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[BR-F28] Paving the Way to Floor 29 [Team 1: Yuki]

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"I WILL NOT.."         \


“Nevermind, everyone\! Freyd got better!”.

The words seemed almost \too surreal to hear.  There was no way that what he just heard was going on.  First, the mad man was dead and now he isn't?  Was that a thing that could happen?  Hi\s shield was in mid air, ready to give the command for everyone to break their limits and burst through the last bit of health that the boss had.  Though, he would stall f\or just this moment, it would only be for that moment that he would get his resolve.  Standing there, where he shouldn't have been, was a player with white hair tha\t stood where Freyd had supposedly stood.

"I.. don't.. I.. WHAT!!?"

The leaves of blessing would swirl\ around him as Embrace and Fate would begin to glow once more.  There was no need to carry on with this battle any more.  There was no need to make things wait.  They we\re there for too long now, and they just had a near death experience.  This was enough.  There was just yelling, but it wasn't anyone that he recognized, until slightly after.  As\ iridescent light would flow from the shield, to the leaves, to the weapons upon which his party carried with them.  They would be the ones to deal the final blow.

"I'm done.  I've had enough of this worlds \bullshit.  We've toyed with this thing for too long!  Everyone!"

He would look towards being that was on/ce a majestic bear, but no longer.  It was an abomination.  He would point the way forward; through Callisto.



Regen: +6 maxed
Rec: [ID: 238788][CD: 2] does matter maxed
Press refreshed
Post Action: Press The Attack (-10 en) -> Party | +4 Damage to Party

Blessing of the Wood: HP 250/250
[14] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 84/150 (-5) | DMG: 26+4 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/2
[4] Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 100/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | HORN
[9] Acanthus | HP: 963/936 | EN: 47/92 | DMG: 26+4 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/2
[16] Zajcica | HP: 975/989 | EN: 64/98 | DMG: 12+4 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/2
[8] Ariel | HP: 1005/1035 | EN: 30/108 | DMG: 29+4 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | HORN | Bleed 96/2 | HYPE
[8] Tricolor Mina | HP: 874/874 | EN: 42/112 | DMG: 27+4 | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | HORN


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"Normally, I'd be far more upset... but I'm definitely not complaining here!" At the sight of Freyd reappearing, and almost immediately going back to snark at the boss with his usual grade-A snark, Violet switched modes from her grieving rage to a blissful relief. "Let's not do that again, yeah? Nobody here needs to get kissed by death... Except for the fugly-looking zombie bear!"

The silver tears coalesced, stabbing into the bear alongside the bladed-edge of Ember, biting into Callisto's rotting skin with practiced ease. Now that they hadn't lost a friend, a fellow fighter... it was like everyone's vigor had been renewed. Her virtual muscles were screaming now, though. She let out a sharp hiss, wincing as her energy hit the Red. "Damn, and I'm almost outta gas again..!" she lept away from the bear, and skidding back towards her team.

"Push through, Everyone! The bastard's on its last legs now!!"

ST-B Vs Callisto


+6 EN

Attack Roll ID#: 238789, BD: 5 (5+7 = 12, HIT! 31*23 = 713 - 45 = 668 + 80 (HELL) = 748 DMG to Callisto!

Rec Roll ID#: 238790, CD: 9 (Rec Proc! Mina recovers an additional 8 EN!)

Mina loses 22 EN!

Blessing of the Wood: HP 250/250
[14] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 84/150 (-5) | DMG: 26+4 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/2
[4] Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 100/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | HORN
[9] Acanthus | HP: 963/936 | EN: 47/92 | DMG: 26+4 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/2
[16] Zajcica | HP: 975/989 | EN: 64/98 | DMG: 12+4 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/2
[8] Ariel | HP: 1005/1035 | EN: 30/108 | DMG: 29+4 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | HORN | Bleed 96/2 | HYPE
[9] Tricolor Mina | HP: 874/874 | EN: 34/112 | DMG: 27+4 | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | HORN

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This was it. Callisto was close to its end. Wiping the sludge off botan’s edge, Acanthus closed ranks with Team 1. Hirru shouted from the close distance, "I'm done.  I've had enough of this worlds \bullshit.  We've toyed with this thing for too long!  Everyone! Attack!"

