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[BR-F28] Paving the Way to Floor 29 [Team 3: Alkor]

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                             Was it the lair? Was it Astralin losing her mind? What was going on here?

     Shadows, from what had been here and within Astralin's memory, collided, and furthermore, players were seeing some elderly apparition that looked strangely like Freyd. Astralin began stumbling around, bewildered. She didn't know what to make of the things she was seeing. No, no, she wasn't going mad, she was just seeing illusions, and maybe some hallucinations produced by whatever putrid mist was settling around the mire.

      The monsters were trying to strike Astralin mad, but for what purpose? Was it the fire? Was she and her party recognized as a threat? What was even happening?

  The fog of war was now catching up to Astralin as the battle was now reaching its climax. She could hardly concentrate enough to let loose an offensive spell in this moment. She then looked to the HP meters of the party, and saw someone in dire need. She shook herself off as she started to regain her senses.

           "Koga!" Astralin called out as she ran over to him. She got herself ready and began making use of her healing magic. Astralin's body would be enveloped in a soft white glow, and her hands would shine brightly. The light seemed to pulse, as though twinkling like starlight. Astralin guided her hands towards Koga, as mystical circles would appear under Astralin and Koga. A mysterious, yet soothing light came out of Astralin's hands and began surrounding Koga, and the damage marks around his body began mending. Astralin took a deep breath. "Don't hold back, I'll heal you again once I'm ready to cast my healing magic for you again." She told him.

    She just needed a moment to make sense of all the madness and chaos.


-Astralin Casts First Aid on Koga

-Koga Recovers 216 HP


[8] Morningstar | HP: 955/955 | EN: 55/118 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 60 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:6 | BH:51 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | PARA-V | LD:5 | PROSP:3 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | JEWEL | Clean
[5] Oscar | HP: 1046/1058 | EN: 110/124 | DMG: 27 | MIT:187 | ACC:3 | PHASE | EVA:2 | BH:58 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | BLI: 32/-20 | LD:11 | Clean
Alkor | Removed due to inactivity 3/3 Strikes
[8] Katoka | HP: 800/800 | EN: 57/114 (67+4-14) | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:8 | EVA:3 | BH:40 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | Clean
[5] Astralin | HP: 805/805 | EN: 76/108 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 80 | ACC:4 | PHASE | EVA:5 | BH:14 | REC: 4 | STC: 40 | FRZ: 64 | LD:1 | DOTE: 1/3 | Clean
[11] Koga | HP: 720/1081 (302+59+24+119) | EN: 73/128 | DMG: 31 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 7[-4] | EVA: 4[-4] | BH: 59 | HB: 24 | VAMP-D: 119 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | Clean | LD [-4] [Madness I 12/7] | [Blind 2]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+200] | MIT: 65[-20] | ACC: -1[+4][-2] | EVA:0[-1] | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [4/6] | Iron Flesh | Shatter 1: [1/2] | [REND 56/1] | [BLD 96/1] | [BLI 64/1] | [BRN 112/1] | [FRB 80/1] | [STC 80/1] | [TXC-V 64/2] | [ENV-O 32/3] | [ENV-O 32/3]


Edited by Astralin
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CALLISTOHPBAR_R7.png.8317ace8d0dfbf99bc2bf89b5e90d92a.pngThe beast staggered forward, its massive form looming like a shadow cast over the dying land. Once a proud guardian of the forest, the bear now stood as a grotesque reflection of its former self, its fur matted and blackened with the corruption that seeped through its flesh. Deep, jagged wounds bled darkness rather than blood, oozing onto the cracked earth as though the forest itself were trying to purge its own sickness. Its breath came in ragged, guttural heaves, hot vapor curling from its maw like smoke from a smoldering pyre.

Around it, the forest crumbled. Towering oaks twisted into warped spirals, their bark flaking off in ashen sheets, disintegrating into the fetid air. The ground buckled and cracked beneath the bear’s weight, roots writhing as though trying to retreat from the corruption that poured from every step it took. Leaves that had once glistened in the dappled light of day now hung limp and gray, as if drained of their life. The world itself recoiled in silent agony.

The bear’s eyes glowed with a pale white stained with venomous ink, swirling like a storm caught behind glass. Madness danced within them, but deeper still lay a glimmer of something else—pain. This was not its war, not its hatred, but a curse it could no longer fight. With a shuddering roar that split the deadened air, it charged forward, each lumbering step shaking the earth. Its claws, now jagged obsidian talons, carved furrows into the soil as it swung at unseen foes. Every movement was met with the groaning of the forest, the very earth threatening to collapse into itself, as if trying to bury the beast and its torment forever.

Katoka | Damage adjusted from 827 to 845
Koga | Madness damage applied, Madness counter reduced by 1

Lair Action Defense:
Oscar | Requirement Met -> Addled Memory fades

Morningstar | Charge [1/3]
Koga | Rending Familiar [1/5], Focused Howl [1/5]
Oscar | Grappling Familiar [7/7]
Astralin | Quick Change [2/3]

[REND 28/2]
[Delay] ACC -2 under rampage | -1 CD

Oscar | 0
Morningstar | 515 {Delay}
Katoka | 845
Astralin | 0
Koga | 0
Total Dealt: 1360
Rampage Stacks | 2 (+100 DMG, +2 ACC)

Callisto sustains 28 DMG via REND

Totem of the Bear -> Koga's Hatred reduced by -1
Post Action Target -> Koga
ID  239022 | BD 10 | CD 12(-1)=11 | Halls of Madness Activates:
Morningstar takes: 500-60=440 | Inflicted with Madness 1 12/4 becomes Madness 1 12/8 from JEWEL
Oscar takes: 500-187=313 | Inflicted with Madness 1 12/4
Katoka takes: 500-38=462 | Inflicted with Madness 1 12/4
Astralin takes: 500-80=420 | Inflicted with Madness 1 12/4
Koga takes: 500-0=500 | Madness stacked to 2 and refreshed

[Delay] Fade
Rampage reset to 0


[8] Morningstar | HP: 515/955 | EN: 55/118 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 60 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:6 | BH:51 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | PARA-V | LD:5 | PROSP:3 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | JEWEL | Clean | [Madness 1 12/8]
[5] Oscar | HP: 733/1058 | EN: 110/124 | DMG: 27 | MIT:187 | ACC:3 | PHASE | EVA:2 | BH:58 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | BLI: 32/-20 | LD:11 | Clean | [MADNESS 1 12/4]

