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[BR-F28] Paving the Way to Floor 29 [Team 1: Yuki]

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The door opened into a basin, walls in every direction spanning skyward like a bowl. Dusty and barren, the once lush overgrowth that climbed them rotted less than halfway up. Trees like blackened, coarse hands reached out toward the stars, their last throes of hopelessness a testament to the evil that now lay claim to the place. It was no one's fault, perhaps; but in their failure to act, it had become everyone's. 

The twenty eighth floor had fought admirably to reclaim this space. Dried out grass and the fetid stench of leaves long past autumn breathed death into the offensive nostrils of each Player in turn, welcoming them to the fray.

To His Domain. 

To His Grave.

Murky pools sloshed beneath their feet as the valiant Players waded deeper into the wastes. All the while, He watched. As they came to the central portion of the valley, players would see the last vestiges of beauty that remained
in this place, hanging off the twisted corpses of a copse of trees. The haunting red of Higanbana- Japanese Spider Lilies- looming all around them.

And they withered at the sound of a piercing, agonized howl. The deep red color twisted into rotten brown as petals fell away, decorating the murky bog with their remains. In their place, He stood, staring back at the Players.


Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300 | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [0/6] | Iron Flesh

Rampage | For each successful attack on Callisto, its accuracy increases +1 and its damage by +50 until the end of its next turn (Up to the maximum of +300 DMG, +6 ACC) against your party. In addition, Callisto has [Focus]
Iron Flesh | Callisto’s durability halves damage dealt from all status effects (DoT).
Resist Death | Whenever Callisto would sustain more than 1000 damage after mitigation, that damage is set to 750 maximum.
Totem of the Bear | Due to Callisto’s unbridled rage, HIghest Hatred Decays by -1 every turn as it seeks out prey in a violent uncontrolled frenzy. Healing done by sources outside of skills from a target who does not have the highest hatred will yield +4 hatred provided that target has no effects that improve hatred generation (such as Howl or Taunt) as Callisto senses weakness.
Consuming Night | The sheer corruption that bleeds from this beast assails your vision as it destroys your senses. Callisto applies [Blindness 2] whenever it performs a successful critical attack, this effect does not stack but will refresh.

  • BLIND 2 | Reduces the targets Accuracy, Evasion and Loot Dice by -4 for 2 turns.

Ichorous Sweep | Whenever Callisto rolls a CD: 4-7 it will lick its claws and aggressively swipe at the target with the highest hate in each party. If the attack is successful, In addition to standard damage, the target is inflicted with TXC VNM 4 and Envenom 4

  • TXC VNM 4 | Deals 64 unmitigated poison damage to the target for 3 turns
  • ENV-O 4 | deal 64 unmitigated poison damage each enemy turn for 4 turns. Stacks with itself

Reckless Ensnare | Whenever Callisto rolls a CD: 8-9 it will brandish its claws out and grapple the target with the highest hate in each party instead of attacking. While the target is grappled their evasion is reduced to the maximum of 0 and their post action can only be used to attempt to free themselves, ending the grapple on a LD:15+. Other members of the party can attempt to free them (using the same roll) as their post action.
For the Throat | If Callisto has any targets grappled, it can use its post action to perform a special bite attack against all grappled targets. This attack circumvents all forms of defense (Autohit, Unmitigated) dealing 600 unmitigated damage and inflicting Bleed 4. Damage from this attack can only be reduced by Parry, Misperception, Rampart and [Counter]. Barrier will negate the damage entirely.

  • BLD 4 | Deals 96 unmitigated bleed damage the the target for 2 turns

Halls of Madness [AoE] | Whenever Callisto rolls a CD: 10-12 it will shriek in a blood curdling howl that targets the entire party. Any targets struck by this attack take 400 damage and are stricken with a stack of [Madness]. The damage from this attack can be mitigated

[Madness] deals 12 unmitigated damage over 4 turns, any further applications will refresh this effect and increase the stacks by 1. This does not increase the damage, but instead once a target has sustained [Madness 3] their next turn is decided by Callisto. This requires the player to respond and do their best to aid Callisto, who is regarded as a close and dear friend until this fades. On his post he will offer a short goal the player must attempt to fulfill such as:

Player A will attack the party
Player A will attack Player B
Player B will heal Callisto

Any post action, free action [item] or free action [skill] used from a player this way treats their source as Callisto (Following Hatred, Mitigation, Targeting etc.). Once this turn has been used by Callisto, madness 3 fades.

Status Ailment Effects:
Stun | Disables the use of Ichorus Sweep until the end of Callisto’s Next Turn against that party instead of removing a post action. All  Grappling Familiar Cooldowns Increased by 2
Paralyze | Will immediately end a grapple made by Callisto against a member of your party instead of removing a post action.
Freeze | Removes Focus from Rampage until the end of Callisto’s Next Turn on attacks made against your party instead of removing a post action.
Delay | Reduces CD rolls by -1 until the end of Callisto’s Next Turn on all attacks made against your party. Cannot stack and this only applies to attacks made against your party. Delay also reduces Callisto’s accuracy by 2 if benefiting from [Rampage].
Phase | Allows the user to ignore the effects of Resist Death when activated.

Alternate Conditions:
Barrier | Will prevent Callisto from using For the Throat against targets affected by Barrier
Shatter | Will allow DoT’s to deal full damage to Callisto from sources within your party instead of reducing Callisto’s Mitigation
Hypnosis | Lasts for twice its normal duration, but its effects only benefit the user
Lullaby | Lasts for a single turn, negates the effects of Rampage against your party.
Queen’s Honey | Offering this item to Callisto as a post action will cause it not to act against your party for 1 turn as long as no further hostile post actions are taken by the party.
Loot Die | Food and Trinket Enhancements Increase the LD rolled to break Reckless Ensnare. Lockpicking and Dismantling also apply to these rolls.
Antidote | Blocks the Effects of Blindness/Madness given they are status ailments. Each will consume a separate charge if both are applied.
Purify | Can remove the effects of Blindness or Madness when used.
Probiotics | Reduces the damage taken from Bleed 4, Envenom (Offensive) 4, Toxic Venom 4
Forgotten King’s Authority | Can remove the madness condition, but only once 3 stacks have been obtained. However this can only be done for the first full application, repeat usage will not remove the effects of madness.
Kumatetsu (Totem) | +1 Additional Base Damage, Does not stack with Memory of Battle

Party Stat Blocks:
NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 150/150 | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC:3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | BLD: 48 | BLI: 32/-20 | FRB: 40 | STC: 40 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [3/3] | Clean
Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 110/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [2/2]
Acanthus | HP: 936/936 | EN: 92/92 | DMG: 26 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [3/3] | Clean
Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 98/98 | DMG: 12 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48  | LD:5 | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [3/3] | Clean
Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA  | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [3/3] | Clean
Tricolor Mina | HP: 874/874 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 27 | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | IRON-T | HORN

The Round 1 has begun.
Players will have 72 hours to make a post.
[Countdown Timer]

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battle ready inventory.