The fog around Acanthus lifted, and she became acutely aware of the effort the entire team had been putting forward. Yuki and NIGHT had kept the bear distracted throughout the entire fight so that Mina and Ariel could land powerful staggering blows. Hirru had been the quiet backbone of the entire fight. She suspected that he had saved them from death more than once.

Acanthus focused all her remaining energy into one last strike. Just one more, she promised herself. Then you can go back to the villa. A day like today deserves at least a half-day off. Maybe I can skip swordwork for the weekend, visit the beach again. Energy flowed into the blade, and it glowed bright, channeling the iridescent glimmer of Hirru’s ability. She felt reinvigorated, almost giddy at the prospect of diving in one more time. With a team like hers, she had nothing to worry about.


[10] Acanthus | HP: 876/936 (Stat block said 963 but I didn't think I could overheal off a mass heal crystal?) | EN: 40/92 | DMG: 26 30 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/1

Upkeep and Recovery
Acanthus bleeds for 96 - 36 (Probiotics) = 60 damage.
Recovery. 238842 | CD 1 | +6 (4 + 2) EN.

Post Action -  [TECH-B] -> Callisto (-13 (15 - 2) EN )
238843 | BD 6 + 8 | Hit! 30 * 16 = 480 + 80 - 45 = 515 damage.

Callisto Abilities and Interactions
Callisto gains one stack of Rampage | [Rampage 2/6] (+2 ACC, +100 DMG)
Shatter removes Iron Flesh for its duration. (DoTs will deal full damage.)
[Delay] reduces Callisto's CD by 1. Also reduces ACC by 2 if Rampage is active.



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The Paladin was stunned for a moment as she watched Freyd basically rematerialize from his death... They were far from each other and she couldn't really see him from the range but she knew it was him. The feeling in her chest was burning, searing even. "W-We can do this! Like I said, keep the focus away from Freyd's group and give them time to stabilize! Not much longer and we'll be eating good at my place!"

The pink-ette did everything she could to keep her group level-headed in light of the events. Especially after hearing Hirru's battle cry. Everyone was still sticking to plan but it's best they didn't get cocky just because the boss is low HP. Her lance glowed a bright pink and found its way into the beast's chunky flesh. She followed up keeping the bosses attention for her group while they all filed in.

[21] Zajcica | HP: 975/989 | EN: 64/98 | DMG: 12 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/2

Tech-A vs Callisto | BD: 9 Minor Critical! 13x12(156) damage! Bleed and Stun Applied!
Mass Heal crystal used!

Edited by Scarlet Firefly
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# st-b


[14] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 84/150 | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/4

-> suffer from bleed 96/2 refreshed to 96/4 (jewel)

-> heal


ID238846 | bd8 | -> Callisto

minor crit (+1 dmg)

-> hate

-> en cost

[17] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 84/150 | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/4


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Ariel stood still amidst the chaos, her grip on her blade tightening as the black flames coiled hungrily along its edge. The monstrous creature—a grotesque amalgamation of rage and corruption—towered over the battlefield. She refused to grant it dignity by calling it anything more than what it was: a monster.

Hirru’s rallying cry cut through the noise, but she barely registered the words. Her focus was absolute. End this. That was all that mattered.

The katana pulsed in her hand, a dark, eager rhythm resonating with her own. It mirrored her exhaustion, her resolve, and the fragments of energy she still clung to. The red bar flashing at the edge of her vision was a grim reminder: this was her last chance. There would be no second strike anytime soon.

Ariel shifted her stance, planting her feet firmly as she aligned herself with the monster. No hesitation. One strike. It ends here. She drew a slow, measured breath, her body and blade becoming one. Her energy poured into her strongest IaI SA, the black flames of Nihilim's Wrath roaring to life, wrapping around the blade like the promise of annihilation.

Her voice was steady, quiet. “Monster… this is your end.”

The world seemed to still. Ariel's hand moved with blinding speed, unsheathing Nihilim’s Wrath in a single motion. The IaI strike ripped through the battlefield, a torrent of black flames lashing out in a crescent arc. The shadowy inferno seemed alive, seeking out its prey with unrelenting fury, bypassing everything to tear into the monster's hulking form.

