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[BR-F28] Paving the Way to Floor 29 [Team 1: Yuki]

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Yuki would quickly find herself overwhelmed with the situation. Mist would roll in and the group would quickly lose each other despite how much attention she was paying attention to her group. The paladin sighed and did her best to use her searching powers but it only helped her to see the furry mass that would soon snatch her away.

The paladin struggled to free her spear arm. "くそ。。。” The paladin would curse under her breath. "Night! Ariel! Anyone?! I could use a hand here! One that isn't furred and clawed!" The pinkette would yell out hoping that anyone would come to her rescue but she wasn't sure if they could hear her calls for help. She knew Night would be calm though and help her somehow.

The fuzzy bear was beginning to feel like no pushover but the frontlines still had seen more perilous. The Shadow had given her nightmares for weeks and she was sure that even still there were frontliners who had seen worse. All that to say that her confidence in the others was very high.

[9] Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 65/98 | DMG: 12 (+4) | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48  | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Clean | [Madness 1: 12/1] | ENSNARED

ID#238002 | LD: 13 Failed to break Ensnare.


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The changes that the lone bear was taking seemed to make it more and more a being of the undead.  Heck, maybe they were right in the meeting that they would be facing something not alive.  Though, that didn't really help them in this run of things.  Callisto was rotting as it went and it seemed that the boss' arena was starting to warp and change with it.  The earth around them seemed to shift as dark red vines would seem to enwrap themselves around them.  They seemed to have quite a bit of razor bit to them, as if they had a form of thorns or such.  Though, as everyone moved, it did not seem that they were being hurt when they tried to attack the mist covered monster, even more so as it pulled Yuki and two of the other parties players.

"This is where it gets interesting!  Hold on Yuki!  I'll try to force the shield to you!"doyouthinkthat willwork

Hirru tried to push Fate's Armament to where Yuki was pulled into.tothinkfatecanbecommandedsuch  The ring on his finger was burning even more now, and for some reason, it felt like it was growing into the rest of his fingers.  If it worked, it would be like Yuki's own shield would glow too, and they would be able to see it.  If not.. they had more problems to tend to.learnyourlessonwellchildofluck  He would have to deal with whatever the vines and a possible heavy healing into Yuki's heavily armored arse.



Zajcica should have more Hate around [12] from the mass heal from last round.  Also Madness should be removed from all stats by now.

EN Regen: 4+2
Rec?: [ID: 238005][CD: 2] Null
Press Ends
Cooldown: PtA 1/3 | Barrier and Hyperactive refreshed
Post Action: Barrier (-15 en) -> Party | -15% damage reduction (Nullifies <For The Throat>)

[4] Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 83/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | HORN


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CALLISTOHPBAR_R7.pngThe beast’s growl rolled like thunder, its thick fur bristled beneath the swirling tendrils of mist. Gore, and something altogether unworldly oozed from cuts in the bear’s hide. If the wounds caused any pain, or if the creature noticed them at all, it gave no indication. Instead, it continued to grapple with the captured Players, its yellowed teeth glinting in the faint light. Paws the size of dinner plates swatted at the ensnared humans, razor-sharp nails skipping along veins that could be easily cut and drained. 

Shifting its enormous weight forward, Callisto moved on the first of its victims. The pink-haired paladin called out for help, and the bear met her cry with one of its own - low, guttural, and only inches from her face. Warm breath that stank of sulfur washed over Zajcica’s face, and globs of spit hung from the boss’ parted jaws. It gave no other warning before it went for her throat, only to be swatted back by the appearance of another barrier.

Acanthus: +2 EN (stamina left out of calculation) [70 + 4 base + 8 rec + 2 horn = 84 - 20 (ST-B) + 2 (Stamina) = 66 EN]
Zajcica: +6 EN (Energy recovery left off) [65 + 4 base + 2 horn = 71] | Hate remains unchanged: Cannot gain hate from crystal as already at highest hate | Madness removed from block
Ariel: Strike 1/3
Press the Attack removed from stat blocks

Lair Action Defense:

None: All party members inflicted with Bleed 96 over 2 turns. Mina is immune from Nemean Fur. Hirru is immune from Nemean Fur

NIGHT |  Concentration CD [4/5], Charge restored
Hirru | Hyperactive restored, Barrier CD [1/2]
Ariel | Concentration restored
Tricolor Mina | Charge CD [1/3] , Assault Mode [3/5]

