NIGHT 0 Posted October 22, 2024 #1 Share Posted October 22, 2024 f17. | NIGHT | Lv. 150 >> P. 117, Lv. 33 | Status: kbtity Notes: n/a Spoiler Nemean Lion | HP: 2090/2090 | MIT: 110 | DMG: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | TURN 3/6/9: +20 DMG, +5 MIT | MD9+: 250 DMG, [BLD: 36/2] | CD9+: POUNCE | BURN: x2 DMG, EVA -1 | TIER LOCK: 3 Pounce | On a CD 9+, instead of attacking, the boss will pounce on the target with the lowest health instead and deal 225 DMG regardless of MD result. Drop: “Nemean Fur" (T3/Consumable/Single Use); For a single battle, provide the user with BLOODCLOT, as well as immunity to all action inhibiting conditions at the cost of 6*Tier MIT. Spoiler NIGHT | HP: 1288/1288 | EN: 145/145 | DMG: 25 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 128 | FLN/HLY: 12 | TXC-V: 24 | LD: 5 equipped oathkeeper. FLN II, HLY II regards. EVA II, HB II signet. ACC III, EVA battle-ready inventory Teleport Crystal (3) | TELEPORT imugi's inspiration. (5) | MASS HP RECOVERY skills Spoiler mod count: 5/7 STRAIGHT SWORD | RANK 5/5 focus, stamina, precision shift: aoe CLOTH ARMOR | RANK 5/5 athletics, nimble COMBAT MASTERY: DMG | RANK 3/3 SEARCHING | RANK 3+1/5 BATTLE HEALING | RANK 5/5 emergency recovery ENERGIST QUICK CHANGE CHARGE FIGHTING SPIRIT HOWL focused howl SCOUTING FAMILIAR EXTENDED MOD LIMIT extra SURVIVAL CONCENTRATION HIDING untraceable, vanish, surprise attack-t buffs Spoiler statue KUMATETSU | +1 DMG YAMATO NO OROCHI | +1 LD MORETSUNA | +50 OVERHEALTH TANOS | +25 MIT MOTHRA | +2 EN BIALAS | +TAUNT consumables Liquor of Light | DMG III Breakfast Fry | PROTEIN III filled Crème Brûlée | ACC II smores | EVA II kintsugi. | TOXIC VENOM tiger's balm. | ANTIDOTE III Beef Stew | OVERHEALTH III paragon Lv. 5 | Gain additional col equivalent to 15% of EXP earned in that thread. Lv. 10 | +1 LD to looting. sword arts Spoiler en cost matches multiplier unless stated otherwise. shift underlined. ST | x12 -> x15 | x20 AOE | x15 -> x18 TECH-A | x12 | STUN | 13EN TECH-B | x12 | DELAY TECH-D | x12 | SHATTER TECH-F | x8 | AOE STUN TECH-G | x12 | BURN misc. Spoiler housing Dimensional Backpack, Item Stash | +2 Battle-Ready Inventory Slots. Well Rested | -1 EN for the first three expenditures of each combat. Relaxed | +(5 * Tier) HP per out-of-combat post. Full energy restoration occurs after two turns out of combat. Squeaky Clean | -25% DoT damage taken from the first DoT applied to this player in a thread. Skylight: Searching | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cooldown of 30 days to reassign. Multipurpose | +1 LD/Prosperity/Stealth/Detection to one post per thread. Can be applied after a roll. Filling | +1 T1 slot to a food consumed by this player in a thread. Can exceed Cook enhancement caps. Col Deposit | +5% col from loot-minimum mobs, +10% col from treasure chests. foraging | r2 | xp: 69/150 Greenhouse | +2 G.EXP, +1 CD&LD to gathering attempts. Familiar: Profession | +2 G.EXP Demeter's Cornucopia | +1 CD to gathering attempts. another spam message from olympus. plz help!!!! our grasses r in big danger n we need u to save us!!!! pay 10,000,000 col now so that we can construkt our defenses against the nymean lions!!!! or pay 50,000 col on a 10 year plan for -30% off... bistro closed the window. night opened it again once it was forwarded to her. "why are you even entertaining this?" night growled, sending the message off for deletion. "it's literally a waste of your time? i'm sorry, when you said you'd joined a guild i didn't think you mean you signed on for a newsletter that sells your contact info off for spam. what kind of an info broker are you?" "a good one," bistro wryly protested. she then brought up what night was really here for – more information about zyrmith – and her client shut up immediately. "see this? you need what the lion can provide you." night grumbled. "did you really have to convey this to me via spam message?" "yes." "fuck off." . . . NIGHT: anyone avail n can act as a loot drop body NIGHT: field boss req suxs NIGHT: f17 much love night had asked for help from her friends list, because she was sure cardinal didn't like it when non-players attended the field bosses. not that she was expecting anybody to show up to begin with -- but that was mostly out of her own dread and fears than the worth of her companions. with a sigh, she waited by the teleporter on the seventeenth, trying to avoid the gaze of the satyr waiting nearby for a crafter who hadn't yet showed up. Link to post Share on other sites