<Teleportation Crystal> x5 ......... // Teleport to a town / out of a dungeon [Uses 2 posts: 1 for use, next to teleport]
<March unto the Dawn> x5 ........... // +15% ST Insta-Heal
<Dear My Friend> x5 ................ // +15% ST Insta-Heal
<Crystal of the Blood Dragon> x5 ... // +10% AOE Insta-Heal
<Blessing of the Wood> x3 .......... // 250 Damage Reduction Barrier (party)
<Glowstone> ........................ // Negate Darkness/dim light debuff

The time to fight was finally upon them all.  The stench of rot and decay kept making the hunter's eyes water.  It was enough to make him sick, but he had to stomach the situation.  Their next great venture was here and now.  That is, for the most that could be said of the hunter.  the most that he could really do anyway:  step forward unto dawn.

Red flowers?  Stringy, but eerily beautiful.  Little crimson spiders that covered the ground before them, but that would only be for a moment.  The source of the roaring and cascading rot would appear, before them.  A bear, like the ones that they fought in the forest days prior, but the beast was more than just that.  It was war torn, or battle scarred by many that tried to hunt it before.  Swords and spears stuck to the creatures hide, as if the beast was a pincushion.  If it was just these that were the issue, then the hunter would think that the beast had tough skin or could endure itself.

That was until the masses of rotting flesh and bits of unknown material would be seen.  The thing was barely even alive, if it could be said to be so.  The very ground it walked on was decaying around it, as the flowers wilted and perished upon it's entry.  Oozing and festering, the thing could be more of a poison than anything that they had.

Thinking upon his actions, he made a huge blunder into thinking that this would be a simple bear.  It is never so simple.  With that, there was nothing he could easily do.  From his time as a healer, he did not have much to start with.  He figured that the stone would be useful, but there would be no need for it.  It would be better to start things off with a bang.

"If it's dead already.  Then there is no need to start off weak.  Press hard and attack fast!"

He would call out as his shield would radiate an iridescent light upon everyone that was there.  Their weapons would start to glow more before their first strikes would ring through.  He wished he could wait this out, but there was some routes that were better made with time.


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battle ready inventory.

- Golden Key x5

- Golden Key x5

- Golden Key x5

- Golden Key x5

- Golden Key x30

- Teleportation Crystal x1

The Paladin spearheaded her group towards the bosses’ territory, confidence oozing in a radiation of pride. The arena was a gruesome sort that pushed a mind towards despair but the Paladin had seen worse. By now she was sure the other frontliners were just as hardened to such sights as well. It was a trait one developed in the struggle for freedom.

However, just as the bear made itself known, Yuki quickly began to realize her errors: She had forgotten to rearrange her build from her solo playstyle and had no way of generating hate to keep the attention on herself. She quickly began unloading her inventory to find any old crystals she might have for healing since that generated hate. Yuki would throw Night would throw an apologetic glance. “Night, my skills aren’t properly allocated. I’m missing some key tank abilities. Does the party have extra healing crystals I can use to generate hate? I’m sorry.

Despite her slip up Yuki had to make do with what she had and assist her party with the menial amount of damage she could provide. The Paladin took her spot as laid out in the raid plan, stabbing at the legs of the beast with her spear. Aki would quickly aid her, making the wound ever so slightly worse with her claws.

Yuki removes a stack of Golden Keys from her BRI. <Free Action>

Yuki uses Tech-A, ID#236484. 
BD: 4+4 Hit! Stun Applied. +1 Hate; -13 EN +4 damage from ‘Press the Attack!’ Activating Rending Familiar

16x12 damage = 192 + 28 Rend for two turns.

NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 150/150 | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC:3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | BLD: 48 | BLI: 32/-20 | FRB: 40 | STC: 40 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [3/3] | Clean
Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 110/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [2/2]
Acanthus | HP: 936/936 | EN: 92/92 | DMG: 26 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [3/3] | Clean
Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 85/98 | DMG: 12 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48  | LD:5 | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [3/3] | Clean
Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA  | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [3/3] | Clean
Tricolor Mina | HP: 874/874 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 27 | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | IRON-T | HORN

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battle ready inventory. (sorry this is me night.)

  1. Instant HP Recovery 3 | 236074, 236071, 236070, 236090, 236088
  2. Mass HP Recovery 3 | 235736, 235737
  3. Instant Perpetuate | 232620, 232621, 232622, 232623, 232624
  4. Misperception | 234614, 234611, 234751, 234749
  5. Instant Hypnosis 2 | 234747
  6. HP Recovery 3 | 235046, 235043, 235735, 235727, 235746
  7. [Empty]

The higanbana blossomed in the murky pools of the boss room, dappling the landscape like flecks of blood. Her mom loved spider lilies. Even after she had lost the ability to care for the garden, mom tended the spider lilies every September like clockwork. Acanthus waded out to the lilies and picked one without a thought. As she lifted it to her face, the flower slowly turned to blue dust.

YOU'LL BE NEXT, LITTLE FLOWER. Hatred mocked her with her own mother’s voice.

The sea of red withered as an agonized howl rolled through the mire. A bear, covered with necrotic wounds wriggling with maggots, stared the raid party down with lifeless black eyes brimming with hate. Acanthus had never fought something that so clearly wanted her dead. It was one thing for quest bosses to fight back. But this? There was no doubt in her mind Callisto was just as real as any of the players here. And the deep well of bitterness that it drew from was no less an emotion than the most earnest desire to escape.

But right now, Acanthus didn’t want to escape. She wanted to fight. Each person here was a flower in the garden of Aincrad, and it was her duty to keep them all alive.

“Everyone,” she whispered as she drew botan. “Let’s do our best.”


NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 150/150 | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC:3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | BLD: 48 | BLI: 32/-20 | FRB: 40 | STC: 40 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [3/3] | Clean
Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 110/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [2/2]
[1] Acanthus | HP: 936/936 | EN: 92/92 | DMG: 26 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean
[1] Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 85/98 | DMG: 12 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48  | LD:5 | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [3/3] | Clean
Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA  | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [3/3] | Clean
Tricolor Mina | HP: 874/874 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 27 | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | IRON-T | HORN

Recovery. Skipped.

Free Action (System). Give (1) Instant HP Recovery 3 -> @Ariel - The Crowned Lion

Post Action: TECH-D ->Callisto (-15 -14 EN) (Well Rested)
236509 | BD 8 + 8 | Hit! Shatter applied (alternate effect). (26 + 4) * 16 = 480 + 80 - 65 = 496 damage.

Callisto Abilities and Interactions
Callisto gains one stack of Rampage | [Rampage 2/6] (+2 ACC, +100 DMG)
Shatter removes Iron Flesh for its duration. (DoTs will deal full damage.) | [Shatter 0/3]
(Ichorus Sweep disabled this turn from Zajcica's stun.)


Edited by Acanthus
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battle ready inventory.

  • Teleport Crystal (5) | TELEPORT
  • imugi's inspiration. (5) | MASS HP RECOVERY
  • imugi's inspiration. (5) | MASS HP RECOVERY
  • new thing. (5) | INSTANT | PERPETUATE
  • new thing. (5) | INSTANT | PERPETUATE
  • Cosmic Devourer+1 

sword arts.