Alkor | Removed due to inactivity 3/3 Strikes
[8] Katoka | HP: 338/800 | EN: 57/114 | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:8 | EVA:3 | BH:40 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | Clean | [Madness 1 12/4]
[5] Astralin | HP: 385/805 | EN: 76/108 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 80 | ACC:4 | PHASE | EVA:5 | BH:14 | REC: 4 | STC: 40 | FRZ: 64 | LD:1 | DOTE: 1/3 | Clean | [Madness 1 12/4]
[10] Koga | HP: 220/1081 | EN: 73/128 | DMG: 31 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 7[-4] | EVA: 4[-4] | BH: 59 | HB: 24 | VAMP-D: 119 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | Clean | LD [-4] [Madness 2 12/8] | [Blind 2]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+100] | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1[+2][-2] | EVA:0 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [4/6] | Iron Flesh | [TXC-V 64/1] | [ENV-O 32/2] | [ENV-O 32/2]

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As colored yet horrific fragrance wafts through the air, that same fog would move its sights upon an unsuspecting gaggle of digital avatars. It would burn upon the skin like standing too close to an open flame, the smell a mix of rotten vegetation with the slightest dash of metallic undertone. Their very ears would ring to signify how unwelcome this dust was, and their eyes would begin to blur. A roar from within that coverage, as if it was under his command. Callisto was not done, and its ally had found itself into the ballroom blitz. That violet hued wave of pungent welcoming rolls across the room like the most bitterly biting wave of disapproval. Up was down, hands felt like feet, and the air tasted sublimely like oregano. Perhaps this was the door to madness, or perhaps that was the entrance to this grove. Screens become fuzzy, and maps end up on the flip side. Could the players figure out how to navigate their inventories with everything mixed up?

Round 10 has begun.
Players will have until 12/19/2024 | 11:59:59 PM (EST) to complete their post

[Countdown Timer]

Lair action Descriptions:
Blooming Decay | LD 1-5 | Callisto will regenerate 1% of his maximum hitpoints at the start of his next turn, when this occurs this effect ends. This buff can be removed before Callisto's turn if Burn is applied/refreshed by your party.
Nature's Fury | LD 6-10 | At the start of Callisto's next turn, all players are inflicted with bleed 2. If this would refresh an existing bleed, the entire damage is dealt before refreshing. This effect is removed when your party uses their post actions to make a culminative LD (Nimble + Evasion Modifier) roll of 30 to free themselves from their binds and assist their team.
Stride the Spirit Realm | LD 11-15 | While Callisto has this buff, his evasion is set to 10 and the first successful attack does not deal damage (Status effects will still apply). After the first successful attack, this buff is removed (i.e., successive attacks will deal damage and his evasion is reset to its normal amount). In addition, while under the effects of Stride the Spirit Realm, all activated Accuracy bonuses (Rally, Concentration, etc.) provide double the normal accuracy modifier during player's attacks.
Addled Memory | LD 16-20 | Harrowing sounds of old drown out deeper thoughts, your party can no longer use items until the start of Callisto's next turn. This effect is removed when your party uses their post action to make a culminative LD (Searching + Detect + Trinket + Food) roll of 30 to shake themselves out of this stupor. 

Lair Action Roll:

ID 239026 | LD 16 -> Addled Memory

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Maybe it was a bit too hopeful to pull a repeat of the last round. As if insulted by Oscar's simple logic, the bear made sure they were all tripping balls at the end. A welcome turn of events. It was hard to conceptualize the risks and dangers the game when a bear was befuddling your perception. 

Oscar could see it all. The fire of creation. Everything was a cycle, like a hot dog on a gas station roller. Trundling on and on, molded and changed by its environment. The searing, blistering heat. Life was like a hot dog, he realized, as he watched the cosmos unfold before him. Swirling nebulae and countless stars burst across his vision. Each a component of a greater mass. Toppings and condiments for the great hot dog that was the universe.

And as Oscar dove deep into his vision quest, his body lay face down in the muck. Occasionally, bubbles would pop up on either side of his head as muffled utterings allowed the vile fetid liquid access to his mouth.

"Blub blub blub," came Oscar's words. All who heard his eldritch voice would know he spoke the truth of everything. But they would not remember. The answer to everything was so illogical thar it could not possibly be true.

The answer could not possibly be hot dogs.


Addled Memory Check

ID: 239038 LD 1+11 LOL I THOUGHT

[8]Morningstar | HP: 515/955 | EN: 55/118 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 60 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:6 | BH:51 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | PARA-V | LD:5 | PROSP:3 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | JEWEL | Clean | [Madness 1 12/8]
[5] Oscar | HP: 791/1058 | EN: 110/124 | DMG: 27 | MIT:187 | ACC:3 | PHASE | EVA:2 | BH:58 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | BLI: 32/-20 | LD:11 | Clean | [MADNESS 1 12/4]
Alkor | Removed due to inactivity 3/3 Strikes
[8] Katoka | HP: 338/800 | EN: 57/114 | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:8 | EVA:3 | BH:40 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | Clean | [Madness 1 12/4]
[5] Astralin | HP: 385/805 | EN: 76/108 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 80 | ACC:4 | PHASE | EVA:5 | BH:14 | REC: 4 | STC: 40 | FRZ: 64 | LD:1 | DOTE: 1/3 | Clean | [Madness 1 12/4]
[10] Koga | HP: 220/1081 | EN: 73/128 | DMG: 31 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 7[-4] | EVA: 4[-4] | BH: 59 | HB: 24 | VAMP-D: 119 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | Clean | LD [-4] [Madness 2 12/8] | [Blind 2]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+100] | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1[+2][-2] | EVA:0 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [4/6] | Iron Flesh | [TXC-V 64/1] | [ENV-O 32/2] | [ENV-O 32/2]


Edited by Oscar
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That was the last time Koga taunted a boss. No sooner had he thanked Astralin for the extra healing did the bosses next attack strike the whole party, decimating their HP bars. Astralin probably just saved Koga's life, even as he tumbled through the acrid muck again. Truly, the swordsman was getting sick of this disgusting water and mud. Or maybe it was just the fact that his insides were just on the verge of becoming his outsides. His HP was in the red, and even when his passive healing began to kick in, bringing him into the orange, it was only just.

Not good. Very, very not good.

Koga staggered to his feet. His vision wasn't quite that foreboding red vignette that you sometimes saw in games. But there definitely was a vignette as his vision began to fail him. His lips felt cold, and he could feel his body shaking, that extra 3% HP over the red barely keeping him upright.