Oscar 0 Posted October 22, 2024 #2 Share Posted October 22, 2024 (edited) “I can’t believe the game let me make this,” Oscar said. It had all begun with him hijacking an airship on Floor 24. From there, his own chaotic creativity took over. Everyone seemed so depressed. Ice cream helped with that. A strange amalgamation of ice cream and confections prowled the Floor. Hull replaced with a waffle cone. Engines that ran on Rocky Road. Bullets replaced with sprinkles, missiles with chocolate-dipped ice cream cones. It was a beautiful sight. Oscar took some small satisfaction in his mobile base. It was always a good pastime to menace the very real and super serious dogfights with nothing more than infinite gallons of Neapolitan. The message came through as Oscar stood on the prow of his ship. The Moose Tracks hovered amidst several smoldering vessels. As it turns out, sugar is very good at disabling engines on a permanent basis. The wind whipped past his face, making the giant of a man squint as he opened his menus. Night was calling and Oscar would be happy to drop everything on her behalf. Not like he was doing anything super important at the moment anyway. “Take aim,” he ordered to no one in particular. He had no crew to speak of. Only a self-sustaining ship that followed his verbal commands. The vessel heaved, turning broadside towards the main settlement. As it settled, Oscar waited a few seconds before giving his second command. “Fire.” A triple stacked ice cream cone launched toward the settlement like a missile. As it did, Oscar launched himself toward it. He took hold of the sweet projectile, slinging himself over to the top of it and planting his feet upon the waffle surface. The next bit took expert timing. With pinpoint precision, he was fired toward the Teleportation Platform. And with expert timing, he activated the dias’ powers. Oscar surfed upon his giant treat through the endless expanse of space. In the distance, settled amidst the chaotic swirling aether, there was a small, brilliant light. It grew ever more massive as Oscar surged through the expanse. Eventually, he was engulfed by the light. Screaming out of the void like a banshee, Oscar launched from the main settlement on Floor 17 straight to Olympus. Just before his treat went splat against the face of the mountain, Oscar kicked the back tip of the cone. He scrambled over the missile as it turned head over tail, the tip of the cone plunging deep into the mountain. With a wide grin, Oscar looked down at NIGHT. He hopped down, adjusting his clothing as he walked over. “You called? I brought ice cream.” To punctuate his statement, the frozen fudge fell to the ground with a sickening splat. Oscar watched horrified as the destroyed model shuddered and then shattered. “Had. Ice cream.” Spoiler Tr Level: 33 Paragon Level: 54 HP: 920/920 EN: 124/124 Stats: Damage: 30 Mitigation: 112 Accuracy: 5 Evasion: 3 Battle Healing: Loot Die: 5 Stealth Rating: -5 PHASEREC: 4 HLY: 16 BLI: 32/-20 Equipped Gear: Weapon/Armor/Trinket: - <<DIVINE RANCOR>> T4 KATANA - HOLY/HOLY/PHASE/BLIGHT Armor/Trinket: - <<TACTICAL UNDER ARMOR>> T4 HEAVY ARMOR//MIT/MIT/MIT/REC Shield/Armor/Trinket: - <<IVORY GOLD LEAF RING>> T1 TRINKET//ACC/ACC/EVA/EVA Combat Mastery: - Combat Mastery: Damage R3 Combat Shift: - AOE Shift Familiar Skill: - Grappling Familiar Custom Skill: - Skills: - Battle Healing R5 - Charge - Energist - Extended Weight Limit - Heavy Armor R5 - Katana R5 - Quick Change - Searching R5 Extra Skills: - Concentration - Forgotten King's Authority - Meditation - Survival Inactive Extra Skills: Addons: - Ferocity - Iron Skin - Precision - Reveal - Stamina Mods: - Impetus - Night Vision - Tracking Inactive Mods: Battle Ready Inventory: - <<CRYSTAL