  • ST | x12 -> x15 | x20
  • AOE | x15 -> x18
  • TECH-A | x12 | STUN | 13EN
  • TECH-B | x12 | DELAY
  • TECH-D | x12 | SHATTER
  • TECH-F | x8 | AOE STUN 
  • TECH-G | x12 | BURN


she'd been elated upon noticing her shield had showed up. and when they finally entered the basin, greeted by that broken, corrupted bear, she had felt ready to take on the challenge --- as was her duty, alongside everyone else's. but then yuki turned to her, and night blinked in confusion. seen? by yuki?

wait, wasn't she just in stealth?

night panicked. she tried to salvage what was left of her stealth (nothing???) by striking the boss at least once. her sword art went off without a hitch despite her frantic attempt, but when her executioner fell silent, the player sighed and withdrew, blade in her hand changing forms. between the rot of the bear's natural state and her sword's capabilities, it wasn't exactly easy to tell if her trick had worked, either. she faced yuki with a pained expression. "did you pick up searching earlier? or is this bear just really good at detecting stealthed players?"

she shook her head, before previewing her menus, pulling apart her thumb and middle fingers after joining them together. "i have a few crystals," night declared, pulling one out for demonstration. she watched as a set of keys were dropped from yuki's inventory, confused. the look she shot her friend was that almost akin to nyanko's after a bath. "where'd you go that locked you up so bad...? were there prisons in the labyrinth...?"


[2] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 150/150 | DMG: 30 | MIT:104 | ACC:3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | BLD: 48 | BLI: 32/-20 | FRB: 40 | STC: 40 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [3/3] | Clean | [PRESS THE ATTACK]

making this clean by focusing only on editing my block ol o+<


ID236510 | bd3+3 = 6 | -> Callisto

| edit: stealth rework means i get to hide from the blind bear + gain autohit. 
| updating calculations.

(30 * 12) / 2 = 180 DMG
180 - 65 + 80 = 195 DMG
| surprise attack: trickster activated.
| callisto -> BLD: 48 | BLI: 32/-20 | FRB: 40 | STC: 40
| delay applied.

12 - 1 (Rested) - 2 (Stamina) + 8 (Surprise attack: Trickster) = 15 EN


jack's executioner. | BLD: 48 | BLI: 32/-20 | FRB: 40 | STC: 40
cosmic devourer+1. | ACC: +4 (3+1AA) | AA

[2] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 135/150 (150-15) | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean | [QC: 1/3] | [PRESS THE ATTACK]


| [Stunned] (Ichorus Sweep disabled this turn from Zajcica's stun.)
| [Delayed] (-1 CD, -2 ACC from Rampage. Applied by NIGHT.)
| [DoTs]: [BLD: 48 DMG /2] | [BLI: 32 DMG, -20MIT /2] | [FRB: 40 DMG, -1 ACC /2] | STC: 40 DMG /2 + 24 AoE] (Applied by NIGHT.)
| [Rampage 3/6] (+3 ACC +1 ACC, +150 DMG)
| [Shattered 0/3] (DoTs will deal full damage.)


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baiken (guilty gear and 1 more) drawn by strail_cycleman

*Note: thank you NIGHT for editing my stats so I didn't have to qwq (Smaller note: My LD value should have been 1 higher thanks to a housing buff (Attic - Bedroom, Skill Chosen: Searching) ;w;, I already cleared it w/Rai, but you can find where I got it from both HERE and HERE)


battle ready inventory.

  - Briar's Lost Lament (Cursed/Blight/Burn/Frostbite) x1
  - Crystal of Divine Light x1
  - Imugi's Inspiration (Mass Healing Crystal) x4
  - Imugi's Inspiration (Mass Healing Crystal) x5
  - Popcorn (T4 VIT) x5
  - Popcorn (T4 VIT) x5
  - TP Crystal x5

The boss room was finally open.

"Alright, everyone! It's Showtime!" she shouted, immediately sprinting forward as she unfurled her fan, her coat flapping in the wind as she hurled Ember towards the boss, wasting no time with dealing her Damage to the overgrown beast. "Strike it hard, and fast! Keep your eyes peeled for any dangerous effects that this guy isn't manifesting, and keep your heal crystals and Teleport Crystals Ready and In your Hot-bar!"

The iridescent light of Hirru's skill swirled across her weapon as it cut into the giant bear's virtual flesh, rending away a decent chunk of damage for a warm-up strike. Her fan flew back, and she immediately snapped it back open, lowering her body slightly so she could prep for a Charge as soon as she wound up her next attack.

NIGHT and Acanthus had gone before her, easily clawing their way into the boss with their respective sword arts, the familiar light of BLIGHT splashing across the bosses body, weakening its armor for a small period of time. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Ariel also charging after the boss, the blonde woman striking at it with her katana.

So far, so good!

She winced as poor Oscar ended up getting sick after slipping on something rotten, the man clearly struggling to get it back together. "Yikes, guess that's a thing we can do in here..?" Violet shuddered, averting her gaze from the rather embarrassing scene to focus back on her team... before blanching as she heard Yuki Mention to NIGHT that she had forgotten to spec herself a few crucial tanking skills. "Oh god, Yuki - Here, I guess you're pulling a double shift as a healer. At least we're gonna be one of the healthier parties in this raid... heh!" She sent one of the many healing crystals in her Battle-inventory over to the spiny tank, a wry smile on her face. "Let's not make that Mistake again during the next raid, yeah? Not exactly a good thing if you're lacking your aggro skills!"

ST-I VS Callisto The Tainted

Passing 1x Imugi's Inspiration to Yuki :D


Roll ID#: 236565, BD: 4 (4+7 = 11, HIT! 31*15 = 465 - 45 = 420 + 80 = 500 DMG to Callisto!)

Mina loses 14 EN!

[1] Tricolor Mina | HP: 874/874 | EN: 98/112 | DMG: 27+4 (hirru) | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | IRON-T | HORN

Edited by tricolor_mina
Putting numbers in the BRE bc I'm dumb and forgor q.q
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battle ready inventory.

  • 5x ≪Crystal of the Blood Dragon Horde[Crystal]:
    Mass HP recovery 10%
    IDs# 223185-1 / 223185-2 / 223183 / 223183-1 / 223181
  • 5x ≪Flash of Rejuvenation# [Crystal]≫    
    Mass HP recovery 10%  
    IDs# 144486 / 144486-1 / 144486-2 / 144486-3 / 144770 
  • 2x ≪Teleport [Crystal]≫
  • 3x ≪Glowstone≫

Ariel watched as the party made their way into the basin, her eyes carefully scanning their surroundings. The oppressive atmosphere weighed on everyone, but her own resolve held firm. This wasn’t her first encounter with such a grotesque setting, and it wouldn’t be her last. She understood the toll such sights could take on those less seasoned in combat, especially the newer players. Her calm demeanor was a rock in the chaos, a trait she had honed over time.

The Paladin, Yuki, was confident as always, but Ariel noticed the subtle shift when she realized her build wasn’t suited for the situation. She could see Yuki’s slight falter as she searched frantically through her inventory. Ariel didn’t need to intervene, knowing Yuki was resourceful enough to recover, but still, the thought flickered in her mind.