The bosses HP bar wasn't looking much better. But then again, he had eight of them. Was this it? The final moment? Either them, or him. There was a chance.

"Star," Koga croaked out as he staggered over to the man, eyes blinking furiously as he tried to recover his vision. "I need you to swap hate with me." Koga's chest heaved in ragged breaths as he spoke. "You're faster than me. You can dodge the next attack. Just long enough for us to kill this bastard." The swordsman looked at the boss's HP one more time. "All or nothing now."

The plan was set. The pieces were in play. The final flourish.

Koga charged, Tsuki no Hikari, a dormant, dirt-caked blade.

And the scent of flowered perfume.


[8] Morningstar | HP: 515/955 | EN: 55/118 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 60 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:6 | BH:51 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | PARA-V | LD:5 | PROSP:3 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | JEWEL | Clean | [Madness 1 12/8]
[5] Oscar | HP: 791/1058 | EN: 110/124 | DMG: 27 | MIT:187 | ACC:3 | PHASE | EVA:2 | BH:58 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | BLI: 32/-20 | LD:11 | Clean | [MADNESS 1 12/4]
Alkor | Removed due to inactivity 3/3 Strikes
[8] Katoka | HP: 338/800 | EN: 57/114 | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:8 | EVA:3 | BH:40 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | Clean | [Madness 1 12/4]
[5] Astralin | HP: 385/805 | EN: 76/108 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 80 | ACC:4 | PHASE | EVA:5 | BH:14 | REC: 4 | STC: 40 | FRZ: 64 | LD:1 | DOTE: 1/3 | Clean | [Madness 1 12/4]
[11] Koga | HP: 303/1081 (220+59+24) | EN: 65/128 (73+4-13) | DMG: 31 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 7[-4] | EVA: 4[-4] | BH: 59 | HB: 24 | VAMP-D: 119 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | Clean | LD [-4] [Madness 2 12/8] | [Blind 2]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+100] | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1[+2][-2] | EVA:0 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [4/6] | Iron Flesh | [TXC-V 64/1] | [ENV-O 32/2] | [ENV-O 32/2]

Vampiric D. | 239054 | CD nat2
But a BD 9, fuck my life

Post Action | ST-I, Stamina, ST-Shift, Charge | 239053 | BD nat5+3 | DMG (12+3)x(31+5)=540-65=475+80=557 | [13 EN] (I think???)
Initiate switch with Morningstar


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         Astralin's healing proved to be life saving...ah, but of course, fate had plans for the whole party. Callisto unleashed that deathly Evocation upon the party once more, devastating their HP


    An uneasy weariness settled upon Astralin. Something wasn't right....no, was anything right at all?

             Is it real, is it right, this War that they fight? Is the end in sight, can she really see the light? Does she come in slight, as others show their might? Is she awash and away, far from the stellar array? In the mud she cannot lay, but what else can she say? Can her heart feel the sway, does she remember what happened in May? A feeling so dire, just like right here in this Mire. When a heart burns under a pyre, one will surely start a fire. Justice or Desire, one of which will burn the Liar. Ancient power do I see, is it really meant for me? Stellar heart full of glee, power granted unto thee. Land without a living tree, is there power for such as we? My, my, the Balance Star finds with glee, the new power she can see. 