The flames burned brighter, hotter, before finally subsiding, leaving only charred ground and a trail of destruction in their wake. Ariel stood motionless, her katana already sheathed, but her breath came in heavy, labored gasps. If she moved another inch she would probably colapse from exhaustion. Her blurry vision swam slightly, the flashing red bar in her peripheral seemed to mock her depleted strength. She’d spent everything she had left, every ounce of energy, in that one final strike.

This was it. She could do no more damage for the time being. Now, it was up to the others to finish what she’d started—if the monster was still standing after that. Ariel gritted her teeth, holding her ground. Whatever comes next, I’ll see it through.

[9] Ariel | HP: 967/1035 | EN: 9/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | HORN | Bleed 96/2 | HYPE

-96 HP | Bleed (1 stack taken before refreshed)
+8 DMG | RSKY proc.

+57 HP | BH

Rec. ID# 238951 | CD: 6 | +0 EN | +2 EN HORN | +4 nat. EN | +3 EN HYPE

Post Action: [Conc. +Ch.] ST-B
ID# 238952 | BD: 9 (2 +6+1 +1-1) | CD: 5 | [x23] (29 +8 +3 +4 ) = 1012 -(65-20) MIT =972 DMG > ≪Callisto the Tainted≫

ST-I Unlocked!
-(22+2*4) EN

Ariel | Charge CD [0/3], Concentration CD [0/5]

Edited by Ariel - The Crowned Lion
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CALLISTOHPBAR_R7.png.8317ace8d0dfbf99bc2bf89b5e90d92a.pngThe beast staggered forward, its massive form looming like a shadow cast over the dying land. Once a proud guardian of the forest, the bear now stood as a grotesque reflection of its former self, its fur matted and blackened with the corruption that seeped through its flesh. Deep, jagged wounds bled darkness rather than blood, oozing onto the cracked earth as though the forest itself were trying to purge its own sickness. Its breath came in ragged, guttural heaves, hot vapor curling from its maw like smoke from a smoldering pyre.

Around it, the forest crumbled. Towering oaks twisted into warped spirals, their bark flaking off in ashen sheets, disintegrating into the fetid air. The ground buckled and cracked beneath the bear’s weight, roots writhing as though trying to retreat from the corruption that poured from every step it took. Leaves that had once glistened in the dappled light of day now hung limp and gray, as if drained of their life. The world itself recoiled in silent agony.

The bear’s eyes glowed with a pale white stained with venomous ink, swirling like a storm caught behind glass. Madness danced within them, but deeper still lay a glimmer of something else—pain. This was not its war, not its hatred, but a curse it could no longer fight. With a shuddering roar that split the deadened air, it charged forward, each lumbering step shaking the earth. Its claws, now jagged obsidian talons, carved furrows into the soil as it swung at unseen foes. Every movement was met with the groaning of the forest, the very earth threatening to collapse into itself, as if trying to bury the beast and its torment forever.

NIGHT | Activity Strike (1/3)
Zajcica |  HP Adjusted: 975+54 (BH) = 989 - 60 (DoT after Prob 36)  = 929 + 60 (Mass Heal) = 989, EN Adjusted: 64+4+2 = 70-13 =58 EN, Damage Adjusted: 13*12=156-45 (MIT after BLI reduc.)= 111 Damage
Ariel | HP Adjusted: 1035 (at full from Zajcica Mass Heal so no BH)-96 = 939 HP

Lair Action Defense:

None: Nature's Fury Activates -> Part Inflicted with Bleed 96/2. Mina and Hirru are immune

Hirru |  Press The Attack CD [1/3]
Tricolor Mina | Charge restored , Assault Mode restored
Ariel | Charge CD [1/3], Concentration CD [1/5]

Stun - Acanthus
Delay - Zajcica

Hirru | 0
Zajcica | 111 {Delay}
Acanthus | 515 {Stun)
Tricolor Mina | 748
Ariel | 967
DOT | 0
Total Dealt: 2,341
Rampage Stacks 4 | (+200DMG, +4ACC)

Totem of the Bear->Zajcica's Hatred reduced by -1
Post Action Target -> Zajcica
ID 239020 | BD 1 | CD 6(-1)=5 | Miss. Ichorus Sweep Disabled

