the pollen, but it made its attempt to hit Wulfrin anyway to no avail.

"Ole!" Wulfrin shouted as he artfully juked the boarlet, giving his best bull fighter impersonation. "Astra! One crit is all you need slap it hard!"

* * *


Player Action:

Wulfrin regains 1 HP

Post Action: Nepent Ovule | +1 hate to mobs
Free Action: none

Mob Action:

Boarlet 6 attacks Wulfrin
ID 243302 | BD 4-1=3 miss | 0 DMG to Wulfrin


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 15/20 (15+1) (16-1) | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 18/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 25/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[0,1,7,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 3/5 | DMG: 3


Tusk/Boar Count

Siren: 3/3
Astra: 2/3


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Astra took on his teammates words of encouragement and braced himself to make another attack. The boarlet looked between him and Wulfrin, who was maintaining aggro, wide-eyed and seemingly frenzied. Fighting these little scamps felt like such an arduous task at this point, and even with his most planned attacks Astra found them to be incredibly slippery and hard to hit. He was determined in the end, though. There was progress to be made. 

Maybe it was the pressure of moving on to the next part of the quest, maybe it was the pressure of finishing off this damn boar, or maybe it was Maybelline, but Astra found himself a bit frazzled in the fray of the battle. All he could hear in his head was his inner monologue telling him to just finish the damn thingThat's exactly what he would attempt to do, but would ultimately fail at. Again. 

Astra dashed back in towards the boar, sword out, prepped and ready. As he neared the boarlet, he struck with a fierce determination, hoping to make contact and turn it into nothing but digital ash. Alas, the boarlet squealed and dodged out of the way once more, kicking up dirt and debris into the air. Astra coughed and wiped his face as the dirt dissipated, frustrated as he realized the wily creature once more evaded his attacks. Disappointment immediately set in, and shame started to take hold. He didn't want to be broken down by a simple baby boar, but man...This was taking forever. 

Astra took a deep breath and turned to his companions, raising a hand into the air. "I promise, I'll get it eventually guys." Almost apologizing to his team. If the thing just slows down for a moment. 



Player Action:

Astra regains 1 EN

Post Action: Basic Attack vs. Boarlet 6
Free Action: none

ID: 243309 | BD: 1 + 3 = 4 | Miss!


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 15/20 (15+1) (16-1) | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 18/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 25/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[0,1,6,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 3/5 | DMG: 3



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* * *


Player Action:

Siren regains 1 EN

Post Action: Sit there and look pretty
Free Action: none


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 16/20 (15+1) | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 16/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 25/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[0,1,7,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3

*** Fixed EN Calcs for Astra and Hate on Wulfrin for Boarlet 6

* * *


Current Loot for Siren:

3 Sets of Boarlet Tusks (fucking finally.)


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Posted (edited)

Wulfrin continued watching the remaining boarlet's last ditch attempts to survive. With its family butchered into tiny fractals of data in the form of tusks, it was becoming more and more erratic. Wulfrin had to become a bit more active in order to keep the boar from fleeing off to alert the other groups around them. Wulfrin did not want this to draw out any longer, so boar wranglin' became the name of the game. The boar was on its way to leave when Wulfrin flicked the ovule in its face. He followed it up with a small nudge to redirect the boar towards Siren.

"Don't let it leave!" Wulfrin shouted to Siren. "Keep it within our little arena! We're at the final push! If it alerts the mother we'll have bigger problems!" Wulfrin's eyes darted around, his head flicking around to focus on the edges of the encounter space. So far, there was no sign of Mamma Boar, and he hoped to keep it that way. 

* * *


Player Action:

Wulfrin regains 1 HP

Post Action: Nepent Ovule | +1 hate to mobs
Free Action: none

Mob Action:

Boarlet 6 attacks Wulfrin
ID 243310 | BD 3-1=2 miss | 0 DMG to Wulfrin


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 16/20 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 16/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 75/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[0,1,8,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 3/5 | DMG: 3


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The frustration continued to set in, as Astra continued to miss on his attacks against the small creature in front of him. It would probably be worse if the boarlet was wholly focused on him, as over time they could do some damage, but Wulfrin's aggro gathering was still working. 