OF DIVINE LIGHT>> ID: 236066 x - <<GLOVES OF CAERUS>> T1 LIGHT ARMOR//3 LD x - <<Kyūketsuki>> T4 KATANA//ABS.ACC/PHASE/VAMP2 x - <<RHINO'S HORN>> ID: 236068 x - <<SANCTITY'S RUIN>> T4 KATANA - FROSTBITE/BLEED/BLIGHT/BURN x - <<TELEPORTATION CRYSTAL>> x - <<TROLL'S BLOOD>> ID: 236067 x Housing Buffs: - Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30. - Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot - Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts. - Attic (Bedroom): +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cannot boost a skill without ranks, or increase a skill past its maximum rank. Cannot boost a skill the user has not learned yet. Ranks obtained using this buff will make the mods of that rank available for purchase. Mods obtained this way are unusable if this buff is removed until the skill is returned to the appropriate rank by way of SP purchase. - Basement: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll - Guest Room: Players can have one «Amenity» in a «Guest Room» and the «Amenity» cannot be recovered. Players are allowed to change which «Amenity» is in the «Guest Room». Multiple instances of the same «Amenity» do not stack. This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members. - Master Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat - Master Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down) - Extended Workshop: +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day - Ornate Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to fishing attempts. - Dining Hall: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread. - Mega Slime Farm: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post. Guild Hall Buffs: Scents of the Wild Totem: - Kumatetsu Wedding Ring: Crafting Profession: - Cooking[5280exp] R10 Gathering Profession: - Fishing[100exp] R2" Liquor of Light, Azrael Dog, Focused Dog, Slippy Dog, Gungnir's Shard - A Literal Pile of Diamonds Consumed Edited October 22, 2024 by Oscar Link to post Share on other sites
Acanthus 0 Posted October 22, 2024 #3 Share Posted October 22, 2024 (edited) NIGHT had impeccable timing. Her message went out right as Acanthus stepped away from the teleporter and onto floor 17. She’d actually planned to do some light grinding to pad out the materials she’d spent preparing for the raid boss. Before she could think (spiral) in earnest about the upcoming fight, she responded to NIGHT. Acanthus: I’ll be right there! Proud of herself for adeptly handling in-game messages for once, she didn’t realize she had sent the message in the old group chat NIGHT had made. Or that NIGHT was only about ten meters away. With a quick tug on her tunic (teleportation always made her clothes feel wrinkled), she moved towards NIGHT. With a hellish sound, a massive waffle cone exploded from the teleportation crystal. Acanthus screamed. The crowd screamed. They all screamed. "I brought ice cream." the man said to NIGHT. Acanthus was sure that NIGHT knew lots of people, but how did she end up friends with a chaotic dessert demon? Mustering what composure she could, Acanthus reassured herself the man was probably nice, and that she had nothing to worry about. But when she waved at the pair, she kept a few paces between herself and Oscar, and her greeting was stiff and formal. Bow, two, three, up. “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Acanthus.” Acanthus | Lvl 55 | HP: 780/780 | EN: 92/92 | DMG: 25 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 43 | REC: 6 | LD:4 Spoiler Equipment and Consumables Spoiler All enhancements reflected in the stat block unless otherwise specified. Weapon. botan. AA | ACC 3 Armor. Enduring Thistle VAMP-D | MIT | REC | FIREPROOF Trinket. Evasive Charm | EVA 3 | REC Breakfast Fry | T4 Protein II Can o' Spinach | DMG 3 (231140a) Abilities (Skills, Shifts, Masteries, Add-ons, and Mods) Spoiler Skills: - Light Armor R5 - Searching R4 - Straight Sword R5 Extra Skills: - Assault Mode - Disguise - Forgotten King's Authority - Hiding R5 - Parry - Photosynthesize - Survival Addons: - Ferocity - Precision - Resolve - Stamina Mods: - Meticulous - Night Vision - Tracking Combat Mastery: Damage R3 TECH Shift Battle Ready Inventory Spoiler Instant HP Recovery 3 | 236092, 236093, 236094 Instant Perpetuate | Soundtrack - Edict's Threnody 2366686 Instant Hypnosis 2 Lullaby 2 | Soundtrack - Lama Sabachthani 236687 Housing Spoiler House Name: Villa of Coruscating Flowers (The Villa) Location: Floor 24 - Paradise Islands Description: See above Plot Size: Estate - PK Accessible Rooms: Listed below. All rooms are assigned to Acanthus. Master Bedroom Well Rested | -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat. Greenhouse Green Thumb | +2 Gathering EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to gathering attempts. Extended Workshop: Recording Studio (25,000 col) Hard Working | +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day. Mega Slime Farm Advanced Training | +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post. Living Room: Relaxed | Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts. Attic (Bedroom) Skylight (Searching) | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill (Searching). Cannot boost a skill without ranks, or increase a skill past its maximum rank. Cannot boost a skill the user has not learned yet. Ranks obtained using this buff will make the mods of that rank available for purchase. Mods obtained this way are unusable if this buff is removed until the skill is returned to the appropriate rank by way of SP purchase. Basement: Multipurpose | Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll. Crafting and Gathering Spoiler Crafting Profession: - Performer[2638exp] R5 Gathering Profession: - Forager[779exp] R5 Edited February 28 by Acanthus I forgor tierlock Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted October 22, 2024 Author #4 Share Posted October 22, 2024 night noticed the ice cream before she noticed oscar. and then she watched it drop to the ground in a sickening thud. what waiting satyr but jumped and bolted in abandon, towards the melting cone. night pointed to it, dropping her hand as quickly as acanthus introduced herself. "-- good to have the both of you here(?)" she said, and wasn't entirely certain how the question mark rose from her voice. then, she turned to oscar, and was about to ask how in the world he had done that, or when he pivoted from hot dogs to ice cream, but then changed her mind at the last second. "what's the composition of that ice cream you had?" night shook her head. she gestured to the two players then, after it became apparent that acanthus likely needed to be introduced to aincrad's greatest wildcard. "acanthus, meet oscar. oscar, acanthus." then, she directed her attention towards the new mess in town -- and the outskirts of the city. "we're hunting lions today. i need their furs. i'd owe each of you a favour if you're cool with trading them over to me once you get it. -- and i'd like to start on the lions but it's possible that they'd also be caught in the, err, snow cone avalanche." she wasn't in the mood for ice cream, she lied to herself. but she pointed anyway. "so we'll head there first. then we spread out. and if we find one, we kill it. if not... well. there's ice cream, right?" the party sped off towards the ice cream plus cone. and they did find a lion on the way there. Spoiler > POST ACTION: AOE-I ID236101 | bd2+6-2 = 6 | -> Nemean Lion 25 * 15 = 375 DMG 375 - 110 = 265 DMG 15 -2-1 = 12 EN NIGHT | HP: 1288/1288 | EN: 133/145 | DMG: 25 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 128 | FLN/HLY: 12 | TXC-V: 24 | LD: 5 Oscar | -> waiting on t3 stats Acanthus | -> waiting on t3 stats Nemean Lion | HP: 1825/2090 (2090-265) | MIT: 110 | DMG: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | TURN 3/6/9: +20 DMG, +5 MIT | MD9+: 250 DMG, [BLD: 36/2] | CD9+: POUNCE | BURN: x2 DMG, EVA -1 | TIER LOCK: 3 Pounce | On a CD 9+, instead of attacking, the boss will pounce on the target with the lowest health instead and deal 225 DMG regardless of MD result. Link to post Share on other sites