Rampage reset to 0


Blessing of the Wood: HP 250/250
[14] NIGHT | HP: 1344/1404 | EN: 90/150 | DMG: 26 +4 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/3
[4] Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 100/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[10] Acanthus | HP: 876/936 | EN: 40/92 | DMG: 26 +4 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/1
[20] Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 57/98 | DMG: 12 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/1
[9] Ariel | HP: 939/1035 | EN: 9/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | HORN | Bleed 96/1 | HYPE (1/3 remain)
[9] Tricolor Mina | HP: 874/874 | EN: 34/112 | DMG: 27+4 | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | HORN

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+200] | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1[+4][-2]| | EVA:0 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [4/6] | Iron Flesh | [TXC-V 64/1] | [ENV-O 32/2] | [ENV-O 32/2]

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As colored yet horrific fragrance wafts through the air, that same fog would move its sights upon an unsuspecting gaggle of digital avatars. It would burn upon the skin like standing too close to an open flame, the smell a mix of rotten vegetation with the slightest dash of metallic undertone. Their very ears would ring to signify how unwelcome this dust was, and their eyes would begin to blur. A roar from within that coverage, as if it was under his command. Callisto was not done, and its ally had found itself into the ballroom blitz. That violet hued wave of pungent welcoming rolls across the room like the most bitterly biting wave of disapproval. Up was down, hands felt like feet, and the air tasted sublimely like oregano. Perhaps this was the door to madness, or perhaps that was the entrance to this grove. Screens become fuzzy, and maps end up on the flip side. Could the players figure out how to navigate their inventories with everything mixed up?

Round 10 has begun.
Players will have until 12/19/2024 | 11:59:59 PM (EST) to complete their post

[Countdown Timer]

Lair action Descriptions:
Blooming Decay | LD 1-5 | Callisto will regenerate 1% of his maximum hitpoints at the start of his next turn, when this occurs this effect ends. This buff can be removed before Callisto's turn if Burn is applied/refreshed by your party.
Nature's Fury | LD 6-10 | At the start of Callisto's next turn, all players are inflicted with bleed 2. If this would refresh an existing bleed, the entire damage is dealt before refreshing. This effect is removed when your party uses their post actions to make a culminative LD (Nimble + Evasion Modifier) roll of 30 to free themselves from their binds and assist their team.
Stride the Spirit Realm | LD 11-15 | While Callisto has this buff, his evasion is set to 10 and the first successful attack does not deal damage (Status effects will still apply). After the first successful attack, this buff is removed (i.e., successive attacks will deal damage and his evasion is reset to its normal amount). In addition, while under the effects of Stride the Spirit Realm, all activated Accuracy bonuses (Rally, Concentration, etc.) provide double the normal accuracy modifier during player's attacks.
Addled Memory | LD 16-20 | Harrowing sounds of old drown out deeper thoughts, your party can no longer use items until the start of Callisto's next turn. This effect is removed when your party uses their post action to make a culminative LD (Searching + Detect + Trinket + Food) roll of 30 to shake themselves out of this stupor. 

Lair Action Roll:

ID 239024 | LD 19 -> Addled Memory 

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The home stretch was finally here, and everyone seemed to be capitalizing on it just like they were supposed to. Even the noise echoing around them wasn't enough to Deter them from continuing their assault. Not even the fact that team 3 had been struck by the same attack that very nearly took Freyd and Wulfrin away. Violet tried her best to focus on her strikes, and not on how low Koga's health bar had dropped after he'd been wailed on by the beast.

Everyone else was trying to beat down the bear to the best of their efforts - and slowly, but surely, the bar was starting to dip lower and lower. Just a little bit more, and they would be finally free from the floor that they had been trapped on, and able to move onwards. To a brand new frontier, and to a much more harrowing fight than this.

but immediately after? they'd have to get a much-needed respite.

Post Action: ST-I (+Charge) Vs Callisto


Mina Recovers 6 EN!

Roll ID#:239040, BD: 3 (3-1 = 2 + 7 = 9, HIT! 34*15= 510 - 65 = 445 + 80 (HELL) = 525 DMG to Callisto The Tainted!

Mina loses 22 EN!