     What I see is I see Į̸͎̠̝̻̺̗̝͉̖͈̠̟̏́́́̅̿ ̵̡̦͕͕̜̪̩͕̥̦̆̅ş̷͕̭͎̞̩̫͆̽̔͊̋̀̈̾̌̉͆͠ĕ̵̡͚̰̭̪͖͓̳̩͉͔͓̟͔͖̅̉̔͗̃͌͆̉ē̸̡͙̤̲̻̐̌̄̆̎̈̉͒ ̸̧̧̛͙̩̤̥̼͔̞̽͛̌̌̍̂̔͊͜Ȉ̴̙̭̖̑̔̅̎͋͛̂̓̚͠ ̵̧͓̗̺̤̻͇̎̑̿̒͐͂̅̂̕͝͝ş̶̛̛͈͕͇͇͍͇̠̘͓͌̑͐̾̀̔̋͝e̵̢͎̠̭̰̟̊̓͑̆̎̿̔͝ę̶͈̼̝͈̤̜̬͖͈́̔͘ ̴̨̜͎̰̖̼̯̥͚̖͉͉̬̝̅̓̽̌̅͑̍̌͋̍I̷̥̰͉̰̝̩̊̾̋̿̏̈́̈͋̑̄̆ŝ̴̬̣̹͚̣̟̠̙͉͎͇͚̚ȩ̸̛̣̙̹̱̗͚̮̬͉̝̄͋̽̄̂́̄͛́̉͝è̴̢̩͕͛̎̀̽́͆̒̾̎̏̐̀̕ỉ̶̼̩̟͚̝̤͂͊̎̑̓̓̄̽̂s̵̬̀͆̍̒e̷͙̥̳͍̬̔̒͐̈́͆̿͗̑̊͗̓͋̀̈́͝e̵͈̝̭̖̋̀̅̚l̴̠̹͔̙̘̝͉̘̭̳̯͍̳͔͔̓͐̋ ̵̛̼͊́̓̋͂̋̈́͂̿̕̕͠s̷̺͚̞̈̊̈́̌f̴̡̛͍͎̦̜̘̪̭̺̣̝̏͂͂̐̋̈́̈̅̐̚͝h̴̲͚̙̭̖͕̯̲̯̣̭̭͕̋́̉͒̇́̀̆̍̅̀͗͜f̵̨͇̟̜̖͚̞̱͙̙̎͑͌͒y̵̬̗̣̟͝͠i̸̢̛̙̘̟̬͑͐̂̂̏̅̚w̸͎͂͝ ̸̨̱̙̱̦̠̱͓͓̠̥̮̏̓̀̋͐̔̾̃̍ͅg̷̨̧̡̲̥͉̺̘͎͚̖̋̏̓ą̶̪̥̭͕̤͍͓̎͊͂͆̽̉̕͠͝ͅg̷̛͚͇̜̻̮̙͋̈́̑͛͑͝͠ͅḑ̵̡͉̪̠͉͖̑͆̋k̷̩͈͙͈͍̇ͅ ̵̗̳̀͂́͆͛̀̽̏͘ư̴̻̻̟͈̱̭̈́̆̃̉̀͗̃̅͠d̵̢̡͚͉̘̯͓̯̱̟̮̻̺͕́͆͗̀͋͒̅̑́͒̑́͊͘s̸̛͖͚̘̗̠̬̹̺͕͌̏̏̅̒͒̑͗͒͛́̽͠͝ḩ̷̛̲͇̬̯̱̬̰̤̖̜̳̰͊͆̆̑͗͋̊̿̾̀͠f̷͇͉͎̉̎̑ë̶̢̥̟̜̟͚̭̺̟́̈́̄w̸̨̡̙͍̼̩̗̣͚̻̙̱̋͒́̓̎̒̕͠ ̶̢̧̖̙̫̙̒͐̉̇͗̇̒͋̈́̅͗̌̅́̄o̷̘̱̯̦̩̮̺̻̼̯͉͗̄͜͜͝͝ņ̸̜̗̼̘͖̤̬̍̒̈́̂̈́f̴̮̏͗̑́̋̊̾̉̈͌̈́̕j̶̡̯͇̤̘̹̲̬̮̙̪̠͔̳͉̾͐̒̓̌̒͌̾̓͋̆̈́̾͘͝w̶̲̗̤͔̝̤͖̗̮̱͇͈͎̺͒̀͗͒̔̓̅͜ḩ̶̛̬̱̼̠̻̞͖̫͔͕̻͈̞̫͐̕f̸̞̬̊̂̓͜b̸̖̬̀̈̔͌̍̄̕ ̵̧̺̗͓̦̠̀͋͌̅͑̓̊̎̃́̓̉ẖ̵̛̛͍͌͌á̵͈̬̼͉̈́̽̔̋̀͗̎̌͗̑͐͛̕͘b̴̢̢̡̰͓̱̜̺̑̈̋͛̅̈́͘f̶͎͇̳̪̼̘̖͙͋͊͐̒͂̔̑͝k̶̨̖͚̲͎̪̪̳̙̞͖̋͐́̀̄̐̐̈́́̕̕̚̚ḓ̴̀͒̉̓ä̷̝̯͖́h̵̨̡͈͉̫̭̬̪͇͎̰̑̀̓͝d̵̙̖̞̭͇͓̤̻̳̘̼̭̈͂̄̎͛̚͘͝s̶̘̟̲̻̼̦̜̩̣͇̎͊̾̈̃͂̍́͌̍̑̚͘ ̵̧̧̣̺͚͕̯̼͍̩̫̏͊͐̈́͌̾̋̈́̎͛̋̔͜͝ͅh̵̼̭̮̙̮͕̝̘̲͗̌̃̄̚̕͝f̷̡͙̙͍͕̬͈̐̉̈́͛̋̓͋ͅd̴̻̫̮̀̾̀͛͆͋̋͌̓̅a̸̩̹͇̜̞͉͛̈́͊̎͛̀̄̈́͌͂̌̏͗̊̚s̷̪̹̙̫͍͙̗̫̟̰̠̦̳̩͌͐̔͒̽̕k̸̙͖̘͚̺̫͖͔͌̃̊ǵ̶̨͚̮̦̜̝̼̅̈́k̸̠̅̋͛́̊͋̆̓g̴͎̫̟̦̤͎̣̩̗̣͈̫̤̠̼̉͋͋̆̿̊̉͗͝f̴̢̪͇̩̎̓̈́̐̍̋̚ķ̶̛̩͕̲̇̂͒̓̃̅̒͗̚ą̸̢̙̪̱̹̩͓̦̹͚͙̼̣̋͂̂͗̃̍̈́́̃̌͘͝͠h̴̨̡͙̟͚̖͍̯͔̠̳̓̈̾̽̇̈́̔̂̾͘͠b̶̛̮̏̉͑͊͗͛̇̈́̀̕d̶̰͌̌̔̓͗̚͝ ̴̨̛̛͖̀͋͘͘j̸̖̩̩͈̟̜͓̝͚͓͎̥̳̼͙̓̃͊͝r̵̛͎̃́̉̓̄͊̂͑̋͒͝ḙ̴͓͈̜͓̹̲̘͕̞͎͆i̸̧̡̫̰͖̠̦͚̓͐̏́̄͌͐̓̈͛̚͝b̷̬̣̐̉̚n̷͎̰̤̣̯̺̫͚̍̉̔͐̿̍̇̽̅̚̚ͅd̷̦̺̳̣̠̻̠͈̘͉̒̄͂͛̎̆̄͠n̶̡͇̜̣̣̜̜̙̖̫̾̈́̐̾͐̄͊͜ ̶̩̺̱̼̦̮̰̣̯͚̤͖̙͂͐j̶̨̢̛͓͉̦͓̝̆̃̐ ̵̫̯̜̞̞̘̭̣̺̃͐̔̄̀̿͌d̸͔͇̹̲̻͖̝͈̯̗̼̬͕͑j̸̜́̒̀͋͊̋s̶̝͔̟̙̟͔͕̾͐͠m̷͓͙̕ ̷̗̖̉̍́̿̿̍̓͗̓̕͝͝͝͝͝ȟ̵̼̺̋c̷̼̤͖̪̪̊͒̿͗̍̃͘͘͘͝m̷̙̋̉̈͗̊̈̅́̅̃̇̽̃͠͝f̷̡̡̮̣̼̔̀̏̓͐̋́͆̿͗̌̊̕f̸̟̯̼̟̞͒͒̇͐͠ ̸̺̫̲̤̫̬̹̱̥̬̣̮̳͂̂̂̅̈̈́͝͝j̴̯͑́̍͑̓͗̔͝ĝ̷͍͖̠̬̑̐̂̌̚͝f̵̢̨̡̳̪̟͕̝̯͚̭̼̌̓̐͌̈̐́͐͐̔͌̕ṋ̷̛̛͋͑̌͊̿̅̏̔̉̾̍͝͝f̸͇̜̗̰̼̰͖̖̠͎̖̞̯̖̓̒̍̓͐̒̇͌͋̐̅͠ ̷̨̰̬͉̦̯̲̟͙̭̝̲̒̆͐̋̿̐ͅd̶̛̮̪̦̏̆͗̾̍̋͂̀͑̀͆̅̀͠k̷̨͓̮̟̜͓̱̓̒͂̚ḑ̵̪͈͎͕̙͔̹̫̦̖̠͙͋́͗̽̊͋̂̊d̶͓͙̯̟̱̪̥̼̖̥̘̼̞̳̿͗̈́͂̍̅̈̈́̊͠͠ ̸̧̣̹͇̟̠̮̞̳͕̼̩͎̟̅̈̌̈̆̐̂́̕͝͠f̸͎̩͔̮̦͔͖̱̰͈̦̳͌̂͌̅̒́́͆́̀̋͠ͅͅḩ̵̱͉̠̰̠̜͋̋͆̓͛̌̓̈̕͜͝ͅd̶̨̛͉̟̙̱̗̯́͋̾̈́͂̈́̄̄̀̀̃͘͜ͅ ̵̮̬̩̯̣̈́͋̈́j̵̘̙̟̥̠̩̰͖͙̠̹͉̞͚̬̎̈́̍̆̉̂͂̇̉̾́ṙ̶̛͕͔͖̖̜̺̭͚̖̝̬̹̓̇̍̊̎̇ ̶̟̘̟̖͙͖̪̯̠͑͑͜ͅf̵̢̻͍̯͍͓̙̱͇͈̊͒̔͠ͅǫ̶̛̦̘̺͉̱̤̻̍̈́̍͒̅̃g̶̮̠̭̰̘̬͉͕͖̫̥͚̔͆̾̔͐͒̑́͘n̴͖͕̖͉̪̲̰̟̦̹̝͖͖͓͓͋̒͐̔͊̒̚͘t̸̢̧̢͙̠͔̲̗̞͐̇̓͌̔̓̆͋̐͒ͅ ̴̥̦̼̤̰̙̯̥̟̗̼͎̰̫̎̓̄̀́̋͂̔̉̆̀̀͝͠͝ơ̸̧̡̻͚̼̞̲̖͈̤̻̐̚͜ͅͅḑ̷̡̙̝̺̼͕̣̮̲̺͉̌e̷̗͖͓͉̼͕̘͚̪̻̠͙͗̽̋̍̆̔͐e̴̢̩͂̈́͑̃̽̆̽͂̍͑͠ņ̵̛̛͓̺͚̯͎̣͎͕̺̣̝̪͒͌̊̄̐̋̊̍͝b̸̡̡̖͍̮̲̖̼͖̳͙̣̙͔̓͐̄͗̇̽͋̈́͘͜͠ ̸̛͖̙̗͔̩̝̪̉̓ͅn̸̛͎̔͗̆̐̌̒̌́̕͝͝͝d̶̢̢̜̦̮̩̥̯̜̝̟̏̉͝͠ͅu̶͚̎̂̃̐́͋̆͋̋̒̕̕e̷̡̡̬̥̩̻̩͚̗̻͙̪͋̏̔̾̇̾́̈́́̿͜͝ ̸̳̳̺̹͙̟̖͓̺̙͔͒̀͐̇̀̈̊̆̄̑̑́̅́ ̵̡̢̗̯̘̥̥̩̜̭̫͇͇̓̀̑̍̉̈́͋̉̉̈̉̑̕͜͠n̷̡̻̤̰̼̜̻͕͎̪͓̦͈͓̽̈́̈́͛̓͑͒̎̀͜m̶̩̬͉̝͕̝͙̺̮̹̥̥̄͌͂͝e̸̞̐̚ḑ̴̛͕̝̞̯͙̰̮̞ḑ̸̨͇̥̳̜̲͔͖̘̮̭̜̖̹͛́ ̴̪̺͔̰̤͇̼̮̺͓̋̀̒̌́̊͛̏͌̄͠͝͝j̷͕̻͍̽̊͐̽̄͐̌̎͐͆̕͝s̸̩̾͜͝ḧ̸̡̦̤͖͚͖̥͕̝̹̥̮̮́̀͊̂͒̎̕ś̸̥͓̗̩̬̱̦̠̏͜j̷̫͕͍͍̹̩̦̘̺͕͕̙͚͔́͒͗ȩ̸̨͍͙̗̝͈̹̌͋̆̍̋̈́̿͋̋̓͘͝ĕ̷̜̞̞̫̣̣̯̲͔̄͒̀̐̾̆̍̿̋͌̊͆͜k̷̡̯̠̻̦̥̉̿͂̈́́́̍́̀͋ ̸̤͆͌̓͑̎̽̃͑̐̕j̸̛͚̫͇̫̲͍̈͛͛̈́̾̉̓̈͗ͅh̸̬͇̲̲̐́̔̓̈̂͌̍͠f̸͖͎̫̘̖͋̈́̋̄͒̈́̈̈́̚͝d̶̛̙̂̈̊̑̊̾̐̔̿̈́͊͘̕h̶̨̼̋̔̈́̂̿̽͒̿͗̉̄ḟ̸̦̖̳̦͐̓̄̊̓̍̊̏ŕ̶̡̧̛̰̙͎̱͈̬̣̫͙̝̱̎́̍̈́̒̿͌̊͝͝͝ ̸̙̞̜͙̟̹̏͗̾̎͐̾͐̋͑̂͌̒̒̒͘ō̸̤̖̄̎̑̀͛͆͂̍̌̈́̐̚͝͝k̶̢̧̺͙̪̝͖̖̯͖̖̲̙̊̒̿̾̾͝͝ͅy̷̡̨̖͚̺͉̤̼͚̞̰̖̮̆̓̿̈́̈́͜͝n̸̰̝̫̍̓̕y̴̛̻̞̦̐͌́̐̽̀̀̽͜g̷̥̀̄͆̈̑̿̂̋̃̒̀̀͘͠͝ ̶̱̖̩͙̖̩̦̰͈̺̼̪̀͒͑̿̍͋͐ẹ̴̦̳͔̣̖̆̊̀͘w̷̘̖̜̖͝ę̵͖̮͛̅͊̊̑̅̎̾͝͝͠g̸̢̡̡̙͍̲̥̭͚͕̘̬̐̾f̴̜̟̮̣̳̰̲̤̔̒͆̉̔͌w̷̨̡̨̢̰̖̰̽͆͑̚ ̸͎̲͈̭̝̘̟̖̯̩͉̱̹̉̒͒͑̈̈́̇͆̊̚͜͜͠d̵͇̝͉̲̦͎̤͈͇̭͒͆̀̽̃͛̾̚ͅj̷̙̣̼̳̲͓͖͚̰͕͈̠̉d̷̙̻̹͚̺͔̠̩̑̈́͌̈́̍͂͒̌̐̉͋͊͝͝ừ̷̺͛̑̎͗́̄͌̊̀͋͊̾͠ṟ̴̡̗̟̪͖̙͉̮͚̥̭̪̣͆̔ͅẗ̸̛̲̬̫̟̻̜̪̦͙͙̱̪͚̺̯́̓͗̃̚ṙ̶̠͎̿͐̔̍̈́̀̉̆́̆͝͝