Astra took a moment to collect himself and his thoughts, before working his way towards the boar once more. To some outside observers, it would almost seem like he was going through the motions, but Astra made sure his strikes were calculated. There just wasn't much success, and he clearly had some things to work on when it came to battling and swordplay. 

His sword came down vertically towards the boarlet, whom he seemingly caught off guard, slashing at its fur and into its flesh. The boarlet squealed and dashed away, clearly wounded and near the end of its life. It was bloodied and beaten, and just one more strike could end its life. Satisfied with his attack, Astra prepared himself for what came next. 



Player Action:


Post Action: Basic attack vs. Boarlet 6
Free Action: N/A

ID: 243311 | BD: 7 + 3 = 10 | Hit! +2 dmg to Boarlet 6


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 16/20 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 15/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 75/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[0,2,8,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 1/5 | DMG: 3



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Player Action:

Siren gains 1 En

Post Action: Sit and look pretty
Free Action: N/A


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 17/20 (16+1) | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 15/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 75/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[0,2,8,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 1/5 | DMG: 3


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Posted (edited)

The boarlet's

* * *


Player Action:

Wulfrin regains 1 HP

Post Action: Nepent Ovule | +1 hate to mobs
Free Action: none

Mob Action:

Boarlet 6 attacks Wulfrin
ID 243312 | BD 8-1=7 hit | 3-42= 1 DMG to Wulfrin


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 17/20 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 15/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 27/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[0,2,9,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 1/5 | DMG: 3


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The face-off between the two continued, and the tension was palpable. Siren was calculated and quick with her kills, Wulfrin didn't need to kill the boars, and yet Astra stood still facing his last boarlet. It was clear that the struggle was very real on this day, but Astra wasn't going to let that crush his mood. 

Once more, Astra moved in to attack the boarlet. In a quick flash...Oh man. My, oh my. Astra swung his sword once more, hoping to finally send this baby boar to hell, but alas, it was another miss. It was hard to tell why and how Astra missed. Did the boar dodge? Did Astra mistime his attack, or slip on the way in? That was all seemingly irrelevant, as all that mattered was that the boarlet was still alive, and hanging in there with its final breaths. 

How are these things so slippery? What am I doing wrong at this point? Why won't it just die!? Astra felt his stress getting the better of him, but took another breath to calm himself. It was clearly a war of attrition, but one he was focused on winning. Stay tuned for the next episode of: Astra vs. Hairy Baby. 




Player Action:


Post Action: Basic attack vs Boarlet 6
Free Action: none

ID: 243313 | BD: 1 +3 = 4 | Miss!


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 17/20 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 14/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 27/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[0,2,9,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 1/5 | DMG: 3



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Player Action:

Siren gains 1 En

Post Action: Sit and look pretty
Free Action: N/A


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 17/20 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 14/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 27/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[0,2,9,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 1/5 | DMG: 3


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Posted (edited)


* * *


Player Action:

Wulfrin regains 1 HP

Post Action: Nepent Ovule | +1 hate to mobs
Free Action: none

Mob Action:

Boarlet 6 attacks Wulfrin
ID 243314 | BD 3-1=2 miss | 0 DMG to Wulfrin


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 17/20 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 14/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 27/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[0,2,10,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 1/5 | DMG: 3


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This was it, the fire in his heart and head started to burn with the fury of any infernal demon from the layers of hell. Astra wasn't letting this thing get away anymore. He was fed up with its evasion and guile, and there was no way he'd continue to fail to kill it. 

The boarlet reared on its haunches once more, squealing and focused on both Wulfrin and Astra. It kicked up some dirt and mud, and lowered its head to show its small horns. It was clearly peacocking in front of Astra, who has been tangoing with it for some time now. He wasn't going to let this baby boar showboat or get its way, it was time to kill it for good. 