Blessing of the Wood: HP 250/250
[14] NIGHT | HP: 1344/1404 | EN: 90/150 | DMG: 26 +4 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/3
[4] Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 100/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[10] Acanthus | HP: 876/936 | EN: 40/92 | DMG: 26 +4 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/1
[20] Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 57/98 | DMG: 12 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/1
[9] Ariel | HP: 939/1035 | EN: 9/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | HORN | Bleed 96/1 | HYPE (1/3 remain)
[10] Tricolor Mina | HP: 874/874 | EN: 18/112 | DMG: 27+4 | MIT:78 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:40 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4 | HELLSTORM: 80 | HORN

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Life and death literally clashed in Callisto’s domain. The great tree Hirru summoned struggled to stave off the creeping decay. Tendrils of death crept through the mire, grasping frantically at the increasingly desperate players. Team 3 appeared to be clinging after Callisto’s roar shattered their formation; no sooner did Callisto attempt to retreat to the spirit realm did Pinball appear from thin air, clawing it back to the player’s domain with unerring strikes.

With every attack, the frontlines gradually took control of the battlefield. Cornered, Callisto lashed out at Yuki and the other tanks. But gone was the energetic wrath it had exuded. Now, the bear was sad. Every swipe grew weaker, its roars gave way to whines and moans. The trees themselves threatened to collapse under Callisto’s pain. A lesser creature might feel pity for the boss and his story—tormented by the corruption of its lands, and twisted by the greed of man. Forces outside its control had molded Callisto into an avatar of blind vengeance.

For a moment, Acanthus was no longer on floor twenty-eight. She was twenty floors down, watching Kumatetsu struggle pathetically through its last moments. The weight of its last pleading look flooded her memory, threatening to overwhelm her with tragedy. All at once, a soothing voice reached out to her, quieting the intrusive thoughts.


With perfect memory and form, Acanthus settled into one more sword art. CAST OFF YOUR LUXURIES AND THOUGHTS. CUT THE WEAKNESS FROM YOUR BONES. Her fingers flexed around botan’s hilt in anticipation of the strike. The blade of flowers thrummed to life, its glow casting twisted shadows on the churning waters.

STRIP THE KINDESS FROM YOUR MIND. Kumatetsu’s desperate agony vanished from her thoughts. FLAY EACH FLAW FROM YOUR FLESH. With a quiet exhalation, she willed her tired legs to cease shaking. EMPATHY IS FOR POETS AND GARDENERS. YOU ARE NEITHER.

“I’ll take a break when I earn it.” With a heavy sigh, Acanthus pulled Ajisai from its sheath and formed a shaky stance. “And I’ll earn it after I kill you.”

The Stranger visited, eager to finish what Acanthus had started. 


[11] Acanthus | HP: 861/936 | EN: 41/92 | DMG: 26 30 | MIT:132 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:3 | BRN-IM | VAMP-D: 45 | REC: 8 | LD:8 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/1

Upkeep and Recovery
Acanthus bleeds for 96 - 36 (Probiotics) = 60 damage.
Recovery. 239041 | CD 9 | (8 + 4 + 2) 14 EN45 Health

Post Action -  [TECH-B] -> Callisto ((15 - 2) -13 EN )
239042 | BD 7 + 8 | Hit! 30 * 16 = 480 + 80 - 45 = 515 damage. [Delay] Applied.

Callisto Abilities and Interactions
Callisto gains one stack of Rampage | [Rampage 2/6] (+2 ACC, +100 DMG)
Shatter removes Iron Flesh for its duration. (DoTs will deal full damage.)
[Delay] reduces Callisto's CD by 1. Also reduces ACC by 2 if Rampage is active.



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Ariel’s breath came in shallow gasps, her body frozen in place as she watched the corrupted beast stagger forward. The grotesque transformation of the forest around her mirrored her own dwindling strength. Her vision blurred, flickering with remnants of black flames that still licked the edge of her blade. Every muscle in her body ached, screaming for respite, yet she stood firm, rooted like one of the dying oaks around her.

The air burned her lungs, acrid and vile, the foul stench of decay filling her senses. The violet haze clouded her thoughts, and for a moment, she felt the weight of despair settle on her shoulders. Her energy bar flashed again, a faint, mocking red warning of her limits. This fight should’ve ended already. Yet the monster pressed on, its hulking form a relentless reminder of the curse they were up against.

In the stillness, her mind quieted just enough to find a fleeting clarity. She exhaled deeply, forcing herself to focus on the here and now. Her stillness allowed her energy to return, just an ounce—barely more than a flicker. It wasn’t enough for a grand display, but it would have to suffice.