When the Japanese Spider Lilies came into view, Ariel’s expression softened momentarily. Higanbana, she thought, recalling the late summer and early autumn months when her family had tended to similar flowers in their garden. To her, these red blooms symbolized more than death and despair—they were also tied to rebirth, the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.

Her gaze returned to the necrotic bear, now staring them down with black, hate-filled eyes. The wriggling maggots and festering wounds covering its massive frame would’ve shaken lesser players, but Ariel’s grip on her weapon's handle tightened instead. This was no ordinary foe, and she could feel the malice radiating from it as clearly as the decayed air surrounding them.

Her eyes flicked between Yuki, who was struggling to find the right crystals, and Night, whose attempt at stealth had failed. Despite the tension, Ariel’s voice remained steady as she called out to the group. “We’re not just fighting a beast...” she said, her tone clear and commanding. “Stay sharp and work together—we can’t afford mistakes here.

When Night showed the healing crystal, Ariel gave her a nod of approval, appreciating the quick thinking. As Yuki prepared herself, Ariel added: “You’ve got this. We’ve all faced moments where things didn’t go as planned. Adapt, and we’ll overcome this thing.

Ariel’s thoughts shifted back to Callisto, her instincts warning her of the danger ahead. This wasn’t just about brute strength—it was about understanding the enemy and working together to outmaneuver it. She had seen how a lack of cohesion could doom a group, and she wasn’t about to let that happen here.

Her calm demeanor and thoughtful approach would help steady the others, but she knew it would take more than just words to survive this encounter. She prepared herself mentally, knowing full well this battle wasn’t going to be a simple fight—it was a test of their collective will. And as one of the veterans in the group, it was her role to make sure they all walked out alive.

Ariel took a slow, steadying breath, her fingers brushing over the sheath of her katana. She had watched, guided, and steadied her party, but now it was time to act. She positioned herself to make her strike, the memories of countless battles flashing through her mind.

Without a word, she slipped into her stance, her body shifting to a low crouch as her hand settled on the hilt of her blade. Every muscle in her body tensed, focused on that single, defining moment. Her breathing slowed, aligning with the calm she felt just before an Iai strike—the calm before the storm.

With a swift, practiced motion, Ariel drew her katana in one fluid arc, the blade gleaming as it sliced through the air toward the beast. The strike was over almost as quickly as it began, her sword slipping back into its sheath with a resonant click. A faint line appeared across Callisto’s torso, and a split-second later, the flesh parted as the devastating force of her attack took its toll. Dark ichor sprayed from the wound. She let a small smirk reveal on her expression.

Ariel’s eyes remained on her target, her stance unwavering as she took in the creature’s reaction. The impact of her Iai strike should had been significant, and it had left an opening for the others to strike. She allowed herself a small, resolute smile, ready to continue.

[1] Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 95/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA  | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean

Rec. ID# | CD: | +0 EN

Post Action:
ID# 236566 | BD: 10 (4 +6, Hit!) | CD: 10 |  [x15] (29 +4) = 495 -(65-20) MIT =450 DMG > ≪Callisto the Tainted≫

+4 dmg | Hirru

ST-II Available!
ST-B Available!

-(14 -1) EN | Rested


| [Stunned] (Ichorus Sweep disabled this turn from Zajcica's stun.)
| [Delayed] (-1 CD, -2 ACC from Rampage. Applied by NIGHT.)
| [Rampage 5/6] (+5 ACC +3 ACC, +250 DMG)
| [Shattered 0/3] (DoTs will deal full damage.)

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CallistoHPBarTemplate1.pngPlayer after player charged at him. He weathered most blows without a reaction, nervous system gone offline. To what little strikes he did face with consequence, there had been an inhumane, guttural sound, both from the pestilence that churned from within him, festering a faster decay, and a blank stare snapped the player's way. It had been this way for each party's rally, a slow pressure rising as its anger was starting to build.

Near the end, just as the last attacker was peeling away, Callisto was compelled to make a move. He shifted onto its hind legs, hunched over, eyes captured towards the murky skies above, buffeting escapees nearby. Was that sniffling a cry to the stars? As it roared, the ground stirred beneath it, sewage pools vibrating to the echo of that haunted ursine. For a moment, it seemed as though the clouds would break to reveal a sky completely awash in white. But it hadn’t, and the dead don’t carry feelings. Once it got back on its front paws, the game was once again afoot.

It almost seemed insulting how the bear lunged for everyone else. The players who had remained on high alert would’ve realized no swing came their way. And yet, to the astute, unlucky few from whom Callisto’s howl had resonated with, there would’ve been that shudder of their vision as it dropped to the floor, hounding after everybody else. Like static. Like an interrupted connection. The world cycled through multiple colors, channels shifted, in an instant. Suddenly, it felt as though the crystals on Callisto shone just a tinge brighter, and everything else had an aftereffect, that chromatic aberration tuned up to blur. 

From the corner of their vision, their health bar hadn’t drained, but blink and Cardinal would tell them they were damaged. There were whispers from the dark. A pounding in their head. What happened? (I can’t hear what they’re saying, either.) A sinking feeling that something made out of arms, and hands, reaching out towards them from behind wouldn’t leave.

For just a second, despite the need to do so in a virtual world, that human reminder, the thundering in one’s chest, the urge to breathe kicked in.



Hirru | Press the attack added to blocks, Press the Attack fades at the start of Hirru's Next Turn

NIGHT | Quick Change CD [1/3]
Hirru | Press the Attack CD [1/3]
Zajcica | Rending Familiar CD [1/5]

Damage Dealt:
Hirru | 0
Zajcica | 192
Acanthus | 495
NIGHT | 195
Tricolor Mina | 420
Ariel | 450
DoT | 80
Total Dealt: 192 + 495 + 195 + 420 + 420 + 460 + 80 + 192 (Thorns) + 83 (IRON-T) = 2037
Rampage Stacks | 5 (+250 DMG, +5 ACC)

[REND 28/2] -> Stronger variant Applied by Team 4, Dropped
[BLD 48/2] -> Stronger variant Applied by Team 4, Dropped
[BLI 32/2] -> Stronger variant Applied by Team 4, Dropped
[FRB 40/2] -> Incarcerated by Team 4
[STC 40/2] -> Stronger variant Applied by Team 4, Dropped
Stun [0/1] - Ichorus Sweep Disabled (Team 1)
Shatter 1 [0/3] - Iron Flesh Disabled (Team 1)
Delay - Reduced CD by -1, ACC by -2

Callisto Sustains 80 via FRB
Totem of the Bear -> NIGHT's Hatred reduced by -1
Post Action Target -> Ariel
236949 | BD:5+4-2-1=6, CD:12-1=11 (Halls of Madness)
NIGHT -> BD 6 - 6 = 0 (Missed)
Hirru -> BD 6 - 2 = 4 (Missed)
Acanthus -> BD 6 - 3 = 3 (Missed)
Zajcica -> BD 6 (Hit), Dealing 650 - 319 = 331 * .75 (IRON-T) = 248 DMG, [Madness 1: 12/4] applied, Sustains 152 via Thorns, and 83 via IRON-T
Ariel -> BD 6 - 3 = 3 (Missed)
Tricolor Mina -> BD 6 (Hit), Dealing 650 - 78 = 572 DMG, [Madness 1: 12/4] applied, Sustains 40 via Thorns
[Stunned], [Delayed] Fade
Rampage Reset to 0