                Astralin hardly knew a thing that was going on around her now, her only way to notice would be the HP meters on her HUD. Most minds would surely blank out most things to put tunnel vision on a task at hand...most normal people, at least.
      But Astralin was not a normal woman with a normal mind. Astralin was different, her mind complex. Thus, a different fate awaited her.
   Thoughts penetrated her mind. Memories, visions, symbols and sigils danced across her vision. She shivered. She shook. She screamed. Her senses betrayed her, her shivering portrayed her, her mind delayed her.


                   Before long, Astralin's mouth was sputtering gibberish. Was this dark magic, coming right from her mouth? How tragic, the battle can't go this south... Was she talking, or was something else talking through her? Has she gone mad, or was something using her to speak to her? Why would the Mire speak to her, instead of the bear of rotten fur? She wouldn't listen to such lure, Rotten Mire, burn, you mangy cur!

      The gibberish stopped, then it started again? No, this was different somehow...or was it? "Etims ruo leef llahs live fo lla, thgil rieht em evig, Srats eht em tnarg! Nrael em tel, Srats eht fo eht, Rotaerc Ythgim, nrub ot emit ym eb tonnac siht! Nraey dluow traeh ym hcihw rof ygrene eht, rewop rallets eht em tnarg, Srats eht fo rekam, Totaerc Ythgim! Kaew ma I tub, evila ma I, kaeps Srats eht, evirra Srats eht!"

             Was it her speaking? Was it her heart speaking? Was it her Spirit Speaking? All three? Astralin did not know.

 Astralin took a deep breath, and a circle of sorts would glow from under Astralin. Astralin herself would also glow brightly, as she reached out her arms. Bright, Soft White Lights would spread from Astralin, reaching Morningstar, Oscar, Koga, and Katoka, washing over them, soothing them and restoring their HP. All the while, more symbols, sigils and visions danced in her vision. Perplexed, her mind shifted focus to them, were they making sense, or was Astralin losing herself? "I see, I see, I see I see I see...."

     What was she even looking at?


ID# 239057 CD: 10(Recovered an additional 4 EN)

-Battle Healing: Astralin recovers 14 HP

-Astralin Casts Field Medic!
-Morningstar recovers 238 HP
-Oscar recovers 264 HP
-Katoka recovers 200 HP
-Astralin recovers 201 HP
-Koga Recovers 270 HP

Addled Memory befuddles Astralin, she cannot use Imugi's Inspiration.



[8] Morningstar | HP: 753/955 | EN: 55/118 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 60 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:6 | BH:51 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | PARA-V | LD:5 | PROSP:3 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | JEWEL | Clean | [Madness 1 12/8]
[5] Oscar | HP: 1055/1058 | EN: 110/124 | DMG: 27 | MIT:187 | ACC:3 | PHASE | EVA:2 | BH:58 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | BLI: 32/-20 | LD:11 | Clean | [MADNESS 1 12/4]
Alkor | Removed due to inactivity 3/3 Strikes
[8] Katoka | HP: 538/800 | EN: 57/114 | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:8 | EVA:3 | BH:40 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | Clean | [Madness 1 12/4]
[5] Astralin | HP: 600/805 | EN: 69/108 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 80 | ACC:4 | PHASE | EVA:5 | BH:14 | REC: 4 | STC: 40 | FRZ: 64 | LD:1 | DOTE: 1/3 | Clean | [Madness 1 12/4]
[11] Koga | HP: 573/1081 | EN: 65/128 (73+4-13) | DMG: 31 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 7[-4] | EVA: 4[-4] | BH: 59 | HB: 24 | VAMP-D: 119 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | Clean | LD [-4] [Madness 2 12/8] | [Blind 2]


Edited by Astralin
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The end was in sight.

A smirk tugged at the corner of Katoka's mouth as she readied her blade, the cool steal beginning to glow with the light of her sword art. She sprinted through the muck and the mire, using whatever footholds she could find in order to prevent slipping and face planting into the disgusting ground beneath her. The blonde promised herself a nice long bath once this was done so she could wash away the dirt that seemed to have gathered in places she didn't know it could get.

As she approached the bear she nearly stopped in her tracks she she swore she could hear the whispers of voices. Her blade stuck true, gouging a hunk of bone and muscle free and sending it flying into the muddy abyss nearby. Kat shook her head as she retreated, attempting to shake the sounds from her ears. She wasn't going to let whatever this status effect was get the better of her.

As she passed Koga on the battlefield she grabbed him by the collar of his armor, dragging him with her through the slop. "Let's go buddy, we're not loosing anyone to this rotten pile of meat." Reaching their group Katoka let her party member go, letting him plop into the mud. "Up and at 'em soldier." She turned to Astralin as she felt the healing she had provided to the group. "Thanks Hun, try to shake it off though. It's just a status from Callisto trying to mess with you."




Katoka recovers +4 EN
CD: 8 (Rec Proc ID#: 239081) +8

Post Action | [x15] ST-I (12 EN + 2 Shift EN) = 14 EN - (Stamina) = 12 EN
Free Action | N/A

ID#: 239082 | BD: 6+8=14 HIT! | 28*15=420-65 MIT = 355+80 HELLSTORM = 435 DMG vs Callisto!