Ariel’s hand moved to the hilt of her katana, the blade’s dark sheen dimmed, as though sharing her exhaustion. The black flames had receded, no longer a roaring inferno but a quiet, smoldering ember. Yet even in its subdued state, the cursed weapon answered her call. Its power, like hers, was stubborn and unyielding.

Her voice was barely a whisper, but it carried the weight of her resolve. “One more time… we’ll end this, you and I.”

With her energy pooled for one more strike, Ariel shifted her stance. Her knees bent, body low to the ground, and she tightened her grip. The world blurred as she honed in on the beast’s staggering form, its HP bar slithering deep into the red. Her surroundings—the twisted forest, the corrupted air, the chaos of the battlefield—faded into nothingness. All that mattered was her target.

With a burst of speed, Ariel darted forward, her katana a shadow slicing through the vile haze. She released everything she had into the strike—a final, desperate bid to bring the beast down. The blade cut through the air, trailing faint streaks of black fire as it cleaved toward the monster’s side.

[9] Ariel | HP: 939/1035 | EN: 1/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT:0 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:57 | HB: 46 | REC: 3 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:9 | HORN | Bleed 96/1

-96 HP | Bleed
+8 DMG | RSKY proc.

+57 HP | BH

Rec. ID# 239043 | CD: 6 | +0 EN | +2 EN HORN | +4 nat. EN | +3 EN HYPE

Post Action: [Conc. +Ch.] ST-I
ID# 239047 | BD: 8 (1 +6+1 ) | CD: 3 | [x15] (29 +8 +4 ) = 615 -(65-20) MIT =570 DMG > ≪Callisto the Tainted≫

ST-II Unlocked!
-(14) EN

Ariel | Charge CD [2/3], Concentration CD [2/5]

Edited by Ariel - The Crowned Lion
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'never mind?' 'toying with us?'

if night had stopped, it was to take in the nonchalance of the masses right after that very distinct death call. she'd faltered from the whiplash, bile and ire culminating in her mouth. this was a first for her. at no point in the raid fights prior had she seen such a level of... incompetence? no. maybe inaccuracy would've been the better word for it. amongst the chaos, and passing off the benefit of the doubt to the boss and its potential for misguiding the judgement of players, hypothetically night could buy the idea that it was more than just whispers that manifested, especially past their strategy meeting.

she grumbled. the only way they'd know it would be over was when the bear finally rolled over, broke apart and died. so she kept quiet and save the sentiments for the dead, or otherwise, to herself. one clean cut through the dark, and her sword art found its mark.


[14] NIGHT | HP: 1404/1404 | EN: 84/150 | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/4

it doesnt matter but i'll do this anyway:
previous turn dot: 
-> suffer from bleed 96/2 refreshed to 96/4 (jewel)

1404 - (96 *2) = 1212

1212 - 96 = 1116

1116 + (77+62) = 1255 HP

84 + 6 = 90

[14] NIGHT | HP: 1255/1404 | EN: 90/150 | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/4

1255 - (96 * 4) = 871

871 - 96 = 775

775 + (77+62) = 914 HP


ID239083 | bd4-1+7+1 = 10 | -> Callisto

(26+3) * 15 = 435 DMG
435 - 65 + 80 = 450 DMG

15 - 2 (stamina) - 6 (en regen) = 7 EN
90 - 7 = 83 EN


[16] NIGHT | HP: 914/1404 | EN: 83/150 | DMG: 26 | MIT:104 | ACC: 7 (6+1 AA) | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:6 | BH:77 | HB: 62 | VAMP-D: 154 | LD:8 | PROSP:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/4


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The pulse of purple fumes wafted and shifted the more the bear tried to graze her with those massive claws. The paladin simply stepped away from it’s front side and charged it with her spear coming just short of putting a scratch on it herself, just when she was starting to feel like she wouldn’t be missing this fight.

The last health bar was more round of attacks away from putting an end to this boss fight but Yuki wasn’t relaxing just yet. Her defensive posture never waned for a moment as she ensured the safety of her comrades and friends. A paladin’s job was to protect those who cannot  protect themselves and she was hellbent on upholding theme of being a shining beacon others can find warmth under. A soft flame in the dead of night making the dark not so scary.