[1] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 141/150 | DMG: 26[+4] | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean
[0] Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 101/110 | DMG: 1[+4] | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [1/2]
[1] Acanthus | HP: 936/936 | EN: 92/92 | DMG: 26[+4] | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean
[1] Zajcica | HP: 741/989 | EN: 86/98 | DMG: 12[+4] | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48  | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean | [Madness 1: 12/4]
[1] Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 95/108 | DMG: 29[+4] | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean
[1] Tricolor Mina | HP: 302/874 | EN: 98/112 | DMG: 27[+4] | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | HORN | [Madness 1: 12/4]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[0] | MIT: 65[-20] | ACC: -1[+0][-1] | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [0/6] | Iron Flesh | Shatter 1 [1/3] | [REND 56/1] | [BLD 96/1] | [BLI 64/1] | [BRN 112/1] | [FRB 80/1] | [STC 80/1] | [TXC-V 64/2] | [ENV-O 32/3]

Round 2 has begun.
Players will have 72 hours to make a post.
[Countdown Timer]

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"I've had searching for some time, completely with Night Vision as well. I fear a day where the shadow haunts my dreams..." She will drone off, not wishing to explain the necessity of her choices to console the fears. She could act bold all she wanted but fear plagued her just like any other person. Yet without fear... can one muster courage?

The intricacies of their situation was beginning to form. In all honesty, it warmed her heart to see how quickly the intelligent players of the frontlines band together to fix an avoidable mistake like hers. She was expecting some outrage from her companions but all them seemed rather understanding. She accepted the gifts from her party members and nodded to them all. "We won't let this little setback dampen our resolve of course. Let it be known that this error will not be repeated." Her grin appearing in her usual expression Yuki lifted her spear and crystal. "Ride 'forth my friends and your foes will fall like sakura blossoms in spring! For I am the Paladin Reborn - The shield to your spear!"

The effects of the crystal enveloped her upon it's activation, bringing her to the head of the group's hate and healing them from that devastating blow. The only ones hit this round were her and Mina which made their job a little less stressful if you didn't pay attention to how awful Mina looked after the blow. It really displayed the difference Yuki made with her insane mitigation. She couldn't attest to the dealing the highest damage amongst the people here but her thorns were a backup commodity that was preordained for her enemies. With weapon in hand, a pink blur spearheaded the group into the second round of their attacks just when an opportunity arose for them to approach. The pink hue jammed into the side of the beast with all the might she could muster. She scoffed at her inability to get her bleed to apply but noticed that it had already been applied by another. She quickly then adjusted her strategy to defense, guarding the group members as the began to use their own sword arts.

[1] Zajcica | HP: 893/989 | EN: 75/98 | DMG: 12[+4] | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean | [Madness 1: 12/4]

BD: 4+4 Hit! Tech-A Stun Applied. ID#237013
Damage = 16x12 = 192 DMG; -12EN(Rested applied)

Free Action >> Using Imugi's Inspiration to top up the party. 10% HP restoration for the party. Yuki heals 98HP.
Passive >> BH regenerates 54 HP; Energy regenerated by 6(4 natural EN+; 2 Horn)

Edited by Scarlet Firefly
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she bounced the item in her hand past the roar as a tell for yuki. "catch." the moment it left her hands, thrown vertically upwards, she'd bolted from her position, charging towards callisto. it lead her on a wild chase across the arena, during which, it had only become apparent to her that her party members were damaged once it got around to scooping up one of the players from the other team. night stopped, assessing the situation. how'd that happen?

better that she get this hit in before she focused on regrouping. night rolled her eyes. her kit was capable of doing massive sweeps, but she was hoping not to need to use it for long distance strikes in such a crowded arena. rounding the boss on her way back, she watched it swerve and duck and stand meekly after rushing out to disperse another set of players. then, she took advantage of its halted position --- and the players slowly making their way to gather around it --- to cut through the air and deliver her attack. it struck the upper half of the bear's side. her damage wasn't important.

regrouping with her team was.


[1] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 135/150 (150-15) | DMG: 26+4 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean | [QC: 1/3] |

using en from old stat block since i dont think it got updated in the boss post.


ID237016 | bd6 | cd3 | -> Callisto

30 * 15 = 450 DMG
450 - 45 + 80 = 485 DMG

15 - 2 (stamina) - 1 (rested) - 4 (regen) - 2 (horn) = 6 EN

> FREE ACTION: SYS | -> item pass [imugi's inspiration] (1) to Zajcica.
> FREE ACTION: ITEM | -> use [imugi's inspiration] (1) | MASS HEALING CRYSTAL

-> Healing Tricolor Mina for 87 HPthis would've been 96. but she didn't have survival. :')

[3] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 129/150 (135-6) | DMG: 26+4 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [1/3] | Clean | [QC:2/3] | [PRESS THE ATTACK]


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Violet could feel her ears starting to ring, slowly getting to her feet after getting absolutely slammed by the overgrown fauna that was currently trying to rip everyone's throats out. She didn't even remember getting hit, let alone being knocked down to the floor. The only thing that had tipped her off after she'd come back from... whatever that feeling had been, was the familiar glow of someone healing her, and concern from the rest of her team. She knew that getting hit by the boss was bad news in general, but there was never a way to account for an AoE attack, not without evasion that is. God forbid that the boss ended up critting an entire party - even their strongest were probably going to be hurting afterwards.

This was going to be a rough one, to say the least.

"Urgh..! I'm f-fine!" she called out, doing her best to ignore the dull yellow glow in the corner of her eye. The ever-present glow of her health bar, which was giving away the danger that she was in despite her words. She drew Ember again, queuing up the charge skill to hurl it at the boss with full force. "If things get really dire, I'll port out! Just do your best to keep everyone healthy, yeah? I don't like that status effect!" The bladed fan hit its mark, though it was a bit wobbly in its return. she rubbed her hand, wincing at the faint tremors going through them.

ST-II (+Charge) vs Callisto


Mina Recovers 6 EN

Rec roll - 237163, CD: 5 (no dice)

ID:237019 BD: 1 (1-1= 0 + 6+1(AA) = 7, HIT! 27+4(PTA)+3(Charge)=34*18=612-65= 547 DMG towards Callisto!), CD: 1

Mina sustains 12 Madness dmg, Mina loses 25 EN!

[2] Tricolor Mina | HP: 377/874 | EN: 79/112 | DMG: 27[+4] | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | HORN | [Madness 1: 12/4]

Edited by tricolor_mina
I was late I'm So sorry *cat cri*
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Ariel took stock of the battlefield, watching as Yuki rallied with her usual charisma, gathering the party’s focus. Night tossed the crystal toward Yuki, calling out to coordinate as she bolted past Callisto. Ariel appreciated the fluid teamwork as they shifted positions and adjusted strategies, a sign of how tightly knit this party had become.