Perpetuate - NIGHT

Hirru | 0
Zajcica | 0
Acanthus | 635
NIGHT | 575
Tricolor Mina | 647
Ariel | 0
DOT| 112
Total Dealt: 1,969
Rampage Stacks | 3 (+150 DMG, +3 ACC)

Totem of the Bear->Zajcica's Hatred reduced by -1
Post Action Target -> For the Throat: Zajcica - Negated by Barrier. Zajacica no longer ensnared

Rampage reset to 0

[10] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 101/150 | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Clean | BARRIER | Bleed 96/2
[4] Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 83/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | HORN | BARRIER 
[7] Acanthus | HP: 936/936 | EN: 66/92 | DMG: 26 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Clean | BARRIER | Bleed 96/2
[8] Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 71/98 | DMG: 12 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48  | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Clean | BARRIER | Bleed 96/2
[5] Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 43/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | HORN | Clean | BARRIER | Bleed 96/2
[6] Tricolor Mina | HP: 874/874 | EN: 53/112 | DMG: 27 | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | HORN | BARRIER

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+150] | MIT: 65[-20] | ACC: -1[+3]| EVA:0[-1] | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [3/6] | Iron Flesh | Shatter 1: [1/2] | [REND 56/1] | [BLD 96/1] | [BLI 64/1] | [BRN 112/1] | [FRB 80/1] | [STC 80/1] | [TXC-V 64/2] | [ENV-O 32/3] | [ENV-O 32/3]


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Furious vines retracted back into the ground, like wounded snakes slithering back into the deepest parts of their den. However, they would not depart that simply, not without claiming a prize. Gripping tightly at the scattered remains of whatever long gone adventurer it could find. Corpses still adorned in their battered armor dragged through the dirt haphazardly, without care for the delicate nature of death or the legacy this warrior may have had. The remains were pulled into the jagged tooth-like maw that was the splintered earth, which, in return, belched out a cloud of putrid spores. They hovered in the air like swarming gnats before descending upon Callisto. Where the fungus seemed to land on the bear's dark and matted fur, wounds inflicted by the players seemed to close ever so slightly. 

Round 7 has begun.
Players will have until 12/2/2024 | 11:59:59 PM (EST) to complete their post

[Countdown Timer]

Lair action Descriptions:
Blooming Decay | LD 1-5 | Callisto will regenerate 1% of his maximum hitpoints at the start of his next turn, when this occurs this effect ends. This buff can be removed before Callisto's turn if Burn is applied/refreshed by your party.
Nature's Fury | LD 6-10 | At the start of Callisto's next turn, all players are inflicted with bleed 2. If this would refresh an existing bleed, the entire damage is dealt before refreshing. This effect is removed when your party uses their post actions to make a culminative LD (Nimble + Evasion Modifier) roll of 30 to free themselves from their binds and assist their team.
Stride the Spirit Realm | LD 11-15 | While Callisto has this buff, his evasion is set to 10 and the first successful attack does not deal damage. After the first successful attack, this buff is removed (i.e., successive attacks will deal damage and his evasion is reset to its normal amount). In addition, while under the effects of Stride the Spirit Realm, all activated Accuracy bonuses (Rally, Concentration, etc.) provide double the normal accuracy modifier during player's attacks.
Addled Memory | LD 16-20 | Harrowing sounds of old drown out deeper thoughts, your party can no longer use items until the start of Callisto's next turn. This effect is removed when your party uses their post action to make a culminative LD (Searching + Detect + Trinket + Food) roll of 30 to shake themselves out of this stupor. 

Lair Action Roll:
ID: 238006 | LD: 3
Lair Effect Activated -> Blooming Decay

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The paladin would finally struggle free, something she may have had trouble with if not for Hirru's barrier. Thanks to that help she was able to wait out the grapple and land a little clumsily on the ground. She would cough out the damp fur and disgusting smell of Callisto's breath from her lungs, not that it helped too much with the current environment but still. "Don't worry, holding on is my specialty." The paladin will yell out to Hirru. "Thanks for the help though, I'm free now! A few more rounds of attacks and he'll be finished. Keep up the pressure!"