[20] Zajcica | HP: 989/989 | EN: 57/98 | DMG: 12 | MIT:319 | ACC:4 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | THORNS:112 | BH:54 | BLD: 48 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN | Bleed 96/1

ID#239108 | BD: 1 Miss!

Edited by Scarlet Firefly
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The fight was nearing its end and it was\ beginning to show how much it was effecting everyone.  Some were getting too tired to continue, their energy levels had been brought down to the lowest one co\uld go.  He was not able to keep them up while keeping them They would be the victors here, but there was something that would be definitely addressed during the \next few days.  Quite a bit of strategy and upkeep that should have been done better.  Personal issues and more would be addressed.  Though more importantly, eve\ryone is going to question Freyd. 

That was not a feint, or at least, that proba/bly wasn't.  It was the first time Hirru had ever seen nor heard the sound of someone dying and it was fairly haunting; cause it sounded like everything else that/ dies in this game.  Though, that didn't happen as it should have.  There was nothing to know that could or would explain what had happened to the man that had f\aded once, but had now come back to them.

There would be words then, but not now.  T\here was still the boss in front of them.

"Let the earth take this creature.  It's cycle ends, but life continues anew.  Regardless of anything that man can do, the trees will keep growing and new life will flourish."

'cause this is just a game, and nothing they do can change it'


EN: 4+2
REC?:[ID: 239109][CD: 10] +8
Press the Attack ends.
Post Action: THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES -> [ID: 239110][LD: 17+11=28] Even if I can't beat them.  (even with +1 from housing I can't beat that 30)

[4] Hirru | HP: 1176/1176 | EN: 110/110 | DMG: 1 | MIT:163 | EVA:2 | BLD-IM (N) | THORNS:36 | BH:59 | HB: 47 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | PROB:36 | HORN 


Edited by Hirru
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They swarmed Callisto like angry insects, a dark mockery of the honeybee and grumpy bear trope. Light in a kaleidoscope of colors burst like fireworks as Players fell on the dying Floor Boss, weapons of various shapes and sizes piercing its tough hide. The display was hauntingly beautiful against the blood reds and dark shadows of the creature’s lair. Callisto roared its protest, but in its final moments of life, some of the fight seemed to leak away. Did it simply accept its own demise? Was it so discouraged by its failure that it gave up completely? Or were the memories of another life slowly navigating the red haze of rage that clouded its mind? Of a simpler time, when its thoughts were consumed by fish, berries, and long, uninterrupted rests? When the humans simply existed at the edges of his consciousness, as he posed no threat to him, nor they to him. When had that changed? What had lit the fire of all-consuming hatred at its core, and what had continued to stoke the flames until it lost all sense of self? All sense of control?

As the last of its strength drained away, Callisto’s legs buckled, and its enormous mass crashed to the ground with enough force to send Players stumbling. Eyes glazed with pain and confusion the once magnificent guardian of the woods turned its gaze to the heavens. Rather than the stars, diamonds strewn across black velvet, it found only an oily, otherworldly purple smog. That is wrong, was Callisto’s final thought, before it burst into shimmering slivers of data.

With its protector felled, the door to worlds yet unexplored stood silent and waiting. Yet as the Players approached, the door creaked open on its own - had it done that before? - and though the gesture was one of welcome, a strange sense of foreboding fell upon the gathered Frontliners. Perhaps it was the unnerving creak of the door swinging on its hinges, or the relentless drum of rain that could be heard even before crossing the threshold. Or something else entirely.

Undaunted, the bravest among them forged ahead, and emerged into the aforementioned storm. They found themselves in the center of a city, the flickering light from lanterns reflecting off the wet bricks that lined the road. Ducking through open doorways to escape the pelting rain revealed homes and businesses hurriedly abandoned, as rotted food rested on tables, and children's toys lay forgotten on floors. Shutters clung crookedly from broken windows, and the blackened fingers of mold spread across waterlogged walls.

Each building checked held the same - nothing. No NPCs, no answers, and perhaps most disturbing…

“Wait a second,” one Player called out, pausing as her companions gathered around her in the center of town. She jabbed with one finger, directing their attention across the rain-slicked central plaza. “The Teleport Gate is right there, so this has to be the main settlement. But… unless I’m missing something, we’re not in a safe zone. Is that right? Is something broken? Or, God, what is the chance that there are no safe zones here?"