The blonde moved deliberately, her eyes trained on Callisto’s decaying form, its hateful eyes flashing with twisted malevolence. She had seen creatures that wanted nothing more than to survive, but Callisto fought with something darker, something like vengeance. The ground pulsed beneath them, a disorienting miasma drifting from Callisto, causing a bizarre warping of their vision and surroundings. She tensed, recognizing the toll it was taking on her teammates. But she was spared its full wrath despite being the primary target. Her stance deepened as she readied herself to make the most of this opening.

With one powerful, fluid motion, she advanced, executing another devastating Iai strike. Her katana flashed as it sliced through Callisto’s side, the impact of her strike sending a fresh spray of dark ichor arcing through the air. She could feel the bite of her blade as it cut deep, carving a jagged line through the decaying flesh. Callisto’s massive form faltered slightly, giving the others a chance to land their hits, and Ariel took satisfaction in the visible toll her attack had taken.

Just as quickly, she reset her stance, her eyes alert as she scanned the group. Yuki had drawn the attention and was already mitigating the latest round of attacks, while Night regrouped, preparing her next strike. Ariel caught Yuki’s eye briefly, giving a short nod of encouragement to reinforce the Paladin’s morale.

[3] Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 74/108 | DMG: 29[+4] | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | HORN | Rested [1/3] | Clean

Rec. ID# 237034 | CD: 2 | +0 EN | +2 EN HORN | +4 nat. EN

Post Action: [Ch. + Conc.] ST-B
ID# 237035 | BD: 9 (9, Crit!) | CD: 12 | [x23] (29 +1 +3 +4) = 851 -(65-20)/2 MIT =828 DMG > ≪Callisto the Tainted≫

+4 dmg | Hirru
+3 dmg | Charge

[Resist Death] cancel | Phase proc. 
32 [3/3] DoT               | TXC-V proc.

-(22 -2 +2*4 -1) EN | Rested

Ariel | Charge CD [1/3] | Concentration CD [1/5]


| ???

Edited by Ariel - The Crowned Lion
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Fighting grew fierce in the fetid mire. Each team held their own, but it was clear even this early that a prolonged fight would spell disaster. The players fought not only the boss, but the terrain as well: deep, sucking mudholes underneath the stinking water made charging and attacking the bear difficult. But Callisto was right at home. He roared, charging the second and third teams. Rearing up on its hind paws, he let out another howl, unlike the rest. It reverberated through the arena with a force so grating that Acanthus nearly dropped her weapon to cover her ears.

Her hand moves automatically: press, down, left, left, down, press. The button isn’t there. She closes the menu. Press, down, left, left, down, press. It’s not coming back.

No, stop it. We’ve already done this. BUT ISN'T THAT THE JOY OF MADNESS?

she opens the menu: press, down, left, left, down, press. Press, down, left, left, down,press, PRESS, down LEFTleft downpressPRESSDOWNLEFT—

With a pained cry, she drove botan’s pommel into her thigh, and the buzz of her pain indicators brought everything back into focus. The party was slowly recovering as Callisto slammed down onto its front paws, preparing for another attack. It was Acanthus' job to press the attack and keep the boss from unleashing its full might. The glow of her sword formed a vibrant yellow light that cut through the darkness around the first party; unleashing the attack, botan tore through Callisto’s hide once again, leaving the boss off balance for its impending rampage.


(I'm taking NIGHT's approach and just doing my stat block. There's so much EN to keep up with otherwise q.q)
[2] Acanthus | HP: 936/936 | EN: 70/92 | DMG: 26[+4] | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean

Recovery. 237070. CD 1 | +6 (4 + 2) EN.

Free Action (System). None taken (Keeping the header in case that changes)
Free Action (Item). None taken (Keeping the header in case that changes)

Post Action: TECH-B ->Callisto (-15 -14 EN) (Well Rested)
237071 | BD 4 + 8 | Hit! (26 + 4) * 16 = 480 + 80 - 65 = 495 damage.

Callisto Abilities and Interactions
Callisto gains one stack of Rampage | [Rampage 4/6] (+4 ACC, +200 DMG) (Yuki, NIGHT, Ariel, Acanthus. Mina hasn't rolled yet?)
Shatter removes Iron Flesh for its duration. (DoTs will deal full damage.) | [Shatter 1/3]
Delay reduces Callisto's CD by 1. Also reduces ACC by 2 if Rampage is active. (It really is)
(Ichorus Sweep disabled this turn from Zajcica's stun.)


Edited by Acanthus
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battle ready inventory.

<Teleportation Crystal> x5 ......... // Teleport to a town / out of a dungeon [Uses 2 posts: 1 for use, next to teleport]
<March unto the Dawn> x5 ........... // +15% ST Insta-Heal
<Dear My Friend> x5 ................ // +15% ST Insta-Heal
<Crystal of the Blood Dragon> x5 ... // +10% AOE Insta-Heal
<Blessing of the Wood> x3 .......... // 250 Damage Reduction Barrier (party)
<Tiger Balm> x1 ................. // Antidote III (from Lessa)

What just happened?

There was a moment where things were not what they should have been.  Was it because the hunter was not locked in at the start of it, or was it the sudden realization the tank that he had put his blind trust in.. forgot to equip their tank skills today?  Was it the multitude of golden keys that fell out of her pockets like a god damn gatekeeper of a grand vault, or a keeper of a hungering beast?  Was it the sudden tin that came flying at him from the 4th teams side?  The initial start to their fight against the boss, and they didn't have a viable tank!  This was not what he put his stakes into when he leapt in with NIGHT's thoughts and Freyd's proposal.  So much for working well with others, if he couldn't even get his team's stats in order.

He would turn slightly to call out to NIGHT to gain its attention somehow; raising his shield arm in the process.


It was then that the beast roared.  A guttural bloody roar that seemed to shake the air itself, vibrating outwards and slamming into them.  The shock of it was minimal, at best his shield blocked the wave, but there was something else going on.  Looking back as quickly as he could, the hunter could see the beast just get back into its original position before dealing with the other teams.  The taint that ran along its body, though.  Was it.. doing something?  As he tried to speak, he felt uneasy.  As if he was facing Malediction once more, but much more heavily.  Inconsistent sounds that were not the bears, nor his parties would creep in.  Little here.  Sliver there.  Odd.

The pause that this gave made the hunter lose his train of thought, before he came crashing down to reality, as he took a glance at the party health bars.  Yuki had taken damage somehow?  When did that.. Then, he saw Mina's.  Over half of her health bar was gone in the blink of an eye, but there was no indication about what did it.  Nothing, except that roar.

"Mina!  Hold on!"

Hirru quickly went into action as he ran over to her side.  Two mass crystals flared out from Yuki and NIGHT.  At least they could keep up small scale heals while the hunter kept up with the DPS and Tanks.  He would raise a song crystal of his own, and let the heavy marching beats pump Mina full of vigor while he supplied a max boosted First Aid into her virtual veins.

"Are you alright?  I can patch you up, but let's not get hit by that again!"


Madness procs damage on Yuki and Mina..