[8] Morningstar | HP: 753/955 | EN: 55/118 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 60 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:6 | BH:51 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | PARA-V | LD:5 | PROSP:3 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | JEWEL | Clean | [Madness 1 12/8]
[5] Oscar | HP: 1055/1058 | EN: 110/124 | DMG: 27 | MIT:187 | ACC:3 | PHASE | EVA:2 | BH:58 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | BLI: 32/-20 | LD:11 | Clean | [MADNESS 1 12/4]
Alkor | Removed due to inactivity 3/3 Strikes
[9] Katoka | HP: 538/800 | EN: 57/114 (57+12-12) | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:8 | EVA:3 | BH:40 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | Clean | [Madness 1 12/4]
[5] Astralin | HP: 600/805 | EN: 69/108 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 80 | ACC:4 | PHASE | EVA:5 | BH:14 | REC: 4 | STC: 40 | FRZ: 64 | LD:1 | DOTE: 1/3 | Clean | [Madness 1 12/4]
[11] Koga | HP: 573/1081 | EN: 65/128 (73+4-13) | DMG: 31 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 7[-4] | EVA: 4[-4] | BH: 59 | HB: 24 | VAMP-D: 119 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | Clean | LD [-4] [Madness 2 12/8] | [Blind 2]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+100] | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1[+2][-2] | EVA:0 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [4/6] | Iron Flesh | [TXC-V 64/1] | [ENV-O 32/2] | [ENV-O 32/2]


Edited by Katoka
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Through Astralin's nonsensical muttering, Morningstar overheard Koga calling for his attention. He looked worse for wear, but in spite of Callisto's bombardment of attacks, he was alive. Switching the team's tank with a DPS was an unusual request; however, given their situation, Morningstar thought it made sense. "Alright. Let's do it. I'll buy some time."

They took turns striking the bear, an acknowledgement to the system that they intended on swapping hate values. It obliged, and Morningstar became Callisto's focus.

"Finally, she looks my way."

A hand gripped Koga's armor, pulling him out of the fray. "Thanks Kat. Maybe check on Astralin if you can. I think she's having a medical emergency."

A well-needed heal washed over the party, blessing them with a safety net to close out the fight. Star straightened his posture and took a few deep breaths. The bear towered over him and although its health dwindled, its presence was as terrifying as it had been in the beginning. He prepared himself for the finale.


+4 EN to Morningstar
ID239105 | cd4 | Recovery failed

POST ACTION | TECH-B + Switching w/ Koga

ID239106 | bd4+8=12 | 27*16-65+80 = 447 DMG + Delay -> Callisto

EN: -13

[12] Morningstar | HP: 753/955 | EN: 46/118 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 60 | ACC:8 | AA | EVA:6 | BH:51 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | PARA-V | LD:5 | PROSP:3 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | PROB:36 | JEWEL | Clean | [Madness 1 12/8]
[5] Oscar | HP: 1055/1058 | EN: 110/124 | DMG: 27 | MIT:187 | ACC:3 | PHASE | EVA:2 | BH:58 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | BLI: 32/-20 | LD:11 | Clean | [MADNESS 1 12/4]
Alkor | Removed due to inactivity 3/3 Strikes
[9] Katoka | HP: 538/800 | EN: 57/114 (57+12-12) | DMG: 28 | MIT:38 | ACC:8 | EVA:3 | BH:40 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | Clean | [Madness 1 12/4]
[5] Astralin | HP: 600/805 | EN: 69/108 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 80 | ACC:4 | PHASE | EVA:5 | BH:14 | REC: 4 | STC: 40 | FRZ: 64 | LD:1 | DOTE: 1/3 | Clean | [Madness 1 12/4]
[8] Koga | HP: 573/1081 | EN: 65/128 (73+4-13) | DMG: 31 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 7[-4] | EVA: 4[-4] | BH: 59 | HB: 24 | VAMP-D: 119 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | HELLSTORM: 80 | JEWEL | Clean | LD [-4] [Madness 2 12/8] | [Blind 2]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+100] | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1[+2][-2] | EVA:0 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [4/6] | Iron Flesh | [TXC-V 64/1] | [ENV-O 32/2] | [ENV-O 32/2]


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They swarmed Callisto like angry insects, a dark mockery of the honeybee and grumpy bear trope. Light in a kaleidoscope of colors burst like fireworks as Players fell on the dying Floor Boss, weapons of various shapes and sizes piercing its tough hide. The display was hauntingly beautiful against the blood reds and dark shadows of the creature’s lair. Callisto roared its protest, but in its final moments of life, some of the fight seemed to leak away. Did it simply accept its own demise? Was it so discouraged by its failure that it gave up completely? Or were the memories of another life slowly navigating the red haze of rage that clouded its mind? Of a simpler time, when its thoughts were consumed by fish, berries, and long, uninterrupted rests? When the humans simply existed at the edges of his consciousness, as he posed no threat to him, nor they to him. When had that changed? What had lit the fire of all-consuming hatred at its core, and what had continued to stoke the flames until it lost all sense of self? All sense of control?

As the last of its strength drained away, Callisto’s legs buckled, and its enormous mass crashed to the ground with enough force to send Players stumbling. Eyes glazed with pain and confusion the once magnificent guardian of the woods turned its gaze to the heavens. Rather than the stars, diamonds strewn across black velvet, it found only an oily, otherworldly purple smog. That is wrong, was Callisto’s final thought, before it burst into shimmering slivers of data.

With its protector felled, the door to worlds yet unexplored stood silent and waiting. Yet as the Players approached, the door creaked open on its own - had it done that before? - and though the gesture was one of welcome, a strange sense of foreboding fell upon the gathered Frontliners. Perhaps it was the unnerving creak of the door swinging on its hinges, or the relentless drum of rain that could be heard even before crossing the threshold. Or something else entirely.

Undaunted, the bravest among them forged ahead, and emerged into the aforementioned storm. They found themselves in the center of a city, the flickering light from lanterns reflecting off the wet bricks that lined the road. Ducking through open doorways to escape the pelting rain revealed homes and businesses hurriedly abandoned, as rotted food rested on tables, and children's toys lay forgotten on floors. Shutters clung crookedly from broken windows, and the blackened fingers of mold spread across waterlogged walls.

Each building checked held the same - nothing. No NPCs, no answers, and perhaps most disturbing…

“Wait a second,” one Player called out, pausing as her companions gathered around her in the center of town. She jabbed with one finger, directing their attention across the rain-slicked central plaza. “The Teleport Gate is right there, so this has to be the main settlement. But… unless I’m missing something, we’re not in a safe zone. Is that right? Is something broken? Or, God, what is the chance that there are no safe zones here?"

As if in answer, a sound unlike any they had ever heard filled the empty city. The unearthly bellow seemed to invade their very minds, and even as some Players clapped their hands over their ears, all eyes turned toward the source. As lightning forked across the dark sky, it illuminated the behemoth that towered above them.


Welcome, Frontliners, to the twenty ninth floor.