Oscar 0 Posted October 28, 2024 #5 Share Posted October 28, 2024 (edited) Oscar's hands moved to his hips, his chest thrust out with pride. "Any composition I want, Night." He assumed she was asking about the ingredients or flavor. It was the same answer either way. He was a Grandmaster Cook. He could turn nuts and bolts and bark into the finest meal you'd ever eat. How else was he able to make diamonds and metal digestible? Oscar waved to the new person with a bright smile. Things had certainly become more lively than he was accustomed to. He truly enjoyed the company of his compatriots on the Frontlines, but one could only deal with the same people for so long before it just got a wee bit boring. Though, that didn't apply to NIGHT. She was always a gem. And it was always amusing to watch the gap between the two of them widen upon every single one of their infrequent meetings. "Let's kill us some lions then," Oscar said. There was a montage of the three of them trekking across the floor until they finally came to the field boss. NIGHT was always quick on the draw. And though she was just a step ahead of him, Oscar was hot on her heels. She might have gapped him, but he wasn't entirely useless either. Spoiler Tier Lock In Effect AOE-I vs Nemean Lion ID: 237027 | BD: 6+5 26*15-110 = 280 DMG NIGHT | HP: 1288/1288 | EN: 133/145 | DMG: 25 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 128 | FLN/HLY: 12 | TXC-V: 24 | LD: 5 Oscar | HP: 905/905 | EN: 104/119 | DMG: 26 | MIT:124 | ACC:5 | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:50 | REC: 3 | HLY: 12 | BLI: 24/-15 | LD:5 Acanthus | -> waiting on t3 stats Nemean Lion | HP: 1523/2090 (2090-265) | MIT: 110 | DMG: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | TURN 3/6/9: +20 DMG, +5 MIT | MD9+: 250 DMG, [BLD: 36/2] | CD9+: POUNCE | BURN: x2 DMG, EVA -1 | TIER LOCK: 3 Edited Tuesday at 04:56 PM by Oscar Link to post Share on other sites
Acanthus 0 Posted February 28 #6 Share Posted February 28 (edited) Acanthus relaxed after the introductions. “I already owe you for botan. Hunting down a few field bosses seems like an adequate trade. If anything, I still owe you. This sword has been a literal lifesaver.” Acanthus plucked the spyglass from her belt and gave it an experimental twirl. “We should be able to find the boss fairly quickly after each fight. I’m here for as long as you need me.” NIGHT and Oscar were ready to go, and sped off almost immediately. Acanthus panted, falling steadily behind. Was it the armor that was slowing her down, or were they both marathon runners in real life? Just when she thought she couldn’t run any longer, the two veterans slowed their pace. The lion lay in front of them, ready to be harvested for a few choice drops. NIGHT and Oscar struck first, slicing through the lion efforlessly. I hope I can keep up. This is my first time fighting alongside either of them, actually. Spoiler Tier Lock In Effect Free Action (Item). Lama Sabatchani | -2 ACC. -2 EVA. Post Action: TECH-A -> Nemean Lion (-13 EN) 242016 | BD 1 + 6 | Hit! 25 * 16 = 400 - 110 = 290 damage. Stunned. Monster's Action Stunned. No action taken. NIGHT | HP: 1288/1288 | EN: 133/145 | DMG: 25 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 128 | FLN/HLY: 12 | TXC-V: 24 | LD: 5 Oscar | HP: 905/905 | EN: 119/119 | DMG: 26 | MIT:124 | ACC:5 | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:50 | REC: 3 | HLY: 12 | BLI: 24/-15 | LD:5 Acanthus | HP: 780/780 | EN: 79/92 | DMG: 25 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 43 | REC: 6 | LD:4 [1,1,1] Nemean Lion | HP: 1233/2090 | MIT: 110 | DMG: 200 | ACC: 3 1 | EVA: 2 0 | TURN 3/6/9: +20 DMG, +5 MIT | MD9+: 250 DMG, [BLD: 36/2] | CD9+: POUNCE | BURN: x2 DMG, EVA -1 | TIER LOCK: 3 Hypnosis 2 (1/3) Lullaby 2 (1/3) Edited February 28 by Acanthus Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted March 2 Author #7 Share Posted March 2 "any composition?" night asked on the way forward. "i was hoping it was at least edible. i hope all your ice creams aren't of the same combustible energy -- save the flavour in your mouth, of course. i don't doubt they'd be tasty, coming from you." one lion would've afforded her all that she was looking for. convenient, then, that they simply