Healing per items done this turn:
10% mass crystal [Yuki] (+4 hate) = 98*1.1(surv)=108 -> Yuki / 87 -> Mina
10% mass crystal [NIGHT] = 98*1.1(surv)=108 -> Yuki / 87 -> Mina

Regen: 4+2 = 6
Recovery?: [ID: 237089][CD: 2] = Nope
Press ends -> Cooldown 1/3

Free Action [Insta] +4 hate: -> March unto the Dawn [235741]-> Mina | 131*1.2=157 hp
Post Action: First Aid -15+1=14 en -> Mina | 174*1.2=208 hp

[2] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 135/150 (150-15) | DMG: 26+4 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | IRON-T | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean | [QC: 1/3] |
[4] Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 83/110 | DMG: 1[+4] | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [1/2]
[2] Acanthus | HP: 936/936 | EN: 70/92 | DMG: 26[+4] | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean
[6] Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 75/98 | DMG: 12[+4] | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [2/3] | Clean | [Madness 1: 12/4]
[3] Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 72/108 | DMG: 29[+4] | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | HORN | Rested [1/3] | Clean
[1] Tricolor Mina | HP: 829/874 | EN: 98/112 | DMG: 27[+4] | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | HORN | [Madness 1: 12/4]


Edited by Hirru
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CallistoHPBarTemplate2.pngTorment resounded.

Pain for those who defied his rage, anguish for those who sought to end his wroth. He had nothing to give them beyond the only thing he knew. Singular, simple, madness. Some shook from the very sound of his howl, while others could feel their sanity fraying. If they intended to stay here, in this place that belonged to Him alone, then they would share his fate. 

They would drink deep of the dank death that had stolen His once beautiful home, occupied it down to the very water that once nourished him- now foul, unfit to slake even the slightest thirst. Whether or not they had played a part in the condemnation of this, his entire world, they were guilty by association.

Gone was the gentle beast far removed from society, replaced by a revenant.

As they railed against Callisto, the Players found themselves assailed by memory. The bog beneath their feet, displaced by every step, sloshing and filling the air with putrescence, sang a lament to time gone by. It wove the tapestry of not only the creature’s suffering, but that of the land itself. Wispy, incorporeal images of men ran past, disappearing into shadows just as quickly as they appeared.

Hunters, by the look of them. They ran down the denizens of the wood, taking as they needed, feeding their kin, cutting away at the forest. It was as the corrupted wood remembered- nothing of their kindness. Only the destructive, greedy, and direct nature of man existed to the souls that were interned in the Grove.

And they only played back the gruesome, morose, heart-wrenching tale for those who could tear their attentions away from Callisto long enough to pay them heed. Born perhaps of his maddening siren song, the images depicted death, deforestation, pollution- all things that had perhaps been unintended byproducts of something that no one had ever intended.

But Callisto would never forgive. He would never forget.

He continued to thrash, to flail, rip, and tear. The beast mauled and gnashed, enraged that he had been deprived of his intended victim.

But there would come plenty of other opportunities.

Round 3 has begun.
Players will have 72 hours to make a post.
[Countdown Timer]

Zajcica | Madness Count Reduction, Healing Received [ - 12 + 54 + 109 {Yuki} + 109 {NIGHT} = 260], Hatred Generated (+1 Successful Attack, +4 Healing Item Usage [No Highest Hatred]): 5, Rested Count Reduced, EN adjusted [86 + 6 = 92 - 12 = 80]
Ariel | Damage Adjustment [29 + 1 + 3 + 4 = 37 x 23 = 851 - {45 / 2 = 23} = 828], EN Adjusted [95 + 4 + 2 = 101 - {22 - 2 + 8 - 1 = 27} = 74]
Acanthus | EN discrepancy corrected (Round 1 EN total was 92 - 14 = 78), Rested Count Reduced, Damage Adjustment [30 x 16 = 480 - 45 = 435 + 80 = 515]
Tricolor Mina | Madness Count Reduction, HP adjusted [ - 12 + 87 {Yuki} + 87 {NIGHT} + 367 {Hirru} = +529], Damage Adjustment [34 x 18 = 612 - 45 = 567 + 80 = 647]
Hirru | EN Adjusted [101 + 6 = 107 - [15 - 1 = 14] = 93], Rested Count Reduced [Removed from Block]

NIGHT | Quick Change CD [2/3]
Hirru | Press the Attack CD [2/3] CORRECTION
Zajcica | Rending Familiar CD [2/5]
Ariel | Charge CD [1/3], Concentration CD [1/5] CORRECTION
Tricolor Mina | Charge CD [1/3]

Damage Dealt:
Hirru | 0
Zajcica | 192
Acanthus | 515
NIGHT | 485
Tricolor Mina | 647
Ariel | 828
DoT | 80
Total Dealt: 192 + 515 + 485 + 647 + 828 + 80 = 2747
Rampage Stacks | 5 (+250 DMG, +5 ACC)

Stun - Ichorus Sweep Disabled (Team 1)
[TXC-V 32/3] - Refresh Ignored due to Perpetuate (Team 4)
Delay - Reduced CD by -1, ACC by -2 (Team 1)
Shatter 1 [0/3] - Refreshed due to Perpetuate (Team 4)
[FRB 80/2] - Refreshed due to Perpetuate (Team 4)

Callisto Sustains 80 via FRB
Totem of the Bear -> Zajcica's Hatred reduced by -1
Post Action Target -> Zajcica
ID 237166 | BD 4-1[+5][-1][-2] = 5 | CD 1 | MISS
[Stunned], [Delayed] Fade
Rampage Reset to 0

[3] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 129/150 | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [1/3] | Clean
[4] Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 93/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | HORN
[2] Acanthus | HP: 936/936 | EN: 70/92 | DMG: 26 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [1/3] | Clean
[5] Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 80/98 | DMG: 12 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48  | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [1/3] | Clean | [Madness 1: 12/3]
[3] Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 74/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | HORN | Rested [1/3] | Clean
[1] Tricolor Mina | HP: 831/874 | EN: 98/112 | DMG: 27 | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | HORN | [Madness 1: 12/3]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+0] | MIT: 65[-20] | ACC: -1[+0][-1] | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [0/6] | Iron Flesh | Shatter 1 [1/2] | [REND 56/1] | [BLD 96/1] | [BLI 64/1] | [BRN 112/1] | [FRB 80/1] | [STC 80/1] | [TXC-V 64/2] | [ENV-O 32/3] | [ENV-O 32/3]

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The paladin moved close to her group in a defensive posture, focusing on making sure no one else took a grievous hit like Mina just had. Despite the problems they faced they had gotten the situation under control.

The mist of former fighters caught her attention, mostly because she was keeping an eye out for any potential mobs to have to collect. Luckily they didn’t seem to do much against the groups. Just a memorial to those who dared to challenge Callisto before them, or those that had fallen to plague like he did.

The paladin would see her sword art cooldown roll to ready once more and repeat her simple tactic of poking it not-so-gently in the lower part of its body. The health bar above Callisto’s head was slowly working its way down. This fight was way less intense than the fight with the shadow, or what she remembered of it. Yuki was starting to feel in her element ‘spite the grim situation in which the fight had put them in. She would return to blocking her allies as they moved in to strike, not allowing Callisto any opening on them.