Yuki's lance would glow pink as it charged into the bear's skin without hesitation. The satisfying critical effect that appeared before her got her smile really beaming. Her damage meant hardly anything in the grand scheme of things. She was sure that Mina or Ariel had done more damage with a single attack than all of her collective attacks combined. However, the fat steel ass that she was would see them fighting forever at this point and that was the major strategy her build implied - Being a wall that cannot be breached.

[14] Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 64/98 | DMG: 12 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48  | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Clean | BARRIER | Bleed 96/2

ID#238360 TECH-A vs Callisto | BD: 10 Major Crit! Bleed and Stun Applied!
14x12 (168) damage. EN +6; -13. +2 Hate

Yuki uses Mass Heal Crystal. +4 Hate.

Edited by Scarlet Firefly
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the best way to track down a tank would be to get in close. in the dark, that's what night was doing -- sword in hand swiping at callisto as it got too close for comfort, and then came yuki's voice, to help her navigate in the dark.

"yuki?! where are you?"

there had to have been that snarl, the attempted bite from the bear itself, and yet no deepening of color from her health bar ever came at the corner of her screen. hirru's barrier was working. night moved in, then, guessing at where her paladin friend was going to be -- not that callisto would mind. it already had its sights turned onto the other parties. when she found yuki, it was all night could do to help her up.

"just like the twenty-fifth all over again," she remarked, directing her attention back to the bear in the abyss. "it'll be fine. we only have to hold out a little more."


[10] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 101/150 | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Clean | BARRIER | Bleed 96/4correction due to jewel.

> 1404 - [(96 - 36 (probiotics)) * 0.8 (clean)] = 1356 HP


ID238361 | bd5+7 - 1 = 11 | -> Callisto

26 * 20 = 520 DMG
520 - 45 + 80 = 555 DMG

20 - 2 (stamina) - 6 (en regen) = 12 EN

> FREE ACTION-ITEM: new thing | INSTANT PERPETUATE -> callisto

DoTs & Debuffs refreshed.
-> current new thing count | night: 5

[12] NIGHT | HP: 1356/1404 | EN: 89/150 (101 - 12) | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Clean | BARRIER | Bleed 96/3


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Violet watched as the vines finally seemed to retract away from them, the lashing tendrils inflicting bleed onto most of their team - save for herself and Hirru. The furry mantle on her shoulders had absorbed the bloody mess, dissipating it before the effect could even take hold.

The others weren't as lucky, though.

"Stay strong everyone! Just two and a quarter left, and then this guy's down for the count!" she shouted, hurling ember forward once more. Their hard work wasn't in vain, they just had a little bit more to work through. Just a little more! "Hirru, just try to keep us all topped off, alright? We have to stay healthy during this last part!" Her energy hadn't waned too much, thankfully. Violet reached forward, her hand easily closing over the handle of Ember as it returned to her. All they had to do was make sure that they lasted just a bit longer, and then this would be a celebratory tale told over a fire.

And over a tasty meal, to boot!

Post action: ST-I Vs Callisto


Mina Recovers 6 EN!

Rec Roll ID#: 238412, CD: 9 (REC PROC! Mina recovers 8 More EN!)

Attack Roll ID#: 238413, BD: 5 (5+7 = 12, HIT! 27 x 15 = 405 - 45 = 360 + 80 = 440 DMG To Callisto)

Mina loses 14 EN!

[7] Tricolor Mina | HP: 874/874 | EN: 53/112 | DMG: 27 | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | HORN | BARRIER

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Vines sprouting from the murky depths, wrapping around the entire party. Then, she felt the barbs dig into her own flesh as the tendrils dug in wherever her armor showed a hint of weakness. Knives on every inch of her skin, dragging themselves slowly and deliberately. Fake blood dripped from artificial gashes in her skin, mingling with the foul water. But all she felt was a familiar buzz.

If Cardinal wanted me to take this seriously, it should have programmed my wounds to hurt.

Acanthus reached down for the vines constricting her left leg, and with a single, savage pull, ripped them off her body. Her health bar dropped with a violent shake. No need to preserve health; she need only concerned herself with mobility. The remaining vines tightened around her midsection and neck, causing her vision to blur momentarily. But they moved with her—and that was all that mattered.

Back in melee with the boss, Acanthus hacked. Her chest heaved with the effort, and she thought her heart might burst, but her pain indicators gave her something new to focus on. Slash after slash, Acanthus fought with an almost manic fervor. Press, up, left, swipe down—then she pivoted around the bear as it whirled, focused on the other fighters. Ignoring the persistent buzz and darkening water, she moved again to the boss’ flank, preparing Wilting Higanbana.