stumbled upon the singular threat on the way to ice cream. night did wonder if she should be making the call to go hunting for it after the skirmish -- a more sensible voice in her head merely suggested they go to oscar's for a better bite thereafter. her treat. she'd half expected the pounce from the lion upon her amongst everyone else, but noted acanthus' strike halting their opponent at the last moment, past her own brace for impact. night quickly took advantage of the surprise then, tearing into the creature swift before it could bound away. was it slower than before? at the very least, that would ensure their prey went down faster than they'd prefer it to last. night called to her companions, preparing for another strike from the lion. "how about a scoop when we get back?" Spoiler > POST ACTION: AOE-II > FREE ACTION: CONCENTRATION ID242430 | bd5+6+1 = 6 | -> Nemean Lion 25 * 18 = 450 DMG 450 - 110 = 340 DMG 18 -4-2-1 = 11 EN HATE: 1 + 1 (fs) NIGHT | HP: 1288/1288 | EN: 122/145 (133-11) | DMG: 25 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 128 | FLN/HLY: 12 | TXC-V: 24 | LD: 5 | [CONCENTRATION: 1/5] Oscar | HP: 905/905 | EN: 119/119 | DMG: 26 | MIT:124 | ACC:5 | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:50 | REC: 3 | HLY: 12 | BLI: 24/-15 | LD:5 Acanthus | HP: 780/780 | EN: 79/92 | DMG: 25 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 43 | REC: 6 | LD:4 [4,1,1] Nemean Lion | HP: 893/2090 (1233-340) | MIT: 110 | DMG: 200 | ACC: 3 1 | EVA: 2 0 | TURN 3/6/9: +20 DMG, +5 MIT | MD9+: 250 DMG, [BLD: 36/2] | CD9+: POUNCE | BURN: x2 DMG, EVA -1 | TIER LOCK: 3 Hypnosis 2 (1/3) Lullaby 2 (1/3) Pounce | On a CD 9+, instead of attacking, the boss will pounce on the target with the lowest health instead and deal 225 DMG regardless of MD result. Link to post Share on other sites
Oscar 0 Posted Tuesday at 04:56 PM #8 Share Posted Tuesday at 04:56 PM (edited) ph Spoiler Post Action -> AOE-II [-18 EN] Swift Action -> Charge [-6 EN] ID: 243072 | BD: 2+5-1, hit 25 + 3 * 18 = 504 - 110 = 394 DMG NIGHT | HP: 1288/1288 | EN: 122/145 (133-11) | DMG: 25 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 128 | FLN/HLY: 12 | TXC-V: 24 | LD: 5 | [CONCENTRATION: 1/5] Oscar | HP: 905/905 | EN: 84/119 | DMG: 26 | MIT:124 | ACC:5 | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:50 | REC: 3 | HLY: 12 | BLI: 24/-15 | LD:5 Acanthus | HP: 780/780 | EN: 79/92 | DMG: 25 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 43 | REC: 6 | LD:4 [4,1,1] Nemean Lion | HP: 499/2090 (893-394) | MIT: 110 | DMG: 200 | ACC: 3 1 | EVA: 2 0 | TURN 3/6/9: +20 DMG, +5 MIT | MD9+: 250 DMG, [BLD: 36/2] | CD9+: POUNCE | BURN: x2 DMG, EVA -1 | TIER LOCK: 3 Hypnosis 2 (1/3) Lullaby 2 (1/3) Pounce | On a CD 9+, instead of attacking, the boss will pounce on the target with the lowest health instead and deal 225 DMG regardless of MD result. Edited Tuesday at 05:02 PM by Oscar Link to post Share on other sites
Acanthus 0 Posted 15 hours ago #9 Share Posted 15 hours ago (edited) smack Spoiler Recovery. 243223 | CD 2 | EN +3 Post Action: TECH-B -> Nemean Lion (-13 EN) 243224 | BD 2 + 6 + 1 | Hit! 25 * 16 = 400 - 110 = 290 damage. Delay applied. NIGHT | HP: 1288/1288 | EN: 122/145 (133-11) | DMG: 25 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 128 | FLN/HLY: 12 | TXC-V: 24 | LD: 5 | [CONCENTRATION: 1/5] Oscar | HP: 905/905 | EN: 84/119 | DMG: 26 | MIT:124 | ACC:5 | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:50 | REC: 3 | HLY: 12 | BLI: 24/-15 | LD:5 Acanthus | HP: 780/780 | EN: 69(nice)/92 | DMG: 25 | ACC:5 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 43 | REC: 6 | LD:4 [4,1,2] Nemean Lion | HP: 209/2090 | MIT: 110 | DMG: 200 | ACC: 3 1 0 | EVA: 2 0 | TURN 3/6/9: +20 DMG, +5 MIT | MD9+: 250 DMG, [BLD: 36/2] | CD9+: POUNCE | BURN: x2 DMG, EVA -1 | TIER LOCK: 3 Hypnosis 2 (2/3) Lullaby 2 (2/3) | Delay Pounce | On a CD 9+, instead of attacking, the boss will pounce on the target with the lowest health instead and deal 225 DMG regardless of MD result. Edited 15 hours ago by Acanthus Link to post Share on other sites
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