[6] Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 71/98 | DMG: 12 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48  | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [1/3] | Clean | [Madness 1: 12/3]

ID#237300 Tech-A vs Callisto - BD: 8+4=12 Hit!

Damage: 12x12=144 Stun Applied, Bleed Applied.

EN: 80+4-13 = 71; 

Edited by Scarlet Firefly
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two roars and a cleave. somehow, once again, they seemed to be out of the thick of it. night had rounded the arena just to get to her party -- but with how safe they seemed to be... well. it wouldn't hurt to get another hit in, one stronger than the last, would it?

"yuki, eyes up."

not that her friend needed the telling, but it was her way of saying she'd take the fore. with the damage she was going to deal, while it wasn't legacy worthy, it might still pull aggro from her friend the next time the bear would try to act. she slid past her shield, charging in with her devourer to her side. an overhead swing -- she hadn't executed double-handed attacks in a while -- and she dropped back. night's gaze swept over the field. how was everyone else doing?

her eyes darted to the debuffs on callisto. she popped a crystal for the raid, just for good measure.


[3] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 129/150 | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [1/3] | Clean


ID237314 | bd6+1-1+7 | cd7 | -> callisto

(26+3) x 18 = 522 DMG
522 - 45 + 80 = 557 DMG

18 + 8 (charge) - 2 (stamina) - 1 (rested) - 4 (en regen) = 19 EN

> FREE ACTION: SYS | -> item pass [imugi's inspiration] (1) to Zajcica.

lol im keeping count of this.
turn 1: yuki gets 1 item.
turn 2: yuki uses 1 item, gets 1 item.
turn 3: yuki gets 1 item, doesn't use it. yuki now has 2 imugi's inspiration.

> FREE ACTION: ITEM | -> using new thing. (1) | INSTANT PERPETUATE | -> Callisto

DoTs & Debuffs refreshed.

[5] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 110/150 (129 - 19) | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [0/3] | Clean | [CONCENTRATION: 1/5] [CHARGE: 1/3]


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Violet realized her ears were still ringing, the faint tinge of the madness clawing at her brain. Most of her wounds had completely healed now, thanks to the concerted efforts of her teammates. Even still, the faint hisses were grating on her focus, the phantom pain of her virtual wounds making it that much harder to keep a grip on her current target. Oscar's team had been slammed with the same attack as her own team had been slapped with early on, Everyone getting hit by at least 500 damage - probably more in some cases. It was horrible, but there was nothing she could do for them other than do her best to try and kill the damn bear alongside the rest of her team.

Her aim was shaky as she flung her fan forward, and after it came back, she took a deep breath, allowing the stiffness to fade from her body as <<Assault Mode>> took effect, allowing for her to have better evasion on the off chance that she was aimed at by the boss again - not that it would do much if it wailed again. Even still, she needed to live, and that skill would help her. 

She just needed to live

Post action: Rec roll/ST-I vs Callisto

Free action: Assault mode (done after attack owo)


Mina recovers 6 EN!

Rec roll ID#: 237315, CD: 4 (No proc q-q)

Mina attacks (ST-I) Roll ID#: 237316, BD: 1 (1+1+6= 8, HIT!  27*15 = 405 - 65 = 340 DMG to Callisto!)

Mina uses <<Assault Mode>>, Her ACC and EVA values are swapped this turn!

Mina loses 19 EN!

[3] Tricolor Mina | HP: 831/874 | EN: 66/112 | DMG: 27 | MIT:78 | ACC: 6 (0) | AA | PHASE | EVA: 0 (6)| BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | HORN | [Madness 1: 12/3]

Edited by tricolor_mina
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Press, delay, move forward. Press, delay…

Acanthus brought her sword back up, wary of Callisto’s wrath. Team 1 had narrowly avoided his attacks last round, but not everyone could say the same. In the distance, Team 4 scattered as Callisto shattered their formation. She fought the urge to run to them, to ask if she could help. That sort of thoughtless thoughtfulness would end up getting both teams killed. Acanthus accepted that she would likely die here, but she had a harder time accepting that others had done the same.

Firming up her stance, Acanthus was thrown off by the incorporeal form of a man running through her. A chill swept over her body as she watched a silent pantomime; hunters greedily taking, cutting, devouring. Flocks of men tore through the woods that used to be here, and Acanthus recognized the seed of Callisto’s hatred as the shadows killed more than they could eat. A cold thought entered her mind, leaving almost as soon as it came: are we saviors, or are we conquerors?


[2] Acanthus | HP: 936/936 | EN: 70/92 | DMG: 26 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [1/3] | Clean

Recovery. 237234 | CD 8 | 14 (4 + 8 + 2) EN recovered.

Free Action (Item). None taken.
Free Action (System). None taken.

Post Action: TECH-B ->Callisto (-15 -14 EN) (Well Rested)
237235 | BD 7 + 8 | Hit! 26 * 16 = 416 + 80 - 65 = 431 damage.

Callisto Abilities and Interactions
Callisto gains one stack of Rampage | [Rampage 4/6] (+4 ACC, +200 DMG)
Shatter removes Iron Flesh for its duration. (DoTs will deal full damage.)
[Delay] reduces Callisto's CD by 1. Also reduces ACC by 2 if Rampage is active.
Ichorus Sweep disabled this turn from Zajcica's stun.


Edited by Acanthus
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"It looks like we're getting a bit of a reprieve.  Let's focus up, and keep this madness to a minimum."

He would call out as the attack from the great bear, Callisto, wasn't as easy to disrupt their formation.  Whatever that roar was, was definitely not something that they would be able to easily get around.  That being said, they were doing too well.  He could sense the other groups that were attacking from nearby, and there were some that got affected by another roar some moments ago.  Though, it may be that it was doing more to them than he would first think.  Images of hunters doing what hunters do best:  hunt the beings around them.  Though, these were doing more than that.  The creatures weren't being used properly.  Their mats.. were just left there.  Pooling and bubbling masses of excessive decay.  These were not hunters, but what would Hirru know.  He was only a hunter in name alone now.  He couldn't even go out somewhere on his own anymore.

he didn't quite know anything, nor could he do anything about it.

All he could do, was keep a certain pink haired fan thrower from burning through all of her non-existent energy reserves.  Three yellow rings would form around his arm before being transferred along his hand to the arm of Mina.  It would at least help until she got the hang of the recovery stats, if she ever got them to work properly.


Madness hurts Yuki & Mina.  Yuki BH back to full.  Lowering madness

REC?: [ID: 237340][CD: 7] +8
CLD: Press 3/3 ends
Post Action: Hyperactive (-5 en) -> MINA | +3 EN Regen

[4] Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 102/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | HORN

[6] Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 80/98 | DMG: 12 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48  | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Rested [1/3] | Clean | [Madness 1: 12/2]

[3] Tricolor Mina | HP: 819/874 | EN: 98/112 | DMG: 27 | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | HORN | HYPE 3/3 | [Madness 1: 12/2]


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