[8] Acanthus | HP: 894/936 | EN: 59/92 | DMG: 26 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Clean | BARRIER | Bleed 96/2 (1/2)

Upkeep and Recovery
Acanthus bleeds for 96 * 0.75 (Squeaky Clean) - 36 (Probiotics) = 42 damage.
Recovery. 238418 | CD 3 | +6 (4 + 2) EN.

Post Action - TECH-B -> Callisto (-13 EN (I haven't been shaving off two for Stamina q.q))
238419 | BD 8 + 8 | CD 9 | Hit! 26 * 16 = 416 + 80 - 65 = 431 damage. [Delay] applied. ST-B Unlocked!

Free Action (Item). None Taken.
Free Action (System). None Taken.

Callisto Abilities and Interactions
Callisto gains one stack of Rampage | [Rampage 4/6] (+4 ACC, +200 DMG)
Shatter removes Iron Flesh for its duration. (DoTs will deal full damage.)
[Delay] reduces Callisto's CD by 1. Also reduces ACC by 2 if Rampage is active.
Ichorus Sweep disabled this turn from Zajcica's stun.



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Ariel moved swiftly through the chaos, the sickly mist clinging to her skin as the roars of Callisto echoed across the decayed battlefield. The beast was massive, its relentless attacks scattering the players like leaves in a storm, but Ariel’s focus remained razor-sharp. The cursed blade in her hands burned with Nihilim’s fire, the shadowy flames flickering and twisting as if feeding on her will.

She darted toward the boss as Yuki’s pink spear briefly stunned the creature, her eyes locked on the massive wound in its shoulder. The ichor seeping from its hide reeked of decay, but Ariel pressed forward, her boots splashing through the foul muck beneath her.

The vines that had assaulted the party moments ago retreated, and Callisto’s wounds seemed to heal in the wake of the putrid spores, but Ariel didn’t falter. “A minor setback...” she muttered, her voice drowned out by the cacophony of battle.

Channeling every ounce of her dwindling energy, Ariel lunged forward with an explosive burst of speed. Her katana flashed in a wide arc, the cursed flames roaring to life as they connected with Callisto’s flank. The impact sent a plume of dark fire crackling across the beast’s fur, the searing energy leaving behind jagged blackened scars.

Landing deftly a few paces away, she steadied herself, her breathing heavy. Her MP bar flashed in her peripheral vision—nearly depleted now, but still enough to keep going. She adjusted her grip on the hilt, the dark flames licking hungrily along the blade.

Just a little longer...” she murmured under her breath, her gaze locked onto the corrupted beast.

[7] Ariel | HP: 963/1035 | EN: 38/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | HORN | Clean | BARRIER | Bleed 96/1

-(96 -25%) HP | Bleed (-Clean)

Rec. ID# 238487 | CD: 9 | +3 EN | +2 EN HORN | +4 nat. EN

Post Action: ST-I
ID# 238488 | BD: 9 (CRIT!) | CD: 4 | [x15] (29 +1) = 450 -(65-20) MIT =405 DMG > ≪Callisto the Tainted≫

ST-II Unlocked!
-(14) EN

Ariel | -

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The vines dug into them all, as they knew that they would.  The sting would be felt and the bleed would be seen through everyone, except two.  The golden fur that wrapped around the shoulders of Mina and Hirru were there to shoulder the burden put upon them.  They would not yield to any barbs nor thorns that would wish to take from them their life's water.  Though that did not mean that the others would be in woe either.  Yuki was quick to process a heal for them all, but there was still much to take care of.

"We're breaking through its waste and filth!  Ariel!  Take these and keep yourself going for as long as possible!"

Hirru would shout out as he would try to pass by the Chaos Sister; a hand out to them to share a form of light:  three glowing rings.  Each would rotate around the targets left arm for some time, before being absorbed whenever they perform any energy consuming action.  He would take care of his team for however long he could.  He just hoped that the others were doing well.  He could have sworn someone had.. been spirited away.


EN Regen: 4+2
Rec?: [ID: 238490][CD: 9] +8 en
Press [1/3], Barrier [2/2]

Post Action: Hyperactive (-5 en) -> Ariel | +3 EN regen

[4] Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 92/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | HORN | BARRIER 


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