Activity Strikes:

  • Crozeph | 2
  • Morningstar | 1
  • Oscar | 2
  • Alkor | 3 -> Removed from Raid
  • Cordelia | 1
  • NIGHT | 1

Total Word Count:

  • Raid Prep: 14,464
  • Team 1: 15,794
  • Team 2: 18,374
  • Team 3: 15,255
  • Team 4: 19,126
  • Staff: 5,386
  • Total: 88,399


Player True Tier Exp Multiplier* Staff Rewards** Final Exp Laurel Wreath
Macradon 10 1   44199 6629
Wulfrin 5 1.1 2154 27559 4133
Morningstar 7 1 2154 33093 4963
Freyd 18 1.1   87515 13127
NIGHT 16 1.1 2154 80160 12024
Hirru 10 1   44199 6629
Jomei 11 1 2154 50773 7615
Zandra 11 1.1   53481 8022
Crozeph 8 1   35359 5303
Baldur 10 1.1   48619 7292
Acanthus 6 1   26519 3977
Arabelle 4 1   17679 2651
Oscar 9 1   39779 5966
Alkor 9 1 2154 2154 323

Katoka 6 1.1   29171 4375
Cordelia 7 1   30939 4640
tricolor_mina 6 1.1   29171 4375
Koga 10 1.1   48619 7292
Pinball 9 1   39779 5966
Bahr 9 1   39779 5966
Lessa 9 1.1 2154 46126 6918
Zajcica 7 1.1   34033 5104
Ariel-The Crowned Lion 10 1.1   48619 7292
Astralin 5 1   22099 3314

* from slime farm. please notify staff if your slime farm was active but missed.
** Staff rewards based on the average participating tier of 8


Raid Rewards | Choose two (2) of the following items:

  • Callisto Claw: (Unique Material); Removes one enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with [Envenom Offensive]. (This effect cannot override the Envenom Offensive enhancement cap. Consumed on use.)

  • Bear Trap: (T4/Consumable - Free Action/Reusable); Once per combat as a free action can reduce a targets EVA to 0. Effect ends at the start of the user's next turn.

  • Bottled Darkness: (T4/Consumable); A salve that applies [Blind] to a weapon for a single thread.

  • Tainted Hide: (T4/Consumable); Lasts for one thread. DoTs inflicted on the user deal half as much damage.

  • Maddening Hex: (Unique Material); Removes an enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with [Madness]. (This cannot override the Madness enhancement cap. Consumed on use.)


New Enhancements:

Cost: 3 Slots
Cap: 1 Slot
Effect: Natural Critical Attack Rolls of 9-10 reduce the target's Accuracy, Evasion, and Loot Die by 2 for 2 turns. Does not stack but can be refreshed.
Applicable to: Salves

Cost: 1 Slot
Cap: 2 Slots
Effect: Natural Critiacal Attacks rolls of 9-10 (one slot) or natural succcessful attack rolls of 8-10 (two slots) deal (3 * Tier) unmitigated Psychic damage each enemy turn for 4 turns on a Non-Boss enemy. Additional applications increase the stacks by 1. This does not increase the damage, but instead once a target has sustained [Madness 3] the target's next turn is decided by the inflictor of [Madness 3]. This cannot cause an enemy to do anything harmful to itself, but it does treat the inflictor and party members as an ally.
Applicable to: Weapons 




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         The monster finally fell, just as Astralin was coming to her senses. What had just happened? Strange visions lingered in the memory tucked within her mind, but they would surely fade before long. Astralin looked around her, then looked to the air. Was Astralin still seeing things, or were those...spores? Astralin stayed still for a moment, then looked to her allies. "I'll meet up with you guys later, I've...got things to do."

      She then moved towards the boss room's doors, she would be walking a different road. She had other matters to attend to. Before she left the boss room, she noticed one last thing that was off. There were two more items in her inventory. She would pull them out to find...

In her hands...in these hands must have been a condensed form of dark magic.

It was Strange. It was Unnatural. Downright Maddening. She needed to lock this away. Something was wrong with it. It was wrong. No one should have it....

No one...


-Astralin receives:

  • Maddening Hex x2 (Unique Material); Removes an enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with [Madness]. (This cannot override the Madness enhancement cap. Consumed on use.)

Edited by Astralin
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Morningstar sunk into relief as the boss crumpled to the ground. He folded over, staring at his battered reflection in the red ocean. His breaths were heavy. He was exhausted.

Around him, some players celebrated. Others fell to their knees, overtaken by emotion. A few simply left. Astralin was among the third group, disappearing with a cryptic explanation. He hoped she was okay.

He took his share of the spoils. They were items of a variety he had never seen before. The world was changing, and he wasn't sure it was for the better.

The path to Floor 29 opened, a grand staircase not unlike the previous floor's. Players already began to ascend to the next stage of the game. He took his place among them, following closely behind Baldur. He took a brief look behind him and saw Wulfrin and Arabelle just behind him.

Like he had never existed at all, the raid party abandoned Callisto's lair.


Morningstar receives the following: 

x2 Bear Trap: (T4/Consumable - Free Action/Reusable); Once per combat as a free action can reduce a targets EVA to 0. Effect ends at the start of the user's next turn.

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It was over. What had been a hellish slog just to survive ended in just a mere moment. Quicker than it had taken for Freyd to die and then come back to life.

The once great protector was dead, and in his wake, he left small gifts of parting for those who'd bested him. The loot menu unceremoniously appeared before Koga's eyes only moments after the obnoxious 'CONGRATULATIONS' had (something he now treated with about as much verve as one did draining a pus-filled wound). Two items were listed there. Bottled Darkness, and Bear Trap. One of each.

Koga resolved to look take a closer look at them later. For now-

The Frontliners passed through great door and onto the next floor.

Gloomy, eerie, in the middle of a...

Wait was this a town?

"...what is the chance that there are no safe zones here?"

Koga looked first to his other party members, eyes wide with shock. A loud booming drew his attention away though, just in time for Koga to see a massive, eldritch monstrosity slowly lumber into view.

"Well, shit..."

Koga receives:

- Bear Trap x1
- Bottled Darkness x1

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It had been a hard-won fight. Perhaps it was the fact that Oscar and Comcast had their disagreements during boss raids specifically, but he couldn't remember the last time that he needed to *try* that hard. But he felt a measure of pride. As if he had left everything he could on the field and then some. He selected his rewards from the menu pop-up and shoved his hands into his pockets. Floor 29 awaited them. Whatever mysteries lay beyond, he had never been more confident in the Frontliners' ability to handle it.

Except Wulfrin. He had plans for that dummy. "RIP Persi. You was a real one."

Oscar receives 2x <<Bottled Darkness>>

Edited by Oscar
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