As if in answer, a sound unlike any they had ever heard filled the empty city. The unearthly bellow seemed to invade their very minds, and even as some Players clapped their hands over their ears, all eyes turned toward the source. As lightning forked across the dark sky, it illuminated the behemoth that towered above them.


Welcome, Frontliners, to the twenty ninth floor.


Activity Strikes:

  • Crozeph | 2
  • Morningstar | 1
  • Oscar | 2
  • Alkor | 3 -> Removed from Raid
  • Cordelia | 1
  • NIGHT | 1

Total Word Count:

  • Raid Prep: 14,464
  • Team 1: 15,794
  • Team 2: 18,374
  • Team 3: 15,255
  • Team 4: 19,126
  • Staff: 5,386
  • Total: 88,399


Player True Tier Exp Multiplier* Staff Rewards** Final Exp Laurel Wreath
Macradon 10 1   44199 6629
Wulfrin 5 1.1 2154 27559 4133
Morningstar 7 1 2154 33093 4963
Freyd 18 1.1   87515 13127
NIGHT 16 1.1 2154 80160 12024
Hirru 10 1   44199 6629
Jomei 11 1 2154 50773 7615
Zandra 11 1.1   53481 8022
Crozeph 8 1   35359 5303
Baldur 10 1.1   48619 7292
Acanthus 6 1   26519 3977
Arabelle 4 1   17679 2651
Oscar 9 1   39779 5966
Alkor 9 1 2154 2154 323

Katoka 6 1.1   29171 4375
Cordelia 7 1   30939 4640
tricolor_mina 6 1.1   29171 4375
Koga 10 1.1   48619 7292
Pinball 9 1   39779 5966
Bahr 9 1   39779 5966
Lessa 9 1.1 2154 46126 6918
Zajcica 7 1.1   34033 5104
Ariel-The Crowned Lion 10 1.1   48619 7292
Astralin 5 1   22099 3314

* from slime farm. please notify staff if your slime farm was active but missed.
** Staff rewards based on the average participating tier of 8



Raid Rewards | Choose two (2) of the following items:

  • Callisto Claw: (Unique Material); Removes one enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with [Envenom Offensive]. (This effect cannot override the Envenom Offensive enhancement cap. Consumed on use.)

  • Bear Trap: (T4/Consumable - Free Action/Reusable); Once per combat as a free action can reduce a targets EVA to 0. Effect ends at the start of the user's next turn.

  • Bottled Darkness: (T4/Consumable); A salve that applies [Blind] to a weapon for a single thread.

  • Tainted Hide: (T4/Consumable); Lasts for one thread. DoTs inflicted on the user deal half as much damage.

  • Maddening Hex: (Unique Material); Removes an enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with [Madness]. (This cannot override the Madness enhancement cap. Consumed on use.)


New Enhancements:

Cost: 3 Slots
Cap: 1 Slot
Effect: Natural Critical Attack Rolls of 9-10 reduce the target's Accuracy, Evasion, and Loot Die by 2 for 2 turns. Does not stack but can be refreshed.
Applicable to: Salves

Cost: 1 Slot
Cap: 2 Slots
Effect: Natural Critiacal Attacks rolls of 9-10 (one slot) or natural succcessful attack rolls of 8-10 (two slots) deal (3 * Tier) unmitigated Psychic damage each enemy turn for 4 turns on a Non-Boss enemy. Additional applications increase the stacks by 1. This does not increase the damage, but instead once a target has sustained [Madness 3] the target's next turn is decided by the inflictor of [Madness 3]. This cannot cause an enemy to do anything harmful to itself, but it does treat the inflictor and party members as an ally.
Applicable to: Weapons 




Edited by Wulfrin
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Reward Selection: 2x Maddening Hex: (Unique Material); Removes an enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with [Madness]. (This cannot override the Madness enhancement cap. Consumed on use.)

Edited by Ariel - The Crowned Lion
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Reward Selection:

Bear Trap: (T4/Consumable - Free Action/Reusable); Once per combat as a free action can reduce a targets EVA to 0. Effect ends at the start of the user's next turn.

Tainted Hide: (T4/Consumable); Lasts for one thread. DoTs inflicted on the user deal half as much damage

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