Astra moved in once more, his footwork calculated and rhythmic, following the beating of his heart. His sword was readied behind him, and poised to strike the creature in front of him, ending its digital life once and for all. As the swordsman grew closer he could tell the boarlet was ready to dodge once more, starting to move its hooves to jump out of the way - but Astra was ready. He leapt to the same side as the boarlet, and spun on his feet, bringing his sword around horizontally with him. The blade of his sword ripped into the boarlet, sending it backwards, before it burst into fragments of light. The novice enemy that gave him so much trouble was finally defeated, and that marked the end of boar hunting. 

Astra stood still for a moment, with the revelation that his new mortal enemy finally being gone going slightly over his head. When it finally sunk in, Astra let out a large sigh of relief. He picked up the last set of boar tusks, and held them triumphantly in the air. Turning to his companions, who were awaiting this very moment, he smiled and said: "So...What's next?" 


Boar Tusks Acquired: 3/3



Player Action:


Post Action: Basic attack vs Boarlet 6
Free Action: none

ID: 243315 | BD: 4 + 3 = 7| Hit! +2 dmg to Boarlet 6


Siren | HP: 20/20 | EN: 17/20 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | LD: 3 | ACC: 2
AstrHP: 20/20 | EN: 13/20 | DMG: 2 | MIT:0 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3 
Wulfrin | HP: 27/30 | EN: 25/25 | DMG: 12 | MIT:42 | ACC:8 | AA | BH:1 | REC: 2 | FRB: 10 | FRZ: 16 | LD:3

[0,2,10,0Boarlet 6 | HP: 0/5 | DMG: 3



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* * *

Thread Closure

Oats receives:
x EXP (75% of standard thread rewards)
0 Col
1 Mon (Shield Arts Playtest)
Quest Clear Requirements not met: Thread Dropped

Siren Receives:
x EXP [ + 800 Quest]
3000 Col [4 pages/2 + 2000 (quest)+ 200(loot)]
11 mats (loot+quest)
1 Guild Token (Tracker's Alliance)
1 Mon (Shield Art's playtest)
Quest Clear Rewards:

Zackariah's Special Drought | ID 243541a | Tierless Perfect Potion | HP Recovery
A ruddy-colored drink mixture that looks like it definitely came out of an apprentice alchemy class.

Initiate's Draw | ID 242531b|  T1 perfect trinket | EVA 2 | ACC 1
A mundane but reliable bit of gear provided by Lyle Tealeaf for services rendered.

5x Big Bertha Braciole | T1 Rare Snack | Vitality 2 {IDs 243531c, 243531d, 243531e, 243531f, 243531g}
A restorative fish entrée that helps restore some spent vigor.

T1 Perfect Weapon: 243335-a
T1 Perfect Weapon: 243335-b
T1 Perfect Consumable: 243335-c

Astra Receives:
x EXP [ +800 quest]
3100 Col [4 pages/2 + 2000 quest + 300 loot]
16 mats (loot+quest)
1 Demonic Shard
1 Mon (Shield Arts Playtest)

Quest Clear Rewards:

Zackariah's Special Drought | ID 243542a | Tierless Perfect Potion | HP Recovery
A ruddy-colored drink mixture that looks like it definitely came out of an apprentice alchemy class.

Initiate's Draw | ID 242532b | T1 perfect trinket | ACC 3
A mundane but reliable bit of gear provided by Lyle Tealeaf for services rendered.

5x Big Bertha Braciole | T1 Rare Snack | Vitality 2 {IDs 243532c, 243532d, 243532e, 243532f, 243532g}
A restorative fish entrée that helps restore some spent vigor.

Wulfrin Receives:
x Exp []
x Col [P5 reward + loot]
2 mats [loot]
1 Gleaming Scale
1 Mon (Shield Art's Playtest)
1 Guild Token (Tracker's Alliance)
T1 Perfect Weapons: 236727a, 236727b, 236727c
T1 Perfect Armor/Shields: 236727d, 236727e, 236727f
Quest Rewards:

None Wulfrin has previously completed the quest

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